Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, January 09, 1900, Image 1

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    Alx Schlegel state capital
khly Mews -bEeraijd
THE NEWp. Estabished Nov.5. 1891. t nmn1,A., t- i man
THE lit Li ALL. Established April 10. 1864. f Lonsoliaated Jan. 1. 1JWS.
VOL. IX, NO. 18.
20 lo 25 Per ce
Owing- to the backward season, being- overstocked
and having- heavy bills to meet, we will offer you for
SPOT CASH a Discount of from 20 to 25 per cent on
All Winter Clothing, .......
Underwear, Suits, Gloves, Caps, etc. To give you an
idea of how cheap we are selling-, we quote prices on a
few articles:
ft Nice Suit,
Formerly $8
Reduced to $6
A Fine Black
Kerseu Overcoat
Formerly $10
Reduced to $7.50
All Wool
Formerly" 50c
Reduced to 35c
A nice Wilson Bros.' Percale Shirt, which fermerly
sold for $1.25 and $1.50, goes at $1 and $1.25. Gloves
and Caps at 3'our own price. Come in and see what we
can do for 3rou. No Trouble to Show Goods.
Waterman Bloclc
I desire to state that I have a well-selected
stock of Watches, Gold Jewelry, Silver
ware and Novelties, which will make suit
able. ...
Birthday Gifts..
Prices will be AWAY DOWN and we
mean to sell the goods if prices will do it.
Every article guaranteed just as represented.
A Beautiful Medallion given
purchase of $5 or over.
Free with every
The Leading and Oldest Jeweler.
Job Printing
Ui -n in
.2 5c!
A New Discovery for the Certain Cure of INTERNAL and
Tubes, by Mail, 75 cents; Bottles, 60 Cents.
JAMES F. BALLARD, Sole Proprietor, - - 310 North Main Street, ST. LOUIS, L'O.
F. G. Fricke & Co.
To Look Around
Before you make purchases.
After you have looked elsewhere,
come to us find we guarantee you
will be pleased. Our new winter
stuck has arrived, including1 Dry
Goods, Staple and Fancy Gro
ceries, Crockery, Glassware, Flour
and Feed. A square deal to all.
F. S.
Main Street,
uas new biock, new rigs ana
is prepared better than ever
to take care of
fl General Livery Business
Quick trips made to all parts of the
county. Low prices and court
eous treatment assured.
PlatUmenth, Nebraska.
New Soldiers ICout the Rebels iu
Every Engagement.
Pursuit of the Enemy Is Active, and Two
Provinces are to be Cleared In Short
Order War Declared on Kobber Hands
In the Mountains Secretary Long:
Thanks Hare and Uowie.
Washington, Jan. 8 The war de
partment has received tha following
from General Otis:
Manila, Jan. 8. Bates pursuing
enemy in south with vigor. Schwan'a
column, moving along shore Laguna
de Bay, struck 800 insurrectionists
StoDfC Efforts at JBonolola to Con Hue the
San Francisco, Jan. 8. A letter
from Honolulu, dated December 30,
The curious spectacle is presented
here of the revival of the shotgun
quarantine around the plague-infected
district, while sanitary measures and
disinfection have been practically
abandoned. The board of health
called out the national guard three
days after Christmas, because of the
discovery of five new cases of plague,
two of which proved fatal. It is now
paying $1,000 a day for this protection
and the result of this strict guard is
demoralizing, and many poor Chinese
and Japanese who worked in the
Urgent Ueficieiicy Appropriation
Bill to Start Talk.
under General Noriel at Binen 6th
Inst, and drove them westward on American quarter are starving
Silang; captured place, from which Tho cordon drawn around the
point cavalry pushed through to In- Asiatic district includes many of the
danr. Snhwan cantured three of Meaning L-ninese anu Japanese aeaiers
Secretary U age's Answer is Expected This
Week, Hat If It is Deemed Unsatisfac
tory Resolutions to Investigate May
Follow Speechmaklng In the Senate
on financial 11111.
who live in sanitary fashion and who
are making a strong protest against
needless hardships to which they are
subjected. The original method of
fumigating all Oriental merchandise
imported has been abandoned and
much of this unfumigated freight is
handled by Hawaiians.
