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About Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1899)
Business and Professional DIRECTORY. J. I. Unroll Dealer In Fine Furniture I B. Elsier Dentist Office Waterman block. UNDERTAKER and.... EMBALMER 419 Main st Prices Reasonable, Work Guaranteed. Snyder X Co Jewelers and.... Wiley Black PAYS ... . HIGHEST MARKET PRICES ....FOR.... Country Produce Sixth and. Pearl streets. Opticians Corner Sixth and Main Streets, Plattsmouth, Neb FIRST National Bank PLATTSMOUTH . . . Bottling Works F. G. Egenberger, Proprietor. Plattsmouth, Neb Manufacturer Mineral and Soda Waters. and all kinds . of.... Temperance Drinks. Stocks, Bonds and Se curities bought and sold. B & M Fay checks cashed. OUR FALL. Dealer in FRESH and SALT Meats ..Also.. Groceries and Provisions 414 Main st. Walking HdtiS-. Are now in. A Fine display of Pattern Hats in a few days. Mrs. Rankin Jones & McGowan Livery and Feed STABLE. Corner Main and Seventh sts. Bennett Tutt, Leading Grocers. Glassware and. ... Queensware. Phil Thierolf, Dealer in Wines t,And.. Liquors Agent.... Anheuser- Busch Brewing Aes'n. II. SELTS Slates, Tablets, Paper, Envelopes, Pens, Ink and.... Pencils. i NOW FOR SCHOOL ! We are ready, willing and able to supply the wants of the school children on Shoes. The latest oopular styles, the best wearing material, the pocket-fitting prices. We give a 6 i 6 t MOCKING BIRD t FREE with every pair of school shoes. Josoph FGtzor, North Sid Main Street. ED. FITZGERALD Has new stock, new rigs and Is prepared better than ever to take care of fl General Livery Business Quick trips made to all parts of the county. Low prices and court eous treatment assured. STABLES SIXTH AND VINE STS., Plattsmouth, Nebraska. 'Moll Dyspepsia Cure, Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids Nature in strengthening - and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It is the latest discovered digest Intand tonic. No other preparation can approach It in efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea. SickHeadache,Gastralgia,Cramps,and All other results ot imperfect digestion, Priparsd by C C DeWltt A Co. Chicago. F. G. FRICKE & CO. The Semi-Weeklj News-Herald 6EOR6E L. FARLEY, Proprietor. DAILY EDITION. One Year, in advance, . . . . Six Months One Week, . . Single Copies, 15 00 2 50 10 5 8ZMI-WIIKLT EDITION. One Year, in advance tl 00 Six Months, 50 T.?.E LARGEST CIRCULATION Of any Cass County Paper. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1899. It would seem that Aguinaldo would become winded pretty soon. Ovrc thin? we should be thankful for is that Thursday practically ends the foot ball season. Speaking of Mr. Roberts of Utah an exchange says that he has begun to explain, and no man in the country can rc ckon on a steadier job. . Colonel Bkyan is not on a wild goose chase now. He is after wild tnrkfiwn. Ha will eo after the geeee during the next presidential cam paign. The Nebraska agricultural and manufactured products which have been collected by the government for exhibition at Paris will certainly adorn red ribbons after they are ex amined. Seven years ago the foreign trade of the United States reached $1,000,- 000,000 for the first time, and this year it will go beyond $2,000,000,000. Uncle Sam's varieties of expansion are an in teresting study. This is a mean fling the Fremont Tribune gives the democrats of Ken tucky: "Notwithstanding all the noise in Kentucky one can catch, even at this great distance, the strains of the touching song, 'Steal Away.'" The Blizzard of Lincoln says that were it not for Matthew Gering run ning for congress it would propose Kelly Fox for secretary of state. It is verv considerate of "Huck" to not queer Mat's "chances" for going to Washington. The two chief cities of Ohio, Cin cinnati and Cleveland, contrived at the recent state election to detach themselves from the remainder of the state in such a way as to deprive them of much of their political influence hereafter. Cincinnati was carried by McLean, the defeated democratic candidate, while Cleveland was car ried by Jones, the Golden Rule candi date. Judsre Nash was elected gover nor without the vote of either, without a majority in either and without the collective vote of the two toeether making any difference in the result in the state. Columbus, his