PORTO HTCAN RELIEF t 11,000,000 Set Apart lor the I5oiio.it of That Island. To lie I'st-il by the rrcrddrnt lu .Uting the Impoverished Islander. An Amend ment Lieclariny an Important I'rlnclple lt feat.Ml Tnulo One 1 illman's Compli ment to the President Resolution A lined at the -tulnlarU Oil. Washington. March 17. AfttT a. dV- liatf, at times spirited, extending over parts of two days, the senate yester day jased the I'ui to Kiran relief ap proiniatiou bill. As passed the meas tire fairies SJ,1'3.1hm), the president be i ii if amliorizt'! to use that sum "for public education, public works and other ynverniiicittal and public pur poses" in J'.n-to JJ.'co. Allen of Ne l ra-ka ottered an amendment to the bill declaring lh.it the constitution ex lends over I'ortoKico by its own force, but It was l.si by the decisive vote of to IT. .lones of Arkansas with drew :i free trade a liieudmeut offered by l.iiii. ami that proposition, there lore, did lot teach a Vote. Other ef forts to amend the bill were fruitless. Tillman's t'omi'Iiiiieilt to McKlnlcy. Tillman referred to what he said would be the monumental salaries of the ofiiei.-ils in the insular possessions, part ieul.irly notintr the luembers of the I'hilippiue eoiiimisioii. I'ontker in foimeil Tillman that he had been told that the hi-lc t salary of any mem ber of I he eommi-sioii Would be .?K, mi a year. "That may be disappoint ing to t he senator." suggested Foraker. S." replied Tillman. "I'm trrnti lieil. I'm always willing to trust Will iam Ale Kin ley. but it's his bad and iiked partners that I'm afraid of. He is a patriotic and noble man, al though jiit now may be carried off his feet by the dream of appearing in history alomride of Jefferson and oth ers u hojidded largely to our territory." Vote on nn I niorttiiit I'oint- Thc yea vote on the mocion to table Allen's amendment was as follows: Allison, r.aker. Hard. Iteveridpe, t'art't-. l.Mvis. Deboe. Klkins. I"alr banks. I'oiaker. Foster, tlallinger, lear. Hale. Ilaima, Hawley, Kean. Lindsay. I.ude. Alcl'ride, MeComas, Met 'umber. AleAlillan. I'. iirose, IVr kins. Fritcliard. tjiiatles, Koss. Sewrll, Shoup. Simon. Spooner. Thurston. Warren. Wellington, Wetmore .?'!. I'orto ICieait (iovrriinii'nt liill. The bill for establishing a civil gov ernment in l'oito Kici" has been prac tically completed by the sub-coinmit-tee of the house committee on Insular affairs. The bill prohibits the Issue of Mock or bonds except for cash, or the isMio of Mock or bond dividends. It prohibits the rant inir of public fran chises by private bills, but provides for a ireneral franchise law reserving to the leiri.-dat ure the power to amend, alter or repeal franchises at will, and also the riirht to purchase such fran chises. It prohibits the organization of banks of issue and the organization of agricultural corporations. The latter provision is to prevent the agricultural lands of the island falling into the hands of a M:r corporation. Following the law in this country it also pro vides that banks procuring title to lands in payment of debts must dis pose of such land within live years. AiMt.n at Tin: st.m.kii oir. Resolution ( tilling Attention to ttie Ke oent Iiiimrni Ii hleilil, Washington. March 17. Fitzgerald of Massachusetts yesterday introduced the following resolution in the house: "Whereas, it appears as a matter of public record that the Standard Oil company paid in the city of New York on March lo. J!m, the sum of $17,000, Um), this amount being an extra divi dend in addition to the regular quarter ly dividend of $:.000,0w,; and, "Whereas. It is :i matter of public record that this last dividend is $5,000, -mx in excess of the last quarterly divi dend paid by this corjoration; and, "Whereas. It is also a matter of pub lic record that the price of kerosene oil, the sole means of lighting used by the middle and poorer classes of people, during the p-ciiod of time between the declaration of these dividends was In creased .'J cents per gallon, constituting a tax on every home in the land; there fore, be it Jlesolvod. That in the opinion of congress this action of the Standard Oil company is in direct violation of the provision of the Sherman anti trust law. and therefore punishable by fine and imprisonment; and the attor ney general is hereby directed, in ac cordance with the provisions of that act. to direct the several district attor neys of the Fnited Slates in their re spective districts to institute proper proceedings to bring the alove named violators of law to justice." Xaral ISourd In Case of War. Washington. March 17. Secretary I.oiiz yesterday issued the order con st 't tit in u' a general board "to insure otlu-ient