Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, December 01, 1899, Image 3

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Soldiers On a Transport Kail the
Boat to Keep From Sinking:.
Part of the Crew Desert at Honolulu and
the Officers and Privates Are Called
Upon to Battle Against Drowning For
Eleven Days aud Nights All On lioard
Pressed Into Service.
Manila, Nov. 28 8:15 p.m. When
the tranport Manauense anchored in
Mitnila bay this morning, thirty-throe
days from San Francisco, there were
several foet of water in its hold and
400 grimy, greasy, hungry, exhausted
soldiers and sailors who had been
passing buckets of water 9iuce Novem
ber 17, night and day. First Assistant
Engineer Dunleavy was under arrest
and, according to Lieutenant Colonei
Webb Haves' ollicial report, the chief
engineer would also have been under
arrest if there had beeu anyone to re
place him.
The colonel's teport also declares
that the captain of the vessel told him
that the only thing which brought
them through the fct that the
men were greenhorns and failed to
realize their danger, while experi
enced seamen wouKl have deserted
the ship nd taken to the boats in
' mitl-ocein.
The Manauense was a chartered
ship fly in tr the Uritisb flr.g. It carried
three companies of the Thirty first in
fantry. I belongs to a fim of which
Senator I'erkins is alleged to be a
junior member. The officers say the
firm bought it for ?15,fJt)0 and they
assert effoi ts were made to sell it to
the government for $150,(MiO It
started fioni San Fiancisco, accom
panied by the transport Pekin, which
carried the remainder of tho regi
ment, and encountered heavy seas to
Honolulu without accident.
After starting it developed that the
ship was undermanned and soldiers
had to be detailed to act as firemen,
coal-passers and waiters and to do
other work. Before reaching Hono
lulu the crew concluded that the ship
was not safe and the majority agreed
to desert. Though thy were closely
watched many of them succeeded in
getting away and the Manauense left
Honolulu with less than half its crew.
The captiin of the transport told
Colonel Hayes on November 17 that
the vtsel had sprung a leak and an
investigation re?utted in finding S'jv
eral feet of water in the hold.
Officers Work With the Men.
I he steam pumps were tried, but
failed to work and thero wore no hand
pumps on board. However, forty-six
buckets were found, others were im
provised and the soldiers not em
iloyed in working the ship were or
ganized into five shifts, and, stripped
and forming lines, they began bailing,
the officers working with tho men,
pa:-sing the buckets which were sent
up to the deck by a windlass. The
longest time a shift could stand was
two hours, and often the period was
not longer than half an hour. The
bailing continued until the ship an
chored here.
The same day the leak wa9 discov
ered the machinery collapsed and the
electric lighting plant and evaporat
ing, distilling and refrigerating ap
paratus failed to work. There were
no lamps and the few candles found
were exhausted after a few days. Dur
ing the last week of ,he passage the
Manauense was in utter darkness at
night. It had been rolling in heavy
seas all the way, but November 22 it
encountered a typhoon and pitched
and tossed alarmingly.
Officers Hold a Council.
The Pekin became separated from
the Manauense in the storm, the water
rose rapidly and the bailing force wa
doubled, but the buckets gradually
smashed and barrels and boxes were
substituted for them, the men work
ing in darkness, pianks and pieces ot
iron shafting b-iner violently washed
among them. The firemen could only
feed the fires by being lifted on the
shoulders of the other men, through
water waist deep. The typhoon
lasted two days and a half and in the
midst of it the engines stopped. The
officers then held a council and found
thero were 440 persons on board with
ife boat accommodations for 213.
In the meantime the men below,
ignorant of their extreme peril, were
passing buckets and singing "What
the hell do we care!" while the ship
rolled helplessly on the ocean with
hatches closed. The heat was intense
until the typhoon had passed and the
Pekin, which had retraced Us course
about seventy miles, came alongside
the Manauense, which was rolling so
heavily that the soldiers in the hold
could at each roll see the Pekin
through the hatches overhead.
