The Semi-Weekly News-Herald 6EOQOE L. FARLEY, Proprietor. DAILY EDITION. One Year, Id advance 15 00 Sir Mo&tha, ......... 260 Oa Wek, . ' . . . . 10 SlngU Copies, 6 One Year, in advance, . . . . 1100 Six Month 50 T-?.e LARGEST CIRCULATION Of aay Cass County Pspsr. FRIDAY, JUNK 22, 1900. Wk'kk all for "Billy" and "Teddy." THE whole country reeruB elated over the republican national ticket. John A. (jUTMCUK ia being men tioned by the democrats for atate sen ator. Mark HiNNA is to be chairman for another four years. lie is juat the man for the place. The Bee says that the republican is yet to be found who objects to the presidential ticket. Assist in organizing a McKinley and Roosevelt club at Judge Archer's of fice this evening at 8 o'clock. ANY young man can take pride in casting his first vote for William Mc Kinley and Teddy" Roosevelt. Edward Rosewatkr and R. 13. Schneider have gone to New York for a few days before returning to Ne braska. Colonel Roosevelt will servo out hi term as governor of New York, which is just what the people want him to do. The ladies' edition of the Union Led ger is bright, newsy and well edited, and, indeed, a credit to those who bad the work in charge. No ONE can say that President Mc Kinley tried to dictate the nomination for vice president. lie trusts the rank and file of the party. To Tammany the unpardonable sin on the part of its members is to "get caught." VanWyck, Carroll et al seem to be guilty of the great crime. SOME of the republican leaders in New York say Odell will be nominated to succeed Roosevelt, and predict that be will carry the state by 95,000. David B. Hill of New YorK is be ing prominently mentioned in counec tion with the nomination for vice president on the democratic ticket. McKinley and Roosevelt is a com bination that meets the hearty ap proval and inspire the highest confi dence and respect of a great people. McKinley, Rossevelt, Dietrich and Burkett are a quart of winners. Cass county republicans are enthusiastic for every one of them and they will all get support from the fusionista. 'Teddy" doesn't do a great deal of talking, but he acts with undaunted courage and vigor. He challenges the love and admiration of a great American people. The democrats are not quite sure whether the republicans were wise in placing "Teddy" on the national ticket. But the dispatches indicate that republicans in every, state and territory are jubilant. For the benefit of those who have been wondering who the one delegate was that did not vote for Theodore Roosevelt in the Rational convention, The News will state that it was the rough rider himself. He was a dele-gate-at-large from his state. : Theodore Roosevelt asks: "Is America a weakling that she should shrink from the work of a great world power? The giant of the west, like the gladiator of old, looks into the future with hope, with expectancy, which the love of all institutions have made dear to us." When Senator Quay withdrew the amendment proposing a change in rules one and 12, referring to the rep resentation in national conventions, the southern delegates arose enmasse and cheered wildly. Its adoption would have greatly reduced their rep resentation. . Texas democrats are divided on the question of expansion. One hundred and six delegates in their state conven tion voted for the minority report of the committee on resolutions favoring expansion. Inasmuch as that is to be the leading issue of the national cam paign it is significant that the follow ers of Mr. Bryan are so hopelessly di vided on that question. They are with their leader, however, when it comes to the question of adopting the Chi cago platform. The opening words of Governor Roosevelt speak volumes for President McKinley and his administration and are worth repeating: "Mr. Chairman, I rise to second the nomination of . - William McKinley, the president who baa bad to meet and solve problems more numerous and more important than any other - president since the days of the mighty Abraham Lincoln; - the president under whose ad minis tra- . tion this country aaa attained a higher degree of -prosperity at home and ' bonor abroad than ever before In its bistory." .. TOLHTOI'M W1UX KANUK OK K KADI NO Dr. Harper's comment on bis two evenings with Tolstoi may puzzle peo plo who have been prejudiced agalns the Rusrtlan nuthor by his eccentricl