The Semi-Weekly News-Herald! ! Easter Is A7ear.. And we are prepared for it. We have secured an elegant line of Dress Goods and there is no reason any lady customer can not be nicely dressed on that day. Our line of Plaids cannot be equalled in this city. Fancy Wool Plaids for Skirts that will please you, and a nice line of Brilliantines. We have an extra fine line of Table Linen, which was bought at a low figure, and we are going to give our customers the benefit of it. MQRB SFIIXa GOODS COMING. ZUCKWESLER & LUTZ. 6E0fi6 L. FAfcLEY, Proprietor. A A A A A A A o j j j - -J " O -O 3 J -O -O -- -- Spring Drv Goods : DAILY KDITION. On Year, in advance, W 00 Six Month 2 Oue Week, lg Blngl Copi ... 9 SXXI-WXXKX.T EDITION . One Tear, in advance 1 00 Six Month D'ess Goods w LARGEST CIRCULATION' Of aay Cut County Paper TUESDAY, MARCH 13, 1900. PKESIDKNT Kbuoeu aska for peace. Governor Taylor stands stead A A A A A A fast and immovable and it iooks iiko more bloodshed in Kentucky. 4o mO MO BBYAN will be forty years old the 19th of this month. He will entertain in Lincoln on that date. THE next county convention will be the populist, which is called to meet in Weeping Water Thursday, March 15, at 1 o'clock. ' ,, , IT is said that Carnegie's talk of compromising will come to the Pitts- burg lawyers like a clap of tbunder out of a clear sky. Thk Dapers state that W.J. yan will remain at home next fall ana let . the people come to him as they flocked to Canton four years afco to see Die Kinley. EVERYBODY will want to read Shel-1 don's paper this week. The world is ftlnr tn has and read it. The Sun- aay eaiuonwm PuW . . . . in 1 l l A UafAMfl 1 o ciock oataraay yCu.s- n r.PPfi7Pd U4Va. i ta Havana by the Cuban8. The inhab- iUnts' faith ,ia ' liroDgor hhij..u I , of our attitude toward them. Henry Wattkrson states emphat ically that if the democrats insist on keeping the Goebel election law on tba statute books of Kentucky, they will be defeated at the polls next fall. THERE are thirty-five men employed in opening up the stone quarries art. joining the village of Union, and the foreman wants seventy-five more. There ia no excuse for men being Idle. The Times-Herald says that some Kth BirifB of the t.. .,QaMrtn an fppnuentlv Porto IUcan question so irequentiy M. UIU J.i.V4U vjvwo - a tf I that they may almost be said to have met themselvea both coming and go ing. . The socialists will nominate Eugene V. Deba for president of the United States and Job Harrlman of California I r-9"'i- b", 1 I-" I will be called tne social aemocranc party. Republican congressmen are con siderably mixed on the Porto Rican tariff bill. It seems to be a question 1 a to whether the government of the island shall be supported by a direct or an indirect tax. Tnsnit ia mora excitement in Ken tuck. Warranta have been issued for the arrest of the secretary of state and some clerka in the state house. The warrants charge them with being accessories to the Goebel assassination. The Omaha high school defeated Lincoln in the oratorical contest last evening. The question discussed was, Resolved, That civilization demands that the United States adopt the policy she is now pursuing in the Philippine Islands." ' Tribute was paid to the late M. L. Hay ward in the United States senate Saturday afternoon. Senators Thur ston and Allen and several others, spoke ia the highest terms of the char- acter and true worth of gulshed Nebraskan. the dlstin- President Schurman says the plan of government outlined for the Philippines follows closely to the lines of Jefferson's plans for the government ... A 9 . . OI tbe Louisiana purcnase. Ana no one win deny but that the inhabitants of the Louisiana territory were far more capable of self-government than tbe Filipinos. President McKinley belioves in In miklnip ima of thA hrnlnd of this - & - country, xn selecting commission u 11 - -.z. goes w leaning coiiegen sou uuivor- sllies ana cnooses inose wao are rec- Ognlzed authority on history, politi cal economy and international law. He does not depend on those