Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, March 06, 1900, Image 4

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Arrested On Board a Missouri
Pacific Train at Union.
Twmty-lwo Ticket And Aa Expreii Or
dr Arm Found In Bit PoMeMlon
Bad Walked to Union In Hopes
of Kvtdlac th Offlcr H la Mow
In Jnll.
Wtmn Sheriff Wheeler was notified
jeaterday that George S. Lee,
nlabt onerator at Louisville,
stolen a upply of tickets and money
belonging to the company and that
the thief had disappeared from passen-1 f Elmw0cd wa3 in toWD today on le-
Mrs. J. N. Black was a visitor in
Omaha today.
Judge R S. Ramsey is having a
eiege of the grip.
F. J. Morgan was a passenger for
Omaha this morning.
D. W. Fo9ter, one of Union's prom
inent populista, wat in town today.
Prank Dickson and Frank Nicho":
were in town today from Louisville.
Charles Sheeley. the bridjre man.
came in from Lincoln this morning.
John Schiappacasse and M Fanger
were business visitors in the metropo
lis today.
Attoruev William Delle9dernier
per train No. 20 in the local yards, he bu3ine88
Immediately maae pmuo w
the man. The sheriff decided to go
down at least aa far as Nebraska City
on the afternoon Missouri Pacific, as
he had arrived at the conclusion that
Lee could not have gotten any further
The train reached Union about 4
O'clock and the sheriff was one of the
first to alight in order to ascertain
who eot aboard. He noticed a young
man get on whom he immediately sus
picioned as being just the man he was
looking for. The conductor was noti
fled and the train held, and a search
revealed several of the tickets which
had been stolen from the Louisville
office. Lee was taken from the train
and escorted to a hotel and a further
search revealed in all twenty-two
tickets, $5.60, the depot keys
and he had forged the agent's name to
an express order payable to C. M
White or Kansas City.
The face value of the tickets are ea
timated at about $550, and were made
out as follows:
Three from Chicago to Toronto,
Oat.; one from Chicago to Baltimore;
three from Chicago to Buffalo; one
from Pacific Junction to St. Louis;
one from Pittsburg to Baltimore; one
from Kansas City to St. Louis; one
from Chicago to Akron and from Ak
ron to Washington. W. Va ; one from
Kev. A. Sleeth Preaches An Im
pressive Funeral Sermon,
Rtmtlnt of Allen Beeaoo Followed to
1 heir Last Resting Place la Oak Bill
Cemetery By Large Concourse of
Sympathizing Relative and
A Life of Usefulness.
Cashier Thos. Murtey of the First
National bank of -Weeping Water, was
in town today.
Frank Sackett of the firm of Sackett
Bros, of Weeping Water, came in this
morning to transact business.
U -. J. Hassemeirr, Editor L J. May-
field and M. L. Ruby were among the
visitors from Louisville today.
H. D. Reed, Weeping Water's hust
ling real estate man, was doing busi
ness at the court house today.
F. W. Caldwell came down from
Omaha last evening for a short visit
with friends, returning this morning.
Miss Minnie Sharp returned last
evening from a three months' visit at
Minneapolis, Chicago and Des Moines,
H. E. Pankonin, implement dealer
of Louisville, was attending to a mat
ter in district court today in which bis
town is interested.
Ciceronian Debating: Society.
Last night the Cicerouian Debating
club held their regular weekly meet
ing the G. A. R. hall. The session
was called to order at 7:30, and after a
short business meeting the program
part was introduced, which was to be a
democratic national convention. Max
Chapman was appointed chairman and
Earl Clark. Earl Wescott and Loretta
Clark as clerks. The chairman then
Chicago to St. Paul; two from Chicago appointed a platform committee, which
to New York; one from Kansas City to retired, and after a long interval re
Wichita; one from Kansas City to Chi
cago; two from Chicago to Philadel
phia; one from Chicago to Marian, O.
and from Marian to Buffalo; one
from Marian to Rochester, and one
from Louisville, Neb. to Chicago, via.
. Leo told the sheriff that a friend had
helped in the scheme of making out
the tickets and that he had walked
from houisville to Plattsmouth early
Monday morning with the expectation
of meeting that friend in this city.
