Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, December 19, 1899, Image 2

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    Tht Semi-Weekly News-Herald USV StOVG9 With , JPlOUtV Of BJlRGJlINS
6EOR6E L. FARLEY, Proprietor. , -A. -H- J
cna Ywr in advance 85 00
CU llAntlta ........ 2 50
ou - -- -- n
Ann Wlr ........ ...
btnolA nniaa ......... 5
OIUIV w.-j ------
rkna Vr in Advance $1 00
OS -Mentha 50
DiA JUVWkUf - - - -
Of any Cass County Paper.
Offex a Few Drives From Oin- General Stoclc.
DARN those etockingsl One week
from today i Christmas. !
"He who laughe last laughs beat,"
bo say the Irishmen at Dublin.
Dress Goods
We are handling the JAMESTOWN LINE they need
no further recommendation. As a special thing-, we offer our
o romarlaSlv 1nw nrice. We auote a few:
38-inch Serge, worth 50c, at - - - -38-inch
Suitings, worth 65c, at - - - -40-inch
Wool Storm Serge, worth 75c, -40-inch
Covert, worth 65c, at - - - -50-inch
Wool Flannel, worth 60c, at - -
50. c
60 c
50 c
45 c
We quote below a few prices from our Grocery Department:
10 bars high-grade soap, ------ 25c
4 pounds California prunes, - - - - - 25c
5 pounds good rice, --- - 25c
3 cans tomatoes, ----- 25c
7 cans good corn, ----- 50c
Good Gunpowder Tea, per lb, - - - - 40c
Canned Peas, ------ 10c
Our "Monarch" line of canned goods cannot be equalled in
quality. If you want the finest on earth, we have it.
FROM the present outlook Matt Quay
hasn't the best of Brigham Roberts,
so far as taking his seat is concerned.
The British have met with more
sumrises during the past few weeks
than thev care to especially of that tjjia work. Mr. Dunroy has portrayed
nature. I Nebraska in a unique and realistic
mnnnnr. Ha breathes the air of the
west and catches the spirit that per
vades it.
And now Poynter wants to square
himself by laying the blame onto
Rr.n Well, his shoulders are
broad. .m i
As THE down-hearted ice man
watches the downward course of the
'ha feels much lierhter at
Mr. Roberts is now attempting to
ire t out of his dilemma by attacking
the character
against him.
of those who testify
The semi-annual statement, showing
the apportionment or tne scnooi
money, has just been made by Super
intendent Jackson. The rate per pu
pil is 80.785, as compared with $0,907
. . .
one year ago. I ne aecrease i uuo j
the falling off of the temporary school
fund. Cass county has 7,670 pupils
and receives $6,026.68.
IN South Sioux City there lives a
man hv thfi name of Sjltssiver. The
oitiTBna nf that town ouirht to be in
good condition.
There is more money with which to
buy holiday goods this season than
there has been at any holiday for
mnnv vAar nast. It is needless to
state the reason.
Governor Potntek did not spend
so much time in selecting a successor
to district judge in the Ninth
district, as he did in finding a succes
sor to Senator Hayward. Possibly
Mr. Bryan did his pirt more promptly
in this instance. Douglas Cones,
democrat, of PlainTiew, is the man.
Kentitckians are so eiven to fight
ing that two democratic representa
tives from that state came near having
a battle in the house yesterday.
RICH iron beds have recently been
discovered in Northern Iowa. If this
find proves as substantial as the re
publican victories in the Ilawkeye
state, it will be all right.
Calamity howlers are obliged to
read much distasteful news nowadays.
Nearly every day one can read of the
advance of the wases of employes in
factories and railroads.
The services comemmoratlng the
100th anniversary of the deata ol
George Washington, Thursday, were
the most impressive ceremonies ever
held in the United States. President
McKinley delivered an eloquent trib
ute to the memory of the first presl
dent of the United States, as did also
senators and representatives.