known simply as leading politicians. . Is is little wonder the nation at large has confidence in such a president. As yet The News has heard of no republican in Cass county who thinks the salvation of the county, state or nation depended upon his being elected to tbe legislature next fall. We have several good available men who will be willing to make the race if the con vention desires them to do so, but they do not intend to make a big fight for the nomination. This is the proper spirit. The Beatrice Express says that it is becoming entirely apparent that the l fM-i.lal1at -riivAmant na mip. " - J . T r.l :r::r l r " sues D7 ue aemocmM, ia no uaeeu uu any ideas of a superior sense of right and justice, or any humanitarian de - sire to see a high order of liberty ac - corded a eemi-barbarous people, but is solely a scheme of democratic leaders to embarrass a republican admlni6tra- tion which has carnea iwo wars io ai successful termination. jT Ig difficult to find a farmer who bone3tiy believes that the price of sil- yer reBny has anything to do with the price of wheat or corn. Four years ago there were thousands, yes, tens of thouBand8t wbo actually thought Mr. B Q knew what he was talking about fa predicted would surely pnme to Da9. Today, while they still .HmirA him as a man. they have lost fi- . him a8 a leadar, feeling t . hifl i3 for political el fect and that ne i8 not lne man Calcu- iot. tntnlve the ereat problems wnicn , tVl confront a nation like this one. The ice house on ssouin obtbuiu street Is a public nuisance ana nae for several years. Whenever D66U there is a little snow or rain the pub- through mud or water to reach the Presbyterian church and oniith nrt thAt fit refit. Ill A . "r LT,dinr I. - the heavy ice wagon either :. it Intn th around. forming a basin for mud and water, Several efforts have been made to have i this walk kept in proper condition, but with little avail. C A Rawls has been mentionea as thn nroner man for the republicans to nominate for mayor of this city. If he ahnuld acceDt tne nomination uis eioc- I w I tion would be all but a forgone con- elusion. Ho is a good, conservative man in whom the people have utmost Some such man should feel it his duty to serve the people of Plattsmcuth as its executive. Tne Nkws has not been informed as to I whether Mr. Rawls would consent to make the race. Isaac N. Stevens, leader of silver bolters in '96 and vice chairman of thA national Bilver committee, has ub iciy renounced Bry am?m. The official count shows Moores' majoritpto be 892. INFORMATION AND OPINION. When we 6ee boys on the street and in public places, we often wonder if I they know that the business men are I watching them. In every bank, ttore I and ofllce there will soon be a place for I some by to fi Those who have the I management of the affairs of that business bouse will select a boy in whom they have confidence. When they select one of the boys, they will not select him for his ability to talk "sassy," swear, use slang, smoke cig arettes, or tap a beer keg. These men have little to say and some have a few of these habits themselves, but they are looKing lor dovs wno are as ne .r gentlemen in every sense of the word as they can find, and they are able to give the character of every boy in town. They are not looking for row dies and when a boy applies for one of these places and is refused, they may not tell him the reason why they did not want him, but the boy may depend on it that he has been rated according to his behavior. Boys cannot sfford to adopt the . habits and conversation 9 i r j 1 1 tt . i I ml luoiers auix ruwuion n lucjr over i want to be called to responsible posi- tions. Fairbury "Enterprise. I . I What i9 the difference as to mode of advertising between a wise mar- cnant and a good hen? When a wise merchant has an article he wUhes to dispose of, he puts an "ad" to this effect in his local paper, while, on the contrary, when a hen feels similarly I , i aisposea, bug mounts a nest ana uses thU ft9 & medlum in which lo laco I 9mall