Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, April 24, 1900, Image 4

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Regular Meeting: of the City
Council a Lengthy One.
Mayor Parmal Makes a Neat Little
Speech In Which He Brit fly Outline
the Coarse Which Be Proposes to Par
sae Doting Bis Term of Office Notes
of the Meeting-.
All members were present at the
regular meeting' of the city council
last evening. The session was a long
and tedious one, lasting nearly two
After the reading of the minutes of
the last meetine, Clerk Kerr read a
communication fiom the New York
Belting and Packing company, stating
that a balance cf $415.70 was now due
the company for hose furnished the
city. On motion the matter was re
ferred to the finance committee.
A petition from the Coal Hill Coke
and Mining company of Missouri, giv
ing their prices for coal, was referred
to the light committee.
The petition signed by a number of
taxpayers, asking that some grading
be done on Oak street, west of Tenth
and leading up to Mt. Olive church,
was, on motion of Sattler, referred to
the committee on streets, alleys and
Report of Treasurer Cook was re
ferred to the finance committee.
Sattler again brought up the Sixth
street pavement matter. He thought
Contractor Fanning ought to repair
the pavement before he received the
. balance of his claim, as he had found a
contract, signed by Mr. Fanning,
which practically made him liable for
the repairs. Said contract guaranteed
the pavement for five years, and if the
city was not given thirty days' notice
before the expiration of the same, the
sum of 5 per cent was to be deducted
from the sum due the contractor. As
Fanning had not given the required
notice, he thought the provisions of
the contract ought to be enforced.
Tho clerk was instructed to write Mr.
Fanning in regard to the matter.
The police committee found the re
ports of the police judge and city mar
shal as correct.
Sidewalk matters were next on the
program, and quite a number of re
pairs in this line were ordered made.
The finance committee reported that
they had examined the books of the
city treasurer and found the same cor
rect. The? had also found that Clerk
Kerr's books corresponded with those
of the treasurer. On motion, the re
ports were placed on file.
The report of the finance committee
on the claims against the city was ap
proved, and the clerk instructed to
draw warrants for the same.
There being no other business, it
was next suggested that the bonds of
the new city officials be considered.
There was some discussion as to the
legality of accepting the bonds at the
present meeting, Sattler contending
that yesterday was a legal holiday. In
the absence of City Attorney Beeson,
Charley Grimes was called upon to
quote from the statutes of the state of
Nebraska in regard to this question.
Hedidnot think it would conflict in
the least with the law to accept the
bond 8. A ballot was taken on Mr.
Sattler's motion to postpone the mat
ter and hold a special meeting tonight,
and was lost by a vote of 9 to 1 .
Bonds of Mew City Officials.
The bonds of the new city officials
were then approved. The amounts of
e various bonds and the names of
' " i ere as follows:
. . .... l-SWUeJe, $5,000; with
ToMa " " ...
oie, Frank
Morgan as sureties.
Clerk W. K. Fox, $1,000; with II.
N. Dovey, H. 11. Gering and W. K.
Fox as sureties.
Treasurer E. W. Cook, $50,000;
with F. E. White, George E. Dovey,
E. W. Cook, C. C. Parmele, Henry
Boeck, W. H. Newell, S. II. Atwood,
H. N. Dovey and D. Hawksworth as
Councilman, First ward Tom Pat
terson, $1,000; with F. J. Morgan, T.
M. Patterson and C. C. Parmele as
Councilman, Second ward FranK
Schlater, $1,000; with T. E. Parmele
and Conrad Schlater as sureties.
Councilman, Third ward Robert
Hayes, $1,000; with Ed Fitzgerald and
W. H. Newell as sureties.
Councilman, Fourth ward Frank
Neumann, $1,000; with H. R. Gering
and F. G. Egenberger as sureties.
Councilman, Fifth ward A. Bach,
$1,000; with Conrad Heisel and N.
Halmes as sureties.
Police Judge M. Archer, $1,000;
with F. J. Morgan, M. Archer and H.