prepa-ation of the fleet in case of war and for the naval defense of the coast." The order designates the ad miral of the navy, the chief of the bu reau of navigation, the chief intelli gence officer and his principal assistant, the president of the naval war college and his principal assistant, and three other officers not yet named, as the lonrd. which is to meet once a month in this city. Treasury Clerk, tru Hum. Washington. March 17. The officials of the treasury are overrun with work as a result of the passage of the new financial bill. The applications for the exchange of old bonds for new up to the time of closing the department yesterday amounted to about $27,000, Vi0. all but about $n,iHNOO0 coming from national banks. A considerable number of state banks have applied for Authority to convert themselves Into national banks. Was Orlvfii Out by the 1'ress. Washington. March 17. The state department has been notified that the rorsmn government is aomit to send a minister to "Washington. For ten years iic n,.st has been vacant, the iucum ber.t lea vine In wrath owing to the merciless ridicule heaped upon him by mo American parsgraper on account of hii queer name Hadji Hassan Gooli Kahn, "With a half doze n addi tional syllables. 0n. Wheeler at Washington. "Washington. March 17. General -het.w .irrlved at Washington yes terday and was with the president some time, on leaving me nne iioue uv ln.l not vet been accepted, but he expected a decision xvouui ie reacneu witnin a iew uaj s. Webster Uavi Keappears. Naples. March 17. Webster Davis. United States assistant secretary of the interior, sailed for New York yes terday on board the North German Lloyd steamship Aller. Sullivan Defeats "Kid' ltroad. New York, March 17. Dave Sullivan got the decision over "Kid" Broad at the end of the twenty-fifth round in their "j;o" here last night. GEN. HARNDEN IS DEAD. Another Veteran of the Civil War l'asaes to Ills I-onjj Kest. Madison, Wis., March 19. General Henry Harnden, commander of the Wisconsin department of the Grand Army of the Republic, and the officer who commanded the Wisconsin troops that with a Michigan company cap tured Jeff Davis, died of pneumonia Saturday evening, after lingering sev eral days. He Vas born In Massa chusetts in 1S23. roved the sea for sev eral years, was in California In 1S38 and then in a docade later participated In the Mexican war, was several times wounded in the civial war, captured Jeff Davis. Was ten years revenue col lector, and had lived In comfortable retirement since. A widow and four children survive. At the capture of Davis an unfortu nate affair happened which was after wards the cause of some controversy between General Harnden and the lieutenant colonel of a Michigan cav airy regiment, but was finally settled by congress dividing the reward given for Davis between tne two parties ana exonerating General Harnden from all blame In the collision of the two regl ments. in which two men of the Mlchl gan regiment were killed and several wounded, also tne wounuing or several of the Wisconsin men. Madison. Wis., March 10.S. II. Tall madgo, tho now commander of the Wisconsin CI. A. It., arrived from Mil waukee last night and will today com plete arrangements for the funeral of General Harnden. which will take place .it lO o'clock Wednesday morning at the Congregational church. Posts of the G. A. It. are urgently requested to send representative to the funeral. USED A WHIP ON WOMEN.' They Wanted to Spread the Smallpox and Defied the Oaarantine. Indianapolis, March 11. A special to The Sentinel says: "Two women living at Lyons, Greene county, caught smallpox and were promptly placed in quarantine. They imagined they had the chicken pox and were angry because they were not allowed to go and come as they pleased. One of them said she would get even with the town authorities by spreading the disease all over the place. "They started out in male attire. The health authorities had a man on guard and he attempted to stop them. They attacked him and he was forced to beat a hasty retreat. The next night he armed himself with a black-snake whip and when they attempted to leave the house he gave them each a whipping and drove them back." ii.vii.i:ys mill, i5Ukni:i. I.ohh Said to He ISi.OOO. With I ns undue to the Amount or ISI.OOO. Trie feed mill on Chicago avenue, recently built by Messrs. Hud ley, whs tlmost totally destroyed by fire at about 1 o'clock Saturday morning-. The origin of the fire is unknown, but it is thought to have b;tn caused by iths which e-cap&d from the engine. When tho mi.l was c'.oel in the even ing, a sru.