Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, December 15, 1899, Image 2

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    The Semi-Weekly News-Herald
OtORGE L. I AI11EV, Proprietor.
Ono Year, in advance 15 00
Six MonUiH 2 f0
One Week 10
binglu Copies, 5
One Year, in advam-o, . . . . tl 00
Six Months, r0
A. Busy Store, With Plenty of BA.RGA.INS
...We OHcr sr lew 33rives ' From Our General Ntock...
Of any Cass County Paper.
P III DA Y, DKUKM IlKIl 15, 1H!0.
TllK breach in tho "allied f.rrs,"
caused by tho senatorial ivuilrsf, will
bo a long time in closing.
THE curroncy dch;ito in tho houso is
getting quito spirited. It will result
in downing tho white metal.
AND how do you like tho ic-nlt of
tho municipal election in Boston? A
republican majority of 2,000 is not ho
h id.
GOEHKL dios hard. Ho is not will
ing to abide by his own rulcH and is
now talking of contenting Taylor's
OMAHA will probably bo tho a-cnp
of a hanging boo early in the 3'onr
1900. Our neighbor up tho river is a
lively borg.
SENATOU Tiiukston Monday in
troduced a number of petitions asking
for an nn-ti-polygamy amendment to
the constitution.
AN advance of 50 per cent was made
on all classes of furniture yesterday.
This is discouraging to young people
contemplating matrimony.
As A result of the pressmen's strike
in St. Louis, there were no daylight
papers issued in that city yesterday
the first publication the- have ever
Governor 1'oyntkk is now begin
nlng to realize the importance of his
office. There is a little more import
ance connected with it than ho likes
just now.
TllK prosident has assigned Major
General Wood as military cmnvinder
of Cuba, relieving Major General John
It. Brooke, who has orders to report
in Washington.
It is not presumed that ITon. Or
lando TelTt expected that the gover
nor would appoint a republican in
Ilayward's placo, but there was no
harm in asking.
TlIEKK is one saloonkeeper in Ma
nila who has a standing order for
eiht cars of beer a week from this
country. But then, tho rainy toinon
in the Philippines is over.
Wrrn an opera house and a public
brary for next season I'iattsmouth
rlll be in the swim. These additions
ire are almost sure to get unless too
many people hold back and try to
down them. .
The bitter fight over the appoint
ment of a man to fill the vacancy in
the senate is going to leave a groat
many sore spots and will not have the
effect of doing the fusion cause in Ne
braska any good.
The Omaha Daily News was yester
day incorporated with tho secretary
of state, the paid up capital being
150,000. The News is fast growing in
favor in Omaha. It is a lively paper
and is deserving of success.
The Nebraska Stat'j Press associa
tion will hold its annual meeting in
Lincoln on Januarj' 23 and 24. These
meetings are looked forward to with
no Email amount of pleasure by tho
newspaper bojs.. They are a source
of much information, as well as pleas
ure. THE concensus of opinion in Wash
ington and elsewhere is thai Colonel
Henderson will make the best speaker
who has ever had the honor of tilling
that important po.-ition. 0;.e thit.gis
sure he will not cr.use so much dis
satisfaction in the ranks of his own
The citizens of Austin, Tex., have
offered W. J. Bryan one of the finest
residences in the city if ho will locate
there. Tho colonel is too bu?y hunt
ing ducks to render a decision in the
matter just now, but it is not likelj' he
will accept the offer uutii aft-r the
presidential campaign.
In AN interview published in a
Springfield, Mo., paper a few days
prior to the death of Senator Hay
ward, W. J. Bryan is quoted as favor
ing Allen for the vacancy in case of
the Senator's death, Mr. Bryan is
very careful about not getting any
nearer home than Missouri with his
interviews. Ho doesn't want to get
mixed up in the muddle.
There is one pop editor in Ne
braska who is on the square. He is at
the helm of the Ulysses Dispatch and
in hia last i?sue urged Governor Poyn
ter to call together the legislature and
permit the election of a republican to
fill the vacancy created by the death
of Senator Hayward. This shows a
sentiment that is not often seen in the
ranks of his party.
Charles H. Harris, editor of the
News, at Belden, this state, last Sat
urday shot and killed a stockman by
the name of J. H. Blenkiron. The
verdict of the coroner's ju y was that
the shooting was done in self defense.
