Business and Professional- DIRECTORY. J. I. unrun Dealer in Fine Furniture UNDERTAKER and.... EMBALMEtt 419 Main st E B. Elster Dentist " Office Waterman block. Prices Reasonable, Work Guaranteed. Snyder x Co Jewelers and. . . . Opticians Cora M.Rlexander LEADING Dressmaker. Agent for the French Skirt . . Supporter Union block Corner Sixth and Main Streets, Plattsmouth, Neb FIRST National Bank OF Plattsmouth, Neb PLATTSMOUTH ... Bottling Works F. G. Egenberger, Proprietor. Manufacturer Mineral and Soda Waters. and all kinds of .... Temperance Drinks. Stocks. Bonds and Se curities bought and sold. B & M Pay checks cashed. OUR FALL Dealer in FRESH and SALT Meats ..Also.. Groceries and Provisions 414 Main St. Walking Hats Are now in A Fine display of Pattern Hats in a few days. Mrs. Rankin Jones & McGowan Livery and Feed STABLE. Corner Main and Seventh sts. Bennett Tutt, Leading Grocers. Glassware and.... Queensware. pnn Thierolf, Dealer in Wines ....and.... Liquors ....Agent.... Anheuser- Buach Brewing Ass'n. LI. a S Ij LI-S Slates, Tablets, Paper, Envelopes, Pens, Ink and.... Pencils. FOR Proper Printing "AT ....PAYS.... HIGHEST MARKET PRICES ....FOR.... Country Produce Sixth and Pearl streets. Proper Prices CALL ON The News. ALWAYS USE COCOA PURE! HEALTHFUL!! jur ICC rciurucu i v. iau. wm. r a -l -C rn:i A ... Mirlicr promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patentability of same. " Bow to Obtain a . " . .. - - . AM.vA X&lCni scut V)Jua ICUOt. fillCUU bwmaw notice, without charge, in Tub Patent Kkcord, an illustrated and widely circulated journal, i i - r . . r-m.ra ti il TnvKtnrs. - &cnd, for sample copy FREE. Address, VICTOR ! EVANS & CO. S : (Patent Attorneys,) r Ef.BS Building, " WASHINGTON. D. C Dyspepsia Cure, It artificially digests the food and aids Nature in strengthening and recon structing me eiUUUBteU UlgCSllVC VI- eana. It is the latest discovered digest ant and tonic No other preparation can approacn it. i" emvicutf n m Btantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, u w . Indigestion, Heartburn, iniirrDBi iiin n u Vfatulence. Sour Biomacn, nausea, ipkHeadache,Gastralgia,Cramps,and b.c?rrrfr,,itanfimTerfectdleestioa "prVparid I by E TcT A Co.. Cb.cafl. F. G.'FRICKE & CM The Semi-Weekly News-Herald GEORGE L. FARLEY, Proprietor. DAILY EDITION. One Year, in advance, ..... 3 00 Six Months 2 50 One Week, 10 Single Copies, SEMI-WEEKLY EDITION. One Year, in advance, . . . II 00 Six Months, 0 T.?.E LARGEST CIRCULATION Of any Cass County Paper. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1899. att. Kfibraska will reioico to hear that Senator Hayward is getting bet ter. Customs receipts under the Dingtey law continue to eu-pasa the most san guine expectations of its framers. In the month of October they amounted to 818,800,000, or an average of over $600,000 per day and in the first nine days of November were over $6,000,000, thus being far in exces of the hall a million dollars a day, which is the amount ordinarily expected of the customs end of the revenue-producing machinery of the government. Anotiiee feather in the cap of the administration is the acquisition of the island of Tutuila in theSamoan group, which falls to our lot in the readjust ment mde by the United State9, Ger many and Great Britain. This island possesses the finest island harbor in the south Pacific, and perhaps the en tire Pacific ocean, and thus adds a very valuable feature to the Pacific territory which has came into the pos session of the United States during President McKinley's term. The unanimous opinion of Admiral Dewey and his associates on the Phil- inoine commission that the govern ment should retain possession of the Philippine islands doubtless had its ef fect npon the minds of many voters who were undetermined as to the wis- wisdom of our expansion policy, and whose decision in support of the presi dent gave in the recent election the unexpectedly large republican major ities Ohio, Kentucky, New ork. New Jersey, Pennsylvania and other states. Auntie Boutwell, the side-part ner of Atkinson and Aguinaldo, must be quite discouraged over the resultof the election. In a recent letter to an Indianapolis friend, in which he dis cussed the question of how the "aunt ies" could accomplish their purpose. whatever it is. he said: "First of all we must get a popular judgment asainst McKinley; as long as the peo pie are with him. there is no hope. The 6plendid republican -majorities in Ohio. Kentucky, New ork, JNew Jer sey. Pennsylvania and other states do not indicate that it will pract.ioo.hln to get a "popular judgment against Mc Kinley." People who are losing sleep over the frequently repeated suggestions that England's experiences in India prove that a large standing army will De required in the Philippines should divide the standing army of India into the population and