-ill fi'e. was allowed toiemaio in i he t ngir.e, in oraer to prevent the w.iter in the b iler from fre zing, and it is thought tho door of the funfC-' was in some manner forced opon, p?r mitting the gas to e-cipe. Nearly the en'ire building ai d all the machiney was destroyed and very little, if any, can be saved. The plant was insured for 1.000, but this will barely cover one half of the actual cost. The loss to the owners is a very severe one, as they had just eot- ten the machinery in tirst-class work ing order, preparatory to doing an ex tensive business in lhe way of grind ing feed durinsj the coming summer. They are not certain whether or not thev will be able to rebuild. Whtt to I I'ntil the Doctor Arrive. It is very hnrd to stand idly by and see our dear ones sutler while await ing the arrival of trie doctor. An Al bany (X. Y.) dairyman call d at n drug store there for a doctor to come and see his child, then very sick with cr up. Not lit. ding the dccior in, he left wo d for hitn to come at once on his return. II" also bought a bottle of ChamLerlain's Coigh Remedy, which htr hoped would give some relief until tho doctor should arrive. In a few hours he returned, say ir.g the doctor need not come, as the child was much better. The druggist, Mr. O.to Scholt., says the family has since recommended Chitmbot liiitrs Cough Remedy to their neighbors and friends, until he has a constant demand for it from that part of the country. For sale by pll drug gists. J A I'ttMtor Called. The Mount Olive colored Baptist church,in a special meeting last night, extended a call to Hi v. Samuel W. Reaily of Nebraska Citj- as its pastor, and fixed the days of meeting to be the second and fourth Sabbaths of ach month. Mr. Beasly will enter upon his duties aa pastor on the fourth Sunday of this month, at which time the church will prepare a pci il pro gram. An Kditor tiud a Sure Cure f.r Rhrumatlam. A. II. DaFluent, editor tf the Jour nal, Doylestown, O , suffered for a number of years from rheumatism in his right shoulder and side. Ho sajs: "My right arm at times was entirely useless. I tried Chamberlain's Pain Balm, and was surp ised to receive re lief almost immediately. The Pain B:tlm has been a constant companion of mine ever since and it never fails. '' For salo by all druupists. John M. Leda is still making farm loans Bt the low rate of 5 per cent in terest. If :n need of a loan it will pay you to see him b--foro making con tracts elsewhere. Office in Waterman block, Plattsmouth. Kanker Koala a Ri hner. J. R. Garrison, cashier ef th bank of Thornville, O., had been tobbedef heath by a serious lung troubio until he tried Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption. Then he wrote: "It is the best medicine I ever used for a se vere cold or a bad case of lung trouble. I always keep a bottle on hacd." Don't suffer "with coughs, colds, or any throat, chest or lung trouble when you can be cured so easily. Only 50c and $1. Trial bottles free at F. G. Fricke & Co'a drug store. For Sale Residence property in Murray, Neb. Apply to J. Rmkin. MAT i' li Cass County liar Pays Tribute to leeeaxel Members. Attorneys Make Appropriate Speeches, EulogUIng Their Business and Per sonal Relations With Allen Beeson and Coy Livingston Resolution Are Adopted. Friday afternoon waa set aside by Judge lessen as the time for the mem bers of the Cas county bar to hold memorial exercises and adopt reeolu lions in memory of the two deceased members Allen Bceson and Guy Liv ingston. The following attorneys de livered appropriate addresses, eulogize ing their bu-iness and personal rela tioos with the deceased members: H D. Travis. It. li. Windham, G M. Spuilock, C. S. PoIk, D. O. Dwyer, J, L. Rout, Malt Gering and Hon. Paul Jissse-n. On account of Judge Humrey being unab.e to present, owing to ill ness, hi-4 address wa read by C. A Hit wis. R. li. Windham, who had been made chaitrcanof the committee appointed to pass resolutions, read the following. and the same were adopted: Whereas, Allen Bceson, a leading lawyer of this bar, has been taken irom among us by the baud of death; itiei efore, be it Unsolved, Tnat in the death of Mr. Bceson, the profession has lost an able lawyer, the Cass county bar a manly coilegue, and each individual member thereof a friend, and the community a conscientious citi. n and man cf a high character. R jsolved, That in thus paying' tri bute to the memory of the departed, we regi et his removal f i om our midst, and mourn for him as one in way -worthy of our respect and highest re ga d. Resolved, That this ht artfeit testi monial of cur tiitjli at tr elation of the deceased oo spi td upoa lhe records of he court, and that a i et tititd copy of the same be given lo the stricken fam ily to