Falling to find him. he went to Omaha
on No. 27 and decided to return on No.
20. He became alarmed, he said, when
the conductor suepicloned him and de
cided to get off at this place and walk
tA Union. The sheriff also secured a
ticket to Auburn which Lee had pur
chased at Union. As was indicated by
a letter in his possession, has a
wife and n. three-vear-old cbild at
He was brought in last evening and
IndirAd in iail. It is thought he will
have two charges to face grand lar
ceny and forgery but nothing definite
can be learned until County Attorney
Root returns.
District Court.
Judee Jessen heard the first case of
his term as district judge in Cass
count v todav. It was the case of the
First National bank of Plattsmouth vs
Benjamin A. Gibson, et aL, and occu
pied all the forenoon and a portion of
the afternoon. lie took the case under
advisement. A. N. Sullivan appeared
for the Dlalntlff and J. II. Haldeman
for the defendants.
As The News goes to press the ca9e
of Frank Sackett vs. Dr. J. B. Hun
gate was being tried. In this case the
plaintiff asks the court to compel the
defendant to comply with certain con
tracts entered into- between himself
and Mr. Sackett. J. n. Haldeman ap
peared for the plaintiff and Byro
Clark and C. A. Rawls for the defend
CGerman supper at Methodist church
Tuesday, March 13.
A Breezy Time.'
Fltz and Webster in "A Breezy
Time" will be the attraction at White's
opera house Monday evening, March
12. A flash and a crash, a whirl and a
wish, an electric, magnetic, syste
matic combine of grotesque, eccentric
and pretty figures extolling a veritable
evclone of fresh, breezy acts and
- . -
tuneful melodies loaded with the tute
ful melodies; loaded with the distilled
essence of parody and fun. That's
A Breezy Time" to a dot. How the
two clever comiaues. Miss Webfter
and Mr. Fitz ever succeeded in gather
Ing such a quantity of clever materials
ancTso many bright ideas for an even
ing's entertainment, is a pleasant sur
prise to the most habitual theater
goer. No hitch or break, wait or de
lays mars the continued charge of ac
tion. Republican Primaries.
Tha republican electors of Plattsmouth city
v are hereby notified to attend primary elections,
' to be held in aaid city March IT. 1900. to elect
forty-six (4) delegates to a city convention,
which will convene in aaid city at 8 o'clock p. m-.
March 17. 1900. Primaries will open at 12 o'clock
and dose at 7 o'clock p. m. Said convention
will aelect candidates to be voted for at the elec
tion to be held in this city April 3d. 1900, as fol
lows: One Mayor,
One City Clerk.
One City Treasurer,
One Police Judge.
Two members of the Board of Education.
On. councilman frem each ward of aaid city.
and for the transaction of such other business as
may come before aaid convention.
nrimariea will be held at the following
First ward Perkins house; 8 delegates,
c A ..rd Turner hall ; 11 delegates.
lumber office: 13 dele-
imiu w
Fonrth ward-Council chamber: 8 delegates.
Fifth ward Bach's store: delegates.
Robert Hayes, Chairman.
W. H- Rhoadbs. Secretary.
turned and reported that the committee
indorsed the Chicago platform, and
also added two planks indorsing the
Porto llican bill and sympathizing
with the Boers.
Nominations for president were then
In order. Sherman of Alabama nomi
nated William J. Bryan, Travis of
Illinois nominated Carter H. Harrison,
Murphv of New York nominated
Joseph C. Sibley of Pennsylvania,
whih nomination wa9 seconded by a
brief speech by Don C. Despain, and
Guthman of Wisconsin nominated Gen
eral Joe Wheeler of Alabama. The
roll call for the first ballot showed
Sibley the leader by about. 100 votes,
with Bryan second and Harrison third.
Rut as it toolc two-thirds of all votes
cast, or 590 to nominate, a second bal
lot was then called, with Sibley still
ahead, but not enough to nominate.
The third billot Harrison and
Wheeler were dropped, and the racd
waa hAtween Siblev and 13ryan. tor
five or six ballots the race was close.
neither candidate getting a very large
majority, though both kept changing
places for the lead. At the end of the
seventh ballot the chairman,under the
pressure of the Bryan men, declared
that the candidate who had the major
ity the next ballot would be d- clared
the nominee of the convention. Under
this partial decision Bryan was nomi
nated, having a majority of six votes
over Sibley, who was constantly gain
ing grourd.
