Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, January 19, 1900, Image 2

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    The Semi-Weekly News-Herald
OEORGE L. FARLEY, Proprietor.
One Year, in advance, $5 00
Six Months 2 60
One Week 10
single Copies, 5
One Year, in advance, .... 11 00
Six Months, 50
Of any Cass County Paper.
Fill DAY, JANUARY 19, 1900.
John 11. OKA It was formally re
elected United States senator from
Iowa yrstcrdiiy. Ho received 111
volts nnd White, democrat, received
K. J. llUKKKTT has introduced a bill
in congroHd for the securing of the
north half of the government square at
Lincoln, upon which to build the Car
negie library.
COUNTY correspondents are quite
regular in sending in Items for THE
Nkws and thereby give its subscribers
an npportunity to know what ia going
on in various p Tts of the county.
Roiskuts' doom seems to be sealed.
In the committee four republicans and
two democrat voted to exclude, while
one republican and one democrat voted
to seat and thon expel the gentleman.
When the money question or the
question of expansion comes before
congress there Beem to be plonty of
brainy democrats to take the republi
can sido, s divided are the fuoionists
on these questions.
Daniel II. Wheeler of Omaha has
been recommended by Senator Thurs
ton for the appointment as codsus
supervisor. Citizens of Plattsmouth
will hope that this appointment may
be confirmed by the senate.
probnbly culminate today. The effort
is being madu by tho Uulcbers and
retail Grocery Clerk's association.
With th clerk's it isn't so much a
question of ethics, murals or religion
as of needed rest and human right.
One business man keeps bis store open
on Sunday because his competitor
doe, the competitor opens bis place
of business been use a lew customers
think it a little more convenient for
them to do business Sunday morning
than at other times. It seems to ha a
matter of habit, largely, rather than
necessity. Success to the Chicago
IiY A perusal of the following the
readers will readily understand why
The News doesn't care to answer too
many interrogations. 'Editors have
their troubles. One of these men who
presides over the destinies of a west
ern newspaper is mourning the loss of
two subscribers. No. 1 wrote asking
bow to raise his twins safely, while the
other wanted to know how to rid his
orchard of grasshoppers. The answers
went forward by mail, but by accident
the editor put them in the wrong en
velopes, so that the man with tho
twins received the answer: 'Cover
them carefully with straw and set fire
to it, and the little pests, after jump
ing in the Qames for a few moments,
will be speedily settled.' And the
man with grasshoppers was told to
'give castor oil and rub their gums
with a bone."
If some good citizen would exer
else his inlluenco with tho weather
bureau towards having the sun com
out from behind the clouds once more
he would havo the everlasting erati
tude of the entire community.
Walter J. White is to be com
mended for his generosity in giving
the Boys' History class the use of hi
hall for the Mason Wheeler lecture
The bovs will now be able to con
tribute $10 to the public library fund-
TlIE trial at Louisville Saturday is
said to have been one of the most in
teresting and entertaining they ever
had there, and for several hours At
torneys dariner and Polk "played" to
a full house. Miss Cont'-yman was ac
The keynote of the campaign was
sounded by Senator Ilanna at Phil
adelphia a few days ago. He said that
foremost among the ic9ues would be
I. Prosperity of the working people
of tha country. 2. Tho retention of
the Philippines.
The censorship is too strict to suit
London. Its citizens would like to
know rooro of what is taking place in
South Africa. Americans can sympa
thize with them in this respect. It
hasn't been long since we were on
the anxious seat.
A Washington report states that
Attorney General Crow of Missouri
has filed a motion in the United States
supreme court for permission to file a
bill against the state of Nebraska for
ssettlement of the boundary line be
tween the two states.
It has been suggested that had we
kept to our original thirteen states we
would not have eolten into this Philip
pine muss. This expansion business is
awful. The man with a small business
should be careful not to branch out
lest his responsibility be increased.
It is possible an effort will bi made
to make the South African war an is
sue in the presidential campaign. The
fusionists will certainly have to
spring something new between now
and next fall. They can't get to
gether on any issue suggested thus
The Ft. Crook habeas corpus case
is being argued before Judge Munger
today. The question as to whether
the two soldiers had a right to fire
upon the one trying to escape has been
widely discussed and the decision in
the case will be awaited with consider
able interest.
Mr. Sibley, democrat from Peunsyl
vania, stands up for Secretary Gage.