ad" (dition.) rne gins co not appear to nave v very good taste. Once in a while some invincible youth comes along wearing a red vest and plenty of starched linnen, and the girls go wild over ver him. He merely has to beckon o a female, and she leaves her knit- ing and follows him, saying: "Where to tin thou goest, there shall I go," or words to that fefTaet. "Thv countrv shall b my country." says she, "thy umbr- lla my umbrella." And she gladly for sakes tbe paths of respectability, and forfeits all that is worth anything to a woman in this world, for his sweet sake. And when the invincible youth is rounded up by the officers of the law, and appears at the bar of justice. I men go to have a look at him, desiring to know what so attractive a man is like. And when they look at him I H Ira An1 vtian .v- .v"T "J"".T. luojr rcuu vuoiv gruicu ooan. j unto each other in a loud voice saying: 1 Behold what can a damsel see in (such a cheap guy as that fellow, that they quit their spinning to follow himj Lol he is on. the bummy bum, he is a bargain counter spread, he is a church iair oyster, ouys iiko mm wouia DC dear at a shekel. the bunch. What, therefore, is the matter with our dam sels that thev will throw themselves at such a cigar store Indian, when the woods are full of sensible and vir tuous young men, well worth the hav ing?" Walt Mason. TOM CHAPMAN'S LETTEK. Judge Chapman received another and later letter from his son, Tom, on the eve of the departure of his party from the Philippines for Hong Kong, the Japanese Archipelago, Hawaii and Allnfi ,,oast. Soeakine of our new possessions, Tom says: "These islands will have a great ac- quisition in my judgment, ai jihiib, under present police regulations, ice natives have to clean uo or get out. and they are accepting the situation racefullv and cleaniog up. The city DPesents a fairly clean appearance now tViA ac.cora fro fiTTttpm 1-4 COlTl- TJT " I , ' 7 lm f water work3 introduced, Manila will be a v n!t, Tha anvornmflnt Is now erecting an ice plant, with a large ca pacity per day .j don't see how anyone could travel over these islands and come to any conclusion other than that we ought to keep mem. iMuvniDg ueuor tuum uaH pen to the different tribes, and no one conversant with the resources of the arcuiueiKu. KDv6ioa. on the map relative to the trade oi Asia, ought to hesitate a moment re - M garding the value of the acquisition to the United States. These islands are rich in many respects, unquestionably. There is plenty of gold to De oiscov ered, (at least the well informed say so) and plenty of ooi, u waitios ior ... our people to go after it, whicn tney will do the moment assurance is given them of protection Its products, practically, include those of the world. I saw specimens or corn raised here (in Luzon) which will rival luai raised oy uncie uuoq vai lery in Cass count'. In the markets I 6a w vegetable of every kind as fine as can ba produced in Nebraska. The tobacco raised hero is of a very high grade, and it won't be long before the smoker in the states will be seeking the Manila c:gar. Crop failures are an iai possibility. The lumber interests of these islands will be another great feature. There are so mary fin varieties. Soon it will be shipped to the states to be used for finishing pur poses. Its rice, hemp, sugar and other interests, embracing those of the temperate and tropical climes, when developed under American rule. cannot but make our Philippine pos sessions one of our most valuable terri tories. '.Everybody rectiviS good wages here paid in gold one dollar of which buys two Mexican or Filipino dollars, the commercial money of the islands. When the natives get hold of Amer ican money they refuse to part with it. The Filipiuo is industrious1, williner to work and a ereat manv of them have ha'.ten positions in the government eer- vce, which they fill with great credit. The Filipinos, in their domestic nnri social life, are loyal and faithful, and I believe, as they come to know the . . . ... American government, win prove loyal