Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, December 05, 1899, Image 2

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    Business and Professional
J. I. Uiirun
Denier In
l B. Eisier
Wutorman block.
and. . . .
419 Main bU
Dealer la
Groceries and
414 Main st.
Sixth and
Pearl streets.
National Bank
F. G. Egenborger,
Plattsmouth, Neb
Mineral and
Soda Wators.
and all kinds
Stocks. Bonds and Se
curities bought and
B & M
Pay cheoks
and Feed
Main and
Seventh sts.
Dealer in
Anheuser- Busch
Brewing Ass'n.
L li AlWOOd
a S JtjaITS
Pens, Ink
and. . . .
PAID UP CAPITAL, - $50,000
Offers the very best facilities for the
prompt transaction of
Legitimate Banking Business
STOCKS, bonds, gold, government and local
seouritles Dought and sold. Deposits re'
oelved and Interest allowed on the oertfi
oates. Drafts drawn, available In any
part of the U. S, and all the principle
towns of Europe. Collections made and
promptly remitted. Highest market
orloe paid for county warrants, state
and oounty bonds.
H. N. Dovey, D. Hawksworth S. Waugh
F. E. White, G. E. Dovey.
Geo. E. Dovey. Pres., S. Waugh, Cashier,
H. N. Dovev. Asst. Cashier.
Leaye orders at F. S. White's
Store or at Brick and Terra
Cotta works.
Satisfaction Gnara?itecd.
Neb. Tel. 71.
To Look Around
Before you make purchases.
After you have looked elsewhere,
come to us and we guarantee you
will be pleased. Our new spring
stock has arrived, including Dry
Goods, Staple and Fancy Gro
ceries Crockery, Glassware, Flour
and Feed. A square deal to all.
F. S.
Main Street,
Plattsmouth Coal Yard
Hay, Corn, Oats and all Kinds of Feed
Constantly on Hand.
The Semi-Weekly News-Herald
OEOROE L. FARLEY, Proprietor.
One Year, in advance, . . . ,
Six Months ,
5 00
2 50
One Week,
single Copies,
One Year, in advance, . . . . $1
Six Months,
Of any Cm County Paper.
TliKRK is no disputing: the fact that
December came in like a lamb but
how will the go out?
It would be a difficult task to
estimate the number of bones that
wore fractured in the various foot ball
games on Thanksgiving day. Foot
ball is a humane sport, however.
It IS indeed an encouraging sign
that the bill before the legislature of
Georgia, which would have had the
effect of disfranchising the negro vot
ers of the state, has been beaten in
the lowor house by a vote of 137 to 3.
It WOULD bo interesting to know
bow much of the immunity from pub-
licity and prosecution enjoyed by
Miller and his syndicate was due to
his allowing members of the New
York police force to get in on the
ground floor and win big profits.
Democratic managers, who are
lookiner for a "running mate" for
Colonel Bryan, would perhaps do well
to select General Aguinaldo. That
gentleman has shown remarkable
sprinting qualities of late and he is
quite in harmony on other matters
with the proposed head of the popo-
cratic ticket in 1900.
FARMERS who observe that "terri
torial fine medium scoured" wools are
now worth 60 cents a pound in the
New York market, against 30 cents in
1895, under the democratic free trade
tariff law, and that "XX Ohio" wools
now bring 32 cents in the same market,
against 16 cents in 1895,will not advise
their democratic friends to make the
tariff a leading issue in 1900.
How will the croakers of 1896 be
able to make any headway in the cam
paign of 1900 in tbe face of the an
nouncements ol the commercial pa
pers quoted by them so largely in 1896,
which now show that the total number
of failures in the quarter ending with
September, 1899, was but 2,000, against
3,737 in the corresponding quarter of
1896, and the liabilities but $17,640,000
against $73,285,000 in the correspond
ing quarter of 1896.
