HARRIS MURDER TRIAL A Number ot Important Wit nesses Give Testimony. BRIEFLY TOLD. Many People la tbe Court Room to Lis ten to tbe Evidence Three of the Murdered Man's Companions On the Stand Other Happening's of Local Interest. From Thursday's Daily. A large crowd is listening- atten tively to the evidence in tbe Harris murder trial, which is being fought very strongly by both sides. Hart, one of Jones' companions, was the first very important witness for the state on the 6tand yesterday afternoon. He stated that he went to Elmwood with Jones and three other men, and was present when the shoot ing occurred. He was lying down while the men were playing cards,and arose when the 3econd shot was fired. As soon as he got up he was shot, and he then ran away. He testified that Harris was backing away from Jones, who had hold, of him, and that finally he jerked one band loose, and pulling a revolver, Bhot his adversary in the abdomen. He was followed by George Winter smith, the colored man who was pres ent, and who contradicted Hart on several points, as be did Malone who followed him. Wintersmith stated that Harris told Jones to let him alone and he retreated from seventeen to twenty feet. He did not hear Harris swear, as Hart bad 6tated he did. This morning Malone, the third eye witness, was put upon the stand, and was questioned for about three hours. He contradicted both Hart and Win tersmith on several points and did not make a very favorable impression. He has been working in St. Joe for Hud Tracey, an uncle of Jones, and did not know that there were any gambling devices in tbe wagon in which the quartet journeyed to Elmwood He 6tated that he could Bee the card game over which the trouble arose, and that each man had seven cards in stead of six; and that Jones called a misdeal before the hands were played out. This was in contradiction of Wintersmith, who was closer to the men than Malone, and who said that the misdeal was not called by Jones until after the game was played and Harris had won. No other important witnesses were called by the prosecution, which, Bhortly after the noon recess, rested. SCHOOL. ITEMS OF INTEREST. From the Nebraska Teacher. The schools at Crete have beea dis missed because of an epidemic of diphtheria. Edith Hutchinson, formerly at Greenwood, has charge of the eighth grade at Ogallala. The Speer number work has been adopted for use in the first and second grades in the schools at Ord. The South Omaha board of educa tion are considering the advisability of establishing night schools at public expense. Superintendent Fling of Nebraska City and his teachers will visit the schools of Omaha and Council Bluffs November 10. The McCook board of education has established a night school for short band and tvoewriticg. to which juniors and seniors only are admitted. Several excellent men were defeated for the office of county superintendent. On the other hand, some strong teachers succeeded in getting the office. Mrs. Bouse is assistant principal in the Weeping Water high school. The board of education added the third teacher for the high school last month. The Nebraska City school has joined the Nebraska high school debating league and will be represented in the annual debate to be held at Lincoln during the holidays. No less than a dozen different kinds of foot ball games are played In the schools. They are nearly all different forms of the old "shinny" game. Each school seems to evolve a different set of rules. The United States commissioner to the Paris exposition of 1900 has asked the University of Nebraska for com plete statistics of courses, instructors, students and equipment for tbe educa "tional exhibit. Superintendent Fowler announces that a rate of one fare for the round trip has been secured from all the railroads for the state association. Tickets will be on sale December 25 and 27, with return limit December 30 Judge Archer Married. Judge Michael Archer was united . In marriage at 5 o'clock last evening to Mrs. Charlotte N. Archer, at the in the Third ward v ' - , -r nnnnn nt thpi Christian church IWTi Juu,c - performed the ceremony in his usual 'mnnnnr. The ladv is Mr. Archer's divorced wife, they having been married eight years ago. She has been living in umana oi taie. News wishes them much Happiness. Injuries May Prove Fatal. While oiling the overhead machin rlincton Dlaninsr mil yesterday David Wichtman fell to the floor below, a distance of twenty feet, and struck on his head and shoulders ... onma machinery. VU ovuiv Mr. Wichtman used to be a sailor A lu.lnr ATI adeDt at climbing at- tended this particular line of work, it . a. 3 lntnMitt.1 In. Is feared that ne guswiuou iu. juries, as he is suffering much pain. He resides in iiappy Flatulence is cured by Beecham's C. A. Marshall, Dentist. Smoke the "Exquisito." A. W. Atwood sells the best paint on earth. Don't miss the auction sale in tbe Golding building Saturday. Oysters served in any style at Shinn's cafe. Perkins house block. The court house flag was floating in the breezes today, out of respect to Vice President Hobart. E. M. Clark mashed his right hand Quite badly this morning while mov ing a stove. Two of his knuckles were broken. Prof. C. A. Doty the famous dress- cutter and designer is here introduc ing a late merchant tailor method of dress-cutting. The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Pres byterian church will meet Friday af ternoon at 2:30 at the home of Mrs. T. M. Patterson. When you want to smoke a 10-cent cigar try Otto WurlV'Sllver Wreath" union made you can find n tor on the market. . I have just received an installment of Baldwin pianos. See 'em and make auseful X-mas gift. Agency at Sher wood's shoe store. J. O. Weborg. On Saturday with every cash pur chase of $1, except sugar and flour, we will give a 15 cent bottle of high grade perfume. F. T. Davis Co ,UnIon brk. The Jr. O. U. A. M. will attend Thanksgiving services at the Christian church next Sabbath, November 26, at 11 o'clock, conducted by Rev. Dungan. Mrs. Howland is displaying some water color studies in the show window of Wescott&Son. Those interested in such work would do well to look at them. The T. B. society will give an oyster supper, Tuesday evening, at the home of George Anderson, corner of Eighth and Pearl streets. Everybody in vited. Mrs. H. C. McMaken received a let ter from her husband last evening, stating that he would arrive home Saturday. He did not state how much game he bagged. A.' W. Atwood received a telegram from his wife this afternoon Btating that his brother-in-law. Dr. H. Lee Hatch, died at his home in Jackson ville, III., at 7 o'clock this morning. Funeral Sunday. If you are suffering from drowsiness in the day lime, irritability of temper, sleepless nights, general debility. headache and general want of tone of the system, use Herblne. You will eret relief and finally a cure. Price 50 cts. F. G. Frlcke & Co. LaGrippe, with its after-effects, an nually destroys thousands of people It may be quickly cured by One Min ute Cough Cure, the only remedy that produces immediate results in coughs. colds, croup, bronchitis, pneumonia and throat and lung troubles. It will prevent consumption. F. G. Fricke It, Co. Do you want to fix your rooms up this season? Of course you do, and it is probably high time for it. You in tend to buy wall paper? And buy an other paper in two or tbree years? Now, let me talk to you about haying a nice decorated house, stylish and up-to-date and save much money on it. Get your rooms painted and deco rated in a modern style and you are through with your house 4or many years. Don't paper every two years and ruin your plaster with it. Call on Louis Ottnat for full explanation of the economy of frescoed rooms. He has the experience of many years and a great many references in town. Plattsmouth telephone 253. PERSONAL, MENTION. HAS A GOODCUARACTER Witnesses Give Favorable Testi mony For Harris. (i A Deputy United States Marshal From Atchison Is AIM Placed On the Stand By the Defense to Give Evidence As to the Character of Malone and Jones Other Local News. In the Harris murder trial yesterday afternoon Richard S. Nurval, an at torney of Seward and a brother of Judge Norval of tbe supreme court. was the first witness for the derense. He testified to the good character of Harris, whom he had known for years, and that several years ago defendant was assaulted in the yards at Lincoln and beaten over the head with a coup-lino- ntn? that since that time he had been very nervous and excitable and easily startled or alarmed. ITarrv T. Jones, a banker oi bewara, corroborated Norval's testimony. A number of farmers from near .Ne- hawka, where Harris had worked testified as to his good character an bis sobriety and truthfulness. DtiDositions from officers ot tne law at Atchison and St. Joe, where Jones and Malone had lived, were read to show that they were gamblers and grafters, and that their reputation was bad. This afternoon Mr. Anderson, a deputy United States marshal and for mer nolice officer of Atchison, testified to the bad character of Jones and Ma- one. Georze Wintersmith was recalled and stated that he had told the county attornev and William DelesDemier, after the shooting, that it was done in Belf defense, but this testimony was stricken out. Frank Green of the Journal and Rush Fellows of the Post testified that they bad heard Malone say to Hart that he (Malone) "would make the damnest best witness he ever saw." George Williams, who has been in iall for some time, and who was dis- charred last Tuesday, having been ac quitted of burglary, testifiea that Hart had said to