ties, Bayn the Chicago Times-Herald It will seem strange to them that a man who is certainly a religious crank if there ever whs one should be called "broad-minded," that wltb all his ap palling intensity be should yet be mar velously alert to everything that is go ing on in the world and in the world' literature. But it was really -ht racterictic tha the famous writer should have turned interviewer and overwhelmed his vis itor with hi inquiries about and ilia quisitions on America. Not only has he the gift of louguen in mii oxtraordi nary dt-gree, but his range of rending in foreign languagOH Boemn almost in credible. We have referred in thc-he columns to bis discovery that (iiirrison was a pioneer in the preachment of nonresistanc-o by force, but although the fact is not commonly fumiliar to Americans, who know Garrison only as auli-ulavery louder, it might bo learned in a study of American history. I was simply a good illustration of the Industry with which Tolstoi seeks sup port for his doctrines. . We can give another illustration however, to show that he finds time for anything and everything. Some years ago n slabbing Hurt of book wus published in this city to prove that might was right. It camo under a name that was too obviously assumed and being of cheap appearance and doubtful parentage it was ignored by the critics. Itut Tolstoi gives a shari review of it in his "What i9 Art?' along with his epitomes of countless other authors. So he makes excur sions into all literatures, reading, one would say, with such a fierce avidity such a mastery of the instruments of speech, such a retentive memory as To force his own readers into a state of wonder and humiliation. How can he get the time? is the firf question that arises to one's lips, and then one realizes that the most liberal allowance of time would not explain such acquisitions as his. However in dustriously he may employ himself, ho owes most of all to those original en dowments of nature which conferred upon him the exceptional mind. Many another man might live four times four score years withot treasuring uj a tithe of the information which Tol stoi has at his tongue's end. ANOTHKK FHOrilKt'V. (Conservative). In his speech at Hornellsville, N. Y August 25, 18DG, Mr. Bryan thus de claimed against the gold standard: "They know the gold standard en courages the hoarding of money, in stead of expending it in the develop ment of the resources of the country And now this policy of hoarding is driving thousands and lens of thous ands, and hundreds of thousands of workingmen out in the streets, wnere they beg for the privilege of working for their daily bread. It was not the gold standard tha created the conditions to which he re ferred, but the fear of repudiation and depreciation drove capital from the usual channels of investment. If there was any doubt about this at the time it has been removed by later events. The defeat of Mr. Bryan, the consequen restoration of public confidence in our financial integrity brought the gold from biding and employed it "in de veloping the resources of the country and thus gave employment to labor. The democrats and populists of Gage county held their conventions in Beatrice yesterday and the populist had every thing their own way. They insisted on dictating to their co-work ers to such an extent that Chairman G. P. Marvin of the democratic con vention moved that a vote of thanks be tendered the populists for allowing them to hold their convention in the same hall. Friday's Chicago Times-Herald contaiued interviews with republican leaders from every state and territory in the union, and every person inter viewed is enthusiastic over tho na tional ticket ani sanguine that Me Kinley and Roosevelt will receive a larger vote than did McKinley and Hobart in 1896. A PROMINENT Filipino of the island of Cebu says: "The island of Cobu can yield greatly more than it has The people are disturbed by what they have been through and what they fear. Very few are capable of self government now." Are the Filipinos capable of self-government? Governor Roosevelt's message to McKinley: New York, June 21. Hon William McKinley, Washington, D. C. : "I ap preciate deeply your congratulation?, and am proud to be associated with you on the ticket." Theodore Roosevelt. "Boss" Croker has returned from Europe and says he's going