Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, December 19, 1899, Image 1

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3 ii
THE SE"'s, Estati.-.Led Nov. 5. 101.
IUE UtCALU, i-.stablihht-J Aprii 10. lSii f
CftHol(iat'l Jnn. 1. lt6
VOL. IX, NO. 12.
25 Pff
Owing- to the backward season, beinjf overstocked
and having heavy bills to meet, we will offer you for
SPOT CASH a Discount of from 20 to 25 per cent on
AH Winter
Underwear, Suits. Gloves, Caps, etc. To give you an
idea of how cheap we are selling, we quote priceson a
few articles: .; .- ' i
n Nice Suit,
Formerly $S
Reduced to $6
A Fine Black
Kersey Overcoat
Formerly $10
Reduced to $7-5 '
A nice Wilson Bros.' Percale Shirt, winch fermerly
sold for $1.25 and SI. 50, goes at SI and $1.25. Gloves
and Caps at 3-our own price. Come in and see what we
can do for you. No Trouble to Show Goods.
Wiilcrmnii UlocU.
f r r err ti
HA Hi HA HA i 'piA J-iv HC r HA
Carrp a
L4ne of
J3"? W w Y VV vv w s
a boov to MAmuiuni
A New Discovery for the Certain Curs of INTERNAL and
Tubes, by Mail, 75 cents; Bottles, 50 Cents. ....
JAMES F. EALURO, Ssls Proprietor, - - 313 Earth Main SW, ST. LOUIS, fciO.
F. G. Fricko & Co.
To Look Around
Iiefore yo;j tnxke purchnt-efl. J
After you ti:tve looUed clt where, I
conio to us nnd wo'.e you '
will bo pleased. O-Jr new winter'
gtock ha? arrived, including Dry 1
(toods. Staple and Fancy Ciro-1
nnd Feed. A squaro deil to nl!.
F. S.
Main Street.
Hhs new stock, new rips and
is prepared better than ever
to take care of
ft General Livery Business
Quick trips made to all pnrts of the
county. Low prices and eourt
cous treatment assured.
'stt jTsill. hrnkR.
Leave orders at F. S. While's
Store or at Brick and Terra
Cotta works.
Sa tisa ct ion G na ra ntccif.
Neb. Tel. 71.
Fill 7tfaT SaLTCE
'Air Wool
Formerly 50s
Reduced to -35c
i J v -i a V
rZ 5 --S
- v;r y 5' w :w w ' ' V" V? w
Kurrah for Christmas!
It comes but orce a year, but brings
enough joy and good will to last a
t wel vemoith. We have a larger and
more complete lineof Christmas goods
thi year than ever before; many nov
elties that will tlease the ruoet fastid
lous, and toys that 1U make the lit
tie ones wild with delight. Bring
them to- pee them let them .have a
glimpse of Fairyland.
W. K. FOX.
Our fee returned if we faiL Any one sending
sketch and description of any invention will
promptly receive our opinion free concerning
the patentability of same. " How to Obtain a
Patent" sent unon request. I'atents secured
through ns advertised for sale at our expense.
Patents taken out through us receive special
notice, without charge, in The Patesi Record,
an illustrated and widely circulated journal,
consulted bv Manufacturers ana investors.
Send for sample copy FREE. Address,
(Patent Attorneys.) , .
Kiev.. Democrats Vote For the
Measure in the House.
fcvtry lt puMicrili. to a Man, Votes for
. the liil!, Which I'asses liidtr .Sixrml
liule The Vote SrantU 190 t 130
It puhlicnni Cheer Whi-n Vote Is An
uouocicl. VASnrxaTOX; Pec ' 18. The cur
rency bill, which was debated last
v.-teK', Avaa passed today by tbe bouse
by a vote oMM to 150. . It' hod the
united support of every republican in
the Louse, of eleven democrats,
Messrs. Clayton, Dri?s:3, Fitzgerald,
Louis. Kurpert, Scuudcr, Undeihill
aud Wilsou of New York; McAleer of
IVnnsvlvania, Uennj' of Maryland itnd
Thayer of Massachusetts. All of the
"other democrats vl.ed oeainst the
mesurt',or were paired nfraint-t it
e.rcrpt JohA Walter Smith, poveriior
ulect from M"iryland, Stallii: .'S of
xVhiV'iinia and General Joseph Wheeler
of Alabama,
Stalling of Alabama hi;d not been
present in thu houe this 60f-sion, ow
ing to illness, and one of his cf.-lleafruee
announced that if present ho would
hnve voted iu the negative. General
Wheeler is serving in the Philippines.
