Ileve that tli Ih exposition will tend morn (Irmly lo cement Ok; cordial re lations between the nations on this continent. In accordance with an act or con gress, approved December 21, lXDS, and under the auspices of tne Philadelphia Commercial museum, a most interest ing and valuable exposition or products and maniifacturcH especially adapted to export trade was held in Philadel phia from the 14th of September to the 1st of December, IS!). The represent tatlve character of the exhibits and the widespread Interest manifested in the objects of the undertaking afford renewed encouragement to (hose who look confidently to the steady growth of our enlarged exportation of manu factured goods, which has befit the most remarkable fact In the economic development of the United States In recent years. A feature of this cxpo- in tlu 31 men were scrvili:; pines, and I .i;0 or the regulars, who were entitled to he mustered out after the rat I fie -aitoii or the treaty of peace. They voluntarily remained at the front until their places could bo filled by new troops. They were returned home In tho order In which they were sent to .Manila and are now all of them out of the service and in the ranks of citizenship. I recommend that con gress provide a special medal of honor for the volunteers, regulars, sailors and marines on duty in the Philip pines, who voluntarily remained in the service after their terms 01 enlistment had expired. ENLISTING FOR Till AUMV. ! By the act of March 2. 1899, congress ! Kave authority to increase the regular army to a maximum not exceeding 65,000 enlisted men, and to enlist a ' Philip- this connection the report of the rust- master general e mbodics a statement of some evils which have grown up outside or the contemplation of law in the treatment of some classes of mail matter which wrongly exercise, the privilege of the pound rate, and shows that if this matter had Leen properly classified and had paid the rate which it shoul have paid, ins'ead of a postal deficit for the last fioi-al year of $6.610,0ou there would have been on one basis a surplus of J 17, 037.570, and on another of $5, 733.36. The reform thus suggested, in the opinion of the postmaster general, would not only put the postal service at once on a self sustaining basis, but would permit great and valuable im provements, and I commend the i-.ub-ject to the consideration of the congress. Kit, pci.nanent. and increasing utility to our Industries, is the collection of sam ples of merchandise produced in va rious countries, with special reference, to particular markets, providing prac tical object lessons to United Slates manufacturers as to qualities, styles and prices of goods such as meet tins special demands of consumers and may be exported with advantage. In connection with the exposition nn international congress was held, j ,nn jppim.s ,iave ,,wn transported to UJM.I11 Hie 1 II V 1 Lill 11)11 Ul lilt I 11IWLI1:- which is likely to become of force of 35,000 volunteers, to be re- j -rutted from the country at large. Lly virtue of this autho.tty the regular army has been increased to the number I of 61. 999 enlisted men and 2,248 ofli j cers and new volunteer regiments hav 1 been organized, aggregating 33,050 c . listed men and 1,521 officers. Two of these volunteer regiments are made ! up of colored men. with colored line officers. The new troops to take the places of those returning from the phia Commercial museum, transmitted by the Department of State to the various foreign governments, a con gress for an exchange of information and opinions with a view to the pro motion of an international trade. This Invitation met with general and cor dial acceptance, and the congTess, which began its sessions at the expo sition on the 13th of October, proved to be of great practical importance, from the fact that it developed a gen eral recognition of the interdependence of nations in trade and a most grat ifying spirit of accommodation with reference to the gradual removal of existing impediments to reciprocal re lations, without injury to the indus trial interests of either party. CONFERENCE AT THE HAGUE. In response to the invitation of his majesty, the emperor of Russia, dele gates from twenty-six countries were assemoleet at The Hague on the 18th of May, as members of a conference in the interest of peace. The commission from the United States consisted of Hon. Andrew D. White, Hon. Seth Low, Hon. Stanford Newell, Capta.n Alfred D. Ma.ian of the United States fiacy. Captain William a. Crozier of the United States army and Hon. Fred- crick Holls, secretary. 