Only the very finest kinds of candies
at Gering's.
We carry the stock in wall paoer at
the very lowest prices. Come and ex
amlnn it. No sample book trash at
Uering & Co's.
M. B. Smith, Butternu, Mich., says
'De Witt's Little Etrly Risers are the
very best pills I ever used for costive-
ness. liver and bowel troubles. F. G
FricKe & Co.
A first class paper hanger never has
to sell from sample books. His busi
ness is hanging paper not selling it
in order to get to hang it. Remember
Gering & Co. sell the wall paper
If your child is cross and peevish, it
Is no doubt troubled with worms
White's Cream Vermifuge will remove
the worms, and its tonic effect restore
its natural cneertuiness. 1 rice
cents. F. G. Fricke & Co.
T. C. Gentry, the operator, has writ
ten to a friend in this city from Fort
Scott, Kan., and says he has a good
position as operator for the Missouri
Pacific at that place. He has ordered
TnE News sent to bis new home
Mr?. D. D. Weils of Chicago, field
secretary of the Woman's Board of the
Northwest, will speak in the Presby
terian church Friday evening, March
16. Watch the papers for further an
nouncements which will be published
Charley Duke, who is emp'oyed in
the Burlington planing mil4, had the
misfortune to have the thumb of his
right hand come in contact with the
blade of the "band saw
afternoon. A deep gash
the thumb, and Mr. Duke was taking
an enforced lay-off today as a conse
quence. Through Bleeping; Cars to Kan Francisco.
No changes, no delays, no chance of
missing connections, if you go to Cali
fornia via the Burlington Route. The
Burlington runs sleeping cars from
Omaha, Lincoln and Hastings, to Salt
Lake City and San Francisco daily.
Dining cars all the way. Library cars
west of Ogden. Finest scenery in the
world. See nearest Burlington ticket
agent, or write J. Francis, G: P. A.,
Omaha, Neb.
C. A. Marshall, Dentist.
was cut in
From Monday's Daily. j
The funeral of the late Allen Beeson
which occurred from the Methodist
church at 2 o'clock yesterday after
noon, was a fitting finale to a life of
usefulness and good citizenship. Af
ter a short service at the Beeson home
on South Ninth street, the casket,
which was covered with rare and fra
grant flowers, was taken to the church
and laid in front of the altar during
the services. The capacity of the
building was soon exhausted, many
stood up in the aisles and others were
turned away, not being able to secure
The Cas County Bar association at
tended in a body, the following mem
bers being the pall-bearers: S. M.
Chapman, A. N. Sullivan, Bjron
Clark, Matthew Gering, R. B. Wind
ham and J. L. Root.
RevAsa Sleeth, the pastor, con
ducted the services and preiched a
most excellent sermon. The scripture
lessons read were from the 19th Psalm
and from the 41st to the 57th verses of
the loth chapter of Corinthians. The
text for his discourse was as follows:
"When I consider thy heavens, the
work of thy fingers, the moon and the
stars which thou hast ordained: what
ia man that thou art mindful of him,
or the eon of man, that that thou vis-
itest bim? Ps. 8:3-4."
The minister then gave a graphic
word picture of the immensity of the
universe, witn lis myriaus oi stare, us
countless planetary systems, revolving
about central orbs of light and heat
like the solar system, reaching into
space that is so limitless as to pass the
comprehension of the most profound
intellect and it was in contemplation
of this sublime fact which 6tirred the
psalmist into glorifying and praising
his Maker because of his mercy and
rnr,dnega and of consideration lor so
small a creature as man.
At the close of the discourse Miss
Gertrude Fletcher sang "Some Sweet
Day" as a solo, very sweetly.
After the benediction the cas
ket was opened and the whole au
dience in turn filed past, viewing for
the last time, the familiar of the
deceased lawyer, which looked almost
as natural as in life while the choir
sang "Shall We Gather at the River
At the close of the services the fu
neral cortege took up its march for
Oak Hill cemetery, a long line of car
riages following: the remairs to their
last resting place.