Colonel James S. Pettitt, com
mander of the Thirty-first volunteer
regiment, ordered the Manauense to
proceed to Guam, and await relief, but
the captain demurred, the officers say,
because the government was renting
the ship for $500 per day. Through
out the remainder of the voyage the
engines failed frequently and the ship
would roll for a few hours while the
enginges were repairing.
The officers say the behavior of the
troops was beyond praise. For days
they worked in the dark, suffering in
the hold, sometimes in water up to
their shoulders and planks washing
about in a manner dangerous to life
and limb. The officers took the lead
in bailing and encouraged the men.
The captain of the ship promised the
men 25 cents a day for bailing, but he
"Bow proposes to pay them 81.50.
Senator Seems to Be Growing; Slowly bnt
Gradually Worse.
Nebraska City, Neb., Nov. 28.
The following is Dr. Whitten's bul
letin of the condition of Senator Hay-
ward at noon today:
Mrs. Lelia Dugay of Union is in the
city today.
John Mumm made a business trip to
Omaha today.
Charles C. Parmelo-made a busiaess
"Senator Hay ward passed rather a trip to Omaha today
restless night and is still restless to
ri y. His temperature is 99 5, pulse 85
and regular, and respiration 21 and
still intermittent. His mental condi
tion and naralvsis are unchanged. He
is less inclined to sleeping in the day
From the foregoing statement there
is nothing to be drawn that would in
tficate any improvement in the pa
tient's condition in the last twenty
four hours.
If there is any change in Senator eivln vacation
Hv ward's condition sinro nnnn it. ia I Coroner-elect P.
for the worse. Ho was restless all dav
and bis condition tonight shows noim
provementin this respect. The para
lyzed members are not improved in
the lea-.t and it is with difficulty that
he can utter an intelligible word. H
takes very little nourishment. He has
lost a great deal of flesh since his pre
eit illness commenced, a little less
than three weeks ago. His physical
vitality seems to be s'owly declining
Dr. Whitten posted the following bul
letin at 7 p. m.:
"Senator Hayward passed a restless
day. His temperature is 99.8- pulse,
87, and roepiration 22 Tht-re is no
change for the better."
Miss Olive Gass will be the guest of
friends in Glen wood tomorrow.
T. M. and Ray Patterson drove out
to Louisville today for a quail hunt.
Ihe city schools closed down this
afternoon until next Monday morniDg,
A. P Campbell and wife have gone
to Denver to vi,it friends a few days
Miss Margaret Wiight will spend
Thanksgiving with friends in Mis
eouri Valley.
miss Maude Mason has gone to
South Omaha to spend her Thanks
ltryan Will Stay In Texa.
AUSTIX, Tex., Nov. 28. W. J.
Hryan and wife arrived here today to
spend the winter in this city. They
are the guests of former Governor
Hogg temporarily, but will shortly
rent a private residence for the win
ter. Mr. tiryan said he bad come to
Texas to spend the winter, to rest up
and prepare for tho campaign of 1900,
which he expected would be a very
hard one, and that he would only make
few speeches in Texas during bis stay.
George Oliver has started a confec
tionary store in Chas. Jordan's build'
ing and is doing nicely.
The stock of goods is being put in
the new furniture store and h-.irness
enep, ana the proprietors win soon
be ready for business.
The young men hare have a new 6et
of boxing gloves and spend a great
deal of time practicing the manly art,
and a9 a result we will probably soon
have some young Jeffries and Fitzsim-mons.
The Epworth League have arranged
for a course of five lectures to be given
during the winter. The lecturers
they have secured, combined with the
low price of the season tickets, insure a
large attendance.
Several youug men from the neigh
borhood are attending the Weeping
Water academy this winter, and all
have a good word to say for that
school. The teachers are thorough
and earnest workers and the associa
tions are good.