The Falls City Journal has entered
upon its thirty-third year. The Jour
nal i9 one of the best weekly news
papers in southern Nebraska and does
much good work for the republic in
THE action of the republican ma
jority in the house of representatives
in adopting the Raed rules shows that
that majority means business, and
that it intends to fulfill to the best of
its ability the pledges of the party.
Those antis who are quoting Wil
liam H. Seward as an anti-expansion
ist because he opposed the annexation
of Texas in the campaign of 1844,
should go a little slow. Seward op
posed the annexation of Texas not be'
cause he was an anti-expansionist, but
because he was against the acquis!
tion of any more slave territory.' The
purchase of Alaska, later consum
mated by Mr. Seward, showed his at-
itude upon expansion.
The supreme court ha9 decided
against the seizure of the steamer
Buona Ventura during the war with
Spain, and the distribution of priz
money. ,
Commander E. P. Wood. United
States navy, who commanded the gun
boat Petrel during the battle of Manila
bay, died in Washington of typhoid
Dr. Charles F. H. Willoghs, of
Doylestown, O.,who is the oldest prac
ticing physician in the Buckeye state.
celebrated his ninety-sixth birthday
last week, and Is still so well preserved
that be has good reason to hope for
the completion of a century. Very
few of the male members of his family
have died before attaining the age of
ninety.aod his grandfather lived until
he was 106.
A live bear is to be presented to Ad
miral Dewey by the people of Bel-
trama county, Minnesota. It has al
ready been captured and will be for
warded in time to make it a Christmas
present. Since the animal is big and
untamed and since the animal will not
have time to get the permission of all
the subscribers of his Washington
home to keep it in his buck yard he
will probably have to send the beast
to a zoological garden.
Lieutenant Thomas M. Brumby,
flag lieutenant to Admiral Dewey dur
ing the Manila campaign, died in
Washington Saturday evening. He
wft9 one of Dewev's most trusted em'
ployes. mmm
There will be more building done
in Plattsmouth during next summer
than there ha3 in the same length of
time for many years, if ever. Carpen
ters are feelincr iubilant over the out
look, and well they 6hould.
Philadelphia has been selected
as the place for holding the repub
lican national convention and June 19
is the date. Chicago was thought to
be in the lead, but St. Louis got in her
work and throw it to the Quaker city
The small record of business fail
ures inrougnoui me uoitea oiaies
continues to annoy the spirls of those
who would seem to prefer seeing busi
ness depression and panic under a re
publican administration than prosper
ity and activity, even though they
themselves share in it. The failures
for the weee ending December 9, 1899,
according to Dunn's Review, were
onlv 144. as aeainst 281 for the by no
means unprosperous corresponding
week of 1898.
Female postoffice clerks who con
template matrimony should weigh the
(,male) matter well and be sure that
their piospective husbands will be
able to make a livlncr for them. First
Assistant Postmaster General Heath
has m -de the following ruling in the
matter: "I intend to apply this rul
ing to female clerks who in the future
marry. Female postoffice clerks al
ready married and whose employment
under their married names has been
approved bv the department will mot
be disturbed under this ruling."
On the day congress assembled Mr.
Turner, the young representative
from Kentucky, started for the capitol
with his mother, but they became
separated In the crowd. Mrs. Turner
made her way along the corridor to
the members gallery and gained ad
mittance, although she had no ticket.
the necessary pasteboard being in her
son's pocket. To a doorkeeper who
said he would have to eject her unless
she produced her ticket Mrs. Turner
said: "I came here to see my baby
sworn in as a member of the bouse.