'the occasion 4 -feemed to be opportune for the se rious consideration of a plan for pa cific adjustment of international dif ferences, a subject in which the Amer ican people have been deeply inter ested for many years, and a definite project for a permanent international tribunal was .ncluded in the instruc tions to the uelegates of the United States. The final act of the conference in cludes conventions upon the ameliora tion of the laws and customs of war on land, the adaptation to maritime warfare of the principles of the Geneva convention of 1864, and the extension of judicial methods to international cases. The convention for the pacific settlement of international conliicts embodies the leading features of the American plan, with such modifications as were rendered necessary by the great diversity of views and interests represented by the delegates. The four titles of the convention provide for the maintenance of general peace, the ex ercise of good office and mediation, tne formation of commissions of inquiry and international arbitration. The mediation provided for by the convention is purely voluntary and ad visory, and is intended to avoid any invasion or limitation of the sovereign rights of the adhering states. The commissions of inquiry proposed con sist"' of delegations to be specifically constituted for particular purposes by 5".eaas of conventions between the con- -ling parties, having for their object tg clear understanding of interna - i , . .-i .i 1 rli (TrDn'Oc liofaro fpcnrt i 11 r 1 ( 1 the use of force. The provision for ! cia!s Have been assigned to the arbitration contemplates the forma tion of a permanent tribunal before which disputed cases may be brought for settlement by the mutual consent of the ljtigants in each separate case. The advantages of such a permanent tiibunal over impromptu commissions of arbitration are conceived to be the actual existence of a competent court, prepared to administer justice, the greater economy resulting from a well devised system, and the accumulated judicial skill and experience! which srch a tribunal would soon possess. While earnestly promoting the suc cess of establishing a permanent inter national tribunal, the delegation of the United States was not unmindful of the inconveniences which might arise from an obtrusive exercise of media tion, and in signing the convention carefully guarded the historic position cf the United States by the following declaration: "Nothing contained in this conven tion shall be so construed as to re quire the United States of America to depart from its traditional policy of not intruding upon, interfering with, or envangling nseu in ine ponucai ques-U-s or policy or international admin istration of any foreign state; nor -shall -anything contained in the said convention be construed to imply a relinquishment by the United States of America of its traditional attitude to ward purely American questions." Thus interpreted the convention for the pacific settlement of international cor.fiicts may be regarded as realizing the earnest desire of great numbers cf American citizens whose deep sense of justice expressed in numerous resolu tions and memorials has urged them to labor for this noble achievement. The general character of this conven tion, already signed by the delegates of more than twenty sovereign states, further commends it to the favorable action of the senate of the United States, whose ratification it still awaits.- MEDALS FOR THE VOLUNTEERS. Since my last annual message, and in obedience to the acts of the congress of Aprill 22 and 26, 1898, the remain ing volunteer force enlisted for the &fanis. war, consisting of 34,834 regu lars, and 110,202 volunteers, with over 5 0W)lunteer officers, has been dis ch.fd from the military service. Of thj;v0lunteers, 667 officers and 14,- Manila to the number of 581 officers and 26,322 enlisted men of the regular army and 594 officers and 15.358 en listed men of the new volunteer force, whil" 504 officers and 14,119 men of the volunteer force are on the ocean en route to Manila. The force now in Manila consists of 906 officers and 30.57S regulars, aijd 594 officers and 15,388 of the volunteers, making an aggregate of 1,499 officers and 45,966 men. When the troops now under orders shall reach Manila the force in the archipelago will comprise 2,051 officers and 63,483 men. The muster-out of the great volunteer army organized for the Spanish war and the creation of a new army, the trans portation from Manila to San Fran cisco of those entitled to discharge, and the transportation of the new troops to take their places has been a work of great magnitude well and ably done, for which too much credit cannot be given the War department. During the past year we have re duced our force in Cuba and Porto Rico. In Cuba we now have 334 offi cers and 10,796 enlisted men; in Porto Rico, eighty-seven officers and 2.S55 enlisted men, and a battalion of 400 men composed of native Porto Ricans, while stationed throughout, the United States are 910 officers and f7,317 men, and in Hawaii twelve officers and 453 enlisted men. The operations of the army are fully presented in the report of the secre tary of war. I cannot withhold from officers and men the highest commen dation for their soldierly conduct in trying situations, their willing sacri fices for their country and the inter est and ability with which they have performed unusual and difficult duties in our island possessions. In the organization of the volunteer regiments authorized by the act of March 2, 1899, it was found that no provision had been made for chaplains. This omission was doubtless from in advertence. I recommend the early authorization for the appointment of one chaplain for each of said regi ments. These regiment are now in the Philippines, and it is important that immediate action be had. INSULAR POSTAL SERVICE. In restoring peaceful conditions, or derly rule and civic progress in Cuba, Porto Rico and, so far as practicable, in the Philippines the rehabilitation