than see how it fits conditions in the Philippines. The standing army in India consists of 225, 000 men, of which one-third are Euro peans and two-thirds natives. The population of India is 300,000,000; that of the Philippines, 8,000,000. Make the calculation and you will find that at the same ratio we should have to keep in the Philippines 2,000 of Amer ican and 4,000 of native troops. About the last of the industries to recover from the depression caused by low tariff and democratic rule is that of woolen manufactures. The enor mous importations of woolen goods un der the Wilson low tariff paralyzed the manufacturers of woolen goods within the United States, and it is only during the last few months that they have fully recovered from the de pression due to the enormous stock in the country when the Dingley law was passed. Now, however, the mills of tho country are running on full time, and in many c ises overtime. Demund for American wool is increas ing, and the last of American indus tries to feel the effect of repib'ican protection is gratefully acknowledging its benefits. Secretary Gage's propositioT to reaeem $25,000,000 worth of tho out standing bonds of the United States not yet due, the purpose being to put into circulation a part f the surplus now in the treasury, will probably bring tha total money in circulation in the United States to the two billion dollar lino. The total money in cir culation on November 1 was $1,963, 716,148, and the great excess of ex ports is constantly bringing money into the country from abroad, so that it seems almost certain that the two billion dollar line in our circulation will be reached very soon, thus in creasing the total circulation 33 per cent since the nomination of Bryan and all this without the free and un limited coinage. of silver. No betteu evidence of prosperity can be found than the rapidly increas ing demand for freight carriers on the railroads and lakes. Grain, coal, lum ber and iron men are complaining bit terly that they cannot get cars and steamships to move their freights, despite the fact that every nerve is being strained by manufacturers to in crease the supply of vehicles for trans portation. Car shortages are reported by the large companies at from 1,500 to 5,000 cars, and already the iron ore producers of the northwest have char- tered vessels for next season's service, thus insuring a greater amount of iron ore thau ever before known. The American Car and Factory company, which is manufacturing steel freight cars has recently taken orders for over $14,000,000 worth of new cars. The time is rapidly approaching when Japan, China, Korea. Siam and the Philippines will consume every pound of the south's surplus cotton, manufactured or raw, and make her absolutely independent of the British or European market. Every farmer, laborer and manufacturer in the south should have deep concern in America's Asiatio opportunity. There should not be a discordant note from the Roanoke to tho Rio Grande in support of a policy to extend, protect and con trol tho markets of the Orient. Hon. John Barrett, Cleveland's minister to Siam. INFORMATION AND OPINION. Mrs. Ada Ashley Hill was arrested at Aurora, III., charged with the mur der of her mother-in-law, Mrs. Eiiza Hill, by pouring acid down her back. Mrs. Hill died November 5, as the re sult, physicians swear, of acid burns. The deposit of vapor and hoar fro6t on window panes is prevented by coat ing the window with a composition re cently patented by a Belgian, consist ing of water, glycerine, sugar and comaria, the resulting compound be ing transparent and rendering the window clear at all times. The invasion of Cape Colony by tho Boers is believed to indicate an early general attack on the British position. There are fears that the Dutch farm ers will tarn per with the railroads to prevent the movement of British troops. A Missouri couple were married the other day after a week's acquaintance. The Kansas City Journal admits that there was nothing precipitate so far as the bridegroom, was concerned, as the bride possessed property valued tit $50,000. New York City, Brooklyn and Jer sey City milk dealers have formed a gigantic milk trust, under the laws of Dele ware.' Articles of incorporation were filed at Dover by the Pure Milk company, whose capital stock was rep resented at $30,000,000. - A steamer arriving at Liverpool from West African ports reports th:it an English trader named Thompson and five men have been massacred by natives at Lahore. A force of Sene galese has been sent to punish the murderers. Sportsmen who have been out over Wabash and surrounding counties in Indiana say that quail were never so numerous as now. Tho birds are In prime condition, in spite of the failure of the wheat crop. Big killings are reported daily. Spain's Greatest Need. Mr. R. P. Olivia, of Barcelona, Spain, spends his winters at Aiken, S. C. Weak nerves had caused severe pains in the back of his head. On using Electric Bitters, America's greatest blood and nerve remedy, all pain soon left him. He says this grand medicine is what his country needs. All America knows that it cures liver and kidney trouble, purifies the blood, tones up the stomach, strengthens the nerves, puts vim, vigor and new life into every muscle nerve and organ of the body. If weak, tired or ailing you need it. Every bottle guaranteed, only 50 cents. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co. 1 What Paper Coal. Ladles who go chopping have little idea of the cost of their trip, even in such a minor detail as the cost of paper for the packages they have sent home. A Baltimorean has recently compared the weight of paper with the food sup plied to the purchaser. In one day's purchases It is said that the paper wrapping amounting to about 10 per cent of the total. In a Hat of supplies costing about $1.40, he found that the paper which was weighed with the provisions cast U cents. eraln O! 6raln-OI Remember that name when jou want a delicious, appetizing, nourish ing food drink to take the place of coffee. Sold by all grocers and liked by all who have used it. Grain-O is made of pure grain, it aids digestion and strengthens the nerves. It is not a stimulant Out a health builder and the children as well as the adults can drink it with great benefit. Costs about one-fourth as much as coffee, lfc and 25c per package. Ask your grocer for Graln-O. Oasb Prl.cs foP Photographs. For the six best photographs of farm scenes along its line in Nebraska and Kansas,the Burlington route offers six cash prizes one of $20, one or $10 and four of $5 each. Photographs of growing crops, harvesting operations, feed-lots, poultry, cattle, barns and creameries are particularly desired. No limitations as to size or finish are made. The contest closes November 30, 1899. J. Francis, General Passen ger Agent, Burlington Route, Omaha. Dr. H. H. Haden,Summit,Ala.,says, "I think Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is a splendid medicine. I prescribe it, and my confidence in it grows with con tinued use." It digests what you eat and quickly cures dyspepsia and in digestion. F. G. Fricke & Co. To Patron of '-The Newa." All accounts, including subscrip tions, advertising and job work, are due and payable to George L. Farley, the present owner of the paper. C. S. Polk. I A. W. Atwood sells glass. CHRISTIAN SCIKNC12 LKCTUKi:. The following are extracts from a lecture delivered by Judge J. R. Clarkson, of Omaha, at Waterman's hall. I'lattsmouth, Neb., November 1C. 1S39.J There is an all pervading inquietude among mortals. They seem linked with disease, misery, restlessness, dis satisfaction, inconstancy, a feverish agitation over trivialities, a despair ing uncertainty of action, a vague in definite purpose to do some indefinable thiDg, the execution of which they know not how to undertake. They are inharmony incarnate. They cry for something better, for peace, for rest, for content, for health, for happiness. They grope blindly for the desirable. They clutch only tho unsatisfying. What can they do? What can they do? " ' If one is in the shade and wants the sunlight, he must step out into it. If one is in the beat of the sun and wants the cool and shade of the house, he must betake himself inside. If one wants tho seclusion and quiet of the woods, he must go to the woods. If one wants the ocean breeze, be will find it at or near the ocean. If a mariner wants the benefit of the trade wind, he must put his vessel in the path of the wind, not lie oft a hun dred or two of miles, and expect the wind to como to him. If one wants peace, rest, content, health and happiness, he must seek their source. If one wants something different from his usual experience, and is shown tho way to eoraething different, he must not demur because in his quest for the different he encountres a fundamental differenco between what he has had and what he seeks; what he had, and what he gains. Jesus said, "Ye cannot servo God and mammon." For thousands of years men have striven to be well, whole, have.un availingly syught happiness. Hither and thither they have wandered in search of what they have not found. Every conceivable material fount has been tapped in the vain hope that its waters would prove a panacea for fleshly ills. Scarce a material product of the earth but that has been brought into requisition to furnish its supposed furtherance of the desired end the health and hsippiness of mortals. With what effect? Have material means made mortals well? Have material expedients resulted in the production of happiness? Have material methods banished disease, sin, misery, death? Are not mortals born through suf fering; do they not soon learn to sin