Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, April 17, 1900, Image 2

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    The Semi-Weekly News-Herald
GEORGE L. FARLEY, Proprietor.
One Year, in advance, 5
Six Months 2
One Week,
Single Copies
One Year, in advance, . . . . tl
Six Months,
Of any Cass County Paper.
TUESDAY, APRIL 17, 1900.
SPUKLOCK, Philadelphia, McKinley
victory 1 Continued prosperity!
Dewey and Bryan are to have a lit
tie conference in . Chicago May 1.
The Colorado Springs Gazette advc
cates the nomination of Senator Wol
cott for vice president.
Judge Jessen of Otoe and Frank
Beavi9 of Richardson did some pood
wire-pulliDg laat Thursday.
The democratic convention of New
Mexico instructed its delegates to sup
port W. J. Bryan for president.
We want to see the color aDd the
length of the man's hair who thinks
he can defeat lion. E. J. Burkett.
C. D. Clai'I of Elmwood was
lected from Cass to serve on the cen
tral committee of the First district.
THE sugar kings, the large epecu'.at
ore in tobacco and W. J. Bryan have
shed large tears ovar the Porto Rican
Remember the "mass" meeting of
the free silver republicans to be held
in an office in this city in the near
THE Omaha Daily News insists that
democracy's hope is in Dewey. It say
Bryan's defeat would be certain, and
for that reason he should be dropped
"Bud" Lindsay of Lincoln is
whole host in a political convention
Unlike many politicians he can be de
pended upon to do what he says he
wllL II. Allen, assistant t cere
tar j of the navy, has been appointed
civil governor of Porto Rico. The
selection is considered as a very wise
IjANCASTEK countv didn t seem so
anxious to defeat Judge Spurlock as
they did Judge Tucker of Humbolt,
but it was evident they would stand or
fall together.
THE regents of the State University
wiU have to look around for another
man for chancellor. Superintendent
Andrews of the Chicago schools de
clines to accept the position.
Before the campaign is over thi9
same Porto Rican bill, about which the
fusion politicians are making so much
fuss, will prove a thorn in their flesh
It's going' to be a vote getter for the
THOSE who are better acquainted
with the editor of the Journal than
are Cass county people state that his
productions havo been exceedingly
yellow and thesame saffron tintihas
marked his recent effusions.
Superintendent E. B. Andrews
of Chicago has consented to consider
the matterof accepting the chancellor
ship of the..University of Nebraska,
and has come to Lincoln to consult
with the regents and to look into the
affairs of the institution generally.
Ex-Governor Robert W. Furnas
is prominentlymentioned for the head
of the republican ticket in Nebraska
next fall. lie is an honest and capable
man and has the confidence of the
people. He has been identified with
the agricultural interests of the state
and ought to he especially popular
with the farmers. He is an old soldier
as well and would receive the votes of
the veterans of the late war.
Colonel. Bryan has been endeavor
ing to win back the voters of the Pa
cific northwest by denouncing the war
and financial policy of the administra
tion. All of the evidence, however,
indicates that he is speaking about
two years too late. Practically all of
the candidates running for o9ice on
his platform since the war with Spain
have been ingloriously defeated, and
the people say that no matter bow
many more such candidates appear
they have defeats enough to go 'round.
Lincoln Journal.
Hon. E. J. Burkett has had a few
days more than four months in con
gress and during that time has shown
as much good judgment and common
sense as anyone ever sent from the
state. Instead of making a fool of
himself , by making long winded
speeches he quietly went to work. It
takes a man several months at least to
become acquainted with the work and
with the members. Burkett has
started right He has not tried to
make a show of himself.
Senator Allen created a sensation
early In his career by making a four-teen-hour
speech and by ' getting
drunk. V7. J. Bryan was In congress
four years and during that time suc
ceeded in getting an elevator in the
postoffice in Lincoln. He spent most
of hia time making speeches for pub
lication. Dave Mercer has accomplished more,
Derbips, than all the other con res
men put together and he dasn't made
a speech yet. If Burkett will but keep
on working and let the other fellows
do the talking, ihe people of the First
congressional district will stny with
him to tho end.
