Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, November 24, 1899, Image 2

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    JL- Busy Store
With JRlen ty of
6EORGE L. FARLEY, Proprietor.
"We Offer a U'eTV Drives JF'jl-oiii. Onx Greneiral Jtock
One Year, in advance, t5 00
Six Months 2 50
One Week 10
Single Copies 5
Dress Goods
We are handling- the JAMESTOWN LINE they need
no further recommendation. As a special thing-, we offer our
entire line at a remarkably low price. We quote a few:
One Year, in advance tl 00
Six Months, 50
Our line of Groceries is complete and we are able to fur
nish them to 3'ou at prices that are right no one can sell 3011
good goods any cheaper. We have just received a lot of ... .
...Pure Buckwheat Flour...
Our "Log-Cabin" Maple Syrup beats them all.
Of any Cass County Paper.
38-inch Serg-e, worth 50c, at
50 c
GO c
50 c
45 c
38-inch Suiting's, worth 65c, at - - - -40-inch
Wool Storm Serg-e, worth 75c,
40-inch Covert, worth C5c, at - - - -
50-inch Wool Flannel, worth 60c, at - -
The news of the increase in the
price of diamonds just as winter is set
ting in will be received with no little
objection by people who have not laid
in their winter's supply.
Call and See Us Get Your Money's Worth
The Semi-Weekly News-Herald
AGUINALDO is on the coast with a
sea in front of him and General Young
and his cavalry behind him. His
situation is almost as precarious as
that of bis running mate,W. J. Bryan.
The latest from South Africa is that
Laydsmith hesitates about being taken
and General Joubert refuses to stay
dead. Sir Rodvers Buller is traveling
incognito while the British are anx
ious to know what the Boers are going
to da
Rev. Fred Warren has branched
out into the newspaper field and is
running a warm pop paper up in Polk
county. His editorials are so hot that
they curl the paper. If Rev. Fred
isn't on both sides of every question
within a year we miss our guess.
It seems to be the money in the
office of clerk of the supreme court
that attracts fusion patriots, and not
cheap glory. The allied forces of re
form cannot insure the country
against imperialism and the gold
standard until they get possession of
this office, and then the country will
be safe.
If D. E. Thompson should get a
controlling interest in the Omaha Bee
he would show Gilbert M. Hitchcock
how to run a paper that is a paper.
Colonel Thompson never smelled the
smoke of defeat until he tackled a sen
atorial boom, and in that line Colonel
HitchcocK knows how it feels to stand
out in the hall while the banquet is go
ing on inside.
Considerable complaint comes to
The News in regard to owners and
keepers of cows who persist in turning
their animals loose at night to forage
upon innocent citizens. This is a
nuisance that the city officials should
strive to do away with at the earliest
possible date. No person cares to
have cattle eating up everything
that is left outside.
Hebe is a chance for Mr. Bryan.
The Tagal organ in the Philippines,
the Independencia, declares that
"Rizal, Bryan and Aguinaldo are the
glorious trinity of our political re
demption." If Mr. Bryan and his as
sociates in the United States are suffi
ciently helpful to enable Aguinaldo to
establish independence in the Philip
pines, Mr. Bryan might transfer his
presidential aspirations to that spot,
where he appaars, according to the
Indepencia, to be extremely popular.
Preachers of the African Metho
dist church in New Jersey propose to
urge definite action among the col
ored religious bodies of the state to
stay the increase of crime among that
people. Penal statistics of the state
show that in its prisons the average of
white convicts ehow that in its pris
ons the average of white convicts is
as 1 to 1,463 of population, while col
ored prisoners are in startling propor
tion of 1 to 160. It is evidently time
for missionary work among them on
the part of their own race and others,
and they seem to stand in the most
urgent need of it.
American capital is being rapidly
invested in the island which have of
late come under the control of the
the United States government. The
business men of the country realize
that we have to send abroad $250,000,
000 a year for tropical products, and
think they might as well get their
share of the profits from the produc
tion of these articles, every dollar's
worth of which can be grown in Cuba,
Porto Rico, Hawaii and the Philip
pines, and thus keep this vast sum of
money within our borders instead of
distributing it to the outside world
every year.