R. Gering as sureties.
Mayor Richey then called the new
members forward, and after tho clerk
had administered the oath of office, the
old council adjourned.
Mayor Parmele's Message.
After the new members had taken
their seats. Mayor Parmele called the
council to order and made the follow
ing neat little address:
To the Honorable Members of the
Cltv Council: I suppose it is custo
mary for a new mayor usually to make
an address to the council. I will have
to apologize for my inefficiency in that
line; I have not been an office-holder
and have not had much practice. I
have a few words to say to you, how
ever. Your honorable body, as I believe,
is composed of citizens who were
chosen at an election to serve as coun
cilman, cease to be distinguished as
Vembera of any political organization,
. '.servants of the whole people,
auditi-mye!ire to co-operate with
you in every wa? improve the city
government and advaTbeinterests
!L,-ifareof the city. WVthall re-
-t tn the preceding council anthe
honoraole mayor, who no citizen can
but thank for their labor in admiuiE
tering ihe affairs of the city, yet I b -lieve
with proper work we can improve
in all things. I wish to state that I hope
1 can always act in perfect harmony
witn the council, and that any appoint
ments which it will be my duty to
make as mayor, I will consider none
that will not be entirely satisfactory to
the whole council. I have my com
mittee appointments prepared for the
ensuing year:
Finance Pattersoo, Schlater, Her
old. Judiciary Bach, Lutz, Buttery.
Fire and water Lutz, Hayes, Neu
mann. Claims Herold, Whclau, Neumann.
License Schlater, Heroid, Fitzger
ald. Streets, Alleys and Bridges' Fitz
gerald, Patterson, Lu'z.
Police Hayes, B ich. Buttery.
Hospital Buttery, Hayes, Whelan.
Cemetery Bich, Schlater, Neu
mann. Gas and Electric Light Whelan,
Fitzgerald, Patterson.
I wou'd like to say a few words to
tho lieenso committee. I understand
that heretofore the saloon men have
been in the habit of payicg their li
censes only part at a timo. I do cot
wish to work any hardship upon the
saloon men, but I think they ought to
pay that down that is tho whole
thousand dollars. The city already
has outstanding warrants drawing 7
per cent interest, and this is a matter
of two or three hundred dollars, much
of which could be saved if these li
censes were paid down, and it is the
same as if the city was paying that
per cent for the benefit of these men,
and if they are supposed to pay this
license they ought to pay it at once,
and it ought not to be discounted, which
amounts to over two hundred dollars.
They certainly would not ask the city
to take a note for it if it was not gilt
edged, and I see no reason why they
cannot borrow the money from some
other person rather than oe borrowing
it from the city, and thus give the city
the benefit of that much interest.
The Electric Light Work.
I have investigated and inquired
around a good deal about the lighting
and gas and found that thero are sev
eral kinds of subscribers to the gas
and electric light. There is one kind
that pay for half the light they getj
and another kind that do not pay for
any of the light they get. There is
another kind that do not pay their
bills, but their bills do not call for
more than half the lights they burn.
I do not know that all of these are
facts, but in a few cases I absolutely
know it to be true. I also understand
that the city clerk has been in tho
habit of collecting these bills. I do
not think it is the duty of the clerk to
do this. When a corporation owns a
plant of this kind the patrons have to
go to the office and p ly their bills.
If they do not they do not tret the
light. I have a suggestion to make
and it is this: At the first meetiLg
every month the superintendent or
clerk prepare a list of all tho lij;ht
takers who have not paid for their
light for the proceeding month; that
this list be handed to the superinten
dent of the electric light plant and all
those who fail to pay for their month's
light before the loth of the following
month the city shall discontinue the
service I thintc this is the only way
to run the plant on a basis to collect
the bills without any trouble. As long
as the city owns tho plant wo ought to
be as rigid in collecting the bills as we
are in collecting taxes. Tf one man
gets his light for nothing the whole
town pays for it.
