Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, November 24, 1899, Image 1
Lincoln, AUx Sclileel state capiat emi-We EKAXJB THE NEWg. Establsbed Nov.5. 1991. 'rnnaolldated Jun. 1 IKOS THE HERALD. Established April 10. 1?6I. ( t-Onsonaatea Jan. I.lbus. PLATTSMOUTH, NEB.. NOVEMBER 24. 1899. VOL. IX, NO. 6. AFTER FILIPINO LEADER&mmmm?mHm?nmm?mnmmm! Known to Have Passed Between San Fabian ami Fernando. ? 1 1 ! 1 , American Force Have a Little Kncoun- trr Wltn the Filipino Kear Ugard, t It lit the Knemy Forced to Ketrt-at With Considerable Lohs Otis Reports Operation. Mews EKLY 0S F CZ3) CT Manila, Nov. 22.-12:55 p. m. General Young; reports that Aguin- aldo, with a party of 200, including Borne women and a few carts, passed Aringay, on the coast between San Fabian and San Fernando, in the nrnvinon of Union, on Fridav. Nov. 17. Tho nana...! alrla A rTIMTlftKill - A .1 UI U4 UU U .3 V U C. V - probably intended to etrine inland IIIIUUU I U O 1J VI mini n w :; Bayambong, in the province of Nueva V I .'! I'-l General Young, with cavalry and Mrt.uebes, is pursuing the Filipino IcaJer, part of tho American force taking the direction of San Fernando. In a fight with Aguinaldo's rear guard at Aringuy one Maceebebo was wounded and the insurgents retreated. There Iors is unknown. Otln Report Operation. Washington, Nov. 22 General Otis today cabled the war department as follows: "Manila, Nov. 22 Dispatch 21st from Jj-iwton at Tayug reports Young withctvalry and Maccabebo ecounts at Arinpay, with advance north to Baoang rear San Fernando about to move on trail east to Trinidad. Young reports considerable insurgent force moving in that direction; that Aguin aldo is in charge, seeking to cross over to B yambong. "Portions of Lriwton's troops now being pushed through to Tayug with rations. Battalion Twenty-fourth will join Liwton tomorrow. Nothing from Wheaton tor several days. Mac Arthur operating west of railroad and north of Tarlann. Wire from Tarlann north working; troops on en tire railroad lino stationed without difficulty. "Iloilo reports seven companies Sixth and Twenty-sixth volunteers, under Dickman, struck insurgents northeast Jaro;v casualties, six wounded. Enemy left on field eighteen killed. Dickman captured seven primers, four one-pound brass field pieces and several thousand rounds ammunition. Eighteenth in fantry yesterday drove insurgents north on Santa Barbara. Hughes with column north and west of Sacia Barbara; reports of results not jet received." The dispatch from General Otis does not yet make it appear that the ef forts to capture Aguinaldo and the larger portion of his army will be suc cessful. The intention of General Young to prevent A guioaldo reaching Ilaj-onbong seems evident, but this seems scarcely probable now. Some errors have been made in the trans mission of the dispatch. Ba3-onbong is evidently meant instead of Bayam bone. The town eiven as Tarlann is probably Tarlac, as the situation of MacArthur would indicate that he is operating not far from that place. No alarm is felt regarding the situation of General Wheaton, as he has been for some time beyond telegraphic com munication. Operations are also progressing in the islands south of Luzon, as the last portion of the dispatch indicates. A few days ago we had a slight Fire in our building. There was no damage by Flames or Water, but a slight damage by Smoke. A large portion of the Clothing shows NO DAMAGE WHATEVER the only way you could detect-it at all is by a slight smell of Smoke. The Insurance Companies stand the loss and their loss shall be your gain. Commencing Friday Morning-, November 17, we will offer our entire CLOTHING STOCK, valued at $18,000, at practically your own prices. 1IAYWAH1) ox tiu: mf.m. Men's All Wool Fg!kR NOW Suits and Overcoat, $ 5.00 $ 3.45 7,50 5.20 10.00 6.95 12.50 8.70 15.00 II.90 18.00 14.20 FORMER PRICE Boys' All Wool Suits and Overcoat, $5.00 6.00 7.00 8.50 i NOW $3.45 4.40 5.20 6.40 Children's All Wool FlR NOW Suits and Overcoat, $2.00 $ 1.38 2.50 1.80 3.00 1.30 " 4.00 2.90 5.00 3.85 5 iKThis Sale Will Last Until Every Dollar's Worth of Clothing Is Sold. FRANK J. nORGAN, The Leading Clothier, 5 No. 502 Hairi Street, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. 