DEATH CALLS ANOTHER Ml'RRAt HAPPENING- Allen Beeson Passes Away At ter Months of Sufl'erlnff. Hugh Robb has typhoid fever. Johu Cook la' able to be around again. Moving time ia at hand, i ous changes are being mado. Our enterprising merchant, J. By HI Bmmt Ia OM of Piatt- Young, Ay9t "If, O0ly a Rirl." moot'. Leading uwfiri Am n" D , , Lincoln is movi if to the farm formerly occupied by XI. Davia. Walker & Pitman, the grain mer . - i 1 r Citizen naa Mna " .,... Vox ! Month With Complica tion of DIIMtM. Allen Beeaon died very suddenly at chant8f are doing a big business thia 1 o'clock this afternoon, ancr ui MiB9 Annie Haro, wno ia PEUS05L mention. Ed Oliver went to Omaha "thia after noon. William Stitzer of Havelock is visit ing in the city. Farther Carney was a visitor in Omaha today. MUt E'la Clark went up to the me tropolis today. Joseph Morris was in town today from Louisville. John Murom was among the visitors in Omaha today. SKHCMlSll WITH NATIVES. Some or the lioj in m lunij um... Have a Narrow Kscape. Following is a p rtion of a letter received from Hiram Robice-by his father the day previous to the latter's death: CaLAMBA, 1 I., Jan. 16. Well, I have had no chance to mail this lotier until cow. We are now located at Lepa, which is twenty-five miles from Calamba. It was a long, hot march and many men were in a sickly con-j W. J. WHITE, DEALER IN ! HARD COAL SOFT. Leave orders at F. S. White's Store or at Brick and Terra Cotta works. Satisfaction Gtiaranteed. Neb. Tel. 71. at St. a . i, tnr- tio nRBt seven mplicationofdiseasea Josepn a uoap.., x-, months with a co the principal cause of his death be ing Bright's disease. Several days ago Mr. Beeson'a condition appeared to be improving, and some hopes were dition when they arrived here. George and Adam Meisinger or self and three others followed the coin-jjtj p PPPKINS Hill SF Louisville were county seat visitors to- pany. and had charge of the bull cart j I II D IL,1IVIU.J a&v ana provisions, we were sevens, p r gUTHMANN, Prop. T II Pollock and T.H.Ewlng mado miles behind the company when the wi trin to the metropolis this negroes fired upon us from either siuo c " -tr morning. We held our own place of the road s .1 . X 1 . , - . 1 lha f pn f ill Deputy Sheriff J D. about fitteen minutes, but we finally out to the western part of the county had to retreat. There wero at least along nicely. Dr. G. IL Gilmore.of Stanbtrry.Mo., has located here for the practice of his profession. M. S. Davia and R. S. Dill, old resl- entertalned for hia recovery, but last dent9 ef thia community are leaving night he grew worse and gradually for Burt county. Neb., where they will became weaker, until 1 o'clock today, make their home in the future. .. Dr. George V. Allen of this village, when me nnai suuiuu A E Walker of Union, Mr. Beeson'a demise removea one of d the t toe of w. T. King Plattsmouth'a pioneer citizens he Kt Tueaday afternoon a fnaa AAiintv In 1 fi"7S I 1 Ar.A naving come v,- j oeeu -rUu. welcome call. killed on the same spot whereto were and settled in this city in issu, wnere A musical entertainment ana supper hustlin? farmer fired upon. One of them belonged to he has resided ever since. He was were given at the Christian churcn Murray, waa in the city to- Company Ii, Thirty-ninth regiment, one of Plattsmouth'a leading lawyers, February 22. Prominent among the 3 &nd made The News and the other was a Thirtieth man in Ling associated in that profession for Zl Walked a pUant call. I company Last nif t a F. th artiU- m.Dy years with Jesse L R.t, and gMinni D t of lhi9 villftge. and Miss li-T later with his son, A. J. reesou. Davl8 or b nlon. eToK anrremalned till this morn- The entire regiment had a hot fight leaves a wife and six children four There was considerable excitement " c . h yesterday and the negroes were driven RUes SI and $1.50 w Dau Ceutrally Located. ( Comfortably Furnished. thia morning to serve boui Hi ,lvnfth,m nn(, ,hPv were armed Washington Smith was a passenger fl t don't see how for Omaha thia morning, where he we egcaped beinff killed. Todav I am went to consult Ur. uinora auouv u.o ghaking hands with myself over my eyes. escape. A chicken which was crossing J. J. Schneider, one of the prosper- the roa(1 duriDjr the firing wasknocked I n-o t-nrr. Cai a r Pppftk. WAS in I v. .. HT ..,- K.,11t fi Trt ffint. from Thetoebad "U31Br . 