home city, though usually democratic, went re- nublican. The republicans of Ohio made their best showing in the farm ing districts of the state. There is great significance in the fact that many leading democrats ad mit that Taylor, the republican candi date, got a majority of the votes cast in Kentucky in the recent election,says the Globe-Democrat. It is the persons who count the votes, however, and not those who cast them, who decide elec tions under the Goebel plan. Nobody supposes Goebel came within several thousand of receiving as many ballots as Taylor, but the Goebelites still bave hope of being able to inaugurate their candidate. By the familiar pro cess of throwing out the votes of dis tricts or counties in which the repub lican lead is so long that it cannot be overcome by any chicanery in that particular place. Goebel expects to get a technical plurality of the ballots. If Goebel succeeds in his conspiracy a rising will take place which will put Kentucky in the republican column with such a big majority in 1900 that even Goebel and his ballot-annihilat ing law cannot set it aside. "One result of the November elec tion this year," says the New Yoik Sun. "has been to revive considration of the application of Omaha to be chosen as a convention city for the nomination of presidential candidates in 1900. Omaha is the largest city In Nebraska, the only state in which there was a veritable and successful fusion between the democrats and pop ulists this year. It has two opera houses, each capable of seating 2,000 persons; it is the largest railroad cen ter in that part of the country and the entire success of tho Omaha exposition tested not only the hospitality of the people, but also their facilities for the entertainment of visitors. The most serious objection previously urged against the choice of Omaha was that its selection would be regarded as fa voring the renominatlon of Bryan, but as such nomination is already prac tically assured this objection is not serious. The populist national con vention of 1892, at which General Weaver was nominated fur the presi dency, was held in Omaha." INFORMATION AND OPINION. When United States Consul Macrum, at Pretoria, in accordance with . In. structions from our state denartment. asked President Kruger if he might be allowed to take charge of money sent by English people to procure comforts for British prisoners of war, he was refused and treated to a cold snub. - A C.hic&eo lecturer exDlained one of the grievances of the outlanders to remedy which Great Britain brought about war against the South African republics. The burdensome tax com plained of "amounted to 2 3-5 per cent on properties, some- of which yielded as high as 300 per cent,and yet Canada taxes American outlanders in the Klondike 10 4-5 per cent." More than $1,000,000 life insurance, it is stated, was carried by J. E. Hun toon, a lightning rod agent, who died under rather mysterious circum stances last Tuesday in the Old Do minion hospital in Richmond, Va Those who knew him are unable to tell how he raised the money to pay the premiums on the enormous pol icies. Ex-Senator John H. Reagan, the sole survivor of Jefferson Davis' cabi net, and the orator at the recent un veiling of the Davis statute at Rich mond, is eighty-one years old, but is still in good health and active in pol itics. He is at the head of the Texas State Railway commission. He was born in Tennessee, and, as a mere lad, walked all the way to his present home. The Washington correspondent of the Chicago Tribune says Mrs. Logan is troubled over the story that she urged her son to go to the Philippines in spite of the wishes of other mem bers of his family, including his wife. "The fact is," 6ays the Tribune, "Ma jor Logan himself was anxious to go. He enlisted first for the war with Spain. When that was oyer he re signed only because there seemed no prospect of moro fighting. When the fighting started up in the Philippines he was anxious to see service, snd finally his wife and mother both gave their consent." A highly romantic marriage oc curred Wednesday at the small vil lage of New Liberty, in Pope county. 