He said, "I had rather see the country
prosper than to see my party succeed,"
and expressed regret that the demo
cratic party should thrive on depres
sion and praised Mr. Gage for care
fully guarding the business interests
of the country. Mr. Sibley no longer
believes in free silver at the ratio of
16 to 1.
Mr. BRYAN said recently: "I am a
firm believer in the enlargement and
extension of the limits of the republic.
I dont mean by that the extension by
the addition of contiguous territory
nor to limit myself to that. Wherever
there is a people intelligent enough to
form a part of the republie it is my
belief that they should be taken in."
In another 6ix months he may be ready
to support the present administration.
Sunday's Times-Hearld stated that
the indications were that the best or
ganized Sunday closing movement
ever inaugurated in Chicago would
The annual meeting of the state
board f agriculture has been in ses
sion at Lincoln for the past two duys.
The question of holding a state fair
was discussed in the open convention
yesterday and a proposition by tho
citizens of Lincoln to furnish the use
of the old fair grounds as they now
are free of cost and $3,000 cash as an
inducement for holding a fair at Lin
coln this year watt taken under ad
visement by the board of managers
with power to act.
El ward M. Birtlett and Samuel
Chapman last evening filed a suit in
the county court against Fred B.
Smith, asking for $1,000 attorney's
fees in the case of Fred B. Smith in
the federal court wherein he was sued
for possession of the Hawke farm,
north of this city. It is one of the old
things that grew out of the Watson
Hawke controversy. Nebraska City
One of the mest remarkable coinci
dences on record has come to light in
Lynchburg, Va., and Augusta, Ga. Im
each city there is a Walter Clark,
whose father was named Samuel and
whose mother's maiden name was
Walker. Beth Walter Clarks have
brothers named Samuel and William,
uncles named Charles and John and an
aunt named Elizabeth. Yet the men
cannot trace any relation between the
two families.
Wireless telegraphic communication
will be established between five of the
Hawaiian islands by an American com
pany. Altnougn many engineers re
garJ the connection of the five island
by cable as impracticable on accoun
of the coral reefs, an American com
pany had, says the EUctrician, about
decided to attempt it, as the needs of
telegraphic communication ha 1 grown
most urgent. On hearing of the sue
ce?s of the Marconi system, the com
pany investigated it and found tha
it would cost much less and be more
practical in many ways than a cable
A regular telegraph business will be
done by the company installing the
wireless system. The distance over
which communication will be eatab
liahed will vary from eight to sixty
one miles.
An old woman arrested for street
begging in Marquette, Mich., had in
her dirty ragged clothing $3,445 in
bills and eleven $100 United States 4
per cent bonds. She was sent to the
asylum, the authorities urging that a
woman who thus made a savibgs bank
of her clothes must be insane.
(lenrral llullor'a Korr-M Mako Hurreasful
Forward Movrrornt.
From Thursday' Daily
A pecial from Springfield, Natal, re
ceived in Omaha late this afternoon
has the following to say of the success
of General Butler's forward movement:
General Buller and General Warren
crossed the Tugela river this after
noon, General Buller, with the main
column, fording at Potgieters drift,
north of Springfield, and General
Warren six miles to westward at the
wagon drift.
General Warren's division forded
at the wagon drift in gallant fashion.
Will Start From Manila TliU Week
for I'nltrd Mtutra.
Manila, Jan. IG. General Wheeler
will start on his return to the United
States this week, making a stop at
Guam on his way thither.
Three additional eases of the bu
bonic plague have been reported.
Washington, Jan. 16. The officials
of the war department had very little
to say in explanation of the return to
the United Slates of General Wheeler.
The correctness of the report was ad-
How a Wealthy Woman Will Krada m
Wtteh'a Hoodoo.
Washington Star: A palace built
literally around a superstition la Wash
ington's newest marvel.and one may
safely say that nothing to match It has
ever been seen anywhere. Baronial
castles, as well as edifices of other
kinds, often gain resident spooks or
acquire curses as Incidents of their
history, but it has not been the fashion
hitherto to provide In the architect's
plans against such troubles, and the
notion of embodying a hoodoo killer in
the very fabric of a mansion Is wholly
novel. The owner of this remarkable
mltied and it was said that the order
had been given some time ago, but house, which as yet Is not quite half
whether or not it was the result of an . finished, is Mrs. R. H. Townsend of
application bj General Wheeler him- Philadalphla. Before her marriage
I self could not be recalled. It was'8"6 was MarX bco". a uauguier oi mo
!,hd from nr,,H1ilnir -tai mn t 1 ,ate Co1- "Tm" Scott, of Pennsylvania
fa.inr n hnt fim fmm the Boer artil-!.. . . L , .u. railroad fame. Her wealth runs into
, iDai uenerai uus nu uuv uubu uuib w .... .