Among those present from abroad
were r ranK JJeeson oi Preston, me
eldest son of the deceased. R. W. Bee
son of Red Oak, a brother and Mrs.
B'ose, a niece, and Judge Jessen of Ne
braska City.
Sketch of His Life.
Born in u loe cabin on a farm near
Hillsborough, Highland county, Obio,
October 24, 1833. Alien B.eson was es
sentially of a pioneer type. Ilic school
ing was of that essential but unadorned
character attained in a country school.
An ai 111 ction to one of his limbs in boy
hood unfitted him for active work on
the farm, and he pursued his studies
far enough to become a school teacher,
meanwhile studying law with an uncle,
and helping to care for a widowed
mother. Practicing law to some pur
pose, he attended the Cincinnati law
college, from which he graduated in
1854. On June 24. 1855, he was mar
riea to Miss Eliza F. McDonald at
Leesbur. O.. where he resided until
1864, when he removed to Red Oak,Ia.,
nnd entered upon a career as a lawyer,
but still bad predelections toward
school matters, and a few years later
was elected county superintendent
His practice grew with his acquaint
ance, and while not a great money
maker, his advice was frequently
asked is matters of great moment, and
when followed was almost invariably
with success and satisfaction. While
living at Red Oak be was appointed
district attorney to fill a vacancy and
served with distinction. In 1S78 he
concluded to change his residence
First he went to Carthage, Mo., where
he formed a partnership with a promi
nent and successful attorney, and at
once found himself engaged in a great
mass cf business. One of the firm's
cases involved mvny thousands of dol
lars,but when he learned that in order
to win his partner had bought off the
lawyers for the opposing party, he was
so disgusted with that kind of practice
that be concluded be did not want to
practice law in such a place, so the
partnership was dissolved and he came
to Cass county, settling near Green
wood. In 1880 be came to Plattsmouth
and has resided here since, lie at
first formed a partnership with Hon
S. M. Chapman, afterwards with A
N. Sullivan, and still lter with J. L
uoot two years ago that partner
ship was dissolved and he took his son.
A. J. Beeson, the present city attor
ney, in with him, and who succeeds
the firm.
M-. Beeson was a man of sturdy
honesty and good, common sense, and
while be did much business, never had
the faculty cf charging high fees. He
had a fine sense of humor, and was the
possessor of an endless fund of an
ecdotes which he could ri count with
good effect in illustration of his points
of law and evidence. While not a
great or profound lawyer, he was ordi
narily successful, and enjoyed the es
teem of his brothers at the bar, and
the confidence and good will cf the
community at large. To his children
he has left the heritage of a well-spent
life,and to the c immunity i io example
of a quiet, law- .biding citizen, an hon
est man and a faithful friend. Such
men do not live in vain.
Rail Away trum Home.
Marshal Chnrley Spence of Louis
ville came in this morning with Joseph
Murphy, the 15-year-old son of James
Murphy of that place. The lad is
charged with incorrigibility, a com
plaint having been filed in Justice J.
P. Wood's court at Louisville, and he
was brought here for trial, but as
County Attorney Root is out of
the case could not be heard.
Leave orders at F. S. White's
Store or at Brick and Terra
Cotta works.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Neb. Tel. 71.
It appears that the boy got tired oflTTJC PERKINS flOlSF
staying ai noma anu siariuu uut iu olu
portion of the world. He
caught, however, out in western -Nebraska
and brought back, and the
father decided to turn him over to an
uncle and see if it would cot improve
the condition of affairs. It did not
take the lad long to make up his mind
that he didn't love his uncle enough
to stiy around the premises, and took
the first opportunity to escape. It was
some time before he was again located,
this time in Colorado, and when he
was again brought back it was decided
that the best thing to do would bo to
send him to the 6tato reformatory.
The boy will bo Kept in jail until a
hearing of his case is had.
F. R. GUTHMAN N, Prop.
was a
Rates SI and $1.50 psr Day
Centrally Located.
Comfortably Furnished.
Mr. Frick and
Mr. Carnegie
are quarreling" about the prof
its in their business. You'll
not quarrel with us about the
profit in. our business 'so long
as we yive you bargains like
the following:
Men's SpringSuits at So. 50,
SS and $10 just in from the
best makers. Exceptional val
ues in new and fashionable fab
rics. New goods arriving1 daily
easiest store to trade in.