who:-, wo extend our fu.lest sym pathy. R. B- WlNDIlAM. , BY RON' t'LAKK, Matthew (;ekin';, I). O. DWYEK. s. M Chapman. Committee. W iikreas, It has pleased the Divine Architect of tho L'nivei&e to remove i rum our midst and call ty his last home our brother, Henry Guv Living stou; and Whereas, lis dissolution and tak ing oft" was caused wnilo responding to a call of his country, and while prompted by a high ord r of patriot ism and devotion lo its cause, he was m tiction, and, as a soldier, killed, and WHEREAS, His youth andmtnhooJ was r-pt-nt in this city, where his many admirable qualities of b th mind and heurt endeared him to his friends, and as a young member of the bar of Cass county he evinced taints of a high order and gave much promise of a use ful and talented lawyer; therefore.be it Unsolved, That in the death of Henry Guy Livingston the community in which he lived and where he rests, has lost an admirable character and brilliant citizen, and the bar of Cass county has lost and mourn tho depart ure of a young member of unusual tal ent and a lawyer pos-sessiLg such bril liant attainments as indicated bright prospects and promises for the future, and, therefore, bo it Resolved. That the bar of Cass county tender to the family of our de ceased brother their 6incerest and most heartfelt sympathies, und that a copy of these resolutions be sent to the fam ily of our brother and be spread upon the records of the district court of Cass county, Nebraska. R. B. Windham. MaTTHKW GF.RIXCi, 13 y it on Clark. S M. Chapman, D. O. Dwyer, Committee. l'intrirt Court Notes. State of Nebraska vs. William Full- ride. Defendant lined $100 and costs for selling liquor at Nehawka without a license. H. R. Neitzel vs. O. P. Stewart. Judgment for plaintiff in sum of $13.50. Ezra Murphy vs. George W. Garri son. Motion for new trial overruled. Defendant given thirty days in which to file bill of except:ons. William L. Whittemore vs. Herbert L. Bennett et al. Hearing on applica tion of plaintiff for receiver and on ob jection to the jurisdiction of the court over the subject of appointing the re ceiver submitted. Judne Jessen adjourned court at 3 o'cl c' this aftcinoon uotil 1:30 p. m. Monday. Oectded Against Stall. The case of tho S'.ate of Nebraska, ex rel., C. Lawrence Stull, relator, vs. Frank Otto, treasurer of school dis trict No. 2S, was decided . by Judge Jersen in district court last Saturday. This is an action wherein Stull asks that the court issue a premptory writ o' mandamus to Otto, compelling the latter to register a certaiu warrant. The relator also asked that the costs of the action be taxed against the de fendant. The court refused to grant the writ, however, and accordingly dism'ssed the application at relator's cost. How to Save Doctor Itills. We have saved many doctor bills since we began using Chamborlein s Cough Remedy in our home. We keep a bottle open all the time, and when ever any of my family or myself legin to catch cold we begin to use the Couyh Remedy, and as a result we never have to send for a doctor and in cur a large doctor bill, for Chamber lain's Cough Remedy never fails to cure. It is certainly a medicine of great merit and worth. D. S. Mear k!e, general merchant and farmer, Mattie, Bedford county. Pa. For sale by all druggists WANTED Several persons for dis trict office managers in this state to represent me in their own and &ur roundingcountie9.. Willing to pay yearly S600, payable weekly. Desira ble employment with unusual oppor tunities. References exchanged. En close eelf-addree-ed stamped envelope. S. A. Park, 320 Caxton Building, Chicago. iifumm EXERCISES INTERESTIXU ( OOIT CLLLUGS. Clippings From County Kxchances l)lsh-d no for "News" Kradt-rs. f From the Nehawka Register Liwsoo Sneldon purchased tho Wes ton property while in Pialtsmouth on t Thursday. A. F. Sturm biught thre arj of corn from Benoett Criswisior of Plttt-mouth last week. We are informed that Alba liobson and wife moved lo Plattsmouth la-t week. Wo are not iuformed us to what business he will engage in The noit-e made-in Halting out the ice gorges in the Platte near Platts mouth and at Louisville must have re sembled the bombardment at Ltdv smith Hon. E. M. Pollard return d S ttur day from a visit to Grand Island, to which place ho bad goi o oo a tour of inspection of the beet sugar factory at that place. Farmers are shipping in baled h ly fo feeding. We claim to h-ive tho richest soil on tai th, and can baat the world raising anything that willgiow, and yet, two years out of three hay and potatoes are shioped in. Why is this thus, and why don't we raise more of both of these crops for home con sumption? A large number of Masons from this place attended lodge In Weeping Wa ter Friday evening and witnessed the exemplification of the third degree. Those who went from here were: II M. Pollard, J. M. Stone, P. V. West, Dr. Pollard, Morris Pollard, Pleasant West, R. Case, G. L. Sheldon, Vilas Sheldon and Wm. Case. Tho degree was conferred on G orge Smith, train di.