1 ! ! 1 The Semi-Weekly News-Herald GEOR6E L. FARLEY, Proprietor. DAILY EDITION. One Year, in advance, t5 00 Six Months 2 50 One Week 10 Single Copies, 5 SEMI-WEEKLY EDITION. One Year, in advance tl 00 Six Months, 50 A. Busy Store, Mith Plenty of BAR ...We Offer a JLTew J3iives Vom Our General toelc.. .1 Dress Goods We are handling- the JAMESTOWN LINE they need no further recommendation. As a special thing-, we offer our entire line at a remarkably low price. We quote a few: 38-inch Serge, worth 50c, at - - - - 37.2 c 38-inch Suiting's, worth 65c, at - - - - 50 c 40-inch Wool Storm Serg-e, worth 75c, - 60 c 40-inch Covert, worth 65c, at - - - - 50 c 50-inch Wool Flannel, worth 60c, at - - 45 c Groceries Our line of Groceries is complete and we are able to fur nish them to you at prices that are right no one can sell 3-011 g-ood goods any cheaper. We have just received a lot of ...Pure Buckwheat Flour... Our "Log-Cabin" Maple Syrup beats them all. T.?-E LARGEST CIRCULATION Of any Cass County Paper. FRIDAY, DECEMBER, 1, 1899. TrtERE was never a time when the people of the United States had more cause for giving thanks than the pres Call and See Us Get Your Money's Worth ent. GAIN II' i 4" : : " -: I There has been an anvance of 15 per cent on sole leather and heavy footwear. But then the wage-earners' wages have sufficiently increased to overcome this advance in prices. ZUCKWEILER & LiUTZ, CORMR SIXTH AND PEAEL STREETS Thomas W. Tiptoe, one of Nebras ka's first United States senators, died at his home in Washington last even Ing. Mr. Tipton was writing remi niscences of the politics of Nebraska, and had it nearly finished when he died. The croakers have stopped croak ing about the terrible and wanton loss of life among United States troops in our recent wars, now that they have an opportunity to contrast it with the losses by the British army in South Africa. have been sent by the Filipino rebels to the province of Pan ay, and the Americans have consented that a ves sel with food and clothing shall be sent to them. Wild boars still abound in some parts of Morocco, one hunting party having lately killed over 100 in one week near Casablanca. They are hunted on horseback with lances, an exciting and dangerous spert. AGTJlN A ldo has taken to the woods, eo it now looks as though the demo cratic party would have no issue to tender for the campaign of 1900. If it should die without issue, its estate would probably descend to the popu-1 or commerce lists, who have been the legatees of all the fads and foibles of all preced ing political parties. Judge Chambers of Alabama, chief justice for Samoa, expresses great sat isfaction at the settlement of the Samoan question. England, Germany and the United States standing to gether, he says, are invincible in war The verdict of the jury in the case of The State of Nebraska vs. Harris was not a surprise, as it was difficult to remove from the minds of the jurors the character of the deceased and the principal witnesses for the state. For this reason the case was exceedingly difficult to try. County Attorney Root made a vigorous prose cution and many favorable comments are heard upon his closing argument in the case. The new year is likely to see the money in circulation in the United States close to the $2,000,000,000 marie. The figures on November 1 were 81,- 963,716,148. Add to this the $25,000, 000 put into circulation through the redeeming of outstanding bonds by the treasury department, and the con stant increase in the country's circu lation registered from month to month, and it seems likely that Mr. Bryan will soon be confronted with a circulation of $2,000,000,000, notwith standing his "continuous perform ance" statement since 1896, that no in crease was possible without the free coinage of silver, and at which time the country's circulation was but $1,- 627,055,614. The wreckers working on the sunken Spanish armored cruiser Al- mirante Oquendo discovered a chest containing $19,000 in Spanish gold. which the Cendoya company, the firm employing the divors, will retain. The wrecking operations nave proven a source 01 large returns to the com' panies, estimated at $500,000. Some fifty of the retail merchants of Massachusetts, representing an as sociation of 2C0, which the promoters hope in time will include the entire 50,000, held a meeting in Boston last week with their counsel to consider an act to be presented to the incoming legislature for the controlling