Winn the speaker announced the re
tulttl.e reuublicaiiS cheered lust ly.
Afso'" the vote the speaker rather
unexpectedly announced the committee
selections acd the realing of iho lists
was f.d.owcd 'with intense t Ki;er!ic:ss
by the ineraber?, opportunities
for distinction depend lureij" upon
their cramittee asPininei'ts.
The only ine'dent in connection wi'h
the lists was L:isluys interroiiato"y of
the speaker as - to whether G -nt nii
Wheeler's name hui beeu p-ac u upi.n
the committor on v;:y.- and rae.ins
Speaker ileudercon re-p 'rdd ir the
negative, ,
Annouuceeient o' th V dea'.h of tbe
late Ueprese.ntative' Bl ind of Mis-oui i
wl.ich occurred last eumraor. ctusod
an early vdjournment.
Vote on Currency I'.ill.
- Tlio vote upon the currency bill was
tak'n immediately after the reading
of the journal. Neither a motion to
recommit nor an offer of a substitute
was in order 6r the tetm of the spe
cial rule under which tho houa vas
Gainer, of Teuressee akd if it was
in order to recommit with instructions
to report back a free coinage bi.l.
'It is not," rfptied the speaker.
The bill was then read a third time
and placed -n its final passage.
'I demand the yeas and nays," s-aid
Overstreet of Indiana, in charge o'.
the bill. Members rose on both tides
enmtsso to second the demand
'Evidentli- a suflieient number," said
thesp akur. "The clerk will c .ll th
Tho roll e 11 was followed with great
interest. There was no demonstra
tion when the democrats who broke
away from the majority of their party
nd voted in tho. affirmative. The
clerk oiled the names of the demo
crats who declined to respond twice
oil each roll call. Every republican
voted for the bill.
The democrats . who voted for the
bill were: Clayton of New York.
Dsnny of Maryland, Iiriggs of New
York, Fi zro:ald of New York, Levy
of New xork, McAleer of Pennsyl
vania, It lp'pert of New York, Scudder
of New York, Thayer of Massachusetts,
Underbill of New York, Wilson of
New York.
Paired ag!'.inst tho bill: Catchin-rs
of M issis-ippi, Campbell of Montana,
Urossaidof Louisiana, It-jbertson ol
Louisiana, Davey of Louisiana.
Whtu tho speaker, nr.nouuced tho
p issage of the bill by a vote of If't) to
the republican cheered.
Forty llodies Are Prepared for Shipment
to the l ulled States.
Havana, De. 18. A gang of fr.u
teen grave difgers. superintended bv
htp'ain Oh.dwick and Dr. Cacour,
b gari the exhumation, in Colon ceme
tery today, tl the renin Irs of tho vic
tim of the M ine.
As the coffins were raided to the
graveside, too remains were immed
iately placed iu tin-lined coffins pre
pared with lime !nd charcoal b ttoiiis,
after which more lime and chaicoa!
were used and thi n the coffins were
carried a fesv vards nwav, where tin
smiths naiied doAn and hermetically
euled the lids, tho names being dis
tinctly painted thereon.
Chaulain Cuidwick, u-ing his chart,
kept a fctriet account in each instance.
Forty exhumed boriieb were carried to
the cemetery chapel. Two watchmen
are on duty for the night. Twenty
five soldiers and about as many spec
tators we e p.-cscr,t.
A diptressipg but unavoidable f ea
ture was the necessity of removing the
broken r m-ants of several c. tlins.
Father Ciiidw'ck at first refused to al
low this to be done, in the only way it
seemed piaet'cble to remove them,
but '-S the ljrn', which was originally
put in as a di-infectant had caked
firmly, thee was no alternative.
. - ' UWve and Mitten Sale -
At Heroic's,' GOO uairs of m inuf tc-.
turers' s? mpies of ladtrs,' misses and
children's gloves and mitteus just re
ceived at a v jry liberal discount, en-
ab in Jf us to sell at retail for less than
other dealers can buy at wholesale.
Leaves Ma?iil: to Cp'ure Shu JUtco
Grant Clean Zimb ln I'roTtnce.