The applications tjf Hans Goo?, F. G
EgenjWjrsr, Joss & Speck, Ed Donat,
William Weber, Phil Thierolf, Henry
Donat and John Mumra for saloon li
censes, together with the applica'ions
of F. G. Fricke & Co., Gering & Co.,
and A. W. Atwood for druggists per
mits, were referred to the licenso com
mitte. On motion of Lutz of the Fifth
a special meeting is called for Satur
day evening to pass upon tho report of
the committee.
In view of the fact that it was in
order to elect a president, Whelan
arose and nominated Lutz of tho Fifth.
There were no other candidates, and
Mr. Lutz was elected by a unanimous
vote of the council.
A motion to adjourn tnen prevailed.
Spreads Like Wildfire.
When things are "the best" they be
come "the best selling" Abraham
Hare, a leading druggist,of Belleville,
O., writes: "Electric Bitters are the
best selling bittero I have handled in
20 years. You know why? Most diseases
begin in disorders of the stomach, liver,
kidneys,bowels,blood and nerves. Elec
tric Bitters tones up the stomach, reg
ulates liver, kidneys and bowels, puri
fies the blood, strengthens the nerves,
hence cures many maladies. It builds
up the entire system, puts new life and
vigor into any weak, sickly, run-down
man or woman. Price 50c. SolbF. G.
Fricke & Co., druggist.
It is seldom that so many actors of
special distinction are engaged in pres
enting a legitimate farce comedy as
are included in the cast of "His Bet
ter Half" which will be at White's
opera house, tomorrow evening. This
speaks more for the managers who de
sire to establish a reputation for
providing worthy amusements, and
entitles them to no email praise.
lOO Keward SIOO.
The readers of this paper will be pleased to
learn that there is at least one dreaded disease
that science has been able to cure in all its
stapes, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure
is the only positive cure known to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional dis
ease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly
upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the sys
tem, thereby destroying the foundation of the
disease, and giving the patient strength by build
ing up the constitution and assisting nature in
doing its work. The proprietors have so much
faith in its curative powers that they oner One
Hundred Dollars for any case that it tails to cure.
Send for list of testimonials.
Address, F.J, henhy &Co.. Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists 75c
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
C. A. Marshall, Dentist.
Case of the City of Plat ts mouth
vs. Steve liuzzell.
Defense Claims That the Ordinance Pro
hibiting the Placing of Telephone
Poles and Stringing Wires on Main
Street Is Void, and the Same Is Sns.
talned Uy the Conrt.
From Monday's daily.
The case wherein Steve Buzzell is
charged with stringing wires on Main
street for the Nebraska Telephone
company, in violation of an ordinance
passed and approved by the city coon
cil on November 27, 1899, was on trial
today before Justice Archer.
Section 4 of said ordinance says that
"any person erecting telephone poles
or stringing wires upon telephone
poles on Main street, between First
and Seventh, in the city of Platts
mouth, in violation of section 1 of this
ordinance, shall be deemed guilty of a
misdemeanor, and on conviction
thereof shall be fined in the Bum not to
exceed $100 nor less than $5." While
tho defense admits having strung
wires on Main street, as charged, it is
their contention that the statutes of
the state of Nebraska grant them the
right of way over the higbways of tho
state, which includes the streets of
the city of Plattsmouth, regardless of
any ordinance which the council
might make to the contrary. Another
contention is that the city council
specifically granted the Nebraska Tele
phone company a franchise, and that
the company made valuable and exten
sive improvements thereunder, and
thereby its right to the use of the
streets being vested and could not be
altered or abridged by any subsequent
action of the council that for these
reasons the ordinance under which Mr.
Buzzell is being prosecuted is void.
The attorneys concluded their argu
ments at 4 o'clock and Judge Archer,
after briefly reviewirg the testimony,
rendeied a decit-ion in favor of the de
fense. Attorneys C. S. Polk and Mitthew
Gering appeared for tho defense and
City Attorney A. J. Beeson conducted
the prosecution.
Fatal Effect of Fretting the Animals ou
(jSreen Sorghum.