The old soldiers of the war of 1861-5
have nn patience with the perform
ances of the fault-finders in the so
called democratic party of today. Gen
eral Dan Sickels, who was in Wash
ington the other day, said: "I have
always baen a democrat and always
expect to be one, but Bryanism is not
the faith of the old-time leaders of the
party. I would scorn myself were I
to pretend to indorse such principles
as were embodied in the Chicago plat
form, which has already nearly made
shipwreck of the democratic party;
and if put forward again, the verdict
against it will be more overwhelm
ingly crushing than in 1896."
A UNIQUE question is being raised
in the various courts of the state which
may have a far reaching influence.
The constitution of the United States
provides that no person shall be tried
for a felony without having been first
indicted by a grand jury. The statutes
of this. state permit prosecution upon
information without an indictment.
The supreme court of this state has
held that an information is sufficient,
but the attorneys for Bolln, the do-
faulting treasurer of Omaha, have
taken the question to the United
States supreme court, where it will be
finally settled. The attorneys for
Harris raised the same question yes
terday, but the judge followed the
holding of the state court and over
ruled the plea in abatement. The
Bolln case will be followed with keen
interest by attorneys generally, as
many states have pursued tha same
course as Nebraska.
Eveky year when the rich autumn
days of October set in, with cool
nights but warm noons, there is a cry
of "Indian summer" prematurely
raised. But the real Indian summer
comes at a later date; generally at the
middle of November, and sometimes is
prolonged until the first week of De
cember. Indeed it is, on the whole.
nearer to December than to October
It is Indian summer which we are now
enjoying, a season wnicn maKes our
changeful and often inclement climate
for the time the most perfect in the
world. We may fix the date of its oc
currence by coupling it with the SL
Martin's summer of our European
cousins, which comes with or follows
St. Martin's Day, November 11. But
the date is most of what the two have
in common, the eastern season being
indeed mild in temperature, but gen
erally damp, moist an unpleasant.
The state of North Dakota has just
passed its tenth birthday. "Fleet-
footed civilization!" cries the Bis
marck Tribune. "But yesterday we
had the sod shack, the ox team, the
prairie schooner and the war-whoop
of the untamed red roan; today we
have soirees, musicales, pink teas and
functions, and we have golfers in plaid
cloaks and populist3 with whiskers.
We are only ten years old, but we are
a great state."
General Nelson A. Miles and Mrs.
Miles will not return to Washington
from their western tour of army posts
until December, when preparations
will be begun for the marriage of
their daughter. Miss Cecil Miles, to
Colonel, U. S. A., which is to take
place in January.
Governor-elect Nash of Ohio will
take care of Charles Foster by ap
pointing him state prisoner manager
at a salary of $1,000 a year. Foster
was a member of congress, governor
of Ohio and secretary of the treasury
under Harrison. But he failed,owing
When President McKinley greeted
the returning Thirteenth Minnesota
volunteers he gave his boutonniere to
the little daughter of F. L. Stetson of
Minneapolis. Stetson was a volunteer,
but arrived later than his comrades.
being on bick leave. Little Miss Stet
son told about the cause of her father's
datention, and Mr. McKinley replied:
"Then give him this flower as my
greeting when he returns."
Admiral Dewey is ded tired of be
ing lionizod, and no wonder. He can't
go down town to buy a piece of chew
ing tobacco without being surrounded
by a howling horde of lunaticd who
want to grasp his band and get a lock
of his hair. He detests th-it sort of
thing, and shows it plainly enough,
yet the half civilized people of the
east do not take a tumble, but go on
persecuting him. The admiral will
probably have to go to see again, to
enjoy rest and quiet. By the way, a
man was interviewed at Athioon the
other day with curious results. Before
and during the fight at Manila he was
captain of the gun crew on the ad
miral's flag ship, and did good execu
tion; this man has nothing but criti
cism for Dewey, and he says that the
sailors on the Olympia hated him.
Beatrice Express.