111. Miss Nettie Clark of New Lib erty placed a note In a bottle, which she threw into the river. Several weeks after, Mr. C. T. Anderson, of Louisiana, a prominent planter of that state, found the bottle and answered the note. A correspondence began, and was followed by the wedding. The contracting parties never met until two days before their marriage. In a duel with knives at West Plains, Mo , Luke Seels mortally wounded Postmaster W. M. Sharp, of Bakers field, the fight bein? in the cellar of Sharp's home. The men quarreled over Seels' alleged attentions to the postmaster's wife. Mrs. Sharp watched the fight from the stairs. To carry out the dyiDg wish of bis wife, Peter Karl, of New York, will go to Bedloe's Island and empty the urn containing the ashes of his wife from the torch of the statute of liberty Mrs. Karl's body was cremated at her request, and the husband is deter mined to see her final wish fulfilled. The Spanish government has the floatinsr dry dock at Havana on its bands, the Vera Cruz syndicate hav ing decided not to take it. It has been offered for sale three times without finding a buyer, and will now be towed back to Spain. It is worth about $500, 000. A bright American girl is going to tell,in The Ladies' Home Journal, bow she and a girl friend went to Paris to- gether,saw its sights.visited all places of interest, lived there and had "the time of our lives," as she explains the experience. In three gossipy articles all the points of interest in and about the French capital will be treated and briefly described, and how to live well at small cost in fact, just how girls eoin? alone to Paris can best and cheapest enjoy the trip, will be ex plained. Of course, these experiences are intended to serve as a sruide for girls going to the Paris exposition in 1900. The contributors to the December Ladies' Home Journal include Finley Peter Dunne (author of "Mr. Dooley"), Rev. Cyrus Townsend Brady, Ian Mac- laren, S. T. Pickard, Mrs. Burton Kingsland, Edward Bok, George W. Cable, Albert W. Smith, Dan Beard, Franklin Fayles, Sarah Beaumont Kennedy and a half score of other equally well-known writers. To the pictorial embelliebment of the same number A. B. Frost, W. L. Taylor, H. C. Criaty, Frank O. Small, Walter Russell, Lucius Hitchcock and others have contributed their best efforts. The Christmas Journal covers an un usually wide field of Interest. The great festal day is the theme of carol, story and pictures, and of various practical, useful articles, while num erous topics that are uppermost in the minds of women and helpful in the conduct of the home, are practically diecussed. By the Curtis Publishing Company, Philadelphia. One dollar a year; ten cents a copy. According to the latest report the Columbia will not make a tour of the Mediterranean waters this winter and take part in the regattas which are sailed in February and March. The yact has been dismantled and lies at anchor off Hawkln's yard. City Island, where she will be hauled oat in a short time alongside of the Defender, there to remain until needed. "I B8 nearly dead with dyspepsia, tried doctors, visited mineral springs, and grew worse. I used Kodol Dys pepsia Cure. That cured me. " It di gests what you eat. Cures indigestion. sour stomach, heart burn and all forms of dyspepsia. F. G. Fricke & Co. Send the News to your friends. .4ipAN,NGS- J THE SUNDAY INTER OCEAN has a most interesting article on the Chicago Hyde Park school scheme of self-government: "The movement to carry the prin ciple of America's democratic institu tions into the schools originated in Chicago four vears ago. It has insti tuted by Mr. John T. Ray, principal of the John Crerar school on the WeBt Side. About that time Mr. French of the Hyde Park High school evolved a similar scheme of pupil government. Now it is reckoned that at least a dozen public schools in the city are ruled by pupils,for the pupils,and tbat a hundred individual teachers have adopted the system in their own school rooms. The Hyde Park school, owing to its having older, more advanced pupils than the grammar schools, has a fully organized city government. Municipal elections are marked with the energy and excitement which characterizes every Chicago cam paign. Twice a year a general ballot ing ensues. Polling places are open before school hours, during the noon recess and after recitation hours in the afternoon. "At the beginning of the school year, when the last election for offices was held, 600 ballots were cast, when the hour for closing arrived and shut out 