Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, January 23, 1900, Image 1

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Alex bctilegcl slate capital
THE NEWS. Establshed Nov.5. 1&91 . conoliuatl Jan. 1 lttitt.
THE 11KUALU. tstablished April 10. 1864. ( t-OnSOlluatea Jan. 1.I8US.
VOL. IX, NO. 22.
25 Per
Owing- to the backward season, being1 overstocked
and having- heavy bills to meet, we will offer 3'ou for
SPOT CASH a Discount of from 20 to 25 per cent on
All Winter Clothing,
Underwear, Suits, Gloves, Caps. etc. To give you an
idea of how cheap we are selling-, we quote prices on a
few articles:
ft Nice Suit,
Formerly $8
Reduced to $6
A Fine Black
Kerseu Overcoat
Formerly $10
Reduced to $7.50
A nice Wilson Bros. Percale Shirt, which fermerly
sold for $1.25 and $1.50, goes at $1 and $1.25. Gloves
and Caps at your own price. Come in and see what we
can do for you. No Trouble to Show Goods.
Waterman Block
I desire to state that I have a well-selected
stock of Watches, Gold Jewelry, Silver
ware and Novelties, which will make suit
able. ...
Birthday Gifts..
Prices will be AWAY DOWN and
mean to sell the goods if prices will do it.
Every article g-uaranteed just as repre
sented. A Beautiful Medallion g-iven Free with every
purchase of $5 or over.
The Leading and Oldest jeweler.
52 !
n so
1 ut-mt
A New Discovery for the Certain Cure of INTERNAL and
Tubes, by mail, 75 cents; bottles, 60 cents.
JAMES F. BALLARD. Sole Proprietor, - - 310 North Ualn Streat, ST. LOUIS, UO.
F. G. Fricke & Co.
To Look Around
Before you make purchases.
After you have looked elsewhere,
come to us nd we guarantee you
will be pleased. Our new winter
stuck has arrived, including Dry
Goods, Staple and Fancy Gro
ceries, Crockery, Glassware, Flour
and Feed A square deal to all.
Main Street, Plattsmouth
I i . F I TZG EHAL1)
Has new stock, new rigs and
is prepared better than ever
to take care of
A General Llveru Business
Quick tripe made to ail parts of the
county. Low prices and court
eous treatment assured.
Plattsmenth, Nebraska.
All Wool
Formerly 50c
Reduced to 35c
- O - OH
- t - iTJCl win
otnLi J Til
5 ZlTk
Otters the very best facilities (or the
prompt transaction oi
Legitimate Banking Business.
STOCKS, bonds, gold, government and Io 1
securities oouxht and sold. Deposit re
ceived and Interest allowed on the rerta
oates. Drafts drawn, available In any
part of the TJ. S. and all the principle
towns of Europe. Collections made and
promptly remitted. Highest market
price paid (or county warrants. ttae
and oounty bonds.
N. Dovey, D. Hawks worth S. Waugh
F. E. White, G. E. Dovey.
Geo. E. Dovey. Pres., - S. Wau-h. Cashier,
H. N. Dove. Asst. Cashier.
To PATEIT Good Urn
may be secured by
. oar aid. Address,
Baltimore, M4.
Bubacnptloas u Patent Record UMipa anaam. .
State Dumloiiald's Column Has
Entered Ladysmlth.
Report Comes From Pleterniarltzbnrg-, but
Is Not Confirmed From Any Other
Quarter It Is Impossible to Determine
the Real Value of the Advance Made
May Be Doers' Old Ruse.
Durban, Natal Jan. 22. The state
ment comes from an excellent source
in Pietermaritzburg that Lord Dun
donald has entered Ladysmith with
1,600 men. This is not confirmed from
any other quarter.but it is known that
Lord Duadonald's flying column has
been acting well to the left of the line
of advance.
London. Jan 23 Just before mid
night the war office issued the follow
ing dispatch from General Buller:
"Spearman's Camp, Jan. 22.-6 p.
m. The following casualties are re-
nnrtorl In Oeneral Hart's brieade as
the result of yesterday's fighting:
"Killed: Captain Ry all, Yorkshire
regiment and five men. Wounded:
Second Lieutenant Andrews, Border
regiment; Captain McLaughlin, Innis-
killins; Lieutenant Barlow, Yorkshire
regiment, and seventy-five men; miss
ing. ei?ht men. Other casualties will
be forwarded when received."
The foregoing was all the war office
had issued up to midnight Nothing,
therefore, is known here as yet re
garding Monday's ODerations.
Boers Admit Casualties.