A book in manuscript, entitled
"Chained to the RockB,." was left by
the late Colonel In man, plainsman and
author,who died at Topeka. Kan,, wit b
directions that it should be published,
it being a history of his life.
Mra. Plant, widow of the capitalist,
Henry B. Plant, who recently died in
Connecticut, threatens to contest her
husband's wilL By the terms of the
will, Mrs. Plant receives an allowance
of $30,000 a year. Her friends assert
that she is not satisfied with this.
Confirmation was made at Omaha of
the report that Senator John M.
Thurston was to wed Miss Lola Pear
man, of Washington. The wedding
will take place in Washington this
week, and the Senator and his bride
will take a two weeks' wedding trip
before returning to Washington.
When a man arrested in Boston on
a charge of non-support was fined $20
bis neglected wife secured his release
by paying the fine. Then, under a
provision of the law covering such
cases, which provides for the payment
of the amount of the husband's fine to
the wife, the sum was refunded to the
woman and the pair departed rejoic
ing. Recently the Belgian steamer Bel
gique, from Antwerp for Alexandria,
foundered off the Casquet rocks, near
the Island of Alderney. A boat was
launched, containing sixteen men, but
five of these died of exhaustion aDd
three others were drowned in the en
deavor of the ship Saint Kilda to res
cue them. Eighteen persons, includ
ing the captain, out of a total crew of
twenty-six, are believed to have been
Further contempt proceedings have
been brought at Boston in connection
with the suit of Joseph C. Woodbury
against Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy, to re
cover damages for alleged libel. This
time the action is instituted against
the defendant by the plaintiff. An
order of notice has been issued by the
superior court, returnable on Monday,
for the defendant to show cause why a
writ of attachment should not bo is
sued against her for contempt. It is
alleged that the defendant caused to
be published in certain papers on Oc
tober 27 certain articles containing nl
leged false and misleading statements,
in which the issues involved in the
case were commented upon.
A ten-year-old Boston girl on her
way to school turned to throw a kiss
to her mother, who stood watching
her in the doorway of the home the
little one had just left. At that in
stant a beam, falling from the top of
a building in course of construction,
struck the child on the head, killing
her at once.
Spain's Greatest Need.
Mr. It. P. Olivia, of Barcelona,
Spain, spends his winters at Aiken, S.
C. Weak nerves had caused severe
Dains in the back of his head. On
using Electric Bitters, America's
greatest blood and nerve remedy, all
pain soon left him. He says this grand
medicine is what his country needs.
All America knows that it cures liver
and kidney trouble, purifies the blood,
tones up the stomach, strengthens the
nerves, puts vim, vigor and new life
into every muscle, nerve and organ of
tho body. If weak, tired or ailing you
need it. Every bottle guaranteed,
only 50 cents. Sold by F. G. Fricke &
Co. 1
Hiram Clark, an enterprising resi
dent of Watertown, Mas?., recently de
vised a one piece, rubber lined cotton
undergarment which was intended to
be waterproof. He expected to make
a fortune by the sale of the same to
miners, seafaring men and others
whose vocations are pursued in damp
or wet places. Unfortunately for
Clark, however, when he donned the
new garment and submitted it to a
heat test the rubber lining melted and
stuck to his body, so that the fabric
was only removed with the aid of a
pair of scissors and a scraping knife,
and with great pain to the wearer.
If you have sore throat, soreness
across the back or side, or your lungs
feel sore or tender, or you are threat
ened with diphtheria or pneumonia,
apply Ballard's Snow Liniment exter
nally, and use Ballard's Horehound
Syrup. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Residing: la Three Countries.
Cases have been known of a man's
bouse being in two parishes and even
in two counMes, but a Belgian paper
gives an instance of a miller, whose
premises are In Bavaria, Prussia and
Lorraine, though, of course, he claims
to be a frontier inhabitant. He is the
miller of UhrigmuhIe-loz-B!iesmen?en.
and the three territories on whieh lie
dwells touch each other, the line ot
demarcation being in the kitchen Thu
miller cannot really say that he Is a
Bavarian a Prussian, or an inhabitant
of Lo.ralne, for, after investigation, It
has been discovered that he sleeps' in
Bavaria, Uvea In Prussia and works in
Dr. W. Wixon, Italy Hill, N. Y.,
says, "I heartily recommend One
Minute Cough Cure. It gave my wife
immediate relief in suffocating
asthma." Pleasant to take. Never
fails to cure all coughs, colds, throat
and lung troubles. F. G. Fricke & Co.