6cores of citizens and citizenesses who wished to cast a ballot. Sex is no bar to citizenship in this municipality. Tbe girls take as much interest in voiing a? do the boys. It is a curious fact that they never vote for one of their own sex for a high office. No girl has ever been elected mayor or a member of the mayor's cabinet. They sit in the council as aldermen, and at the election last eek one of the girls. Miss Minnie Rothschild, was elected head of the judiciary." The government of the school is in the bands of the pupils the principal reserving tho right of veto. These young people elect a school council to frame ordinance", and a miyor, and of course a police force to execute the laws. The Australian system of voting is used. The police oUcers are called tribunes, from tha old Roman public officials. One may get an idea of their elec tions and appointments by some of the article of their conhtitution. 1 ' The chief executive officer of the school city shall be a mayor, who shall bo a regular member of the school and enrry at least fifteen hoirs of work a week, with a standing of at 75 per cent in each study for at lenst two school months previous to his "election; and if for two consecu tive months while in office, he shall fall below this standard, he shall thereby be disqualified from holding office longer and his successor 6hall bo at once elected to fill out the unex pired term. 2. "The city council shall consist of the mayor, two aldermen elected from each study ro:m in tbe building, two from each fifty pupils in the assembly hall and two teachers elected from the faculty. 3. "Any regular member of the school who is carrying fifteen hours of work a week with an average stand ing of 75 per cent shall be eligible to the office of alderman. 4. "Inasmuch also as the principal of the school is responsible to the board of education for tbe conduct of the school, it is expressly understood that all legislative, executive and judi cial acts performed in accordance with the provisions of this instrument are subject to the approval of the prin cipal." When Mr. French was interviewed by the reporter he said: "In my school the system is entirely success ful. We never had before as perfect discipline as now, and this discipline is voluntarily imposed by the children themselves. I consider it the best method yet devised for teaching the principles of good citizenship. In an other school where this self-government has been equally successful, citi zenship is granted for good behavior. and taken away when the tribunes are given too much trouble." A button with the motto from L;n coin, "Of all, for all, by all," distin guishes the citizen of this school. "A citizen nas the same privileges tnat a teacher has, enters school at any door, leaves at any door, sits in a li brary cozy corner if he likes, and hangs his hat on the nail that suits him." William von Humboldt says, "Whatever we wish to see introduced into the life of a nation must first be introduced into the schools," Herbert Spencer defines education ai "a training up discipline, a com plete living development ai.d instruct ing of our whole being, physical, in tellectual and moral." Milton likens it to God, through vir tue and faith; Leeke describes its pur pose as htalth of body, virtue and good manners, while Kant declares it consists in tbe foundation ui tum- acter. And these men all agree tha, the supreme end of education is civil ization. A. W. Atwood sells pure drugs and J the best patent medicines. Farm For 8le Chenp. One hundred and sixty acres adjoin ing Wabash, Neb. Each eighty has good house, barn, windmill, abundance of water and bearing orchard. Will take $2,000 down, rest on time to suit purchaser. CnAKLES Notes, JOUlSVille, JN6D. Fancy Christmas Boxes Equal to highest grade 10c cigars. Buy a box of Pepperberg's make to Bend to your out of towa friends. Oysters served in any style at Shinn's cafe. Perkins house blcck. Bismarck's Iron Nerve Was tbe result of his splendid health. Indomitable will and tremendous en ergy are not found where stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels are out of order. If you want these qualities and the success they bring, use Dr King's New Life Pills. They develop every power of brain and body. Only 25c at F. G. Fricke & Co. 