Tlf E
The News has been requested by a
number of its readers to give a sum
mary of the Porto Rican bill. SVw
questions will be discussed more dur
ing the next six months, and for that
reason evervone sbould. Know some
thine about it. Take time to read i
The new law applies to the island o
I'orto Rico and to the adjacent islands
lying east of the seventy-fourth merid
ian, which are designated Porto Rico
By tho law's provisions tho same cus
torn duties are levied on all good
entering Porto Rico from foreign
countries as are levied on the same
goods entering tht United States, sav
that coffee, which has free entry into
the United .States, is to pay a duty of
cents a pound on entering I'orto Rico
Scientific, literary and artistic work
and books and pamphlets printed in
the English language may enter Porto
Rico free of duty.
The tariff section of the bill relating
to duties between the United States
ind Porto Rico is as follows:
"Oq and after the passage of this act
all morcbandise coming into the
United States from Porto Rico and
coming into forto ltico Irom tne
United States shall be entered at the
several ports of entry upon payment of
15 per cent of the duties which are re
quired to be levied, collected and paid
upon like articles of merchandise im
ported from foreign countries; and in
addition thereto upon articles of mer
chandise of Porto Rican manufacture
coming into the United States and
withdrawn for consumption or 6ale
upon payment of a tax equal to the in
ternal revenue tax imposed in the
United States upon the like articles of
merchandise of domestic manufacture
"Such tax is to b3 paid by internal
revenue stamp or stamps to be pur
chased and provided by the cominis
sioner of internal revenue, and to be
procured from the collector of internal
revenue at the point most convenient
to tho port of entry of said merchan
dise in tbe United St ites, and to be af
fixed under such regulations as tbe
commissioner of internal revenue, with
the approval of the secretary of the
treasury, shall prescribe.
' On all articles of merchandise of
United States manufacture coming
into I'orto Rico, in addition to the
duty above provided, there shall be a
payment of a tax equal in rate and
amount to the internal revenue tax
imposed in Porto Rico upon the like
articles of Porto Rican manufacture
Provided, that on and after the
date when this act shall take effect, all
merchandise and articles except coffee,
not dutiable under the tariff laws of
the United States, and all merchan
dise and articles entered in Porto Rico
free of duty under orders heretofore
made by tde secretary of war shall be
'admitted into the s'everal ports thereof,
when imported from the United States,
free of duty, all laws or parts of laws
to the contrary notwithstanding.
"Whenever the legislative assembly
of Porto Rico shall have enacted and
put into operation a system of local
taxation to meet the necessities of the
government of Porto Rico, by this act
established, and shall by resolution
duly passed so notify the president, he
shall make proclamation thereof, and
thereupon all tariff duties on merchan
dise and articles going into Porto Rico
from the United States or coming into
the United States from Porto shall be
entered at tho several ports of entry
free of dutv.
"In no event shall any duties be col
lected after the first day of March.
1902, on merchandise and articles go
ing into I'orto Rico from the United
States or coming into tho United
States from Porto Rico.
The duties coilect-.-d under the
above section shall bo placed at the
disposal of the president, to be used
for tho government and benefit of
'orto Rico until the government of
Porto Rico shall have been organized.
when the moneys collected shall be
turned into the local troa-ury of Porto
Rico .
Goods imported frcm Porto Rico
and under bond shall pay only tbe
duty imposed by this act."
Under tho governmental provisions
of tho new law the capital of Porto
Rico is located at San Juan. Persons
who were Spanish subjects April 11,
1S00, and who have not elected to pre
serve tneir allegiance to Spain are
held to be citizens of Porto Rico and
entitled to the protection of the
United States.