LONDON, Jan. 23. The Daily Chron
icle has received the following, dated
January 22, 4 p. m., from Spearman's
"The Boers admit twenty-one cas
ualties during General Lytleton's
skirmish on Saturday.
"General Warren continues pushing,
though he is necessarily making very
slow progress, as tbe Boers are num
erous and strongly entrenched.
"Our infantry are working over par
allel ridges, with Lord Dundonaid's
cavalry lying well out on the left flunk
and awaiting developments. The
Boers contest every foot of the ground.
"This morning General Warren's
artillery reopened fire, but the Boers
did not reply, and our fire became less
"The naval guns in front of here
have been quiet. A Boer who was
brought in boasted that it would take
us three months to reach Ladyemith."
Hot Fighting All Day.
The Daily Mail has the following.
dated Sunday night, from Spearman's
"There has been hot fighting all
day. At dawn our attack was resumed
along the entire line, all the briga
diers taking part. We 60on discovered
that the Boers still occupied the range
of hills in force, their position being
very strong. The range is intersected
by steep ravines and many approaches
very difficult of access.
"Today the Boers who were driven
from their trenches yesterday took
cover in dongas, and behind the rocks
with which the hills are strewn. The
forces therefore commenced the tusk
of driving them out and set to work
with good heart in the early morning.
Much firing tooK place and our pro
gress was slow, but gradually British
dIuck told its tale, and the enemy fell
back to another kopje. We swarmed
on and occupied it and then the attack
recommenced with the utmost gal
lantry. "Tbe country 6imply abounds 'in
hills favorable to guerrilla warfare
and our task is an arduous one. Never
theless it is being gradually accomp
lished. Whenever any of the enemy
were observed taking up a fresh posi
tion our field batteries poured in
showers of thrapnel and the rapid
movement of the guns, followed by ac
curate shooting, must have greatly
distressed them.
Rely Almost Entirely on Rifles.
"The enemy was on the defensive al
most the entire day, save once, when
it attempted to outflank our left and
was signally checkmated. They re
lied almost entirely on rifle fire. A
few shells were fired from a heavy
piece of ordnance, but these fell harm
less. "We now occupy tha lower crest on
tbe left and are converging slowly, but
surely, to the Boer center. The Boer
loss is unknown, but must have been
heavy. The killed and wounded are
carried away to the rear rapidly.
Strong rumors are in circulation that
the Boers are retiring. The hattie
will be resumed tomorrow."
The Dally Telegraph publishes the
following dispatch, delayed by the
censor, from liensburg, dated Sunday
"Last evening at 9 o'clock the R wr
began tiring furiously all along their
main positions, .three tiers of rifle
fire were visible. Tbe firing lasted
three-quarters of an hour. The reason
for the alarm is not known here."
Grain Export Record Broken.
New Orleans, Jan. 22. As show
log the improvement in the movement
of commodities through this port for
Europe it may be stated that eight
steamers cleared today, the combined
cargoes consisting in part of 824,000
bushels of grain, 32,825 bales of cotton,
37,000 sacks of oil cake and cottonseed
meal, 5,000 barrels of cottonseed oil.
525 oak staves, 140,000 pieces lumber
and 198 logs. Tbe export of grain
wu the largest on record for any one
Suit ileu Stoppage Worries Londoners
Would Not Hold Good News.
London, Jau. 23. Tbe sudden stop
page of all news from the front caused
great anxiety last night in London.
Churchill's special shows there is no
delay in telegraphic transmission. The
crowd at the war office stopped until
latin, but received no news. The
Leader's expert says:
"Nothing material is to be added to
the storv of vesterday. Not a word
from Buller yesterday, good or bad
We do not think be would havo re
frained from reporting last nieht had
he an v good news. One thing only do
we know, that the enemy is at length
outmatched in artillery, but his su
premacy in rifle fire seems to remain
"It is unnecessary to make any re
marKs upon the composition of the
staff of the Eighth division, save that
another guardsman is pushed up two
steps by the vicious old system and
absurd rule that guardsmen must be
commanded bv euardsmen, and as
there are two battalions of guardsmen
in this brigade this rule commends it
self to a secretary of state for war, most
of whose relatives are . in household
In private an editor says Methuen
got command because he is a guards
man. The Post's expert says: "It should
be remembered every British critic
shares the hopes of bis readers and
will hesitate to say a word that might
be interpreted as unfavorable. The
comment by the German military
critics shows thai some of the best
judges in the world look on Buller's
move as a forlorn hope and think that
if he joins hands ith White be will
have done all that could have been ex
pected. "
Filipinos Ak Mgr. Chapelle to Drive
Friars Out of the Island.
