Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, April 13, 1900, Image 2

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    The Semi-Weekly News-Herald cban tbere .u vr
ao'y be several changes in the ti
4EOR6E L. FARLEY, Proprietor.
One Yar, in advance S5 00
Six Months, 2 50
One Week, 10
Single Copies 6
One Tear, in advance, .... II 00
Six Months, 50
table, as well.
The bill providing a temporary gov
ernment and tariff for Porto Rico was
passed by the bouse of representatives
Wednesday by a larger majority than
had been expected aDd will without
delay be signed by President Mc Kin-
ley, says the Omaha Bee. Th- re whs
a very spirited discussion before the
the I iipr.ccT riprm iiTinuLnia.,tni- i .v, v,;k
the republicans scored Eome telling
Of any Cass Coanty Paper.
FRIDAY, APRIL 13, 1900.
It is possible Admiral Dewey will
visit Iowa in the near future.
Cornelius N. Bliss of New York
is also mentioned as a possibile run
ning mate for McKinley.
Tub people continue to look upon
Admiral Dewey's candidacy as more
of a joke thin otherwise.
Poor Mark Banna is thought by
many to be to blame for Dewey's be
coming a candidate. A great man is
points against the democrats, Mr.
Grosvenor of Ohio particularly mak
ingoneof his characteristic speeches
aad Mr. Dalzellof Pennsylvania point
ing out democratic inconsistency. He
declared that the majority were ready
to resume the responsibility for the
legislation and predicted that at n
distant day the masses of the people
would recognize the course of the ma
jority as wise and heneficient for the
people of Porto liico. We have no
doubt that this prediction will be veri
We have heretofore stated the gen
eral character of this measure, which
provides a form of government for
Porto Rico in which the people will to
some extent participate and under
which they will be prepared for a lar
ger measure of self-government, and
R ed says he will resign he resigns.
A'i," sa d Mr. Reed, reflectively, "a
great journalist is evidently wasting
hi t ilor.ts on the Filipinos."
VS. Strattnn, the Cripple Creek
millionaire, who was slighted by a
D.-nver hotel keeper, revenged him
stif by buying the hotel for foOO.000
ai d relieving the hotelkeeper of a
banket mortgage for $700,000. The
h. k. can stand some more revenge of
the same kind.
Representative Foss Opposed to
Government Shipyards.
McKinley and Roosevelt would
make a combination that would
frighten Bryan and Dewey almost to I which imposes 15 per cent of the Ding- tne afternoon
An excursion of locomotive engi
neers and their wives, coming from
the eastern States and representing
the national organization of locomotive
engineers, will reach Omaha from the
west at midnight Friday and remain
there until 10 p. m. Satu.-day. The
pirty comprises 115 people. It started
from New York some time ago, swung
around through the south states to the
Pacific coast and is now enroute home
ward. The excursionists will be met
at the depot at about 9 o'clock 8 itur
aay morning Dy iaior Moore ana a
delegation from the Commercial club
and taken at once to South Omaha,
which, under the auspices of the Com
mercial club of that place, they will be
shown the packing bouses and prob
ably served with Inncheon. During
they will be shown
The populists of Oklahoma have
split. The middle-of-the-roaders have
elected delegates to the national con
about the city, visitincr the smeltinc
works, Liniuger's art gallery and
other points of.interest.
IF THK TTnitnd Statoa aannta will
send Senator Quay home with Senator ooner to provide taxation for the sup
Clark it will have done well enough
for this year.
President McKinley will visit
Chicago during the annual encamp
ment of the Grand Army of the Re
public this summer.
ley tariff on a limited number of arti
cles, all the revenue from which is to
be used in the government and for the
improvement of the island. The tar
iff is to be operative not longer than Good luck soems to be scattered all
March 1, 1902, and may cease before along the Burlington's new line up the
that time if the Porto Ricans are able I North Piatte valley to Guernsey, Wyo.
The discovery of an apparently inex-
port of the government. We confi- haustible gravel bed on the new line is
dently believe that this legislation will the latest report. The gravel is of a
have results entire'y satisfactory and quality excellent for ballasting pur
there will be opportunity for the courts poses, and will save hauling raiuy cars
to pass upon the constitutional ques- of smelter slag
tion involved.