Miss Bertha Ryan who, for the past
five years, has been doing missionary
work in India, returned home two
weeks ago, and lectured here in the
M. E. church, Monday evening Nov.
27., on her experience there. Her
talk was very interesting and instructive.
jonn summers mt with a very
painful accident Monday morning. He
was helping sheil corn and while mak
ing some repairs around the shelter.
1'. Gass went to
Kansas City today, where he will visit
his sister for ten days.
Mr. and Mrs. VVayn Twitchell went
to Omaha tii afternoon to spend
Thantgiving with fr ends.
Mrs. Ani'ie B itt went to Omaha
thi afternoon to spend Thanksgiving
with the family of L. F. Britt.
Mi-sps Mary J ick-on and Jessie
Landing have gone v Lincoln to spend
Thanksgiving with reUtivas.
Mist Lottie Wells came down from
South Bei.d this morniner to spend
Thnuksgiving with her mother.
G. F. S. Burton went to Omaha this
afternoon on business in connection
with the Imper ial Mystic Ljgion.
Miss Byrd Baker, one of the city
teachers, will spend Thanksgiving
with her parents in Council Bluffs.
Supply Agent D. S. Guild of the
Burlington returned last evening from
i trip up in the Black Hills country.
II. H. Wilson, who has been serving
on the lury. returned to his home
near Ashland to spend Thanksgiving
Benjtman Davis of the Burlington
supply department has gone to Col
umbus to spend Sunday with relatives
W.D.Jones and J M.Johns drove
out in the neighborhood of Cedar
Creek this morning to spend the day
Miss Anna Ileiel will spend Thanks
giving in iouisville and Miss Grace
Stoutenborough will visit friends in
Weeping Water.
Mrs. J. W. Hendee and children de
parted for their home at Wichita,
Kan., today after a visit of several
weeks in the city.
E. G. Miller of Beaver City, father
of Mrs. T. C. Ebrman, is in the city
and will spend the winter with the
family of the latter.
Mrs. J. 11. Cox wont to Council
Bluffs this morning and Mr. Cox and
Helen will go this evening,where they
will spend Thanksgiving.
County Judgo Spurlock this after
noon united in marriage James M.
Figner and Miss Louisa Jane Ivy,
both residing near Union.
William Case departed this evening
for Blair, where he will spend Thanks
giving with friends. Mr. Case is on
the jury and will return Friday in
time for court.
G. W. Noble of Lincoln, ex county
superintendent of Cass county, is in
the city. Mr. Noble is now state
agent for the New England Mutual
Life Insurance company.
T. C. Ehrnman departed this morn
ing for Marshall, Mo . where he will
visit his mother a few days. She is
eighty-one years of age and Mr. Ehrn
man hue not seen her for several
Mr. and Mrs A. R B own of Milan,
Ills , who have ben siiendinsr the
winter with their son, F. P Brown,
werecalied home this morning on ac-
bers yesterday and in so doing got
this "funny" dollar. It is understood
that there are a number of counterfeit
coins in circulation in the city, but
they are quite crude, and if a little
precaution is taken they are easily de
For Sale I offer for Bale my prop
erty on North Sixth street, consisting
of two acres, all in fruit; two houses
and a barn, in good condition. G. IL
got his leg caught in the cog wh-el.
which tore out a large piece of fleeh I count of the serious illness of their
above the knee. Dr. Muir dressed the I son, Ilerm m
wound and made him as easy as pos- William Murray, one of the Mur av
gr tin dealers, is building a dump ele
vator near the Missouri Pacific depot
The elevator will have a capacity of
about four cars and will be the means
of bringing considerable grain to this
foiice Judge Archer last evening
fined W. A. Thacker, "Judy" Julius
and John Lloyd $1 ana costs. These
are the young men who were arrested
for disturbing the peace by fighting
near the A. O. U. W. hall yesterday
Colonel Daniel Burris was in the
city today enroute to Shawnee, Okl.,
where he will spend several months
visiting a sister, whom he has not
seen for over twenty years. He will
visit other points in Oklahoma and re
turn to Nebraska in March.
