Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, June 19, 1900, Image 2

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    The Semi-Weekly News-Herald
EOR6E L. FARLEY, Proprietor.
One Year, in advance, $5 00
Six Monthg, 2 50
One Week, 10
Single Copies, 5
One Tear, in advance, .... tl 00
Six Months, ...... 50
Of aay Case County Papor.
TUESDAY, JUNE 19, 1900.
Eagle, Wabash and Weeping Water
will celebrate the Fourth of July.
TODAY the republicans will put
a ticket in the field that will be a win
ner. It looks aa though Congressman
Dolliver would be nominated if New
York doesn't agree on a candidate.
It is stated that democratic commit
tees are not sending out 16 to 1 litera
ture this year there seeming to be no
demand for it.
Thk democrats of Kentucky have
about come to the conclusion that the
Goebel law isn't what it should be and
they may advocate its repeal.
Thk railroads will make a rate of
one fare for the round trip to the con
vention of the state republican league,
to be held in Lincoln the 28th.
If you want to see how the B. & M.
handles dirt take an hour off and walk
down to the cut, just this side of the
bridge. It would not be time lost.
Admiral Dewey is no longer a
candidate for president, and he states
that he would not accept the nomina
tion for vice president with Mr. Bryan.
Saturday's rainstorm is the chief
topio of conversation. The loss to sev
eral business men and to the Burling
ton railway will amount to a consider
able sum.
Kansas farmers want 1000 men to
take care of their immense wheat crop.
and are offering $2 a day and board
It looks as though it were going to be
a bad year for those who like to cry
If Mark Hanna has a choice for
vice president he isn't telling who it
is. Scores of politicians have been
trying for several days to find out what
he thinks about the matter, but their
efforts have been in vain .
The latest news from Philadelphia
is to the effect that Lieutenant Gover
nor Woodruff, Secretary John D. Long
-f AwBBmB TVililyer are the
men who stana the boat chance to m
McKlnley's running mate.
High priced corn, cattle and hogs
speak more loudly than anything else
for the present administration. The
fine-spun theories of government and
the parable of the wheat and silver are
of little avail under existing condi
tions. THE Falls City Journal asks a ques
tion: "What is to hinder Bryan from
going up among the red skins and pos
ing aa a Messiah and convert them to
fusion? There are a good many adults
among them and he might swell his
vote considerably in the Dakota's and
other silver producing localities."
IT is the opinion of Admiral Dewey
that the situation in China is most ser
ious, and that this country is very
fortunate in having so large an army
in the orient. In the event of trouble
he says the United States can send
within a few days more soldiers into
China than any other nation.
WHE2C it comes to the matter of look
ing after our state institutions, W. A.
Poynter is a record breaker. The next
governor of Nebraska, whatever his
politics may be, will doubtless use
other means of removing officials than
that of drowning them out with white
wash. Hammer and tongs would be
more efficient.
Thk fusionists of Nebraska are at a
loss to know what to do with W. A.
Poynter. They feel that they cannot
re-elect him, and to turn him down at
the end of his first term might not bet
ter things very much. It would seem
as though he might be induced to
gracefully withdraw for the good of
the cause of reform and for "Bryan's
THE county press recognizes the fact
that Miss Kittle Worley of Elm wood is
a better newspaper man than is Sandy
Morrison. She has had charge of the
Eagle Beacon since he began taking
the census, and there has been a
marked improvement in the same.
OAIluy will u.vo w nui iv a uarucr
' when he takes up the work again if
he is going to keep up the pace set by
Miss Worloy. .
J. Sterling Morton, in discussing
the responsibility for the ratification
of the treaty with Spain giving us the
Philippines, says in part: "With uni
. form livery of modesty even Colonel
Bryam himself admitted that he had
accomplished ratification." lie then
asks: "By what right can Bryan and
bis disciples criticise the results in the
Philippines? Did not the Bryans,
Baileys, "Chump" Clark and other
chumps brag that they had forced the
administration? Are such statesmen
estopped or not estopped from crit
icism?" C. A. Marshall, Dsotisu
From the Philadelphia Post.