Senators Tiiurston, Lodge, Wol
cott and Fairbanks are mentioned as
possibilities for chairman of the repub
lican national convention.
Justice Pevkham of the United
states supreme court has held that
tho anti-cigarette ordinance passed by
Chicago's alderman is constitutional.
The democratic state central com
mittee of Wisconsin has called their
convention for June 12. The committee
passed a resolution indorsing "W. J.
A LARGE number of the patrons of
the Louisville schools petitioned the
board of education of that district to
call an election for voting bonds to the
amount of $10,000 to build a fine new
brick school bouse. And in answer to
eaid petition an election has been
called for May 1. It will be remem
bered that a similar proposition was
defeated several months ago, but it
is said a goodly number of the lending
citizens who opposed it then are in
ravor or it today, hence the effort at
this time.
Millions Given Away.
It is certainly gratifying to the pub
lic to know of one concern in the land
who are not afraid to be generous to
the needy and suffering. The propri
etors of Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption, coughs and colds, have
given away over ten million trial
bottles or this great medicine; and
have the satisfaction i f knowing it has
absolutely cured thousands of hopeless
cases. Asthma, bronchitis, hoarseness
and all diseases of the throat, chest
and lungs are surely cured by it. Call
on F. G. Fricke & Co. druggists, and
get a free trial bottle. Regular size
50c and 81. Every bottle guaranteed
Also Government Steel Plants Says They
Are Always Costlier Than Private Onus
Comparative Cost of Armor Here and
In Europe Report on Clark of Mon
tana Is Unanimously Against Uim
Judge Caldwell.
Washington, April 11. Representa
tive Foss, of Chicago, actins chair
man of the house committee on naval
affairs, made interesting admission
yesterday relative to government and
private construction of warships and
manufacture of armor plate. Foss
states emphatically that the govern
ment cannot construct warships as
economically as private companies can,
and for that reason he is opposed to
the establishment of a government
armor plate factory, as recommended
by the minority of the house naval
committee when the budget, carrying
over $01,000,000, was reported. But
perhaps the most startling statement
from the lips of the acting chairman
of the naval committee is that he re
gards the repairing of ships in the
government ship yards as extravagant,
and that this work can be performed
with less expenditure to the govern
ment in private yards.
Studied the Question in Europe.
Foss made an extended trip to Eu
rope to study the modern methods of
naval construction in the big ship
yards abroad. In order to substantiate
his views Foss submits figures to show
tnat private companies are enabled to
construct warships upon a cheaper
basis than the government can under
take. "I have studied the problem
thoroughly," he 6ays, "and I am con
vinced that the government cannot,
for various obvious reasons, undertake
to build warships as economically as
can private companies. In the first
place, the hours of labor for govern
ment employes would be limited to
eight; then, the government has not
the facility for assembling the crude
material nor the superior ciassof work-
mansnip wmcn private companies
Armor Plate Is Cheap Here.
"The same is true of the manu
facture of armor plate. As a matter
of fact, the cry of exorbitant demands
by the armor plate manufacturing com
panies is not well founded. During my
visit abroad I studUtl tills question,
and the fact is that this government
pays less for armor, at $34. per ton,
than do foreign governments. To go
a step further, I may say that it would
be cheaper for the government to have
its ship repairs made in private yards
Instead of in the government yards."
Exhibits Must Be Exhibited for Seven
Days in the Week.
rarls. April 11. United States Com
missioner Ferdinand W. Feck has con
sulted with the authorities at "Wash
ington respecting the question of Sun
day opening at the exposition in this
city, and has received a cablegram say
ing that President McKinley desired
that the American section should be
closed on Sunday as far as allowed
by the French regulations.
Peck thereupon saw the French au
thorities and was shown a toy-law
which compels the opening of all ex
hibits on the seven days of the week,
and even gives the French authorities
power to remove any coverings placed
over an exhibit case during unauthor
ized hours. The same rule applies to
machinery, and the by-law makes no
exception in the case of the national
pavilions. At Peck's instance, however,
the director general of the exposition
has given the American commissioner
special permission to close the Ameri
can pavilion Sundays.
Practical Temperance Work.