Stockmen frequently tuffer losses of
cattle from pasturing them on sor
ghum. In a few herds in tbostato the
losses last year were heavy, but the
total number of fatalities was not
alarmingly large. An unusually large
acreage of cane was pastured last sea
son, so that the loss sustained was rel
atively small, judging from reports re
ceived. Just what the cause of the trouble is
has never been ascertained. The pre
vailing opinion is that a viruently
poisonous substance i sometimes de
veloped by the growing plant. Many
symptoms shown by the afflicted cattle
tend to sust'tin such an opinion. Tho
animals bloat but little. They appar
ently suffer terribly and die very sud
denly. Por-t mortem examinations are
reported to show lesions in the
stomach, the membranes turning black.
A sample of cane that had produced
fatal results was obtained and sub
jected to a careful chemical analysis.
All elTo; ts, however, to isolate and
identify poisonous matter failed ut
terly. Although an elTort was made
to detect the presene.i of toxic sub
stances in etna!! quantities, it was as
sumed thv.t refined delegate tests for
traces of such poison were really un
necessary, from the nature of the case.
A poison that kill a full grown animal
in ten or fifteen minutes must neces
sarily bo present in relatively laree
proportions. The analysis showed
only a trace of pot as ,u in nitrate. Cul
tures mule to develop toxic bacteria
from tho sample gavo negativo results.
The leaves and stems of tho material
seemed to bo free from parasitic
growth. No poisonous matter, that
might have been applied purposely to
the leaves, was detected.
All tho data collected indicates
plainly that the first growth sorghum
may prove, at times, to be just as fatal
as second growth. This controverts
the prevailing popular impression but
facts at hand nevertheless corroborate
such a view. It is in with what is
known of the chemistry of all plants.
The chemical substances found in plant
tissues aro characteristic of tho plant
and are found in its various stages of
The results of tho investigation in
dicate then, first, that in sorgbum
there is no inherent chemical poison,
and second, that second growth cane,
of itself, is no more injurious than first
growth. The fact that bo many fatal
ities occur prove that there is an ele
ment of danger in using sorghum for
pasturage, and that considerable care
should be taken in feeding; it. Stock
men generally are agreed that hungry
cattle should not bo turned on to sor
ghum pasture, even for a short time.
B. S. niLTXER,
Nebraska Agricultural Experiment
A W. Atwood has the largest stock
of wall paper in the county from 5
cents per roll ud.
Kids For Church Itullding.
The trustees of the First Methodist
Episcopal church of Plattsmouth, Neb.,
will receive bids for the erection of a
new church building. Plans and spe
cifications may be seen at the office
of C. S. Polk All bids must be sub
mitted on or before May 5, 1900.
The trustees reserve the right to re
ject any and all bids. By order of the
board of trustees.
R. B. Windham, President.
S. A. Davis, Secretary.
Syrup Trifolium compound is not an
ordinary patent medicine, but is made
after a well established formula,which
has stood the test for efficiency. . Ger
ing & Co.
A. W. Atwood sells the best paint on
Use Devoe's paint and be sure of
The wall paper samples are now
ready at Gering & Co.'s.
William Erhart from near Lou:sville
was in town today on business.
Mr. and Mrs. II. T. Rochford of
Louisville were in the city today.
Shinn keeps a full supply of candies,
fruits and nuts. Waterman block.
Attorney A. M. Russell of Weeping
Water was a county seat visitor today.
Owing to the damp weather the local
cigarmakers were taking a layoff to
day. A full stock of dry plates in amateur
sizes at Gering & Co.'s. Highest grado
Dr. L. G. Bacon of Pacific June' ion
was among tho Plattsmouth visitors
Mrs. Buckle and son Perry, of Mal
vern, la., are in the city for a visit
with relatives.
Go to Watorman hall this (Tuosday)
evening, April 24, and enjoy a pleas
ant eveuing.
County C:erk James Robertson was
a business visitor in Oiaha and Coun
cil Bluffs today. .
If you want a new spring suit, made
in the latest style, call on Iludecek &
McElroy in Rock wood block.