i tuu ixiiAaiirua, 4XUU iuc aiauaiuii , vi v.
nna a piaoe in vue uem bawsmcury Bald wll, cost her aDout 1400.OOO. It
General Wheeler, and the latter hav- WHl be neariy twice the size of the
ing no mind for service in Mauila was famous Letter house, on Dupont circle,
willing to return to the United States, being 125 feet in width and 123 feet In
Florence, Ala., Jan. 10. The first depth. Mrs. Townsend Is building it,
absolute news of the intended course she says, for her youngest daughter,
of General Joe Wheeler, representa- now " years of age. and almost ready
f.,. h vi.rhth h enter society. It will be the scene.
Louisiana district, came today in a
E8 aaaa Art
lery and infantry. The Boers, how
ever, made no determined effort to
contest the British crossing, and fell
back, firing, on the main position. On
the north bank of the river a detach
ment of General Warren's troops dis
covered a farm house called Rhi
nocerfonte'n,' full of the enemy, who
had remained to harass the British."
Bismarck's Iron Nerve
Was the result of hissp'endid health
Indomitable will and tremendous en
ergy are not found where stomach
liver, kidneys nnd bowels are out of
orr'e-. If you want these qualities
and the success they bring, use Dr
King's New Life Pills. They develop
every power of brain and body. Only
25c at P. G. Fricke & Co.'s drug store
Mrs. James Looker is quite ill.
Mrs. D. C. West was a recent Omaha
P. A. Sheldon was a Lincoln visitor
last week.
Rev. F. Torns is holding revivals
this week.
L. E. Stone and wife went to Omaha
one day last week.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. Robert C.
Lyle, January 9, a girl.
B. W. Bates and H. F. Kt-opp took a
trip to Omaha last week.
Mi-'S Jessie F.-xwtll of Union visited
her sister, Gertrude, here last Satur
A. A. iuckT went to uricn. aio., a
few days ago and returned with a Mrs.
A. A. Tucker. Tho bride was Miss
Lillian Jordan, a sister to Mrs. Robert
The Modai n Woodmen of America
held their installation of tfficers last
Friday evening. Following are the
officers installed: John Murdrck, V.
C; J. A. Pollard, clerk; L. E, Stone,
banket ; M. D. Pollard . escor t; John
Whiteman, sentry; W. CL Tucker,
watchman; J. A. Pollard, physician.
Worthy Advisor A. A. Tucker will be
n stalled at the nextmeetlng.
Harry Pierson has sold his farm and
will move to Oregon.
Dave Craig has sold his place and
bought one from a Mr. Pierson.
The beet literary for miles around
is being in the Rock Creek school
house, west of town.
Henry Wright has sold his firm
south of town and intends to move to
Kansas in the near future.
Ira Griffith, formerly assistant prin
cipal of the Greenwood school, is now
a full-fledged preacher in Illinois.
About 150 young people from here
and Waverly enjoyed a skating party
ou Welton's lake last Saturday night.
Met Prouty, of Alvo, Is here organ
izing a society for insurance, called
the '-Bankers Union," and is having
good success.
Charlie Widerman received a tele
gram Saturday from his wife, who is
visiting in Coburg, Iowa, stating that
their little son, Ralph, is sick of
At the last meeting of the Wood
men they took in two members and
elected seventeen more. They now
have seventy members and expect to
have 100 by spring.
Johnson White received a telegram
Sunday, announcing the death of his
daughter, Mrs. Poter DeVore, in Spo
kme, Washington. The remains will
be brought here for burial.
Mr. Kelly lost a fine gray horse on
the street last week. His hired man
hauled a heavy load of corn to town,
at d while weighing it the horoe be
gan to act as though sick, and in less
than an hour was dead.
Persons who lead a life of exposure
a -e subject to rheumatism, neuralgia
and lumbago, will find a valuable
remedy in Bulrd's Snow L nament;
it will banish pains and subdue inflim
m -tion. Price 25 and 50 cent?. F. G.
Fricke & Co.
Going After Two Inlands.
