Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, December 19, 1899, Image 4

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Had Been Stolen From the B. &
M. Iepot on Nov. 23.
Barl Handy, the Colored Man, I Takeu
to tbm Penitentiary to Serve Out HI
Two-Year Sentenre Local Authorities
Notified to Look Out For an Escaped
The eample case advertised by
Agent W. Im Pickett a8 having disap
peared from the Burlington depot on
November has been found. It. was
discovered in one of the upper rooms
of the Perkins house by. a. son of Land
lord Guthman.
W. F. Wilson, a traveling: represen
tative of T. M. James & Son of Kansas
City, was the owner. Ho had the case
checked, preparatory to leaving town,
and when it was missed shortly after
wards the owner immediately notified
his firm and the B. & M. officials were
confronted with a claim of $150, in
payment of the missiusr prop rty.
In an interview with Landlord
Guthman of the Perkins house.a News
reporter learned that on the evening
of November 23 a man carrying a
sample case came in and registered as
It. E. King, Omaha. lie was assigned
to a room, and remained at the hotel
that night and the next day, but has
not been seen sioce. The sample case
was left in the room, and an UDp:iid
board and lodging bill was also left be
hind. Mr. Guthman says they no
ticed Mr. Pickett's advertisement in
THE News Saturday evening, and,
comparing the description given with
that of the case in their possession,
they decided that there was a great
resemblance, and Mr. Pickett was im
mediately notified. That gentleman
at once recognized it aa the one he
had advertised for.
The timely finding of the case
will not only relieve the officials at
the depot of considerable anxiety, but
will also eave them a small sum. Mr,
Pickett puid the hotel bill and the
case was turned over to him.
Off for the "Fen."
Sheriff Wheeler departed on the
early train this morning for Lincoln,
having in charge Burl Handy, who
has been sentenced to a term of two
years in the penitentiary. Handy, it
will be remembered, is the colored
man who, with a pal, broke into a
Bock Island boarding car at South
Bend last summer and stole a number
nf nrtinlAa and a denosit check. In
bringing them to this city after the ar
rest Handy broke away from Constable
Cain and was a fugitive for over two
months, finally being arrested in Kan
sas City.
He is known by the otlicers all over
the country and is regarded as a very
had "coon."
An Escaped Convict.
Chief of Police William Slater re
ceived a letter yesterday from Warden
R. W. McClaughry of the United
States penitentiary at Ft. Leaven
worth, Kan., asking the local officers
tn h' on tha lookout for a convict
named J. P. BirchGeld, who escaped
from tht prison on December 13 A
reward of $60 is offered for his appro
hension. Following is a description
of the man: Age, forty-seven years;
weight, 146 pauntls; height, live feet,
three and one-half inches; bald fore
head, brown hair, stout build, hazel
blue eyes, 3car on right little finger,
also scar on right chock; vaccination
Bear on right arm; had been a farmer
by occupation.
While he may be coming this way.
it ia more likely that he is heading
Clark-Ham p.
Rav. Duncan of tho Christian
church yesterday performed the mar
riaee of Mr. Harlow Clark and MUs
Mable Kamp. The happy event oc
curred at the home of the groom in
South Park, and was witnessed by
many of the relatives and friends of
the contracting parties.
The voung couple received many
pretty and useful presents as tokens of
the high esteem in which they were
held. Tha groom is the son of Mr
and Mrs. John Clark, and is an up
right and thrifty young man, whiie
the bride is a handsome and accomp
lished young lady, whose home is at
Crawford, Neb.
The News joins with their many
friends In extending congratulations,
While a party of young folks were
skating up on the bayou last evening
Miss Josie Murphy sustained a fall on
the ice which rendered her uncon
scious for several minutes. A number
of them had formed in line to execute
what is called a "whip-cracker," and
the young lady, skating in front cf the
line, was unablo to get out of the way
in time, not having been aware of its
approach until within a few feet of
her. She was thrown violently to the
ice, but escaped without serious in
jury. -
Jury Falls to Agree.
Tbe jury in the case of Julia Ben
scoter against Andrew G. Broback
tried before Judge Carland in United
StAton court, has failed to reach an
agreement and has been discharged
after being out twenty-four hours
The case came from Plattsmouth, hav
ing been transferred from the district
court of Cass county. Tho plainiiff
sued for $5,000 damages. The defend
ant was a saloon keeper ' at Platts
mouth, and the allegation io the peti
tion charged that be sold liquor to
Benscoter in sufficient quantities to
make him drunk. While in this con
dition he went out one cold day last
winter and froze his fee, the toes on
on of which were amputated. The
wife brought tho damage su t.