of the traffic department stores in all the cities of the state. Last Thursday the exercises dedi cating the 107 monuments and mark ers of the state of Illinois on the bat tlefield surrounding- Chattanooga were held at Orchard Knob, the site of one of the principal memorial shafts and famous duriDfr the civil war as the headquarters of General Grant. More than 1,000 residents of Illinois attended the exercises. No Right to Ugliness. The woman who is lovely in face, form and temper will always have friends, but one who would be attrac tive must keep her health. If she is weak, sickly and all run down, she will be nervous and irritable. If she has constipation or kidney trouble, her impure blood will cause pimples, blotches, skin eruptions and a wretch ed complexion. Electric Bitters is the best medicine in the world to regulate stomach, liver and kidneys and to purify the -blood. It gives strong nerves, bright eyes, smooth, velvety skin, rich complexion. It will make a good-looking, charming woman of a run-down invalid. Only 50 cents at F. G. Fricke & Co.'s Drug Store. 2 New Fljlng Machine. The ever fascinating problem of the conquest of the air seems somewhat nearer solution by the experiments with a soaring machine which have recently been conducted In England by Mr. Percy S. Pilcher. The machine ' consists of two large flat planes, or ' wings, made of bamboo, and covered i with a light textile material, the en tire apparatus weighing fifty pounds Between these aeroplanes the operator is suspended, his arms fitting into stiff sleeves, one on each wing, so that hi? CThnlA Wftfcht la nn Ma olhnma TK help of a cord attached to the machine, bo as to turn It into a species of kite, Mr. Pilcher has been able to rise to a height of seventy feet and to travel" two hundred and fifty yards through the air before descending gradually to- the earth. It is intended to continue these Interesting experiments and to attach to the machine a light four-horse-power engine to drive a propeller. there Is a Class ot People Who ire injured by the use of coffee. Recently there has boen placed in all the gijbcery stores a new preparation calledlGrain-O, made of pure grains, that tlikes the place of coffee. The most dilicate stomach receives it with out da-tress, and but few can tell it from c flee. It does not cost over one fourth'as much. Children may drink it with gre.-it benefit. 15c and 25c per package. Try it. Ask for Grain-O. Wealth on Its Trareln. Misf Ollabrod "There's a clever sculptfj-ss down this way. You ought to seefcvhat she can make out of but ter." 9 is ""RlteMey-Greest "She's a good ova if she can make as much out of it as) my pa makes out of oleomarga rine." (Chicago Tribune. B. G. DOVEY & SON ...ARE SHOWING... Some Special Bargains For the present and Holiday Season. The Jewelry! studs, t Xey Novelty In Woman's Dress. tew woman s latest novelty in is a set of gold shirt waist hree in number. In one of which Is a watch that keeps excellent time. the dial being about three-eighths of 1 an inch in diamater. Leading silver republicans of Idaho are refusing to co-operate longer with the democrats and populists and are preparing to return to republican ranks. Secretary of State Patrie, who was elected as a silver republican in fusion with democrats, has written a letter to leading silver republicans of the state, saying: "I do not see that up to date anything has been accom plished by the coalition of the silver republicans with the democracy ex cept the upbuilding of the democratic party and the destruction of the re publican party in the states in which silver republicans were strong," and adds that "it would be impossible for me to identify myself with the demo cracy and become a democrat." "One Minute Cough Cure is the best remedy I ever used for coughs and colds. It is unequalled for whooping cough. Children all like it," writes H. N. Williams, Gentryville, Ind. Never fails. It is the only harmless remedy that gives immediate results. Cures coughs, colds, hoarseness, croup, pneumonia, bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles. Its early use pre vents consumption. F. G. Fricke & Co. Britlnh Army Rifle Is Complicated. Tne British army rifle has eighty- two component parts. In the production of which 925 machines are employed. as well as various processes which do not require machinery. Try 6rln-Ol Try Graln-Ol Ask your Grocer today to shew you a package or Grain-O, the new fcod drink that takes the place of coffee. The children may drink it without in jury as well as the adult. All who try it, like it. Grain-O has that rich teal brown of Mocha or Java. but it is made from pure grains, and the most deli cate etcmach receives it without dis tress. One-fourth the price of coffee. 