and here I remain until he takes the
oath." The doorkeeper wisely allowed
the determined Kentucky woman to
The compositors "on the Toot, in
Lincoln, the populist organ and the
cbampion of the labor cause, went out
on a strike last Friday because tbey
could not make sufficient wages to live
015 That is a peculiar 6tate of affairs.
J. W. Searson, formerly in educi-
lional work in this county.but at pres
ent suDerintendent of the Waheo
school-1, writes that so far as be can
learn, every one of the teachers in the
city schools there expect to attend
the state Teachers' association. This
shows an excellent professional spirit
on the part of the teachers in the
Wahoo schools and every chiid under
their charge will be directly benefitted
by the inspiration and new ideas re-
The railroads are now giving out
the information that on January 1
freight rates will be increased from 35 ceived at thl8 meeting.
to 50 per cent on all gooas 01 every
day consumption. The worst feature
nf thla in that the consumer will have
to pay the freight."
ttik Plattsmouth Daily News
has been enlarged from a six to a
seven column paper. This was neces
sitated by the increase of advertising
patronage, and shows that Editor G.
L. Farley is making a winner in the
newspaper business. Week's Raview.
WITH a fine new church edifice on
the west side of Seventh street, on
Main, and an opera house of metro
politan proportions on the east side of
Seventh, on the same thoroughfare,
that portion of the city will be very
much improved in appearance.
There are two questions that seem
to puzzle thousands of people and it is
' possible some subscriber to The News
will volunteer to answer them at an
early date. They are as follows:
1. When does the nineteeuth century
close? 2. What is the date of Christ's
blrthV .
The News is in receipt of a copy
of "Corn Tassels," a book of poems
written by a talented Nebraskan,
known, not a little, in the literary
circles of iebra8ka William Reed
Dunroy. The work has recently been
published in its second edition. In
Some of those Grand Army posts
which have been Investigating the
commissioner of pensions for his al
leged hostility to old soldiers might
unearth a few interesting facts if they
turned their attention to the case of
some dozen or more republican sena
tors who are using their Influence for
the retention of "Colonel" Richard
Brieht, the present sergeant at arms
of the senate. Having been a mem
ber of the Knights of the Golden
Circle and an associate of Vallandig-
ham during the war, "Colonel" Bright
as sergeant at arms, has had no mercy
on union soldiers, discharging them
by the dozen and filling their places
with democrats. "Colonel" Bright is
not on trial, however; the old soldiers
understand him thoroughly, but per
haps they have a difficulty in compre
hending the good politics of those re
publican senators who are his
staunch supporters.
The lawful king of Kabinda, Africa,
ia a ianitor in a San Francisco office
building, and wields a broom In lieu
of a scepter. He has lately petitioned
both Queen Victoria and King Charles
I of Portugal for restoration of his
lawful rights, which, he says, would
be only the matter of a warship or two.
Kabinda Is situated between the pos
sessions of Portugal and France, and
Is part of the Congo Free State. The
king, who is known In San Francisco
as plain James Jackson, says that be
left his own country about twenty-five
49 . 1 Ji
years ago, wnen nueen years uiu, io
see the world, and after going to Eng
land, drifted about till he came to
America, about twelve yrars ago.
Mrs. R. Churchill, Berlin, Vt.,8Bys,
'Our baby was covered with running
trtt.l fTTtt.l. TT - 1 O 1
sore. uewiiis wucu uoioi omvu
cured her." A specific for piles and
akin disease?. Beware of worthless
counterfeits. F. G. Fricke & Co.
For broken Mmbs, chilblains, burns.
scalds, bruised fains, sore throat, and
sores of every kind, apply Ballard's
Snow L'niment. It will give immedi
ate relief and hel any wound. Price
25c and 50c. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Cats County Citizen Once More
ltt-hlnd the liars.
"To be or not to be in jail. Whether
'its hottar ti crain mv lihpptv nr keen
these letters and thereby gain a larger
Such was the soliloquy of "Judge"
Julius S. Cooley, the only impersona
tor of Hamlet whom Omaha has ever
produced, as he passed the weary
hours of the night in the city jaiL
L-irceny as bailee was the charge for
which the judge was arrested, and W.
F. Meyors is the mm who is respon
sible for Cooley's enforced mingling
with the vags and others of the c m
moner sort.