There have been seventeen known
Noriel's six pieces of artillery and
will take remainder; also - his trans
portation with records and large quan
tity of ammunition. Two battalions
Twenty-eighth, part of Wheaton's col
umn, struck enemy near Imus yester
day, killing and wounding one hun
dred and forty. Birkheimer, with
battalion Twenty-eighth, struck enemy
intrenched west of Bacoor yesterday I cases of bubonic plague in Honolulu
morniner: enemv left on field sixty-five to date. There have been a number
in dead, forty wounded and thirty-two 01 other deaths which were probably
rifles. Our loss thus far Lieutenant deaths from plague, but the board of
Cneney, Fourth infantry, four en- health has not officially so declared
listed men killed, twenty-four enlisted I them. Passenger traffic between the
men wounded. Expected that Sen wan 'e I islands is practically at a standstill
troops will cut off retreat of enemy's The inter-island steamship companies
Cavite army. Wheaton moving today I refuse to take passengers on account
on Das Marinas. Boyd, Thirty-seventh oi the onerous quarantine conditions
infantry, moved east, from Las Banos imposed. Fumigated freight is ac-
and surrounded troops of General cepted, but is loaded and discharged
Kisal at daylight, capturing Risal and from lighten away from the wharves.
considerable property. It is expected I The American JHaru, which arrived
that Cavite and Batangus provinces here from San Francisco on December
will be cleared up pooh. In the north 1 2 discharged its passengers and
Leonhauser, with three companies height by means of lighters.
Twenty-fifth, attacked robber bands in A he transport Grant, with the Forty
Arayat mountain and dispersed them, J eighth infantry, arrived a few hours
destroying their barracks and subsis- I after the American Maru. Its com-
tence. Found there five of our oris- mander refused to come into the bar
oners whom they had picked up on
railroad; three killed, two seriously
wounded. These northern robber
bands will be actively pursued."
The following cablegram has been
received from General Otis,under date
of Manila, January 7:
Admiral Watson has cabled the
names of the navy rescued prisoners,
one officer, eleven men. The remain
ing prisoners, fourteen in number, are
as follows:
Civilian G. W. Langford, Manila;
David Brown, St. Paul; J. W. O'Brien,
London; soldiers. George T. Hachett,
Company II; Archie L. Gordon, Com
pany K, lbird infantry; William
Bruce, Elmer Honeyman, First Ne
vada cavalry; Frank Stone, Lei and S.
Smith, signal corps; Albert O. Bishop,
Company H, Third artillery; Sergeant
Frank McDonald, Company L,T wen ty
first infantry; Harry F. Huber, hos
pital corps; Martin Brennan, James P.
Curran, Sixteenth infantry. Otis.
Madrid, Jan. 8. The basis of a
treaty to replace the treaties of 1795
and 1S77 has been drawn up by Pre
mier Sivela and the United States
minister, Bellamy Storer, and a copy
has been sent to Washington for ap
proval. The same thing will be done
with the treaty of, which is
divided into three parts, governing
Spain's trade with America, the An
tilles and the Philippines.
Washington, Jan. 8. Secretary
Long has addressed the following
cablegram to Admiral Watson:
"Convey hearty thanks to Hare and
Howze, and congratulations to Gill-
more and men. Long."
The secretary of war has sent to
congress a request lor an urgent de
ficiency appropriation of $730,000, to
bor or have anything but the barest
I communication with the pilots and
port officials, and started for Manila
after a slop of not more than an hour.
Pennsylvania Father Refuses to Give Med
icine to Dyfng Children.
Pittsburg, Pa., Jan. .7. The Dis
patch tomorrow will say:
Diphtheria aod Cbr'Jv' -ience
have had a bitter taH in a New
Brighton family for the last twe weeks.
Diphtheria has won so far. Two
children are dead, while a third child
and the father are dangerously ill
with the same disease.
Frank Martzolf and his wife hav
been believers in Christian Science fo
three years and so confirmed in the
doctrine are they that they have seen
tneir two littlo ones die of malignan
aipnineria ana were willing to see
their remaining child die rather than
take her case "out of the hands of the
hot until forced to do so by the
health authorities would the parents
permit a physician in the house and
even then the lather refused to give
the medicine prescribed and the health
officials were compelled to take the
family in charge. When the first child,
Nancy, died Martzolf called on an un
dertaker to bury her. When asked
for a certificate of death he said there
was none aud Coroner Taylor began
an investigation. He found the second
child, Roy, in the last stages of the
disease and ordered Dr Boyd to treat
him. Tho father refused to give the
boy the medicine and he died a few
hours later. The health officials are
now itr charge and may be able to save
Washington, Jan. 7. In the house
this week the only certain feature is
the consideration of the urgent defi
ciency appropriation bill. It will be
ready Tuesday or Wednesday, ft will
contain almost $50,000,000 for the
army and navy and, while it will pass
when it reaches a vote, it may precipij
tate a 6tormy debate upon the conduct
of the war in the Philippines.
