Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, January 09, 1900, Image 3

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Mrs. (Jcorgc Housewortli Gives
a 1 O'clock Luncheon.
A Very Pleasant Reception Is Olven At
the Home of Mr. and Mrs. John Bar
ley Mies Sallle Agnew Entertains the
Mrmhrrii of the Dancing Club at Her
From Saturday's Daily.
Mr. George House worth enter
tained, for Miss Mason of Burlington,
about twenty ladies at an elaborate 1
oVlock luncheon yesterday afternoon.
The rirfrothment table was very
beautifully arraugea and daintily
decorated with narcissus and maiden
hair ferns.
The combination name and menu
cards were delightfully unique, each
course being announced by an enig
matical verse, which the guest were
required to solve before being served.
This occasioned much merriment and
was a delightful feature of this orig
inal and charming function.
The guests present were Mesdames
H. O. Fellows F. E White, Henry
Herold, F. J. and D. C Morgan, C. C.
Pannele, Al G m, J. L. U)ot, G. M.
Spurlock, T. H. Pollock, Fred Lohn
holT, E. D. Cummins, W. J. Strcight,
H. N. Dovey and Misses Jones, Mason,
Uurlington, la.; .ind Mrs Homeworth,
hostess, assisted by Mesdames Dwyer
and Helps.
A I'lraitaiit Krcrpttoo.
Tho h mo of Mr. and Mrs. John
iiurley was the scene of a very pleas
ant gathering last night, when Mrs.
Dungun and MUs Oitchfield received
the members of their Bible school
classes and their friends. About fifty
young people enjoyed tbe games and
amusements provided by their hos
tesses. "The Council of War" proved to bo
a very popular game. After finding
partners by moans of Blips of paper
bearing a part of some general's name,
each couple were given sheets of paper
containing ton conundrums to be an
swered by a Cuban or Philippine gen
eral's name. Charlie Kerr proved
himself an adept in tho art of mould
ing, as he made from gum the best
representation of an elephant. Tho
fortune c ike and tho telling of fortunes
by means of colored candles were pop
ular features of tbe evening.
The dining room was beautifully
decorated in the class colors, blue and
white for the young ladies' class, and
scarlet and cream for the young mens';
while partners for tho dining room
were found by matching letters of the
class colors. The Misses Etta Twiss
and Minnie McKay, with caps and
aprons of the prevailing colors, served
ices, cake and fruit iu a very pleasing
manner, and at a late hour the gather
ing broke up with many expressions of
appreciation to the ladies who planned
the tMitertainment.
The Dancing Club Meets.
MissSallio Agnew entertained the
dancing c!ub very p'easantly at her
home last evening. Those of the club
present were Misses Gretel and Flor
ence Waugh, Lena Fricke, Ethel,
Alice, Elizabeth and Margaret Dovey.
Lillian Shryock, Madge W ilson, Helen
Cox, Sallie Agnew.and Messrs. Robert
White, Lloyd Wilson, Willie Ittmaey,
Fritz Fricke, Arthur Munger, Wade
"Windham, Leon Pepporberg.
The iruests of the evening were
Misses Baker, Stoutonborough and
Vallery and Messrs. Armstrong of San
FrancUco and Montgomery of Omaha.
These meetiners continue to Increase
greatly in popularity.
Woman's Clob Meeting
From Saturday's Daily.
The Woman's club met in the par
lars of the A. O. U. W. hall Friday
evening, January 5. The rooms were
scarcely large enough to 9eat comfort
ably those present, a largo number
being gentle men.
The minutes of tho previous meet
ing were read and Mrs. Fellows an
nou? ced tho program for tbe evening.
Some changes been made at pre
vious meetings, but in future all bui
ncss will be in reeuiar routine. Mrs.
Toliff then took charge of tho Parlia
montary department, tho subject for
the evening being "Motions;" the
different kinds, how made, and differ
ent classes. Questions were i.f-ked and
answered by the members generally.
This department is very interesting
to visitors and members alike,
Mr. Travis was then introduced and
gave one of the most interesting lec
lures of tbe season, me subject was
"The Revolutionary Period." Con
trary to expectations, ho said very
little, or nothing, of tho wars
and battles of that period, but
confined his remarks to the po
litical, financial and domestic sit
uations of the times, speaking espe
cially of the statesmen of that period,
of their characters and peculiarities,
Miss Bertha Goehry and sister, Mar
tha, were Omaha visitors Saturday.