C. A. Richey of Louisville
visitor here Monday.
William Schneider shipped two cars
of cattle to Omaha Thursday night.
Joe JvuDzmann purchased thirty
head of sheep in Sarpv county rial
J. H. Wailinger was in Council
Bluffs Saturday procuring repairs lor
his corn sheller.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. John Davis,
Saturday, March 3, a twelve pound
bov. Cigars are now in order.
Tobias Frey is in Omaha receiving
treatment from Dr. Gifford for wi-an
eyes. He expec'.s to be gone ten days.
Albert Meizger, the owner of alarge
cattle ranch in Cherrv county, ar
rived here Monday evening for a short
visit with his mother and other rel
Burglars broke into the housj occu
pied by Charles Stein last Saturday
and stole a number of articles, among
them being an overcoat which was
nearly new.
The democratic primaries in this
precinct t select delegates to the
Weeping Water convention were held
at Heil's school house Saturday nisrht.
Whom the delegates are the writer
was unable to learn.
The large fi',1 made in the public
highway one mile east of town last
fall, by order of the county conamis
sionirs, was washed cut last week.
People coming to town irom the east
are now obliged to go aioun J before
they can get here. Lumber is already
on the ground for a new bridge, and
in a few davs the road wUl bj as goo J
as ever.
A. W. At wood
and window glass.
fceils paint, paper
A. S. Will shipped a load of hogs to
Omaha Monday.
Green Piggott has gone to Murray
to open a barber shop.
Rileigh Bailey has moved on a farm
near Manley.
Steve Barker of Weeping Wate-,
visited with his father, Mr. Samuel
Barker, Sunday.
Chris Spangler and family hsve
moved to to the farm formerly occu
pied by Fred Will.
Tne Hackeuberg b others have re
turned to Cuss county after a sojourn
of several months in Coloralo.
John Vallery had his leg badly frac
tured a few weeks ago by a horse fall
ing on him, but is slowly recovering.
Mis9 Nannie Pi ice returned to her
home at Winteroet, la., Tuesday after
spending a few weeks visiting friends
at this place.
Fred Will loaded a car at Platts
mouth lost week and started for Colo
rado where he will look after their
cattle ranch in the fu:ure. Ihe fam
ily will soon follow.
Word nas been received from our
pastor. Rev. F. E. Toms, stitiner that
Mrs. Toms was taKen seriously ill
while visiting' with her parents at
Graft, Neb.
An entertainment and basket supper
will be given by the ladies of this place
at the Eight Mile Grove M E church
Wednesday evening, March 14. All
are cordially invited to attend the
ladies with baskets well filled and the
gentlemen with their pocket book?
The proceeds will be used to repair
the church.
Ilavine decided to remove from
Plattsmouth, all those knowing theai
selves indebted to me will cotfer a fa
vor bv callina'' and settlinsr their ac
counts at once.
William Cuawkokd.
All persons knowing themselves to
b indebted to the undersigned
call and Kettle before the loth of thi?
month (March) and confer a favor.
John T. Coleman, Jeweler.
Second door south of por-totliee.
Soclalmte, Atttnllon!
All soeialiflts and all persons in
terested in socialism aro requested to
meet at the K. of P. hall Friday even
ing, March 9, at 8 o'clock t-harp, for
the purpose of selecting socialist can
didates to be voted for at the city elec
tion April 3, 1900.
B. O. IlADLKY, Chairman.
Lewis Ackerraan, Goshen, Ind.,says:
"De Witt's Little Early Risers ah rays
bring certain relief, cure my headache
and never gripe." They gently cleanse
and invigorate the bowels and liver.
F. G. Fricke & Co.
'atiii'day, JMareli
My entire stock of Watches, Jewelry,
Silverware, Clocks, etc., will be sold at
Auction. There will be no
is to retire from business.
My object
Jno. T. Colemzm,
Second Door South of the Postoffice.
Marrltrt at St. Joe.
Mr. William Hudson of this city
was married at high noon Sunday in
S. Joe to Mis3 Carrie Kerner. one cf
the handsome young ladies of that
plnce. They arrived in this city Sun
day afternoon al 5:27 and were met at
the depot by a part' of friends, who
corted them to the iioma of Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. Campbell, in South Park,
the latter being a sister of the groom.
