Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, December 12, 1899, Image 1

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    MeX Scl.lecel state capita
THE NES. Establshed Nov. 5 1891. 'consolidated Jan. 1 1895
THE HtUALD, Established April 10. 1S64. ( t-Onsonoatea Jan. 1. ias.
YOL. IX, NO. 10.
Not a Man Available for the Next
Ten Days to IJeinioree Him.
Reverse at Stormbers; of a Svrtoos Chur- .
acter LoM't la Ilia Command lie- '
II- ird to Have Hen Not Less Thin '
Seven Hundred Sympathy of the Frln-
cess of Wales.
London, Dec 11. The Post mili
tary expert says: The absence of
further news adds to the nir of mys
tery that clings about Gatacre's action
at Storroberg. Various accounts are
forthcoming, but they all conclude at
a point where our interest culminates.
There either the knowledge of the
correspondent ceased or the blue pen
cil of the censor began. How to large
a proportion of the two regiments
chiefly engaged were captured by the
enemy is impossible to ea3. Thpy
had lost quite an insignificant number
in killed and wounded and the serious
character of the reverse can only be
accounted for by the f.-tct that the men
were worn out The column left Put
ter's Kraal at midday Saturday and
took the train for Molteno, tweoty-two
miles up the line, leaving there at 9 p.
m. to cover on foot twelve miles to the
Boer position. The march occupied
eoven hours. At 4:15 a. m. the ene
my's position was reached and the re
treat began three hours later. The
troops only took four hours in fall'mg
back to Molteno, thus being nearly
twenty-four hours on the move.
"The men captured were probably
dead beat and could go no further.
Other causes which seem to have con
tributed to the reverse are that the
enemy's force appears to have been
entirely underestimated and the op
eration attempted without sufficient
"Gatacre's losses which, if the Boer
report of 672 prisoners is belioved,mu9t
nave exceeded 700. This may oblige
him to fall back on Queenstown. For
political reasons, so retrograde a move
ment would have to be deplored, but
this is preferable to risking further
defeat. The unfortunate reflection is
that owing to hesitation in dispatching
Warren's division to the Cape,scarcely
a man will be available for the next
ten days to reinforce Gatacre's col
umn." Sympathy of the Princess.
The princess of Wales makes public
the following message to the women of
Great Britain, printed in a woman's
weekly newspaper:
"My heart bleeds for the poor
widows and fatherless whose loved
ones have met glorious death fighting
for their queen and country. May God
help and comfort them in their sad
dened Christmas and give them that
peace which passeth understanding.
"Princess of Wales."
Sir Arthur Bigge, the queen's pri
vate secretary, came to London spe
cially today from Windsor and called
early in the afternoon at the war
office. It is understood the object of
his visit was to secure a full arjd cor
rect report on behalf of her majesty in
respect to Gatacre's reverse.
The Great FIRE AND SMOKE SALE is still on. While we" have sold a large 5s
amount of goods at prices which our customers will testify to as being the cheapest S3
ever offered in Cass county, we still have a great many bargains which none of our com- i
petitors are any ways near able to duplicate. This is a genuine BARGAIN SALE 2
of the largest and best selected line of Men's, Boys' and Children's Suits and Over- H2
coats ever offered. The Insurance companies paid us the profit and you are getting 22
the goods at less than manufacturer's cost. 3
Men's All Wool F?g!ciR NOW
Suits and Overcoat, $ 5.00 $ 3.45
7.50 5.20
10.00 6.95
12.50 8.70
15.00 11.90
18.00 14.20
Boys All Wool
Suits and Overcoat, $5.00
f c
i f
f (
Children's All Wool F?R NOW
Suits and Overcoat, $2.00 $ 1.38
2.50 1.80
3.00 1.30
4.00 2.90
5.00 3.85
Artillery Opens Vp and Succeeds In Lo
cating the Enemy.
M ODD EH River, Cape Colony, Sun
day Evening, Dec. 10 The naval 4 7
inch gun again tooK up a position
north of the camp this afternoon, while
the howitzer battery was posted south
east of the left of the Boers. Both
opened a hot fire with lyddite shells
and shrapnel, to which the Boers
sharply replied with a dozen guns, thus
unmasking their position, which was
the object of the British maneuver.
After an hour's fighting the Boer guns
were 6ilenced. The howitzers swept
the trenches, and then threw shell
after shell upon the hills, the explos
ion of the lyddite causing the whole
ground over an extensile area to riso
in the air in dense, brown clouds.
A Boer long gun was dismantled.
It now appears that the Boers in
tend that the next fight is to take
place at Magersfonteln. Apparently
Speyfontein is not defended or the
Boers are unwilling to unmask their
position there as the replies to the
British artillery were all from guns at
Nebraskan Blows Oat Uas.