to "look into that ice business." Being a stock holder, be ought to have little difficulty in getting at the facts in the case. When you have a minute to spare sit down and compare the war record of the derm cratic leader to that of William McKinley or Theodore Roose velt. The rough riders will have a great time at their reunion in Oklahoma July 3 and 4. "Teddy" will be in clover. Mark H ANNA is claiming Kentucky, and says: "We will try hard to keep Bryan's state in the right column, too.' We hear the name of Matthew Gering mentioned in connection with nomination for float representative. KVKN MIU HKYAN ritOSFKICS. That prosperity has struck Mr. Bryan is evident from the assessment returns ns given in Sunday's State Journal. It will bo obnorved that the past four years have been very pros perous ones the past j-ear the most of all. His personal property for the past eight years is listed as follows: Year. Value. Year. Value. I'VS 12X0 IW $M ui4 2'jo iw -.y-o iwr mo iw 2. un) lxytf L'TO JWJO 4.f-'0 The four years of democratic adminis tration do not compare vor3 favorably with that of William Kinley's. Hinck the nomination of McKinley and Roosevelt the leading popoerats in the state house have admitted their disappointment. They honestly be lieve that fusion in Nebraska is likely to bo defeated this fall, and they ac knowledge that a defeat means perma nent disruption of fusion and the con &ef?ient triumph of tho republican party. Oneo defeated fusion is certain to fall to piocep. At no time has there neon any real friendly feeling between the populists and democrats of the state. Thej- simply recognized tho ab solute necessity of working in unit)' to secure the least t-how of victory. Dis organization has already sot in, nnd tho leaders look with gloom upon the coming election with McKinley nnd Roosevelt at tho bond of tho national ticket, and Mr. Dietrich leading tho state ticket. S'ato Journal. JnxiK William K. Townsknd of tho United States district court has given an opinion in which ho declares the Porto Rican tarilT to ho valid. lie holds that "boundaries of tho country cannot bo enlarged or diminished hy tho varying incidents of war." Judge Townsend, in thi9 decision, simply af firms previous decisions handed down by United States courts relative to the government of now territory acquired by this country from tho acquisition of tho Louisiana territory down to tho present time. It HAS been suggested that sympathy is democracy's long suit. Tho people are beginning to wonder what Mr. Bryan is going to be able to do for China. Tie will doubtless wait until tho present administration states its position then he can simply make uso of tho prefix "anti." Stfi'S are being taken to organize a rough riilor flambo club. Two or three hundred mon in rough rider uni forms would bo an inspiration and in like people want to get in lin for McKinley. I N FORMATION ANI) Ol'IMON. .fudge Sullivan of Plattsmouth wa in the city today between trains. The judge has some queer notions about politics and his friends fear that he ha heen leaning: toward populism too much since he has been visiting thi city so regularly and they have been takinphim to task about tho matter If the judge is only allowed to havo his own way it would not bo long bo fore ho would bo one of the long whisk ered brigade and shouting louder than anyone for the needed reforms in our government that the republicans have not and will not givo us for fear i would injure tho trusts in some way. Nebraska City News. Kxperiments have for some time been made in England with smokeless coal. This peculiar fuel may be burned either in an ndinary grate or in the middle of the room without devjloping any perceptible odor or smoke at any time. The lire looks like the finest coal fire, and the tl.ime is white and blue. Robert Avery, of Wineted, Conn., who hdd his clothes stolen while in bathing, wandered in the woods ad jacent to the stream for two days and nights. Ho was shot at and chasod bv dogs as a "wild man" whenever he ap peared. until finally one courageous man got close enough to hear his story and bring him clothing. There are 100 German commerical houses, largo'and small, in Guatemala, josia liica nnu Nicaragua, tne com bined capital of which amounts to $S, 333,000. These hotires conduct all of the German and also a large part of the English, and