15c and 25c per package. Sold by all grocers. How Adam Was Punished. The other day, in a Sunday-school class of boys between the ages of six and ten, a question was asked as to how God punished Adam for disobey ing Him. There was silence for a moment or so, and then one bright boy said: "Please, sir, God took away one of his ribs and gave him a wife." Infant mortality is something fright ful. Nearly one-quarter die before they reach one 3-aar, one-third before they are five, and one-half before they are flfteon! The tiruelj' use of White's Cream Vormifugo would save a major ity of these precious lives. Price 25 cs. F. G. Fricke & Co. The Story of Lot's Wife. Harry, aged 5, had betn to t-umlay-school. and upon his return home he tried to tell his mamma about the les son. "And you know, mamma," eaiu he, "Lot's wife wa awful meddlesome, and when God told her to mind her own business she got awfully fresh and didn't mind, so God just put her in a sack of salt." The Ttrmiski Situation. A teacher asked a bright little girl what country was opposite to us on the globe. "I don't know," was the re ply. "Well, now," pureued the teach er, "if I were to bore a hole through the earth, and you were to go in at this end, where would you come out?" "Out of the hole a, quick as I could, please." el 30 Shoe Dep't We are agents for the Queen Quality Ladies' Shoes, the In st S3 shoe in the country. The latest styles are now on display. Dress Goods Yc,have an af these goods in Black and Colors. A fine line of Black Crepons from 50c up. In connection with this department, wc wish to say that we have put in special machinery for sponging and shrinking dress goods and cloths. Dress goods and cloths sponged at 5c a yard by the latest improved meth ods ; dress patterns sponged for 25c. Buy your dres g-ooils of us and give our method of Shr nking a trial. SHAWLS Bought at a BIG DISCOUNT, go from $2.50 to $9.75. will See Our Line of Fur Collarettes from $2.50 to $15 Corsets All stvles of the celebrated Gage Down Corsets. The "Chicae-o" Corset Waist. bl.00. Call and see the "Flex bone" Corset the strongest one made. T T"M rf C-fLTcx Ladies lined Union Suits, 50c. wear, 25c heavy Fleece-lined Under- L-adies heavy Fleece- T 1 T-rv a v i. uivii u from Si S from $1.59 to $10. For burns, cuts, bruises, lacerations or injuries of any description, Ballard's Snow Liniment is a sovereign remedy it never laiis to do erooa. ana so promptly that its wonderful curative properties frequently create surprise. Price 25 and 50 cts. F. G. Fricke & Co. People who are berating the trusts" and "combines," and assert ing that they are intended to injure the interests of the workinemen and of the country at largo, will perhaps be surprised to know that the exporta- tions of manufactures of iron and steel. controlled almost necessarily by great combinations of capital, are this year by far the largest in our history. The total exports of iron and steel in the calendar year 1899 will, according to the bureau of statistics of the treasury department, exceed $100,000,000, an in crease of nearly or quite $20,000,000 over last year, and this, in the face of the advance in wages of workingmen, prices of material, and a general im provement in the earning capacity of those connected with the iron indus try. Bad to Kill. aiacK vr. uuer says Htgbee's case is the most stubborn he ever treated. Wyld Well, you know Higbee comes of a long-lived family. New York World. Volcanic Eruptions Are grand, but skin eruptions rob life of joy. Bucklen's Arnica Salve cures them ; also old, running and fever sores, ulcers, boils, felons, corns, warts, cuts, bruises, burns, scalds, chapped hands, chilblains. Best Pile Cure on earth. Drives out pains and aches. Only 25 cents a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co.. druggists. Of Coarse. Browne ine popular price for ev erything In the next century will be 10 cents. Towne Then we can cor-1 rectly refer to it as the ten cent-ury. Indianapolis Journal. Expressions of Nature. Acts are the language of nature. When let alone they are true to nature. As words express the inner, unseen ex ercises of thought, so the acts as the language of nature are the expressions, the visible images of the heart its ex ercises and states. Dr. J. H. Hall. Mrs. R. Churchill, Berlin, Vt.,eays, 'Our baby was covered with running Bores. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cured her." A specific for piles and skin disease?. Beware of worthless counterfeits. F. G. Fricke & Co. INFORMATION AND OPINION. The sum of $11,400,000, obtained by ' Mrs. Jane Stanford for her 285,000! shares of Southern Pacific stock, which she sold to the Huntingdon-Speyer syndicate, will be made available for the use of the Stanford university. .The eagle which originally deco rated the stern of the famous schooner yacht America which won wtiat is now known as the America's cup is now the sign of the Royal Eagle Ho tel, at Ryde, Isle of Wight, overlook ing the scene of the vessel's trimnph over her English competitors in 1851. Governor Tanner of Illinois has issued a requisition for Alonzo J. Whiteman, under arrest in New York, who is wanted to serve a sentence of one year for passing a worthless check at the Grand Pacific hotel, Chicago, Eight hundred Spanish prisoners urassnoppers are so thick In some parts of Canada that It is said that often the Insects my be seen floating a foot thick down the Soorelols river. Miss Annie E. Gunning, Tyre, Mich., says. T suffered a long time from dys pepsia; tost nesn ana Decame very weak. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure com pletely cured me." It digests what you eat and cures all forms of stomach trouble. It never fails to give im mediate relief in the worst cases. F. G. Fricke & Co. flowing by Electricity. A complete electric plowing plant ha sbeen Installed on an estate In France. In the department of the Tarn. Strategy. A little Somerville girl who is away for the summer is afraid of the dog at the house where she is visiting. The other day, while the dog was lying in the front hall, she astonished the peo ple on the front plaza by making her appearance through the door. "Why, how did you venture to come by the dog?" somebody asked. "Oh," she said, "I waited a minute and while he was Itching his leg I skan out." So merville (Mass.) Journal. If you have sore throat, soreness across the back or side, or your lungs feel sore or tender, or you are threat ened with diphtheria or pneumonia, apply Ballard's Snow Liniment exter nally, and use Ballard's Horehound Syrup. F. G Fricke & Co. A New Game. People of Blddeford, Me., are of tha opinion that a new game has been worked among them. A man repre senting himself as the agent of a New York publishing house went there and hired a youth of ths place to go over the directory with him and point out the prosperous residents of Blddeford and Alfred. Nothing has been heard since of the book agent, but the houses of several people who were pointed out as being in good circumstances have been visited by thieves. Precious Stones In popularity precious stones now rank the pearl first, the ruby second. and the diamond third. Bismarck's Iron Nerve Was the result of his splendid health. Indomitable will and tremendous en ergy are not found where stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels are out of order. If you want these qualities and the success they bring, use Dr King's New Life Pills. They develop every power of brain and body. Only 25c at F. G. Fricke & Co.'s drug store. It takes but a minute to overcome tickling in the throat and to stop a cough by the use of One Minute Cough Cure. This remedy quickly cures all forms of throat and lung troubles. Harmless and pleasant to take. It prevents comsumption. A famous specifio for grip and its after-effects. F. G. Fricke & Co. The 4tGut Hell" 5-cent cigar has an enviable reputation among smokers. Union made. For sale by all dealers. Otto Wurl, Manufacturer. Copper Colored Splotches. There is only one cure for Contagious Blood Poison the disease which has completely baffled the doctors. They are totally unable to cure it, and direct their efforts toward bottling the poison up in the blood and concealing it from view. S. S. S. cures the disease posi tively and permanently by forcing out every trace of the taint. I was afflicted -with a terrible blood disease. Which was In spots at first, but afterwards spread an over my txxiy. These soon brokeout into sores, and it is easy to imagine tne sutlerlne I endured. Before I be came convinced that the doctors could do no pood, I had spent a hundred