'a drug store. His Opinion Unchanged. Two citizens of Nebraska were caught in one of those violent funnel shaped clouds, and, as they scooted along in the midst of ruins of build ings and flying trees, one of them re marked: "This is the worst cyclone I ever saw." "Ignorant man," cried the other in tones of scorn that were al most drowned by the rush of the storm, "can you distinguish a cyclone from a tornado? Are the teachings of science altogether lost upon you? This is a tornado, and, as described by Professor Loveland and Meteorologist Gee, It Is " Just then a church steeple transfixed the speaker and he perished in great agony, while the other man drifted along for ten miles or so and was dumped softly into a sandbank. As he brushed the sand out of his teeth and ears he remarked: "Well, that was the worst cyclone V ever saw." Nebraska State Journal. "Oae Minute Cough Cure is the best remedy I ever used for coughs and colds. It is unequalled for whooping cough. Children all like it," writes H. N. Williams, Gentryville, Ind. Never fails. It is the only harmless remedy that gives immediate results. Cures coughs, colds, hoareenees,croup, pneumonia, bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles. Its early use pre vents consumption. F. G. Fricke & Co. Reasoned It Out. "Now, Tommy," said the Sunday school teacher to a member of the ju venile class, "which would you rather be, the wheat or the tares?" "The tares," answered Tommy. "Why. how can you say that when you know wheat represents the good and tares the bad?" "Oh. that's all right." re plied the precocious youngster, "th wheat gets thrashed, and the tares don't." A New Torn of Affairs. "We are selling these goods," said the clerk, "at a positive loss. Practic ally, we are giving them away." "Then," said ths lady with the haughty demeanor, "I must decline to purchase. I cannot accept gifts from a shopkeep er." Indianapolis Journal. Mis Annie E. Gunning, Tyre.Micb., says. I suffered a long time from dys pepsia; lost flesh and became very weak. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure com plet ly cured me." It digests what you eat and cures all forms of stomach trouble. It never fails to give im mediate relief in the worst cases. F. G. Fricke & Co. Latest Alarm Clock. A new kind of alarm clock is to be seen at Tiffany's in New York. It Is a beautiful gilt phonograph clock, in the style of Louis XV. When the hour for which it is set arrives, a little door opens and the notes of the familiar reveille bugle call are heard; then voice follows with this greeting: "Good morning. I present my compliments and respects, and hope you are enjoy ing good health. Good day." The ar ticulatlon is very distinct, but the voice has a decided Parisian twang, which reveals the nationality of the speaker. If you have sore throat, eoreness across the back or side, or your lungs feel sore or tender, or you are threat ened with diphtheria or pneumonia, apply Ballard's Snow Liniment exter nally, and use Ballard's Horehound Syrup. F. G. Fricke & Co. El rlo Light and toe Eyes. In tbe French navy it has been found that the electric search light empl"ved on men of war injuriously affect- the eyes of seamen who have to work about the light, and dark blue spectacles are supplied to them for protection. Brown eyes are less af fected than gray or blue ones, the reason suggested being that the former are more heavily charged with pig ment. A Prince's Pedigree. In the matter of pedigree the eighteen-year-old prince who Is the heir to the throne of Japan seems to hold the lead. He is the last male descendant in the order of primogeniture of a dy nasty which has reigned 2,600 years, and traces its origin to a female in carnation of the sun. It takes but a minute to overcome tickling in the throat and to stop a cough by the use of One Minute Cough Cure. This remedy quickly cures all forms- of throat and lung troubles Harmless and pleasant to take. It prevents comsumption. A famous specific for grip and its nfter-effecta F. G.. Fricke & Co. Tery Likely. Counsel appointed to defend an Nichmnn rhaJ!tAeed several of the Jury wi. his client said, had a prej udice against him. "Are there any more Jurymen who have a prejudice aealnst you?" whispered the banister. "No, sir; the Jury's awl roight. but Ol want you to challenge the Judge. Oi"vs been convicted under him several times already, and lolkely he's