Californian trade with Central America. The further sum of 81G,000,000 is invested in Ger man industrial and agricultural enter prises in tho countries named. There are two railroads, for the most part in German hands, which have a working capit il of $o9o,000 and a greater sum is invested in a lighting plant. The value of Central American real estate owned by Germans is estimated at $18,0SS,000, while the Central Ameri can bonds, bank shares, mortgages. etc., held by German individuals and corporations represent a total capital ot more man $n,oou,uo(). it tnere is anything of value in Central America wtiich is not owned and controlled by Germans, it would take a microscopic investigation to discover tho same. The following prescription may be of value to some of our readers: "The laying on of hands is a sure cure for the cigarette habit if attended to at the proper time. The left hand should bo placed upon the neck of the youngster, with a gentle though firm pressure forward and down ward, bring ing the urchin into a proper attitude over the maternal knee; then apply the right hand where it will do the most good. Two or three treatments will effect a cure. Ladies' Edition of Union Ledger. Ex-Governor George W. Peok of "Peck's Bad little country Wisconsin, author of Boy," was running a weekly in tho pineries in tho early fix ties. It was an unimportant sheet eavo for ono column of joKcs which Peck wrote- each week. This depart ment caught the eye of "Brick" Pom eroy, who was then printing his Dem ocrat in La crosse, Wis., and ono day he wrote to Peck, asking him whether he would bo willing to yo down to La Crosse and work for tho Domccrat ut tweuty-flvo dollars a week. Three days later Mr. Pomoroy got this tele gram: "I accept your olTer quicker than instantly. For heaven's sake don't withdraw it!' "Hike,''' the term used by soldiers to describe their runs after tho in surgents in Luzon, is the Kansas equivalent for "hustle." It was orig inally invented by the Kansas farmers when they desired to instr uct their employes by giving the command, "hike yonrbelf," with the intention of saying "get a gait on." Funston brought it to Manila and it became so popular in tho army that instead of saying "double time" or "hurry up," ornnything else of that character, when an extra effort is asked of tho men, tley nro simply told to "hike," and tho cry, "hike! hike" is as com mon in tho Philippines now as "for ward" is in the drill books. Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion ot the ear. Theie is only one way to cure deafness, and that is bv constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Kustat hian Tube. When thistube nets inllamed you have a rumbling sound or impel lect hearing, and when it is entirely closed deafness is the result, and unless the inMamation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever: nine cases out of ten are caused bv catarrh, which is nothing but an intlamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We u ill give one huudicd dol iars lor an v case of deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh (hue. Send for circulars, free. J. Ciienky iV C., Toledo, (). Sold by druggists, 7.ric. Hall's Family I'ills are the best. KniitTiil Monopoly. All the funerals in Paris are con iliiftpil bv a single syndicate, which has a licensed monopoly of the busi ness. There is a regular traffic o rates, a first-class funeral costing $2,000, and a cheap or ninth-class $3, Soiim Fat Steers . A. f. Wills, the iMght Milt! urovo stock feccier, shipped liil head of steer to Chicago over tho Burlington today These animals averaged loOO pound each, and were undoubtedly the finest lot of steers which have ever been shipped from Cass count). They occu pied six cars. Mr. Wills expects to make another large shipment loinor row. liaising tho Hat an Ancient Salutation When a knight of old entered comnanv of ladies he removed his helmet to indicate that he considered himself among friends, and that there v:is no need to protect himself. This practice has survived in the custom o raisins the hat when saluting a lady June Ladies' Home Journal. Ladles Can Wear Shoes One size smaller after using Allen' FootjEase, a powder to be shaken intr tne shoos. it nviKes tight or new shoes feel easy; gives instant relief to corns and bunions. It's tho greates comfort