It is stated that tho article over which
tho trouble arose contained only facts
and the editor would not make a re
traction. It is getting to bo too com
mon a thing for people to demand rn
iraclious of articles that are distaste
ful. If only facts are given, no re
traction is duo.
The raonoy in circulation in tho
United States has increased 33 per
cent since Mr. Bryan and his deluded
followers at Chicago and all over the
country in 1S0G announced that our
money could never increase without
the free and unlimited coinage of
silver. On July 1. 1896, and on De
cember 1, 1S!)'., it wes $1,0S5,!)30,030,
1X54, with the pro-p ct of crossing the
$2,000,000 mark by the end of the pres
ent month, while the gold coin and
certificates increased from $493,449,242
on July 1, 189(5, to $778,3SS,303 Decem
ber 1, 1899, a gain of 31i per cent in
total currency and 56 per cent in gold
and gold certificates.
The appointment of ex-Senator W.
V Allen by Governor Poynter to fill
tho vacancy in tho United States sen
ate caused by tho death of Senator
Hay ward was no surprise to the peo
ple generally, but it was a great dis
appointment to G. M. Hitchcock and
his friends, and from the present out
look tho end is not yet. nitchcock
attributes his defeat to W. J. Bryan,
who sen t a telegram to the governor
recommending Allen for the place.
Since the World-Herald hns for some
time b 'en Bryan's peisonal organ and
worked incessantly for his success, the
sting of ingratitude ' is almost un
bearable. Bui then, it is pretty cer
tain that the World-Herald will be in
line for the colonel in 1900.
People who are exercised over the
assertion that tho extension of the
tariil linos around the island of Porto
ll'.co would prove disadvantageous to
our sugar-producing interests, forget
that the island itself is less than haif
the size of the state of Massachusetts
and that the sugar-producing area is
simply a fringe along the water's
edge. Pof-to Rico's sugar exportation
in her best years amouted to only
about $6,000,000, a very small percent
age of the sugar which we are com
pelled to buy from foreign countries;
while by eliminating the tariff lines
and accepting her products which we
require, we open to ourselves a market
for $15,000,000 annually of farm pro
ducts and manufactures which
pe. pie of tl at Ular.d are compelled to
import and wou d buy exclusively
from us if our tariff linos wt re ex
tended around the island.
I). F. Converse, a mill owner of
Spartansburg, S. C , has will; d o ie
thi. d of his estate, valued .-.t $",00,000,
to Converse college, a 1 c il institution
for the higher education of women.
II f und' d the college ten years v.g .
and IvMth le't his wife :md cl:ild
at the viihiee of St. Anthony, r en
Minneapolis, now the east .-Lie.:; 1S19,
:ifd went to Californii lo r ek f nu-'e
i t tie gold fields. Ij-'tti-r-" wer. ' ! ng
lira t aveii ng aid th few tne-sages
Keith MMit home miscarried. Failing
to hear from him, his wife und child
went west in search of tho hu-band
and father. They failed to locate him
and settled at Starbuck, Columbia
county. Wash. Keith had finally lo
cated at Dayton, in the Whisk Creek
district. Wash. Seeing his name in
the local papers, Mrs. Keith wrote to
him and, after fifty years' soparation,
they were again united.
In deciding a copyright infringe
ment case the supreme court of the
United States ruled that damages
could only be claimed for copies
found in the actual physical possession
of the infringer, and not forll the
copies distributed.
Mayor Samuel M. Jones of Toledo
says that his personal outlay in his
campaign as fin independent aspirant
for the governorship in Ohio amounted
to $500, and that his non-partisan cam
paign committee paid out $7,866. Not
another dollar, he says, was expended,
directly or indirectly.