Abjut forty guests were present at
the Campbell home, and tho young
couple were tendered a reception. An
elegant wedding feast was served nnd
a royal good time was had.
The groom is employed at the I. &
M. coach shop, and during bis short
residence in this city has med a host
of friends. TllK News ex ends hearty
Ftiirview Gardens Sold.
William Crawford yesterday
Fairview gardens, consisting of
acres, to Joseph viitersneK.
Mr. Crawford expects to leave in
about two weeks for Alliance, near
which p'ace he has leased a big cattle
A. W. At wood sella pure
tho best patent medicines.
ti; ug3 and
Legal Notice.
In the district court of Cass county
Annie Mary Huber. et al. 1
Philip F. Huber, ct al.
To Christine liUDer:
You are hereby notified that on or about Oc
tober 20th. isy. plaintiffs hied their petition in
t he district court of (.'ass county. Nebraska, for
the purpose of partitioning to Annie Mary
Huber. George F. Huber, Minnie Huber and
Carl Huber. minor heirs ol John G. Huber,
Fhilip V. Hi.ber, Christine C. Huber, Carrie
Krmise. Catherine TaDoer. Marv Duerr. II. E.
Pankonin, Bank of Cass County and Margaret
f ireen. the undivided one-halt ot the west halt ot
the northeast Quarter of section twenty-two (2'i),
in township tw. lve 12), north ot range eleven
(11 . in said county and state, for an ascertain
ment and adjustment of all lieus and a ludstment
charging the costs and expanses of said partition
to sucn parties in saia action as me iuuii mt
deem equitable, and for an accounting of ail
rents and profits.
You are required to answer said petition on or
before the l'.th day of April. A. 1- liW. or it will
be taken as confessed. .
Annie Marv Hlbf.b. et al.
Ryron Clark and C A. K awls. Attorneys.
hirst publication March ti 4.
Is a Science.
There is no use
puttino; poor material
in a mattress. It
doesn't wear lon be
fore it spreads out
and crets thin.
It is the most economical in the end to put your
money in a good mattress, wmcn never grows oni
and, after years of hard usage, you can have
picked over and made equal to a new one.
Talk to Us About It.
Thomas Janda & Son
Furniture Dealers and
Job Printing
(Special notices under this head will be charged
for at the rate of one-half (H) cent per word
for each insertion.)
FOK SALE Home of seven rooms; inree iaiK
lots covered with fruit. Barn that cpst $vjt.
Good outbuildings. For about one-half what it
cot Inquire of ir K.Barror H. R. Gering.
House, Sign and
W. .t. Willi:, M,,nutr.
i c. luiiinv of 'jni'-dians In that Musi
cai I'uiiv'iy Surprise.
FOK SALE A set of blacksmith's tools,
at Coleman's jewelry store.
trtitii it K A pood
fit -ith a variety of f-uit. About seven
blocks from postoffice.
iLquire of A. V. White.
six room house and two
For further information
'OK SALE Terser cow; four years
" Inquire of Thomas Sullivan.
old: fresh.
COK REM -joe
I Sixth street
McVevs residence on North
Inquire at The News office or
V. O. box 3M.
ANTEO Salesmen and salesladies, (iood
Kiley hotel
proposition to ngnt party. can room
WANTED Men and women for soliciting.
Good territory and good wages. For par
ticulars address V. O. box So. 1077, Plattsmouth.
..We Guarantee Satisfaction.. ;" Breezy Time"
on all wn k intrust ,1 to us. j
ci.tire'y ro
en an 1 up-to-date,
ir.ani Novelties.
Wc solicit a share
your patronage...
Everutnina New and OriQlnal
C The Cat Serenade
- The Tennis (Juinte
1 he Three-Legged
Legged Sailor.
Patton & Bulger
Shop on Vine, between Fourth
and Fifth Streets.
by the entire company, as inteipreted by
America's "Four Hundred."' hn joy two
hours and a half of clean fun.
Plattsmouth Telephone flh?p fl? i
ricea U."c. :.c and
seats on sale at Lelifilioff 'i