It is part of the duty of a soldier
to risk his life for his country, but be
should not be called upon to risk his
life for a month in a transport so un-
seaworthy that 400 soldiers have to
keep baling night and day to prevent
it from sinking with all on board, says
the New York Herald. The voyage
of the Manauense to Manila should be
the very last of that sort of thing and
strict justice should be meeted out to
those who are responsible for sending
the transport to sea in such a condi
Doesn't look much as though the
protective tariff was hurting our ex
port trade in manufactures, when the
exports of manufactures in the second
and third Octobers under the Dingley
law amount to $59,000,000 against $32,-
000,000 in the second ana third Octo
bers under the Wilson law. In other
word?, the average export of manufac
turers per diem in the months under
consideratien under the Wilson law is
about a half a million dollars a day.
and under the Dincley law a million
dollars a day.
Tub democratic national committee
at its recent meeting in Chicago was
wonderfully silent on the 16 to 1 ques-
tion, especially In comparison with
the utterances of its members on this
topic at that very spot less than four
years ago. Perhaps tnese gentlemen
have begun to realize that the world
has produced more gold in the last
half century than In the preceding I
350 years, and that the theory that
gold cannot be produced fast enough
to meet the requirements of tbe
world's commerce is a mistaken one.
Reports received by Surgeon Gen
eral Wyman, of the United States
Marine Hospital service, show that
the yellow fevor has about run its
course at Key West, Fla.
Grandchildren of Mrs.
Miles, who I
died recently in Baltimore, are con
testing her will. She was 80 years of
age, and leit tne duik oi ner estate to
her thirty-five-year-old husband.
In Germany,between Dusseldorf and
Crefeld, a distance of fourteen miles,
an express train is run by electricity
at a maximum speed of thirty seven
miles an hour.
The little town of Moorehead, Kan.,
has a co-operative hotel, laundry, hall,
creamery, and canning factory, andahegs than that of a good turner, using
co-operative dining hall, with several
co-operative farms near by.
Regarding the reportfrom Santiago
that tbe wreckers now at work on the
Spanish destroyer Furor had discov-
ered that the vessel in question might
have been raised, it is said at the
navy department that it would have
cost about twice as much to put hor in
commisHisflion as to build a vest-el ot
the same class.
A bill has beon introduced In the
Georgia legislature providing that
children under ten years c-innowork
in factories, and those between the
aces of ten and fourteen only when
the superintendent of the mill makes
affidavit that they have attended
school for at least twelve weeks for
the year they are sought to be em
ployed. The bill will be fought vig
orously by the cotton manufacturers
of the state.
At Washington, D. C, the German
ambassador, Dr. von Ilolleben, in the
course of an informal talk, spoke of his
recent visit to Europe and some of his
observations there on the trend of
sentiment concerning international
questions. "The Samoan settlement
meets with very general approval."
said the ambassador, 'as it seems to be
regarded as a good thing for all the
parties interested." .
The famous Warwick farm of 515
acres, in Warwick township, Chester
county. Pa., has been sold for $12,000.
On this property the old Warwick fur-
nace, probably the first to make iron
in the United States, was put into
blast about the year 1730 and here
s -
many of the cannon used by the pa
trlot army In the revolution were cast.
I In the meadows pieces of ordnance lie
buried, having been thus secreted to
p-event them from falling into the
hands of the British after the battle of
Brandy wine, in 1777, when Geneml
Washington and his army were re
turning northward through Chester
county, leaving the furnace exposed to
the mercy of the enemy.
Why She Refasert the Room.
A German lady, arriving for the first
time in England, drove to a first-class
London hotel, asked for a room, and
was shown into a very small, scantily
furnished one. She said, in a deter
mined manner, and in very broken
English: "I will not have this room."
"No, ma'am," said the porter, and
brought In the first box. "Man!" re
peated the lady, emphatically, "I will
not have this room!" "No, ma'am,"
said the porter, and brought in the
second box. The lady thought her
faulty grammatical construction was
the reason for the porter's contirued
obstinacy, and repeated, with a stern
distinctness: "Man, I will this room
not have." "No, ma'am," said the
porter and brought in the third box.
whereupon the lady left the room in
dignantly, but the porter drew her
hurriedly back across the threshold,
pulled a rope, and, to her intense as
tonishment, the lift went up. Tit-
What Do the Children Drink?