A Narrow Escape.
Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada
E. Hart of Groton, S. D. "Was taken
with a bad cold which settled on my
lungs; cough &et in and finally terrai -
nated in consumption. Four aoctors
gave me up, saying I could live but a
short time. I gave myself up to my Sav
ior,determined if I could not stay with
my friends on earth, I would meet my
absent ones above. My husband was
advised to get Dr. King's New Dis
covery for consumption, coughs and
colds,I gave it a trial, took in all eight
bottles. It has cured me, and thank
God, I am saved and now a well and
healthy woman." Trial bottles free at
F. G. Fricke & Co. Regular size 50c.
and $1. Guaranteed or price refunded.
The constant delays in the depar
ture of British transports, owing to
the bad quality of the food supplies
shipped by the contracto- s,is occasion
ing a scandal and great indignation.
The Arawa on Thursday had to be de
layed twenty-four hour?, owing to the
faet that 15,000 pounds of rotten
English colonial beef and mutton had
to bo replaced. All the meat had to
be taken out of the ship and dumped
overboard at sea.
Grain Ol Grain Ol
Remember that name when 30U
want a delicious, appetizing, nourish
ing food drink to take the place of
coffee. Sold by all grocers and liked
by all who have used it. Grain-O is
made of pure grain, it aids digestion
and strengthens the nerves. It is not
a stimulant but a health builder and
the children as well as the adults can
drink it with great benefit. Costs
about one-fourth as much as coffee.
lEc and 25c per package. Ask your
grocer for Grain-O.
The subject of a young lady's essay,
who was graduated from a high school
in an Ohio town, was "Hawthorne,"
and in her essay she said, "At the age
of thirty-nine Hawthorne married and
took his wife to the old manse." The
day after the commencement one of the
village maidens called on Miss E., and
in talking the affair over, remarked:
"Wasn't it awful that Maude should
say such a thing in her essay?" Miss
E. Inquired to what she alluded. "Why,
she said at the age of thirty-nine Haw
thorne married and took his wife to the
old man's. Why didn't she say to his
Lancaster, N. H., says, "One Minute
Cough Cure is tho best remedy for
croup I ever used." Immediately re
lieves and cures coughs, colds, croup,
asthma, pneumonia, bronchitis, grip
and all throat and lung troubles. It
prevents consumption. F. G. Fricke
& C .
I.-ne Majette In Uermanr.
Chattanooga Times: The press laws
and more especially that dragnet
known as les majeste, as administered
in Germany, disgraces civilization. Al
most daily some eaitor or some mere
clown is pulled up and fined or sent
to prison, or both, for a passing and
respectful crticism of imperial rant
and nonsense, or for some clumsy wit
ticism about his royal highness' coat
or the way his nibs sits his horse! We
cennot conceive of a high spirited and
Urave people enduring such insult
tamely, without resenting it violently.
Thousands of men and women suffer
from piles, especially women with fe
male weakness have this suffering to
contend with in addition to their other
pains. Tabler'a Buckeye Pile Oint
ment will quickly effect a cure. Price,
50 cts. in bottles, tubes 75 cts. F. G.
Fricke & Co.
In a Republican Neighborhood.
Sunday School Teacher "Children,
there is a Being above us who has
charge over us. He superintends and
assists in all our battles for the right.
Wicked people sometimes profane His
name, but He is our friend and gives
us all His protection. How we should
worship Him! Children, who is He-"
Class in chorus "McKinley." New
York World.
"This is not the ordinary campaign
cigar. Dennis. These are ten-centers,
straight. Take a handful." "Thanky,
Mr. Outfort. I'd vote fur you if I voted
for anybody, but furgot to register."