Manila, Jan. 21. Mgr. Chapelle,
the papal delegate to the Philippines,
is receiving many petitions from the
natives, who, while declaring their al
legiance to the Catholic church and
their enmity to Protestantism, ask for
a native priesthood and the expulsion
of the friars.
A Spanish paper received here last
week contained the statement that
Mgr. Chapelle would support the Do
minicans; that Nozalcda would be re
tained as archbishop and that the
friars would be returned to their
parishes sod supported y the United
States government in the exercise of
the powers they held under Spain. All
this, the Spanish paper d eel ar ad, had
been ordered by President McKinley.
This statement caused a tremendous
sensation, not only among the natives,
but among the American troops.
When asked about the matter myself
Mgr. Chapelle said:
"The statement is absurd. I am en
gaged in listening and learning and
will announce my intentions and de
cisions later. 1 am convinced, how
ever, that if we were to leave the isl
ands they would fall into a state of
General Bates will soon return to
the Sulu islands, as General Otis fears
that his prolonged absence might
cause an uprising.
Will Edit as Christ Wonld.
TOPEKA, Kan., Jan. 21. Rev.Charles
M. Sheldon, author of "In His Step?,"
is to be given an opportunity to edit a
daily newspaper as he thinks a Chris
tian newspaper should be edited. For
the week beginning March 13 he will
have absolute control of every depart
ment of the Topka Capital news and
advertising. At the Detroit conven
tion of th Christion Endeavor society,
Mr. Sheldon asked "what philanthrop
ic gentleman in this age of munifi
cent endowments to educational insti
tutions would give $1,000,000 for the
creation of a great Christian daily?"
The philanthropic gentleman has
not appeared with the money but, in
response to the appeals of the leadiug
citizans of Topeka, Sheldon's home
town, Dell Keysor offered to give the
paper to Mr. Sheldon for one week,
and the offer has been accepted. It is
understood that able writers are to as
sist Mr. Sheldon .and that statesmen.
prominent divines and editors of some
of the dailies of New York, Chicago
and St. Louis, will help him by sug
gestions. Mr. Sheldon has not yet
given any intimation of his plans.
Wanted Several persons for dis
trict office managers in this state to
represent me in their own and sur
rounding counties. Willing to pay
yearly $600, payable weekly. Desira
ble employment with unusual oppor
tunities. References exchanged. En
close self-addressed stamped envelope.
S. A. Park, 320 Caxton Building, Chi
cago. e Hoped Not.
The other day, when it was raining
very hard, four or five men were hav
ing a few glasses of beer la a village
beerhouse, when one man said to the
company: It's a drop of nice rain this.
It should stir things up in the ground."
One carious old man, who was known
to have been henpecked during his
wife's lifetime, replied: "By Jove, I
hove not; I only buried th' wife yes
terday!" Spare Moments.
Overheard In m Cemetery.
Boyle I am strongly opposed to
cremation. I think It Is carrying
things entirely too far. Coyle How
so? Boyle We would then be com
pelled npt only to earn our living but
to urn our dead.
Daybreak Sunday Morning
Boers Renew Battle.
Bruun succeed m Taking; Three Boer
Positions During tbe Bay Army Blv
onacks on Ground Captured While
Warren Was Fighting an Effectual Dem
onstration Proceeded at Potgletersdrlf t
SPEAEMAN'S Camp, Jan. 21, 10:20 p.
m. After ten hours of continuous and
terrible fire yesterday. Generals Hart
and Cleary advanced 1,C00 yards. The
Boers maintained an irregular fire
during the night, but the British out
posts did not reply.
This morning at daybreak the Boers
opened a btiff fire. The British stood I
to the guns where they had slept and
the engagement was renewed vigor
ously. The field artillery poured
shrapnel into the enemy's trenches.
A rumor that Ladysmith had been
relieved enlivened tbe British, who
sent up a ringing cheer. This-was
taken for an advance. The first kopje
was carried at the point of the bayonet
and-the Boers retreated to the next
kopje, which, like most others, was
strewn with immense boulders, sur
mounted by mounds on the summit.
The British advanced steadily and
the Boers relaxed slightly. The latter
did not show such tenacity as pre
viously. Their Nordenfeldl fired at
long intervals and their cannon fired
bnt Beldom. Apparently the Boers
were short of ammunition.
All day tho roar of musketry fire
continued. The British took three
Boer 'positions on the mountain and
found shelter behind the boulders.
Warren Holds Key to Boer Position.