Frank Buell and Fred Cox returned
to their school duties last Tuesday.
Mrs. C. M. Mooney made a trip to
Omaha Saturday, sight-seeing and
Rev. F. Ostertag, who is located at
Culbertson, Neb., was here Monday to
attend the funeral of his mother.
Mannie Thingan has just returned
from a courting trip to Sutton. We
would not be at all surprised to hear
of a wedding before spring.
Henry Murfiu of Wabash was calling
on the bova Thursday with a view of
being endorsed for census re
Elmwood precinct. We believe he
would make a good man for the place.
The many friends of Miss Dora Mil
ler, who for such-a long time made
her home with the family of G. V.
Pickwell, will no doubt be surprised
and pleased to learn of her marriage
to a young man in Missouri. May
happiness be their portion.
Messrs. Holmes and Anderson, two
Colonels Hare and llowse Suc
ceed in Difficult Task.
Bring all tbe American Prisoners Held by
Filipinos Safely Into Vigan Dispatch
From Manila Mentions no Names Ex
cept Ulllmore, bat Says "all" Captured
Americans Liberated.
Manila. Jan. 5.-5 p. m. Colonel
Ross Barr of Greenwood was in the
city on business today.
Mrs. J. D. McBride and little daugh
ter were visitors in Omaha today.
Wesley Stoneking of Cedar Creek
was on overnight visitor in the city.
Judge J. E. Douglass went to Weep
ing Water to spend Sunday with his
A. Bengen and wiuwm uunspie oi
Mynard were transacting business in
Luther R. Hare of the Thirty-third in
fantry. and Lieutenant Colonel Robert the city today
L. Howse of the Thirty-fourth inf an-J MU8 Minna White returned home
trr. with all tho American prisoners, I this mornine from a week's visit with
porter of including Lieutenant Gillmore, have friends at Glen wood
arrived at Vigan, province of bouth
I locos.
Washington, Jan. 5. After a si
lence of several days General Otis is
able to notify the war department of
the important success of the military
operations in northwest Luzon, the
main object of which was the rescue of
tho American prisoners, which the in
surgents took with them iu their
Otis does
fiicht. Although General
very promising young business men of not 8pecify Lieutenant Gilmore, U. S.
Aiaimo, in eD,, are laying
are laving in a nne
stock of groceries, dry goods and such
goods usually found - in a first class
general merchandise store, acd will
have a grand opening next Friday in
A. Zabel's old stand. We bespeak for
them a successful business venture
here, and gladly welcome them to our
We hear that Dr. H. C. Madding
Frank Cummins departed this after
noon for Chicago to resume bis studies
at the detal college.
Willis Horton, one of the oldest set
tlors In Cass county, was doing busi
ness at the court house today.
Joseph Goldschmidt, deputy supreme
regent of the Imperial Mystic Legion,
in Omaha on lodge business to
Albert Brittain and Miss Fay Etta
were united in
M hv ddtiia tho worainfir Oi nis me- iving, uum ui i-uiD .j.
sae is taken to mean that that officer marriage by Justice Archer this after-
was among the list of rescued prison- I noon.
General Otis' message is as follows: Mrs. A. N. Sullivan and Mrs. Dr.
"MiNir.A. Jan. 5. Colonels Hare RUter went to Omaha this afternoon
anA Unnan iust arrived at vigan, i tn attend the matinee. uoston
northwest Luzon, with all American
prisoners. Their successful pursuit a
t-AmarUablfl achievement. Generals
Scbwan and Wheaton, now with sep-
nnri Athnrt 7. ihpl tntrAthor with their I gram rntiimns in Cavite province. Af-
families, will leave for Lincoln next I fairs in Luzon, north of Manila,
week, where, with two other experts, greatly improved. Otis."
they will enter the field of healing the Names of Rescued Captives.
aick and otherwise benefitting man- In the absence of a detailed state-
kind by ome process known only to ment from the admiral as to the per
ihnmnnlcAH. Wa are sorrv to lose annalitv of the prisoners the officials
good citizens, but know that these I Qj no navy department have prepared
iha fntlnwincr statement, which, al-
gentlemen will
ere long make
ians" are to play "Robin Hood,"
Mrs. Nellie Agnew and Miss Bird
Rakfir went to Omaha thi afternoon
to attend the production of "Robin
Hood" by the famous Boston ian Opera
Rev. Freund of the Evangelical St,
Paul's church went to Wayne, Neb.,
today, where he wi'.l assist in dedicat
ing a new church. He expects to re
turn to the city Tuesday.