subjects. "Dick Waugh is at the front. His regiment is considered one of the best over here, and is seeing lots of bard service and making a great record." O M. B. Smith, Butternut, Mich., says: "De Witt's Little Early Risers are the very best pills I ever used for costlve- ness, liver and bowel troubles." F. G. Fricke & Co. Professor Smith informs The Re publican that no pains or expenso has been spared to secure first class talent as instructors for the teachers annual CaBs county institute, to be held in our city March 56 to 30. Everv teacher in the county is expected to be present, and profit by the work laid out in the excellent program manned nnt vr Countv Superintendent W-C Smith Weepin- Water Republican, Opening: the Quarries H. W. Kolkmeyer, proprietor of our I stone quarries, arrived from Mis- sourl last Saturday and immediately commenced preparations for pushing the work as rapidly as the weather and condition of the ground will per mit, iney nave already taken out considerable stone, which, we are in formed, is fully up to expectations as to quality, and it appears that the quantity is unlimited, which insures tnat tbe quarries will be operated on a larre scale as soon as the ground gets shape to work a larger force of men advantage. They are now working about twenty-five men besides those l engaged in nauiing and loading cars T -union eager, The results of an over-indulgence in food or drink are promptly rectiied. without pain or discomfort, ty taking a few doses of Herbine. Price 50 cent?. F. G. Fricke & Co. THE Mary Spencer Warren has given the readers of the magazine ' Quiver" an article he. ded "The Qjeeu's San days:" "I-i former years, it was customary for her majesty to rise quite early on Sunday morning as, in fact, she did every day in the week. Of late years, however, the seldom leaves her room much before 10, at which hour break fast Is taken with any members cf the family who may be there, a cup of tea and a little toast having b-en previ ously conveyed to her ma j .-sty's bed side by one of the 'dressers.' After breakfast, Iho queen has a tour round the grounds in her donkey carriage, the donkey beirg the one that eho bought at Florence. "To preach before the queen is, oi . j i .. A course, a greatly coveieu uouur uuu etiquette, formal and prescribed, has to be observed. No personal reference s permissable. A puregospel dis- T 1 - 1 . . . course beinjr oe ngucur, ueuveuu m though her majesty was not present. Many have tried to evade these ru'.e. The queen likes and enjoys a plain. practical discou se, selected from the lessons cf gospel of the dny, to occupy about twenty minutes in delivery. Questions of the clay aod above all pol itics, must bo entirely excluded. A celebrated divine broke this ru'e one Sunday and preached a very strong lit.irl ftfimon. but it was his last opportunity the royal puipits have neither of them been filled by him aain. Wherever her mcjesty may be it is now her invariable custom to drive out in a pair-horse carriage on Sunday afternoon. Dinner is subse quently somewhat stately. Very often the queen partakf-3 of it with only the members of her own family present oi any royal guest who may be stayicg there, save and except the ctfieiatin in attendance, generally receive uo in- j vitation. As a rule other guests are not asked. After dinner the q'ieen re tires direct to her own special draw ingroom, where, together with any of her family who may bo present, she will enjoy some music of tho old mas ters, preferably IJeethooven and Men delssohn. Tho queen herself often takes part in duets with otic of her daughters." Iu 1009 Queen Victoria publishoo 'Ieaves from tho Journal of Our Jfis in the Highlands," ji volume which gives to its readers many pleasing glimpses of tho happy days spent at Balmoral with her husbard and fam ily. "From a literary point of view, says tho London Athenaeum, "ihero la not much to say of the queen's book. Its style is of tho simplest, and it has the charm of naturalness which belongs to simplicity. Tho story is told without