Don't give them tea or coffee. Have
you tried the new food drink called
Grain-O? It is delicious and nourish
ing and takes the place of coffee. The
more Grain-O you give the children
the more health you distribute through
their systems. Grain-O is made of
puro grains, and when properly pre
pared tastes like the choice grades of
coffee but costs about one-fourth as
much. All grocers sell it. 15c and 25c
Better Halves In Ren.dc.
It is doubtful if the business instinct
and ability of women a:e so greatly
developed anywhere else as In France.
Certainly not elsewhere in Europe.
They reahy keep the smaller hotels
nd shops, take produce to market and
are often the better half of a partner
ship. In endeavoring to account for
this state of affairs the "Chatauquan'
says that probably the murderous wars
that have so largely drafted the male
population from home are somewhat
responsible. But the vivacity, quick
wit and perception of the women ren
dered them apt pupils at first and able
teachers afterward. Another reason
for this busine-33 activity is the fact
that the French bride almost always
brings more or less capital as her mar
riage dower. It Is often her own pa
tient earning or saving. She cannot
well be denied an active Interest in the
Wanted Several persons for dis
trict office managers in this state to
represent me in their own and sur
rounding counties. Wi'ling to pay
yearly $600, loyable weekly. Desira
ble employment with unusual oppor
tunities. References exchanged. En
close self-addressed stamped envelope.
lb - A. Park, 320 Caxton Building, Chi-
Modern Blacblne-Shop Practice.
Semi-automatic machine tools, to
within the laBt decade, demanded a
well-equipped tool room, and an ade
quate force of good tool-makers for
successful performance. Thss involved
a large new departmental expense, oot
likely to be recouped by the employ
ment of a few turret machines on a
limited range of work. Now.the case
is quite different. Competent tool-
makers are present in almost every
respectable shop, tools of precision are
8een everywhere, the milling machine
and tbe grinding machine are in com
mon use, and more than all else, J wo
or three resolute and courageous in
ventors have applied themselves
boldly and pertinaciously to adapting
the turret to general machine-shop
use, with Buch success that, in some
instances, one single piece can be made
so much more quickly with the fixed
cutters than by the repeated cuts and
measurements needed with the engine
lathe, that the total time consumed In
producing the piece on the semi-automatic
tool, tool-setting included, is
a good engine lathe. Henry Roland, I
in The Engineering Magazine for De
J. B. Clark, Peoria, Til., says, "Sur
geons wanted to operate on me for
piles, but I cured them with DeWitt's
Witch Hazel Salve." It is Infallible
for piles nnd skin diseases. Beware
of counterfeits. F. G. Fricke & Co.
millions Given Away.
It is certnieily -j ratifying to the pub
lic to know of or e concern in the land
who are not fraid to bo generous to
the needy md sulTeriner. The propri
etor of Dr. King'rt New Discovery for
Consumption, coughs and cold, have
given away over ten mi. lion trial
bottles of thia great medicine; and
have the eatiif action cf knowingit has
absolutely cured thousands of hopeless
cases. Asthma, bronchitis,hoarsenc8S
ard all diseases of the throat, chest
and lungs are surely cured by it. Call
on F. G. Fricke & Co. druggists, and
get a free trial bottle. Regular size
$1 Lvcry bottle guaranteed,
or price refunded
Tonnage and Displacement.
At the present tlnie.wiien naval mat
ters are a source of great interest to
the geneial public, one continually
finds th terms "displacement" and
"tonnage" Improperly used, both in the
daily press and in iommon speech. The
confusion between the terms would not
occur if their meaning were under
stood, says the Engineering News.