7 , r'er "3 . town today ana maao inc. e, where i was kneeling, j. wo men ei u PLATTSMOTJTH, NEB fr WUgh It Gomes to the Question.. of a new hat, you should not :il tempt to answer it until you have seen the nobby shapes we are showing- We have a beautiful new Pearl Crusher at S2.50 that will put you at once in the lit of Jjood il lessors. Other grades to suit your pocketbook. oni M'c up. SON. -n-nd two dauchters to mourn his in town last evening, occasioneu Dy m,. ..., farther south 7 a mnr extended obituary George Steele's rushing into 'Squire -Mr. ana Mrs. imni w stationed in a lurge ralace demiae. A more extended obituary gwea demaIjding a writ accompanied by their sons, Fred and 0 garrison daty here for six notice will be published tomorrow. of replevin for the recovery of his mule Charley, returned this morning from Te entire Orst battalion is No definite time for the funeral has tQam a gPay and a biack. Jack Shaw a two weeks' visit with relatives at h the olhep two hav5ng pone f:ir- vet been set. but it will be an- waf, Been to take the team, and drive uaiesourg, m. ther south. This city is one of the nounced later. speed eaBt down Main street at a break neck J PnKftv . larsest on the island and has several It is thought that Sbaw will kaihuvaw & churches and palaces. I was in . DMVV!.. " O I I It I Aioun i - ...... ,,ninn - , , a A "smoker" at the Plattsmouth club return wua me muiu, utt0 The worklng time at the shops was one yesterday tnat is lurnisneu mum rooms last night called together a been a resident of this community, increa8ed to ten hour9 ve9terday, and finest kind of wood work-marble floor, congenial coterie of young men who and has never before been known to do the meD Ftart to work at 7 in the beautiful mirrors and several juanos, conge""" J " n,j tKic Unrl Jnnk a A trac- .... s i..,:a v,i;fl n.n.m0i,il'in nl a I nUvnd cards listened to manaoun uju,k - r morDine ana quit ai oiuinBevuuiHK, umuMucau.mnuu.. VlaJ DkJ Uhnntop an4 nmft.icnl inker, and Drob-1 . . , Tfc. h..iiin.- rne rooms ."w" t - . I thus getting an nour ui uuu". uor were in holiday attire of bunting for bly he has gone to M ynard rrsome LMi and nreseated a perfect near by place, to attend a shooting f mfrt whon the tournament. UOUO Ul VC.tW. wfcM.w- - guests arrived. Apples and popcorn were sand wiched between card games and the fragrance of Havanas permeated the atmosphere at all times. Messrs. Hiatt and W halen made rog EAGLE ITEMS. Charles Allen ia moving to a f-rm six miles north of Lincoln. twelve-hour schedule which has been Sickner-s has takon hclJ ot the b.ivs in force in some of the departments and over thirty out of each company will not be discontinued for the pres- are laid up in the hospital. I was in ent, at least. the hospital two days, but I am now in good healtn ana am on auiy. The Burlington is continuing active jt j8 not gafe fOP a peivon to venture operations in the building of its exten- jar out cf town, as there aie rebels all Ed Wenzel is at present operating I a:on fmm Alliiace to Hartville, yo. , ainn0r the road. OatDOst men havo .1 on the board of ;rade at Chicago. and the new line is being built with botu fired upon t-everal times. Over I .... I - . - T . - " . 1 1 n 1 . . . . . 1 1 time music and all sorts of songs fol- No wedding announcement tnis time, unusual rapiauy. ii is uuiu.nv 5UU bpanin prisoners are none, m Inwtvl later A new lountrine pillow, I though prospects lor tne iuiuio are mai as biwu no i.uo wkii oe tumeu h.ubo. vm w.v,. the elft of Misses Treaua llempie anu Drigni. lemucu...... ------ ttIt5 .,c Susie Thomas of Lincoln, made its de- l no ffl lie sotie;y oi iue . t-. vuu. v,u 91UU rum l"ci"-" ' - ------ me uu3 ua.o u.. ........ b - jn't know whether we . . . I . r .. V. " ttrlll hrt 1 n - I . i . ..ii . i .......... V,...Y. n i t I. ii The ladies of the Congo church win river uiu3u, -- Wll. uo uCu . j . - the young men were profusein their lianlra t Vi vniincr vnmfln. rrv. o- nna nnlloved L: . Thimw. nxt Stu: - augurated with as much activity as is I am sleeping on a bed which prota innw,t. The invited quests were: ,W. now displayed in the building opera- abiy cost fi0, and of course I sleep fi, st J J mo I J Robert Hayes, Ed Schulhof, T. S. Mra Nick Myers,sister of our towns- Clifford, T. E. Parmele, illbtadle- woman jur8. S. E. Allen, died at her tions on th" Ha tville branch. rate. All of the boys have jrocd buijks Our first lieutenant was shot in tho . a XT i i . . . i . a. c 'I" U . . - rr, 0 tji, I tt-,1 T Ifmnn I . I Ail nOrlD-DOUnU trains uu mo -.a- M.'ff auring mo IJgni. ftt 31. mann,T. S. Baker, B. Wurl J. Kropp, home near AUo Sunday morning. v,Q Wn Mmin(r in late r r.,. n.r r..T1ti for several days, on account of the se- Thorburn are on the tick list. The Ben Davis, Ed Ryan, Jack Bennett, John Emil Currier. iv..HnAAr Frank McCarthy I lor several aays, on aeuuuut ui .uo xnorourn are on me t-ics usi. j. u iz , m,m. n, t c in the make-up of our community in verj ecow 6torra3 in Kansas and Mis- water is what is causing so much sick Wurl, Maiden the near fulure. Several families are rf neea AU tho watel. ha9 t0 bo boilec going to move about March 1.1 r tho ?.i Pn. mark last "The pattern Dasseneera who were i iii ii a cayuuu uw v - i - and strained before drink rg. I have a beautiful pair of d jhoes I A Noble Cnie. kav rv innu nr ii I at. uunricB. wau., i u - . . i . ... ... . . i -Ci v" nn v,ait with his week, and as a consequence there will on the Denver connection of Union r- found ana will try to ormg tnem nomo Ttuw uaa ltdu uw.w I - . -c j : ' Wlin mfl CI LI U1L1 W. V w n v. j " r 1 be able to regale their relatives and 86 "As the branch train was coming through Moreno Cuts very early this a man appeared in the cut . . old friend. Rev. Freund, left this be a considerable movement in grain morning for St. Joseph. Rev. Niebuhr here within the next few daya. is traveling representative for Em- The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. maus, an asylum for the epileptics and gd Bobbitt baa been quite seriously feeble-minded. This institution, or 9iCk with pneumonia, but is now on colony, is situated near St. Charles, the way toward a speedy recovery. Ma, and was founded in 1893 by the j. s. Strickland had a valuable horse r..rmn F.vancalic&l Svnod of North stolen from his birn Sunday night. i It fmnm onilorwv I TT ; a liKoral raisnrd and in I tOOming, fehle-mlndedness are. without taking other means t have the thief frantically ngnalmg with what ap distinction of creed, received with the apprehended. same Christian love and sympathy. The Eagie Beacon announces 11. But the present number of patients Wilkinson of Eigle as a cmdidate for crowds all available space to its fullest nominallon fOP representative. Rich extent, and in order to further extend ftrd Ja ft maQ tnat wouid creditably and develop the good work an addi- represent Cass county at the state cap- tional territory oi uu cre uc lo 1 ital. eAntlv heen ourchased. Mr. Kiebunr January 19 The regiment will thA lino tomorrow hbout admiring friends with a tale of a real thirty-five miles. Wo have been kept western hold-up. which was only a marching right along, and nearly oni fail llure because uf the engineer's good third of the men are unfit to m-,rch nse," says the North Platte Tribune. - NKAVS liKIKFLV TOM). Judge Paul Jessen wiil open the March term of district court in this city next Mouday. There are a great many kinds of !iTits hut when vou want window peared to be a red lantern. The engi neer slowed up immediately, but just as the train was coming to a standstill n uiav-uv.o. ', lights go to Bering's bevond the man wih the lantern, all . u-;tVi chntiriim ho he ODened 7k. o.H nt. nn. therebv frus- tor Is, always have your prescriptions trating their evident plan of holding Hied at Gering & Co's. t.h troin in the cut. The man's The home of Mr. and Mrs It makes no difference who your doe J. A The Epworth Leaguers were enter- Fridav at the home of lie v. --to-'-!'