Mrs. D. S Guild departed this even
ing for Philadelphia and West Point.
At the latter place she will visit her
son George, and witness a foot ball
game between the Princeton and
West Point teams. Mr. Guild will
accompany her as far as Chicago.
Jacob Koch went to Stella this after
noon, where he will take part in
"Aberdeen," under the direction of
Lawrence Russell, tomorrow evening.
Miss Dora Swearingen will also take
part in the play, having been down
there several days assisting in tho re
hearsals. In glancing over the program of the
fourth annual session of the Western
Colorado Educational association we
find that Miss Myrta Porter of Monte
Vista has an important part on the
same. She is to discuss the subject,
"The Moral Development of the
Pupil in the High School."
Deputy District Clerk Wallace Car
ter was busy today looking for the fel
low who gave bim a spurious coin of
the denomination of 91. He ia the
clerk of the A. O. U. W. lodge and
collected dues from a number of mem-
His Life Was Saved.
Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen
of Hannibal, Mo., lately had a won
derful deliverance from a frightful
death. In telling of it he says: "I
was taken with typhoid fever, that
ran into pneumonia. My lungs be
came hardened. I was so weak I
couldn't even sit up in bed. Nothing
helped me. I expected to soon die of
consumption, when I heard of Dr.
King's New Discovery. One bottle
gave great relief. I continued to use
it, and am now well and strong, I can't
say too much in its praise." This
marvelous medicine is the surest and
quickest cure in the world for throat
and lung trouble. Regular sizes 50
cents and $1.00. Trial bottles free at
F. G. Fricke & Co's. drug store; every
bottle guaranteed. 2
Notice to Contractors.
Sealed bids will be received at the
county clerk's office at Plattsmoutb,
Neb., until 1Z o'clock (noon) Saturday,
December 2, 1899, for the building of
all bridges for Cass county, Nebraska,
for the year 1900; bids to be accom
panied by plans and specifications and
a certified check for $500.
The board of commissioners reserve
the right to reject any or all bids.
James Robertson,
County Clerk.
Kept on hand at Egenberger &
Troop's feed store. Charcoal is the
bulk of- all hog cholera remedies,
which sell at ten times the price of
"I was nearly dead with dyspepsia,
tried doctors, visited mineral springs,
and grew worse. I used Kodol Dys
pepsia Cure. That cured me. " It di
gests what you eat. Cures indigestion,
sour stomach,heart burn and all forms
of dyspepsia. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Go to A. W. At wood for wall paper.
Involving FUllal Doty, Gold, Love
Replanting human teeth with auc
cessful results has advanced so far be
yond the tentative stage that Dr.
Kirk, dean of the dental college at the
University of Pennsylvania, has of
fered himself as a sacrifice to science
by voluntarily having one of hia teeth
extracted and replaced for the pur
pose of noting the practical results of
so painful an oneratlon. What is
claimed by the advocates of this new
idea in dental surgery is that decaped
teeth may be pulled out, filled, filed
and polished up and put back in the
socket from which they were drawn.