Governor Mount of Indiana is per
sonally supervising an elaborate ex
hibit for his state at the Paris exposi
tion. One of the features of this will
be a series of large photographs to
show the progress of the "good roads"
movement in Indiana, where there are
Dress Goods
We are handling the JAMESTOWN LINK they need
no further recommendation. As a special tiling, we olTer our
entire line at a remarkably low price. We quote a few:
38-inch Sere, worth 50c, at - - - - 37.c
38-inch Suitings, worth 65c, at - - - - 50 c
40-inch Wool Storm Serje, worth 75c, - 60 c
40-inch Covert, worth 65c, at - - - '- 50 c
50-inch Wool Flannel, worth 60c, at - - 45 c
now 50,000 miles
eh d highway.
of graded arid grav-
At State Line, Miss., Edmund, tho
five-year-old son of Dr. W. II. Boykin,
shot and instantly killed his brother,
Roderick, aged eleven, and overely
wounded in the right arm his brother,
Tom, aged thirteen. Tho older boys
were playing with an air gun, which l couiu not, sleep, brio finally uiseov
Elraund wanted, and when refust d ho ered a way to recovery, by purchasing
dtciared he would shoot them if they j of il buttle of Dr. King's New Dis
did not give it to him. lie wont into ' covcry for Consumption, and was so
tho bouse, erot a small shotgun, iuid
put his threat into execution.
''I uas nearly dead with dyspepsia,
tried doctors, visited mineral springs,
ar.d grew worse. I used Kodol Dys
pepsia Curo. That cured mo." It di
gests what j'ou eat. Cures indigestion,
S' lir stomach, heart burn and all forms
of dyspepsia. F G. Fricko & Co.
General Sanger announces th.".t the
Cuban census has been completed.
The next work is a census of Porto
R;co. . The returns will be completely
counted before tho 11th day of next
April, tho date of expiration of the
year allowed by the treaty of peace for
the determination of tho status of thv
Spanish rosidents in Cuba.
It takes but a minute to overcome
tickling in the throat ard to s'op a
cough by the use of One M in u to Cough
Cure. This remedy quickly cures all
forms of throat and lung troubles.
Harmless and pleasant to take. It
prevents consumption. A famous
specific for grip nnl its nfier-efieets
F. G. Fricke & Co.
A Gigantic Flower,
The largest flower in the world is the
Rafflesia Arnoldia, of Sumatra. Its size
is fully three feet in diameter about
the size of a carriage wheel. The five
petals of this immense flower are oval
and creamy white, growing round a
center filled with countless long, vio
let hued stamens. Tne flower weighs
about fifteen pounds and is capable of
containing nearly two gallons of water.
The buds are like gigantic brown cab
bage heads.
In sluggish liver, II -rbine, l-y its
beneficial action upon the biliary '
tracts, renders tho bile more fluid, and j
brings the liver into a sound, healthy i
condition, thereby banishing tho sense
of drowsiness, lethargy, and that gen
eral feeling of apathy which arise
from disorders of the live-. Pricr; oOe.
F. G Fricke & Co.
Swlmml'i ISnco in NiIit I)rrsos
A striking novelty has just been in-
the-ftroduced by a ladies swimming club in
the shape of a somnambulists' handi
cap. Each competitor, in addition to
her ordinary swimming costume, had
to wear a nightdress and nightcap,
and to carry a lighted candle through
out the race, which comprised thrte
preliminary heats anr" a final.
"One Minute Coi'gh Cure is the best
rjmedj I ever useii for coughs and
co'ds. It. is unequalled for whooping
cou?h. Children all like it," writes
FI. N. Williams, Gentryviile, Ind
N ver fails It i- the only harmless
remedy that give immediate results.
Cures c- ughs, colds, hoarsene-s,crou p,
pneumonia, bronchitis atid all throat
und lung troubles. I s early use pre
vents consumption. F. G Fricke & Co
FIra Extinguisher.
A fire extinguisher which may easily
he made and kept stored in bottles
ready for use consists of three pounds
of salt and one anu a half pounds of
sal-ammoniac, dissolved In a gallon of
Temperance In Frencli Army.
Temperance ha3 been promoted, in
the French army by controlling the
canteen and substituting coffee, tea
end cocoa for Intoxicating drinks.
He Fooled the Surgeons.
All doctors told Renick Hamilton,
of West Jefferson, O., after suffering
18 months frcm Rectal Fissula, he
would die unless a costly operation was
performed; but he cured himself with
five bottles of Bucklen's Arnica Salve,
the surest Pile cure on earth, and the
best Salvo in the world. 25 cents a
box. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co., drug
gists. 4
Applications for half fare permits
for the year 1900 will be renewed, and
clergymen are ureed to make their
applications at once.
W . L.. Pickett, Agent.