of the postal service has been as es sential and important part of the work. It became necessary to provide mail facilities both for our forces of occu pation and for the native population. To meet this requirement has involved a substantial reconstruction. The ex isting systems were so fragmentary, defective and inadequate that a new and comprehensive organization had to be created. American trained offi- di- recting and executive positions, while natives have been chiefly employed in making up the force. In working out this the merit rule has been rigorously and faithfully applied. The appointment of director general of posts of Cuba was given to an ex pert who had been chief postoffice in spector, and assistant postmaster gen eral, and who united large experience with administrative crpacity. For the postmastership at Havana the range of skilled and available men was scanned, and the choice fell upon one who had been twenty years in t- -service as deputy postmaster nrc t master of a large city. This principle governed and determined the selection of the American officials sent not only to Cuba, but to Porto Rico and the Philippines, and they were instructed to apply it so far as practicable in tne employment of natives as minor postmasters and clerks. The postal system in Cuba, though remaining un der the general guidance of the post master general, was made essentially independent. It was felt that it should not be a burden upon the postal service of the United States, and provision was made that any deficit in the postal revenue should be a charge upon the general revenues of the island. Though Porto Rico and the Philip pines hold a different relation to the United States, yet, for convenience of administration, the same principle of an autonomous system has been ex tended to them. The development of the service in all of the islands has been rapid and successful. It has moved forward on American lines, with free delivery, money order and registry systems, and has given the people mail facilities far greater and more reliable than any they have ever before enjoyed. It is thus not jnly a vital agency of industrial, social and business progress, but an important influence in diffusing a just under standing of the true spirit and charac ter ol Aiutritau administration. The domestic service continues to grow with extraordinary rapidity. The expenditures and the revenues vill each exceed $100,000,000 during the present fiscal year. Fortunately, since the revival of prosperous times, the revenues have grown much faster than the expendi tures, and there is every indication that a short period will witness the ob literation of the annual deficit. In NAVY UP TO ITS TRADITIONS. The nivy has maintained the spirit and high efficiency which have always characterized that arm. and has lost none of the gallantry in heroic ac'on which has signalized its briliant and I glorious past. The nation has equal I pride in its early and later achie.e j ments. Its habitual readiness for cv ! ery emergency has won the confidence and admiration of the country. The people are interested in the continued preparation and prestige of the navy and wnl approve liberal appropriations for its maintenance and improvement. The officers have shown peculiar adap tation for the performance of new and delicate duties which our recent war has imposed. It cannot be doubted that congress will at once make necessary provision for the armor plates of the- vessels now under contract and building. Its at tention is respectfully called to the re port of the secretary of the navy, in which the suoject is fully presented. I unite in his commendation that the congress enact such special legislation as may be necessary to enable the de partment to make contracts early in the coming year for armor of the best quality that can be obtained in his country for the ..Itine, Ohio and Mis souri, and that the provision of the act of March 3. 1899, limiting the pnee of armor to $300 per ton be removed In the matter of naval construction, Italy and Japan, of the great powers, laid down less tonnage in the year 1899 than this country, and Italy alone has less tonange under construction I heartily concur in the recommenda tions for increasing the navy, as sug gested by the secretary of the navy. Our future progress and prosperity depend upon our ability to equal .f not surpass other nations in the enlarge ment and advance of science, industry and commerce. To invention we must turn as one of the most powerful aids to the accomplishment of such a re sult. The attention of the congress is directed to the report of the commis sioner of patents, in which were found valuable suggestions and recommen dations. On the 30th of June, 1899, the pen sion roil of the United States number ed 91,119. These include the pension ers of the army and navy in all our wars. The number added to the rolls during the year was 4,991. The num ber dropped by reason of death, minors by legal limitations, failure to claim within three years and other causes was 43,816, and the number of claims disallowed was 107,917. During tne year 89,o54 pension certificates were issued, of Which 37,077 were for new or original pensions. The amount dis bursed for army and navy pensions during the year was $138,355,052.99, which was $l,6ol,461.61 less