Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, December 05, 1899, Image 1

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VOL. IX, NO. 9.
TIIK II KUA Lit, K8taUiH.el April 10. lHCt f Consolidated Jan. 1.1895.
I Fire,
Fire! I Ar Forced to Admit
llocrs Can Fiht.
IIikI Nw I rum tli- Cipv Whole Coun
try I'ictuml mh Ilt-lug In K-vol t Nut I ve
Itulrli IVur Itown uml Trumpln On
I'roclMiiiHt Ion InaiMtl lljr leiit-rl Mir
'' lttilv-rn Itullrr.
London, i c. 4. Tho week opons
without a word of nows audi as tho
Itril'iMh public is bo anxioaly await
ing. With a larger army in tho Hold
than tho country over boforo mobil
ized, it can only ho Maid that the loas
of 3,500 men, entaili d before tho emo
rny'n borders havo been ct-OHned, is A
serious matter, and while there ia no
fooling of despondency nst to I he event
ual result of the war, it is regretfully
admitted on all bidet) that the strength
of tho Boor resistance ha boon woo
fully underrated.
It la no' Meeu that the attempt to
hold a useless pohit on at Mnfcking
was a seriom mistake, as was
11I90 tho endo ivor to keep the large
civil population in Kimberley.
Perhaps the brightest spot for Htig
lish readers today is the announce
merit that President McKinley has
designated tho son of Secretary Hay
to succeed Mr. Miictum in Pretoria.
The D.iily Telegraph says:
"This appointment is a graceful con
CMfbion on tho part of tho United
Slates government to British feeling.
)jr countrymen's interests will bo
safe in the hands of the new consul."
Mewii Mix Dayn Old.
South Afiic:in news is now six days
in arrears. Tho censorship does not
pet mit details of the Modder river
bittlo to be transmitted. Some vaguo
statements havo been published in the
Capetown papers, and according to
those the Boers numbered 8,000 men
and were entrenched on both banks of
tho stream, although mostly on the
northern bank. The British, accord
ing to tho papors, drove tho enemy
across tho river, compelling them to
retreat and established themselves on
b.)th banks. These details, however,
are too meagre to enable an accurate
idea of the engagement to be formed.
A dispatch has roacbed London an
nouncing that Lord Muthuen is again
in the Held, and it is also said that
Count Gleichen, who was wounded in
tho fighting at Modder river, was
struck by. a bullet ia the neck.
Serious news comos from the north
ern sections of Capo Colony. The
whole border district between Coles
burg and Burghersdorp has declared
for the Boers. In Venterstadt alone
more than 2,000 have joined tho rebel
lion. The f.irmers have formed a com
mandeering committee and talk confi
dently of a triumphant march on Cape
town. General Buller's proclamation
has been torn down and trampled upon,
and the loj'alists are bidden to hurry
to Capetown to prepare coffee for the
With regard to Natal it is still
doubtful whether the bridge over the
Tagela at Colenso has been destroyed.
There is a report that tho British
drove the Boers off while attempting
to destroy it, but the probability is
that the structure was mined and fired
According to a dispatch from Fit
ters' Kraal, dated Tuesday, November
8. the Boers were then attempting
turning movements from Steyn9burg
and the district north of Slorkstrom in
co-ooeration when the rebels, by way
of Alaraisburg and Tarkastad, against
General Gatacre's column.
The wreck of the troopship Ismore
result-'d in the loss of 350 horses.
Fund Started For Culun Orphans' Home
Named After Senator's First Wire.
New Youk, Dec. 3. A movement
for the raising of funds for a memorial
orphan asylum for Cuban children
which shall bear the name of Mrs.
Thurston, the first wife of Senator
John M. Thurston, and who died dur
ing a visit she made to Cuba, was
started tonight in the MadisoD Avenue
Presbyterian church under the aus
pices of the Thurston Memorial asso
ciation. The name of the proposed
home is to bo "The Thurston Home of
Orphans and Homeless Children in
Cuba." and General Vandervoort of
Nebraska, one of the managers of the
Cuban Miil Steamship company, has
offered a tract of ground for the insti
tution. General Vandervoort and
Mrs. G. E. Andrews of Echo Lake, N.