LONDON, Jan. 22 The D.iily Tele
graph has the following dispatch, dated
Saturday, from Spearman's camp:
General W arren's forces have
fought a deliberately planned and suc
cessful battle. This important engage
ment occurred to the west of Spionkop,
and practically reeulted in our secur-
ng the rough tableland which con
stitutes the key of the Boer position.
"After a fierce cannonade had been
directed against the enemy's lines for
come time, the British troops assem
bled near an eminence known as Three :
Tree hill, which forms the center of a
semicircle of crests, crowned with the
enemy's works aud some tix miles
long. Steadily nod with grout dash
the British in fun try went forward in
the faco ol a Lnavy fusillade from
Mauser rifles. On trooi.s were dis
posed as follows:
Major General Wood gate's brigade
on the right, Major Oeneral Hart's
brigade in tbe center and Major Gen
eral Hildyard'e brigade on the left.
Soon after midday the battle on
the hill became furious and from 3 in
the afternoon until 6 the fire from both
cannon and rifles was extremely heavy.
Point after point of the enemy's posi
tions were seized by the British
troops, and eventually the Boer right
broke and was forced back toward
Our force-is bivouacking upon the
ground it captured so gallantly. Dur
ing the action today the enemy brought
into play new guns, one of which was
a quick-firer. Tomorrow ought tosettle
the matter. In today's fighting our
looses were trifling, but the Boers ejf-
ferred heavily.
"While General Warren was fight
ing his engagement an effectual dem
onstration was proceeding at Potgiet
ersdrift, the enemy's positions near
there being vigorously shelled by the
British batteries."
Another Account of Fight.
The Times has the following, dated
Sunday evening, from Spearman's
All .yesterday and today General
Warren has been attacking the Boers.
Their position is a long ridge, four
miles northwest of Trichardsdrift, as
cending from tbe river. At dawn jes
ter day (Saturday ) our guns occupied a
kopje on the east of the range.
The enemy's defenses were chiefly
stone sangars, extending forward and
right along the spur, making the posi
tion semi-circular. At 11 o'clock Gen
eral Hart's brigade advanced on the
left, along a rocky, uneven spur, into
the semi-circle, under heavy fire from
three directions. Taking advantage
of all possible cover the troops ad
vanced to a point within 500 yards of
the enemy's right wing, but they did
not advance beyond the edge of the
cover. There they remained until
dark and bivouacked.
In addition to Maxim Nordenfoldts
the euemy fired shrapnel captured at
Colenso. Their fire was intermittent
and was always temporarily silenced
by our massed batteries. With night
the enemy's right wing evacuated its
Durkee Claims Not Valid.
QuiNCY, III , Jan. 22. Secretary of
the Treasury Gage wired the Qulncy
Whig today: "No foundation for al
leged Durkve claim?," in reply to a
query concerning the sale of $12,000
worth of bonds, based on those claims,
in this city. The bonds were based on
the claims of men representing the so-
called Durkee heirs, that there were
due the heirs from tbe United States
$260,000,000 on first mortgage Union
Pacific bonds. A great many have
been Bold throughout the country at
Weldiug and birthday cakes to
order. Vienna bhkery.
But we are still doing
business at the old stand.
Our stock comprises everything
usually kept in a first-class
drug store. All the leading
Patent Medicines.
Physicians9 Prescriptions..
Tested Bis Strength.
Charley M. was at home from college,
spending his summer vacation. The
M.'s were people fairly well-to-do, and
Charley was passing the forenoon very
comfortably on the cool and shady
veranda. Down by the barn-yard fence.
In a neglected place, a crop of strong,
healthy weeds had sprung up and flour
ished under the summer sun. Left un
molested in the rush of work on the
farm, they were fast becoming a blot
on the otherwise orderly premises, and
that morning Charley's father tbe
"old man" had sallied forth, and was
now making a vigorous assault upon
the patch. Suddenly be left off his
work and came up into the yard. Tak
ing a broomstick which happened to
be leaning against the veranda, he laid
it on the grass, then turned to Charity
and said: "Git down here and see if
you can pull me over that stick." He
held in his hand a small cli&in. in each
end of which was Inserted a stout stick
to serve as a handle. Then the tug
began and developed into quite a spir
ited contest. But at last Charley suc
ceeded in dragging the old man across
the line. "There, that'll do," he said,
dropping his end of the chain. "I
guess you've got strength enough to
pull them weeds down there by the
barn." "I never said a word," said
Charley, telling the story afterward,
"but before noon there weren't any
weeds left standing."