Manila, Jan. 17. 7.05 p. m. Col
onel Kobbe. with the Fortv-eighth in
fantry, sailed on boat a the transport
flanctck today with gu d boats escort
iug. The objective of the force is
probably the important islands of
Samar and Leyte, which the ii.sur
gents hold.
The American blockade and the
levies of the Tagal army have caused
great suffering among the people and
hundreds of persons are in an almost
starving condition' The Tagal gen
eral. Mauiici , recently landed at Ne
g os from the island of Pan ay and ro
q ested a conference with Colonel
Byruo. He proposed that the insur
gents be let alone and permitted to
we ir side arms and uniforms in the
town until the war in Luzon was en
ded, when they would surrender
Colonel Byrne refused to agree to tb is,
however, and said they would be con
eidered as bandits and shot if they
were found armed.
Colonel Byrne surprised the insur
gent camp tQe same night and scat
tered the Filipinos, killing thirty of
ttiem. includmg a general.
Tabler's Buckeye Pile Ointment is
the only remedy for blind, bleeding or
orotruding piles, indorsed by phyS'
icians; cures the most obstinate cases
Price 50 cents in bottles, tubes 75 cts
F. G. Fricke & Co.
General Wood Breaks a Record.
Banana, J. n. 17. The newspapers
comment favorably upon the fact that
General Wood hs su Jtcribed for each
daily pa.oer and given instructions
that the bills for the same shall be
presented to him each month person'
ally. The Diario de la Mariana says
It is the first time in the history of
the island when a governor general
has paid or offered to pay a newspaper
subscription. "
Today General Wood left for the
province of Pinar Del Rio, accompan
ied by Generals L"e and Chafee, with
their aides. His object is t inspect
conuitions in that part of the island.
and he will vi-it a number of the
smaller towns and make a close per
sonal examination so far as the time
limit of the journey will permit.
King' Daughters Elect Officer.
Tne King's Daughters met with
their leader, Mr?. C A. Rawls yester
day, and after transacting othtr im
portant business, proceeded to the
election of t fficers for the ensuing
year, which resulted as follows:
President Mid Ethel Dutton.
Vice President Miss Rota Winter-
S.cretary Verna Cole.
Treasurer Carrie Baird.
William Gilmour - a tew Clerer's
Model, Woodburn Medium and Wilk's
oland China hogs for 6ale.
doubt less, of some of the most gor-
fpntlu AntrtafnmAntD .ua. fflvan at thA
laMoi. Irt VV T IVnnd . Bt.t.A til POm- I .. ' B
.w ... , . ... I national capital. Now. once upon a
iuisoiouer uuu perbouai mcuu ui mo time a very proper way to begin such
general. 1 he letter loliows: a story as this Mrs.-Townsend Inter
Paniqui, Island of Luzon, P. I., Dec. viewed a witch. It was a remarkably
2. Hon. W.J. Wood. Florence, Ala.: clever witch, and. in revealing the
That is what you can depend upon at ouk
shop. And that is only one of the many
jjood points. We have a lare assortment of
foreig-n and domestic goods from which to
make selections and ever' suit or garment
we turn out is guaranteed to be satisfactory.
The Only Union Tailor Shop
in Cass County...
Members of labor organizations are invited
to call at our shop, where the' can get the
union label placed on their garments, and
where the' can get the best for their money.
Iludecck fc LJLeli:iiBoy,
Rockwood Block-Main St.
1 saw in pa pars from the United Slates future to her lady patron, she predicted ftAAA i& AE2
tnat the commissioner 01 tne land a number of events since realized with
office was against recommending that a9tonlahin. liri.rv in v,r Town
our mineral lands be sold under the Benfl.8 Hfe R wag a yery br,ght and
' 1 C hnnrf nl ntttn ha oIia t i-Aiir t thn nrhAlA
him, urging lhat ihis be not dono un- ' , ,
til ii - ehool lands out of it I one may command a good deal of
expect to leave in a few days for the brightness and cheerfulness if one pos-
United States and wi:l devote mysell et-bses millions or dollars nut mere
to getting the bill through, which I J was one unpleasant prognostication.
thinK lean do now. I ;ould not have This was that if Mrs. Townsend ever
left hero while the ctmpaign was on occupied a dwelling which had never
witnout being suojeciea to severe crii- been !ived n before 3be wouW ulQ with
cisu.. i iiavorebigueu "ijr poaiw.u, , s,x monthg after pMving ln. Thi3
the army. With high regards, truiy I .,, ,.. n-. .....,
vnnr frind JOSEPH WllREl.KR. ali ul-. m.,
I CrrCiTU Orm C y- C r XT V. . . lnnct- 1 4a
.it .r
-i!fcSil5ii ". -Jm i-'-
The letter was mailed in Manila,De-
cember 2, and reached Florence today,
now she has carefully avoided all risk
of incurring the penalty suggested.