MANILA, Djc IS Ger.eral Law ton
wiii start from Manila toniybt with
the Eleventh civ; Iry, under Colonel
Lotkott, and battalions of tho Twenty
ninth and Twenty-seventh infantry,
under Lieutenant (J dunl Strget.t, to
capture San Mateo, where Geronoma
has 3i 0 insurgents! Grant has nearly cleared
Zambeles province. lie discovered
h'dden in Subig bay n steamrr,the Don
Franciseo, of lbO toes, fully equ pp d
and eoiltd. It is eupuored to Le tho
ve.-sol Aguinalda was keeping ready
for his es'-npe.
Captain Ltyson of the 'i hiriy-s,eeond
regiment has routed au insurgent b ind
in Zimboles province, killing teve. al
olliceis. Maj'r Smith, with three
companies of tho Seventeenth, sur
rounJed and captured another band of
guerri'ias which were terrorizing a
large section of the north. The tn op
killed several cf the band.
General Hughes has captured ir.sur
gent fatroi.gholds at Leaiz and Horn
Llin, the navy c 0!)ecf ting. One man
was killed and one wounded.
Tbe insurgents iu the island of
Patsay are apparently tu: pres-ed.
New From Oiliuore arid I'arty,
Manila, Die. IS. 0:-) a. tu. It is
officially announced that Genera
Young repoitJ that he believes the
American prisoners, including Lieu-
teu- i.t Gilttiorp, aro now in thu hand?
of United Mates trt.cps. Jjieutenant
Ci.-lonel H'iwse and Maj'ir Hunter have
b en operating v.ith email command
in Nv-.riti i:ocos prc vir cj ana it u sup-
p:t-ed that one of these has elTected
tho release of the Amei icais. 'i he
report has not yet ben verified.
V ashinutoN. Dec. IS. Cnv-ourag-ing
news reached the navy denart
aieft today from Admirtil Watson at
Maniiu rfspr-cting the. memb-rs (tf the
crew of the Yorkteuvn boat's jiart',
which lai d -d at D tier la.-t sprir.g.
Th ; report g:v'S the account of a
railor of tiie party who ha; mace his
way t Manila and it was shown that
eleven o' t he o: igiaal party are still
aiive. The man llynders, whobtings
tbe news, was coxwairi tf tlio York
town, a native of Amsterdam, lut a
re.-iueut of Siti Fr i:icltc:, wuero he
The; four de id men metWioneil en
ioted at the fello.vir g points: Ny
gaid. a Uu.-siati. at fir 'OKlyr-i MeCuu
ald of Ca-mel Valley,, as Mart
Inland; Dillon, a native of Peru, lad..
at .Mare Jsiaiat, and ..lotrisx'y, a na
tive of Columbus, Neb., also at M ai o
Island. Admiral Watson's cablegram
is as follows:
Manila, Dec. 17. Seaman Jiynde-r,
of ti.e Yolktown, eapiued at Baler,
recaptured with Woo 1 bury by c ivaiy
i.t Cayambcng, has reported on b a;d
tho dagship. Both wounded when
Giimoi e was taken ar.rt left behind, for
lie lep Tls Nyg.ird, McDonald, Ddlon
and Morrt-sey iilh d. Ivynders. Wood
bury, Venville wounded in foot, unable
o travel. Daing well, I3aifr, June lo.
E pect Wood bury tomorrow. Wounded
not cared for; wounds received per
sonal care. Wood bury and livnders
walked nearly to Manila. Watson.
Fort 'Crook Murder Case.
Washington, Dec IS. The war de
partment has settled in advance an in
teresting question sis U the sippliei
tion of civil or military law in the case
of a soldier k;lled by two sentinels of
tho Tenth cava'-ry while trying to e-
c-ipo near Fort Crook, Nebrasha.
The state authorities were abcut to
step in b fore the court raai tial, when
Attorney General Griggs, at the in
stance of tho war depaitment, todny
telegraphed Uuited States District At
torney Summers at O naha to sippear
for the defen-e :.nd jlace his services
at the di-yosal of of Gcueral Merriam.
This means that the United States
courts will take action and the case
cannot bj tried by ihe state of Ne-
brask a.
Mr J. Sheer, S'dalia, Mo., saved
his child's life by One Mtnut ' Couh
Cu e. Doctors bad given her up to
Ji ! with croup. It's an infallible cu'e
for coughs, colds, grip, pneumonia,
bronchitis and throat ard lung
troubles-. 11
lievcs i.t once.