Chicago Tribune. t
For burns, cuts, bruises, lacerations
or Injuries of any description,Ballard's
Snow Liniment is a sovereign remedy.
It never fails to do good, and so
promptly that its wonderful curative
properties frequently create surprise.
Price 25 and 50 cts. F. G. Fricke &
To Patrons of ' The News."
All aecounts, Including subscrip
tions, advertising and job work, are
due and payable to George L. Farley,
the present owner of the paper.
C. S. Polk.
That Throbbing Headache
Would quickly leave you if you used
Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands
of sufferers have proved their malcli-
1 less merit for sick and nervous head'
aches. Thsy make pure blood and
strong nerves and build up your
health. Easy to take. Try them.
Only 25 cents. Money back if not
curod. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co.
A. W. Atwood sulls glass.
A (ircat Hargnln.
The country store owned by Mr. Ja
bez Dodd contained such a motley
conglomeration in the way of "stock"
that a village lounger one day offered
to bet that another man could not ask
for anything In ordinary, every-day
use without Uncle Jabe's producing it.
The two men entered the store, and
the challenged party said: "Got any
false teeth on hand to-day, Uncle
Jabe?" Without an instant's hesita
tion, Uncle Jabe put his hand to his
mouth and a moment later held out
the hand with a set of grinning teeth
in it "There!" he eaid. "I'll sell that
set mighty cheap for my gooms hev
shrunk so they don't fit me no more,
and I'm goin' to have some new ones.
If you want these fer " But the two
men had fled,. while Uncle Jabe called
after them: "I'll let you have 'em fer
less'n half price."
"I had dyspepsia fifty-eeven years
and never found permanent relief till
I used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Now I
am well and feel like a new man,"
writes S. J. Fleming, Murray, Neb.
It is the best digestant known. Cures
all forms of indigestion. Physicians
everywhere prescribe it. F. G. Fricke
& Co.
The Only Cure.
Eczema is more than a skin disease,
and no skin remedies can cure it. The
doctors are unable to effect a cure, and
their mineral mixtures are damaging
to the most powerful constitution. The
whole trouble is in the blood, and
Swift's Specific is the only remedy
which can reach.such deep-seated blood
Eczema broke out on my daughter, and con
tinued to spread until
her head was entirely
covered. She was treated
by several good doctors,
oat grsw worse, and the
dreadful disease spread
to her lace. She was
taken to two celebrated ' Jspsii'v?
vo two ceieurateu '.sfrn zJ
springs, but Te-6P&&$
no benefit. Many -ASS23Jfuftvr
ceived no benefit. Many
patent medicines were taken, but without re
sult, until we decided to try S. S. S.,and by the
time the first bottle was finished, her head be
gan to heal. A dozen bottles cured her com
pletely and left her skin perfectly smooth. She
Is now sixteen years old, and has a magnificent
growth of hair. Not a sign of the dreadful
disease has ever returned.
H. T. Shore,
2704 Lucas Ave.. St. Louis, Mo.
Don't expect local applications of
soaps and salves to cure Lczema. They
reach only the surface, while the di
sease comes from within. Swift's
is the only cure and will reach the most
obstinate case. It is far ahead of all
similar remedies, because it cures cases
which are beyond their reach. S. S. S. is
purely vegetable, and is the only blood
remedy guaranteed to contain no pot
ash, mercury or other mineral.
Books mailed free by Swift Specific
Company, Atlanta, Georgia.
Arsenic Beauty Tablets and Pills. A per
fectly safe and mmrnntivH treatment for All Kkin
disorders. Restores the bloom of youth to faded faces.
10 days' treatment 50c : 30 days' $1.00, by mail.
Send for circular. Address,
NERVITA M0iCAL CO., CUstoa Jackwa SU., Cnlcsftt
Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co.
Bffc ti.i.i,..'..'. v-arlLfc OiamoaH Itrca.
lraftit for Chichester Knqluh Jia-(
mMd Brand in Krd and Gii mftnlliQ
INoim. aeaied with Moa notmn. 1 she
In other. Refute dtxngrru nbttttu- V
' tinna twmti umitationM. At DrQiaCft, or trad 4.