Omaha Bee.
Shinn keeps a full supply of candies,
fruits and nuts. Perkins house block.
' A.B.Todd went to Omaha on the
i fast mail.
E. A. Oliver was in the metropolis
this aft srnoon.
H. It. Neitzal of Murdock was in the
city on business today.
B. A. McElwain transacted business
in Omaha this afternoon.
Dr. C. A. Marshall and wife were
visitors in Omaha today.
D. O. Dvryer went up to Orual.a this
morning on legal business.
Mrs. Har riet Wellington was a vis
itor in Omaha this morning.
P. B Everett and J. W. Cox were in
town today from Weeping Water.
Mrs. A. F. Shepherd has gone to
Lincoln to epeud Christmas with her
Mrs. D llawksworth an! daughtc-,
Mrs. E. W. Cook, were in Omaha this
Mr C. D. Eids and Mrs. V. L
Pickett were visitors in Omaha this
af tern oon.
Judge B. S. Ramsey went to Ne
hraska City this morning to hold court
a few days.
S. IT. Dunbar returned this morning
from from a business trip to Omaha
and Ash'.and.
Attorney Matthew Gering went to
Lrncoln this morning, having tome
legal business in district court.
Misses Mary and Susie Kroehler
went to Havelock this morning to
visit their brothers a few days.
John Evan, E. Sturzneggor and
William O'Brien of South Bend were
transacting business in the city today.
J. M. llobertson returned this morn
ing from Louisville. He reports his
wife's mother, Mrs. ILissemeier, as
somewhat improved.
Fred Gebhartof Ainsley, Neb., who
has been in the city visiting his sister.
departed this morning for his home
Mr. Gebhart is a stock man and
brought a shipment of cattle to South
Omaha when he came down.
Geo: go Leaver recently purchased
the J. P. House property in east
Greenwood and has just finished a fine
barn on it.
The Epworth Lengue of tho Meth
odist church has arranged a lecture
course of five numbers, tho first one
'The Yellowstone National Park," be
ing given Tuesday.
The young people enjoj'ed their first
skating party this winter oa Wilburn's
lake last S lturdav evening.
A martial bund has been organized
in town.
The Methodists will have a cantata
Christmas night.
The C. E. of the Christian church
gave an entertainment in Lemon s
hall Monday Dighr., realizing about
All signs point to E. C. Coleman to
succeed George W. Clark as postmas
Mrs. C. E. Shaw is visiting her eis
ter in Ited Oak, Ia , this week.
A School Teacher In Trouble.
The News is informed that Miss
Margaret Coritr3rman of Weeping
Water was arrested this morning upon
complaint of Jmes Carper. She had
punished his child more severely than
ho thought reasonable or right. The
c-ise is bing tried before 'Squiro Gess
of Louisv.lle this afternoon. Miss
Contryman taught two terms in the
Amick di-trict, south of Mynard
where she gave excellent satisfaction
and is teaching her third term in the
Wiles ditric'. ft.ur and one-half mile
this side uf Weeping Water, and her
friend trust she has not been upju
In administering puuishru Jn t to Mr
Carper s little girl.
Hoy Die t rom Iropy.
A Weeping Water special says
Yern Jameson, son of Mr. and Mrs. T.
F. Jameson, died yesterday, after an
illness of over two j'ears, of dropsy
a?eu eleven years, ills case was a
very peculiar one, and many physi
cians were called during his sickness.
The Kund Concert.
The concert to be given by the B. &
M. tand Wednesdny evening gives
promise of being one of the leading
musical events of the sensoo. Every
one in Piattsmouth is interested in the
welfare of the band and the coneer
will, no doubt, be liberally patronized
FollOwir g is ttie itiogram:
March Governor Roosevelt's Rough RiJers
Overture From Dawn to Twilight Bennett
Soprano Solo Shubert's Serenade
Miss Florence White
With violin obligato by Miss Lillian Kauble
Mr. Hilt Wescott accompanist.
Waltz Danube Waves Ivanovici
Cornet Solo The Last Chord Sullivan
Mr. O. L. Currier.
Cake Walk A Rag Time Skedaddle Rosey
March Comique Mr. Thomas Cat Hall
Descriptive Fantasia Way Down South
Violin Solo Caprice De Concert Bolmi
Miss Lillian Kauble
Miss White accompanist.
Medley The Rage In Ireland Beyer
Saxorhone Solo Selected
Mr. Leo Steppan
Miss Kessler accompanist.