where they will grow in tight and ser
vlcable. Though the return of the
tooth to the place from which it was
extracted is an entire novelty, yet in
the latter part of the fifttenth cecCury
it was not unusual for a wealthy per
eon who lost a tooth to purchase one
of the same build from another person
and have it inserted in the mouth a3
60on as his own was removed. That
this operation was frequently success
ful is shown by the well-known story
of John Hall, tho novelist. Mr. Hall
was engaged to Miss Robbins, a very
beautiful orphan girl, who lived on
South Second street, below Dock creek,
with her grandmother, who was In
comfortable circumstances at the close
of the American revolution. Mr. Hall
was obliged to visit England, and in
his nine months absence Miss Rob-
bins' income very materially decreas
ed, owing to the fluctuations in real
estate of that period. Her health rail
ed, life itself seeming to depend upon
her going to the country, but not a
debt for rent could be collected, and
the two ladies were literally without
money. A dentist re?u7ag near had
always been friendly to them, and to
him the granddaughter a r-pi led for ad
vice. While waiting for him to finish
with a patient having a front tooth
extracted, the man said he would give
1100 for one of Miss Robbins' front
teeth. They dickered about the price,
until finally he offered $200, and the
tooth was extracted and immediately
planted in the man's mouth. The den
tist took the precaution of ascertain
ing that he lived in the city and was
of good reputation, and all parties
were content with the transaction. In
the following October Mr. Hall re
turned from England, and immediate
ly observed that Miss Robbins had lost
a front tooth, whereupon her grand
mother related the story of her filial
devotion. Mr. Hall called upon the
purchaser cf the tooth, proposing to
buy It from him at a considerable ad
vance, but to this the purchaser would
in no wtee consent, upon which Mr.
Hall struck him In the face and called
him a coward. There were witnesses
to the affront, so a challenge ensued, j
and they fought a duel with pistols in
a vacant lot at Ninth and Arch streets,
where the first elephant ever exhibited
in Philadelphia was shown. Mr. Hall,
it was said, fired too soon, the bullet
striking the tooth in dispute and
breaking it, leaving the root still in
the jaw of the purchaser. Mr. Hall
was a writer of fiction, some old vol
umes of his stories being still on the
shelves of public libraries; but he did
not marry his sweetheart, saying he
could not allow any man to live with
the tooth of his wife in his mouth.
Philadelphia Record.
e I th
Notice of Sale.
In the District Court of Cass County. Nebraska.
In the matter of tne estate of Jacob Frederick
Huber, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an
order of Basil 8. Ramsey, judge of the district
court of the Second Judicial district of the state
of Nebraska, in and for Cass county, made on
the 14th day of November, A. D. lKDP.Ior the sale
of the real estate hereinafter described, there
will be sold at the south door of the court huse
at Fiattsmouth. Nebraska, on the 19th d"V i.f
December. A. D. 1-W9. at 2 o'clock p. m of said i
day, at public vendue to the highest bidder fur j
cash, the fallowing described real es-atc. t;-v. i :!
Lots t tie hundred forty (I40t, one hundred
twenty-three (12 1. onr hundred twenty-four il-'l . ;
two nuncm-d tnrti-Wiree f-Sii. ruiiulrcd
iwent-one t'.f'l ). thri-e hundred twent-two ;i--i..
ree nuraTi-a twei,t-inree tJ-'oi. turn luindieil
wenty -3i. f-.-nr Imrulr d 'we t v-ur.e '4 li. six
hundred nine itiOt'. six -i,:ht ibuhi. mx
hundred reveu ' 07, -i h uicred cifthtv-unc Wt.
six hundred eiih:y too, six hundred seven ty
nine itiTtti. rive hundred hfn-tive i5.V. two hun
dred forty-eight SJl). five hundred forty-live ;U..i.
one tiunjrjd twciit-nve tl r. one hundred
eighty-eight I If), one hundred ciliiy-uine
(1KSH, threee hundred forty-eight (3). three
hundred forty-nine 3iy. three hundred fifty i:J.t(.
six hundred thirty-five (635). six hundred thirty
six (63tJi, six hundred eighty-nine (tW!, six hun
dred ninety-seven wj. seven hundred twenty
iour iSi, seven hundred twenty-nve 7:si,seve
hundred twenty-six ITM, seven hundred thirtv
five seven hundred forty-four 744, all in
tne village ot Louisville, tJass county. Nebraska,
r-aid sale will remain open one hour.
Dated this 2(Jth day of November, A. li. 1899.
Iohn I). Ferguson.
Administrator of the estate of Jacob Frederick
nuDer. deceased.
Byron Clark and C. A. Rawls, Attorneys for th
First publication Nov. 21.