"Displacement" refers to the quantity
of liquid displaced by the immersed
hull of the ship and "tonnage" to the
freight carrying capacity of the ship,
determined by certain rules of meas
urement. The displacement of a ves
sel is the entire weight of the hull
with all its contents according to the
well-known law of hydrostatics that a
floating body displaces a weight of
fluid just equal to its own weight. A
ship sinks in the water to such a level
that the pressure of the fluid displaced
exactly counterbalances the weight of
the ship.
Mr. J. Sheer, Sedalia, Mo., saved
hi? child's life by One Minute Cough
Cu e. Doctors had given her up to
die with croup. It's an infallible cure
for coughs, colds, grip, pneumonia,
bronchitis and throat and lung
troubles. Relieves at once. F. G.
Fricke & Co.
Relic of Revolutionary Terlotte.
Ex-Mayor Hewitt of New York city
has bought eighteen links of the his
torical chain that was stretched across
the Hudson from West Point to Con
stitution island in 1778. Each link
weighs 300 pounds and is three fVet
nine inches long. Mr. Hewitt will dis
play the links on the lawn of his
country seat near Greenwood Lake, N.
J. Cooper, Hewitt & Co. own the iron
mine, near the Sterling mines, which
produced the ore that went into the
chain. The forge where the chain wa3
made is at Tuxedo. The chain never
was passed by the British. Mr. Hew
itt bought the links from a Front
street, New York, curiosity dealer, aft
er negotiations extending four years.
"Ono Minute Cough Cute is the best
remedy I ever used for coughs nnd
co'ds. It. is unequalled for whopping
couch. Children all like it," wr'te
H. N. Williams, Gentryville, Ind
Never fails. It is- the only harmles
remedy that gives immediate results
Cures c ughs, colds, hoarseness, croup,
pneumonia, bronchitis and all thrca
and lung- troubles. Its early use pre
vents consumption. F. G. Fricke &Co,
Sweet Knouli.
Nobody can pay a prettier compli
ment than the Iiaman when he
chooses. His tOaoJe and wit are
never nimbler than vhon he employs
them ij the service of "blarney." A
youns professor from Dublin was en
tertained overnight by an American
professor at his summer home on the
coast of Maine. At breakfast the
next morning the litti daughter of
the house, who sat next to the young
Irishman, saw with amazement thai:
he put no sugar in his tea. "Wouldn't
you like even one lump of sugar in
your tea? she asked, solicitously,
My j..apa likes three lumps." "Since
you have looked into the cup, my lit
tle maid, the tea i& quite sweet
enough," responded the young profes
sor, gallantly.
Try Grain OI Try Graln-OI
Ask your Grocer today to show you
a package of Grain-O, the new food
drink that takes the place of coffee
The children may drink it without in
jury as well as the adult. All who try
it, like it. Grain-O has that rich seal
brown of Mocha or Java.but it is made
from pure grains, and the most deli
cate ett mach receives it withuut dis
tress. One-fourth the price of coffee.
15c and 25c per package. Sold by all
"Papa," said the young mother, "I
have decided on a name for baby. "We
will call her Imogen." Papa was lost
in thought for a few minutes. He did
not like the name, but if he opposed it
his wife would have her own way.
"That's nice," said he, presently. "My
first sweetheart was named Imogen,
and she will take it as a compliment."
"We will call her Mary, after my
mother." was the stern reply,
There are few ailments so uncom
fortable as piles, but they can easily
be cured by using Tabler's Buckeye
Pile Ointment. Relief follows its use,
and any one suffering from piles can
not afford to neglect to give it a trial.
Price, 50c in bottles; tubes 75c. F. G.
Fricke & Co.
Thought Transference.
Mrs. L.e Count of Chicago (calling on
Mrs. Stimleton of Boston) I suppose,
of course, you have a telephone in
your house? Mrs. S. Oh, my dear
Mrs. Le Count, we use direct thought
transference. We have a speaking-
tube. Boston Transcript.
Jones 'Who said a 'rolling srone
gathers no moss?'" Smith "That is
a quotation from a fruitless appeal to
a suburban servant girl to stay an
other month.
