Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, January 09, 1900, Image 2

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    The Semi-Weekly News-Herald
GEORGE L. FARLEY, Proprietor.
One Year, in advance 5 00
Six Months, 2 50
One Week 10
b ingle Copies
One Year, in advance, . . . . tl 00
Sir Months 50
Of any Cass County Paper.
Senator Quay is having a serious
time of it. The senate committee
thinks him not entitled to a seat. It
is quite possible he has served us long
enough, anyhow.
The republican members of the Iowa
ttnte legislature will hold a caucus
this evening to nominate a candidate
for JUnited States senator. It is all
but a certaintv that Gear will be the
successful candidate.
Lee Herdman baa been endorsed
by ths "machine" for clerk of the su
preme court and every effort possible
is to be made to oust D. A. Campbell,
without waiting until the expiration
of his four-year term.
Bkigiiam Roberts' growing ''bit
ter" suggests that his chances for be
ing seated are not growing better.
He Bays the eastern missionaries who
went to Utah to oppose Mormon ism
have "hounded" him.
TnE fusionists are going to begin
early. The time set for their 6tate
convention i for the selection of dele
gates to the national convention is
March 19. The place of holding the
convention has not yet been deter
TnE Conservative, published by J
Sterling Morton, has many subscrib
ers all over the United States. Mr.
Morton is looked upon as one of the
brainiest men in the country, and
whether you agree with him or not.
politically, you will want to see what
he has to say on national questions.
Tub Plattsmouth Telephone com
pany's new local exchange card shows
that it has 314 'phones in the city.
The efforts of the new company are
certainlv beiner appreciated by our
citizens. In a short time a directory
will be published, giving connections
with other independent lines, which
will give us connections with about
ei?htv cities and towns. Let the
good work go on!
Immigration officials say that many
foreigners in this country aro living
in a condition of abject slavery. At
Avon, N. Y., there is a colony of 270
Italians who are under the dirert con
trol of one man, who hires them to
farmers and fruit growers and takes
who perform the labor gets little more
.L - - .1. .AAA ft n A n mi Q All ,
'little better than cattle
Telephone lines are to be con
structed in the mountain counties of j
Kentucky. In this project there is
promise of mitigation of the horrors of
feuds. When the survivors on one
side of a feud can employ the tele
phone in conveying sentiments to sur
vivors on the other side, there will be
fewer opportunities for words to lead
up to bullets and buckshot.
In war it is a common thing lor a
soldier's life to be saved by the bullet
of the enemy striking a bible carried
In the pocket. True as this is, it does
not account for the fact that every
Boer soldier carries a bible in his hip
pocKet. The way the Boers have
been fighting, the bullet would have
to nnaa throueh the man before it
reached the bible.
nnm Prtiil is achieving as creat a
reputation for bottling up British
trnnns as Hobson did "by his efforts
toward bottling up the Spanish sailors
in Santiago harbor. One danger to
which Paul will ever remain imper
vious is that he need have no fear of
being Hobsonized. Bee.
The total value of the eggs and
chickens marketed in the United States
last year was $290,000,000. The mag
nitude of the poultry industry is made
more evident in the fact that the value
of the 1898 potato crop was only 880,
000,000, and the total value of the pig
iron output seldom exceeds $130,000,
000, while the annual output of coal
amounts only to about $200,000,000.
A train load of broad-gauge cars of
gold ore from Cripple Creek has just
arrived in Denver. This shipment is
worth more than any train load of ore
ever sent out, probably, from any min
ing district in the world. One car
contains about thirty tons, and it is
estimated nt $250,000. The other thir
teen cars are also high grade. Five
armed guards arrived with the train.