F. G
Fricke & Co.
When Thf-y Are Worth t
Man from the Bast "I
End the r-eople from the
;se you
1 fields
very profitable cusioi'ier:; .'"
Skaguay Sam ( pr.t?t -if tf-v
North Star faro parlors ) "'
ain't eo good to us. li's
what's goin' in that we'i"
after "
Divorce Are Ch?fir.
"Are j-ou unmarried?" ased her lat
est admirer. "No," replied the can
didly. "But In Chicago, you know, ona
can fceeoni? so t short notice." Jud?e
W!tat Do the Children Drink?
Dou't give them tea or coffee. Have
y u tried the new food drink called
Grain-O? It is delicious and nourish
ing and takes the place of oolTee. The
more Grain O you give the children
the more health you di-tributo through
their eystems. Grain-O is made "of
pure grains, and when properly pre
pared tattes like the choice grades of
coffee but costs about one-fourth as
much. All grocer? sell it. 15c and 25c.
J. B. C i' k, Peoria, III., says, "Sur
geon wan:ed lo operate on me ft r
piles, but I cured them with DeWitt's
Witch Hazel Salve." It is infallible
: i , a c'.;n ; - , t ,
of counterfeits. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Is the Scone
of 3Iuc!i
Ihe Arr'THl of th Sreretary li
the Caue Crowd Sing- We'll Han?
J j- Chauiberlaiu to a Sour Apple
Tree" Iiibt-rnioxis to Help the Itocrs.
Dur.LlX, Dee. 17. The announce
ment that a pro-Beer meeting would
be convened today as a protest against
the proposal of Trinity college to con
fer a degree ou Joseph Chamberlain
led to exciting seents. A large force
of police was caiied out sit. d the troops
wore heid in readiness- -
M aid Gonne, tho s-i-ealied "Irish
Joan of Are," and James Connolly. the
Irish republican, drove in a wagon to
tho pl sce appointed for Ihj meeting,
which was attended by a large crowd.
Mr. Connolly tii,-d to speak? b .1 was
prevented by the police. Tho wagon
ette then made a tour of tho fetivet,the
crowd r ipidly increasing, cheering for
the Boers, singing "God S ;ve Ireland"
and "We'll Hang Joe Chamberlain on
a S.iur Apple Tree" :md using difgust
ing expres-ions against the que u, the
empiieaud the iirtcy.
Whiiw passing Dublin castio the c
cupanta of tha wagonette waved the
Transvaal tlag defiantly, whereupon
the peiiee stopped the vehicle a:;d
seized the 11 g.
The wagonette, attendea by a large
body of police, who of tea cleared the
street-, then dvovv to the rooms of the
Irish TriiDav.iiil cOmunitee, where'
Michael D.tvitt, Wi.liam RjJraoudaa
J. O'Breiu were waili: -g. A meetV'g
of about . sixty p.ivons was held, Messrs.
Davitt, Il'emond smd O'Brein sp?ak-
nj in violent c indenization of the war
a id ef Criumborlidn and declaring that
U.o lat'.er's visit to Irt-1 tnd at such a
moment was proop of tus callous na
ture. Tuo t-x':.kei's uigjd tliat, should
an opportunity :ueiir,Dublirites ought
10 ehow tbeir d -testation of the col
onial sec -ctai y in unmistakable f ish-
Mr. Davitt sai..':
"All Iiishmcn rejoice in tho tri
jmphs of the Bo?rs. No power in
Kui'Opo would now lear Great Britim,
except perhaps the prince of Monaco."
Mr. Il.dtnonJ said:
"Mr. Chamberlain deserves rot doc
tors, but executioners "
Ultimately a resoiuliou proposed by
Davitt w es carried denouncing the war
uid eilling uiion the powers, partic
ularly the United States, to take steps
to insure tho independence of the Boer
While Maud Gonre was sneaking
somebody shouted reference to the
P.ioenix park murders. 'Tha chairman
and Davitt warmly protested, however,
that no violence should bj shown:
The meeting clo-ed amid tremend
ous che-ers, evoked by a rumor that
Lidgniitli had fallen
Maud Gonne smd Mr. Connolly drove
tiff with the intention of holding open
air meeting-, but tho police arrested
11 iberiiixux to Uelp the itoers.