Idyll The Mill In the Forest Eiienberg
Overture The Golden Wand Laurendeau
Do 3 0U want to fix your rooms up
this season? Or course you do, and it
is probably high time for it. You in
tend to buy wall piperV And buy an
other paper in two or three years?
Now, let me talk to you about haying
a nico decorated house, stylish and
up-to-date and save much money on
it. Get your rooms painted and deco
rated in a modern style and you are
through with your house for many
years. Don't paper every two years
and ruin your plaster with it. Call on
Louis Ottnat for full explanation of
the economy of frescoed room?. He
has the experience of many years and
a great many referencej in town.
Plattsmouth telephone 253.
C. A. Marshall, Dentist.
A. W. Atwood s 'lis glass.
Holiday goods at Atwocd's drug
. W. Atwood soils the he st paint
on eir;b.
A. W. Atwood sells pu-e drugs and
the best patent medicines.
Sicare your tickets f r the Kcture
by Prof. E. H. Barbour.
Anew assortment of pipes just re
ceived at H. Spies'. CM and examine
the stock.
Leland, the liltlo son of M. S
Brigers, it suffering from a slight at
tack of throat trouble.
I have a purchaser for a well im
proved eight? or 160 acre farm near
Plattsmouth. T. II. Pollock.
The ice on tho bayou, up near the
water works pump house, is reported
in the best condition for skating.
The mercury registered the lowest
this morning that is has this winter.
being just at zero. That is not so bad
for December 19.
II ive vou a cold? A dose cf Bal
lard's Horehound Syrup at bedtime
will removo it. Price 25c and 50c
F. G. Fricke & Co.
S. A" Davis, the grain man, recently
purchased 1,000 bushels of corn from
A. C. Fry. The grain was boiug
hauled to town today.
Three hundred pair men's sample
gloves and mitts just received at Wrn.
Ilerold & Son's and will be sold at ex
actly wholesale prices.
Ttie Christmas cantati, "Santa
Claus Entertained," by the Presbyter
ian Sundiy school will be given Satur
day evening at 7:li0 o'clock.
Lehnhoff Bros, have installed sev
eral extra clerks in their sto-e. The
larje number of siles on Christrmis
goods h 18 netsitated this increase.
Do not delay secure se its at once
for the stereopt ican lecture at the
Presbyterian churen this evening.
Admission 25 cents. All seits re
served. UoWilt's L tile Early Risers purify
the blood, clean tho liver, invigorate
the system. Famous litt!o pi Is for
constipation and liver troubles. F. G.
Fricke & Co.
The policfl authorities report the
jail ns being empty for the I'rst time
since April IS, the colored man taken
to the penitentiary this morning being
the last of the prisoners.
Reports from South Africa today
make no mention of the crossing of
the Fugela river by General Buller's
forces, and the report given out to
that effect this morning is now discredited-
The Turnverein is preparing a great
Christmas entertainment, which will
be eiven during two evenings, Dec. 23
and 25, at the Turner hall. Splendid
program in prospect. Dotails later.
Watch for them.
Louis Ottnat and an asist:int began
the task of retouching the frescoing
work at the couit house today. L. G.
Larsen and Frank Johnson have se
cured the contract for repairing the
damaged wood work.
Ladies, clean your kid gioves with
LaBelle ylove cleaner. For sale only
by Wra. Ilerold & Son headquarters
for kid gloves; nil the reliable makes
and lending shades. Gloves of$l and
upward guarantee!.
The lectu.e given by Prof. Barbour
this'evening for the b3nefit of the
High tchool will be one of the most
interesting and instructive ever given
in the city. Unserve yrur seats im
mediately. Only 25 cents.
Miss O'.lio J:nes, the librarian, re
quests that all who wish to take books
out cf the libra, y for next Sunday's
reaJin should do so before 6 o'clock
Saturday evening, as the rooms will
bo closed after that hour.
Tnero are few ailments so uncom
fortable as piles, but they cm ea?ily
bo cured by uing Tabler's Buckeye
lV.e Ointment, ll-ilief follows its use,
and any ono suffering from piles can
not affoid to neglect to give it a trial.
Price, 50c in bottles; tubes 75c. F. G.
Fricke & Co.
C. E. Wescott received a fine new
"Climax" door the oth r day from St.
Joe, which h;-.d been made to orderfor
his new dwelling on S .Vi nth and Main
streets. Patton & Bulger painted it,
and everyone who has seen the t'oor
say it is a fine, piece cf workmanship
in every detail.
The following Louisville people were
in town today i; attendance at tho ad
ministrator's gale of the Huber prop
erty, which occurred nt the court
house this afternoon: II. E. P.ukonin,
M D. Ruby, S. B. McCleran, Tom
Johnson, Chris Duerr and wife, C. D.