The commissioner of internal rev
enue has decided that a physician who
prescribes whiskey, brandy or any
alcoholic liquor, which is not com
pounded with any drug or medicinal
substance, for the purpose of forming
r remedy, shall be required to pay the
special internal revenue tax of $25 a
year as a retail liquor dealer, provided
he acts as a dispenser as well as physi
cian. The raling is to apply even in
- -, jprescriDei
We will make
Spring Stock,
Dress Goods, underwear, Heavy
Woolen Yarns of all kinds, we can serve you at such prices as you never heard of before -the
"W. B." Corsets and they are record-breakers as the best CALL AND SEE US.
strictly as a medicine and bo usea Dy
the patient. The decision of the com
missioner was brought forth by the
case of a doctor in West Virginia who
keeps a drug store. This doctor pre
scribes liquor for patients and dis
penses it from his store. He appealed
to the commissioner of internal rev-
. - . , i 1 1
enue wnen tne locai wuecwr umu
that he was liable to pay a dealer's
Col. de Villeboia Mareull has joined
the Boer forces ana will give thorn
tbE benefit of a long experience in
military tactics,- which he acquired in
the French army. When a lieutenant
the new Boer recruit fought in the
Franco Prussian war, and received
promotion. In January, 1890, he re
signed his position in the Erench
army because he was disappointed in
not receiving a generalcy.
Attorney General Campbell is of the
opinion that the state of Colorado,
through Governor Thomas, as trustee
for the people, ought to begin working
some of the supposed gold mines that
exist on the mineral lands that nave
come into the possession of the state
land board, to be used for the benefit
of the school fund.
The senate committee on commerce
has made a favarable report on resolu
tions extending the thanks of congress
to Lieutenant Frank H. Newcomb of
the revenue cutter Hudson, and to the
officers and men of his command for
heroic gallantry in rescuing the tor
pedo boat Winslow, when she was dis
abled in the engagement at Cardenas.
A gold medal of honor fa awarded
Lieutenant Newcomb, and silver med
als to his officers and bronze medals
to his crew.
Defend Free High School Lw.
The following resolution touching
upon the free High school attendance
law wa? adopted by the association:
Whereas, The free High school at-
, u t by a di8trict dge in Latl.
caster county, and
Whereas, We consider this law one
or the most beneficial along educa
tional lines that has been enacted in
our state in' recent year?; therefore,be
Resolved, That the educational
council of Nebraska hereby recom
mend that the State Teachers' associ
ation appropriate $100, or bo much
thereof as may be needed, to procure
competent co-counsel to defend said
law before the supreme court; and.
Resolved, That we recommend that
all High school districts interested in
sustaining thi law assist in a vigor
ous defense of its validity before said
court; and further, be it
Resolved, That the Uisrh tchool dis
tricts co-operate in requesting the
honorable court to advance the case
on the calendar to an immediate hearing-
6raln-OI 6rln OI
Remember that name when jou
want a delicious, appetizing, nourish
ing food drink to take the place of
coffee. Soldby all grocers and liked
by all who have used it. Grain-O is
made of pure grain, it aids digestion
and strengthens the nerves. It is not
a stimulant but a health builder and
the children as well as the adults can
drink it with great benefit. Costs
about one-fourth as much as coffee.
lEc and 25c per package. Ask your
grocer for.Grain-O
Start the New Year.
By this we mean that if you are not
already a subscriber to the Nebraska
State Journal you should become one
at once. The Journal is Nebraska's
old reliable. Being published at the
state capital it prints more news of
interest to Nebraskans than any other
paper in the state. Many of its pa
trons have been subscribers for over a
quarter of a century. The Journal
has built up a tremendous business by
Its push and energy and tho paper
stands at the head of the column. Its
daily and Sunday issues not only con
tain all the current news of the
world, but are filled with special
features. The Semi-Weekly Journal,
which by many is called "the farmers'
daily," gives 104 papers a year for $1
and is one of the greatest bargains
ever offered readers. The year 1900
will be a record-breaker with the
Journal, as 1899 has been. Join the
army of readers for the coming presi
dential camaign.
Lewis Dennis, Salem, Ind., aays,
"Kodol Dyspepsia Cure did me more
good than anything I ever took." It
digests what you eat and cannot help
but cure dyspepsia and stomach
troubles. F. G. Frlcke &. Co.
a cut price on all Winter Goods in order to
of which we have just purchased an Elegant line If you want a
To Begin Active Work.
This morning's Bee contained the
following di-p itch from Deadwood, S.