and to love eiu; aro they not diseased, unhappy, tormented, racked, worried, fretted aod annoyed; do they not die all pretty a7:h as thoy did thousand of years ago, and that, too, dispite of never ending struggles to bring about a different order of existence? Has not the time come for a trial, at least, of different remedies, spiritual reme dies which God has always prescribed and which, past all doubt, in the wan ing years of this cen'.ury He, once more, has brought conspicuously to tho notice of tho human race? Christian Scientists say and prove that God, tho Kingdon of Heaven, the Holy Comforter, is not a remote possi bility, a locility, a corporeality, a something to be sought in doubt and despondency ever keeping tantaliz inply just beyond the reach, never af fording a satisfying assurance that the "Kingdom of God is within you." God is hero, now, to be had, to be enjoyed, to be obeyed, to be worshipped, to be loved with all one's heart and soul and strength. So long as men refuse to obey specific instructions as to how they may find God; so long as men per sist in disbelieving the positive, ciear, oft repeated promises of God's helpful presence to those who do His will; so long as men remain stubborn in the belief that they, better than God, know what is good for them; just so long men must not expect to know God, must not expect 1 1 is helping hand. If Jesus was God's son, and Christianity is based upon the fact that he wa-; it Christ is, always has been, and al ways will be, God's son, and Chris tianity is based on Christ's eternal sonship; if credence is to bo given to the Bible, and if the Bible is not God's word Christendom has not yet found that word; then Christ Jesus was on this earth of ours for a pur pose. What was that purpose? Was it not, as the Biblo teaches, to save, to destroy and to fulfill? Save whom? Mankind. Destroy what? Sickness, sin, suffering and death. Fulfill what? The law, God's commands. Save a few thousand mortals, who, through Jesus' or His desciples' personal pres ence could be reached and moved? No! Mankind, all mortals, the world, in all places at all times, under all condi tions. Save from what? Fom th em sol fee, from bondage to the ilesn, from sickness, sin suffering and death. Save, how? By destroying self, free ing from the flesh, annihilating sick ness, sin,suffering and death, casting out devils, evils. Before the sermon on the mount, ho healed the sick. After the sermon on the mount he healed the sick. By his healing he attracted his auditors. Af ter they had listened with profoundest interest to that concise, incisive con densation of all that can bo said on the subject matter of a righteous life, he, with them, descended from the moun tain, the exalted thought, and healed their sick who came to him, thus demonstrating that his sermon was founded on practical, though spiritual Truth that the man of righteous life, the man who walked with God, who accredited God with all perfection, was empowered to destroy evil as it existed among men, because evil was contrary to an ever present God uni versal Good. Nor did he maintain that he alone could demonstrate God's power and presence, nor did he or his disciples so teach. When he sent forth the twelve, this was his command "And as ye go, preach, saying the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils." When he sent out the seventy, after other instruction, ho gave them this "And heal the sick that are therein and say unto them, the kingdom of God is come nigh unto you." After the resurrection, in his last talks with the disciples, these were His statements and injunctions: "All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Gove, therefore, and teach all nations. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world." Again, "Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature." "He that belie.veth and is baptized shall be saved, and these signs shall follow them that believe; in my name they shall cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues: they shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick they shall recover." Instantaneous healing of acute com plaints is frequently brought to pass Practically instantaneous healing of chronic diseases, which for years have defied a cure through material means, is no rare occurrence. Persons who, time after time, have been under the surgeon's knife, with nothing towards and actual cure affected, with the necessity of another operation tilling them with dread, have, as a finality, in utter desperation, despondingiy turned to Christian Science, and been effectually ard permanently healed. Christian Scientists claim that in destroying sickness, sin, suffering and death Jesus made it clear that they did not originate in God, because, as God'a representative oa earth, to do His will, and to show men how to do His