J., were the speakers at the meeting
tonight. General Vandervoort told of
the large number of orphans in Cuba
and of the need of some institution to
care for them. The home is to be an
industrial school, he said, as well as a
mission. It is especially fitting, he
thought, that this wont be started as
a memorial to Mrs. Thurston, whose
death, her friends believed, was caused
by a broken heart, the result of b,er
visit to Cuba and seeing with her own
eyes the conditions there.
The collection tonight was devoted
to the fund and contribution slips were
handed around on which a large num
ber of members of the church pledged
themselves to large amounts.
When you want to smoke a 10-cent
cigar try Otto WurlV'Silver Wreath"
union made you can find n ter
on the market.
The Great FIRE AND SMOKE SALE is still on. While we have sold a large
amount of goods at prices which our customers will testify to as being the cheapest
ever offered in Cass county, we still have a great many bargains which none of our com
petitors are any ways near able to duplicate. This is a genuine BARGAIN SALE
of the largest and best selected line of Men's, Boys' and Children's Suits and Over
coats ever offered. The Insurance companies paid us the profit and you are getting
the goods at less than manufacturer's cost.
Men's All Wool F?g!c-iR now
Suits and Overcoat, $ 5.00 $ 3.45
7.50 5.20
10.00 6.95
12.50 8.70
15.00 11.90
18.00 14.20
f t
Boys' All Wool
Suits and Overcoat, $5.00
( c
i I
Children's All Wool F$&lR NOW
Suits and Overcoat, $2.00 $1.38
2.50 1.80
3.00 1.30
4.00 2.90
5.00 3.85
You cannot afford to miss this opportunity of a lifetime in Bargain Prices.
1 FRANK J. nORQAN, The Leading Clothier, j
E No. 502 riain Street, Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
Election Commissioners Ilrgln Final Act
in the Goebel Taylor Controversy.
Frankfort, Ky., Dec. 4. Fifty-one
counties were canvassed by the Ken
tucky Slate Boad of Election Com
missioners today out of a total of 119
in tho elate. Of these fifty-one coun
ties five were passed over to be con
sidered immediately on conclusion of
the work of the canvassing board.
The counties canvassed give Goebal
a total vote of 74,164 and Taylor, 68,
578. The counties passed over are
Christian, Fleming, Green, Harlan
and Harrison. The board met at 11:30
o'clock in the office of Secretary of
State Finley,all three members, former
Justice Pry or of the state supreme
court, W. T. Ellis and C. B. Poyntz,
having been present. No time was
wasted and immediately the board got
down to business.
It will probably take the board the
greater part of tomorrow to canvass
the return of the remaining counties,
and it will then resolve itself into a
contesting board, adjourn to the large
hall in which the legislature meets.
and for a time vocal fireworks will be
in order. The real work that will
count for the election of Goebel or
Taylor will begin then, and every inch
will bo fought fiercely by both sides.
The city was very quiet today. A
large number of men,most of them re
publicans,came in from outlying coun
ties, and one enthusiast came in uni
form without having been ordered to
do so. Among the arrivals were Lieu
tenant Sparks and Scoville of the
Laurel county militia, but they did
not come on orders. They came, ac
cording to Adjutant General Collier,
as private citizens, to see what was go
ing on. There was not a semblance of
a row of any kind during the day.
Mayor Dehoney swore In sixty extra
policemen, but they were as much on
account of the crowds drawn by court
day and the opening of the congres
sional campaign.
Telephone Consolidations.
New York, Dec. 4 The arrange
ment announced in Boston by which
the American Bell Telephone company
transfers its assets to the American
Telephone and Telegraph company
will make New York instead of Bos
ton the center of the vast Bell tele
phone system. The purpose, eo far as
can be learned, is to bring about a
more complete centralization of con
trol and a closer connection between
the long distance and local lines oper
ated under rights obtained from the
Bell company As far as can be as
certained no important individual in
terest will be affected by the transfer.