Probate Notice.
In County Court. Cass countv. Nebraska.
In the mntter of the estate of Fredrick Latham
Hattie G. Wellineton. Elizabeth S. Latham,
and all other persons interested in said matter
are hereby notified that on the 15th day ot No-
VjamhMr 1 UOO L J ; I 11 ; . All 1 . :
tion in said court, alleging, among other things,
inai rrearicic i.amam died on the lUth day 01
November. 18&9. leaving a last will and testa
ment and Possessed of rea1 and Dersonal estate
in said countv, and that the above-named con
stitute all the nersons interested in the eotat nf
sad deceased; praying lor the probate of said
will and for administration of -aid estate there
under. You are hereby notified that if you fail
to appear before this court on the 11th day of
December. 199, at 9 o'clock a. m., to contest the
probate ot said will, the court may allow and
probate said will and trrant administration there
under to hliznbeth s Latham, or some other
suitable person, and proceed to a settlement
In Witness Whereof. I hereunto set mv hand
and the seal of said court at Fiattsmouth. Ne
braska, this -nth day ot .November, isiv.
County 'udge.
First publication Nov. 21.
Probate Notice.
In Countv Court. Cass Countv. Nebraska.
In the matter of the estate of Edward B. Holmes,
deceased .
Frances A. Holmes. Zara C. Holmes. Oliver
W. Holmes. Harvev A. Holmes. Mav Holmes
Campbell, and all other persons interested
in said matter, are hereby notified that on
the 13th day of November. 1899. I homas Pol
lock filed in said court a dulv authenticated couv
ui uic lasi mjii ui ine saia cawara l noimes.
deceased, together with the Drobate thereof bv
the probate court ot Cook county. Illinois, to
gether with the petition of Frances A. Holmes
and Oliver W. Holmes, alleging among other
tnings that r.dward li. Holmes died on the ruth
day ot February, !!. leaving a last will and tes
tament and possessed of real estate situated in
the county of Cass and state of Nebiaska.and that
the above named constitute all the persons inter
ested in the estate of said deceased, and craving
that said will may be probated and that adminis
tration oe granted thereunder in this state. ou
are hereby notified that if vou fail to appear in
said court of Cass county, Nebraska, on the 5th
dav of December. 1899. at 2 o'clock D. m.. to con
test the probate of said will, the court may allow
nd probate said will and grant administration to
ranees A. Holmes and Oliver W. Holmes, or
some ottier suitable person and proceed to a set
tlement thereof.
Witness mv hand and the seal of said court
at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, this 13th day of No
vember, lw.
George m. spurlock,
(Seal) County Judge.
First publication November 14, 1899.
Oysters served in any style at
Sbinn's cafe. Perkins house block.
Testimonial to Col. Itry-n.
The American miners at Dawson
City have sent to Col. WilTam Jen
nings Bryan, who is now in Savannah,
a magnificent and interesting testimo
nial. It is a gold watch chain made
of gold nuggets, just as they were pick
ed up in some of the runnin- streams
of the Klondike, or uncovered where
streams once flowed. They are care
fully fastened together in chain form,
and the charm is a large nugget, nearly
the size of a $20 gold piece, with one
side smoothed off for the inscription,
which Is as folows:
: Presented :
: By the Miners of the :
: To Our Great Silver Champion :
: Sept. 1, 1S93. :
The present to Mrs. Bryan is a min
er's emblem of solid gold, and compos
ed of a small spade crossed by a min
er's pick. At the center of the cross
ing of the handles of the pick and
spade are a gold nugget and a bucket
tied there by a gold rope, while on
the bowl of the spade are two small
gold nuggets. Upon the bowl of the
spade is this inscription: "Mrs. Win.
J. Bryan. Yukon, 1898."
Notice to Creditors.
State of Nebraska ? , -.., .