The answer of Secretary Gage to the
house resolution calling for informa
tion regarding the deposit of govern
ment funds in national banks is ex
pected early in the week. The report
will not constitute a privileged, ques
tion, which will open up debate, but if
it is deemed unsatisfactory to any one
resolutions of investigation mav fol
The Roberts case will not get before
the house until the end of the week, at
the earliest, and probably not then.
The hearings have been adjourned un
til Wednesday and it is hardly likely
that the report can be prepared in
time for presentation this week.
Speechmaklng In the Senate.
The week in the senate necessarily
will be giv6n up largely to speech-
making. Beginning Monday morning
Senator Pettigrew's resolution asking
for information concerning the Philip
pine war will come up and he and
probably other senators will speak
upon it. This will occur during the
morning hour.
Senator Morgan has given notice of
a speech on Monday, in which he will
discuss the race question in the south
Are Past
But we are still doing
business at the old stand.
Our stock comprises everything
usually kept in a first-class
drug store. All the leading
Patent Medicines.
Physicians' Prescriptions..
& Co.
Guilt of Men aud Women.
An article on "Women and the Emo
tions," by Prof. Mantegazza. in the
Humanitarian, saya that man bears
false witness 100 times to a woman's
17; man for forgery and counterfeit
coining was convicted 100 times to a
woman's 11; In France women are
summoned before the tribunals four
times less than men. Taking the
whole of Europe, women are five times
less guilty than men. Tit-Bits.
How's This.
We offer One Hundred Dollars Raws
t : : t. a i. -ii i. I any case of Catarrh that cannot be oured bv
If any time 18 left that day It will be I Hall's Catarrh Cure. "nu,
supplement the $1,500,000 heretofore ine lDira CDUa ana ine iatDe,i Dn i
appropriated for the repatriation of I whom are down with the disease
the Spanish prisoners and theirfam-l Beaver Vallev people are verv much
illeu-he.ld by, the VL9Urffenlf n wrought up over the matter and it is
Philippines from these islands to o
Spain, in accordance with the treaty of 1 " "ri8"an WIlQ "s
peace. i prominent leauers, in new urignton
will be investigated by the court.
PAID UP CAPITAL. - $50,000
Oners the very best facilities lor the
prompt transaction of
Legitimate Banking Business.
STOCK 9. bonds, gold, government and lo a)
securities bought and sold. Deposits re
ceived and Interest allowed on the certfl
cates. Drafts drawn, available In any
part of the U. 9. and all the principle
towns of Europe. Collections made and
promptly remitted. Highest market
prloe paid for county warrants, state
and oounty bonds.
H. N. Dovey. D. Hwksworth S. Waugh
F. E. White. G. E. Dooy.
Geo. E. Dovey. Pres.. S. Waugh. O ashler.
H. N. Dotcv. Asst. Cashier.
Subscriptions to 1
I To PATEKT Good Urn
may be secured by
our aid. Address,
BsWmara. Md.
Patent Record fuu per aaaaun.
The Exactions of Fashion.
Dedbroke "i want you to make me
op a nobby spring suit. What do
you think would be advisable for me
to get?" Tailor "A check, sir." "Tint
Wanted Several persons for dis
trict office managers in this state to
represent me in their own and sur-
ronn diner mintina. WilHnc in
t 11.1.1. -i , i - J
7. Vrth p(,puIar Just yearly $000, payable weekly. Desira
ble employment with unusual oppor
tunities. References exchanged. En
close self-addressed stamped envelope
S. A. Park, 320 Caxton Building, Chi
now." "Oh. yes; they're alwava norm.
lar here. In fact, you can't have the
suit until yon fetch the check." Phil
adelphia Record.
Probabilities to Fit.
Wife (at breakfast) I want to do
Borne shopping today, dear, if the
weather is favorable. What are the
forecasts? Husband
Incidents of the Kile.
Here are two incidents of the Battle
of the Nile told by "one of the gun-
paper) Rain, hall, thunder and light- ners' crew": 0ne Iad who was sta
ulne. I tloned bv a salt box on which ho cat
to give out cartridges, and keep the lid
close it is a trying berth when asked
Children's Ianclns; Class.
Miss Green, who is successfully con
ducting a school of dancing for ladies I ' or a cartrldge, he gave none, yet he
and gentlemen at the A. O. U. W.
hall each Tuesday and Friday even
ing, has decided to form a class of
girls and boys between the ages of
seven and fifteen years for Saturday
afternoons. Parents desiring to have
their children instructed should in
quire of Miss Green for terms, or call
her up, Plattsmouth telephone 199.