discovery of the tige. Cure swollen feet, busters and callous spots Allen's Foot-Lase is a coi tain euro fo ingrowing nails, sweating, hot, aching feet. At all druggists and shoo stores, '2oc. Trial package free by mail. Ad dress, Allen S. Olmstead, LeTioy,N.Y Natural Kock Carvlne". One of the most beautiful natural rock carvinss in the world is the southern cross on the island of Grand Manan. in the Bay of Fundy. It stands at the head of a ledge of rocks jutting into the bay at tho southern end of the Grand Manan. Its shape is that of an almost perfect cross. Charles II. Marks, while noting in the capacity of nurse at the Second di vision hospital of the Fifth, army corps at Santiago de Cubas, used a few bot ties of Chamberlain's colic, cholera and diarrhoea remedy for diarrhoea and found it to work liko a charm. For sale by all druggists When Tint a Have IMsiijiip. When rats have the plague they look ill and are in a dazed condition, their eyes are watery and bleary, their coats are partly deprived of hair, and they hobble about with difficulty and stag ger and fall. Unless food is digrsted quickly it will ferment and irrit tto the stomach. After each meal tako a teaspoonful of Kodol Dyspepsia cure. It digests what you eat and will allow you to eat all you need of what you like. It never fails to cure tho worst cases of dyspep It is pleasant to take." F. G. Fricke & Co. The Champion Fat liahy. Clifford Kami is the name of ; champion fat baby, and who reside with his parents at 1231 South Forty- ninth street, Philadelphia. lie Is nov. 3 years old. and weighs 131 pounds At the age of 1 year he weighed K. pounds. He is in excellent health an getting fatter. A Wealth of ISeauty Is often hidden by unsightly pimples, eczema, tetter, Erysipelas, salt rheum, etc. Bucklyn's Arnica salve will glor ify the face by curing all- skin erup tions, also cuts, bruises, burns, boils. ulcers, and worst forms of piles. Only 25c a box. Cure guaranteed. SoM bv F. G. Fricko & Co., druggists. Merely Reminiscent. "Mr. Bash, how long have you been coming to see me? About six years. Miss Julie. Why?" "Xothing. only I had a little argument with mamma about it this morning. She thought It was seven or eight. Isn't It a beautiful evening?" Chicago Tribune. A Mounter Devil Klh Destroying its victim, is a typo of constipation. The power of this mal ady is felt on organs, nerves, muscles and brain. But Dr. King's New Life pills are a safe and certain cure. Best in the word for stomach, liver,kidneys and bowels. Only 25c at Fricke &. Co's drug store. FIRE LOSS OF $280,000. IIotlMnze at rittsbtirff and a Ran for fifty -'-'I I.ivea. rm.-biirjj, June 1!3. Fire hi one of the principal down-town busines 'blocks yesterday caused a loss of !G0,- 00O, Involvlug eight buildings contain ing many otlice tenuuts. The aggre gate insurance will more than cover this aniouut. The tire was first dlscov ered lu the rear of the Elchbauui com jtuny printing establishment, supposed ly caused by spontaueoim combustion In an Incredibly short time the entire building was a mass of flames. The greatest excltemejit prevailed in the rooms of Duff's Business college, where fifty or more students were at work 'I he extension of the names was so rapUl that these people had to run for their lives, not having time even to gather their ln-lougs together. Heports were rife that several students had ier- lshed, but it Is known that all escaped unhurt. The principal losses are the Elch bamn building. $7."i,M0; the Hussey building, $::o,hm; Kurtz, Langbelu & N wart z, artists' supply company, $S, tx h Duff's college, $15,(NK; lMttsburg Coal company. $7,.r00; Flatt's saloon, $.",mh); Paulson Bros., hatters, ?."i,0M; American Fx press company, $', R), and Holmes' Klertrle company. $3,OUO. The other losses are distributed among the ofliie tenants, none of whom suf fered to the extent of more than ?'J, OOO. ROBERTS SPREADS A NET. Hones to Catch O.OOO to 8.000 Boer Therein Krugitr'r Sons Are I'eaoe. London. June 11.1. General Steyn's forces In tho'Orange river colony are for the time drawing most of the at tention of Lord Roberts, rather to the nejrlee of Commandant General Louis V.oih:i and President K nicer. The severance between the Transvaal and the Orange river colony was completed vesterdav bv the arrival of General Dundonald. at Slanderton. The wide not around the