Jonathan P. Dolliver of Iowa of the
ways and means committee in the
house of representatives is a son-in-law
of D. K. Pearsons, the millionaire
philanthropist of Chicago, and, in
spite of his wealth, be has won an en
viable place in congress solely on his
merits during his twelve years of ser
vice. Mr. Dolliver is an eloquent
speaker, and when he is set down for a
speech the visitors' gallery is sure to
be filled. He is particularly apt at a
repartee and most members fight shy
of a runniBg debate with him. Mr.
Dolliver is perhaps the best known by
his peroration on the question of ad
mitting American pork into European
"I hope the time will come,"he Baid,
"when the American hog with a cu
of contentment in his tale and a smile
rf nlonaurn nn hid face mav travel un-
. t,.
trammeled through the market of the
But that time ha not yet arrived,
spite of Mr. Dolliver's eloquence.
Nebraska's live stock affords an in
teresting object lesson to the farmers
of this state. Compare the values
Jan. 1. 1W5. Jan. I. VMH).
Horses l
794 .245
Other cattle
Total $4.257.H. $10--', 1 4r.734
Here is an increase of 12-5 per cent in
the brief space of five years. Farmers
need not ie told this rite in value has
taken place. Every one who has sold
a horse or pig or steer or sheep knows
he got double the price he did in 1895
Surely this experience should not be
valueless to the farmer in directing
him how to vote to protect and further
his own intorests. Fremont Tribune
United States District Judge William
K. Townsend has handed down an
opinion in the test case on Porto Ilico.
It is to the effect that the Paris treaty
is valid and that the status of the peo
ple of the island is that of inhabitants
of a foreign country as reeards the
constitution of the United States, ami
within the meaning of tho tariff acts;
that Porto Kico is a part of the United
States so far as other countries are
concerned, but so far as the constitu
tion of this country is concerned is a
foreign county, and that the United
States can govern it without subject
ing it to tho burden of national tax
ation and that the status of the inhabi
tants will remain unchanged until
congress shall determine it.
Charles E. Winlek, president of
the Nebraska Republican league, has
called a state convention of that or
ganization to meet in Lincoln June 2S
at 2 o'clock p. m. for the purpose of
electing officers and selecting dele
gates to the national republican
league, which meets in St. Paul July
TT-19. TU? CuUTVll.i. .ill -ii 11.1
its session by holding a grand ratifica
tion meeting in tho evening. This
will be a mass meeting of huge propor
tions. The stale candidates and re
turned delegates from Philadelphia
will be there. A speaker of national
reputation has been invited and is ex
pected to be present and deliver the
speech of the evening.
Tammany is conceded to be the rul
ing power in the democratic party,
and since it is head over heels in the
gigantic ice trust in New York city all
the political buncombe has been
knocked out of the trust question. The
burden of proof seems to be on the
democrats now to show to the people
that their political leaders are tho
worst in the whole country. New
York's mayor is a fine exponent of re
ThaChifaco chief of nolion Kfivs that
the practice of hiring out as domestic
servants only to remain a few days for
purposes of theft has become notably
l . ! .1 . T i I . .
pruvaivui iu tuni. cuy. ruiy com
nlainta nf nilfflrinir and rnhhprv hv
newly employed servants have come to
the police from householders in only
one part of the city within a week.
In response to requests from wives
of officers serving in the Philippines
to join their husbands, the secretary
of war has decided that the wives of
regular officers and those of volunteer
staff officers can go on transport when
there is room for them by getting per
mission from the quartermaster gen
eral of the army, but that owing to
the fact that the officers of tho vol
unteer regiments will soon be returned
to this country by expiration of service
the wive of these officers will not be
permitted to go to the Philippines on
tho government transports.
A decision of importance was handed
down yesterday at St. Louis by the
circuit court. Judge Thayer, in tho
case of the American school of mag
netic healing, S. A. Weltmer and J.
H. Kelley, complainants, vs. J. M.
McAnnulty, postmaster at Nevada,
Mo. The opinion holds that the di
rection given by the postmaster gen
eral to withhold mail sent to complain
ants and return it to the senders
marked "fraudulent" is legal. An in
junction restraining McAnnulty from
obeying the order was denied.