dollars, which was really thrown away. 1 tnen tried various patent medicines, but they did not reach the disease. When I had finished my first bottle of H. 8. S. I was greatly Improved and was defiirhted with The lar&re red splotches on my chest be (ran to rrow paler and smaller, and before lona; disappeared entirely. I regained my lost weight, became stronger, and my p petite greatly improved. I was soon entirety well, and my skin as clear as a piece of glass. II. L. Myebs, 100 Mulberry St., Newark, N. J. Don't destroy all possible chance of a cure by taking the doctor's treatment of mercury and potash. These minerals cause the hair to fall out, and will wreck the entire system. For 1 'Tl I lilEIBI is pcbelt vegetable, and is the only blood remedy guaranteed to contain no potash, mercury, or other mineral. Books on the disease and its treat ment mailed free by Swift Specific Com pany, Atlanta, Georgia. Pro 1 the result. S500 REWARD. W j will pay the above reward lor any case of Liver complaint, Uyspepsia Sick Headache. Indigestion. Constipation or Costiveness wecan not cure with Liventa. the Lp-to-Date Little t i t:ii the- directions are strictly com- J-IVCI 111, will." .. . ,i i - , .ith I hev are purely cijeiauic, uu Ti art -;i ,ive satisfaction. 25c boxes contain loo pills. 10c b' oxes contain 40 pills, 5c boxes con- Beware ot suDstitutions ana lmita- . . i - . VCUIHH , mall, oianius iakcu. icixvjja tain 15 Dills. MEDICAL CO.. cor. uanton ana jacicson sts., tions. Sent b Chicago. 111. Bold by F. 6. Fricke CO 0f CfclefcMter's E.U.k DUmI BraaS. rEHNYROYAL PILLS yr Orlrlasl and Only Senulne. Jk. Kmond Brand In Utd o Go-W mtliJW 3hoxe. KtM itb bio noocu. ho m ima etbrr. fc.IWi " .V 'i.on and imitation: At DracsilU. r 1 In tnp rr prtlel.T. uuiDimu ua Hfllfl Tor WIUSi' mrntrnttmr. MbIL 1 0.OOO Tmmoiill. "am ftf ChlerC'earitM"''"""Ty Said aU Local lra(in. riiu.i Large line Cotton Blankets at 48c. Home-made Comforts, full size, $2. WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR ..Substantial CJfyfisttpas Goods.. E. Q. DOVEY a, SON IT PAYS To Look Around Before you make purchases. After you have looked elsewhere, come to us nnd we guarantee you will be pleased. Our new spring stuck has arrived, including Dry Goods, Staple and Fancy Gro ceries, Crockery, Glassware, Flour and Feed. A square deal to all. F. S. Main Street, WHITE, Plattsmouth ED. FITZGHKALD Has new stock, new rigs and is prepared better than ever to take care of ft Genera! Llveru Business Quick trips made to all parts of the county. Low prices ana court eous treatment assured. STABLES SIXTH AM VISE STS., Plattsmnuth. Nebraska. Dyspepsia Cure, Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids Nature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or trans. it is the latest discovered digest- ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it In efficiency. It In stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, inaigestion, neaixDurn, Flatulence. Sour Stomach. Nausea, SickHeadache, Gastralgi a, Cramps, and all other results of Imperfect digestion Prepared by E. C. Dewiti a to., Chicago. F. G.'FRIUKE & CO. Furniture and Stoves I. Pearlman desires to call attention to the trade that he has the largest stock of stoves and furniture ever shown in Plattsmouth and that he can not be undersold by any dealer in the great state of Nebraska. 7e made his purchases before the recent great advance in prices, and is giving his cus tomers the benefit of that fact. These are facts which you cannot afford to overlook when in need of anything in his line. If you are wise you will take a close look through his store rooms before buying. I. PEARLMAN, Opposite the court house, Plattsmouth Nebraska NEW : ADVERTISEMENTS HAIR BALSAM acil IVomotM a laiarmnt growth. i ' Vs w2 W ever Fails to Bevtore Gray I"HE PERKINS HOuMt. F. R. GUTHMANN, Prop. . 0006 6. ..O90. Oysters... Are Now In Season, ooooo The day of the Oyster Stew is once more at hand and Plattsmouth people know where to get the best on the market, and that is at... John Schiappacasse's, Leonard Block. He -also carries a complete stock of Fiosb. . . . Fruits and Candies, Cigars and Tobacco. 0000000000000000400C W . J. wihti;. DEALER IM HARD COAL SOFT. lates Si and $1.50 Der Day Centrally Located and Com fortably Furnished. PLATTSMOUTH, - - NEB Leave orders at F. S. White's Store or at Brick and Terra Cotta works. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Neb. Tel. 71. T 4