- I . t r Nictcols. Miss Nickols, the hostets, with a D: ece of red flannel tied around happy last night ty tne arrival oi a . i haschargeof the proposea extension . . . . at .ifl-w t th h ome of U e. ...L. a t umm I .Tn in the Second w n d, was made tne aw oi ... . , ;T!..., "s-- f ; . . . . , of the work and is soliciting mm a m -n T in Avnaotarl u.. . V... .ii SnZ Pved herself a capital e, tertainer. if Tho matter i3 beiog investigated." new baby boy. "Ar.l" ".I" u enjoyable time reported by all . Wo carry the 3lock in wal, pni)eP at o m tn r.nA fnr present. Tho Turlington is erecting another the very lowest prices. Come at d ex . . , ... I tt xt:ii a! An.nWnniiglLAmanhnrfl in the north end of the lo-1 ami no it. No samole boon trasa at the health or their cnuaren. , i nonrj .moi, vu . - , , ' , tiv vrnd will solicit the aid of farmers, ia at present lying very low cal yards. This was found necessary uering & Cos. . , w ,,ni (ii.t .nmLih nnpnmnnU. Ha is beinu very ia order to signal the switch engines m,,n1in Maillev. who went to the nil CO Urea, anu auv -" . . t. .. - , . t ..... .....u. vio n..iai, Vih norWulir nnrspd bv his familv and when passenger trains are approaen iriouu uuwuo ui ui. h' u...-.- --1 . . - j u - i - - - . . u .nvl. nonoa li tt will I f.innrla an f aa! V6rV SH D UinO OI I lng wvuur iui mo l - - flU6TI0NflUCTI0N ! ...BEGINNING... My entire stock of Watches, Jewelry, Silverware, Clocks, etc., will be sold at Auction. There will be no reserve EVERYTHING MUST GO. My object is to retire from business. Juo. T. Colonian, Second Door South of the Postoffice. AllenKby-Urensi-l Chub Oeclded. After hearing all the arguments in the Allensby-Greusel case at Lincoln yesterday. Judge Holmes decided that the mother wjh the proper person to care for tho child. The attorneys for both Mr. Allensby and Mrs. Greuel made powerful arguments, the pathos and tragedy in the case giving oppor tunity for effective argument. A divorce suit, entitled E izibeth Miller vs. Alonzo Miller,was filed with the clerk of the district court today. The parties are both residents of t'latt'mouth, and the causo of action is alleged to be non-support. The de fendant for a number of yea' s h is been earning a living as a fisherman. Meeting of Bar AKHoelal ion. A meeting of the Cass County Bar association is hereby called at the of fice of U. B. Windham Saturday even ing, at 7 o'clock sharp, to take action on the death of Judge Beeson. 11. B. WIXDIIAM, A J. Graves, Secretary. cheerfully forward authorities. to the HUBOOCK ITEMS. H R. Neltzel made a business trip to Lincoln Thursday. Carrie Wurtz of Lincoln spent Sun day with friends here. Bertha Goehry will teach the spring school term at Manley."" proper nia reCovery. The infant aon of Mr. and Mrs. Ed i Wright died Friday morning, and was buried in their family cemetery, one mile east of town, the following day. The family have the heartfelt sym pathy of all, as they lost another 6on a few years before. Isaac Iliner, who is employed in the freight car repairing department at the shops, was assisting in the work of tightening up a car truck this morn ing, when he accidentally caught the little finger of his right hand between the axel and "squeezer," quite ser iously smashing that member. Dr. Philimiines with the fighting lirst r ( Nebraska, is in the city for a visit at the home of Samuel Kich-irdson. He ia on his way to Chicago. Wnile assisting in tho work of tear ing down the old Bonner stib e yes terday, Sol O-b.-r hi'd the misfortune to bruise the thumb of his right hand quite severely, and ho was taking a lay-off today as a consequence. Mrs. J. A. Osborn, mother of Sol Osborn, has been confined to her homo President Perry oi uoane college Stewart Livingston d.essed the finger gave two very interesting talks at the Elder Van Fleet held quarterly Congo church, Sunday morning and a bad wreck in which three lives for the past twenty-three days with a meeting here last Sunday. evening. He urged Christian educa- were i09tt occurred on the Missouri severe attack of pneumonia. She is Revival meetings are being held in tion as the vital part of church work. Pacific ne'ar independence, Mo., Wed- seventy-four years of age and, while the United Evangelical church here. He also suggested plana for reviving nesday night. It was caused by the the long illness has been a great trial Mat Thingan is moving to the old Traver farm, four miles