The second dosrreo of Maseru y was
conferred upon Arthur Helps and
Thomas Kempster last night.
jica. ivi Urassman acd etiild re
turned this morning from a visit with
tho former's mother at Louisville.
More medicine in onebottloof Syrup
of Trifoleum than in ono half dozen
bottles of ordinary Sarsaparilla, etc.
J. 11. Sheeley of Des Moiues, la.,
senior member of the bridge contract
ing firm of Sheeley & Co., is in the
city on business.
A bright class of girls will serve ice
cream and eike at Wescott"s store on
Friday evening 5 to 9, benefit of now
Methodist church.
Cuts, wounds, burns, sprains and
bruises quickly heal if you apply Bal
lard's snow liniment. Price - cts and
50 cts. F. G. Fricke & Co.
The cars for shipping the t rick for
the new library to this ci!y are in
Louisville. Major Parmele will go
there tomorrow to attend to the mat
ter. Rev. Sebell of the United BietLrn
church, who has been in tho city for
several days in the interest of the
York college, retufued home yester
day. The Vienna bakery now has a bread
wagon, acd anyone wishing bread de
livered at their homes cun leave or
ders at the sto:e or ca I uo Nebraska
telphone No. 210.
Tho Ruchford bankrupcy c.isj wts
again taken up tod;iy before Ruferee
Davk's and the examination of the
bankrupts concluded. Prank Dickson
was appointed r.s trustee of the estate
in question.
Dr. Sehildknecht drove out to Weep
ing Water through the mud and rain
yesterday, lie was called to seo
Charles, son of Honry Spangle-, who
is suffering from a severe attack of
Even the most vigorous and hearty
people havo at times a feeling of weari
ness and lassitude. To dispel this feel-
in, take Herbine; it will impart vieor
and vitality. Pi ico T0 cents. F. G.
Fricke & Co
Jjhn T. Coleman, the jeweler, will
positively not be in business after May
1. If you need anything, now is the
time to buy. There is plonty of jew
elry, watches, etc., to select from. lie
is selling all goods regardless of cost.
With brand-new type, excellent com
positors and fine presses, The News is
prepared better than ever to turn out
brief work in short order in fact that
applies to all kinds of job work. When
you need anything in that line, call on
The News.
The eighty-acre tract of land belong
ing to the estate of Ezra Murphy, and
which is located fifteen milo3 south
and ono mile east of Plattsmouth, was
sold at sheriff's sale today, the Minnie
Hibbard and the consideration was
$1,0(10 50.
Boyle & Graham, who head the list
of comic players engaged, in present
ing "His Better Half" which comes to
White's opera house, tomorrow night
are two comedians of doserving fame,
and aro said to be exorutiatingly fun
ny in the roepectivo roles assigned
Mothers! Beware of tho-e secret
robbers of your baby's quiet and
health. Those sleepless nights and
long hours of tiresome vigil aro caused
by those terrible enemies of childhood
worms. Destroy and remove them
with White's Cream Vermifuge. Price
25 cents. F. G. Fricke & Co.
A novel enterprise has been adopted
by the C. W. G.'s, a class of Sunday
school girls who have undertaken to
raise a sum of money -for tho new
Methodist church. Wescotts havo
given them the right of way in their
stor a Friday evening where they will
serve ico cream and cake. Call and
see them.
Why have that tired feeling when
one bottle of Trifoleum will remove it?
A Horrible Outbreak.
'Of large sores on my little daugh
ter's head Developed in to a case of scald
head" writes CI). Isbiltof Morgan ton,
Tenn., but Bucklen's Arnica Salvo
completely cured her. It's a guaran
teed cure for eczema, tetter salt rheum.
.pimplos,sores, ulcers, piles; only 20c at
F. G. Fricke & Co's.
Devoe's paint at Gering & Co.'s.
of Pearl-handled Pocket
Knives, suitable for pres
ents SI. OO TO $2.25.
The Jeweler.
Cleme and beantifta ihm btur.
Promote luxuriant frrowth.
Never Fails to Bectore Gray
Hair to it Youthful Color.
Cures scalp d rnim hair tailing.
j E. G.