him ttiat "Harris had to shoot or get hurt." SCHOOL NOTES. NEWS OF THE, COUNTY. CEDAR CREEK HAPPENINGS. Dr. Walker of Union was in the city today. Mrs. Utterback was in Omaha this afternoon. E. M. Clark, the barber, went to Omaha this afternoon. E A. Oliver made a business trip to Omaha this afternoon. Dr. C. A. Marshall, wife and sieter spent the day in Omaha. T. M. and Ry Patterson were pas sengers for Omaha on the fa6t mail. Elitor J. K Keithley of the Weep ing Water Republican was in the city today. William Clary of Nebraska City is attending to some legal business in the city. Mrs. C. A. Rlchey and daughter. Katharine, are in the city visiting relatives. Mrs. W. W. Coates and Mrs. W. L. Pickett were Omaha visitors this afternoon. H. B. Groves departed this after noon for Lincoln and Crete to visit friends over Sunday. Mrs. S. II. Atwood was in the city today, returning to her home in Lin coln on the fast mail. El Dutton.the Burlington engineer, was down visiting his mother and bid ding his friends goodbye prior to go ing to Alliance, whore he had been transferred for road service. St. Luke's Church. ' Rt. Rev. A. L. William?, the co adjutor bishop of Nebraska, will preach in St. Luke's church on Sunday evening next. A cordial invitation is extended to alL A reception will be given the bishop and Mrs. Williams at the residence of Mr. Paul Goring on Monday evening. Let all friends and parishioners give him a ohance to get acquainted. For Sale I offer for sale my prop erty on North Sixth street, consisting of two acres, all in fruit; two houses and a barn, in good condition. G. IL Longenhagen. f Examinations have begun in most of the rooms below the high school and will continue next week. The foundation for the tiew high school building is practically com pleted and the joists were partially laid today. Flags were displayed at half-mast upon the school buildings today, out of regard for the death of Vice-Presi dent Hobart. The sophomore clas have perfected an organization, Joe Zovodsky being elected president and Helen Cox vice- president. This class numbers about fifty pupils. The graduating class has selected a very attractive set of class colors, con sisting of purple, gold and white. If it is practicable, the decocrations at tbe commencement exercises will be in these colors. The class of 1900, which graduates next June, contains sixteen members. as follows: Eunice Davis, president; Charles Gutbmann, George Clark, Tom Murphy, Lloyd Wilson, Loretta Clark, Verna Cole, Maud E iton,Emma Eikenbary, Anna Hassle r, Amelia Martin, Ella Ruffner, Bertha Richey, Margaret Rennie, Mattie Spangler and Eva Fletsher. The board is securing estimates upon tbe additional furniture needed In tbe new high school building. The assembly room, or the main roooa, will be provided with double desks and seats, while the recitation rooms, be ing comparatively small, will be seated with recitation benches with writing arm attachments. By this means a much larger number of pupils can be accommodated in each room than by desks. The present junior class which graduates in June, 1901, will in all probability eclipse all other classes in point of numbers, as there are over forty members at present, indicating a graduating class of over thirty pupils. This class will have had the benefit of the new high school course of study during their entire four years and will be much better fitted for the university than any previous class Tbe classes thereafter will have a The junior class, which graduates one year from next June, contains the largest percentage of boys of any class that has graduated for years Out of the entire class of forty-two nearly one-half are boys. This large increase in the proportion of boys is gratifying. The number of boys alone will probably exceed the entire number of boys and girls in the larg est class that has yet graduated. Ac cording to the teachers they are as fine a lot of boys a9 can be found any where. Dinner Party. Judge and Mrs. Spurlock gave dinner to the former's parents and few friends last evening, the occasion being the first anniversary of their marriage. Those present were R. B. Windham and sister, Mrs. H. H. O'Neal of Champagne, IU.,Mrs. B. K. Davis, C. E. Wescott and wife and B. Spurlock and wife of York. Miss Ida Walters of Plattsmouth spent Sunday with Lulu Page. William Nessan departed for Wood ruff, Kan., Wednesday night. Mrs. M. P. Schroeder ha9 been on the sick Jist for the past ten days. Emanuel Kline and Jacob Seybert were passengers for Plattsmouth Wednesday. W. E. Newkirk of Alvo spent Tues day at this place soliciting Woodman accident insurance. A laree number of people enjoyed themselves at the dance given at the hall Saturday night. M. P. Meisinger had the misfortune to hurt his shoulder last week, so that he was unable to husk corn for several days. Mr. and Mrs. Patterson of Louis ville spent Sunday at Cedar Creek, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Hol-lenbeck. The Duff Grain company shelled some of their old corn Thursday to make room for the new corn now com ing to market. Lewis E Myers left last Monday for Dallas, Texas. "We understand that he has a good position a9 a bookkeeper for a wholesale furniture company. J. M. Ramsey of Manley was a visi tor here last Saturday. He will move down in a few days and will take charge of the City Hotel on Decem ber 1. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Nickel of Elm- wood, Mrs. Mary Eidmann of Lincoln and Mrs. Eidmann of Stuart, Neb., were visiting with George Horn and other relatives in these parts last week. Contractor Hazen of Sarpy county has entered info a contract with S. H. Atwood & Co. to do a largo amount of stripping at their Culloni stone quar ries, east of this place. They will be gin work next week, and will in all probability have a winter job. Miss Nina Clark celebrated her eighth birthday Thursday night by asking in her young friends) to spend the evening with her. After playing games for several hours, they sat down to a tablo loaded with everything that's good. The children all en joyed themselves highly and wi.-h Miss Nina many happy returns of her birthday. What might have been a serious conflagration was averted here Thurs day afternoon by Mrs. George Horn. When going into her house she found her lace curtains burned to the floor and her carpets and some other things on fire. By hard work the fire was ex tinguished without doing a great deal of damage. The fire was started by their three-year-old boy playing with matches at the foot of a lace curtain. Richey & Dickson of Liuisville were hee Wednesday looking up a location for their new lumber yard. They say they will give us a good lumber yard, and if they do they will find that the people appreciate it. They expect to build large sheds and all the lumber will be kept in a dry place. These two gentlemen under stand the lumber business thoroughly, and should they see fit to give us a good yard, it will be a valuable addi tion. Last Sunday afternoon five of the leading sportsman of this place bar rowed as many guos and all the stray dogs in town and started for Four Mile Creek on a coon hunt. Arriving at the creek they met about an equal number from Plattsmouth, also in search of coons. As it was now nearly dark, they decided the first thing should be supper, and after eating a good, hearty meal they started after their game. For six long hours they wandered up and down that creek, but failed to tree a single coon. They arrived homo at 2 o'clock Monday morning, not making half as much noise as they did when they left town twelve hours before. There hasn't been a word said about coons since. Woman's Club. The Parliamentary drill and Amer ican Literature departments will meet on Friday evening, Nov. 24, at 7:30. Lessons Duties of officers, Quorum and committees; Selected reading from Holmes and "The Chambered Nau tilus. " Mrs. W. H. Newell, hostess. Call for the "Exquisito." Every retailer carries them. LOUISVILLE ITEMS. John Tighe of Manley was in town Tuesday. The flouring mill has shut down a few days for repairs. Mrs. James Alloway returned from Omaha Tuesday much improved in health. C. A. Richey and wife were in Plattsmouth and Omaha tho forepart of the week. The county commissioners were in town Friday of last week. They were inspecting county bridges. Richey & Dickson were in Codar C:eek Wednesday looking after their lumbar yard interests. After paying freight on a car of lumber they con cluded to walk home. Madam Rumor hrs it that a wed ding is to take place in the near future between two of our most prominent society people. Tf Madam is correct, can give you particular next week. H. E. Pankonin made a trip to Plattsmouth Saturday,and while there commenced the necessary steps to compel S irpy county to repair their part of the Platte river bridge at this place. The livery business which J. D. Ferguson has conducted so long and satisfactorily in this place is about to change hands. Tom Johnson and James Alloway are the prospective purchasers. Success, boys. Two of our prominent citizens en gaged in a friendly (?) boxing con test on the train home from Omaha Monday evening. Bad blood has ex isted between the parties for some time, but it is understood the quantity has been reduced. REET HATS for SI.25I Worth $2.25, $2 50 and $3.00 -Pattern Hats. Worth 87 and 88; for 84.BO and 85. OO ....ALSO A FINE LINE OF.... Hats from $1.50 to $3 ....AT THE.... Main Street, bet. Fourth and Fifth. JOHN WATERMAN, DEALER IN Lumber and Coal Mendota Coal, $4 50 Hard Coal, - - 9.00 ooooo Yurds in rear of Waterman block. B-ef-:j;.".l.,.'!.-,1.-..