The governor is to be appointed by
the president and hold bis office for
four years, having the powers con
ferred on governors of territories of
the United States, but he is to make
his reports to tbe secretary of state to
the president.
An executive council, appointed by
the president and confirmed by the
senate, consisting of a secretary, at
torney general, treasurer, auditor,
commissioner oi interior ana eauca-
ion and five other persons, is to hold
ffica for four years. The council is
the upper branch of the legislature,
five of whom be natives of Porto Rico.
The other branch shall be a house of
delegates, to consist of thirty-five mem
bers elected biennially by the qualified
All citiz3ns of Porto Rico shall be al
lowed to vote who have ben bona
fide residents for one year and who
possess tne otner quawncaiions oi
voters under the laws' and military
orders in force on March 1,-1900, sub
ject to such modifications and addi
tional qualifications and such regula
tions as to registration as may be pre-
fCribed by tl executive council.
No person ..jail be eligible to mem
bership in the bouse of delegates who
is not tonty-five years of ageand able
to read and write either the Spanish
or tbe English language, or who is not
possessed in his own right of taxable
property, real or personal, eituated in
Porto Rico.
On the regulation day in November
and every two years thereafter Porto
II c j may choose a commissioner to
represent the island at Washington.
His salary is $5,000.
The civil government features of the
new law are to go into effect the first
of next month.
Millions 6lven Away.
It is certainly gratifying to the pub
lic to know of one concern in the land
who are not afraid to be generous to
the needy and suffering. The propri
etors of Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption, coughs and colds, have
given away over ten million trial
bottles of this great medicine; ar.d
have the satisfaction of knowing it has
absolutely cured thousands of hopeless
cases. Asthma, bronchitis,hoarseness
and all diseases of tbe throat, chest
and lungs are surely cured by it. Call
on F. G. Fricke & Co. druggists, and
get a free trial bottle. Regular size
50c and $1. Every bottle guaranteed.
The Eister services in the various
churches Sunday were well attended. To tho People of Plattsmouth nnd Cass
notwithstanding the inclemency of the
wealber. tie churches were approp
riately decorated for the occasion and
the attendants, generallj-, speak of the
services as both delightful and im
pressive. The extra efforts made to
have more and better music on Eister
is another reason the services are more
enjoyable. It being the anniversary
of so great an event it is but meet that
only tho best should be given in its
celebration by both pa9tors and choirs.
Those privileged to attend could oot
but feel uplifted and better prepared
to meet life's battles.
Save your money by buying your
wall paper of the undersigned. I will
save you 25 to 40 per cent. Comparo
my piper with any in town as to grade
and price, and convince yourself. Call
at corner of North Seventh and Locust
streets, or drap me a card and I will
bring sample books to your home for
examination. Allen Stultz.
Plattsmouth telephone 183.
Devoe's paint
at Gering &
Burkett's explanation ot thePorto Rican
tariff ought to defeat him. It was one of the
must insane and weak things ever inflicted on a
suffering public Plattsmouth Journal.
The public should bear in mind that
tbe editor of the Journal was not
present to hear Mr. Burkett's explana
tion of the Porto Rican bill. People
who did hear it spoke of it in highest
terms. It is difficult to understand
how one can have the supreme nerve
to make such rank and unjust state
ments, having no foundatio-j whatever,
in fact.
What Do the Children Drink?
Don't give them tea or coffee. Have
you tried the new food drink called
Grain-O? It is delicious and nourish
ing and takes the place of coffee. The
more Grain-O you give the children
the more health you distribute through
their systems. Grain-O is made of
pure grains, and when properly pre
pared tastes like the choice grades of
coffee but costs about one-fourth as
much. All grocers sell it. 15c and 25c.
Shinn keeps a full supply of candies,
fruits and nuts. Waterman block.
For Sale or Trade Residence lc
cated on Mercer avenue, north and
eest of cemeterj'. Will trade for prop
erty nenr business part of city. In
quire of Mr. or Mrs. Melvin.