A shor. time ago Cooley was re
tained by Meyers to defend him against
a charge of assault and battery. Mey-
era s:iys that ne pma v;ooiey 3.0 ior
his service, but he soon became con
vi cCed that his case was not being
properly handled, and he dismissed
his nttorney nnd hired another.
Cooley had in his possession six pri
vate letters and a photograph belong
ing to Meyers, which he had intended
to use as evidence, but upoa his dis
missal, he refused to return them to
their owner. Mevers then swoe out
complaint, and for that reason the
judge graced the confines of the brg
cage last night.
In police court this morning, Cooley
pleaded not trui'ty and was released on
bond. Omaha Daily News.
Try Grain O! Try 6raln-OI
Ask your Grocer today to show you
a pacKage 01 urain-u, me new ioou
drink tbat takes the place of coffee.
The children may drink it without in
jury as well as tho adult. All who try
it, like it. Grain-O has that rich teal
brown of Mocba or Java.but it is made
from pure grains, and the most deli
cate etc mach receives it without dis
tress. One-fourth the price of coffee.
15c and 25c per package. Sold by all
Applications for half fare permits
for the year 1900 will be renewed, and
clergymen are urged to make their
applications at once.
W . L Pickett, Agent.
Some Special Bargains
For the present and Holiday Season.
Shoe Dep't
$3 shoe in the country,
We are ajrents for the Queen
Quality Ladies' Shoes, the best
The latest styles are now on
Dress Goods
We have an elegant line
of these troods in Black
and Colors. A fine line of Black Crepons from 50c up.
In connection with this department, we wish to say that
we have put in special machinery for spong-inf,r and
shrinking- dress poods and cloths. Dress poods and
cloths sponged at 5c a j-ard by the 1 itest improved meth
ods ; dress patterns spong-ed for 25c. Buy your dress
goods of us and give our method of Shr nkinp a trial.
Bought at a BIG DISCOUNT, will
go from $2.50 to $9.75.
See Our Line of Fur Collarettes from $2.50 to $15
A. L. Monger was over from Eigle
to spend Sunday with his family. He
returned to Esgle this morning. Mrs.
Muncer accompanying him as far as
Omaha. Mr. Munger is familiarizing
himself with the lumber business, in
which he owns a half interest, prepar
atory to taking charge January 1. It
is the intention of Mr. and Mrs. Mun
trer to remove to Omaha in a short
time, as their son is attending school
there and as it is easier to reach Eagle
from that point than it is from Platts
Tho disposition of children largely
depends upon health. If they are
troubled with worms, they will be ir
ritab'.e, cross, feverish, and perhaps
seriously s'c!;. White's Cream Ver-
mifugu is :i worm cxpellor ind tonijto
make thom r.o.lthy and cheerful.
I'rico 25c. F U. Fricke & Co
The appointment of Allen to be
United States senator is not worth
even a first page position in the col
umns of our amiable popocratlo con
temporary. Had the shoe been on the
other foot the first page would not
have been big enough to hold the
heodline alone. Bee.
It takes but a minute to overcome
tickling in the throat and to stop a
cough by the use of One Minute Cough
Cure. This remedy quickly cures all
forms of throat and lung troubles.
Harmless and pleasant to take. It
prevents comsumption. A famous
specific for grip and its after-effects
F. G. Fricke & Co.
The Word Won Him.
Sprockett Wheeler teems to b
stuck on that new doctor of his. Skor
efea Tes, he likes his up-to-dateness
When Wheslsr was sick in bed the first
thins the doctor said was: "O! we'll'
hvs you on pedals again in a few
days." Catholic Standard and Times
RevMwaeo for Mother
The stronesst sentiment of the Turi
Is his revereace for his mother. H
always stands In her presence until
Invited to sit down a compliment ha
pays to op one else.