will, he would have made no at tempt to remove or destroy creations of God. He would have known that what God had made was perfect and good, and that if God bad made sin, sickness, suffering death, they were good, eternal, and not to bo effaced from human consciousness. As he was here to enlighten concerning the Father in Heaven, he would have known and so instructed men, that any puny human efforts to escape from or mitigate inflictions visited by G id upon mankind would be rot only futile but in rebellion to God's wish and, therefore, from any point of view, to bo renounced. If God did not make sickness, sin, suffering1, evil and death, then they do not actually exist, because He made all things that were made. AVhat then are they? Christian Scientists say: False creations of a false, mortal, ma terial intelligence which arrogates to itself a power that God does not pos sess, mortal conceptions of life and intelligence in matter, falsities not countenanced by God, because, as be fore said, Jesus' mission was to destroy them as works of the devil, evil, and to show men how to destroy them. Christian Scientists ask if God is the author and the maintainer of sin. sickness, misery and death, how can men ever hope to be rid of them, how can men by their frantic, though feeble struggles, their shallow human in genuity, thwart the design of the eternal Almighty that these evils shall be? Christian Science is a knowledge of God and man, of real existence, of real Being. It is a gradution from blind belief,, conjecture, and even pure, transporting faith, into an under standing, however feeble, a realiza tion, however faint, of the Supreme Being Spirit and His spiritual cre ations. It is a renewal of the Chris tianity taught and practiced by Jesus; taught and practiced by their follow ers until church and state became united, and dogma, creed and doctrine largely took the place of simple, saintly, consecrated lives and obed ience to God's, not man's commands. In its ultimate it mean? for us what the apostle Paul writes in the 4th Ephesians, that "we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowl edge of the Son of God, unto the per fect man, unto the measure .of the stature of the fulness of Christ." This knowledge of God and man is to be bad, to a limited degree, al most at once, and any one to whom even such limited knowledge has come can, to some extent at least, heal the sick, alleviate suffering, and help the sinner. As such knowledge increases and there attend upon its possessor a proportionate self-abnegation, an earnest striving after holy things, a sincere, constant yearning to know and do God's will, and a firm obser vance of that will when known, there comes more and more the ability to perform what seem wonders in heal ing the sick and sinful, restoring the dying and transforming the human character. Thousands of men and women suffer from piles, especially women with fe male weakness have this suffering to contend with in addition to their other pains. Tabler's Buckeyo Pile Oint ment will quickly effect a cure. Price, 50 cts. In bottles, tubes 75 cts. F. G. Fricke & Co. t Don't Ml to tpjf BEEGIIAM'S PILLS : Jkxa .jjfalnj, MUH BMtW OMti condition of tho Stommch of Lhrmr. X I IOrUaaitIMt(.at dratattim 4, PVCfiYTHtNG IN MUSIC A Narrow Escape. Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada E. Hart of Groton, S. I). "Was taken with a bad cold which settled on my lungs; cough sot in and finally termi nated in consumption. Four doctors gave me up, saying I could livo but a short time. I gave myself ap to my Sav ior,determined if I could not stay with my friends on earth, I would meet my absent ones above. My husband was advised to get Dr. King's New Dis covery for consumption, coughs and colds, I gave it a trial, took in all eight bottlos. It has cured me, and thank God, I am saved and now a well and healthy woman." Trial bottles free at F. G. Fricke & Co. Regular size 50c. and $1. Guaranteed or price refunded. The Secret of Miles' Sure ess. Gen. Nelson A. Miles thus speaks of the valuable training which ha re ceived on a farm: "I lived as a farm boy the happiest days of my life. I think such a life had the greatest influence on my after success. It taught me habits of Industry and economy, and its freedom and inde pendence caused me to acquire the wise habit of thinking" for myself." "I wouldn't be without D'Witi's Witch Hazel Stive for any consider ation," writes Thos. 13. Rhodes, Cen terfield, O. Infallible for piles, cuts, burns and sktn diseases. Beware of counterfeits. F. G. Fricke & Co. Where the Great Foreata Are. A table In Science shows that Can ada leads all other Countries in the extent of her forests. She p ossesses 799,230,720 acres of forest-covered land, as against 450,000,000 acres fn the Unit ed States. Russia Is credited, with 498,240,000 acres, about 