Dr. Disbrow has commenced bis re
formatory work in Plattsmouth. Sev
eral of our well known citizens are be
ing ireated by the doctor. TnE
News will keep its readers posted as
to results. The dector is highly en
orscd by the press and pulpit
St. Luke's Church.
Laster, full communion, 8 a. m. and
11 a. m.; evening service, 7:30 p. m.
Easter Monday,evening service,7:30.
and election of wards and vestry.
Tuesday evening, confirmation ser
vices conducted by Bishop Williams.
Every one is cordially invited to at
tend any or all of these services.
Anything in the wall paner line, at
Gering & Co.'s
That Throbbing Headache
W oula quickly leave you if you used
Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands
of sufferers have proved their match'
less merit for sick and nervous head
aches. Thsy make pure blood and
strong nerves and build up your
health. Easy to take. Try them.
Only cents. Mouey back if not
cured. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co.
A. L. cox;1
Wagons and Buggies.
He handles the BADGER RIDING
CULTIVATOR Also Riding Listers,
Plows and Cultivators, tongue and
tongueless. For good quality of
goods, his prices are as reasonable
as can be found in Cass county.
J. o. itk:.
The Leading Tailor,
Has just recievetl a new
nck of Woolen Goods
which no Sample house
shows in samples. It is much easier to pick out a Suit
of clothes or pair of Trousers when you see the whole
piece of goods. The stock was bought at the old low
prices, and you get the benefit of the same. Also clean
ing and repairing neatly done. Work of only one kind
first class.
Shop in Leonard block up stairs.
- TnE republican? of Richardson
catonty held their county convention at
Falls City Monday. E A. Tucker
received the indorsement of the con
vention for delegate to tbe national
convention. Unless all signs fail the
counties of the First congressional dis
trict, outside of Lancaster, will unite agara," now in the Corcoran art gal-
THE comptroller of the currency has Pn Jud8 Tucker and Judge Spurlock lery in Washington
iur uoiegates 10 me national repuou
can convention.
Charles A. Towne of Duluth is
said to be a candidate for vice pres
ident on the democratic ticket. He is
a radical free silver man and ought to
suit MrK Bryan.
FroJeric E. Church, the landscape
painter, who died in Now York last
Saturday, was seventy-five years old,
und had been in feeble health for a
number of years. One of his oldest
and best known paintings is "The Ni-
Clark, the Committee Says. I'ui.l Too Much
for Ills Tojju.
Washington, April 11. Tho unani
mous report of the committee on privi
leges and elections recommending the
unseating of Senator W. A. Clark, of
Montana, was the chief subject of com
ment at the capitol yesterday. This is
generally interpreted to mean that an
early vote will be taken on his case
and that he will be unseated. That
the senate without hearing the pvi-
Turners' Field Day.
On next Saturday, April 14, the Mis
souri Valley district Turn-Bezirk will
have it? regular turn day in this city.
There will be teams or representatives
present from towns in Kansas, Missouri
and Nebraska.
A grand entertainment and turning
exhibition, participated in by the lead
ing pymnasta of the association will be
held on Saturday evening at the Tur
ner hall. Admission onlv 25c.
II. C!rk, Chauncey, Ga., says De
Witt's witch hazel salve curoiThim of
piles that had afllic'ed him for twenty
years. It is also a speedy cure for
skin diseases. Beware of dangerous
counterfeit?. F. G. Fricke & Co.
ui m - 20 o
2 o i
m sssBBBi m m m -r .
- JT
authorized the City National bank at
Weeping Water, of which John Done
Ian is cashier, to begin business with
a capital of of $25,000.
THE ways and means committee of
the house will recommend the passage
of tbe Porto Rican tariff bill ' as
amended by the senate. Tbe vote in
the bouse will be very close.
By the federal census of 1890 four
states only New York, Pennsylvania,
Ohio and Illinois had more than 1,
000,000 male residents of voting age.
The;e will be no addition to the
group of "million-voter" states in 1900.
Missouri, Michigan and Texas, the
next highest on the list, being sev
eral hundred thousand voters each
short of a million. Tt is pretty gener
ally agreed among politicians that
the total vote of the country will b?