The highest ambition of the aver
age man is to own a savage dog. The
average man always believes that
somebody wants to steal something
from him; he misses something that
he has carelessly mislaid, and he is
dead sure that Jinks or Nimpson or
somebody else has stolen it. He reads
the riot act to the police, asking the
officers why they don't do their Duty;
and finally the 6tolen article looms up
where he mislaid It, and then he is
forced to the conclusion that things are
not what they seem. Meanwhile he
has bought a savage dog to protect
his premises from the ravages of the
thieves, and the dog has queered him
with the whole neighborhood. The
dog bites pieces out of the calves of
tbe minister and the family physician
but is always asleep when suspicious
characters are in the neighborhood
Finallj somebody has the Average
Citizen arrested for harboring a vi
cious dog, and he is fined about a hun
dred dollars, and locked up in jail, al
because he is over-suspicious of his
fellowmen Walt Mason.
Swedish Lutheran Synod.
Burlington, Ia., June 10. The Swed
Ish Lutheran general synod assembled
here with delegates present from all
Darts of the country. The forenoon
session was occupied with devotional
services and the business of the synod
was taken un in the afternoon. The
election of president for Augustana
college at Kock Island, Ills., will be the
chief feature of the assempiy.
Inter Ocean Allowed to Intervene.
Springfield, Ills., June 10. In the su
preme court the motion of the Chicago
inter Ocean Publishing company to be
made party-defendant in the manda
mus proceedings of the Denver Post
against the Associated iTess, was ai
lowed. The motion of the New York
Evening Journal for leave to file t
petition for mandamus was also al
Gave Ilia Heart Too Much to Do.
Auburn, Ind., June 10. Mr. Kepler
one of the wealthiest farmers of this
county, is alarmingly ill with heart
disease, contracted from running after
sheep, which had broken loose. Physi
clans from Port Wayne and Butler
have been holding consultations ovr
him, and his chances for recovery are
Starvation never yet cured dyspep
sia. Persons with indigestion are al
ready half starved. They need plenty
of wholesome feod. Kodol Dyspepsia
cure digests what you eat so the body
can be nourished while the worn, out
organs are boinc reconstructed. It is
the only preparation known that will
instantly relieve and completely euro
all stomach troubles. Try it if you are
suffering from indigestion. It will
certainly do vou erood. F. G. Fricko &
Sale of a Telephone Company.
Minneapolis, June IS. A syndicate
of local capitalists has bought the
Mississippi Valley Telephone company
from J. L. Ilubiuger, who has In the
last three years invested $600,000 in
the fight and in St. Paul against the
Northwestern Telephone Exchange
companv. As much more will now be
put Iu and the light continued.
A Life and Death Flht.
Mr. W. A. llincs of Manchester, la.,
writing of h is almost miraculous escape
from death, says: "Exposure after
measles induced serious lung trouble,
which. ended in consumption. I had
frcquont hemorrhages and coughed
night and day. All my doctors said I
must soon die. Then I began to use
Dr. King's New Discovery which
wholly cured me. Hundreds have used
it on my advice ana all say it never
fails to euro throat, chest and lung
Trial bottle free at Fricke & Co's drug
store. '
fires Three Harmless Itulleta.
u.erre iiaute, ma., .lune is. In a
fight over a woman at the Big Four
station Saturday morning Charles Da
vis, of this city, shot three times at W,
G. Elliott, of Mattoon. Ills., without
effect. One of the bullets, however,
passed through a straw hat worn by
Harry La hey, a newsboy, and knocked
it from his head.
Aside from the serious inconvenience
and pain caused by piles, there is a
tendoney to fistula and to cancer in the
rectal regions. Piles should not be
allowed to run on unchecked. Tab-
ler's Huekeye Pile Ointment is an in
fallible remedy. Price, 50 cents a bot
tle, tubes 75 cts. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Atclilont to .Mr.. I re in out.
Los Angeles, Cal., June 10. Mrs.
Jennie Kenton Fremont, widow of
General John Fremont, has met
with a severe accident. In leaving the
dinner table she slipped and fell, frac
turing her hip. Mrs. Fremont is 79
years old and her recovery will conse
Utieutly be slow.