-p itcher at Weeping Water. After the ceremony a sumptuous b-inquet wa served. Elmwood Week's lleview . Recorder George Hay and wife came outfiom Plattsmouth Wedtesdiy and visited fr'mnds and attended the Hay Hayes wedding. M -s. W. A Sweaii ig.ii and Miss Fern G-eenslat went to Berlin Tues day, where they furnished v- ca! and instrumental n u-ic for an enUrtait m :nt. The new switch-boa d for the tele phone exchange aniv. d the li st of the week, and will be put in working orae.- as soon as tne p-des are pu'. up and the wires strung. John Hooker has purchased thres lots south of the Robotham prope.ty in the southwestern pa t of town, and will commence the erection of a reti dence as soon as he c in secu.-o a car penter. From the Louisville Courier. Tom Beverage of PlatUmou;h is in town again working in Pankonin's harness shop. Charles Heitzhausen came down from Omaha Sunday afternoon and spent the day visiting with relatives and friends. Ha went to Plattsmouth Monday morning to viit with his brother, Ed. A. B. Dickson, one of Elmwo d's popular business men. wis in town Monday morning enroute to Pialts mouth, where he went to serve as a juror in distt ict cou t. Otto A. WuH, the jolly little cigar manufacturer of Piattsmouth, was ia Louisville Wednesday taking orders for his well known brands. M . Wurl, as is his custom when in town, paid The Courier office a pleasant call. L'niou Ledger. Eli Etton went to Plattsmouth on the noon train Tuesiay. C. D. Newton went to lNattttnouth on the noon train yesterday. A. O. Pearsley went to Plattsmouth yesterday on a trip for business and pleasure. W. II. Mark was in Plattsmouth last Saturday receiving medic il treatment from Dr. Humphrey. E-nest Smith went to Pialtsmouth Wednesday, being called as a witness in the case of Grimes vs. Baxter. Reese Delaney went to Plattsmouth yesterday morning to testify in the Murphy-Garrison suit in district court. Miss Mabel Whipple went to Platts mouth last Friday evening to vi-it her relatives and attend a teachers' meet ing. Charles Donat, the Plattsmouth ci gar manufacturer, was in town yester day and made this office a business call. Isaac Pollard and Lawsoa Sheldon, two of Nehawka's leading citizens, passed here yesterday going to Platts mouth. Mr. and Mrs. George A. II y of Plattsmouth changed c rs here Wed nesday, going to E mwood t attend the wedding of Mr. Hty's brother. W. II Djdson returned home yester day evening from P.attsmouth, where he has been doin? jury duty in district court. He is only off on parole, being excused until Monday. The work in the stone qu irries has been going along nice y this week,and consideringtbe condition of the ground the work has been quite satisfactory. The working force this week h: s been from twenty-five to thirty-five men and seven teams, and Mr. Kolkmeyer lr- forms us that a much larger force will be put on soon as the weather depart ment supplies the right kind of weather. Mrs. Calvin Zimmerman, Milesburg, Pa., says: "As a speedy cure for coughs, colds, croup and sore throat One Minute Cough cure is unequaled. It is pleasant for children to take. I heartily recommend it to mothers." It 19 the only harmless remedy that pro duces immediate results. It cures bronchitis, pneumonia, grippe and throat and lung diseases. It will pre vent consumption. F. G. Fricke & Co. jjhh, . . s, tf"Vj uuac culcij iiihj fir cashes and salves CATARRH IS A CONSTITUTIONAL OR BLOOD DISEASE, and far beyond the reach of mere local remedies. Those who rely upon them for a cure lose valuable time, meet with disap pointment and allow the disease to take firmer hold. Only a real blood remedy can reach this troublesome and dangerous disease. S. S. S cures Catarrh because it first cleanses and builds up the blood, purifies it, makes it rich and healthy, stimulates and puts new life into the sluggish worn-out organs, and thus relieves the system of all poisonous accumulations. Mrs. Josephine Polhill, of Due West, S. C. writes : ' I had Catarrh, which became so deep seated that I was entirely deaf in one ear, and all inside of my nose, including part of the bone, sloughed off. When the disease had gone this far the physician gave me up as incurable. 