The American Bell Telephone com
can; of Boston, which "is the parent
company of the Bell interests, has no
wires or system of its own. It is the
owner of the Bell patents and has is
sued the licenses to all the companies
operating under them.
Send the News to your friends.
Young Hopes to Find Agitinalrio
In Mountain Pass.
Inhabitants of Santa Cruz and Other
Towns Say Agalnaldo and His Kntlre
Refugee Army Have Gone Into the
Mountains General Young; Shown Let
ters From Lieutenant Ollmore.
Manila, Dec. 4 11 p. m. An As
sociated Press dispatch from Dagupan,
containing advices later than those
from Santa Cruz, says that General
Young hopes to find Aguinaldo in
Benguet mountain pass and to capture
him there. Both entrances to Ben
guet are fortiBed. Two troops of the
Third cavalry will reinforce General
Young in the pass.
Colonel Hood, while reconnoitring
near San Miguel, drove a force of in
surgents from Ildefonse, killing sev
eral. Five Americans were slightly
Manila, Dec. 4. 7:30 p. m. An As
sociated Press dispatch from Santa
Cruz, province of South TIocos, for
warded by courier to Sao Fabian, says
that General Young,with three troops
of the Third cavalry, and Major Pey
ton C. March's battalion of the Thirty
third infantry arrived at Santa Cruz
today. The Americans left Ilamapa
can, province of Union, this morning,
expecting to have a hard fight at
Tagudin, in South Ilocos province, but
they found on arriving there that 600
rebels under General Tino had evac
uated thirty-six hours before, desert
ing an almost impregnable position.
The insurgents had been entrenched
at Tagudin on the north side of the
river.where 100 well disciplined troops
could have slaughtered a whole bri
gade crossing the river with the men
up to the armpits in water.
The residents of Tagudin received
the Americans outside the town with
a brass band. They had been robbed
of almost everything by the insurgents
and were glad to welcome friendly
and protecting troops.
A similar reception awaited General
Young at Santa Cruz. Prominent
citizens, headed by a band, escorted
the American officers to houses, where
rest and refreshment were offered.
General Young's command was al
most without food. The men bad been
living on the country, which affords
but little, and the horses are com
pletely worn out, most of them with
out shoes.
The inhabitants of Santa Cruz and
of other towns through which the
Americans passed say Aguinaldo and
his entire refugee army have gone
Into the mountains eastward since the
Oregon, Samar and Callao made the
attack on Viguan and landed a force
In several towns General Yonne was
shown letters written by Lieutenant
Gilmore, shdwing that he had been
kindly treated by the citizens and had
been eutertainod by them when he
passed through 1 ist May.
Reports indicate that all the Ameri
can p-isoDors, some twenty-five or
thirty, were at one time in B:nguet
province, but it is supposed now that
they have been removed into Lepanto
Genernl Young's desire is to pursue
the rebels into the mountains. There
is no communication between his small
command and the army of the other
American columns, except indirectly,
perhaps, by sighting and signaling
United States gunboats bound to or
from Manila.
Captain Rumbold, with thirty-five
men of Company G, Thirty-second in
fantry, while escorting the signal
corps laying the wire from Porac to
Florida Blanco, charged and routed
seventy insurgents, killing a captain
and several privates. The Americans
found on the captain the sword and re
volver that were taken from the body
of Naval Cadet Welborn C. Wood, who
was killed by the insurgents while in
command of the gunboat Urdaneta
when it was captured in the Orani
Note From Lieutenant Gilmore.
The Spanish secretary, Senor Ben
quente, has arrived here with a note
from Lieutenant Gilmore to his sister,
Mrs. Major Pi ice. He says be ha9
been ill, but is now in fairly good
health. The Spaniards befriended
him and gave him money and clothes.
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
With LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot
reach the sest of disease. Catarrh is a blood or
constitutional disease, and in order to cure it
you must take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh
Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the
blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure
is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by
one of the best physicians in this country for
years, and is a regular prescription. It is com
posed of the best tonics known, combined with
the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the
mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of
the two ingredients is what produces such won
derful results In curing catarrh. Send for testi
monials, free.