Tappar, Phil Huber, Isaac DePuy,
Mart and Jim Williams, Oscar Peter
son, Frank Nichols and W. A. Cleg
horn. Messrs. E. A. Oliver, T. S. Clifford,
Wesley Bookmeyer, Antono Choutka
and Wm. W. Coates of this city,
and S. H. Hollenback cf Omaha
returned from their land viewing
visit to southern Missouri last even
ing and this morning, much delighted
with "what they saw. An extended
interview which was crowded out to
days will appear tomoirow.
Try Graln-O! Try Graln-OI
Ask your Grocer today to show you
a package of Grain-O, the new food
drink that takes the place of offee.
The children may drink it without in
jury as well as the adult. All who try
it. like it. Grain-O has thnt rirh sa1
brown of Mocaa or Java,but it is made
from pure grains, and the most deli-1
caie tkuuiacn receives it witneut ais-
tress. One-fourth the price of coffee.
15c and 25c per package. Sold by all
Ilrave Ct-nernl Falls While Leading An
Attack on San Mateo.
OMAHA. Deo. 19. (Special to THE
News.) A dispatch from Manila to-;
day reports that General T. W. Law-
ton w as killed in front of his lines in i
bis attack on Sao Mateo. j
General Lnvlon was by odds the
most capable and brilliant field officer
of the army in the Philippines, and
his death is the most severe loss our
r.rray hfcs sustained since the war be
Supply Agent D. S. Guild returned
today from a bu-iaess trip to Dead
wood and other Blacit Hills points.
Agent W. L. Pickett of the Burling
ton this morning received a letter
from the agent at St. Joe giving the
description of a telescope and its con
tents that wa stolen from W. W.
Smith, a pa-senger on No. 2(5, last
evening. The telescopo was stolen
from a seat in the car and contained
t-oine valu ble j-jwelry and also some
wearing apparel, and it was thought
the thief might have stopped off hero.
Tao owner t.ffred a reward of $10 for
the return of the telescope.
Dr. Hull, cf the Burlington Rilicf,
was in town t' d;y on company busi
ness A party of fourteen bankers and
financial men Michigan are tour
ing Neb.ia.-ka and Colorado in a spe
cial car on the Burlington, under the
chaperouage of A. M. Johnron of Cur
lis. Neb., an immigration bocm.r.
Their to th :so western states is
for the purpose i f informing them
solves on their resources with a view
to future investment.
The switch shanty, down in the
li. & M. j arils, is b.'ing reshisigl.-d to
il a v.
The Burlington fast mail has now
been t aveling st sixty, seventy and
eighty rrilts an hour for so many
months that its performances have be
come commonplace; but mention is
ra-idti of a recent run from Mendota
to Chic go, eighty-three miles, in sev-onty-s'x
minutes, which is said by an
officer of the road to be the best time
ever ia ado b .'tween thoe two poiats.
The train ran from Mendota to Au
rora, forty-six miles, in thirty-nin.-.
minutes.. The engine on this run was
No. 1502. There was a considerable
head wind nearly all the way from
Burlington, but the run, 206 miles, was
mai'o in LOO minutes, including all
Christian KniU-avor Social.
The regu'ar seuii-anuual business
meeting of the Young People's So
c ety of -Christian Endeavor of the
Presbyterian chuich was held at the
home of the Mioses Mai tin last even
ing. The meeting was well attended
and after the transaction of the regu
lar business tho evening whs spent in
social conversation, music and games.
Ttie younir ladies entertaining tho so
ciety generously treated the members
to fru t, cake and candy, which was
thoroughly enjoj-od by all.
The society will enter upon the work
of the new year the strongest it has
ever been. Tho following officers
were elected for tho ensuing six
President Wm. X. Baird.
. Vice PreMdent MissEJith Buzzell.
Recording Secretary Ben Davis.
Treasurer Miss IK lla Oiburn.
0;ganist Miss L uise Smith.
List or Letter.
Remaining uncalled for at the post
orhee at inattsmouth, Dec. 19, 1S'J:
A I tin an, Mrs Sarah
Bennett, Mus Pearl
Franklin, John
Hardily. Joe
Long, j B
Lcuchhooese, A W
Miller, John
Riley. Ed
Woods, W W
Batts. Mrs Margaret
English. Ed
Hall, Mrs C M
Hoffman. Mrs W II
Little. G V
Lln'isay. T H
Miller. Edd
Woods, E E
Wanloski. J T
on. Win
When calling for any of tho above
letters please say "advertised."