St. Louis, Djc. 17. At a meeting
of the county board of the Ancient Or
der of Hibernians this afteri r.on the
Boer-British war w ;s discussed at
lergth ar.d the menib'is decided to
put, on f"Ot a m Yemen t to raise 1,000,
000 for the purpose tif cquippirig and
transporting troops to South Africa to
aid the Boers and Free Slaters in their
fight for independence.
Tbe meeting was held at Father
Matthew hall. Sixty members of the
board were present. Count President
J. IVzibbon was in the chair.
Judge Thomas I. Morris, Father
Timothy Dercpsey cf St. Patrick'e
church, former Councilman Patrick
O'MalK y and P. M. Quh k made
speeches on the subject in which they
declared that the Baeis were in need
of more sub-tantial evidence of sym
pathy than mere resolutions and mem
mot i iU. Artor the discussion a c ;m
mitte com pes jd tif State. President
Jahn J. OVunnor, County Prueident
Fitzibbon and Cornelius Creedon,
county secretary, '. rafted the following
lesoution, which was unanimously
Besoived, I hat the Ancient Order
of llib-'rt lans, recognizing the great
importance of the i-uccess of the Boors
in thou- war in t!ie TYaii-vaal against
the hf'reditai-y enemy of the Irish race,
urtfetitly ure our national president
to ca 1 a meeting of the national direc
tory f r the purpose of caesi-ig .l,tM,-
000 to be subscrioed by the members ef
he order in AWierica to be applied to
equipping and transporting men for
service in tho South African war and
otherwise aiding the gallant B ers in
their fiL'hl for liberty. We further
urge that this pum shall be raised by a
popular pr capita a-HPment of f 10,
and that immed'ato action be taken for
the coll. ctton of this sum.
State President O'conr.or,when seen
after the. meeting, said there was no
doubt that tho national secreta-y of
the PO'detv would take up the matter
at once.
There Is a Class of People
Who are injured by tho uo of coffee.
ll' C ntlv there hae been placed in all
the grocery stores a new preparation
c tiled Grain-O, made of pure grains,
that takes the place of coffee. : The
most delicate stomach receives it with
out distress and but fiw can tell it
from coffee. It does not cost over one
fourth as much. Children may drink
it with great bentllt. 15c and 25c per
1 package. Try it. Ak for Grain-O.
' Nitiri-M K' pirt That AcalnalJo
I MinitonR LaKt Saturday.
j Manila, Dec. IT. 10:4 p. m. The
t following di-patcb, dated December 15,
h is been received fivra a correspon
dent of the Associated Pre?s at Laoag,
.province of Xorttl flooos:
Natives at Jiatutor.g, or
North I.'ocos, report tuat Aguinaldo,in
disguise and accompanied by several
of his generals, left Manitong last Sat
urday with 500 m?n, going inthedi-
. r-i . , . , ..;
rectioa of .Salsoua, from which point !
he intended to p.ocoed to Cabugaon, ;
province of Cagayan.
Aa insurgent m 'j r, claiming to be
in command of loO Filipinos, who have
been gun-ding twenty-three American
prisoners at Babugaon, surrendered
lie wrotd his companies to deliver tho
prisoners to General Young.
oenerai i oung s command is now
divided into six or seven partie- which
are operating in the mountains about
Laoig. Several part'es aro hunting
for (Jsneral Tino.
Major Rwigert, with a detachment
of the Third cavalry, had an engage
ment with 12) insurgents near Din
gras. Two Americans were killed
and two wounded. Several Filipinos
were' killed.
Captain McCalla of the United
States cruiser Newark has occupied
Claveriu and Pant,elonn. Toe Fili
pinos surrendered l,0(t0 r flo.
Japanese Ar- vnri .1 Mlth Small
QcHliti iv. :f 'iW:iccr.
"You may have r.r.Ucct! that the Jap
anese who visit Aner.c.i are very mod
erate smokers," said a prominent Jap
anese now traveling in the United
States to a reporter recently. "'Those
of my countrymen who do indulge in
the weed mostly smoke cigarettes or
preferably the smallest pipes filled
with the mildest tobacco obtainable.
Cf course there ; J.i;n;ir-st- who, like
some Americans, hive- such a craving
for tobacco that -thing less than the
strongest cigar or the largest pipe will
satisfy them. "But srch" smokers are
exceptionally few among the Japanese.