Though anxious for some time past to
move her residence to Washington
and build a home here, she has been
restrained from the accomplishment of
this desire by the witch's ominous vat
icination. She had thoucht of buying
) WO J
Inhabitant. Happy and Contented
Crime Almost Unknown.
From the New York Times: Few
tlPOnlft Avar t h In V nf Q(- TTolona iTrant
do o i, u " VT , I a house, but could find none that was
lived a while miserably and then more ,arg enouSh or adequate in other re- J?
mlserahlv rtlPri That th rrMtPt r ir ner purposes. at .engm.
anti-climaxes was not the end of the oweyer. she hit upon an ingenlou9
little island's history is hard to realize, methd of evading the hoodoo and get-
Thk News has the best Book and Job Print
oflice in Cass county and can handle any kind
of a job of printing on short notice. We make a
specialty of Law Briefs and other Book work.
possibly because a poet or romancer
would have made it the end, and
continuation is therefore more or less
unnatural and absurd. Be that as it
may, St. Helena has remained the abid
ing place of ordinary human beings
who concern themselves very little
about the colossal ghost generally sup
posed to be the Island's only Inhabi
tant, and the report to the English
government just made by their gov
ernor shows that they have joys and
sorrows exactly like those of the folks
dwelling in places less tragically fa
ting what she wanted at the same time.
She decided to purchase the old Hill-
yer mansion on Massachusetts avenue.
and to construct a palace around it.
This she is doing in such a manner that
while occupying the new mansion, she
will actually live ia the old Hillyer
house, the skeleton of which is re
tained as a middle portion of the re
vamped structure. Her bedroom, her
dressingroom and bathroom and her
boudoir will be in the ancient dwelling,
the original floor joists and framework,
as well as the roof, being kept intact.
For Sale Bills and all kinds of Poster work,
we have the proper type and other material.
Letter heads, Note heads. Bill heads. State
ments, Envelopes, and all kinds of Commercial
Printing in the Latest Style.
The News Printery
No. 305 Main Street PLATTSMOUTH
mous. For instance th revenue of iuua lue BUUUUU wl" oe eia:u,
tho a i0 ,-o ffliw o j. asmuch as the construction on which
cidedly comfortable sum. but alas! the the builders are now engaged comes 1 V V 1?
that is an excess of outgo not comfort- nIcay speaking, and Mrs. Townsend
able at all The eovernnr Ravs how- mW consider herself safe against the
ever, that the bad balance was due to fulfillment of the conditional threat re-
some extraordinary drains upon the
island's resources, and that he antici- I
pates a substantial surplus for the cur
rent year. A recent increase of tha
garrison and extensive improvements
now making by the colonial and im
perial authorities assure the imme
diate prosperity of the islanders. St.
Helena has no public debt, but is pay
ing off by small annual installments a
nonlnterest-bearing grant of 5,000
made by parliament in 1871. The im
ports, chiefly foodstuffs and building
materials, amounted last year to 62,-
985, and the exports, almost wholly po
tatoes to 4,291. Lacemaking has been
Introduced among the girls of the is
land with great success, and the gov
ernor is experimenting with the manu
facture of brick and tile. The whal
ers have now entirely deserted St.
Helena, the few ships engaged in that
Industry keeping far to the north or
south. The total population of the is
land Is 4,343. The governor hopes that
winter visitors from England may be
tempted by the salubrity of the cli-
corded against her in the book of fate.