Thomas Walling, the abstractor,
andrwPeresCte theV wihe ?re warded though believed o be correct, is sub- was treating his friends to cigars this
with the success their efforts merit.
be large enough to comfortably shelter
eight head of horses, and there will
also be sufficient room in which to
keep the firm's vehicles.
Fred Iiam?e, one of The Mews'
carrier bovs, fainted this morning at
the High school. He quickly recov
ered, however, ad is all right again.
Colonel C. W. Sherman went up to
South Omaha this afternoon. He re
ports having secured quite a number
of purchasers for Missouri land at that
Owing to the warm weather which
has prevailed for the past several days
the work of cutting ice over on the
river ha been discontinued for tbe
The members of tho Woodmen of
the World lodge are making extrusive
preparations for their installation of
officeas, which occurs on next Thurs
day evening.
There was a very pleasant little
dancing party at the home of Anton
Gerald, on Winter9teen hill, Satarday
evening. The young people who were !
present report a good time.
Attention is called to the announce
ment of Wm. Herold & Son, in this
issue of The News. Prospective buy
ers will do well to look over tneir
bargains before making their pur
C. C. Parmele.J. M. Patterson,F. J.
Morgan, Tom Patterson, John Leyda
and several others went up to Omaha
this afternoon to attend the Jackson
ian banquet, wbich is to be held at the
Paxton hotel tonight.
The B. & M. band is to give another
concert January 27. The excellence
of the last one was a surprise to all
present, notwithstanding the fact that
much was expected before they went.
Bj Bure and reserve tho 27th for this
Phil Thierolf, local agent for the
Anhcused Busch Brewing association,
received a car load of bc-er today. Mr.
Pimples Turn
to Cancer.
Cancer often results from an Im
purity in the blood, inherited from
generations back. Few people are en
tirely free from some taint in the blood,
and it is impossible to tell when it will
break out in the form of dreaded Can
cer. What has appeared to be a mere
pimple or scratch has developed into
the most malignant Cancer.
"I had a severe Cancer which was at first
enly a few blotches, that I thought would
soon pass away. was
treated by several able
physicians, but in spite
of their efforts the Can
cer spread until my con
di tion became alarming.
After many months ol
treatment and growing
steadily worse. I de
cided to try S. S. S.
which was so strongly
recommended. The iirsl
bottle produced an im
provement. I continued
the medicine, a n d 1 n
four months the last lit
tle scab dropped off.
Ten ve&rs have elarised.
and not a sign of the disease has returned."
K. F. Williams,
Gillsburg, Miss.
It is dangerous to experiment with
Cancer. The disease is beyond the skill
of physicians. S. S. S. is the only cure,
because it is the only remedy which
goes deep enough to reach Cancer.
IU -t
San Francisco
All points west.
St. Joseph
Kansas City
St. Louis and all
points East and
C C for
(Swift's Specific) is the only blood
remedy guaranteed Purely Vegetable.
All others contain potash and mer
cury, the most dangerous of minerals.
Books on Cancer and blood diseases
mailed free by Swift Specifia Company,
Atlanta, Georgia.
T V i asj-tl f 'a nntn Vaasb maffAn mitftll Vtorl
Lnlon Hunk Oalti BailneM. ibuu. I .... , . . I uiv-i un o " v.M uuu
w , . X V. I ,4 n HAinrT 1 f I T I . . . .