For broken limbs, chilblains, burns,
scalds, bruised ehins, sore threat, and
sores of every kind, apply Ballard's,
Snow Liniment. It will give immedi
ate relief and heal any wound. Price
2oc and 50c. F. G. Fricke & Co.
A new assortment of pipes just re
ceived at II. Spies'. Call and examine
the stock.
IlH-ovf rt-il ly n 'Woman.
Another great discovery has been
made, and that too, by a. lady in this
country. "Discuso fastened its
clutchi s upon her and for seven years
she withstood its severest tests, but
her vita! organs were; undermined ana
death seemed imminent. For three
months -ho coughed incessantly, and
: mui 11 re no veil on taking iirt dose.
; idui h relieved
bottles, lias b- en iibsolutely eured.
Her n.ime is Mr-. Luther Lutz." Thus
write W. C. Ilamnick & Co., of Shclbv
! N. C. Trial bottles free at F. G
J Fricko & Go's, drug st n e. Regular
size 50c and $1.00. Every bo'.tte pu;ir
' teed. V 4
Ir-rtt ruoi 11)11 of TrfH ,
J. tcriiiifr Morton's Conservative. j
The largest tree recorded in the his- .
tory of tho world was found in Cnli
fi r; i.-, near tho Tule f iver, in 1874. '
When discovered tho top had been;
broken IT and tho stand'ng trunk'
which remained wrs 1140 feot high.!
I w h ile t! o diameter at the pi ce of the
; breaking olT was twelve foot. Tne age
of this tree w;is Ortimated to be 4,840
j yea's. At its base, within the hollow i
of its ttutik, l-r;0 per.-oes gathered. j
I S mj heathen in the infancy of that'
I tree might have chopped it down for j.
barbnr.e ft sti v tl and wo then should
never have, known its mnj-.'sty and
i worth. How many possible giants
j -m the trees growing in the young
j for-; i s ( f tk.e U-aited S:at-s are to bo
j d( .-trowed tli i ear for Christmas
:c '.titration-? Tho Conservative in-j!-i?.t
that some other method of ob
serving that anniversary than the one
1 Woien requires the destruction of mil
, Ike s o' beautiful and useful trees
; shou'd be ad oft d by all sen.-ib'e aid
! p ovhlent people.
: Stand up for ' he High school and at
tend Pi of. H. II. Barbour's lecture
'at the Prosb. terian church Tuesday
cvetii; g D c 10. Admis-ion 25 cen.s.
. i r.
'Our sores,
, II Churchill, Berlin, Vt.,says,
biby was covered with running
DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve
ier." A specific for piles and
skin diseases
Beware of worthless
F. G. Fricke & Co.
Go to A. W. At wood for wall paper.
Scrofula to
Any one predisposed to Scrofula can
never be healthy and vigorous. This'
taint in the blood naturally drifts into
Consumption. Being suclia deep-seated
blood disease, Swift's Specific is the
only known cure for Scrofula, because
it is the only remedy which can reach
the disease.
Sernfuln annparod on tbe head of my little
grandchild vilien only IS luoinhs old. shortly
after breaking out it sprf iiti r:q-idly all over
her body. The scabs on tlie soivs would je
off on the slightest touc h, and the odor that
would arise muite the at- vTT.'?
mosnhore. of the room ti
sickening and unbearable. fi-i-ut?r-"t-i;
Ilia disease next attacked U -V
tne eyes, ana we reareu :.ue t S'
woul'l lose her sight. Km- J'f i
liient pnysicians irotn 0.1 j
surrounding country wi re C f.
consul led. but could do A
nothing to relieve the lit-
tie innocenf. find ir.ive it f i:.-
inrji mill LIIC ' 'r?-
cae was hopeless and im- ,jrir--'fcjy-V
possible to save the child's eyeifrht. It was
then that we decided to try Swift's Specific.
That medicine at once made a speedy and com
plete cure, bhe is now a younpr lady, and has
never had a aign of the disease to return.
Mrs. Ruth Bkp.kei.ev,
.Saiina, Kan.
Scrofula is an obstinate blood disease,
and is beyond the reach of the average
blood medicine. Swift's SpeciSc
r.-- k-.t-Y
4 Tha uiyy tt
is the only remedy equal to such deep
seated diseases; it goes down to the
very foundation and fi-rces out every
taint. It is purely veattahle, and is
the only blood remedy guaranteed to
contain no mercury, potash or other
mineral substance whatever.