-1 :. Jr--v r,----- C-A - S fl? T Who's on Top in the Transvaal? It depends on how you look at it. No matter how you look at it, we're on top in the matter of Light-colored Covert Overcoats. Prices on the bottom. We anticipated the demand tor these and bought them kight. You are the gainer. See us for Thanksgiving "fixin's." 6. E. wescou & Son. Corner Main and Fifth Streets. Our Prices In December will be in accordance with those of last year. It is an established fact that we offered lower prices and as good goods as you could buy elsewhere in our Holiday Sale last December. We are satis fied with the business we enjoyed then ; therefore we intend to offer you the same opportunities again. You have a larger and better stock to select from at present than you had then. We have added a large stock of Cut Glass to our regular line. This ware is of the very latest design and cut. Watch for prices in this space later. Jno. T. Coleman, Second Door South of PostoJlcc, Plattsmouth, Xeb. Black Currant Loienge. Many housekeepers w'il have made tnelr jams ana j.viies tr now, out siui It will not be too late to make a few lozenges for the children to give them in the winter nights before going to bed. These lozenges will not only do their colds good, but please them. Those who hava robbed the sirup from the Jam for their jelly may use some of that, but those who have not made jelly may take some of the juice or sirup from the Jam. The currants can be reserved for currant tea for the invalids, so nothing is wasted. Mix half a pound of sugar with one third of a pint of black currant juice, dissolve an ounce of gelatin and sim mer the whole in a pan for twenty minutes. Pour the mixture out in thin layers into tins about a quarter of an Inch thick. When nearly cold, stamp out. Dust lightly with sugar and keep n airtight boxes for future use. Tailoring ) Is Booming JJ Fancy Chrlatmaa Boxes Equal to highest grade 10c cigars. Buy a box of Pepperberg'a make to send to your out of town friends. Auction Sale. A good line of dry goods, notions, jewelery, watches and silverware at auction Saturday, and for ten days in Golding building. Notice. All members of Jr. O. U. A. M. are requested to meet at their hall next Sabbath, November 26, at 10 a. m. for the purpose of attending Thanksgiv ing service at the Christian church. By order of counselor, J. F. Robisox. The "Gut Heil"6-cent cigar has an enviable reputation among smokers. Union made. For sale by all dealers. Otto Wurl, Manufacturer. Candles Valuable In Meilroomt. No one who has not used candies tot the oedrooin can appreciate their val ue. The light is soft and there is no unpleasant, unhealthy oior, as there may be from gas or kerosene; nor tha staring whilanesa of he eltctric light. Lamps are pretty for jhe bedroom, but it is almost impossible to turn them out without leaving some odor in the Toom. But candles are for retiring on ly, when they furnish sufficient light. No room can be too light where a wo man Is dressing. "I- wouldn't be without DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve for any consider ation," writes Thos. B. Rhodes, Cen terfield, O. Infallible for piles, cuts, burns and skin diseases. Beware of counterfeits. F. G. Ft icke & Co. FALL IN LINE AND PLACE your order with John C. I'tak for a Suit or Overcoat. There you will Grid a largo assortment of Wool ens ami stock of Tailor's Trimmings to select from. By doing e you get go xl goods and trimmings and fl rst c'asa woi k, latest style and cut. Mr. Ptk is the only tailor in Cass county holding a cutter's diploma. PLATTSMOUTH TEL. 26. JOHN C. PTAK, Merchant Tailor, Leonard Block. ORMS! veriviifu WHITE'S CREAM Moat In Quantity. ric-tlnf For 20 Years Has Led all Worm Remedies. iWNM Prepared by JAMES F- BALLARD. St. Louis. F. G. FRICKE & CO. 1 lE! tity. . I I REMOVAL NOTICE THE COAL OFFICE AND ..SHEDS OF.. A. H. WECKBACH & CO. Have been removed to SECOND and MAIN STREETS. Orders for M CQAjlV m IB Will receive PROMPT Attention. Here are some of the grades they handle: JHCKSON HILL, ILL. TRENTON. ILL. f MENDOTH LUMP. r WHLNUT BLOCK LUMP. HND HLL CRHDES OF HHRD COTTL. A. H. WECKBACH & CO., rI ifeJ irSJ IIHJ IfEJ irSJ hHJ irEJIItj IiHJ IFEJIieJIIeJ ic MOTT'S Testaments, Catholic Prayer Boons, Episcopal Prayer Books, Church Hymn Books, in endless variety of bindings and sizes, at LEHNHOFPS PENNYROYAL PILLS a - aey overcome Weak ness, irregularity and omissions, iucrea.se vig- . ' .lilOiA lltllUS of menstruation. " They are "LIFE SAVERS" to girls at womanhood, aiding1 development of organs and body. No known remedy for women equals them. Cannot do harm life becomes a pleasure. $1.00 FEU BOX BY MAIL. Sold by drufirffists. DC MOTT'S CHEMICAL CO., Cleveland, Ohio. Gering & Co.. Druggists. Subscribe for The Evening News ..10c a week 40c a month Piles.