F. J. Cheney & Co.. Props., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, price 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Iron Giving Flace to Steel.
Steel has almost superseded iron in
the manufacture of pipe and tubing
until it is estimated that almost 75
per cent of the entire produce of the
country is now made of steel. Up to
a few years ago wrought iron was
used almost exclusively. The lapweld
joint proved a se.?cua objection, and
the change to steel has been rapid and
complete. Steel pipe is stronger, Laa
longer life and is less liable to corro
sion. Steel tubing has enabled the bi
cycle Industry to become revolution
ized, and pipe forms a leading article
In tonnage of the steel industry in this
country and foreign markets.
?de Carry a Complete
L4ne of
Four steamers, from Santos, Brazil,
with coffee, are detained at Quaran
tine, N. Y., having come from a bu
bonic plague port.
Private L. D. Merritt, Third artil
lery, committed suicide at San Fran
cisco by shooting. He enlisted last
April at Indianapolis.
A national convention of the liberal
party of Mexico has been called to
assemble at Mexico City February 10
to nominate a candidnte for president.
Arthur Gardiner, Earl Kiser and
Tom Cooper, the bicyclists, will go to
Paris next year. Prizes offered by
the exposition company will amount
to $5-5,000.
Joseph Brown, ex-mayor of St. Louis,
died there of a complication of dis
eases, aged sixty-six yars. He was
well known in spiritualistic circles
throughout the country.
Sunday the family of Willis Fox of
Mitchell, Ind., was poisoned by eating
bologna snusage. One child is dead
and other members of the family are
in a critical condition.
Web3ter Davis, assistant secretary
of the interior, sails from New York
Wednesday for a three months' trip
to Sjuth Africa. He wi'l spend a por
tion of the time in the Transvaal.
The Turnverein is preparing a great
Christmas entertainment, which will
be eiven during two evenings, Dec. 23
and 25, at the Turner hall. Splendid
program in prospect. Details later.
Watch for them.
Red Hot From the 6un
was the ball that hit G. B. Steadman
of Newark, Mich., in the Civil War.
It caused horrible Ulcers that no
treatment helped fer 20 years. Then
Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured him.
Cures Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Boils,
Felons, Corns, Skin Eruptions. Best
Pile cure on earth. 25 cents a box.
Cure guaranteed. Sold by F. G. Fricke
& Co., druggist.
Jewelry for Boddha'i Tootu.
The solitary tooth of Buddba Is to
be contained In what will probably be
the most valuable coffer in the world.
A Shan chieftain recently sent to
Moulmein, in Burmah, an emerald
worth, it i3 declared, two lakhs of ru
pees, in ofder that the Burmese Bud
dhists might include it among the jew
els which they are going to send to
Ceylon in order to adorn the tooth
holding coffer. Jewelry worth 50,000
rupees had been already received from
Rangoon and Mandalay, and the Moul
mein Buddhists have themselves se
'cured jewelry to the value of 83,000
rupees. Thus the total value of the jew
elry adorning the coffer will be about
three and a half lakhs ($170,000).
There Is a Class of People
Who are injured by the use of coffee.
Recently there has been placed in all
the grocery stores a new preparation
called Grain-O, made of pure grains,
that takes the place of coffee. The
most delicate stomach receives it with
out distress, and but few can tell it
from coffee. It does not cost over one
fourth as much. Children may drink
it with great benefit. 15c and 25c per
package. Try it. Ask for Grain-O.
Wanted Several persons for dis
trict office managers in this state to
represent me in their own and tyr
rounding counties. Willing to pay
yearly $600, payable weekly. Desira
ble employment with unusual oppor
tunities. References exchanged. En
close self-addressed stamped envelope.
S. A. Park, 320 Caxton Building, Chicago.
and all
Smohers' JVIaterials
Gering & Co.
2 2 rjj-H
o if
m w
A New Discovery for the Certain Cure of INTERNAL and
Tubes, by Mail, 75 cents; bottles, 50 Cents.
JAMES F. BALLARD, Sole Proprietor. - - 310 North Main Street, ST. LOUIS, MO.
F. G. Fricke & Co.
Job Printin