Dynamite Suspect Arrested.
Chippewa Falls. Wis., June 10.
John Oh; was arrested yesterday on a
warrant charging him with placing
dynamite under and blowing up the
house occupied by a family named Pe
terson last Saturday. tile's friends
claim he is innocent.
A 11 who suffer from piles will bo glad
to learn that DeWitt's Witch Hazel
Salve will give them instant and per
manent relief, it will cure eczema
and all skin diseases. lie ware of
counterfeits. F. G. Fricko & Co.
IT IS said that a Pennsylvania wc
man has left $10,000 for the benefit of a
horse and dog. The best thing about
leaving money in this way is that tho
beneficiaries are not likely to quarrel
over its division.
If your eight is blurred with specks
and spots floating before your eyes, or
you havo pains on tho right side under
tho ribs, then your liver is deranged,
and you noed a few doses of Horbine
to regulate it. Price 50 cts. F. (J.
Fricko & Co.
The Chinese ask "how is your
liver?' instead of "how do you do?"
for when the liver is active the health
is good. De Witt's Little Early Risers
are famous littlo pills for tho liver and
bowels. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Some one, who is evidently prepar
ing to celebrate the Fourth of July in
an up-to-date manner, broke iuto a car
in tho Burlington yards last evening
and stole a large box of cannon crack
ers. The authorities have thus far
been unable to secure a clue as to the
guilty party.
Unless food is digested ouicklv it
will ferment and irritate the stomach.
After each meal take a teaspoon ful of
Kodol Dyspepsia cure. It digests what
you eat and will allow you to eat all
you need of what you like. It never
fails to cure the worst cases of dyspep
It is ploasant to take. F CI. Fricke A:
Problem That Kcimblicaiis Are
Now Worrinjr Over.
Allison AtsoIutcly Out of It, but Dol
liver Is ltuiining Hotel Tar
iff at Kansas City.
Philadelphia, Pa., Juno 13. Spec
ulation, gossip and informal confer
ences yesterday among national com
mittee men and other leading Iiepub
licans who are here failed to indicate
a crystallization of sentiment around
any individual for vice president.
Neither Hanna nor those who are close
to him gave any hint of who may he
the man to get the second place to be
given out at the convention hall next
week. Delegate Payne, of the Iowa
contingent, arrived yesterday, having
come via Washington. lie brought
renewed assurances from Senator Al
lison that he could not and would not
be a candidate for vice president.
Payne stated that Allison told him he
not only would not be a candidate, but
that if nominated he would decline. "If
they should place iue ia nomination,"
the Iowa senator Is represented as hav
ing said, "I will decline-and 1 will find
means of letting the delegates know
my position before they leave the hall."
Kobert in Charge of Dolli vcr'a ISooni.
eGorge 11. Huberts, director of the
mint, is here in charge of the vice pres
idential boom of Representative Dolli
ver. lie said yesterday: "Iowa is for
Dolliver. We have no claims as a
doubtful state, but we believe he has
qualifications that are more valuable
to a candidate th in any advantage that
can come from mere locality. He has
had a successful career of twelve
years in the lower house of congress,
and his strength among his constitu
ents is testified to by six renomina
tlons by aeclaination. His strength in
congress is proven by the fact that his
fellow members in the house are re
sponsible for the movement to place
his name before this convention.
Const States Have a Mn.
Senator aPirhanks. of Indiana, was
another arrival yesterday, and was
besieged by those who were anxious
to know if he was a candidate for vice
president. The position of Fairbanks,
however, is well known. He does not
want the vice nresidrnov. The fact
that the name of Iiartiett Tripp will be
presented to the convention for vice
president is not allowed to be hidden
by the energetic men of the Pacific
coast who are in charge of his inter
ests. Just now they consist of Nation
al Committeemen Ashton, of Washing
ton, and Steel, of Oregon. Ashton
says that Judge Tripp will be backed
by many other western states, besides
Oregon and nshington.
IpleKntlin Contest Redded.