16,000.000 this year, of which 6.00(7.000
. I - ' "
nEfUBLiCAN national headquarters collective'y will be cast in the four
HON. E. J. Burkett has paired
with Congressman Burke of Texas and
arrived in Lincoln yesterday after
noon in time to thank the convention
for a renomination for congress.
Try Grain Ol Try Graln-OI
Ask your Grocer today to show you
a package of Grain-O, tbe new food
drink that takes the place of coffee.
The children may drink it wfthout in
jury as well as the adult. All who try
it, like it. Grain-O has that rich seal
brown of Mocda or Java.but it is made
from pure grains, and the most deli
cate at? mach receives it without dis
tress. Ono-fourth the price of coffee.
15c and 25c per package. Sold by all
I'lntte Kiver Ferry.
I am ajrain prepared to do a ceneral
dence or going into the subject should ferrying business over the Piatte river
su iigiuusi u uuauimotis committee re-
are to be established in Chicago, with
a sub-committee office in New York.
Henry C. Payne, it is thought, will
succeed Mark Hanna as national chair
states of New York, Pennsylvania, Il
linois and Ohio.
J. I. Caison, IVothonotary, Wash
ington, Pa., sys: "I have found Kodol
Dyspei'si cure an excellent remedy in
case of storr.ich trouble, and have de
rived great benefit from its use " It
digests what you eat and cannot fail to
cure. F. G. Fi icke & Co.
Admiral Dewey says that the're
port published in a New York paper tol Da8 named his triplets Roberts, Buller
Electric stages, furnished luxuri-
Enthusiastic British parents are triv- ous!y, in which the fare will be 10
ing their children names reminiscent
of the South African war. One father
and lugela. The last is a girl, and
may yet stagger along under the bur
den of "Tug" Jenkins.
tbe effect that he intended to withdraw
from the contest for the presidency is
all a mistake, and that he had never
given any such information.
It nnnnnrs thnt 2 Ofln nonmnn in vr...
ANOTIIER effort is being made to in- Vork hv nntifirt th
duoe Rosevelt to make the race with that they intend to be a0geQt fa
UAU iRlAtf Via (liAsut 4n t 1 I . .
""""V, vruug ,eei- bjg, cily duringr Junei th Qever
will be missed in tbe crowds.
cents, and from which "objectionable
people will be exe'uded" nre promised
as a feature in Fifth avenue. New
York, after Julj' 1. Only one or two
passoog9ts will be allowed to stand at
one tim, and these will always find
seats soon owing to the short distance
traveled by many patrons of the road.
ing that he should be held in reserve
for 1904. He would doubtless be of
about aa much assistance to his party
in again running for governor.
MICE. Qui Vite says there are two
candidates for beauty who will never
get a nomination. They are the girl
who chews gum in public and the wo
man who trots down dusty stairways
with threo yards of a gown trailing be
hind her like the tail of a comet.
The indorsement by a republican
state convention in New Orleans of
Cornelius N. Bliss of New York for
vice president on the ground that he
is a native of that state is nn ormi-
Mr. Bliss was born at Fall river, Mass.
He was educated in New Orleans, and
from that circumstance arose the error
into which 'some of his Pelican parti
san supporters have fallen.
The presentation of a jeweled "four-
There was no split in the Georgia
populist convention. They all seemed
to be anti-fusion.- Delegates were leaved shamrock" to Queen Victoria
w kuo wnwnoaH convention in JJublin shows that some of her
and Wharton Barker was endorsed for majesty's subjects at tbe castle have
the head of the national populist much to learn about Ireland's national
ucicet and Ignatius Donnelly for vice emblem.
nresident. I
Senator Clark of Montana will
There is a rabbit craze in southern
ro l ;r- ; tu i -r
Iro hf. ooot xr . . H"lo aruuna L.OS
bww. uio v dikuii a. man. I . , . . . .
, . " I ADgeies nave iaicen 10 Dreeding Belg
ian hares, and it is expected that big
Dut it can furnisa no guarantee that
the party so assisted will be able to
hold it. The people are not entirely
dead to justice and right.' The com
mittee decided unanimously the seat
of Senator Clark vacant.
BOTH Nemaha and Richardson coun
ties indorsed Hon. E. J. Burkett for a
eoond term in congress. Otoe was
the last county in the district to hold
its convention. They met this after
noon in Syracuse and doubtless in
dorsed Burkett for congress and Spur
lock for delegate to the national convention.