Qan of All rtbrea Wot ftecare on Her
a uerman doctor, improving on a
method patented in France some years
ago, has produced from cotton a fiber
which in many respects surpasses the
material from which It is prepared, and
the same may be said of an English
process patented in 1897, by which,
from a mass of cotton dissolved in cer
tain chemicals, continuous threads
may be spun and fibers obtained of any
desired length, says Chambers' Jour
nal. The fineness and length of the fi
bers produced by either of these pro
cesses are the chief features of im
provement, which may possibly induco
manufacturers to take them up. Tne
former is already being handled on a
large scale on both sides of the chan
nel; and the latter, although as yet
scarcely beyond the experimental
stage, bids fair to become equally suc
cessful. We hear that even Pilk the
Have been removed to SECOND and
MAIN STREETS. Orders for
COAX, te
mate to trv St. Helena, which is su
nerior. h av. in som rejects to that lueen of all fibers is not secure on
of Madeira and the Canary Islands. He her throne. She likewise has many
says the oeople as a whole compare competitors ana mat nuie lepiaepier-
I 1 I . . 11 1 : i I
favorably with the English agricul- uua iauurer. worm, is hkcut
tural population; with few exceptions soon to be out of work. Of these, one
all mti an n-itp and the lan- nans irom certain Mediterranean
guage is spoken with greater purity shores, notably Sicily, where at low
than in manv districts at home. As a "Qe. irom myriads or sneiinsn wnicn
rule, the Deoole are hapny and con- aitacn tnemseives to tne rocics ano
tented, with little crime among them larger stones upon tne beacn, a quanti-
and much kindness in helping each ty 01 very nne ana glossy nDrous mat
other. Strangers arc greatly impressed ter not unlike a cobweb and similar
wlta the general civility shown by In appearance to silk Is obtained, and
them to old and young. this, when thoroughly washed, dried
and combed, is made up into fabrics.
A A . I. a 1 L 1 1 1L. A A Jln
1nH.l.i Maclilne. nuumci aauga wuru iiiicatfua lu uis-
For registering the results of a foot Place the produce of the silkworm Is
. ; innr rnnwn aa vanntfoo ci ir nmniirpn
mra thp numan eye anu voice seem uu'
sometimes painfully inadequate. Close in Glasgow by artificial means and at a
rnntats nf this .rind will doubtless very small cost, it consists or extreme-
end more pleasantly when the new fine threads obtained by forcing a
i.,Ar,T rr.o. .,i " jo-rihP,i hv tha gelatinous solution through a number
juugiu .v ..., - 1
Onlden P-i;nv. cf mes Into general use. minuie apertures, ana alter unaer-
The machine, which was invented by going a water-proofing process tne n-
an Aiiatrali.. is desiened to be nlaced Ders become pliable and can be handled
Will receive PROMPT Attention.
Here are some of the grades they handle:
at the finish line, and consists of a
light metal frame partitioned into two
or more divisions, each about four feet
wide. On the top of the frame stands
a small cabinet containing numbered
divisions corresponding to the num
bers of the tracks. The Instant the
first man passes through his division
a shatter falls, disclosing his track
number. The other numbers are Im
mediately locked, except when the ma
chine Is set for final heats. In this
case a small cylinder is attached to
the machine, and a hammer head
strikes a mark on the revolving cylin
der as the men finish. Thus the exact
on the looms with perfect ease. Spun
glass, in fine and glossy fibers capable
of conversion into textile fabrics pos
sessing a sheen even surpassing that
of silk, has long been known; but un
fortunately it has serious disadvan
tages unfitting It for general use.
A Romance of tbe Peerage.
The death of Lord Dunboyne recalls
one of the romances of the peerage.
The twelfth Lord Dunboyne was Ro
man Catholic bishop of Cork, when the
peerage unexpectedly devolved upon
nim through the death of a nephew.
W ishlng to perpetuate the family and
the Htl ha nnnllori tn Pnna Tliia 1i
positions of all the competitors can be fo a dlspeMatlon to retIre from tb
told to a nicety. ine same iutcihui -nlsconatA an(i t. marr Th rnW
has originated an automatic Judging t f th Tatlca couched i
machine lor bicycle races, it conbists the 8everest term3 of censure. He
of fine, light metal strips placel in a thereupon broke his vow of celibacy
small trench about two inches wide. nd marrIed a Protestant young lady,
which is sunk across the track at the afterwards publieiy seceding from the
finish. During the last lap these strips, Roman Catholic church. Thrc waa
which are coated with enamel, are however, no issue to the marriaee and
placed in position by means of a lever, shortly before his death, he was re-
and the first wheel to cross receives ceived hack into the Roman Catholic
five marks. In crossing, however, it church by the Rev. Dr. Gahan. The
displaces one of the strips, and the widow of the ex-bishop survived him
next wheel, therefore, only receives for sixty years, dying in August, 1880,
four marks, the third three, and so on. at the great age of 98.
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