than the sum of the appropriation. The Grand Army of the Republic at its recent national encampment held at Philadelphia has brought to my at tention and to that of the congress the wisdom and justice of a modifica tion of the third section of the act of June 27, 1890, which provides pen sions for the widows of officers and enlisted men who served ninety days or more during the war of the rebel lion, and were honorably discharged, provided that such widows are with out other means of support than their daily labor and were married to the soldier, sailor or marine on account of whose service they claim pension prior to the date of the act. The present holding of the depart ment is that if the widow's income, aside from her daily labor, does not exceed in amount what her pension would be, to-wit: $96 per annum, she would be deemed to be without other means of support than her daily labor and would be entitled to a pension under this act; while if the widow's income, independent of the amount received by her as the result of her daily labor, exceeds $96, she will not be pensionable under the act. 1 am advised by the commissioner of pen sions that the amount of the income allowed before title to pension would be barred has varied widely under dif ferent administrations of the pension ofhee, as well as during different pe riods of the same administration and has been the cause of just complaint and criticism. With the approval of the secretary of the interior, tne commissioner oi pensions recommends that, in order to make tne practice at all times uni form and to do justice to the depend ent widow, the amount of income al lowed, independent of the proceeds of her daily labor, should be not less than $250 per annum, and he urges that the congress shall so amend the act so as to permit the pension of ficers to grant pensionable status to widows under the terms of the third section of the act of June 27, 1890, whose income, aside from the proceeds of daily labor, is not in excess of $250 per annum. I believe this to be a simple act of justice and heartily rec ommend it. In accordance with the act of con gress approved March 3, 1899, the pre liminary work in connection with the twentieth century census is now fully under way. The officers required for the proper administration of the duties imposed have been selected. The pro vision for securing a proper enumer ation of the population, as well as to secure evidence of the industrial growth of the nation, is broader and more comprehensive than any similar legislation in the past. The director advises that every needful effort is being made to push this great work to completion in the time limited by the statute. It is believed that the twelfth census will emphasize our re markable advance in all that pertains to national progress. PAYMENT ltY PACIFIC ROADS. Under the authority of the act of congress July 7. lH'JS. the commission consisting of the secretary of the treasury, the attorney general and sec crelary of the interior, has made an arrangement of settlement, which has had my approval, of the indebtedness to the government growing out of the issue of bonds to aid in the construc tion of the Central Pacific and West ern Pacific railroads. The agreement secures to the government the princi pal and interest of said bonds, amount ing to $58,812,715.18. There has been paid thereon $11,762,543.12, which has been covered into the treasury. and the remainder, payable within ten years, with interest at the rate of 3 per cent per annum, payable semi annually, is secured by the deposit of the first mortgage bonds of the Pacific railway companies. The amounts paid and secured to be paid to the government on account of the Pacific railroad subsidy claims are: Union Pacific, cash, $58. 14S.223.75; Kansas Pacific, cash, $6,303,000. Central and Western Pacific, cash, $17,79S,314.14; notes, secured, $ls,050, 172.36. Kansas Pacifis, dividends for defic iency due United States, cash, $821, 897.70. Making a total of $124,421,607.91. The whole indebtedness was about $730,000,000, more than half of which consisted of accrued interest, for which sum the government has real- izeu the entire amount, less about $6, 000.000, within a period of two years. On June 30, 1898, there were thirty forest reservations (exclusive of the Afognak forest and fish culture reserve in Alaska) embracing an estimated area of 40,719,474 acres. During the past year two of the existing forest reserves, the Trabuco canyon (Califor nia) and Black Hills, (South Dakota and Wyoming) have been considerably enlarged, the area of the Mount Ranier reserve, in the state oi Washington, has been somewhat reduced and six additional reserves have been estab lished, namely, the San Francisco mountains (Arizona), Black Meza (Ar izona), Lake Tahoe (California), Galla tin (Montana), Gila River (New Mex ico) and Fish Lake (Utah), the total estimated area of which is 5,205,775 acres. This makes at the present time a total of thirty-six forest reservations embracing an estimated area oi 46,021 899 acres. This estimated area is the aggregated areas within the bounda l ies of tne reserves. I he lands ac tually reserved are, however, only the vacant public lands therein, and these have been set aside and reserved from sale or settlement in order that they may be of the