Books maih d free by Swift Specific
Company, Atlanta, Georgia.
. - A . . . w-l a a 111
'-;.-,'' 2 Cle?sn and btaatit'iu the hlr.
.'Of -?"-$ fi-i lrotiH.te :oxttr.nt growth.
TLXuJ' to YoutUful Color."
.HXl'v- . r- .,-, .i mmmi to hair failice.
Kr hair failing.
riihrxipf'a EnxlJah DUuaead Brand.
flrtirln And Oillv G mill lie.
AFC. fllabl. LA DltS K
.mond Brand in Krd nl Ouid D'tllit
I)rn.rril for Chichester M ffnffiiM lia
'tionm and imitation. At Urai. or ead 4
3 IirlU-r Tor
r Mm.L 1 0.OOO T
idle." Utur, by rtra
t'i cm lcul Co., M n 1 ) Mm q mrm
T.allmlMlllU VaM PdDtf
Sold bj mil Lacl UrugijiU. flllLAUA IT A.
We quote below
10 bars
Our "Monarch"
quality. If
See Our Line of
$1.00. Call and see the
one made.
J tTO.GT'Wfl T kadcs heavy Fleece-lined Under
n vtA wear, 25c. Ladies' heavy Fleece
lined Union Suits, 50c.
Ladies' Dress
Large line Cotton Blankets at 48c.
Home-made Comforts, full size, $2.
.. Substantial Qfyiristirjas Goods..
Tired Feeling
is unavoidable, but if you knew
how easy it is to overcome, you would
refuse to suffer fr-.m it. A little good
'A i tie or a bottle of Pure Uee- 13 the
best thing jr. tho world to brace you
up and set you riht.
I mike a specialty of furnirthiu?
i-ure Wines and Beers for family u?e
"rind would iiketohave jour came on
my lirt.
..Philip Thierolf..
Importer of Fine Wine9 and Liquore
and Asjent for Anheuser-Busch
Brewing association.
Plattsmouth Coal Yard
tin v
Corn, Oats and all Kind of Ktd
Constantly on Band.
a few prices from our Grocery Department:
hiirh-trrade soan.
4 pounds California prunes,
5 pounds g-ood rice,
3 cans tomatoes,
7 cans good corn,
Good Gunpowder Tea, per lb,
Canned Peas, -
line of canned goods cannot
you want the finest on earth,
Some Special Bargains
For the present and Holiday Season.
Shoe Dep't
$3 shoe in the country.
I 1166 frnnn o We have an elegant line
A UUUUS of these j-ools in Black
and Colors. A fine line of Black Crepons from 5()c up.
In connection with this department, we wish to say that
we have put in special machinery for sponinjr and
shrinking- dress pfoods and cloths. Dress oods and
cloths sponged at 5c a yard by the 1 -test improved meth
ods ; dress patterns sponged for 25c. Buy your dres
gooJs of us and give our method of Shr nking a trial.
go from
Fur Collarettes
All stvles of the celebrated Gage Down
Corsets. The ' 'Chicago" Corset Waist.
"Flex bone" Corset the strongest
Skirts z nt
fa fpedallj nlted to tome home use cither outside or inside.
It' knowing the right kind of paint, and putting it oa the rletf
place that makes painting a success. Tell us what you want to saint,
and we'll tell vou the risht kind to use.
For pale In Plattsmouth hy
F. G. FRICKE & CO., Druggists.
Subscribe for The Evening News
To Look Around
Before you make purch&ees.
After you have looked elsewhere,
come to us and we guarantee you
will bo pleaeed. Our new winter
6tock haa arrived, including Dry
Goods, Staple and Fancy Gro
ceries, Crockery, Gla8ewre, Flour
and Feed. A square deal to all.
Main Street, Plattsmouth
be equalled in
we have it.
We are agents lor the Queen
Quality Ladies' Shoes, the best
The latest styles are now on
$2.50 to $9.75
from $2.50 to $15
city -
And for everything under the sun.
Every home has need of paint
Each kind of
Has new stock, new rigs and
is prepared bettor than ever
to take care of
fl Genera! Llvem Business
Quick trips made to nil parts of tho
county. Low priced and court
eous treatment assured.
riattsmonth, Nebraska.