The national committee put in the
day and part of last night deciding
contests in delegations, the two most
important of which were those from
Tennessee and Delaware. In the Ten-
nesee case the principals in the fight
were Pension Commissioner Evans and
State Chairman P.rownlow, there hav
ing been two state conventions and the
bolters being Evans men. Brownlow
got the decision. The Delaware case
was the subject of an earnest speech
by Chairman Ilann, in which he made
an Impassioned appeal for the burial
of the hatchet between the Addicks
and the Dupont-IIisrcrins factions. Ilis
speech was an appeal for the unity of
action.and he said that no effort should
be spared to accomplish this end. "I
am satisfied." he said, "that I reflect
th eseutiment of the president in my
appeal to secure a settlement of this
case. I feel nn Intense interest
in this case because of its possible
bearing niton national politics, and I
appeal to you indeed. I supplecate
the Delaware Kepulilicnns of botli
parties to forget that there has ever
been a factional fight In the party In
your state and to unite in the interest
of the common cause."
Chairman .Tone Slakes a Statement Itc-
KiinlliiR Hlie Matter.
Kansas City, June 15. After a con
ference with the leading hotel men and
with the general convention commit
tees of Kansas City, Chairman Jones
handed the Associated Press the fol
lowing signed statement: "The three
or four leading hotels have already
contracted practically for their full
capacity. On account of the increased
expense In preparing lor tne conven
tion the managers of the larger hotels
felt themselves compelled to require
contract for a minimum time of four
days, the time to begin at the option
of the delegation making the contract,
but they did not increase their regular
"In the other hotels, nearly forty In
numoer, ana me eigne or ten thousand
outside rooms listed by the local com
mittee On public comfort, a eorumoda-
tion can be had at reasonable rates,
and navinent is only required for the
length of time the rooms are occupied.
The local committee on public comfort
has so svsteniatized its work that It
appears to me that it is possible for
. . 1 . - . A .
any man to oo taken care oi ueiier
and at more reasonable rates than has
leen the case at a 113- former conven
tion. "The general work of the bureau of
information and committee on public
comfort is in charge of A. D. L. Ham
ilton. New oYrk Life building, Kan
sas City , Mo., who will give all infor
mation -desired, reserve rooms ana
make contracts for all persons wishing
to attend the convention. Comforta
ble rooms may be secured by corre
spondence with him. P.ranch head
quarters of this bureau will be estab
lished at all railroad stations in the
city, and members of the committee
on public comfort, wearing badges,
will meet all incoming trains and will
also be stationed at all hotels to assist
visitors In securing the kind of quar
ters desired.
:eatigan is much wanted.
Two State That Need II I m In Their Buat
ue. as at Were
Spriagfield, Ills., June 10. Edward
Katlgan, who escaped from Waupun
prison some months ago, has been cap
tured and Is being held here. lie was
arrested on a charge of robbing a post
office and is on trial in the United
States district court here. Warden C.
C. McClaughrey, of the Wisconsin
state penitentlrary, arrived In Spring
field Thursday, and is waiting to take
possession of Ratigan In case he Is ac
quitted. Ratlgan Is held here under
the name of John Evans.
Ratlgan was sent to Waupun for rob
bing the Amherst bank. The postal au
thorities claim that he has robbed sev
eral postofnees In this state and else
where. After serving some time In
prison he managed to make his escape
and was at large until his arrest by a
postolliee inspector In this city. There
Is a very strong case against him here
and It is probable that he will be con
victed, in which case Warden Mc
Claughroy will not get his man.
A Mounter Devil Fish
Destroying its victim, is a type of
constipation. The power of this mal
ady ia felt on organs, nerves, muscles
and brain. But Dr. King's Now L.ife
pills are a safe and certain cure. Rest
in the world for stomach, liver,kidneys
and bowels. Only 25c at Fricke & Co's
drug store;
Story or the Austrian Emperor.
Taris, June IS. A story is going the
rounds of the clubs to the effect that
the emperor of Austria has contracted
a morganatic marrtagre with the
actress Katti Schratt, Ills name has
been associated with hers for some
Talking of Craig for Governor.
Champaign, Ills., June 18. Demo
crats here are talking of ex-Justice A
M. Craig as a Democratic candidate
for governor.