greatest use to the peo ple. The protection of the reserves, or ganized by the department of the in terior in 1897, has been continued dur ing the past year, and much has been accomplished in the way of prevention or forest fires and the protection of the timber. There are now large tracts covered by forests which will even tually be reserved and set apart for forest uses. Until that can be done congress should increase tne appropri ation for the work of protecting the forests. HELPS FOR AGRICULTURISTS. The department of agriculture is constantly consulting the needs of pro ducers in all the states and territories. It is introducing seeds and plants of great value and promoting fuller di versification of crops. Grains, grasses, fruits, legumes and vegetables are im ported for all parts of the United States. Under mis encouragement me beet sugar factory multiplies in the north and far west, semi-tropical plants are sent to the souta, and con genial climates are sought for the choice productions of the far east. The hybridizing of fruit trees and grains is conducted in the search for varie ties adapted to exacting conditions. The introduction of tea gardens into southern states promises to provides employment for idle nanus, as well as to supply the home market with tea. The subject of irrigation, where it is of vital importance to the people, is being carefully studied, steps are being taken to reclaim all and or abandoned lands, and information for people along these lines is being distributed. Markets are being sought and open ed up for surplus farm and factory products in Europe and Asia. The outlook for the education of the young farmer through agricultural college and experiment stations with oppor tunity given to specialize in the de partment of agriculture is very prom ising. The people of Hawaii, Porto Rico and the Philippine islands should be help ed by the establishment of experiment stations to a more scieniiiic knowledge of the production of coffee. India rub ber and other tropical produces for which there is demand in the United States. There is widespread interest .n the improvement of our public highways at the present time, and tne depart In this manner the Philippines came to the United States. The islands were ceded by the government of Spain, which had been in undisputed posses sion of them for centuries. They were accepted, not merely by our authorized commissioners In Paris, under the di rection of the executive, but by tho constitutional and well considered ac tion of the representatives of the peo ple of the United States in both houses of congress. 1 had every reason to believe anil 1 still believe that this transfer of sovereignty was in accord ance with the wishes and aspirations of the great mass of the Filipino peo ple. From the earliest moment no op portunity was lost In assuring the peo ple of the islands of our ardent desire for their welfare and of the intention of this government to do everything. possible to advance their interests. In my order of the 19th of May, 1898, the commander of the military expedition dispatched to the Philippines was in structed to declare that we came not to make war upon the people of the country, "nor upon any part or fac tion among them, but to protect them in their homes, in their employments, and in their personal and religious rights." That there should be no doubt as to the paramount authority there, on the 17th of August, it was directed that "there must be no joint occupation with the insurgents;" that the enited States must preserve the peace and protect persons and property within the territory occupied by their military and naval forces; that the in surgents, as well as all others, must recognize the military occupation and authority of the United States. As early as December 4. before the ces sion, and in anticipation of that event, the commander in Manila was urged to restore peace and tranquility and to undertake the establishment of a bene ficent government, which should afford the fullest security for life and prop erty. On the 21st of December, after the treaty was signed, the commander of the forces of occupation was instructed "to anounce and proclaim in the most public manner that we come, not as invaders and conquerors, but as friends to protect the natives in their homes, in their employments and in their personal and religious rights." On the same day, while ordering Gen eral Otis to see that the peace snould be preserved in Uoilo, he was admon ished "that it is most important that there should be no conflict with the insurgents.' On the 1st day of Janu ary, 1899, urgent orders were reiterat ed that the kindly intentions of mis government should be in every possi ble way communicated to the insur gents. On the 21st of January I announced my intention of dispatching to Manila a commission composed of three gen tlemen of the highest character and distinction thoroughly acquainted with the Orient, who in association with Admiral Dewey and Major General Otis, were instructed "to facilitate the most humane and effective exten sion of authority throughout the is lands and secure with the least pos sible delay the benefits of a wise, gen erous protection of life and property to the inhabitants." Tsese gentlemen were Jacob Gould Schurman, president of Cornell uni