C. II. SMITH, Postmaster.
An Appropriate tiift
Ouo A. Wuri, toe cigar manufac
turer, is jiultir g up Christmas cigars
in boxes f twenty-live at:d twelve. In
the b x - s containing twenty-five he is
putting up three uilVerent styles, and
th'-y are male frrm fine tobacco. L st
winter Mr. Wu 1 d d not make f no Jgh
of the "(i j, II-jil" Ciirist nas cigars to
supply the demand, but this year he
has enough for all. These boxes make
a Christmas (lift for husb-md or sweet
heart that has no t qual.
Fmicj ClirlHiiurt l(ix'
Kqu-il to highest grade 10c i-ipare.
Buy a box of Pepperberg's m ike to
send to your out of town friends.
(Special notices under this head will be charged
for at the rate of one-hail ((i) cent per word
for each insertion.)
los r.
LOST A bunch of kevs, probably on road be
tween Hattsmouth and Rock Bluffs. Under
please leave at this office.
The Rush Is Oil.
at the Big Store, Santa
Claus' headquarters for Tovs,
J Dolls, Books, Albums, Toilet
Sets, Shaving Sets, Cuff and Col-
lar Boxes, Necktie Boxes.
Bigest Stock
under one ro f.
Worth $2. 25, $2 50 and $3 00 j
i - .
.Pattern Hats.
Worth 7 and 8; for 4 SO and SS OO
Hats from $1.50 to $3
Main Streer, bet. Fourth and Kifin.
Lumber and Coal
Mendota Coil, $4 .50
Hard Coal, - - y.(if)
YitrJs in rear of Waterman block.
Consider Yourself
When in need of China
Goods of any description
be sure and call at our
store. We have a fine line
and can please 3Tou.
We have anything 3ou 'h
want ....
Rites Si and 51.50 p;r Lay
Centrally Li icated.
C mfortahly Furnished.
PATENT Good Ideas
may be secured by
our aid. Address,
Baltimore. Hd.
puDBcnptions i" yaieni itecoru i.uopen
As retail Jewelers, we meet the demand for everything g-encrally carried
in stock in Jewelry Stores. With the general improvement in business we
have anticipated an increased demand for the newer and more attractive Joods
for the Holidaj' trade and we have them. There is an advantage apparent to
every buyer in selecting- his floods where the assortment is most complete.
Couple this with the assurance of lowest prices and liberal treatment and you
have our way of doing- business. We arc now ready for any test you may make
of our ability to supply jour wants.
ls n Special Inducement this month, we are frown- to
give away FREb with each cash purchase of $1 or over' vour choice of "a Sterling-
Silver-handled Nail File, Glove Buttoner. Letter On.-n.-r or n
Dewey Souvenir Spoon
Jewelers and Opticians,
Corner Main and Sixth Streets, Plattsmouth, Nebraska
n m
to step in when 3-ou happen to be passing,
as we would be pleased to show you what we
have. If 3'ou do not intend purchasing- at present,
we are positive we can make an impression if you
;ive us an opportunitT, as we have floods that can
not fail to please.
Our prices have been reduced so that we
jjfive you more for the amount expended than our
competitors, and, as a special inducement, we are
i"oi:io; to give a Sterling1 Silver Thimble, which
retails for 35c, with ever purchase of Si or over.
Second door south of Postoflice, Plattsmouth, Neb
Nls Booming
Merchant Tailor,
TT 7
For 20 Years lias Led all
Prepared by J JAftffPR P. RAIL ARfV fi. ! rtlllc.
A Nice Christmas Gift...
.In fact, ns nice a
would ho a hox of
Gut Heil" Christmas Cigars,
(Put Up In Boxes of 12 and 25)
Jimt the thing f..r Husband, Brother, F.ither, Sweetheart cr Friend.
OTTO A. WURL. Manufacturer.
tbc Slants of the Omes
John Bull
has left Samoa
to attend to more im
portant affairs.
It will pay you to leave
othor affairs and come
here for your Christmas
purchases. We make it
easy for you. "lie would
like one of our new wide
end Imperial Ties at 50c.
60U & Son
yt ur orde- with John (J. Ptak for
a Suit or Overcoat. The-e you
will find a large I'ssorlmen t nf Wool
ens and stock of Tailor's TiiiMninga
to spb.ct frc m. Bv doing to you get
go xl goods and trimmings nr.d first
' as woi k, lat st sty.c nnd ut. Mr.
Ptak is the only tailor in Cass county
holding n cutter's diploma.
Leonard Block.
Most !i Qnnlilr. po-tlnf -lity.
Wonn Beissdies. iWEZ. i
one i-s j ou can find,