Countv of Cass f " """'J
In the matter of the estate of William Young,
Notice is hereby given that the creditors of
said deceased will meet the executor of said es
tate before me. Countv I udge of Cass countv.
Nebraska, at the county court room in Flatts
mouth.iu said county, on the lAth day of June, A.
li. 19U. at 2 o'clock p. m.,for the purpose of
presenting their claims- for examination, adjust
ment and allowance. Six months are allowed
for the creditors of said deceased to present
their claims, from the 9th day of December, 1S99.
Witness my hand and seal of said county court
at Fiattsmouth, Nebraska, this 11th day of No
vember, 1699.
George M. Spurlock,
(Seal) County Judge.
First publication November 14, 1899.
A. V.
on earth.
Atwood sells the bt-st paint
Mr J. Sher, Seualia, Mo., saved
his child's life by One Minute Cough
Cure. Doctors had given her up to
die with croup. It's an infallible cure
for coughs, colds, grip, pneumonia,
bronchitis and throat and lung
troubles. Relieves at once. F. G.
Fricke & Co.
Powerful Magnet.
Electro magnets, capable of picking
up five tons, are used by an Illinois
Bteel company to transfer steel beams
or plates from one part of the shop to
Ske Leada the Procession.
"It's no use; we can't keep un with
Maud." "What's the matter now?"
"She's got engaged by cable." Chi
cago Dispatch.
Constipation meaDs the accumula
tion of waste matter that should be
discharged daily, and unless this is
done the foul matter is absorbed and
poisons the system. Use Herbine to
bring about regularity of the bowels.
Price 50 cts. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Beecham's Pills for Stomach and
Liver ills.
f Bottled in Bond.
The above cut of Uncle Sam repre
sents the public and they know a good
thing when ihey see it. Call and be
convinced that Yellowstone is the
best whiskey in tne market. Sold
only by
.Philip Thierolf..
sell Steamship Tickets to all European points. Aii3'one contemplating-
attending- the Paris exposition should call on them.
That is what you can depend upon at our
shop. And that is only one of the many
good points. We have a large assortment of
foreign and domestic goods from which to
make selections and every suit or garment
we turn out is guaranteed to be satisfactory.
The Only Union Tailor Shop
in Cass County...
Members of labor organizations are invited
to call at our shop, where they can get the
union label placed on their garments, and
where they can get the best for their money.
Xinclecelt & McKli'oy,
Rockwood Block-Main St.
will cure Blind, lileediujj and Itching Piles It absorbs the
tumors, allays the iu iiin at once, arts as a poultice, gives
instant relief. Prepared only for Piles and Itching of the
private parts. Every box is warranted. Judge Coons, of
Maysville, Ky., says: "Dr. Williams' Indian Pile Oint
ment cured me after years of suffering." Sold by druggists
sent by mail on receipt of price. 5u cents and f 100 per box.
Gering &, Co., Druggists.
The News has the best Book and Job Print
ing office in Cass county and can handle any kind
of a job of printing on short notice. We make a
specialty of Iaw Briefs and other Book work.
For Sale Bills and all kinds of Poster work,
we have the proper type and other material.
Letter heads, Note heads, Bill heads, State
ments, Envelopes, and all kinds of Commercial
Printing in the Latest Style.
The News Printery
No. 305 Main Street PLATTSMOUTH
-oj j2J
We are ready, willing and
able to supply the wants
of the school children on
Shoes. Tha latest popular
styles, the best weariDp;
material,the pocket-fittiDg
prices. We give a
with every pair of school
Joseph Fetz&r9
North Sid Main Stret.
Send the News to your friends.
And for everything under the sun.
Every home has need of paint.
Each kind of
' la specially suited to Bome home use either outside or IMfo, ;
It's knowing the right kind of paint, and putting it on the right
place that makc9 painting a success. Tell us what you want to pain
and we'll tell you the riaht kind to use.
For sale in Plattsmouth by
F. G. FRICKE & CO., Druggists.
Job Printing