THX Missouri Pacific railway ex
pects, in the near future, to run its
trains into the new union station at
Omaha, and do away with the Web
ster street station, so far as passenger
traffic is concerned. When the fore-
fortunes will be made. Rabbit is to be
canned and its juicy meat otherwise
disposed of; its pelt is to be made into
sealskin sacques, its fur into hats, and
other thiogs are to be done with i.
Tbere are 600 "rabbitries" around Los
Angeles already and over 60,000 h;gh
grade rabbits. Dr. B. C. Platte, who
is one of the foremost breeders, sayB
that one pair of rabbits in five years'
time would have 5,000,000 descendants
were it not for the butcher and furrier
cause the offspring to be killed off. It
is a new industry that may revolution
ize the meat-production of the world.
Some one recently showed ex
Speaker Reed a copy of a Manila pa
per in which appeared this paragraph:
The difference between Tom' Reed
and 'Billy Mason Is that when 'Tom'
What Do the Children Drink?
Don't give them tea or coffee. Have
you tried the new food drink called
Grain-O? It is delicious and nourish
ing and takes the place of coffee. The
more Grain-O you give the children
the more health you distribute through
their systems. Grain-O is made of
pure grains, and when properiy pre
pared tastes like the choice grades of
couee oui costs aooui one-iourtn as
much. All grocers sell it. locand25c
At a recent meeting of the New
Yor k Automobile club the first steps
toward the construction of a national
oignway across tne continent were
taken. General Miles, Colonel Pope
ana other prominent men are in
terested in the movement. The route
from New York to San Francisco is
through Buffalo, Chicago, Omaha,
Denver and Salt Lake City. Between
Omaha and Denver the route follows
the shortest line, the Burlington rail
iuau, passing mrougn iiincoin ana
Hastings, Neb.
"I think De Witt's little early risers
are the best pills in the world," says
w. t,. L.ake, Happy Creek, Va. They
remove all obstructions of the liver and
bowels, act quiclily and never gripe,
F. G. Fricae & Co.
ine new through trains of the Bur
lington and Northern Pacific railroads
between St. Louis and Portland will
make tbe second longest run in Amer
ica. The distance is 2,374 uules. On
and after April 9 daily trains will be
run over this long stretch without
change of any kind. The longest run
of a through train is between New Or
leans and San Francisco by the South
ern Pacific.
For coughs aad colds there is no
medicine so effective as Ballard's Hore
hound syrup. It is the ideal remedy.
Price, 25 cents and 50 cents. F. G.
Fricke & Co.
port Is not regarded within the
range of possibilities. That Senator
Clark may resign before the case is
voted on is regarded as hiirhlv prob
able. If there had been a minnritv rp.
port in his favor Clark was prepared
to put up a stiff fight in the senate.
ahe attempt to bribe the supreme
court of Montana to dismiss the Well
come disbarment proceedings is said to
have proved his Waterloo. The com
mittee was impressed with the testi
mony of Justices ricfirott and Hunt
and were morally certain that Clark's
agents had offered them $mo,000 apiece
to anect tneir decision. The evidence
taken before the conimitttee showed to
a moral certainty that Clark had ex
pended no loss than $1,000,000 in the
first outlay to bribe the Montana leg
Half as much again, it is said, wns
used in the grand jury investigation
and the Wellcome disbarment proceed
ings. Mnce then Clark has been at
enormous expense for attorneys' fees
and the expense of his hearine before
the committee, and conservative esti
mates put the cost of his venture into
the sura of about S2.500.0O0. rris in
come is estimated at $4.000,000 a year.
Caldwell Prefers tli Woolsack.
Washington, April 11. Judsre Henrv
C. Caldwell, of Arkansas, who has
been extensively spoken of as a candi
date for vice president, and who ha3
received a great number of letters urg
ing him to agree to accept that posi
tion in case It should be tendered him.
has written a letter to Jones, of
Arkansas, who is his personal friend.
saying that he cannot consent to such
nse of his name and that his resolu
tion in this matter Is absolutelv Ir
revocable. In speaking of the judge's
attitude Senator Jones said: "Judge
Caldwell's tastes are all judicial."