A sallow, jaundiced skin is a symptom
of disordered liver, as it springs from
biliary poisons retained in the blood.
which destroy energy, cheerfulness.
strength, vigor, happiness and life.
Ilerbiue will restore the natural func
tions of tho liver. Price 50 cts. F, G
Fricke & Co.
South Dakota.
An All Year Resort
All combine to make this resort tho
best health and pleasure resort ia
Horth-Vestern Line
F., E. & M. V. R. R.
General Passenger Agent.
Omaha, Neb.
$500 REWARD.
V:will pay the above reward for anv case ol
Liver complaint. Dyspepsia. Sick Headache,
Indies'tion. Constipation or Costiveness wecan
uot cure with Livorita. the Up-to-Date Little
Liver Fill, when the directions are strictly com
plied with. They are purely Vegetable, and
never fail to cive satisfaction. 2Tc boxes contain
lix pills. Klc boxes contain 40 pills, 5c boxes con
tain 15 pills. Beware of substitutions and imita
tions. Sent by mail. Stamps taken. NEKVITA
M L'.I)ICA I j CO.. cor. Clinton and Jackson Sts.,
Chicago. 111. Sold by F G- Fricke A Co.
..ii. j i:si: ..
R. Ph.. M. D. C,
Weeping Water, Neb.
?JL "";!n.TDd Only, el".
SAFE. A"rt"iVlrf5,;;.i TJ
, uk rurrft
. . V-il K-II fSTKK'S
' with b.u. rlDoon. imsHviavn -I,
Habatliatlsaa aaa lmlta-
B.. of Tour Driuucut. 1 wad 4e. la
umM for Partlcalara. Teattmaaiala
and RellcsT for Ladlea," m Utttr. bf re-
M .11. l O.OKO TaatlmoalaU. Bold b
all Druiuu. Ck lekeater t k epical Ca
MBtfc una i.rr. Madlaea aare, Plllla. A.
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
It artificially digests the food and aids
Nature In strengthening and recon
structing the exhausted digestive or
eans. It is the latest discovered digest
ant and tonic. No other preparation
can approach It In efficiency. It in
stantly relieves and permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea.
Sick Ileadache,Gastralgia,Cramp9 and
all other results of imperfect digestion.
Price 50c. a nd ft. Laifre size contains 2H times
small size. Book all about dyspepsia mailed free
Prepared by E. C. DeWITT A CO., ChlCOO
V81 It's easy to
pAtEJ haul a big
WJu&Zr big 11111 if
XV you grease I
the wagon I
1 wheels with I
I MICA Axis Greast I
J Oct a box and loam why It's the
best grew ever put on an axle.
Bold everywhere. Alade by V
j 'A,,,A,I OII CO.
Discount on
Shirt Waists,
Ladies' Belts,
Bonnets, Fans,
Marlboros, Madras,
Muslin Underwear,
Ladies' Neckwear,
And All Other Goods
Belonging to the Hot
Weather Line.
Corner Sixth and Pearl
Discount on
For 20 Years Has Led zl Vh::n Reaedies. rWfHE
sox.x xi-sr Aiiii 13 n . uggists.
Prepared by s JAMES F. BALLARD. St. Louis.
Reliability in Vehicles
Road and Spring Wagons.
Sec our Racine Busies the best manufactured. We huyour
bupfjj-ies in larc lots ami jet them at the rirht figures. We
also sell them reasonable.
Hand -A1& do Harness
Genuine Oak-Tanned Leather.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
A New Discovery for the Certain Cure of INTERNAL and
Tubes, by mail, 75 Cents; bottles, 50 Cents.
JAMES F. BALLARD, Sols Proprietor, - - 3!0 North Main Street, ST. LGUIS, M3.
F. G. Fricke & Co.
A Dictionary of ENGLISH,
Biography, Geography, Fiction, et)
What better Investment coul J I- made than in a copj cf tho
International ? This rojal quarto volume in a vast Ftorthouse of
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Also Vebster's Collegiate Dictionary with a Scottish
Glossary, etc. " i'irst clubn in equality, second clada in size."
Summer Goods
June lO
Summer Goods
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