Kansas City, Dec. II. B. L. At
water is at the city hospital and will
probably die as the result of inhaling
illuminating gas. Atwater is a young
man from Sterling, Neb. He regis
tered at the Tremont house on West
Firth street Sunday night and was
given a room. He was discovered at
11.30 a. m. Monday in an unconscious
condition and it is supposed that he
blew out the gas. Atwater was taken
to the police station, where Dr. Mana
han worked with him several hours,
but failed to restore him. He was
then sent to the hospital. Conscious
ness has not yet' been restored.
Carter Not the Only One.
Savannah, Ga, Dec. 11. The
United States grand jury has up to
this time in its present session re
turned six indictments against persons
charged with conspiring against the
government in connection with the
work done in the Savannah harbor.
Among them is Captain- O. M. Carter,
already condemned by court-martial.
Others named are D. II. Green, J. F
rr: You cannot afford to miss this opportunity of a lifetime in Bargain Prices. 52
FRANK J. HORGAN, The Leading Clothier,
No. 502 flain Street, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. 52
Giynor, E II. Gaynor, W. T. Gaynor
and SI. A. Connally. According to
tbe indictments $574,740 wis secured
by conspiracy.
pacific i:xihi:ss i;oism-:iiY
Company Looted for Large Snm of Money
at Cheyenne, H joiniDR.
Ciieyexne, Wyo., Djc. 10. The
details of a most daring robbery have
jut come to light here. List night,
between the hours of 9 and 10 o'clock,
the office of the Pacific Express com
pany was robbed cf several thousand
dollars in money and, although ollicers
set to work on the rasp immediately
and the strictest secrecy hus been
maintained, not a single clue has been
There is a small force of men in the
express office at nirht to han.ilo ex
press on incoming and outgoing truing
nnd when these trains arrive, the inen
have been in tbe habit of locking up
the office. Tbis was done last nijrht.
as usual, and when tho express men
returned, twenty minutes later, the
north door was open, as was also the
safe dcor. The discovery was made
thnt all of the money contained in tho
safe was missing.
Officials of the express company re
fuse to state the amount of money
tiken, which is reported to be be
tween $5,000 and $25,C00. It is stated
that the pafe contained a large ship
ment of gold, which was to have gone
to one of tho banks in central Wyom
ing. Indications point to the fact th it
the loss is considerable. The entire
express office force is under surveil
Oeleat of Cat acre Most Severe
Iritih Have Sustained.
Reports of the Filipino General's Surren
der to MacArthnr.
Manila, Dec. 10. 4:.0 p. m. An
expedition headed by the battleship
Oregon left Manila for Subig lat
night. It is reported that the Filirino
commander, General Alejandrino,with
his staff, has surren pered to General
M acArthur.
There is also a rumor that Alejan
drico is at Aguilar suffering from a
wound received in a light between in
surgents and bandits and that he will
be given an opportunity to surrender
and will be properly cared for.
Major Spence, with a column of the
Forty-second regiment, captured a
new insurgent camp and uncompleted
stronghold in the Taf'san district. lie
left Dina'up in at daybreak yesterday
and marched ten miles along moun
tain trails, finally encountering a
large bsnd of insurgents, wh re
treated after a brief skirmish. The
Americana had no losses.
The records of tno treasury of the
so-called Filipino government, to
gether with a quantity of paper money
and another Nrdenfeldt, have been
found at Mangatrom.
A mail orderly disappeared between
Angeles and Bamboan.- He is also
supposed to have been captured.
Send the News to your friends.
( neral's Force of Two Thousand Greatly
Krdoeed Uy Dutch Strategy Six Hun
dred and I Ifty Captured Northumber
land and Suffolk Regiments Report
the Greatest Number of Missing.
London, Dec. 10. The war office
pub'ishes the following dis-paich from
General Forestier-Walker at Cape
town. Gatacre reports:
'Deeply regret to inform you that I
met -vita a serious reverse in the at
tack on Stroraburg. I was misle'd as
to the enemy's pos-kion by the guides
and found impracticable ground.
l'Cau ilties, so far as known at pres
ent, are:
"Second battalion, Irish Royal Rifles
Wounded: LieutenantColonel Eger,
Major Eiton, Captain Bell, Captain
Kelly, Lieutenant Stevens, L'eutenant
"Suffolk regiment Wounded: Sec
ond Lieutenant Maynard and twelve
men. Missing: Captain Weir, Lieu
tenant Christee, Second Lieutenant
Rodney, two hundred and ninety men.
"Fourth Field battery Severely
wounded: Lieutenant Lewis and three
men. Slightly wounded: Two men.
"Soventy-.-eventh Field battery
Killed: One gunner. Wounded: Major
'"Northumberland Fusileers Miss
ing: Major Stevens. Captain Fletcher,
Captain Morely, Second Lieutenant
Wuko, Second Lieutenant Coulsoc,
Lieutenant Radcliffe, three hundred
and sixty-five officers and men.