beginning to have a prejudice against me." Tit Bits. Expenses of British Navy. In Queen Elizabeth's reign the ex penses of the navy were about 6,000 a year, a contrast to the present huge sum of 25.000,000 sterling spent an nually on the fleet. Constipation means tbe accumula tion of waste matter that should be discharged daily, and unless this is done the foul matter is absorbed and poisons the system. Use Herbine to bring about regularity of the bowels. Price 60 cts. F. G. Fricke & Co. Kohrell & Kroehler are ready to butcher hogs on short notice. They have all the necessary equipment and can do good work. Leave orders at Kunsman & Ramge's meat market. -r PVErYTMING IN MUSIC Bemeaaber the Gloucester. "Sir," said the second odeer of a great Spanish battleship, "a hostile chip Is visible on the horizon." "Can you make her out?" "She is an Am erican sir." "Ah, a battleship! Clear ship for action! We will give her a stiff fight." "Sir, it is not a battle ship. It is an auxiliary cruiser, one of those Yankee pleasure yachts has tily transformed Into a war vessel." The commander's face blanched as he replied: "Then there is no help for us. Run the ship to shore, beach her, and blow her up." Pittsburg Chronicle Telegraph. Mrs. R. Churchill, Berlin, Vt.,pays, Our baby was covered with running sores. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cured her." A specific for piles and skin diseases. Beware of worthless counterfeits. F. G. Fricke & Co. A New Game. People of Diddeford, Me., are of tha opinion that a new game has been worked among them. A man repre senting himself as the agent of a New York publishing house went there and hired a youth of the place to go over the directory with him and point ont the prosperous residents of I?i(Mef..:l and Alfred. Nothing has been henrd since of the book agent, but the houses of several people who were pointed out as being in good circumstances have been visited by thieves. Infant mortality is something fright ful. Nearly on-e-quarter die before they reach one year, one-third before they are five, and one-half before they are fifteen I The timely use of While's Cream Vermifuge would save a major ity of these precious lives. Price 25 cts. F. G. Fricke & Co. Crippled by Rheumatism. Those who have Rheumatism find themselves growing steadily worse all the while. One reason of this is that the remedies prescribed by the doctors contain mercury and potash, -which ul timately intensify the disease by caus ing the joints to swell and stiffen, E reducing a severe aching of the bones. . S. S. has been curing Rheumatism for twenty years even the worst cases which seemed almost incurable. Capt. O.K. Hnghes, the popular railroad conductor, of Columbia, S. C, had an experi ence with Rheumatism which convinced him that there is only one cure fur that painful dis ease. He says: "1 was a great sufferer from mus cular Rheumatism for two years. I could get no permanent relief from any medicine pre scribed by my physician. I took about a dozen bot- fcit-B ji yuur o. o. ana T . ' now I am as well as I raiilnn.lll. T . m i, V77 sure that your medicine cured me. and I would recommend it to any one suffering from any blood disease." Everybody knows that Rheumatism is a diseased state of the blood, and only a blood remedy is the only proper treatment, but a remedy containing potash and mercury only aggravates the trouble. LS.S.rTheBlood being Purely Vegetable, goes direct to the very cause of the disease and a per manent cure always results. It is the only blood remedy guaranteed to con tain no potash, mercury or other dan gerous minerals. Books mailed free by Swift Speciflo Company, Atlanta, Georgia. NEW : ADVERTISEMENTS PARKER'S U&ID BALSAM nmnii sad keatifiB th bslr. Haver Fail to Hectare Oray - a luxuriant iiu.ui. Cam Kilp ilimm b" taUuif. Eureka Harness Oil is the best preservative of new leather and the best renovator of old leather. It oils, softens, black ens and protects. Use Eurofra Harness Oil on your best harness, your old har ness, and your carriage top, and they will not only look better but wear longer. Sold everywhere In cans all sixes from half pints to Ave gallons. Mad, ky STA.1DARB OIL lO. first- NATIONAL BANK OK PLATTSMOUTH. NKI1. PAID UP CAPITAL. S50.000 Oners the very best facilities lor the prompt transaction ol Legitimate Banking Business. 