Th. TTinn t,onV tr. ATiatto- American navai prisoners m ouu . oeen returneu to tne manufacturers
day, and the banking business is at an hands ol the u inpinos ana iescuou u.v russ Kiizabetn tseacn iook tno ai. i: tor repairs, was also snippea DacK witn
end'in this village for a short time at Colonel Hare: for Nehawka this afternoon. She be-1 this consignment.
least. It has been known for some Captured from the Marivaies. wii- Kin8 teaching Mouday morning in dis- G. W. Noble of Lincoln, who repre-
time that a few of the stockholders Ham Jurascka, boatswain s mate, urst lrlct jso. lb. which is aoout two miles aent8 the ew England Mutual Life
desired to withdraw in order to use class, oorn in Germany, uu uuv norm ana a nine west, oi euawaa. insurance company of Boston Mass.
their capital for other purposes, and any next oi mn. Cards are out announcing the forth-J sent his policy holders in this city
the bank's business for the past few I Captured from the Urdanetta and COmin g wedding of County Superin- each a beautiful calendar today. The
believed to have been just reieasea. tendent W. C. Smith and MissGoodale nicture is a fine representation of the
Benjamin J. Greene, coxswain, born lf Weep.n& Water. The happy event signing, by the Wampanags, of the
will take place Wednesday.January 17. I treaty of 1671 with the Massachusetts
Eureka Harness Oil Is the best
preservative of new leather
and the best renovator of old
leather. It oils, softens, black
ens and protects. Use
Harness Oil
on your best harness, your old har
ness, and your carriage top, and they
will not only look better but wear
loncer. Sold every where in cans all
sizes from half pints to five gallons.
- Mad t7 BTAMUASB Oil. CO.
No 1. Denver express 2:48 am
No ft. Chicago ex Dress 7:1' ,r
No 20. Local express, daily, St Joe,
usuiu, si 1.UU1S, an points
south 9:20 am
No i. Local exo, dally, Burlington
Chicago, all points east 10:30 am
Sundays take No. 20 (10 a m)
No 93. Local exp, dally except Sun
day, Pacific Junction 11:25 pm
No 30. Freight, daily exoeptSunday
Paoltio Junotion.. 2:40 um
No 26. Vestlbuled exp, daily. Bur
lington, Chicago and all
points east. Through train (or
St. Louis and St. Soe 5:27 pm
No 12. Local exp, dally. St Joe. Kan
sas (Jlty. St Louis. Chicago
all points east and south.. 8:25 pm
No 19. Local exp, dally.Omaha.LJn
coln, Denver and Interme
diate stations 7:39 am
No 27. Local exp, dally, Omaha..... 10 47 am
No 29. Looal freight, dally, ex Sun
day, Cedar Creek, Louis
ville, South Bena 7:12 am
No 7. Fast mall, dally, Omaha and
Lincoln 2:17 pm
No 3, Vestlbuled exp, daily, Den
ver and all points in Colo
rado, Utah and California.
Grand Island, Black Hills,
Montana and Pacific N. W a .13 nm
No 9. Looal exp, dally except Sun-"
aay. Louisville. Ashland,
Wahoo, Schuyler 3:50 pm
No 11. Local exp, dally except Sun
day, Omaha and Lincoln.. 5:00 pm
Sleeping, dining and reolinlng chair oars
(seats free) on through trains. Tickets sold
and baggage sheoked to any point In the
United States or Canada.
For Information, time tables, maps and
ttckots oall or write to
W. L. PICKETT. Agent,
Plattsmouth, Neb.
J. FRANCES. Gen. Pass. Agt.,
Omaha, Neb.
..4:5o a. m
..11.51 8.111
....3:35 o.rn
months has been conducted with a
view of closing with the first of the
The statement that this town and
vicinity could not support a bank and
that it was compelled to close has
been industriouslv peddled around.
but such statement is far from the
truth. Most of the stock was held by
farmers and others who now have
other investments to look after, and
do not desire to continue in the bank
ing business at any per cent of profit.
Other parties have already concluded
that this is a good place for invest
ment of their capital, and no doubt an
other bank will be doing business here
in the near future. Union Ledger.
Manager Martin, of the Piereon
drug store, informs us that he is hav
ing a great run on Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. He sells five bottles
of that medicine to one of any other
kind, and it gives great satisfaction.
In these days of la grippe there is
nothing like Chamberlain's Cough
la San Francisco; next of kin, is.
Greene, father, Los Angeles, Cal.
Edward Burke, ordinary seaman,
born in Boston; residence. New Yorjt;
next of kin, Hannah Moore, aunt, Dor
chester, Mass.
George Daniel Powers, apprentice,
first class, born Smartsville, Cal.; next I
of kin, Mrs. Betancue, mother, Oik-
land, Cal.
J imes Farley, fireman, first class,
born Newark, N. J.; next of kin, Mrs.
P. Farley, mother, Newark.
Captured from the Yorktown's boat
and believed to have been released:
Lieutenant J. C. Giimore.