versity; Hon. Charles Denby, for many years minister to China, and Prof. Dean C. Worcester of the University of Michigan, who had made a m jst careful study of life in the Philippines. Whiie the treaty of peace was under consideration in the senate these com missioners set out on their mission of good will and liberation. Their character was a sufficient guaranty of the beneficent purpose with which they went, and they bore the absolute in structions of this government, which made their errand pre-eminently one of peace and friendship. But before tneir arrival at Manila the sinister ambition of a few leaders of the Filipinos had created a situa tion full of embarrassments for us and most grievous in its consequences to themselves. The clear and impartial preliminary report of the commission ers, which 1 transmit nerewitn, gives so lucid and comprehensive a hiscory of the present insurrectionary move ment that the story need not be here repeated. It is enough to say that the claim of the rebel leader that he was promised independence by any officer of the United States in return for .'As assistance had no foundation in 'act and is categorically denied by the very witnesses who were called to prove it. The most the insurgent leader hoped for when he came back to Manila was the liberation of the islands from the Spanish control which they 'ad been laboring for years without success to throw off. The prompt accomplishment of the work by the American army and navy gave him other ideas and ambitions and insidious suggestions from va rious quarters perverted the purposes and intentions with which he had tak en up arms. No sooner had our army i captured Manila than the Filipino forc- ment of agriculture is co-operating j es began to assume an attitude of sus with the people in each locality in- making the best possible roads from local material and in experimenting with steel tracks. A more intelligent system of manag ing the forests of tne country is being put in operation, and a careful study of the whole forestry problem is being conducted throughout the United States. A very extensive and complete exhibit of the agricultural and horti cultural products of the United States is being prepared for the Paris exposi tion. SITUATION IN THE PHILIPPINES. On the 10th of December. 1898, the treaty of peaco between the United States and Spain was signed. It pro vided, among other things, that Spain should cede to the United States the archipelago known as the Philippine islands, that the United States should pay to Spain the sum of $20,000,000. and that the civil rights and political status of the native inhabitants of the territories thus ceded to the Unit ed States should be determined by congress. The treaty was approved by the senate on the 6th of February, 1899, and by the government of Spain on the 19th of March following. The ratifications were exchanged on the 11th of April, and the treaty publicly proclaimed. On the 22d of March the congress voted the sum contemplated by the treaty and the amount was paid over to the Spanish government on the 1st of May. picion and hostility which the utmost efforts of our officers and troops were unable to disarm or modify. Their kindness and forbearance were taken as a proof of cowardice. The aggres sions of the Filipino continually in creased until finally, just before the time set for the senate of the United States for a vote upon the treaty, an atack, evidently prepared in advance, was made all along the American lines, which resulted in a terribly de structive ana sanguinary repulse of the insurgents. Ten days later an order of the in surgent government was issued to its adherents who had remained in Ma nila, of which General Otis justly ob serves, that "for barbarous intent it is unequalled in modern times." It or ders tHat at 8 o'clock on the night of the 15th of February the territorial militia shall come together in the streets of San Pedro, armed with their bolos, with guns and ammuni tion where convenient; that Filipino families only shall be respected; but that all other individuals of whatever race they may be shall be exterminated without any compassion, after the ex termination of the army of occupation, and adds: "Brothers, we must avenge ourselves on the Americans and ex terminate them, that we may take our revenge for the infamies and treacheries committed upon us. Have no compassion upon them; attack with vigor." A copy of this fell, by good fortune. Into the hands of our officers, and they wei e able to lake ine-asiircrt to control i he rising, which whs ac tually attempted on the night of Feb ruary 22, a week later than was orig inally contemplated. Comdderablu numbers of armed insurgents entered the city by water ways and swamps and In concert with confederates in side attempted to destroy Manila by fire. They were kept in chec k during the night and the next clay drive n out of the city with heavy Iosh. This was the unhappy condition of affairs which confronted our commis sioners on their arrival In Manila. They had come with the hope and intention of co-ope rat Ing with Admiral Dewey and Major General Otis In es tablishing peace and order in the ar chipelago and the largest measure of self-government compatible- with the true w.