"Royal Berkshire regiment Killed:
Oaa private.
"The remainder of my casualties
will be wired as soon as ascertained." I
What Do the Children Drink?
Don't give them tea or coffee. Have
you tried the new food drink called
Grain-O? It is delicious and nourish- I
ing and takes the place of coffee. The
more Grain-O you give the children
the more health you distribute through
their systems. Grain-O is made of
pure grains, and when properiy pre
pared tastes like the choice grades of
coffee but costs about one-fourth as
much. All grocers sell it. 15c and 2oc.
Paris to ITave a Great Theater. ;
The Paris exhibition of 1900 will coa- i
tain the largest theater in the woriJ. j
According to the report of M. Raulin, !
the architect who has been Intrusted
with its construction. It will accommo
date from 12,000 to 15.000 persons.
Solid Hv'lrnlfen.
Contrary to the opiuion long held
that solidified hydrcjyen would present,
when found, the appc.j"" of a metal,
Prof. Dewar finds that it Is both trans
parent and colorless. At first he was
unconvinced by the result of his ex
periment. It appeared to hira that the
deposit obtained might be solidified
air rising from a residuum of air ad
hering to the apparatus, or from air
and hydrogen combined in the course
of preparing the gas. However, by
varying the experiment, the professor
has been able to establish with cer
tainty the production of solidified hydrogen.
The Appetite of a Goat
Is envied by all poor dyspeptics
whoso stomach and liver are out of
order. All such should know that Dr.
King's New Life Pills, the wonderful
6tomich and liver remedy, gives a
splendid appetite, sound digestion and
a regular bodily habit that insures
perfect health and great energy.
Only 25c, at F. G. Fricke & Co's drug
store. 4
Glove and Mitten Hale
At Ilerolds,5 600 pairs of manufac
turers' samples of ladies,' misses and
children's gloves and mittens just re
ceived at a very liberal discount, en
abling us to sell at retail for less than
other dealers can buy at wholesale.
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
With LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot
reach the sest of disease. Catarrh is a blood or
constitutional disease, and in order to cure it
you must take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh
Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the
blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure
I is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by
one of the best physicians in this country for
I years, and is a regular prescription. It is com
' posed of the best tonics known, combined with
the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the
, mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of
I the two ingredients is what produces such won
j derful results in curing catarrh. Send for testi
. monials. free.
F.J. Cheney & Co.. Props., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, price 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Fattening: Show Babies.
London Lancet: In the next session
of the Paris municipal council atten
tion will be given to baby shows and
prize competition for infants. Dr.
Dufournler and Dr. Vallin have in
formed the council that in order to en
able the infants to win medals the
nurses feed them In a manner which Is'
not conducive to their health. The in
fants, in fact, are greatly overfed, and
at a later stage after their undue
plumpness they suffer from serious dis
orders of digestion.
Tickets for the elocutionary enter
tainment to be given at the Christian
church December 12, are on sale at
B. A. McEl wain's and John Crabill's.
Sic Carry a Complete
I Lane of
A. W. Atwood sells the best paint
on earth.
There Is a Class of People
Who are injured by the use of coffee.
Recently there has been placed in all
the grocery stores a new preparation
called Grain-O, made of pure grains,
that takes the place of coffee. Tbe
most delicate stomach receives it with
out distress, and but few can tell it
from coffee. It does not cost over one
fourth as much. Children may drink
it with great benefit. 15c and 25c per
package. Try it. Ask for Grain-O.
Some men drink for the shakes ani
others shake for tbe drinks. j
Owing- to the backward season, being- overstocked
and having heavy bills to meet, we will offer you for
SPOT CASH a Discount of from 20 to 25 per cent on
AH Winter Clothing,
Underwear, Suits. Gloves, Caps, etc. To give you an
idea of how cheap we are selling-, we quote prices on a
few articles:
ft Nice Suit,
Formerly $8
Reduced to $6
A Fine Black
Kerseu Overcoat
Formerly $10
Reduced to $7-5
All Wool
Formerly 50c
Reduced to 35c
A nice Wilson Bros.' Percale Shirt, which fermerly
sold for SI. 25 and $1.50, goes at $1 and $1.25. Gloves
and Caps at your own price. Come in and see what we
can do for you. No Trouble to Show Goods.
Waterman Block
and all
Smokers' Materials
Goring & Co.,
3 ZMm
s:a"r-"5r eft
ooiLi Tl t
A New Discovery for the Certain Cure of INTERNAL and
Tubes, by Mail, 75 cents; bottles, 50 Cents.
JAMES F. BALLARD, Sole Proprietor, - - 310 North Mala Street, ST. LOUIS, MO.
F. G. Fricke & Co.
Job Printing