9TOOK8, bonds, gold, government and local securities bought and sold. Deposits re ceived and Interest allowed on the certfl oates. Drafts drawn, available In any part of the D. 8. and all the principle towns of Europe. Collections made and promptly remitted. Highest market prloe paid for county warrants, state and oounty bonds. DIRECTORS: H. N. Dovey. D- Hawksworth S. Waugh F. E. White, G. E. Dovey. Geo. E. Dovey, Pres., S. Waugh, O ashler. H. N. Dover. Asst. Cashier. 1.1 I v A BEAUTIFUL ATTACHS.CST I9HTATING STRINGED MSTEUTSOTS has been added to the well known llospe TEKKSl $25 CASH, $20 MONTHLY. With Stool and Scarf. NADE IN OAK, WALNUT and MAHOGANY Write For Particulars. Volcanic Eruptions Are grand, but skin eruptions rob lifo of joy. Ducklen's Arnica Salvo cures them; also old, running and fever sores, ulcers, boils, felons, corns, warts, cuts, bruises, burns, scalds, chapped hands, chilblains. Itcst Pile Cure on earth. Drives out pains and aches. Only 25 cents a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co., druggitita. War Feeling. "So your wife went without a new gown to buy a silk flag what touch ing patriotism." "Well partly that and partly because she wanted to out shine her neighbors." The Greenland Wlinle. According to Nilsson, the zoologist, the weight of the Greenland whale is 100 tons, or 224,000 pounds, or equal to that of eighty-eight elephants, or 440 bears. Try Grain Ol Try Graln-01 Ask your Grocer today to show you a package of Grain-O, the new food drink that takes the place of roffeo. The children may drink it witl.out in jury as well as thondult. All who try it, like i. Giain-O has that rich teal brown of Mocha or it i.s made from pure grains, and the most deli cate t-l mvh receive it without dis tress. On.: fourth tho price of colTee 15o and iITc . er paekae Sold by all grocer. G to A. W. Auu iJ for wall paper. A Wonderful Medicine. For Bilious and Nervous Disorder, such ss U'ind and Pain in the Storvach, Sick Headache, Giddiness, Fulness and S riling after meals, Dizziness and Drowsiness, Cold Chills, Flush ings of Heat, Loss of Appetite, Shortness of Breath, Costiveness, Bloultcc-n the Skin, Dis turbed Slecp.Friehtful Dre nm.n' all Nt-rvnus snd Trembling Sensations, etc. 1 lice ailments all arise from a disordered or nhuscd condition of the stomach and liver. Beecham's Pills will quickly restore Frmalca to complete health. They rromptly remove any obstruction or irregularity of the system. For a Weak Stomach, Impaired Digestion, Sick Headache, Disordered Liver, etc., they set like magic a few doses will work won ders upon the Vital Organs; Strengthening the Muscular System, restoring the long-lost torn- picxiuil, unliving uat.& . lie KCll j tut, mnd arousino with thm Roacbud of Health thm whota phymlcttl mnmrgy of tho human frame f or thromtlna oft fa worm thmy mro pecafy nowrnmd. These are "facta" admitted by thousands, in all classes of society, and one of the best guarantees to the Nervous snd Debilitated is that Beecham's Pills have the Largest Sale of any Patent Medicine in the World. This has been achieved Without the publication of testimonials. Beecham's Pills have for many years been the popular family medicine wherever the English language is spoken, and they now stand without a rival. 10 cents snd 25 cents, st all drug stores. Furniture and Stoves I. Pearlman desires to call attention to the trade that he has the largest stock of stoves and furniture ever shown in Plattsmouth and that he can not be undersold by any dealer in the great state of Nebraska. lie made his purchases before the recent great advance in prices, and is giving his cus tomers the benefit of that fact. These are facts which you cannot afford to overlook when in need of anything in his line. If you are wise you will take a close look through his store rooms before buying. I. PEARLMAN, Opposite the court house, riiittamouth Nebraska ---: 0--F- - ; o -WHTEBREAST jCOAL YARD! LINCOLN AVE. AND M KIII.K STS., M. M. Mh.MCHSK., Manager. 9 s i 6 Lrirgo Supply of all the UKST (2 HADES ! HARD COAL SOFT f 4 Including the Famous f Including the Famous 9 Missouri, Illinois", Jackson Hill and Canon City Lump, Always on hand Also a quantity ol cheaper Grades ol NUT COAL. We also keep on hand all kinds oi Wood. All or ders promptly delivered. Leave orders at grocery store ol A. H. Weckbach & Co.