-'lfare of the people. What they actually found can best be set forth in their own words: "Deplorable as war is, the one In whic h we are now engaged was una voidable by us. We were attacked by a bedd, al venturous and enthusiastic; army. No alternative was left to us except to fight or retreat. "It is not to be? conceived of that any American would have sanctioned the surrrender of Manila to the in surgents. Our obligations to other na tions and to the Filipinos and to ourselves and our flag demanded that force shoiiel be met by force. "Whatever the future of the Phil ippines may be, there? is no course open to us now except the prosecution of the war until the insurgents are re duced to submission. The commission is of the opinion that there; has been no time since the destruction of thes Spanish squadron by Admiral Dewey when it was possible to withdraw our forces from the islands with honor to ourselves or with safety to the in habitants." The course thus clearly indicated h;;: been unt'.inchingly pursued. The rebelion must be put down. Civil government cannot be thoroughly es tablished unul order is restored. With a devotion and gallantry worthy of its most brilliant history, the army, ably n'l loyally assisted by the army, ably carried on this unwelcome but most righteous campaign with richly de served success. The noble self-sae.riflce with which our soldiers and sailors, whose terms of service had expired, re fused to avail themselves of th.i'r right to return home as long as they were needed at the front, forms one of the brightest pages In our annals. Al though their operations have been somewhat interrupted and checked by a rainy season of unusual violence and duration, they have gained ground steadily in every direction and now look forward confidently to a speedy completion of their task. The unfavorable circumstances con nected with an active campaign have not been allowed to interfere with the equally important work of reconstruc tion. I invite your attention again to the report of the commissioner. for the interesting and encouraging details of the work in the establishment of peace and inauguration of self-governing municipalities in many portions of the archipelago. A notable begin ning has been made in the establish ment of a government in the island of Negros, which is deserving of special consideration. This was the first isl and to accept American sovereignty. Its people unreservedly proclaimed al legiance to the United Slates and adopted a constitution looking to a popular government, it was impossi ble to guarantee to the people of Ne gros that the constitution so adopted should .be the ultimate form of gov ernment. Such action uncle the treaty with Spain and in accordance with our own constitution and laws came con clusively within the jurisdiction of congress. The government actually set up by the inhabitants of Negros eventually proved satisfactory to the natives themselves. A new system was put into force by order of the ma jor general commanding the depart ment of which the following are the important elements: It was ordered that the government of the island of Negros should con sist of a military governor appointed by the United States military com mander of the Philippines, and a civil governor and an advisory council elect ed by the people. The military gov ernor was authorized to appoint sec retaries of the treasury, interior, agri culture, public instruction, an attor ney general and an auditor. The seat of government was fixed at Bacolor. The military governor exercises the supreme executive power. He is to see that the laws are executed, ap point to office and fill all vacancies in office not otherwise provided for, and may, with the approval of the military governor of the Philippines, remove any officer from office. The civil gov ernor advises the miliitary governor on all civil questions and presides over the advisory council. He, in general, performs the duties which are per form by secretaries of state In our own system of government. The advisory council consists of eight members, elected by the peo ple, within the territorial limits which are defined in the order of the com manding general. The time and place of holding elec tions are to be fixed by the military governor in the island of Negros. The qualifications of voters are as follows: (1) A voter must be a male citizen of the island of Negros. (2) Of the age of 21 years. (3) He shall be able to speak, read and write the English, Spanish or Viscayan language, or he must own real property worth $500, or pay a rental on real property of the value of $7,000. (4) He must have resided in the island not less than one year preceding, and in the district in which he offers to register as a voter not less than three months Imme diately preceding the time he offers to register. (5) He must register at a time fixed by law before voting. (6) Prior to such registration he shall have paid all taxes due by him to the gov ernment. Provided that no insane person shall be allowed to register or vote. The military governor has the right to veto all bills or resolutions adopt ed by the advisory council, and his veto is final if not disapproved by the military governor of the Philippines. The advisory council discharges all the ordinary duties of a legislature. The usual duties pertaining to said offices are to be performed by the sec-