"J. K. Pollock of Platlsmoutb, Neb.,
the superintendent of the
Squaw Creek Mining company, is in
Deadwood getting matters In shape to
commence operating extensively on
bis company's ground in the Squaw
Creek mining district. A drift has al
ready been run into the mountain fifty
feet and it is proposed this month to
put a force of men at work extending
this drift to a phonolitic dike, which
is known to exist near the end of the
tunnel. At the side of this dike a
shaft has been sunk ten feet and the
ore taken out had an average of $8 per
ton. iold. There is a well defined
ledge of ore fn this shaft, which ver- J
apes about six feet in width, ine
drift will be extended to tap this oro
ledere. The company's property is
located a mile up the creeK from the
Cleopatra and it is in the be9t part of
the phonolitic belt."
G L. Munger has been installed as
night operator at the B &M depot.
The engine on B. & M. passenger
No. 4 broke down this morning and it
was replaced by another engine upon
its arrivnl in this city.
Charles How, of the Burlington sup
ply department at St. Louis, is in the
city tor an cxten Jed visit.
Tom Miller, who is employed as
brakeman on the B & M., came down
from Lincoln yesterday for a short
visit with his parents. Tom is now
running out cf Lincoln on a daily
Receives Ills CommiMslon.
John Bobbins received his commis
sion this m rning as shipwright in the
United States navy, and has bcei or
dered to roport at the recruiting sta
tion in Chicago. Following is the let
ter he received from the Washington
Navy Department, Bureau Nav
igation, Washington, D. C, Jan. 3,
1900. To John D. Bobbins: la ac
cordance with the request of Hon. E.
J. Burkett, M C, your enlistment in
the navy as shipwright is authorized,
provided you are physically and other
wise qualified. Present this to officer
in charge U. S. naval recruiting sta
tion. Masonic Temple, Chicago, 111.
C. E Cahiian,
Lieut. Com. for Chief, of Bureau.
He has not decided definitely when
he will leave, but thinks he will de
part for Chicago next Sunday.
A Legacy of Pretense.
Just one hundred years ago the Man
hattan Company of New York was In
corporated by Aaron Burr. Its osten
sible purpose was to supply the city
with water. Its real purpose was to
open a bank. The reason for the con
cealment was because there was a pop
ular prejudice against banks. A tank
was built, hollow logs laid for pipes,
and water was dlributed until 1840.
In order to keep Its charter, this great
banking company, which still exists,
is today obliged to pump water from
its ancient tank. A pitcherfu! is al
ways in evidence at its annual meet
ings, and a committee solemnly re
ports that no applications for water
have been refused. The story has its
humorous side, but it illustrates the
legacy of pretense and useless effort
which roundabout methods always en
tail. Aaron Burr's mode of seeking one
object under cover of another hua
many followers, but in politics or so
ciety or in Individual relations It can
never be commended and seldom ex
cused. Papa's Indulgence.
George Do you think that your
father will consent to our marriage?
Ethel Oh, yes! He has always hu
mored my silliest wishes.
The greatest part of mankind em
ploy their first years to make thejr
last miseraWe. Bruyere.
Seen In the Ron 4 a.
Tortoise shells as they are unloaded
from th sMps are far from beautiful.
To be classed as rough they must be
Just as they were when taken from the
tortoises' back. It is not until washed
and scoured with acids that their ex
quisite coloring shows. The same Is
true of the beautiful sea shells which
come here from the shores of India
and other tropical lands. There Is
almost as much difference between
them In the rough and when finished
as there is between uncut diamonds
and those that have passed through a
lapidary's hands.
Persons who lead a life of exposure
are subject to rheumatism, neuralgia
and lumbago, will find a valuable
remedy in Ballard's Snow Linament;
it will banish pains and subdue inflam
mation. Price 25 and 50 centp. F. G.
Fricke & Co.
Steel Trust Increases Pay of Thirty
Thousand Employes.
Pittsburg, Pa., Jan. 5 The
American Steel and Wire company to
day posted notices in all of its plants
notifying its employes of a general ad
vance in wages of 71 per cent, to take
effect from January 1. The advance
affects 3,000 employes, 10,000 of whom
are in the Pittsburg district, the bal
ance being employed in the company's
works in Chicago, Cleveland and
Kekomo, Iud.
In addition to the 7J per cent in
crease' the company will establish a
benefit fund into which will be paid
for the benefit of the workers an
amount equal to 2i per cant of the
The fund will be distributed
in sucn manner as may oe aeciacu
upon by th company a later date.
Installation of Officers.