Everything that happens to us
leaves some trace behind; everything
contributes imperceptibly to make us
what we are. Yet it is often danger
ous to take strict account of it, for
either we grow proud and negligent, or
downcast and dispirited, and both are
eauallv lniurions in their mnspnupncps.
The members of The News quartet The surest plan is just to do the near-
The democrats are cliiming to al
ways be on the side of suffering hu
manity. When the bill p oviding re
lief for starving Porto Rictns was be
fore the senate for passage not a dem
ocratic vote was cast in tavor ot ex
tending succor to the sufferers. The
democratic party is against ?.ny and all
measures that are advocated by the
repuoucan party, be that measure
ever so good. Atkinson Republican.
surprised the editor of ths paper Sat
urday by presenting him with a fine
picture of themselves in a beautiful
frame. They may rest assured it will
be duly appreciated, and will here
after grace the east wall of our private
est task that lies before us.
Ex-Go vernor Atgeld say s W. J.
Bryan's running mate must be a silver
man. l he fact that some of the gold
democrats want ex-Governor Pattison
of Pennsylvania is sufficient reason for
Mr. Altgeld being against him.
Secretary Lono has been men-
Do You Have Firty Cent?
If you have, will tell you how to get
the most for vour money. The Semi-
Weekly State Journal, published at
Lincoln, wants several thousand new
subscribers and ns a special induce
ment will mail the paper twice a week
from now until the end oi this year
for only fifty cents. Two papers each
week with all the news of the world.
tbrougn tbe great presidential cam
paign and the campaign in this state
for two United States senators and the
state ticket. 'Never in your life havo
St I Ik.1, c lion i .
Easter Mond y,?ven ins se vict,7:30,
and election of wards and vestry..
Tuesday evening, confirmation ser
vices conducted by Bishop Williams".
Every one is t
tend any or all of these services.
That Throbbing Headache
Would quickly leave you if you ued
Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands
of sufferers have proved their match
less merit for sick and nervous head
aches. Thsy make pure blood and
strong nerves and build up your
health. Easy to take. Try them.
Only 25 cents. Money back if not
cured. Sold by F. G. EVicke & Co.
l'latte River Ferry.
I am again prepared to do a general
ferrying businessover the I'iatte river
at Oreapolis. My rates aro reasonable.
Public patronage is solicited.
Peter Noun, Ferryman.
The wall paper samjlos
ready at Gering & Co.'s.
i WW
f itlYiAltl,
are now
IelHtiDK Club Election.
At the regular meeting of the Cicer
onian Debating club Saturday evening
the following officers wore elected:
President W. Peter Ramsey.
Vice President John Stepburn Car
mack. Secretary Margarite Wells.
Treasurer E. Rosewatcr Kuusman.
Assistant Treasurer Glen Smith.
Prosecuting Attorney Roy Pepper
berg. The program for the next meeting
will be a unique spoiling match.
. A rather odd couple made applica
tion to Judge Douglass last Satu-uay
for a marringe licer.S2. Tho groom-U -be
is Wesley S Wa'ke-, who, acemi
ing to his own fiu-e?, has lived to see
fixty-Sve summer, while the bii.U-to-be
is only eighteen years of . c.
B th reside at Weeping Water. Tno
marri go will cccu- at the 'a ter
M MflCfllNERY. 1
Wagons and Buggies. fi
He handles the BADGER RIDING j
CULTIVATOR Also Riding Listers, lU
Plows and Cultivators, tongue and p
tongueless. For ood quality of M
goods, his prices are as reasonable p
as can be found in Cass county. 1
. .... . m
Cuts, wouid--, burns, fj rains
brui-o- quickly heal if you apply
lard's r-iiow iiniment. Price 25 c
50 ct. F G. F.-icke & C .
tioned for the vice presidency. There you been offered so much reading mat-
seems to be no dearth of candidates on
the republican side, which is good evi
dence that they think the chances for
winning are good
The many friends of Mr. Boose will
be glad to hear of his re-election to !
the principatship of the Elmwood
schools at an advance of $10 a month
in salary.