The disposition of children largely
depends upon health. If they are
troubled with worms, they will be Ir
ritable, cross, feverish, and perhaps
seriously sick. White's Cream Ver
mifuge is a worm expeller and tonic to
make them hertlthy and cheerful.
Price 25c. F. G. Fricke & Co.
A. W. At wood sells pure drugs and
the best patent medicines.
Somt That Act Almost
That Act Alias I4ke Mm
"Big Jack" la not the only Intelli
gent New York horse that Mr.
Oabrlelle K. Jackson tells about In the
artlole under that title, fct the Jan
uary St. Nicholas. There are, eke says,
a great many clever and very beautiful
horses in our big city. Indeed, Wee
Winkles and I know several ourselves.
"Billy Borden." for instance, who
knows his milk route so well that his
driver has only to say, "8 West Sixty
sixth, Billy." or "9 West Sixty-fifth.
Billy," to have him go at once to these
,8 famniar A fae
milk here today, Billy," and Billy Jogs
on. Then there is "Dan Sorrel," who
draws the milk wagon that takes the
milk to Central Park Dairy every
morning. His driver often amuses the
children that gather about his pet by
saying: "Now, Dan, I believe you are
a democrat." "No." shakes the head.
"What! a Republican?" "Tea. yes.
yes!" and a stamping of both front
feet, while the tail Is slashed about
like a banner to emphasize his senti
ments. Dan Is great fun. Nor must
we forget our old pet "Jingo," ef the
mounted policemen's horsee; for he
was truly wonderful, and I might go
on almost endlessly telling of his re
markable sagacity and cleverness. Jin
go and Wee Winkles were warm
friends, for Winkles spent two winters
in a home very near the West Seventy
second street entrance to the park, and
each sunshiny day carried her lump ef
sugar to Jingo who would perform all
sorts of tricks in order to win his re
ward. He would waltz, go down upon.
his knees, shake hands, fetch a pocket
handkerchief that she made believe
she had dropped, whisper In his rid
er's ear, and do many things besides.
"I as nearly dead with dyspepsia,
tried doctors, visited mineral spring,
and grew worse. I used Kodol Dys
pepsia Cure That cured me. " It di
gests what you eat. Cures indigestion,
sour Ftomach, heart burn and all forms
of dyspepsia. F. G. Fricko & Co.
The Work of a Sunspot.
On the 9th of last September ac Im
mense sunspot which, with its attend
ant smaller spots, had unexpectedly
made its appearance more than a week
before, crossed the central meridian
of the sun's disk, and that same night
mafrnineent displays or the aurora
borealis were seen. At the same time
magnetic needles were disturbed. This
Is one of the most striding instances In
recent yeais of the connection between
spots on the sun and magnetic disturb
ances on the earth. While the great
spot was crossing the sun, uncom
moniy warm weatner ror tne season
was experienced on both sides of the
Atlaptif, and some have suggested that
this, too, was a phenomenon connected
directly w'th the solar disturbance,
Mr. R Churchill, Berlin, Vt.,saye,
'Our b vbv was covered with running
sores. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve
cured her." A specific for piles and
rkin diseases. Beware of worthless
counterfeits. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Seeing the Point.
The following story is told of a Phil
adelphia millionaire who has been deaj
some years. A young man came to
him one day and asked pecuniary aid
to start him in business. "Do you
drink?" asked the millionaire. "Once
in a while." "Stop it! Stop It for
a year, and then come and see me
The young man broke off the habit at
once, and at the end of the year cams
to sec the millionaire again. "Do yoa
smoke?" asked the successful man
"Now and then." "Stop it! Stop It
for a year, and then come and see me
again." The young man went home
and broke away from this habit. It
took him seme time, but finally he
worried through a year, aad presented
himself again. "Do you chew?" asked
the philanthropist. "Ye3 I do." was
the desperate reply. "Stop it! Stop
it for a year; then come and see me
again." The young man stopped chew
ing, but he never went back again
When asked by his anxious friends
why he never called upon the million
aire again, he replied that he knew
exactly what the man was driving at
"He'd told me that now that I have
stopped drinking and smoking and
chewing that I must have saved
enough to start myself in business.