William Walter, chief quartermas
iter, born Mannheim. Germans; no
next of kin.
John sEllsworlb. coxswain, born
Portsmouth, N. H.; no next of kin.
Lyman Paul Edwards, landsman,
horn in Peru. Ind : next of kin. L. B.
Edwards, father, Mexico, Ind.
Paul Vandoit, sailmaker's mate.
born in France: next of kin, P. Van-
Tom Williams of Glenwood was in uay colony in tne oia cnurca at xaun-
the city today shaking hands with his I ton
The Latest
many irienas. inis is tne urst time
Tom has been in the city since elec
tion, and he says he has just returned
from his trip down Salt Creek.
Gtorfco E. Sayles of Cedar Creek
was in the city today and made I HE
News a call. Mr. Sayles is arrang
,3 -
ing to give a series oi masquemuo
halls in his hall Rt Cedar Creak, the
fW. of which will be triven on Janu- my menus on eann, i wouiu meet, my type ana IS
ary 20.
Job Printing
The JVczi's office has recently
Remedy to stop the.cough, heal up the doit, father, San Luis Obispo, Cal
G. K. Olson has purchased W. J.
Koon's nhotoranh callery and will
take oossession at once. Mr. Olson
states that he will conduct a strictly
first class gallery and invites the pub
lie to give him a call. He is quite
well known here, having worked in
A. Clark's grocery for about five years
W. K. Fox has sold his book store to
Arthur Helps, possession to be given
next Monday. Mr. Fox
A Narrow Escape.
Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada
E. Hart of Groton, S. D. "Was taken
with a bad cold which settled on my
lungs; cough set in and finally termi
nated in consumption. Four doctors
gave me up, saying I could live but a
nhnrt time. T uavo mvself jntomv Sav-
. " j 1 . r
ior,determined if I could not stay with received a large amount oi new
now better than
absent ones above,
iwl i jn.l tn tr n t Tir IC i n it'
covery for consumption, coughs and in- of any kind on short notice.
coids,i gave it a trial, took in all eight Among" the selections of type
bottles. It has cured me, and thank tfa iatest designs. SO there
God, I am saved and now a well and . .
healthy woman." Trial bottles free at n neLcnjr iui &cuumg uui
F. G. Fricke & Co. Regular size 50c. of town to get your Work HO
and 1. Guaranteed or price refunded. matter how fancy you desire it
to be.
No. 1.
No. 9.
No. 121, looal freight
No. 2 10:13 p m
No. 122, local freight 7:35 a in
No. 10 3:35 u in
Arrival and Departure of Malls.
7:00 a. m. Omaha and North, South on M. P.
7:34 " West, East and South on Burlington,
:40 " Omaha. West on U. P.
10:20 " Lincoln and local to Omaha.
10:45 " Schuyler, East on N. W.
11:55" St. LOU'S, South on M. f.
2:20 p. m East on B. & M., North on St. Paul
at a. vj.
4:04 ' Omaha, East on C. 1. St. Paul and
K. I., also West on K. 1.
5:00 " Omaha. West and South on B. Si M.
7:10 a. m Omaha, West on R. I. and Burlington.
iJM South on Burlington.
10:05 " East on Burlington.
tiao " Omaha, North on M. P.. West on
Elkhorn, North on St. P. M. & O.
2:00 p. m Omaha, West on B. & M. and U. P.,
North on St. P. & S. O.. East on R.
1..N. W., and O. M. & St. P.. South
on Wabash.
South on M. P.
West on Burlington, South on sub
branch M. P. Schuyler.
' Omaha, East on Burlington, West on
K. 1.
" South on M. P., West M. P, to Lin
coln, North on M. P. via Louisville,
Omaha, East and South on Bur
lingten. West on Burlington west
oi Uastinirs.
Is based on scien
tific formula, su
perior quality of
ingredients, and
the care and skill
with which it is
Find Mine Ofllclals Guilty.
UNIONTOWN, Th., Jan. 5. The
started the I onei 'a jury in the Brezoell mine hor-
Plattsmouth Coal Yard
We desire to call especial HARD COAL,
sore throat and lungs and give relief
within a verv short time. The sales
are growing, and all who try it are (
pleased with its prompt action. South
Chicago Daily Calumet. For sale by
all druggists.