effort or affection of any kind, and produces its effect entirely by the force of sincerity. Tho senti ment itself is always pure and often elevated, is a reabon why these records of homo life in tho royal ci'de will find a respective echo." We turn one leaf, and that ono is the queen's description of "Tho Kirk:" "We went to Kirk, as usual, at 12 o'clock. Tho 'service was performed by the Rev. Norman McLcod, of Glas gow, son of Dr. McLeod, and anything finer I never heard. The sertron, en tirely extempore, was quite admirable; so simple, and yet s.o eloquent, and o beautifully argued and put. Tho text was from the account of the coming of Nicodemus to Christ by night St John, chapter 3. Mr. McLnod showed in his sermon how wa all tried to ploase self, and live for that, and in so doing found no rost. Christ had come not only to die for us, but to show how we were to live. The second prayer was very touching his allusions to us were so simple, saying, after his men tion of us, "bless their children.' It gave me a lump in my throat, as also when be prayed for 'tho dying, the wounded, the widow and the orphans.' Everyone camo back delighted, and how satisfactory it is to coma back from church with such feelings! Tbe servants and tho highlanders all were equally delighted." To the writer of this column Eng land' queen is the typo of a new era. We call it tha "Victorian Era." She was a woman shaped of God for the time?, and brought in a new democracy and toleration. In the new era there was toleration In education, in religion and politics, great things in science, astronomy, geography, and especially along material lines much has been accomplished during her reign. Yet in all this progress the spiritual ele ment has been prominent. The opti mistic of Browning and the sweet, grand confidence of Tennyson showed the great progressive spirit that had run through this era lifting the soul of man towards its creator. God. Auction tonight at Coleman's. Attorney Ueneml Smyth Brines Action Against Three Kalliomls. Attorney General Smyth has added another big suit to tbe numerous ac tions to which he has attached the name of the state, says the State Jour nal. Sime were dismissed by the at torney general and taken into differ ent courts. Only r cently he 6ued the Standard Oil company and cow he has a" tacked three railroads in Nebraska under a provision of the maximum rate law. He has commenced suit in the Nebraska supreme court ajrainst the Union Taciflc railway for $G:)7,000, the Missouri Pacific for $433,000 and the Ifcck Island for $310,000. He brings tho action on the ground that the maximum rate law applies to these threo roads for the reason that they were not parlies to the maximum rate case. The present Union' Pacific com pany was organized after the maxi mum rate cise was tried. Attorneys and others believe the suit is a retalia tory measu-e adopted by the attorney general because he has not had his way in tho recent controversy over ratr on live stock. The Burlington road recently carried the live stock rate case into tue ieuerai conn. This action of the attorney general may apain tie up the state board tf transportation, so far as its recent and prospective orders reducing freight rates aro concerned, as the fitrht may be on tho part of the-tate to enforce the rates prescribed by the act of 189J. The ladies are especially invited to attend tho auction sales at Coleman's this w ek. A f Umlith Attack An attack was lately made on C. F. Colli--'! of Cherokee, Iowa, thfat nearly i proved laiai. it came luruuau mi kilnejs. His cot so lame he cou.a net not stoop witnout great pain, norsilin a eh:ur unless pri pped bj cusLkms. No remedy helred him until letried E cctrlc Bitters which t-flVctod such a wonderful change that ho writes he feels like a new man. This marvelous medicine cures back ache and kidney trouble, purifies the blood and builds up your health. Only COc at F. G. Fricke & Co's drug store. Deutli f Mr. ,1. II. Ohborn. From Monday's Daily. Mrs. J. II. Osborn died at 2:15 this morning at