The G. A. R. end W. R. C. installed
their newly-eltcted . officers Saturday
evening. About 150 members of these
societies were present, and a most en
joyable time was had. The ladies
prepared a fine repast for the occasion.
Following were the G. A.R. oSCcors
Commander C. L. Marshall.
S. V C W. S. Porter.
Jr. V. C W. T. Melvin.
Q. M. H. J. Streight.
Chaplain S. P. Holloway.
O. D. F. A. Bate?. '
O. G. William McCauley.
Adjutaut B. C. Kerr.
S. M. C B. Nobles.
Second M. S. A . B. Todd.
The officers cf the W. R. C. were
follows :
Pres. Mrs. Val Burkle.
Vf P. Mrs. Dickson.
J. V. P. Mrs. McElwain.
Chaplain Mrs. Emerson.
Treas. Mrs. Joe Lake.
Secy. Mrs. II. C McMaken.
Guard Mrs. Phebus.
"I am indebted to One Minute Cough
Cure for my health and life. It cured
mo of lung trouble following grip."
Thousands owe their lives to the
prompt ction of this never failing
remedy. It cures cougs, colds, croup,
bronchitis, pneumonia, grip and throat
and lung troubles. Its early use pre
vents consumption. It is the only
harmless remedy that gives immedi
ate results.
The Way to Oo to California
Is in a tourist sleeper, personally con
ducted, via the Burlington route. You
don't change cars. You make fast
time. You coi the finest scenery on
the globe.
Your car is not so expensively fur
nished as a palace sleeper, but it is
just as clean, just as comfortable, just
as good to ride in and nearly $20
cheaper. It has wide vestibules;
Pintsch gas; hijh back seat?; a uni
formed Pullman porter; clean bedding;
spacious toilti; tables and a
heating range. Being strongly and
heavily built, il tides t-moothly; is
warm in winter and cool in t-uinmer.
In charge of each excursion party is
an experienced excursion conductor
who accompanies it right through to
Los Angelos.
Cars leave Omaha, St. Joseph, Lin
coln and Hastings every Thursday, ar
riving at San Francisco the following
Sunday, Los Angeles Monday. Only
three days from the Missouri river to
tVe Pacific coast, including a stop-over
rt one :ind one-half hours at Denver
and two and one-half hours at Salt
Lkf City two of the most interest
ing cities on the continent.
For folder giving full information,
call at any Burlington roule ticket
office, or write to J. Francis. General
Passenger Agent, Omaha Neb.
F B. Thirkield, health inspector of
Chic .go, ays, "Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
cannot bo recommended too highly.
It cured mo of severe dyspepsia." It
digests what you eat and cures indi
gestion, heartburn and all forms of
Do you want to fix your rooms up
this season? Of course you do, and it
is probably high time for it. You in
tend to buy wall paper? And buy an
other paper in two or three years?
Now, let me talk to you about haying
a nice decorated house, stylish and
up-to-date and save much money on
it. Get your rooms painted and deco
rated in a modern style and you are
through with your house for many
years. Don't paper every two years
and ruin your plaster with it. Call on
Louis Ottnat for full explanation of
the economy of frescoed rooms. He
has the experience of many years and
a great, many references in town.
Plattsmouth telephone 253.
close them out We
Skirts. Blankets, outino Flannels.
A FHghtui Blunder
Will often cause a horrible burn,
scald, cut or bruise. ' Bucklen's Ar
nica Salve, the best in the world, will
kill the pain and promptly heal it.
Cures old sores, fever sores, ulcers,
boils, felons, corns, all skin eruptions.
Best pile cure on earth. Only 25 cts. a
box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by F. G.
Fiicke & Co. druggists.
Mysteriously tout Stream.
One of the most remarkable freaks
of nature occurs in Mexico. It la a
river that la ot a river. The bed of It
lies in a valley between the Rio Grande
and Peoos rivers. It is not a dead 01
dried up stream. It is simply lost.
Numerous big tributaries flow into it
from the neighboring mountains. Im
mediately, however, they reach the
bed of the main stream they disappeai
from sight. Thus, fsr some reason 01
another, a river which should be 300
miles in length has no existence which
could be proved.
Turned Oat ot the Ball.