In tump for ptrtfealara, i-tinioniali ao4
Keller Tor rlle." tener, ot reivrs
flitntiMtfpt'hcmtialCiiHMtflUoa Hairft
Sold br all Local DruevUt. FIIIL-AUA i'A.
Dyspepsia Cure,
Digests what you eat.
Tt atiflHallvrlicrests the food and aids
wotiira in strfnrthcnin? and recon
structing the exhausted dipestlve or
eans. It is the latest discovered dipest
int and tonic. No other preparation
can approach it in efficiency. It in
stantly relieves and permanently cures
Dyspepsia, xnaigestiuu, .
-ciat.11i0nr.A- Knnr Stomach, Hausea,
Sick Headache, Gastralgl a,Cramps, and
all other results of imperfect digestion
a . a 1af1a.Sk Sk a at - W I rl
Prepare a ey t. b. utm" v
i? sir ftiSA
and Stoves
I. Pearlman desires to call
attention to the trade that he
has the largest stock of stoves
and furniture ever shown in
Plattsmouth and that he can
not be undersold by any dealer
in the great state of Nebraska.
lie made his purchases before
the recent great advance in
prices, and is giving- his cus- j
totners the benefit of that fact. 1
These are facts which you
cannot afford to overlook when '
in need of airything" in his line.
If you are wise you will take
a close look through his store
rooms before buying.
Opposite the court house,
Plattsmouth Nebraska
t An HUM'S
C1eans and beau tide, th hate
I'rumotca ft Iniuntni frrowth.
Never Falls to Beatore Gray
liair to lta xouimut toior.
Cure Mlp dw hair tailing. I
r,and Slwat Drorglta j
To Look Around
Before you make purchases.
After you have looked elsewhere,
come to us and wo guarantee you
will be pleased. Our new spring
stuck has arrived, including Dry
Goods, Staple and Fancy Gro
ceries, Crockery, Glassware, Flour
and Feed A square deal to all.
F. S.
Main Street,
Bottled in Bond.
The above cut of Uncle S .rn ropre
sent6 the public and they know a good
thing when ihiy o it. Cill and be
convinced that Yellowstone is the
best wbiekey in the market. Sold
only by
..Philip Thierolf..
House Furnishings.
Our stock Is complete in all llus and we
Inrlte our friends to look It oror We will
endeavor to please yoa. Call find aee vs.
(Successors to lit try Roeck. 1
Mnffik andQuantny
Are Now In Soa--on.
Tho day of tho Ojster Stow y
Is once more at hand and
Plattsmouth people know
where to get tho best on
the market, and that is at. ..
Leonard Block.
Hi- :'f carries a complete
btc;. lv uf Fi cs!) ....
Fruits and Inn dies,
Cigars and
Offers the very best facilities lor the
prompt transaction of
Legitimate Banking Business.
STOCKS, bonds, iiold, government and loinl
eouritles nounht and sold. Deposits re
ceived aDd Interest allowed on the certrJ
oates. Drafts drawn, available In any
part of the U. S. and all the prlasW,a
towns of Europe. Collections made and
promptly remitted. Hizbest market
price paid for eounty warrants, state
and county bonds.
Dovey, D. Hawksworth S. Waugh
H. N.
F. K. White. G. E. Dovey.
Geo. E. Dovey. Pres., P. Waugh. Cashier.
H. N. Dovev. Asst. Cashier.
We are ready, willing and
able to supply the wants
of tho school children on
Shoes. Tha latest popular
styles, tho best wearing
material, the pockct-futintf
prices. We give a
with every piiir of school
Joseph lctzcr.
North Side Main Street.
M K1U.K hTS.,
Laro Supply of all tho
Including the Famous
Missouri, Illinois,
Jackson Hill and
Canon City Lump,
Always on hand Also a quantity ol
cheaper Grades of NUT COAL. We also
keep 00 hand all kinds of Wood. All or
tiers promptly delivered. Leave orders
at grocery siore 01 . n. w eciDacn at o .
Leave orders at F. S. White's
Store or at Brick and Terra
Cotta works.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Neb. Tel. 71.