Surplus of $82,000,000 Kxtlinates.
Washington. April 11. In renlr to
house resolutions asking him for in
formation as to the effect of the rev
enue laws, Secretary Gage sends a lot
of figures to the speaker, the notable
point therein - being an estimated sur
plus for the year ending June 30, 1001.
of $82,000,000, while for the year end
ing next June the estimated surplus:
5 ( u.uou, ouu.
ShaM luto lour btioert.
Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder for the
feet. It cures painful, swollen, smart
ing, nervous feet, and instantly takes
the eting out of corns and bunions
It's the greatest comfort discovery of
the age. Allen's Foot-Ease makes
tight or new shoes feel easy. It is a
certain cure for sweating1, callous and
hot, tired, aching feet. Try it today
Sold by all druggists and shoe stores.
By mail for 25c. in 9tamp. Trial
package free. Address, Allen S. Olm
sted, Lo Roy, N. Y.
at Oreapolis. My rates are reasonable.
Public patronage is solicited.
Peter Nord, Ferryman.
tne wan paper samples are now
ready at Gering & Co.'s.
Even tho most vigorous and hearty
people have at times a feeling of weari'
ness and lassitude. To dispel this feel
in,- take Ilerbine; it will impart vieor
and vitality. Price 50 cents. F. G
Fricke & Co
Syrup Trifolium compound is not an
ordinary patent medicine, but is made
after a well established formula, which
has stood the test for efficiency. Ger-
ing & Co.
A New Discovery for the Certain Cure of INTERNAL and
Tubes, by Mail, 75 Cents; bottles, 50 Cents.
JAMES F. BALLARD, Sole Proprietor, - 310 North Main Street, ST, LOUIS, MO.
F. G. Fricke & Co.
Those horrid fits of depression, mel
ancholy, low spirits, end sudden irri-
tablity, that sometim;a i filict eren
good-tempered people, is due to the
blood being permeated with black bile.
Ilerbine will purify the blood, restore
health' and cheerfulness. Price 50
cents. F. G. Fricke & Co.
I will handle a full line of rur-ery
stock from the oldest reliable nursery
n tbe west, D. S. Lke, Shenandoah,
a. Come and see me before you place
an order. Headquarters at John It.
Cox's hardware store. I. N. Cum-mings.
A full stock of dry plates in amateur
sizes at Gering &Co.'s. Highest grade
Beginning April 7th we will
dispose of our entire
Millinery stock
We wish to close out our entire business 13 the
latter part of June.
s.vth sr.
South Dakota.
An All Year Resort
All combine to make this resort the
beS-t health and pleasure resort in
florth-iygsfem Line
F., E. & M. V. fS,- R
General Passen
Omala, Neb.
will cure Hlinti. lili'cdinir arnl Jt liing 1'iles It absorbs tbe
tumors, allays tiio itctiin ;it once, acts as a poultice, pives
instant relief. Prepared only for I'iii-sauil lUrbitiK of tho
private parts. Kver.v box is warranted. Jude Coous, of
Maysville, Ky , s;iys: "ir. Williams' Indian Pile Oint
ment cured me after years of suffering." Sold by druggists
sent by mail on receipt of price. 5u cents and f 1.00 per box.
Gering & Co., Druggists.
Digests what you eat.
It artificially digests the food and aids
Nature in strenjrtheninjr and recon
structing tbe exhausted digestive or
gans. It is tne latest aiscorereaaigesii-
ant and tonic. No other preparation
can anrjroach it in efficiency. It in
stantly relieve and permanently cure::
Dyspepsia, indigestion, tieartcarr.
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nansea.
Si ck Headache, Gastralgi a, Cram ps, and
all other results of imperfect digestior
Prepared by E. C. DeWitt A Co.. Cbtcagot
Host In Quantity.
Betinf Mty.
For 20 Yesrs Has Led all Worm Remedies. I
far a:
Prepare by-
pjP' i w r-v jiirJJ
Coinr Bast, Looks Best, Wean Longest, Best Econemiee1,Fu!i Oemsure.
Fcpr sale in Plattsmoutn by
F. G. FRICKE & CO., Druggists.