3 iiiaiuiuumuaiiUuimiUiUumuttu wait ox thi: ii:i:siii:xt. Ills Doctor Are Hopeful of Permanent Improvement. Mkukaska ClTV, Neb., Nov. 23. Senator Hayward has rested easily to day and appears better than he was yesterday. His pulse and temperature are normal, a fact that is gratifying -tahl physicians. The paralysis of the lower limbs which alarmed the physicians yesterday seems to be gradually rereding today, giving these members freer action, but his right arm is useless, hi speech diffi cult and his mind is clouded at inter vals. Dr. Bridges came from Omaha last evening and spent most of the night with tho sick man. Ho says that the condition of the patient has improved over wbat it was when he was here be fere. He held a consultation with Dr. Wbitten and indorsed the treatment prescribed by the latter during the last few days. Dr. Bridges agreed with Dr. Whit teu that it cannot be known at this time whether or not there is serious inflammation about the lesion in the brain. Both physicians expressed themselves as being satisfied with the manner in which the case is progress ing, but were reticent upon the sub ject of the prospects of any permanent improvements Irrent Petition From the Farmers' and Planters' Association. Washington, Nov. 22. Evaristo M. Montalvo and Francisco Figueras, commissioners appointed by the Plant ers' and Farmers' association of Cuba; V. O. McDowell, president of the Cuban-American league, accompanied by Senor Quesada, the Cuban commis sioner, called upon the president to diy and laid before him a petition adopted by the Farmers' and Planters' association. The petition is basad on the oelief of the commissioners that tho rehabilitation of Cuba depends, first of all, upon the revival of its natural industries, sugar, tobacco and mines. To secure this industrial re vival the commissioners pray the pres ident to provide for the establishment of an agricultural bank, with branches in the principal cities of the island so thai money may be easily obtained by the planters on crop and land security. They pointed out, however, that no amount of production can bring pros perity to Cuba without a market for its crops. They, therefore, ask that the president extend to Cu the same commercial privileges as will be en joyed by the islands of the British West Indies under recent treatries, or else that he renew the reciprocity ar rangements made for Cuba's benefit with Spain under President Harrison in 1891. Minor points touched on by the peti tion is tho desirability of the same postal arrangements with the United States that now exist between the United States and Mexico and Canada, also the repeal of any order prevent ing competition in capital out of Cuba. The petition quotes the view9 of Commissioner Robert P. Porter on the economic needs of Cuba and submits the dratt of a charter for the proposed agricultural bank. They discussed the general situation in Cuba with the president and when they left the White house said their conference had been very satisfactory, thought not in clined to go in to details as to what the president had told them. Later they went to the treasury department, where they had an interview with Secretary Gage. HOT FIGHT AT ILOILO. Filipinos Kill Four Americans and "Wouiitl Twenty-five. Male Help Wanted Reliable men to handle our line of high grade lu bricating oils, greases and specialties. Salary or commission. Address, Mu tual Itefining Co., Cleveland, O. Recorder George A. Hay is enjoying a visit from his brother from near Elm wood, who is a juror in court. Rebels Driven From Trench to Trench By Colonel Carpenter's Force Another Engagement Is Anticipated at Santa Itarbara. Where General Hughes Is Already Snpposed to Have Met Rebels. Manila, Nov. 23.