In biliousness, Herbine,by expelling
from the body the excess of bile and
acids, improves the assimilative pro
cesses, purifies the blood, and tones up
and strengthens the entire system.
Price 50c F. G. Fricke & Co.
'I was nearly dead with dyspepsia,
tried doctors, visited mineral springs,
and grew worse. I used Kodol Dys
pepsia Cure. That cured me." It di
gests what you eat. Cures indigestion,
sour stomach, heart burn and all forms
of dyspepsia. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Scrofula to
Any one predisposed to Scrofula can
never be healthy and vigorous. This
taint in the blood naturally drifts into
Consumption. Being such a deep-seated
blood disease, Swift's Specific is trie
only known cure for Scrofula, because
it is the only remedy which can reach
the disease.
Scrofula apDeared on the head of my little
grandchild when only 18 months old. Shortly
after breaking out it spread rapidly all over
hrr body. The scabs ou the sores would peel
off on the slightest touch, and the odor tbat
would arise made tne at
mosphere of the room
sickening and unbearable.
The disease next attacked
the eyes, and we feared she
would lose her sight. Em
inent physicians from the
surrounding country were
consulted, but could do
m.WI . llAJh th. lit-
tie Innocent, and gave it f.
as their opinion that the
mo. .a hnTwless and im- . Tm
possible to save the child s eyesight. It was
then that we decided to try Swift'8 Specific
That medicine at once made a speedy and com
plete cure, bhe is now a young lady, and faaa
never bad a ulgn of the disease to return.
Mas. Kcth Berkeley,
Salina, Kan.
Scrofula is an obstinate blood disease,
and is beyond the reach of the average
blood medicine. Swift's Specific
All stvles of the celebrated Gage Down
r.nrspts. The "Chicaero" Corset Waist.
$1.00. Call and see the 'Flex bone" Corset the strongest
one made.
Tlnrlwaoi Ladies heavy Fleece-lined Under
UnUerWettr Wari 25c. Ladies heavy Fleece
lined Union Suits, 50c.
Ladies' Dress Skirts
Large line Cotton Blankets at 48c.
Home-made Comforts, full size, $2.
ne in the c
to $10.
..Substantial Ciistiras Goods..
iuaRG's to:
a glorious old Christmas feast,
but it won't be glorious or it won't b.
complete without a bottle of Yellow
stone Wnisky. The fattest Turkey
and the bigeest mince pie won't make
up for It The zest and flavor it adds
to viands can't be praised too highly.
We have sold immense quantities of it
already. Pure and palatable.
..Philip Thierolf..
Importer of Fine Wines and Liquors
and Agent for Anheuser-Busch
Brewing association.
Have been removed to SECOND and
MAIN STREETS. Orders for
S CFor
is the only remedy equal to such deep
seated diseases; it goes down to the
very foundation and forces out every
taint. It is purely vegetable, and is
the only blood remedy guaranteed to
contain no mercury, potash or other
mineral substance whatever.
Books mailed free by Swift Specific
Company, Atlanta, Georgia.
Burlington Root HoUday Bate.
Holiday rates
Via Burlington route
Dec. 23. 24, 25, 30, 31 and Jan. 1,
Between stations not more
Than 200 miles apart.
Liberal return limit.
See nearest agent.
Will receive PROMPT Attention.
Here are some of the grades they handle:
mod .j
19 pleasant to
take, prompt
to relieve.
Safe for all
Sure to cure.
To Look Around
Before you make purchases.
1:1-After you have looked elsewhere,
J come to us and we guarantee you
".'V'' will be pleased. Our new winter
I' .-'- stock has arrived, including Dry
Goods, Staple and Fancy-Gro-.
ceries. Crockery, Glassware, Flour
- and Feed. - A square deal to all.-
Main Street, Plattsmouth
Has new stock, new rigs and
is prepared better than ever
to take care of
ft General Livery Business
Quick trips made to all parts of the
county. Low prices and court
eous treatment assured.
Plattemonth, Nebraska.