west of town. Mr. and Mrs. J. "W. Connelly are visiting relatives near Murray thia week. Herman Schmidt took possession of his purchase, the Rennvanz farm, this week. Conrad Miller came down from Omaha to attend the Johrdang Thingan wedding. Three of A. M. Cole's children are reported quite sick with grip, while the oldest daughter has peritonitis. A. W. At wood sells paint, paper and window glass. Noah Clemmons, residing near Mur ray, was given a pleasant surprise the evening of February 23, it being his eighty-sixth birthday. The old gen tleman entered into the spirit of the nm&aion and seemed to enjoy every minute of his neighbors' brief stay. It was a jolly company, and their music flneral sociability made him feel k- h was voune again. Wiahing Mr. Clemmons many more such pleas ant occasions the guests aeparteu. A. YT. Atwood sella pure drugs and the church servicea that have been discontinued for some time. It is I hoped that they may find some plan whereby a minister can be employed. The Washington program given by eighteen-inch snow fall in that vicin ity. " O KEEN WOOD ITEMS. to her, bright hopes are entertained for her early recovery. There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few vears wai supposed to be ln- Dr. Falcott's father from Dakota IS curable. For a great many years doctors pro- I it a lrtj-al HUpasf ami prescribed local the E-iirle schools was very interesting vieiting him. remedies, and by constantly tailing to cure with - I . . . r 1 . 1 f-T 1 t -1 M ." , , , , . , , local ireaimcui. (jiuuuuhh.-. .......... Lloyd Jeffrey has purchased a brand Science has proven catarrh to be a constitutional riAw hnrro-r Xow cirls nut in vonr disease and therefore requires con.stiUit'onal new OUggy. iOW KlrtJ pui ill yuur t atmcnt Hall s Catarrh Cure, manufactured bids. bv F. J. Cheney & Co . Toledo Ohio, us tne oni I constitutional cure on the market. It is i.ik. n The Kock Creek literary will close and instructive, and showed consider able training on the part of the teach ers, especially Miss Horsh. One part, given by the advanced pupils, was a review and history of "Our Na tional Songs." These old songs showed that they still are worthy of their places of pre-eminence in the hearts of all patriotic American?. that out of the sale of said property there s be ascertained the amount equitably belorif to said ward and the same to be invested by- Order to Show Cause. In the iJistrict Court of Cass County. Nebraska. David Pitman as Guardian 1 for Atlanta J. Cable t vs. I c l .-rl T cllo ct al. I This cause came on for hearing upon the peti tion of David Pitman, guardian of Atlanta J. Cable, insane, praying for a license to sell her interest in the north half of the nJrthwest quar ter cf section twenty-nine (29. and the south half of the southwest quarter oi so.i uui.ciu; CU) all in townshi eleven (11 north of range , thirteen (13.) in the county of Cass, Nebraska. , ritrht nf rfower and homestead, and (Zing ' f her i . i 1 ...... .-1 t r w Kur m,intnn. gu lrdian, ana tne proiccus ance and support, and be separate from the lolnt interest of her husband, Sanford L. Cable, in said land There is no personal property or other estate out of which to support the said liHs therefore ordered that the next of kin and all persons Interested in said estate, appear be fore me at the otiice of the cleik of the district court, on the second day of April. A D.. 1' UO. at one o'clock p. in . to show cause why a license should not be granted said guardian to sell said laud described in this notice, and why the court should n .t seperate the interest o said ward in said land Irom that of her said husbaod And that said not ce to be published in lilt Semi Weekly News-Herali. for three succes sive weeks before the day of hearing Dated this first day of sJ jtige. Byron Clark and C. A. Rawls. Attorneys. 4? 4? 49 i 4? 4? 4? 4? 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 4? 