S3 Spring
IFe are now prepared to show you the
largest stock of Spring and Summer Goods
ever brought to the city. Our goods were pur
chased at last yeafs prices, which means
TEE LOWEST, and we aic giving our
patrons the benefit.
Dress Goods
All the latest Novelties in Tailor-made Suitings,
Cheviots, Coverts, Poplins, Venetians and Sergfes.
An elegfant line of Silks in blacks and colors
bought direct from the mills.
Wash Goods
In imported Dimities, Egyptian Tissues, Satin
Stripe Dimities, Foulards, etc. Best shirting
prints, 5c; fine line of Ginghams regular 15c
kind for 10c ; nearl' 100 styles to select from.
Slioes, Slioes !
TP )thatEth:s
vNw - ft SHOE.
Light as
A Feather
V. J. Hicks has moved to Platte
mouth. C. C. McDowell spent Sunday with
friends in Lincoln.
Philip Keii found a den of Cve young
wolves last Sunday.
Tho schools closed Monday on ac
count of the teacher being' absent.
Dick Dretenkamp spent a part of
last week with his family at Berlin.
Mrs. George Ilollenbeck visited
friends and relatives in Lincoln Fri
Miss Eva Sayles has been laid up
with rheumatism for the past few
Philip Stoehr lost a valuable work
horse last week. He thinks it had
lung fever.
Cyrus Creamer has sold his farm to
John Davis, and in the near future
will move to Mynard.
Mrs. Wolff has started work on her
new house, which is to take the place
of the one burned down some time ago.
Simon Simmet was a passenger for
Omaha Wednesday, where he went to
visit his son. Ho returned home
Thursday evening.
S. A. Allen visited Lincoln Wednes
day. S. A. Allen's father arrived Wednes
day evening.
Miss Estella McClintic baa been suf
fering with the rrumps.
The infant child of Mr. and Mrs.
Itiley KuDy died Monday.
II. Wilkinson suffered from a slight
attack of the grip last week.
Dr. Itighter hns begun work on his
new residence in the southwest part of
The fino rain of the last few days
put the ground in fine shape for grow
ing crops.
The German Lutherans held their
second Easter services at the home of
Mr. Wenzel Monday.
Lol Freeman reports that some body
threw a brick through his window
Sunday evening. He thinks the brick
We are sole agents
Shoes $3
And Budd's Baby
and Child's Shoes
was aimed at himself and is becoming
alarmed, as this is the second time this
has occurred during- the last few
Samuel McClintic has so far recov
ered from his recent illness that no id
able to be out of doora again.
Mr. Stiegall visited his little son and
daughter, who are at present living
with their grandparents, Dr. and Mrs
Ira Lee is quite sick.
Lee Traver was over from Murdock
J. C. Aaron has been quite ill tho
past week.
O. P. Stewart of Murdock was a vis
itor Thursday.
J. V. Carnes is the new chiirman
of the town board.
Mrs. R. A. Hinkley of Ashland was
a Greenwood visitor Thursday.
The schools are progressing nicely
under the supervision of Professor
George Thummel, clerk of the United
States court, was a visitor Fridny on
official business.
The new town board assumes control
Thursday and the topic of conversa
tion is license or no license.
A wedding is slated for the near
future and the smile displayed on the
face of the young man is immense.
O. P. Stewart came over from Mur
dock Saturday and took possession of
the printing plant of the Greenwood
Record and sold it to It"y Barr, who
will launch a publication under the
name of the Times. Mr. Pickett will
install a new plant and continue the
publication of the Record. With three
'newspapers" here who says we are
not prospering?
In the Greenwood items last week
mention was made of a Mr. Howard
who was here in the interest of an in
surance company, and that it was
thought to be the same man who, a
lew year9 ago. sold building associa
tion stock at Plattsmouth. The gen
tleman here is W. B. Howard, while
the man woo worked Plattsmouth was
W. A. This correction is made to
place Mr. Howard in his proper
Some people buy a Rain
Coat or an Umbrella after the
rainy season is over. That's like
locking the door after the ho: se
is stolen. MOW is the time to
buy R;iin jromls HERE is the
place to buy them. We have a
new patent Self-opening Um
brella. We have a black storm
coat that we guarantee, and an
Oxford Mcintosh that's a beauty
for Sfi.OO.