-10:50 p. m Se vere fighting in the north of Iloilo be gan Tjesday, November 21. Four Americans were killed and twenty five wounded, including three officers The insurgents are retreating to Santa Barbara, but the fighting continues. Colonel Carpenter, November 18, ad vanced to Santa Barbara, straight north from Jaro, taking trench after trench, the enemy fighting and re treating. General Hughes' column has stead ily been advancing north to gain a po sition west of Santa Barbara. It encountered the enemy in small detachments. Six to ten Americans were wounded in this column. Colonel Carpenter started during the night of November 20, and opened with Bat tery G of the Sixth artillery at day break, November 21, on the trenches. The enemy volleyed as the artillery took up a position, wounding four. Two companies of the Twenty-sixth regiment garrisoning Jaro, moved time, seemed anxious, consulted with his companions and the villagers as to the nature of the roads, secured fresh horses and proceeded immediately towaia Mangalaren in Pangasinan province, west of Bambang. The corporal tells a straight 6tory, giving minute details. Ha is con vinced he is not mistaken, having seen Aguinaldo several times during recent months. Aguinaldo, it appears, would have time to leave Bayambong November 13 and pass through General Whea ton's lines November 17. Hi: IKS TO $."0,000 MISSING. Pnblie Administrator at llatte, Mont., Is Loo lnjr, for Legates of Singer's Will. Bctte, Mont., Nov. 23. Public Administrator J. II. Collins is looking for heirs to the $-50,C00 estate of the late James C. Singer, a formely well known old-timer in Butte, who died suddenly in San Francisco, in Septem ber, 1898. Before leaving Butte, Sin ger purchased government boo as and $50,000 worth of them were found in his trunk in San Francisco. An administrator was appointed for the estate in that city and the public administrator in Butte took charge of the portion of the estate remaining in Montana. He siys he is satisfied that Singer's legal residence at the time of bis death was Montana and that the money in San Francisco should bo turned over to the estate in Montana. Sintrnf loft, n will in vhiph Mrs l l . ? - .1 . I A. ' hi i uus; " vbuhj, uiiui-k i n g ine enemy ,t .1. L. T ' "Jtt Attempted Train Wrecking. Ottumwa, la., Kov 23. What is supposed to have been an attempt to wreck the Burlington fast mail No.. 8 occurred this evening two miles east of Russell. While the train was run ning at the. rate of moro than fifty miles an hour it struck a number of ties on the track, knocking them clear of the train, far onto the rightof way. No one was hurt and the train arrived in this city forty-five minutes late. Oae of the ties became lodged in the pilot and necessitated the re moval of tho pilot. The object of the perpetrators of the deed is supposed to have been robbery. There is no clue to the guilty parties. Graves Are Neglected. The dead heroes of the Buena Vista battlefield, where 6,000 American vol unteers under General Zachary Taylor defeated 20,000 Mexicans under Santa Ana, after a desperate and bloody bat tle, lie In a neglected and unmarked jjspot near Saltillo, Mex. Cost of the Ctah Jubilee. Utah's recent pioneer Jubilee cost 54,000, nearly all of which was raised by subscription. m m m m Will Likely Help Roberts. Mcncie, Ind , Nov. 23 Said Con gressman George W. Cromer of the Eighth district: "I predict that Brigham H. Roberts, congressman-elect from Utah, will be allowed to retain bis seat in congress. through the influence of democratic politicians. The republican majority in the Fifty-sixth congress will be only fourteen. The democrats, I be lieve, will never permit a free suverite and expansionist democrat to be ousted from his seat by republicans in congress. It would be voting against themselves. Besides, to expel Mr. Roberts it will require two-thirds of the members and unless the democrats vote with the republicans he will keep his seat." on the right flmk just north of Jaro at daybreak, November 21, driving thera toward Colonel Carpenter. The country between Jaro and Santa Bar bara is thickly entrenched especially near Pa via. The Sixth artillery fired on the trenches and the Eighteenth regiment charged, the enemy ret' eat ing to the next trench. Tho Eigh teenth again charged, encountering and attacking a force of bolomen who were hidden in the long grass and who severely wounied several Amer icans. During tho afternoon of November 21 the fighting was severe immed iately south of Pavia, three miles north of Jaro. Capture Three Cannon. The column returned to Jaro after the flank movement, having captured ! three eix-pound smoothbore cannon and a quantity of arms and ammuni tion. The enemy's loss was not obtainable, but seven