How's This.
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for
any ease of Catarrh that cannot be cured by
U all's Catarrh Cure.
F. S. CHENEY & CO.. Props., Toledo. O.
We the undersigned, have known F. J.
Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe
him perfectly honorable In all business
transactions and financially able tooarry
out any obligations made by their firm.
West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, To
ledo. O.
WAL.DIKQ. KiNjfAi A Mabmiit, Wholesale
Druggists. Toledo. O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally
acting directly upon the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system. Price 75c. per bot
tle. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
"Fatty- Wilth.
New York has lost another of its
nnigue characters by the death of "Fat
ty Wa!sh, whose humor was as robust
as his corporosity. from which he de
rived his eobriqnet. He was a politi
cian always, rnd he lived and died in
office. He was the idol of the people
of his district on the east side, and one
of his favorite amusements was to
stand on the corner of the street where
he lived every night and give two pen
nies to each one of the little children
who flocked around him and could
show clean hands one penny for each
band. Probably his most famous epi
gram was perpetrated when the New
York aldermen were indicted for the
famous Broadway street railroad steaL
"Fatty" Walsh had been a candidate
for alderman that year, but he was
counted out. When the verdict of
guilty was brought in against the cor
rupt aldermen he folded his arms and
said: "God Is good to the Irish. If I
had been In the board, where would I
be now?" Boston Herald.
One Arrnmet t for If.
"Sometimes," she said, thoughtfully.
T almost believe In Mormonism."
"Why?" he asked in astonishment.
"Well, there Is a division of n;onsi
hllity about it." she answered. "It 1.
almost tco much to ask a woman that
she keep a man in the straight path
that leads to eternal salvation." After
a few minutes of deep reflection he de
cided that he would not go to the club
that night. Chicago Post.
True Cans of Stac Fright.
An expert has arisen to explain that
stage fright comes from a disordered
stomach. .Te argues from this that per
sons meditating public appearance,
should be careful of their diet and ad
here to regular habits.
Bobber Heals.
Rubber heels for all choes and boots
are now worn by women. The heel Is
a ready-made affair, about half an inch
in thickness, and its advocates say
that Its use lessens the jar of walking,
especially upon city pavements, to a
degree that very materially affects the
number of headaches to which many
women are subjected.
The Shah's Ti
Of all the sovereign, of the world,
the shah of Persia Is said to possess
the largest treasure in jewel and gold
ornaments, it being valued at no less a
Are Past
to Be Played by the Invalid
and Lazv.
Those wno are anxious to learn the
game of golf without all the violent ex
ercise and Immense amount of tramp
ing up hill and down dale which the
real thing calls for, will welcome the
new game of lawn golf. Of course,
golf cranks and enthusiasts will scoff
at it. but lawn golf will give beginnets
a very good idea of the rules of the
game, and from this they may graduate
into full-fledged golfers. Lawn golf is
played with a small-sized golf ball and
implements something like golf clubs.
The course can be laid out on an ordi
nary lawn, or even in a drawing room,
and constantly altered at will. In place
f bunke little fences provide Hie
necessary obstructions, and, instead of
the boles of an ordinary putting-green,
there are saucers of tin with holes in
, their centers. The saucers are turned
upside down in any desired position,
and, as might be iiragined, it is no easy
matter to get the ball Into them.
i 1
Many an innocent little darling is
suffering untold agony and cannot ex
plain its troubles. Mark your child's
symptoms, you may find it troubled
with worms; give it White's Cream
Vermifuge and restore it to quietness
and health. Price 25 cents. F. G.
Fricke & Co.
The Royal Neighbors will give a
progressive high fire party at Fitz-
The repuolic of Uruguay has more
newspaper, in proportion to its popula
tion than any country In the world.
Members of the St. Mary Catholic
church will give a fair at the German
hall on Friday and Saturday evenings,
January 19 and 20. Many dainty
things will be raffled off. Good music;
good time. Come all.
Is based on scien
tific formula, su
perior quality ol
ingredients, a nd
the care and skill
with which it is
Plattsmouth Coal Yard
Hay, Corn, Oats and all Kinds of Feer
Constantly on Hand.
a 0 0
Digests what you eat.
It artificially digests the food and aids
Nature In strengthening and recon
structing the exhausted digestive or
gans. It is the latest discovered digest
ant and tonic No other preparation
can approach It in efficiency. It In
stantly relieves and permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea,
all other results of imperfect digestion,
Prepared by C C DeWitt A Co, Cbieaflo.
. F. G. FRICKE &.
i sum than 12,00.000.
V . v