C.OoO or S.000 men tin dcr General Stevn will now contract Adroit manoeuvring ami brisk fight ing are likely to place, because uatil all resistance south of the Vaal is at an end the Rrltish line of com munications will not be safe. President Kruirer's sons, who sur rendered to General Baden-Powell, are back on I heir farms and working peacefully. General Baden-Powell rode with onlv 300 men from Mafek- incr, and he made the last section of his ride to Pretorfia with only thirty-five. General De Wet's farm houses have been burned by the British. Louronzo Marques. June 22. Presi dent Kruger's principal condition for immediate peace is that he be allowed to stay in the cotintr. WISCONSIN G. A. R. PARADE. Uniformed Men and Hundreds of Chil dren In th Procession. West Superior, Wis., June 23. The state encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic closed with a grand ball, just preceding which there was a banquet and parade, the latter being one of the most brilliant of its kind the state Grand Army of the Repub lie has ever had. Hundreds of uni formed men and school children were in line, besides many elaborate floats D. G. James of Richland Center was chosen commander and James II. Agen of this city senior vice commander, The woman's relief corps elected Mrs. Myra Grinnell of Beloit its department president. 1 he day was made a holl day here nnd everybody in town helped celebrate. Music Teacher's Adjourn. Des Moines, Iowa, June 23. The Music Teachers' National association convention closed yesterday afternoon with a symphony concert by the Cin- cinnattl orchestra and a piano recital by Richard Burmelster of New York. Richmond, Va., Is the only candidate for next year's convention, but cannot assure a guaranty, so the place is left undecided. Among the omeers are the following: President, A. L. Man chester. Camden, N. J.; secretary, Thomas A. Beckett, Philadelphia. .Cable to Mackinac Island. St. Ignace, Mich., June 23. A cable was successfully laid between this point and Mackinac island by the Michigan Telephone company, and speaking communication established with the island for the first time. Va rious cities east and west were spok en with. Several of the company's officials are here, and celebrated the day's event with a dinner at the Grand hotel. World W. C. T. U. Edinburgh, June 23. The World's Woman's Christian Temperance union opened its annual meeting here under the presidency of Mrs. L. M. N. Stev ens of Maine. Lady Henry Somerset presided at the afternoon session. Among the spectators were Mesdames Bailey of Rhode Island and Stevenson of Massachusetts and the Rev. C. M. Sehldon of Topeka, Kan. Progress of the Columbian Revolution. Caracas. Venesuela, June 23. The Colombian revolutionists have occu pied BucnrnmauKa, on the Venezuelan frontier. Cuouta. a town in the depart ment of Santander, also on the Vene zuelan frontier, continues In posses sion of the revolutionists. State Convention Deadlocked. Jacksonville, Fla., June 23. The state Democratic convention is prac tically dead-locked on the nomination for provernor. T"p to 0 p. m. yesterday thirty-seven ballots had been taken with no choice. Printing Pressmen Adjourn. Milwaukee, June 23. The Interna tional Printing Pressmen and Assist ants' union adjourned sine die yester day after transacting a little routine business of an unimportant character, Secretary Gage Nearly Well. Washington, June 23. Secretary Gaee has nearly recovered from his re cent indisposition, but he has decided to go to Atlantic City for a few days before returning to duty. Noted Western Man Die. Helena, Mont.. June 23. Daniel P. McKillican. a mining man of note in the west, died here, lie built the first quartz m!ll near Helena, at Unlonvllle, in the early sixties and put up a num ber of quartz and other mills in dif ferent parts of the state. He was a pioneer of Colorado, having squatted on property now the heart of Denver in 1SS30. Starvation never yet cured dyspep sia, f ersons with indigestion are al ready half starved. They need plenty of wholesome feod. Kodol Dyspepsia euro digests what you eat so the body can be nourished while the worn out organs are being reconstructed. It is the only preparation known that will nstantly relieve and completely cure all stomach troubles. Try it if you -are uffering from indigestion. It will certainly do you