'I am indebted to One Minute Cough
Cure for my health and life. It cured
me of lung trouble following grip."
Thousands owe their lives to the
prompt action of this never failing
remedy. It cures cougs, colds, croup,
bronchitis, pneumonia, grip and throat
and lung troubles. Its early use pre
vents consumption. It is the only
harmless remedy that gives immedi
ate results.
eai upngnt; his eyes were open. One
of the men gave him a push; he fell
all his length on the deck. There wu
Quite dead, and was thrown overboard.
?T;a lad- who had the match in
hia hand to fire his gun. ia the act of
applying it a shot took off his arm;
it hung by a small piece of skin The
match fell to the deck. He looked to
Ws arm. and seeing what had hap
pened, seized the match in his left
hand and fired off the gun before he
went to the cock-pit to have it dressed
The worst after effects of influenza
arise from deranged functions of the
liver. Clear the blood at once with
Ilerbine, for it will strengthen the
liver to withdraw from circulation the
biliary poisons. Price 50 cents. P. G.
Fricke & Co. V . "
devoted to the continuation of the dis
cussion of the financial bill, some of
the senators on the opposition reply
ing to Aldrich. Tuesday Beveridge
will deliver his speech on the Philip
pine problem and Wednesday will be
devoted to eulogies of the late Vice
President Hobart.
The greater part of the remainder
of tho week will be devoted to finance,
the object of the managers of the finan
cial bill being to give as much time as
possible to this measure until it is en
acted. It is now understood that
nearly ali the senators opposed to the
bill will talk upon it before the voto is
taken, but there has not yet been any
arrangement of the order in which
they will address the senate.
P. S. CHENEV A CO.. Prons.. Toldn O
We the undersigned, have known P. J.
Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe
I him perfectly honorable in all business
transactions ana financially able to carry
out any obligations made by their firm.
West & Tbdax, Wholesale Druggists, To
ledo. O.
Waldino. Rinnan & Marnin, Wholesale
Druggists. Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken lnternallv
acting directly udou the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system. Price 75c. per bot
tle. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials
Hairs Family -Fills are the best.
Newspapers In France.
The number of French newspapers
and periodicals continues to grow:
steadily. For Paris the figures have
now reached 2,685. of which 142 are
dailies, 762 appear weekly, and 884
monthly. Of 154 political papers and
reviews, half are republican. In the
provinces or, rather, in the depart
ments a similar increase is noted, the
number having passed 4,000. Of these
S55 are dallies. Republican papers out
number the socialist and radical pa
pers by 1.078 to 222.
A flood Idea.
A good plan to dispose of magazines
and illustrated papers after they have
been read at home Is to send them to
the firemen at the nearest engine
house. The time between alarms hangs
heavy and reading matter never comes
No Cauie for Doubt.
"I'm afraid I won't be able to get
through," faltered the young knight,
preparing for his first tourney.
"Never fear!" grinned his opponent.
as he playfully poised his lance, "I'll
run you through." Answers.
If Qot bel Wins, Kentucky's Governor May
Kaise Federal Question.
Fkankfort, Ky., Jan. 7. Republi
can leaders, who are on confidential
terms with Governor Taylor,intimated
tonignt tnat the republican contestees j Coughs and colds come uninvited,
may not quit the fight In the event the I but you can quickly get rid of them
legislature ana tne btate Contest I with a few doses of Ballard's Ilore
board vote to seat Goebel as governor hound Syrup. Price 25 and 50 cents.
and the other democratic contestants. I F. G. Fricke & Co.
They have by no means given up hope
that they will win in the legislature,
but are taking time by the forelock
and re looking around for other moves
in case Goebel should win.
It is generally believed they will
seek to raise a federal question and
take the case into the United States
supreme court. One of the questions
which could be raised, they say, would
be on the ousting of Lieutenant Gov
ernor Marshall as presiding officer of
the joint assembly in the event of the
adoption of the rules as passed by the
senate yesterday and also on the pro
spective wholesale unseating of repub
lican members of the legislature.
The house will tomorrow take up the
information filed in the senate Satur
day, charging Whallen and Ryan with
attempting to bribe Senator Harrell in
the governorship contest, together
with the resolution providing for a
oint investigation committee. The
Around the World.
The time required for a journey
round the earth by a man walking
day and night, without resting, would
be 428 days; an express train, 40 days;
sound, at a medium temperature, 32
hours; a cannon ball, 21 hours;
light, a little over one-tenth of a sec
ond, and electricity passing over a
copper wire a little under one-tenth
of a second.
What Hurt.