The losses by lire in March in the
United States and Canada were about
2,000,000 greater than in that month
of last year, and nearly $0,000,000
larger than in 1S08. The losses for
the first quarter are just about the
sime as in that Deriou of last vear.
Ia both 189!) and 1000 tho increase for
the quarter over 1898 was nearly $11,-
Kansas is to have a cucumber farm
on a large scale. Ihe promoters of
the project aro negotiating for a tract
of 1000 acres near Lawrence, on the
line of a piopoeed electric railroad.
mi. i .
ioe cucumoer crop matures just as I
the fchool term end?, when pickers
may bo easily secured.
When Isaac Van Alphen, postmaster
general of the Transvaal, was in this
country a few years ago, he was to
serve on a coroner's jury. M Van
Alphen explained he was a native of
South Africa, whereupon the police
man said: ''Well, then, you're the
whitest coon I ever saw."
ter for 50 cents, 'send in your money
right now, because the sooner you
send it in tho more papers you get
for your money. Adddress, Nebraska
State Journal, Lincoln, Neb.
Doughnuts, cookies, buns, rolls, etc.,
at the Vienna bakery.
Honieaeekers' Excurniona
Via Burlington route April 17, May 1
and 15 and June 5 and 19. One fare
for round trip plus $2 to points in Ari
zona, Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mex
ico, Oklahoma, Texas, Colorado, Idaho,
Kansas, Nebraska, etc. See local
ticket agent in regard to further par
Even the most vigorous and hearty
people have at times a feeling of weari
ness and lassitude. To dispel this feel
ing take Ilerblne; it will impart vieror
and vitality. Price 50 conts. F. G.
Fricke & Co
Syrup Trifolium compound is not an
ordinary patent medicine, but is made
after a well established formula,which
has stood the test for efficiency. Ger
ing & Co.
For coughs aEd colds there is no
medicine so effective as Ballard's Ilore
hound syrup. It is the ideal remedy
Price, 25 cents and 50 cents. F. G
Fricke & Co.
The heavy wit,d hist r.igt.
considerable havoc wrh t-!i graph
and teieuhon- wires in tlue iar:s.
R 'ports from Kansas, however, 'say
that a storm approaching a tornado in
proportions swept over that state,
wrecking dwellings ar,d otherwise
damaging property.
Those horrid fits of depression, rnel-
aucuoiy, low spirits, cnu suuden lrri
tablity, that sometimes tlllict even
good-tempered people, is due to tho
blood being permeated with black bile.
Ilerbine will purify the blood, restore
health and cheerfulness. Price o)
cents. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Thb Sherwin-Williams Pamt:
Covers Most, Looks Best, Wears Longest, Host Economical, Full 'ffetsure.
For rale in P.attr-iuuutn rv
G. FRICKE &. CO., Druggists.
Brings Relief
with the FIRST
dose am) pro., pt
couchs ami
culiis. Drug
gists sell it.
Spring Suit
The question of the nest place
to buy the Spring Suit is now
confronting most young men.
The question is not a debatable
one, however, as it is a well
known fact that we can lit you
out just right. Wo aro now giv
ing A Discount
of 20 Per Cent
on all Spring and Summer Suits
and those in need of suits should
look to their interest and call
early. Our spring and summer
Samples are now in.
Hudecek & MGEiroo
Rockwood Block.
cr !2r-SI 633&&fHb3s2 r-,2 dm r.Tiinr
22 s mMM4r nw
n CO
A New Discovery for the Certain Cure of INTERNAL and
Tubes, by Mail, 75 cents; bottles, 60 Cents.
JAJnES F. BALLARD, Sols Proprietor. - - 310 North Mala Street, ST. LOUIS, MO.