And I have."
In sluggish liver, Ilerbine, by its
beneficial action upon the biliary
tracts, render? the bile more fluid,and
brings the liver into a sound, healthy
oondition, thereby banishing the sense
of drowsiness, lethargy, and that gen
eral feeling of apathy which arise
from disorders of the liver. Price 50c
F. G Fricke & Co.
A Washington lady contributes lo the
Post a good anecdote about one of oui
young naval heroes: A young woman
who knows Lieut. Hobson tells me
that he has the power of concentration
more highly developed than anybody
else she ever knew. She used to live
at an H street family hotel, and h
stayed there for a while. He was
studying German, and the lessons were
given in a little alcove just off the cor
ridor, where the guests of the house
nsed to congregate. It was an ex
tremely noisy place. One evening
somebody was playing on the piano in
the corridor, and other somebodies
were dancing and laughing and talking
till the din fairly set the German te&Sfc-
er wild. it is impossible for m to
go on with the lesson m all this node,"
said he. Mr. Hobson looked cp frees
the book he had been reading. "Why,
what noise? he asked.
For broken limbs, chilblains, burns,
scalds, bruised fbias, sore throat, and
sores of every kind, apply Ballard's
Snow Liniment. It will give immedi
ate relief and heal any wound. Priee
25c and 50c. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Farm For Sale Cheap.
One hundred and sixty acres adjoin
ing Wabash, Neb. Ech eighty has
good house, barn, windmill,abundanco
of water and bearing orchard. Will
take S2,C00 down, rest on time to suit
purchaser. Charles Notes,
Louisville, Neb.
Oysters served in any style at
Shlnn's cafe. Perkins house block.
15- sr.:" ' rt
I 1
Brave Men Fall
victim to stomach, livor and kidney
troubles as well as women, and all feel
the results in loss of appetite, poisons
in tho blood, backache, norvousncBH,
headache, and tired, listless, run-down
feeling. Out there's no need to feel
like that. Listen to J. W. Gardner
Idavllle, Ind. IIo says: "Kloctric
Bitters are just the thing for a man
when he is all run down, and don't
caro whether he lives or dies. It did
more to give me new strength and
good appetite than anything I could
take. I can now eat anything and
have a new lease on life." Only 60
cents at F. G. Fricke & Co'e. drug
store. Every bottle guaranteed. 3
Hll Gingham Apron.
Perhaps the most unusual presents
ever received by a man were bestowed
this Christmas upon a Brooklyn man
who cooks. They were two big bltie-and-whlte
checked gingham aprons,
long and large, and with ample strings
to encircle the masculine waist. The
man makes at times a descent to the
kitchen when the maids are away and
demonstrates how a good steak should
be broiled or some other of the nu
merous things of the preparation of
which for the table he considers that
he has an expert knowledge. Upon
such occasions It has been his custom
to borrow the first maid's apron con
venient. This good, housewifely ten
dency to use an apron being known,
there came to the man from out of
town the two big aprons, which were
probably the best appreciated of all
his Christmas gifts and were exhibited
with the greatest pride. New York
Work Night and Day.
The tus-e-t and mightiest little
thing that ever was mado is Dr.
King's New Life Pills. Every pill is a
sugar-conted globule of health, th:t
changes weaknt ss into strength, list-
lessnetis into energy, brain-fiig into
mental powor. They're wonderful in
building up tho health. Only 25 cents
per box. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co
Catarrh is
Not Incurable
But it can not bo cured by sprays,
washes and inhaling mixtures which
reach only the surface. The disease is
in the blood, and can only be reached
through the blood. S. S. o. is the only
remedy which can have any effect upon
Catarrh; it eures the disease perma
nently and forever rids the system of
every trace of the vile complaint.