men were found dead in one trench. The insurgents are falling back on Santa Barbara, whic'a it is ex pected General Hughes has attacked before this. A Spanish corporal, captured by the Filipinos, has arrived here from Tar lac. He Bays he saw Aguinaldo, ac companied by a prominent leader and fifteen men, arrive at Bayambong during the night ot November 13, hat less, his clothes torn and spattered with mud and his horse exhausted. Aguinaldo, it appears, rested a short non iiennie ana Alice jenKins are named a9 the legatees, but Mr. Collins says he has been unable to locate them or get any trace of them Wreckers Find Gold Chest. Santiago De Cuba, Nov. 22. The wreckers working on the sunken Span ish armored cruiser Almirante Oquendo yestf rday discovered a chest containing $18,000 in Spanish gold, which the Cendoya company, the firm employing the divers, will retain. Work on the cruiser has been in pro gress for five months and many thous ands of dollars worth of treasure has been secured. The safe was found in the bottom, where it fell during the burning of the ship. Only a few days ago the wreckers began on the torpedo boat destroyer t uror. Thev have alreadv found a Bervice of heavy silver plate. Experts assert, after inspecting the destroyer, that it might have easily been raised ana repaired. The wrecking opera tions have proved a source of large re turns to the companies. nKiimntnH -t t $500,000. You never know what form of blood poison will lollow constipation. Keep the liver clean by using DeWitt's Little Early Risers and you will avoid trouble. They are famous little pills for constipation and liver and bowel troubles. F. G. Fricke & Co. The campaign is now over, but the "Exquisito" is still the most popular 5-cent cigar on the market. H. Spies, manufacturer. Fools try to convince a woman but wise men persuade her. State of Ohio. City of Toledo, Lucas County. f Frank J. Cheney makes oath that hU the senior partner ol the hrm of F. J. Cheney & Co.. doing business in the city of Toledo, county and state aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the enm .if Dm- Hundred Dollars fur each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. . 1" RANK J. LntNEi. dnm tn hpfori! me and subscribed in my presence this 6th day of December, A. D. 1886. , A. W Gleason. (SeiD Notary Public. Hall's Ca-vr Cure Is taken internally and acts directly on the blood and surfaces ol the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, a tW Sold by drugpists. 75c. Hall's Familv Pills are the best. The Kind Kaiser and Bis Krruiun. In a recent story about i-e kaiser, William is made to size up his own ability as a preacher. It i3 well known that the kaiser on his annual trip on board the Hohenzollern to the Norwe gian fiords is in tin habit of conduct ing divine bervice every Sunday morn ing. He usually reads a jhort liturgy and follows the prayers with a sermon. In hH recent trip the officers of the Hohenzollern noticed that a sailor dur ing divine service had fallen fast asleep. After service the captain call ed the sailor before him, gave him a sound rating and sentenced him to two days' arrest. The captain afterward reported the incident of the sleeping sailor, and the punishment Inflicted on him "Was he on watch the night be fore?" asked the kaiser. "He was. ,,r malecty." "Then, let the poor devil off. Besides, It wasn't much of a sermon, anyhow." A FrlghtuI Blunder Will often cause a horrible burn, scald, cut or bruise. Bucklen's Ar nica Salve, the best in the world, will kill the pain and promptly heal it. Cures old sores, fever sores, ulcers, boils, felons, corns, all ekin eruptions. Best pile cure on earth. Only 25 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by F. G Fricke & Co. druggists. ?dc Carry a Complete I4ne of.. jOgarsj and all Smokers' JMatenals 83 Gering & Go.9 ..DRUGGISTS.. w m m m m m m m m u m m m m m m m m A BOON TO MANKIND! DR TABLER'S BUCKEYE PILE tn T3 Zh i 5 -iZMrn CURE m v vy A New Discovery for the Certain Cure of INTERNAL and EXTERNAL PILES, WITHOUT PAIN, CURES WHERE ALL OTHERS HAVE FAILED. Tubes, by Mail, 75 Cents; Bottles, 60 Cents. JAMES F. BALLARD, Sole Proprietor, - - 310 North Main Street, ST. LOUIS, MO. F. G. Fricke & Co. THE NEWS does Job Printing