F. G. Fricke &, Co.
The Leading Tailor,
Has just recieved a new
stock of Woolen Gooils
which no Sample house
shows in samples. It is much easier to pick out a Suit
of clothes or pair of Trousers when you see the whole
piece of oods. The stock was bought at the old low
prices, and 3011 jet the benefit of the same. Also clean
ing and repairing neatly done. Work of only one kind
first class.
?Shop in Leonard block up stairs.
Try Grain OI Try Graln-OI
Ask your Grocer today to show you
package of Grain-O, the new food
drink that takes the place of coffee.
The children may drink it without in-
ury as well as tho adult. All who try
it, like it. Grain-O has that rich 6eal
brown of Mocba or Java,hut it is made
from pure grains, and the most deli
cate stomach receives it without dis-
tress. One-fourth the price of coffea. 2
oc and 2oc per package. Sold by all
Claret Punch.
Dissolve one pint of granulated su
gar m not water ana let It get cold.
Squeeze the juice of six lemons into a
punch bowl, add the melted sugar and
stir well. Add a half pint of brandy,
a pony of benedlctine, three quarts of
claret, a pint of cold Oolong tea, slices
of orange, lemon and pineapple and a
large block of ice.
tinner CiinmckuiMm
uur stunx 11 oomnieM in ail lluea aaa we
In Tite our friends to look It over We wli)
-uuimvur voiiiease juu. uau Ana see us
To Care a Cold In One Day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
druggists refund the money if it fails to cure
n. v. urove s signature is on each box.
(Successors to lie try Boeck. '
William F. Horner, of Seattle, who
has been serving as a private in the
Fourteenth infantry in theVhilippines
for the past Gvo months, is the proud
possesor of a gold ring given him by
Major General Lawton for his brave
defense of the First Unserve Hospital
at Bacoor on the evening of November
Shake Into Your Shorn.
Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder for the
feet. It cures painful, swollen, tmnrt.
ng, nervous feet, and instantly takes
the sting out of corns and bunions.
It's the greatest comfort discovery of
the age. Allen's Foot-Ease makes
tight or new shoes feel eay. It is a
certain cure for sweatinc. callous and
hot, tired, aching feet. Try it today.
Sold by all druggists and 6hoe stores.
By mail for 2oc. in, stamps. Trial
package free. Addre'ss, Allen S. Olro-
ted, Le Roy, N. Y.
Beginning April 7th we will
dispose of our entire
iniinem stock
We wish to close out our entire business by the
latter part of June.
Our 3tocI..
of House luriiishins,
1iiriiiturc, Cnrpcis nml
Is something- to admire. We carry only reliable
grades a mean article can't come into this store or
go out of it. We are home-makers. We sell for
cash to those who have the ready money and on
credit to those who want to buy that way. We
like to have people come in and see our goods, even
if the- have no idea of buying1.
Thomas Janda & Son
Furniture Dealers and
(Successors to J. I. UN RUM.)
,r.r'5-r-y "" yyy y yysv yH-S
Fcr 20 Ycsrs Kes Le d
repareU by S J AMIES
1. 1 1 . I : . i 1. i I '. 1. 1 1 ;i ' :i til I 1 1. li i nrr Vi I Aa ft a kun.t .a
. ii itnv .in... ... .... . u u uunui ..a iiim
fa turners. ;!l;ivs tiir it"h:n ' ::t onrfi. a'ta an a nrvilti.-n citron
V instant rtlief. jPtvp.-.r'vi ..uly for liks and itchinir'of the
private parts, hvcry t"K is warranted. Judee Coons, of
Maysviile. Ky., says: "J)r. Williams' Indian Pile OinU
14 I i fcj
L f'j' J- mi-nt curtj.l me af u-r voara of suffering." Sold by druggists
S U&H fcJTtfl jjr fccnt by mail ou mceijit oi price. 50 cents and fl.00 por box.
Gering & Co., Druggists.