49 The Riffht Store.. Is the one where nils ;ue sold at low rices; where the firm does as it agrees; where your purchases are delivered promptly and properly: where the fewest blunders are made; where there is a readiness at all times fo rectify er rors; where every effort is put forward to please customers, .V store that tries to do all these things comes about as near beinr a per fect store as it is possible to make it. That's just the kind of store we keep. We would like to have you call and see this store of ours. You can save money on your Furniture b' buy inr it of... cf c ry -jf o cf Of c c & I I Thomas Jauda & Son (Successors to .1. 1. UrNRL'H.) FILE YOUR WANTS. The revival meetings at the Chris tian church, which have continued for four weeks, will be concluded this cburcb, Sunday morning, Kev. lull win leave tomor for the season Friday, with an extra n:ce program. . Missea Emma and Hannah Gerblingr of Elmwood are visiting G. H. and Charley Wiedeman. Dr. Hobbs, of Springfield, III.,- will give a talk on "India," at the M. E. internally in d jses trom i arops w - .---.--ful. It acts directly on the blood and rnuco. s surfaces of the system. 1 hey otter one iundrcd dollars for and case it fads to cure, hend for evening. row morning for hia home in Hampton, Ia. The good accomplished by these meetings cannot be estimated by man. The character of Rev. Hill and hia work haa been of a high order. Many have been persuaded to obey the gos pel and become Christians, among whom are a large number of young men. Kev. tliii appeals to vue iuidk- The hardware store of Mr. Bird has again changed hands, a gentlemen from Omaha being the purchaser. William Zebrung ha9 resigned hia school, and will leave about March 12 to take a position on the Rock Island railroad at Lebanon, Kan.. Remember the boy's quartet enter tainment at Lemon's hall, Saturday ing class of people, and his work here, night. Part of the pioceeds to be as elsewhere, has "been highly satia- given to a poor family- Come out and factory. help a good cause. circulars and testimonials. rtaurc. F. J- Chf.nev ci: Co.. 1 oledo, U. Sold by druggists, ."ic. Hall's family pills are the best. WANTED Several persons for dis trict office managers in this stato to represent me in their own and sur rounding counties. Willing to pay yearly $600, payable weekly. Desira ble employment with unusual oppor tunities. References exchanged. En close self-add rested stamped envelope. S. A. Park, 320 Caxton Building, Chi cago. John M. Leyda ia still makiug farm loana at the low rate of 5 pr cent in terest. If in need of a loan it vuil pay you to see him before makinc con tracts elsewhere. Office in Waterman block, I'iattsmouth. (Special notices under this head will be charged for at the rate of one-ha'.f (') cent per word for each insertion.) FOIl SALE. niu 4A I.K Hume of seven rooms; rnrcc r ., ,.rrml with fruit. Barn that casij i ll Oil tbuildines cost. Inquire of O For about one-half what it K. Barror H. K. uering. fcs ln!VMJrfi!' For further information iuquire of A. W. White. FOR LE lersey cow; four years old; fresh, inquire of Thomas Sullivan. MISCELLANEOC COlt Kt l-joe aicv TV'"-r ,r Sixth street 1. O. box :. Inquire at The News office or WANTED-Salesmen and salesladies. Gl proposition to right party. Call room Kiley hotel. Good 4. IV Onod territory and good wages, horpar "ular. addreVs P. O. boxNo. 10J7. Flattsmouth. Neb. vTFD-Men and women tor sonciung. The St. Joe Pair Store.. Having returnel to PlattMiiouth with a largv stock of Drv Goods, Notions. (Juccnswart-, (ilasswarc and Chinawaro, I would W- iK ascl to have all my old friends five me a call. Will Ik- ready for business next Satur- la' HERMAN WAINTROUB, City Scales building. Plattsmouth. Neb LOUIS OTTNAT... I i ..PaiittingjiNTERioR House, Sign nd Carriage.. UPTO-OXTK Painter anJ... Decorator ..PAPER-HANGING.. ..We Guarantee Satisfaction.. on all wo, k hitru-t 1 to "-. 1 :r r. SPECIAL DESIGNS u roriii' n m da ;l Pf'l i'a- N j.v -t .l' - unti up-'o ciaio rfel niar.-' f Wfrti. PROMPT ATTENTION TO ALIv WORK. Tivsntu years ot ExuerlenGC IN FRESCOING. Wc solicit a share of your patronage... Patton & Bulger Shop on Vine, between Fourth and Fifth Streets. ONLY SIGN PAINTER IN TOWN. I'riee- Moierat Cd Furnish Many Kiferenoeri. Plattsmouth Telephone No. 253- 97 ! The newest thino- ia town is the . . i Shon No. Plattsrcuuth i elepbone ' Keg Nq j-5 Model bakery, Perkins housa block. it best patent medicines.