Uarlna; Kobbery In Kansas.
Yates Center, Kan., Jan, 5. De
tails of the robbery at Neosho Falls
have reached here. Soon after mid
night six men rode into the town of
700 population and dismounted in front
of tho store of I. Bishop. Four of the
men posted taemseWes as sentries and
tbe other two broke open the front
door und proceeded to demolish tbe
Bfo with explosives. Several citizens
were aroused and hurried toward the
store, but were stopped by the guards,
who were armed with guns.
It took the robpers about forty min
utes to finish the work. A crowd
gathered and several citizens were
armed, but nobody interfered with the
robbery. The robbers rode away with
Albert Peterson, apprentice, first
class, born in Oakland. Cal.; next of
kin, Louis Peterson, Oakland, Cal,
Silvio Brisolez, landsman, born in
San Francisco: next of kin, Ltcolo
Brisolez, father, San 'Francisco
Fred Anderson, landsman, born in
Buffalo, N. Y.; next of kin, Christiana
Anderson, mother, Buffalo, N. Y.
Bv this statement it appears that
the following Yorktown men who were
wounded were also released
William II Hinders, coxswain, born
in Holland: next of kin. Mrs. M. H
Nyhous, cousin, San Francisco.
Orrison W. Woodbury, seaman,
born in Lynn, Mass.; next of kin, John
G. Woodbury, father, Lynn, Mass.
Denzell G. Avenviile, apprentice.
second class, born Dudley, England;
next of kin, E. Masb, Sell wood, Ore
List of the Killed.
The statement thus makes it appear
that the following American soldiers
included in the Urdanetta and York-
store about two years apo and has been
doing a good business and The News
predicts that Mr. Helps will be given
his full share of trade. Mr. Fox has
not vet decided in what business he
will embark.
Fred Lundeen, a young man from
Chariton. Ia.. who has been In the
city visiting relatives for a few days,
was assaulted and quite badly beaten
while walking up Main street with a
girl last evening. There were about
three jumped onto him, and he has a
couple of highly discolored optics to-
dav. There have been no arrests up
to this time.
attention to our facilities for
on the
$1,000 in cash and a large amount of town parties were killed
other plunder,
at them.
Not a shot was fired
-n u-in. liner ii n with the fashions cl
day-saving that a bonnet of that time always with perfect success.
Hmi no trimmine eve that It is not only the
VO I , 1 S I t
remeUV. DUl iuki it is a euro turo lur
It has been demonstrated repeatedly
in every stale in the union and in
many foreign countries that Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy is a certain pre
ventive and cure for croup. It has be
come the universal remedy for that
disease. M. V. Fisher of Liberty. W.
Vs., only repeats what has been said
around the elobe when he writes: "I
have used Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy in my family for several years and
We be
lieve that it is not only the best cough
whatever, and the men dian t grumoie
i n ..t Kn! irf nnrl mnthflr'n dnvfl I CTOUp.
uuu ion ui f- ' i f Tki.
cniiuren a uuujuor vi biuica, auto
It has saved the lives of our
Of the Urdanetta Cadet W. C
Wood; William Mitchell, seaman, born
at BucliBville, S. C , residence, New
York City, next of kin, George
Michell, father, Bucksville, S. C.
Samuel Jones Tildea Herbert, ordi
nary seaman, born in Charles county,
Maryland, residence, Biltimore, Md
next of kin, Richard O,
brother, Baltimore.
Arthur William Urummond, ma
chinist, first-class, born in Canada,
next of kin, Mrs. R. Davis, Bathell,
Thomas G ay, fireman, first-class,
born at Buffalo, N. Y., next of kin, not
Samuvl Sione, seaman, born at
Vilna, Russia, residence. Fall River,
L C. Pollard was up today from
Mrs. A. Sleeth is reported
sick list today.
C. A. li twls left today on a business
trip to i. ork.
John Kroon visited with bis sister
in Omaha yesterday.
Wiley Blaca went up to Omaha this
afternoon on tho fast mail.
Dr. M. M. Butler came in from
Weeping Water this morning.