As a rule, my countrymen, while at
home and abroad, are satis.led with
short smokes, such as a cigarette or a
tiny pipe affords. The Japanese are
moderate smokers. not so much because
they are s. trail people, but for the rea
son that vp. to w'thln recc-TU years but
very litl'e tehaccD fame into Japan,
and the teiiff on it was very high. Be-
iiig a pour bu'c frugal race, the masses
purchased culy a limited quantity of
the wee J, vbich as a matter of econ
omy, they have fjr generations been
taught to smoke in only the tiniest of
pipes. These pipes, the most popular
of which hold about as much tobacco
as would fill an ordinary thimble, are
a onrrirnt rif Hi a '--i u-linn tti nnfiv
iia aeaiee, i.i:.' uiu ueur aini tile liliaill
, ,
... . ..
among the weaitny nations of the
world, our countrymen will no doub '
smoke large quantities of tobacco, and
then the small pipes will be abandoned
for big ones, such as Englishmen and
Americans now smoke." Washington
Robbed the Grave.
A startling incident, of which Mr.
John Oliver cf Philadelphia, was the
subject is narrated by him as follows:
"I was in a most dreadful condition.
My skin was almost yellow, eyes
sunken, tongrue coated, pain con
tinually in back and sides, no appe
tite gradually growing weaker day
by day. Throe physicians had given
me up. Fortunately, a friend advised
trying 'Electric Bitters;' and to my
great joy and surprise, tho first bottle
made a decided improvement. I con
tinued their use for three weeks, and
am now a well man. I know they saved
my life, and robbed the grave of an
other victim." No ono should fail to
try them. Only 50 cts., guaranteed, at
F. G. Fricke & Co' drug store.
Turkish W(i:nfn'l Right.
The Turkish woman is marriageable
at the age of 9 years, and by Turkish
law, at that age, if married, she is
competent to manage her property
and dispose of one-third of her for
tune. The law allows her to abandon
her ltsband's house for just cause,
and will protect her In so doing. She
cannot he compelled to labor for the
support of her husband.
ISoers' Clothes.
A marked peculiarity of the Boers'
clothes is that they never fit, according
to modern Ideas, and apparently no
attempt is made to make them do so.
This peculiarity is noticeable in almost
all the photographic portraits of most
Much Gambling in Frani-r,
Gambling in France is said to have
reached such proportions that the gov
ernment has begun to study the ques
tion seriously. It is estimated that
half of the suicides in Paris are due
to losses at the races.
In Packlnu Clothing.
In packing away summer or winter
clothing, it is advisable to lay bits of
charcoal here and there among the
foles, and this will prevent the un
pleasant odor which is often perceived
in clothing from which the air has
teen excluded.
H'-st WedllnK Cakes a Year Old.
The hest London wedding cakf
bakers advertise that all their cakef
are a year old; none in I-ondon sellf
a wedding cake under two months. A
cake baked in July will be ripe for 8
November wedding.
! An Accomplished S tionlmriNter's Won-
derful Effect In Flourishes.
The art. of cutting a quill by adept
"quill-drivers" was dying when I first
began schooling, says Notes and Quer
ies. Steel pens had been known for
some time, but were not in general
use. The goose quill pen died a hard
death as a commonly-used writing
tool. My first schoolmaster was a
first-rate hand at cutting a quill, and
he could use it with wonderful effects
In flourishes. It was his boast that he
-v iiii lut nisi ijuutj et a iau a
0v,t i i -.u ,
school book with name, age, date and
flourlshes-in which u-fro .nttod
wonderful swans and other birds in
such a fashion that none but experts
like himself could tell where the quill
pen was taken from the paper for a
fresh dip. My last master could
neither cut a quill nor use one with ad
vantage. Quills as pens remained in
use in some houses as the only writ
ing tool up to a dozen or twenty years
ago. Those who can cut a decent
writing quill are now few. People
used to ask for "a quill pen," or "a
quill," when they wanted a pen, and
both steel and quill were always called
"pens," buyers asking for fine or other
"nibs" or nebs." Nowadays nearly all
ask for "nibs" when they require pens.
The word "pen" has almost dropped
out of usage, except to express the pen
and holder combined. Persons in
variably ask for a box of 'nibs," ap
pearing to lose sight cf the fact that
"nib" or "neb" is a point and that the
points of pens alone are not to be had.