good. F. G. Fricke & Co. Buy the Best Quick Meal Stove. Ebinger Hardware Co. A BOON TO MANKINO! mmmmmmmmmmmmammmnmmmammamBmmmwmmmmmmammmmmmmmmm "TAB PISIIS1PS1III 1 W I III 1 I Q I -o A New Discovery for the Certain Cure of INTERNAL and EXTERNAL PILES, WITHOUT PAIN. CURES WHERE ALL OTHERS HAVE FAILED. Tubes, by Mail, 75 Cents; dottles, go Cents. JAMES F. BALLARD, Sole Proprietor. - - 310 North Main Street, ST. LOUIS, MO. F. G. Fricke &, Co. Reliability .THAT'S WHAT ..Buggies, Road and Spring Wagons. See our Racine Busies the lest niriniif;icttire1. Vr luiy our bujfcies in larcfe lots and get tln'in ;tt the rilit iiiins. Vc also sell theni reasonable. Hancl-RIaclo Hnrnoss Genuine Oak-Tanned Leather. . . jsju gus rJT g; o i ii:k,. Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Sherwiit - Williams Covers Most, Looks Best, Wears Longest, Most Kconomical, Full Measure. For Bale In Plattsmoutn by F. G. FRICKE & CO., Druggists. For Thirty Davs In order to advortisn my Finn I'boton duriiir tbn dull soartoa I will make l'botorapbrt nt d Greatly Reduced Prices c c KKUIT.AU THICK K Kll ( .1 :i) TO $3 00 Aristo Plntino M-intcllo Cabiiu-.t 1 -' '" 3 50 Aristo 1'lalino Olmon I'anel -" 2 50 Ariato 1'latino Cabinet 1 -' 1.75 Aristo Platino Half Cabinet !'r 1.50 Aristo 1'latino Card Oval W) 1.50 Aristo 1'latino Squaro o 2.00 Glof-s Finit-b Cabinet 1 '' 1.50 (Jloss Finisb Half Cabinot 1.25 (Jloss Finish Ciril Oval 0i 1.25 Gloss Finish Square ,ir' q 3 ( ( ( NOW IS 1 HE TIME to have that picture taken while you can take advantage of the re duced rates. Remember the place OTjSON. T3IioLoirivriIie Corner Fifth Villi YVORMS! VERMIFUGE! j; ?or20YeaiT Remedies. iW&7:Jtffli . lAKflrQ v ra! 1 ARfl. St. Louis. ) r wBBv m ' - - f F. G. FRICKE & CO. K. II Pat too V. I.. Hnlger PATTON & BULGER Painters and Paperbgcrs xxxxx We are NOT the Only Painters on Earth but we will give you prices that are all right and work that is up-to-uate. xxxxx WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION And Employ Competent Workmen, xxxxx Let us figure j on your Fainting. ) I'lMtts I'hone- y Kes .... i f Ship. . 37H SHOP ON VINE STHEET, Between Fourth and Filth. ..II. JEIVSKX.. R. Ph.. M. D. C, Teterinarian Weeping Water, Neb. in To PATENT Good Ideas may be secured by our aid. Address, THE PATENT RECORD, Baltimore. Ud. Subscripttoas to "" Patent Becord tl.uu per ananm. PARKER'S" HAIR BALSAM Clsaam sad buuM tbs hafc I'uiHiii s a IuuimdI growth. Kern Falls to KetofJ Gray Hur to its Youthful Color. Cuttt ac&ip iMMri a bar U ltng. Sue and SI aum pTMgjJ LER'S BUCKEYE PILE sh 4 m . a a mm in Vehicles.. YOU FIND IN OUR. Carriages.. i te- Painial June 25 to July 25: and Main Streets. Remedies. JOHTJC5-CIfr JAMES F. BALLARD, NERVITA PILLS Restore Vitality, Lost Vigor aad Manhood Cure Impotency. Niglit Emiw ion, Loss of Mem ory, all wasting diseases, all ellecta of s;lf-aljus or excels and indiscretion. A nrve tonic md GO PILLS 50 CTS. 'blood builder. Brings tlio pink kIow to pale cheeks and restores the Vfire of youth. By mail $2.50, with our bankable g-aurantee to cure or refund the money paid. Send for circular and copy of our bankable Kuarantj bond. N5UC per rx 6 boxes for Nervita Tablets EXTR4 STRENGTH (YELLOW LABEL) luimmaii. "vvo""a Positively gnarantped enre for Lo3 of Power, Varicocele. Undeveloped or Shrunken Ornn.s, Paresis, Locomotor Ataxia, Nervous Pn-tra-tion. Hysteria. Fit, Insanity. Paralyii-" and the Kesultg of Kxcesaivo Cse of Tobacco. Opium or Liquor. By mail in plain package. $1.00 a box, 6 for $5.00 with our bankable Koiar an tee bond to cure In 30 days or refund money paid. Addre9 NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton & Jackson Sts., CHICAGO, ILL. Sold bv F. G. Fricke & Co. n n n Dyspepsia Digests what you eat. It artificially dizests the food and aids Nature in strengthening and recon triiet.iner the exhausted digestive or gans. It is the latest discovered digest- ant ana tonic. ISO otner prepara.tiju can approach It In efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, l.'fntiilencfl. Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Ileadache.Gastralgia.Cramps and all other results of imperfectdigestlon. pi.-o w nnd ti. Iirze size contains 2M times small size. Book all aboutdyspepsia mailed free Prepared by E. C. DeWITT & CO., Chicago F. G. FRICKE & CO. 7 n n Cure I BLE M. NEB. t n - i