C mntv Commissioner Turner Zink
of Wabash came in this morning,
Mrs. C. C. Parmele and son were
Herbert, I passengers this morning for Omaha
William HIcks, one of Cidar Creek 8
business men, was in the city today
Attorney A. M. Russell of Weeping
Water was in town today on legal
County Superintendent Smith and
Judge J. E. Douglas spent Sunday in
Weeping Water,
B. Cecil Jack returned yesterday
ror, after three hours' deliberation,
ma n A ahaI tK a f r lntpinrv ta "
I Z UUC1 da UUO 'ua iviuivii I . . 1 J j I
"We find from the evidence that the priming weuuing ui uluci.
pent in fail in 2 to see that the mine ..Invitations..
una !r a snfa nrtnrt it.lnn rtpfnm nprmit-
r I TIT. 1 11.. A -1 I
ting workmen to enter it. We also ve nave xne very idiesst biyie
believe that the fire boss of said mine of Script Type and it is of a
was negligent In failing to make ah.M.,iifl,i .1 Trii rvnt-is
daily verbal report to the mine fore-1 . . f .
man. and we believe both the mine v AWi F1U11US
and the fire boss to be incompetent to Ladies' Calling' Cards.
perform their respective duties."
There has been no action taken as 1 LaXAVCTS' BrifS
JVV tunaiu J1 VCVs lAttiUg, tsuv a v a.a
.,as4 j-v r3 j-. ? a 1 .a Thia tx? ill Via H ASM (1 ori
upon bv a conference of the inspectors and Other liOOk WOrlv we
with Chief Inspector Roderick at an prepared to do in the best man
Hay, Corn, Oats and all Kinds of Feoi
Constantly on Hand.
early date.
either. A vote of thanks was given
Mr. Travis for his splendid lecture.
ahose present testifying their apprecia
tion by closo attention.
The next meeting will be Friday
evening, January 12. Current Topics,
Mrs. Waueh. leader, and "Territorial
Expansion." bv Hon. R. B. Windham.
City Files Its Answer.
Late this afternoon City Attorney
Beeson, on behalf of the city, filed an
answer to tho telephone injuuetion
case. It is a lengthy document. Two
of the plaintiffs in the case, Messrs.
G. E. Dovey and Israel Pearl man,
withdrew their names from the peti
tion asking for an injunction prohibit
ing the Nebraska Telephone company
Mass., next of kin, A. J. Stone, Fall I from his land-viewing trip to Texas
remedy is for sale by all druggists.
River, Mass.
Of. the Yorktown John Dillon,
landsman, born in Galway, Ireland, I
To the Public.
I want to let the people who suffer next of kin George Cavener, Hono
lulu, Hawaii
from rheumatism and sciatica know
that Chamberlain's Pain Balm re
lieved me after a number of other med
icines and a doctor had failed. It is
the best linament I have ever known
of. J. A. Dodgen, Alpharetta, Ga.
Charles Albort Morrissey, lands
man, born at Columbus, Neb., next of
kin, Mrs. J. C. Morrissey, Lincoln,
Ora B. McDonald, ordinary seaman.
Thousands have been cured of rheu- born at Carmel Valley, Cal., next of
matism by this remedy. One applica
tion relieves the pain. For sale by all
The wsrm weather yesterday was a
rather unusual occurrence for this
time of the year, and many people en
kin, P. McDonald, father, Monterey,
Edward J. Nygard, gunner's mate.
third class, born at Warsaw, Russia,
next of kin, Sophia JNygard, wife,
Brooklyn, N. Y.
ioved a drive into tbe .country.
from setting poles in the alleys at the 'They report the roads in finecondi-
ear of their places of business. lion out in the country.
William Oilmour has a few Clover's
Model, Woodburn Medium and Wilk's
Poland China hogs for sale.
county, Missouri.
J. W. Holmes.a merchant of Murray,
was looking after some business
matters in town today.
Mrs. W. H. Dearing and son of Lin
coln are in the city for a v'sit with the
former's sister, Miss Emma Tresham.
Tom Wilcoxson, a traveling repre
sentative for a Chicago wholesale firm,
was in the city yesterday for a visit
with relatives.
Riley Dill recently purchased 280
acres of land in Burt county, Neb
and expects to move his family to that
county in the near future.
Weckbach & Co. are having a large
barn built on the lot sear Mr. Weck
bach's home, on Vine, between
Seventh and Eighth streets. It will
Spain's Greatest Need.
Mr. R. P. Olivia, of Barcelona,
Spain, spends his winters at Aiken, S.