One would think that in these days of
much schooling teacers would define
"pen" from "point" or "nib," but.
they, too, ask for "nibs" when they
mean "pens." Children only know a
pen as a holder and pen combined.
They ask for "nibs" or "pen nibs," and
asked if they do not mean "pens," the
reply is: "No, nibs!"
Woman Klllel a Wildcat.
Susquehanna (Pa.) Spec. Philadel
phia Inquirer: Alarmed by the cries
of her poultry Mrs. Hempstead, of Cas
cade Valley, the other evening went
into her barn, where she saw a large
wildcat eating a turkey. She returned
to the house, secured an ax, returned to
the barn and gave battle to the wild
cat, killing it after a severe struggle.
In which she was pahnfully lacerated
and her clothing was badly torn. The
wildcat weighed thirty pounds.
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
With LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot
reach the sest of disease. Catarrh is a blood or
constit'i'i- aa! disease, and in order to cure it
you must take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh
Cure is i.Un internally, and acts directly on the
blood aa t mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure
is not a qunck medicine. It was prescribed by
one of iiko uti ybycians in tti is country for
years, and is a regular pre-cription . It is com
posed of the best tonics known, combined with
the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the
mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of
the two ingredients is what producer such 1 won
derful results in curing catarrh. Send for testi
monials, free.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., To'edo. O.
Sold by Druggists, price 5c.
Hall's Family Pilis are the best.
' j Jews as Soldier,
rrv. , . . , . . . .
The first wound inflicted during the
Nate 7urco-Greek var was received by
a Jew- There are in the British army
70Q j 1U ihcm h oQ.
France hls 300 Jevish 0eice am
. , . , .
nuum lie ociuai ui igauiei -scuerais
and generals of division. In Italy the
Jew3 hold high rank in the army.
Thus, the commandant of the fortress
at Turin Is a Jew Lieut.-Oon. Otto
lenghi. He Is a persona gratisslma
with King Humbert, and was chief of
the Italian crown prince's brigade at
That Throbbing Headache
Would quickly leave you if you used
Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands
of sufferers havo proved their match
less merit for sick and nervous head
aches. Thsy make pure blood and
strong nerves and build up your
health. Easy to take. Try them.
Only 25 cents. Money back if not
cured. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co.
Nat oral Gas ratlins;.
The state geologist of Indiana, Prof.
Blachley, reports that the supply of
natural gas in the state is decreasing
constantly, and that the end of its use
for manufacturing purposes will soon
be at hand. He suggests that factor
ies In the gas field can use petroleum
in liquid rorm, can make petroleum
gas, can ship coal from the Indiana
field or manufacture gas in the coal
field and force it to their furnaces.
$500 REWARD.
Wjwill pay the above reward for any case of
Liver complaint, Hyspepsia, Sick Headache,
Indigestion, Constipation or Costiveness wecan
not cure with Liventa. the Lp-to-l)ate Little
Liver Fill, when the directions are strictly coni-
nli..a ,.-;H "I'r.ttv ar Yi-irt:jVli and
P ' 1 . . ' . " T ..... r J 1 " .
never fail to give satisfaction 2.c boxes couMm,. ' -
100 pills, lilc boxes contain 40 pills, 5c bxe- 1 .
tain lt pills, beware of substitutions aqK
tions. ?ent bv aiail. tamps taen. rs rs
MKDIC tL C O., cor. Clinton and Jack
Chicago, lil. Sold by F. G- Fricke A C
DiMif..', Fnrll.b Diamond Hrajfc
Orlelnul Ann my wrnninr. -
WE, tin" r!ial:l. Lo
lfrui't for ChirHtMttr hwjth In
rl5vi' mono Urnn I in kCO ""I ' 1
J?.? ltd with Uue ril-hon. Take V
noolbrr. R'tiitr dantirrout tuhttilu-
ltomand imitation.. At Uruim. or Kill
in vim;-. f'r partita!-, t unwDiin
"Keller Tor i,ane. '?"""- "V""
... .. ... ...... T...-.t.Mii. IfmMt USA
ChlohrMrt iteiaical Co., ni)lw" ?"??'
Bold h. 11 lj-J Uruil!it. rUILl
Flattsmouth Coal Yard
la Jilt. I'ijAr-. j. ej nu 1
Hay, Corn, Oats and all Kinds of Feet
Constantly on Hand.
if - -