Toung I heard that you were run
down by a bicyclist this morning. Old-
ooy oo i ws. ioung were you
hurt? Oldboy Not until one of the
bystanders said it was a shame to ses
an old man knocked down like that.
J. LBevry, Loganton, Pa., writes,
I am willing to take my oath that I
was cured of pneumonia entirely by
the use of One Minute Cough Cure
after doctors failed. It aleo cured my
children of whooping cough." Quickly
relieves and cures coughs, colds,croup,
grip and throat and lung troubles.
Ohildren all like it. Mothers endorse
it. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Taane joall.
A Morgan sonnty (Mo.) young man
has bull up a large business in tame
Quail, which he claim are more easily '
raised than chickens and far more
profitable, selling for $4 per dozen for
meat, or for 5 per pair as pets. The
eggs hatch well, either under quail or
common hens.
Bard on the War Poets.
It was Lieut. William Brannera
treuther who raised the American flag
over the Ladrones, and Capt. William
McKettrick performed a like service at
Santiago. In choosing men upon whom
to confer this honor it seems to have
been the aim of the officials to select
those with names that could not be
monkeyed with by the war poets.
penver Post.
Many an innocent little darling is
suffering untold agony and cannot ex
plain its troubles. Mark your child's
symptoms, you may find it troubled
with worms; give it White's Cream
Vermifuge and restore it to quietness
and health. Price 25 cents. F. G.
Fricke & Co.
The modern and most effective cure
for constipation and all liver troubles
the famous little pills known as De
Witt's Little Early Risers. F. G.
Frik & Co.
Xloaaehold Notes.
Wimam i understand you moved
your family last week. Jackson Yes.
our servant girl didn't like the loca-
resolution is practically certain to go tion we were ip " hl StaU "
Senator Barrett, chairman of the
republican joint c-.ucus, has called
that caucus to meet tomorrow nisrht to
nominate a candidate for senator.
Former Governor W. O. Braeley will
be the nominee. Bie will probably be
named by acclamation.
Representative Orr. democrat, has
prepared a bill which he will Intro
duce Tuesday, repealing the Goebel
election commission law and providing
for a bi-partisan commission.
Adjourn Court For Fight.
LoNDON,Ky., Jan. 7. News reached
here today of a general fight on Otter
creek, Clay county, in which Lige
Lewis and Gene May were shot and
killed and four other participants ser
iously wounded. The fight occured at
school house on Otter creek, where
one of the Jacksons was on trial be
fore a magistrate for killing another
Jackson. The fight was started soon
after the trial began and court was ad
journed and the fight carried on both
n the 6chool house and the yard.
A Healthy and Prolific family.
A woman named Regina Doerner
died last August in Hungary at the
age of 111 years. She left 145 direct
descendants, and, what is still more
remarkable, this number includes all
of her descendants, for not one has
died. Her funeral notice bore the
names of three sons, two daughters,
thirty-five grandchildren, ninety great
grandchildren, twelve of the next or
fifth generation and three of the sixth.
The woman's life extended over the
whole or a part of the reigns of five
Austrian emperors.
Lighting- the Red He.
The lighting of the Red sea seems
at first to be a too practical infringe
ment upon an ancient fairyland. But
Sir Thomas Sutherland and other
members of parliament Interested In
shipping are naturally anxious about
the progress of the lighthouses with
which the porte promised to bejewel
the southern waters of the Red sea.
New York Sun.
CX TT Annlafnn i 11 a t i na r9 nafli0
Four of the men were brought to Clarksburg, J.', says, "DeWitt's
Little Early Risers are the best pilla
made for constipation. We use no
others." Quickly cure all liver and
bowel troubles. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Manchester last night and placed in
jiil. Lige Lewis, one of the men
killed, is a brother of ex-Sheriff Joe
Lewis of Clay county.
Shinn keeps a full supply of candies.
fruits and nuts. Perkins house block.
Wesley Stoneking , of Cedar Creek
was on overnight visitor in the city.
Is based on scien
tific formula, Su
perior quality of
ingredients, and
the care and skill
with which it is
Plattsmouth Coal Yard
Hay, Corn, Oats and all Kinds of Fecx
Constantly on Hand.
Digests what you eat.
Tt arti flclall v dleests the food and aids
Vnt.iir in strengthening and recon
structing the exhausted digestive or
gans. It is the latest discovered digest
ant and tonic No other preparation
can approach it In efficiency. It in
stantly relieves and permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea,
sm ck Headache. G astral cri a.Cramps, and
all other results of imperfect digestion.
Prepared byte, uswui a (o.. uQicago.