Xiifla Josle Owen, of Montpeller, Ohio,
writes: "I was af
flicted from Infancy
with Catarrh, and no
one ean know the
suffering It produces
better than I. The
sprays and viahei
,f tors renerea xne only
temporarily, and
though I used them
constantly for ten years, the disease had a
firmer hold than ever. I tried a number ol
blood remedies, bat their mineral ingredients
settled in my bones and gave me rhenmatlsm.
I was In a lamentable condition, and after ex
hausting all treatment, was declared incurable.
Seeing 8. 8. 8. advertised aa a cure for blood
diseases, I decided to try it. As soon as my
system was under the effect of tbe medicine,
I began to ImproTe, and after taking it for
two months I was eured completely, the
dreadful disease was eradicated from my sys
tem, and I have had no return of it."
Many have been takinsr local treat
ment for years, and find themselves
worse now than ever. A trial of
will prove it to be the right remedy
for Catarrh. It will cure the most ob
stinate case.
Books mailed free to any address by
Swift Bpecmc Co , Atlanta, ja.
Wtalnf 1m adds no mneh
to th charm f tba drawlna
room or boadeir the softly radi
ant iicht from OOIBOTi Candloa.
Itethlnc will eoatribata nor to tho
artiatio aaooM of tho ! Bassoon,
tsa or diaasr. Ths host dosoratiTs
aadloa for tho liatlKl or tho
KMt olahorato raaotion for oot-taa-oor
. Mad. in all oolors
ait ths most dslloato tiato hf
iTimii en. c:
ad sold
Has new stock, new rigs and
is prepared better than ever
to take care of
ft General LJveru Business
Quick trips made to nil parte of the
county. Low prices and court
eous treatment assured.
Plattsmenth, 'lralt ft.
aams .
Our fee returned if we fail. Any ose eendin
as. 9
sketch and deacriotion of any invention wi
promptly receive our opinion free concerning
the patentability of same. "Bow to Obtain a
Patent" eent upon request. Patents secured
thromrh ni advertised for sale at oorexonue.
Patents taken out tnrouen ns receive rpcnw
notice, without charge, in Tai PATairv kkcokd,
an illustrated and widely circulated journal,
consulted by Manufacturers ana investors.
Bead lor sample copy rata., sum coo,
Pm.tcat Attorney;)
Evsas BBlldlag, A WASHINGTON. D. C, '
f - . j
s? e?
j-a i!lltiji ..1 : '.if ll
has been dJcd to the well
known IIospo '
"With Stool and Scarf.
Write Por Particulars.
I. Poarlman desires to call
attention to the trade that he
has the largest stock of stoves
and furniture ever shown in
Plattsmouth and that he can
not be undersold by any dealer
in the great state of Nebraska.
He made his purchases before
the recent great advance in
prices, and is giving his cus
tomers the benefit of that fact.
These are facts which you
cannot afford to overlook when
in need of anything in his line.
If you are wise you will take
a close look through his store
rooms before buying.
Opp-i-ite the c nirt bouso,
IM ttcm-'tith Nebrnoka
The above cut of Uncle Sam repre
sents tbe public and they know a good
thing when thy boo it. Cill and bo
convinced that Yellowstone is the
best whiskey in tho market. Sold
only by
..Philip Thierolf..
We are ready, willing and
able to supply tho wants
or the 6cbool children on
Shoes. Ths latest popular
styles, the beet wearing
material, the pocket-Siting
prices. Wo give a
with every piir of school
North Side Main Street.
n. NOKNMClisKV M.-mrurrt.
Linrg.- Supply of t i the
COAL soft
,ui .uui
r.g the Famous
Mi-souri. Illinois,
Jackson Flili and
Canon City Lump.
Always on hand Also a quantity ol
cheaper Grades of NUT COAL. We also
keep on hand all kinds of Wood. All or
ders promptly delivered. Leave orders
A at grocery store of A. H. Weckbach & Co .
Bottled in Bond.