1 determined to try S. S. S. as a lat resort, and Ixnjan to improve at once. It seemed to get at the seat of the disease, and after a few weeks' treatment I was entirely cured, and for more than seven years have had no sign of the disease." S. S. S. is made of roots, herbs and barks of wonderful tonical anil purifying properties. It is the only vegetable blood purifier known, and a certain and safe cure for all blood troubles. Send for our book on Blood and Skin Diseases, and at the same time write our physicians about vour case. Thev will cheerfully give von any information or advice wanted. We CITY AND COUNTY. SATL'KDA Y. J. N. Will of Mvnard wa a P.atts- mouth visitor today. Frank Dickson of Louirvil'.o was a ccunty sest visitor today. L. jl. . May field of thu L tuisvi'le Courier was in town today. W. C. Di UL'her, fr'Tn near (J een wond, m .de 1 HE N i:vs a pleasant call today. J. II HeCiier and .1 teob !Vi!-.eh were in town tod.iy from Fight Mile Grr.ve p-ecinct. I . C. Todd i nd I (' Gt mi:. ell of Xeh'iwka ere uii.on- tie vis tors in tho city today. Colonel li. T. Ilm hfo.d f ih - L -ui.--ville Kicker was weU - tuo i-hII-t : t theS' hea: q ;arl-i : uji;i . Geo-go Fni fie d and wif. of Al.;a e are in the ci ' v foe mi x -i 1 i i- t with the f.tmi.y II. C. Mc.Maie:.. (i -Orge H.le-, T. F. 1 'urns, (i'-o ge flulhert, J hn Suiton. G. F. Cu.ltr ind George Sutti n of Gi ten wood w re in town loaav. Elmer Garrison and sis er. Mai, and T. V. Itichafds :ind sister, Anna, of Alliance, are in the city for a visit nt the heme of H C. MeM iken. Isaac Pollard, th'3 well known tip ple grower of Nehawka, Neb., has written a pamphlet f. r the purpose of encouraging horticulture a mo g far mers. Mr. l'ollard is one of tho best authoritiej on anple culture in the Missouri valley. Glen wood Ooini n A representative i f a sug:ir factory at Ames was in town jesterd iy, with a view of inducing Cass county farmers to go into the beet raising business more extensively. He offers to pay the freight on the beets and aleo to pay the same price as is bei'-g paid at Ames. He went down into the county yesterday afternoon to intervieV some of the farmers, and ex reel to make an extended tour of the county before returning home. On the train Sunday evening we met our o'.d time friend, L. C. Eicketf, ex county ti easurer of Cass county, Ne braska. Mr. K ckoff had been down to Waukomis and other point looking aft-jr his land interests. lie stated that that m:ide his fifty-fourth round trip from Nebraska to Oklahoma since the first opening. We nrte in the WauVomis Hornet that Mr. K ckotT is one of a company that has been or ganized there for the purpose of erect ing a large hotel a that place. Ren frew. (Okl.) Tribune. 31 UN DAY. I). C. LiK jo t f Union was a visitor in the citi today. L. C. Todd of N .hawka was a county eoat visitor today. William Gilmour was a pjesenger this afternoon for Lincoln. D -. II. 15 Wallace of I'n'on was a Flattsmouth visitor tod-iy. J. M. Davis and J hn Soangler we-re in town tcday from Murray. Johs Krickson of Greenwood pro duct was in town today on business. E. A. Burton, one of Murray's busi ness men, made Thk News a pleasant call today. J. 11. Ramsey of Louisville was in the city tcday, and a pleasant caller at Tite News otfice. Elmer Eikenbary of Memphis, Xeb., visited relatives in this county over Sunday, returning this afternoon. F. F. Everett, republican committee man of Weepiug Water precinct, was among the callers at The News oftice. today. A. L. Cox, the implement dealer of Mynard, was a business visitor iu the city today. Ho was a welceme caller at this cffi.ee. Fred J. W. Warren and M. M. A'den will open revival meetings at the South Park Baptist, church. The public is cordially invited te attend these meet ings, j Presiding E der Ijter Van Fleet I of Nebraska City conducted theserv-' ices at the Methodist church last eve ning, after which communion services were held. W. D. Wheeler, F. G. E,'enber ger, II. B. Groves, Matt Gering, Ed Fitzgei a'd, Jacob Tritsch and several others left this morning for Lincoln to attend the democratic state conven tion. Marshal Spence of L .uisville brought in an insane man named Gust Anderson this morning. The board of insanity; upon examination, recom mended that the unfortunate man be taken to the insane hospitalatLincoln, J and R. W. Hyers took him to th itasy- ' lum today. Few realize hat a deep-seated, obstinate disease Catarrh is, regarding it aa a simple inflammation of the nose and throat, little or no attention is given it. But, however insignificant it may seem at first, it is serious and far-reaching in its results. The foul secretions entering the circulation poison the entire system. . The stomach, kidneys in fact all the organs -feel the effect of this catarrhal poison, and when the lungs are reached its progress is rapid and destructive, and finally ends in consumption. It frequently happens that the senses of hearing and smell are in part or entirely lost, the soft bones of nuu ucanui cj, lhujiiij; ilicusc suiici mg aiiu gicauy uisugunng me lace. W nile sprays, may give temporary relief, no permanent benefit can be expected from such treatment. make no charge for this. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS Order to Show Cause. In the District Court of t'ass County, Nebraska, David I'ltnian as Guardian ) lor Atlanta J. Cable ( vs. pantord I.. Cable, et a!. i This cause came on for hearinc upon the peti tion of David Pitman, guardian of Atlanta I. Cable, insane, praying tor a license to sell her interest in the north half of the njrthwest quar- terof section twenty-nine (2i, and the south ii.) all in township eleven (II, ) north of range thirteen ( la.) in ttie county ot eass. Nebraska. including her right of dower and homestead, and that out of the sale of said property there shall be ascertained the amount equitably belonging to said ward and the same to De invested by her gii.trdiaii. ami the proceeds used for her mainten ance and support, and be separate from the joint interest of tier husband, Santord L. Cable, in said land There is no personal property or other etate out of which to support the said ward. It is therefore ordered that the n-Nt of kin and all persons Interested in said estate, appear be fore me at the office of thecleik ol the district cour:. on the second day ol April. A I . 1 . at one o'clock p. m . to show cause why a license shcuiid not be granted said guar nan to sell said land described in tins notice, ami why the court should not sepcrale the interest of said ward in sai l land tnini ih.it of her said hubaud An.) that ii..tice to be puLlish. d in The Semi -Wkfki y Ni- ws Hkkaio It. r three succes sive, weexs belt r- the day of hearing Dated this hrst iliy ol March. A I).. I'.nm Hai l. Jt-SNt-N. Judge. iiyron Claik and C. A. Kawls, Attorneys. i. M. Spurlof-k, Attorney. J'Ih 1 1 smoii t li. Notice of Administration. Notice by publication on petition for adminis tration of estate. In county Court. Cass county, Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of Walter Jenkins, deceased. To whom it may concern. All persons interested in said matter are hereby notified that on the Mthday ot March. HKMI. Mary lenkins. widow of said deceased, tiled a petition in said court, alleging; among other things, that the said Walter Jenkins died on the 1 tih day of March, ls'.is, intestate: that he was a resident ot said county at the time of his death, and was pos sessed ol an estate situated therein. Petitioner prays for administration thereof, and tha' letters be grantee! to H. N. Dovey. You are hereby nonhed that if you fail to appear before said court on the rtth day of April. 1!M). at V o"clock a. m .. and contest said petition, the court will grant the prayer thereof and appoint H. N.Dovevor some other suitable person administrator, and proceed to a settlement of said estate. W itness my hand and the seal ot said county court at Plattsmouth. Nebiaska. this, the i:!th dav of March. A. D. l'."HI J. li. Dot olass. -eal) County Judge. First publication March 1:1. Legal Notice. In the district court of Cass county, Nebraska. Annie Mary Huber, et al- J vs - NOTICE. Philip F. Huber, et al ) To Christine C. Huber: Y ou are hereby notified that on or about Oc tober -ioth. ls'.tit, plaintiffs tiled their petition in the district court of Cass county. Nebraska, for the purpose cf partitioning to Annie Mary Huber. George F. Huber, Minnie Huber and Carl Huber. minor heirs ot John O. Huber, Philip F. Huber. Christine C. Huber. Carrie Krouse, Catherine Tapper. Mary Duerr. II. E. 1'ankonin, liank of Cass County and Margaret Green, the undivided one-half of the west half of the northeast quarter of section twenty-two in township tw.Ive d'.'). north ot range eleven (111, in said county and state, for an ascertain ment and adjustment of all liens and a judgment charging the costs and expenses of said partition to such parties in said action as the court may deem equitable, and lor an accounting of all rents and protit. You are required to answer said petition on or before the Pith day of April, A. I). It-ui. or it will be taken as confessed. Annie Marv Hciser. et al. Rvron Clark and f. A. Kawls. Attorneys. hirst publication March 64. TTTTTTTTnTTTTTTTTTTTTTTrTTt 30 Pounds of Granulated Sugar, $1.00 t t t t 1 t t THIRTY Granulated suaar FOR ONE DOLLAR. An- dar in the week you can et Hits snap by buying1 the following bill: Thirty pounds granulated White Sugar.. $1. 