C. Weak nerves had caused severe
pains in the bactc of his head. On
usinsr Electric Bitters, America's
greatest blood aud nerve r
pain soon left him. He says this grand
medicine is what his country needs.
All America knows that it cures liver
and kidney trouble, purifies the blood.
tones up the stomach, strengthens the
nerves, puts vim, vigor and new life
into every muscle, nerve and organ of
the body. If weak, tired or ailing you
need it. Every bottle guaranteed.
only 50 cents. Sold by F. G. Fricke &
Co. 1
Mrs. A. J. Jackson and son returned
to their home at Lincoln this morning,
after a short visit in this city with the
former's parents, H. J. Strelght and
Call For the Republicans.
Lincoln. Jan. 2. Chairman Or
lando Tefft has issued a call for a
meeting of the republican state cen
tral committee in this city February
7, at 8 p. m., to select time and piece
for holding a state convention for the
election of delegates to the national
convention The basis of representa
tion from the various districts will
olso be discussed bo the committee.
There Is a Class of People
Who are injured by the use of coffee.
Recently there has been placed in all
the grocery stores a new preparation
called Grain-O, .made of pure grains,
that takes the pHce of coffee. The
most delicate stomach receives it with
out distress, and but few can tell it
from coffee. It does not cost over one
Our fee returned if we fail. Any one sending
sketch and description of any invention will
promptly receive our opinion free concerning
the pateatabUity of same. " How to Obtain m
Patent" sent upon request. Patents secured
through us advertised for sale at our expense.
c . . , , . , i patents taKen out inrounn u"v.
Hew type IOr that particular woce, without charge, in The Patent record,
J r r I o illustrated and widely circulated jouraal,
consalted by Manufacturers and Investors.
Scad for sample copy FREE. Address,
ner possible, having1 purchased
All kinds of Commercial
work printed in metropolitan
emedy, all style and on short notice.
(Patent Attorneys,)
Ewans BulMl-- ;.SHINGTON,
D. C.
Our prices are correct
and the same to all.
e Eve
ii lews
305 Main Street.
(Special notices under this head will be charged
for at the rate of one-half iy) cent per word
for each insertion.)
rnR SALE Four male oies. seven months.
r VfA wrre- can be furnished. For further infor
mation inquire of A. L. Todd, superintendent of
I poor farm.
Notice to Creditors.
In County Court.
1 1 tALnnM LJUHiyjL'
made with Dure 5RAN15H LICORICE
uiurpaed far cure ?f C2UGHSfrCLDS
& I O V Packages -w
J. JtTLT SlMm 1
tfWJsUl M 1 riilrin i U
taniv recommenaeci ov neaicar rroiession
Irt decorated Tin Boxes- Pocnei sue
25P Pr BOX
Sold by Orugqijt verjrwh.r. f orpft,nt
&(lZ e&3 Broadway NtwYojM
7 v n n
Digests what you eat.
t a i flMftll v A I crests the food and aids
Nature In strengthening and recon-
Statk of Nebraska .
la the matter of the estate of Sarah M. Wins-
Notice is hereby Riven that the creditors of h avhAiiatpd dlffestive Or-
said deceased will meet the administrator ot said ou ul ----- " rHjrpsfc-
estate before me. County Judge of Cass county, gam). It 18 the latest dlSCOVerea aig;estr
Nebraska. at the county court room n. V I ant ana tOmC. JXO Uiuer i)iejKiiuuu
mouth, in said county, on theCth day of July. A. " --..-y, i n efficiency. It ln-
1. 19o0. at 9 o'clock
presenting the
mpnt ana alii
for the creditors ol
a. m.. lor tne purpose ui i vau i'i"r. " " j .,,-ca
their claims for examination, adjust- Btantly TelieTes anu ycimauuwj
owance. Six montns are auowea i Dyspepsia, Indigestion, ueariuuru,
CO UUU w va w V IIUC99 J iiauu cauu awns wm - j j - - IVSk .a-a. w w -- t - - - .
lourtu as mucn. CMidren may arinK i cember ww 1 fcir E. Cm nwitt A Co- Chicago.
. . . . I -nM..wKa: W BTTtl nv ST S w wub w ' M -
it witn great benent. 15c ana zoc per i iSean u,u"w dountyjudge
package. Try it. Ask for Grain-O. I FirsTpublication December 12. itsw-