Tw young mea of Eastport, Me.,
thoogfct It would be funny to mas
querade, as Agnlnaldo and his lieuten
ant at a local ball. But as soon as
they appeared ther were stripped of
most of their garments and turned oat
of the hall.
Born Thetr Dead.
The Mohave Indians burn their dead,
mot beoauss they appreciate the sani
tary advantages of cremation as com
pared t burial, but because of a tradi
tion ajaong tbem that the Great Spirit
was burned.
Cora Bread.
A favorite southern dlah is Virginia
corn bread. It is served in a deep
earthen baking dish and is dipped out
with a moH. As a breakfast dish it
has no etual. Break two eggs into a
bowl; add about one-half cup of flour,
one spoordel of lard and butter mixed,
ad a heaptae teaspoonful of baking
powder. BeXT thoroughly. Then add
a cup (or or of hot water. It should
be verf thin ana should be poured Into
a deep earthenware dish to bake.
China Is Using- Smokelms Fowdee.
The latest Chinese papers state that
there are at present six smokeless
powder factories In operation in the
Chinese empire. Official estimates state
that the output of these factories will
amount to 50.000 "catiles" a month.
The government is having over 2,000.
000 cartridges loaded with smokeless
powder In its magazine already. The
dowager empress has also authorized
the speedy erection of factories for
the manufacture of small rapid-fire 1
cannon, and it is presumed that large
orders for the necessary machinery
will flnnn ha maito
Size doesn't indicate quality. Be
ware of counterfeit aud worthless
salve offered for De Witt's Witch
Hazol Silve. DeWltt's is the only
original. An infallible cure for piles
and all skin diseases. F. G. Fricke
& Co.
ami DctutuiM u. Dux
nut. ta it Youthful Color.
im p (l ipue. fi o.u iaiunf
When in need of China'
Goods of any description
be sure and call at our
store. We have a fine line
and can please you.
We have anything you
want. . . .
$500 REWARD.
Wvwill pay the above reward for any case of
Liver complaint, Dyipepsia. Sick Headache,
Indigestion. Constipation or Costiveness we can
not cure with Liverita. the Up-to-Date Little
Liver Pill, when the directions are atrictly com
plied with. They are purely Vegetable, and
never fail to give satisfaction. 25c boxes contain
100 pills. 10c boxes contain 40 pills. 5c boxes con
tain IS Dills. Beware of substitutions and imita
tions. Sent by mail. Stamps taken. NERVITA.
MEDICAL CO.. cor. Clinton and Jackson Sts..
Chicago. 111. Bold by F. O. Frlck Co. :
must have room for
snap on,
That is what .you can depend upon at OUR
shop. And that is only one of the many
gfood points. We have a larjje assortment of
foreign and domestic goods from which to
make selections and every suit or garment
we turn out is guaranteed to be satisfactory.
The Only Union Tailor Shop
in Cass County
Members of labor organizations are invited
to call at our shop, where they can get the
union label placed on their garments, and
where they can get the best for their money.
JHLrxdecelt & McElroy,
Rockwood Block-Main St.
Have been removed to SICCOND and
MAIN STREETS. Orders for
Will receive PROMPT Attention.
Here are some of the grades they handle:
I rjft pjf55
I specially suited to some home use either outside or Inside.
It's knowing the right kind of paint, and putting it oa the right
place that makes painting a success. Tell us what you want to paint,
and we'll tell vou the ruzht kind to use.
For sale in Plattsmouth Dy
F. G. FRICKE & CO., Druggists.
or and banish "pains
of menstruation." They are LIFE SAVliKS ' to g-ii Is at
womanhood, aiding development of organs and body. No
known remedy for women equals them. Cannot do harm life
becomes a pleasure. 1.00 Ii:K IJOX 11Y MAIL. Sold
by druggists. DR. MOTT'S CHEMICAL. CO.. Cleveland, Ohio.
Gering & Co.. Druggists.
l "
For 20 Years (las Led all Worn Remedies. iWl
rv T.T.
p.pjNl by .asu. JAMES F. BALLARD. St. LOUIS.S
Subscribe for The Evening News
our immense
are handling
TEL. 54.
And for everything under the sun.
Every home has need of paint
Each kind of
The j
They overcome Weak
ness, irregularity arul
omissions, increase vig-
Most fn QnantJtr. BMtln Jity. i