00 Four pounds finest Dried Peaches .50 Six pounds best Rolled Oats .25 One pound fine sun-dried Japan Tea C0 Two pounds Mocha Blend Coffee 50 One pound Baking Powder (equal to Royal or Price's) .40 Six pounds finest Japan Rice .50 Six pounds best Prunes .50 Five pounds Flake Hominy 25 One pound best ground Black Pepper 40 Two pound jar of Mustard.. 10 Total ....S5.00 O O o V- cs CUD zs CO T3 CD c O & fc fc fc fc fc fc fc fc fc fc fc (fi T3 You also get with your purchase twenty chances on our Quadruple Silver Plated Tea Set, worth $40.007 forty dollars). Also with each 25 cent purchase at any time 30U get one chance. No such opportunity has ever been given in Plattsmouth. Call and see the Tea Set on exhibition in our window. C. D. LONG, General fierchandise u fc- II fc fc -fc fc t fc fc t fc fc TELEPHONES: Union Block, Plattsmouth, Neb. 30 Pounds of Granulated Sugar, $1.00 L lilAUliaiiillilttiUlllliAllMliiilAiiii"""lllllllllllllllllilililitilitillliillilial FORERUGSMER &F GONSUEBPTEON. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. Through sleeping Car to sn Franrixeo. No changes, no delays, no chance of missing connection-, if you go to Cali fornia via the Burlington lioute. The Hiirlir.g'on runs sWcping chi-s from Oraitha, Ijinooln and Has-tings, to Salt Lake City and S;n Francisco daily. j D.ning cars all tne way. Library cit s j R , .. no J west of Ogden. Finest scenery in the w""la- See nearest Hurlington ticket agent, or write .1. Francis, G. P. A., Omaha, Nt-b FOR REN 1' Small piece ot iaud neat this citv. Enquire of W illiam Morrow. Salter's Hie "pelts give Kich, What is ttr creen CU(UO0 FARM mi. ton. saiw i as ar twrranti t rroilnro. V lfmhlon Luther. E.Tro, ! a. . mrftnlhtt th. wrtA byicriiwm-i.)Oliuhc:i Him Kuurtltta: J. Rr.i.l.r. Ml.hictitr. W 17.1 Itm. hnrl-T: ami H. L.-jot. KcJWtnK. Minn . hrcroains :i.1tuBh. Salcr'srorn p-r ,rrp. If Tnu ffaubt , write thpni. W wi.h to gain nrw custom!, nr-nc. wjlltanj on trial 10 DOLLARS WORTH FOR 10c. 10 ftkg of rare firm irM. salt Ruth, th a ard Corn elt. pr4ueui MJbmh. rood ami 4 ton bt7 per arr noe uTn1 baMT. Hromui Inrrmia th grairat era n earli; Soltm- ayt to. nar. cprinj nftt, ., lnriuainc our mam- moth riant. rntta.i Hfi atah. u-tti,.n; ani.t rtaizer a l.rrst Million Dollar I olato. all mailed for 10c. vot't ; ottivlr worth V JO to gvtaatart. UN) IHinhtilt. KamI PatilM Please m, m-iii. ii.iki. send thin yajaaMaaa-! Catalog nr. witn 4JT, -i 4 ,1 w"iJ aiona.60. loc. to Balzer. ' 1 imrf1" u : Notice to Creditors. State of Nebraska . i -... County of Cass. s' County ( ouit. In the matter ol the estate of Thoman lloimcs. deceased . Notice is hereby given that the creditors of said deceased will meet the administrator with will annexed ot said estate, before me. county judne of Cass county. Nebraska, nt the county court room in I'lattsmouth in said county, on the ,th day of Mav. A. I. I9ni, and on the th day ot October, l'.ni, at ft o'clock a. in., each day for the purpose of presenting their claims for examina tion, adjustment and allowance. !ix months are allowed for the creditors of said deceased to present their claims from the 7th day ol April, I'.HM). Witness my hand and seal of said county court nt I'lattsmouth, Nebraska, this ltth day ot March, li"!. J. E. Duuoi.ass. (Seal) County Judge. First publication March l:!, 19m. Legal Notice. Toiymnes (irocery company, T. W. DeLong, Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance company. Sumner li- Day. Susan Dav and liraineed Kel logg, impleaded with Everett li. Day, et al., you ana each of you are hereby uotihed that on the !th day March. A. D. num. Isaac W. Teegarden hied his petition in the district court l Cass county. Nebraska, against you. the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain moit gage on the w-est half ot the southwest quarter of section in town II. range 11. Cass county, Ne braska, given March l!th. ISKT, for $I, K), ex ecuted by K. E. Day and Jennie Day, payable to Daniel D. lohnson. and by mesne conveyances and assignments vested in said Isaac W. Tee garden: that payments have been made by said E. E. Day on said mortgage debt from time to time till September th. IN ; that there is due on sa'd mortgage to said Teegarden the sum fl. iU t": it is asked that the intere ts of you and all defendants in said actiou be adjudged junior and inferior to said mortgage lien; and that said land be sold to satisfy plaintiffs claim and for equitable relief. You are required to answer said petition on or before Monday, the -M day of April. A. I). 190. Isaac W. Tei-:;ARDKN. First publication March 13. POUNDS OF- 3 4 3" "0 o c 3 Q. Ui 3 3 O 3 r-t- a 3 3 c oq & -5 o -s o- O ( l'latt.smoutli No. Nebraska No. 4. 1 OK.