tho home of her son, S. F. Osborn, after a four weeks' illness with pneumonia. Tho deceased was soventy-Svo years of age, and leaves a husband and fix children five sons and ono daughter to mourn her demise- Only two of her children, A. W, and S. F., reside i.i this city. Funeral servicos will be held at the residence nt 1:."0 and at the United Brethren church at 2 o'clock Tuosd iy afternoon. -Interment will be made at the Klkenbiiry cemetery. He Fooled the Surgeons. All doctors told Reuick Hamilton, of West Jefferson, O., after suffering IS months from Rectal Fissula, ho would dio unless a costly operation was performed; Mil ho cured himself with five bottles of Bucklen'a Arnica Salve, tho surest Pile cure on earth, and the best Salvo in tho world. 25 cents a box. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co., drug gists. 4 I will handle a full line of nursery stock from the oldest reliable nursery in ihn west- D. S. Like, Shenandoah. Ia. Corao and see me before you place an order. Headquarters at John 11. Cox's hardware store. I. N. Cum mings. To Cure a Cold In One Oiy Take Laxative Bronio Quinine Tablets. All dru lrupgists refund the money u n iaus iu -y'-i. W. tirove's signature is on each box. -jc K J.I.UnruIiand T.Janfla Funeral Directors... and Embalmers. ALtLt CALLS ANSWERED AT ALL, HOURS. j Store 137 I Keflldfiice 303 I'lattniiiouth Thone. $500 REWARD. Indigestion. Constipation or Costiveness f can not cure with Liverita. the Up-to-Date Little livcrr-ill, when the directions are strictly com plied with. They are Purely Vegetable, and never tail to give satisfaction. 25c boxes contain lit Dills. W bWs contain 40 pills. 5c boxes con taVnP IS pi Is. Beware of subst.tutions and innta tfoni. Sent by mail. Stamps taken. NfcK ITA MFi)lCb CO.. cor. Clinton and Jackson irts., Chicago'. LI. Sold by F ? Fricke Co. If you have something whicn you wish to sell or trade, just try THE News' 4.4want" column. Satisfactory results guaranteed. 6 Business Announcement.. 6 t 4 4 4 4 I t t I I desire to state that I have a well-selected stock of Watches, Ciohl Jewelry, Silver ware and Novelties, which will make suit able .... Birthday Gifts.. Prices will be AWAY DOWN and we mean to sell the floods if ju ices will do it. Every article guaranteed just as representee!. A Beautiful Medallion purchase of to or i B. A." McELWAIN, The Leading and Oldest Jeweler. 9 - --Sh C 4? 4? 4i 49 4? 4i 1 5 4? i 4? 4? 43 43 43 43 43 4, 4i 4? 4? 4? 4i 4 4, YOU uan omts uilu wui Furniture And look around by yourself, if you want to. You can come a dozen times, if you like, without incur ring any obligation to purchase, and without bein made to feel that you have incurred such an obliga tion. We don't want anybody to buy from us until lw io ontiroly ready to do so we want him to take plenty of time to decide about what kind of Chairs, Bedroom Suit, Table or Sideboard he wants. We want every lady iu Plattsmouth to feel at home in this store to feel that she can come here freely and often. Thomas Janda & Son Furniture Dealers and Undertakers. (Successors to J- I. UNRt'll.) w V v war v w w w MOTT'S PENNYROYAL PSLLS of menstruation." They are " LIFI3 SAVtilS" to girls at womanhood, aiding development of organs and body. o known remedy for women efjunls them. Cannot do harm life becomes a pleasure. 1.M I'KIt JJOX HY MAIL. Sold by druggists. 111. MoTT'S CHEMICAL CO.. Cleveland, Ohio. Gering & Co., Druggists. I BQOj Tp MJJUNni DR-TABLER' BIJCICEYE CO S PI l7! 53 KSZfciXt oi m -7 to iJT.l 4i A i : A New Discovery for the Certain Cure of INTERNAL, and EXTERNAL PILES. WITHOUT PAIN. CURES WHERE ALL OTHERS HAVE FAILED. TUBES, BY MAIL, 75 CENTS; BOTTLES, 50 CENTS. JAMES F. BALLARD, Sole Prcpri3tcr, - - 3!0 North Main Street, ST. LOUIS, MO. F. G. Fricke & Co. Worms lvjmMEMPM For 20 Years Hid H WoraJ5s65.Jp, JAM F. G. FRICKE & CO. THE NEWS Job 4 4 4 iveu over. Tree with every t 9 - S O- O- i i J i i i i Store. w vv Xliey overcome Weak ness, irrirularit y auJ omissions, incrca-e vi,j or and banish " pains PILE IZ TUBE. does Printing