We are the recognized leaders in
this department and carry the
larcst stock in the count.
Call and see our fine All
wool 2-pl3T Ingrains at 50c, and
our very best, Extra Superb, at
65c; present value, 75c.
Moquettes and
Made and Put Down for .
New Mattings,
are still showinir the best ?v
Window Shade in town for 35c.
Oni tains
Lace Curtains from $1 per pair
up. We are showing
Agents for
..Butterick Patterns.
To the People of IMalti-mouth und dins
Save your money by buying your
wall paper of tho undersigned. I will
save you 2-5 to 40 per cent. Comparo
my p iper with any in town as to grado
and price, and onvincoyoiir;elf. Call
at corner of North Seventh and Locust
streets, or drp me a card and I will
bring sample books to your homo for
examination. StL'LTZ.
Plattsmouth telephone 1 83.
"I think De Witt's liltlo early risers
are the best pills in tho world," says
W. E. Lake, Happy Creek, Va. They
remove all obstructions of the li vor and
bowels, act quickly and never gripe.
F. G. FricKe & Co.
Legal Notice.
tn the district court of Cass county. Nebraska.
William Caldwell.
The unknown heirs of Samuel
r . 1 agtfart, deceased, viz: the I
unknown heirs ot James W i ley.
deceased; the unknown heirs
of Absolem Wilev. deceased:
the unknown heirs of harah
Ashley, deceased; the widow y
of lames Wilev, viz: Mrs. I
James Wiley ;the widow of Ab-
solem Wiley, viz: Mrs. Abs-
lem Wiley; Elizabeth Thorn-
ton; Nancy Bryan: Mariette
Koby; Maria Smith: Mary V.
Miller: W illiam Wiley and I
Mrs. William Wiley. J
The defennants. the unknown heirs of Samuel
F. Taceart. viz: the unknown heirs of lames
Wilev. deceased: the unknown heirs of Absolem
iVilev. deceased: the unkown heirs of arah
Ashley, deceased; the widow of James Wilev. vi.:
Mrs James w ney: trie widow oi Absoiem u iley.
viz: Mrs. Absolem Wiley; Khzabeth Thornton.
Nancy Bryan, Hariette Koby; Maria Smith and
Mary V. Miller will take notice that on the 24lh
dav of April. A. D. the plaintiff. William
Caldwell, filed his petition in the district court
of Cass county. Nebraska, against the unknown
heirs ol Samuel r. 1 agcart. deceased, viz: trie
unknown heirs of James Wiley, deceased; the un
known heirs of Absolem Wilev. oeceased; the un
known heirs ot arah Ashley, aeteaseu; tne
widow of lames W iley, viz: .lrs. lames Wiley;
the widow of Absolem Wiley, viz:
Mrs. Absolem Wilev: r.naoeiri in rnton;
Nancy Bryan. Hariett- Koby, Maria Smith, Mary
V. Miller. William Wiley and Mrs. William
Wilev. the obiott and prayer oi w inch are that
the defendant and each of them may be forever
enjoined from having or claiming anv right, title
or interest cither equitably or legally to lot 3.
being the west halt of the northeast quarter of
he soutnwesi quanci ui section si, in township
li north of rane 14, east, in Cass countv. NV-
Draska. or any part thereof, and that they and all
oersons claiming under them be forever exclud d
therefrom, and that the title of said land be for
over quieted in the plaintiff, William Caldwell.
and that plaintiff be held to have and possess all
of the legal and equitab'e title thereto and for
such other relief as may be equitable in the
You are required to answer said petition on or
before the 4th day oi June. A. L. KM).
William C'aliwfll.
By his attorneys. Byron Clark and C. A. Kawls.
Dated this 24th day ot April. A. L). laoU
First publication April 24 4,