48.000,000 more than the United Stas. India conies next with 140,000.000. Germany haa 84,347,000 acres, France 23.4CG,450. and the British islands only 2.695,noo. The table does not Include Africa cr South America, both of which contain im mense forests. It may surprise some readers to learn that the percentage of forest-covered land Is larger In several European countries. Germany for In stance, than In the United States. Dr. W. Wixon, Italy Hill, N. Y., says, "I heartily recommend One Minute Cough Cure. It cave my wife immediate relief in suffocating asthma." Pleasant to tako. Never fails to euro all coughs, colds, throat and lun troubles. F. G. Fricke & Co. Metallurgy. His will was of Iron, stoutly declared, But his wife merely smiled and was not at all scared; For his will could be bent with facility great Her "won't" was a furnace that melted it straight. New Zealand Sound Financially. The New Zealand budget shows that the year closed with a surplus of 490,000. The truest wisdom is a resolute de termination. Na poleon. Constipation means the accumula tion of waste matter that should be discharged daily, and unless this is done the foul matter is absorbed and poisons the system. Use Herbine to bring about regularity of tho bowels Price 50 cts. F. G. Fricke & Co. Send the News to your friends. Little Pimples Turn to Cancer. Cancer often results from an im purity in the blood, inherited from generations back. If ew people are en tirely free from some taint in the blood and it is impossible to tell when it will break out in the form or areaaea can cer. What has appeared to be a mere pimple or scratch has developed into the most malignant Ouncer. "I had a severe Cancer which was at first Ml, four Y.irtrhea. that I thOUKtlt WOUld PCMJU pans BnBji & was treated by several able phyniclans, but lu unite of their efforts the Can cer spread until my con dition became alarmlnir. After many nmnllm of treatment ana Krowing steadily worsf. I de- K elded to try 8. S. S. which was so stronirly recommended. The lirst , bottle produced an lm- xi provement. I continued the medicine, and in V four months the last llt y tie a cab dropped off. ' Ten years have el a used. and not a sign ol me aiaeatte nas returned. B. F. William. GUlsburg, MUa It is dangerous to experiment with Cancer. The disease is beyond the skill of physicians. S. S. S. is the only cure, because it is tne oniy remeay wnicn goes deep enough to reach Oancer. &&&BIood (Swift's Specific) is the only blood remedy guaranteed Purely Vegetable. All others contain potash and mer cury, the most dangerous of minerals. Books on Cancer and blood diseases mailed free by Swift Specific Company, Atlanta. Georgia. Pj EflflYRQYAL PILLS mmm ....ay w arc. alwtr, raUsbi. loca M .ITS In u4 u4 iAl mrullia' limumUiailiilKiu. At Ursula". T Ma 4. lo Manip far pArtlewiara. teatimonlmlJ 4 "Hellef fr radlra," M Utur. by relara Ml l.000 1MiiM0lila. CalrCa tfcM ill Wo,w SoM bj all Ucl lnwf IMa, "M1 L,A.UA-,'A. A 0 A BEAUTIFUL ATTACKKENT IMITATING STRINGED INSTRUMENTS has been added to the well known Ilospe mmmmsm TERNS l S25 CASH, $20 MONTHLY. With Stool and Scarf. MADE IN OAK, WALNUT and MAHOGANY Write Fur Particulars. NEW : ADVERTISEMENTS JTTl PARK EM'S 'PrSArjClMUl--, n4 h."l'H half F5&Jt CiSl'"'""" '.murium irrowOi. MJNrvcr Fall to ncnore urj il Hair to ita Youthful Color. -:-.lCun-f Mlp a hir tailing. &JN.,BMit gl imiU lrtnrg?rtj V V Candles Nothing aridn no mnrh 1 to th (-hartn of I h Hra win a I room or tomioir n tho noft ly mli ant hrht from ORIOVA Citii.ilr. Not h in!" will cunt nhtite more to t Im artiKtio Hupcei or th Itinrhcon, ta or (!inutr. The hnt dworat iv candle for the Htniplttt or th mottt elaborate ftinrt ion for rot latfo or luannton. MaiIh in all colon aud ttin rnont dVllcat tintu l STANDAUUHIL O. and aold evpryirher. Furniture mid Stoves I. Pearl man desires to call attention to the trade that he has the largest stock of stoves and furniture ever shown in Plattsmouth and that he can not be undersold by any dealer in the great state of Nebraska. lie made his purchases before the recent great advance in prices, and is giving his cus tomers the benefit of that fact. Tliee are facts which you cannot afford to overlook when in need of anything in his line. If you are wise you will take a close look through his stored rooms before buying. I. PEARLM AN, Opposite tho court house, Plattsmouth Nebraska Plattsmouth Coal Yard IS THE PLACE TO IiUY- HARD COAL, CANON CITY, SOFT COAL ALL GRADES OF WOOD. Bay, Corn, Oats and all Kinds of Fo-d Constantly on Hand. EGENBERGER & TROOP, THIItn AND MAIN-STs. El. FITZGKKAIjU Has now stock, new rigs and is prepared better than ever to tako care of fl General Live ru Business Quick trips made to all parts of the county. Low prices and court eous treatment assured. STAHLKS SIXTH AMI VINE STS., lattmou1h, Nr-hraska. -first- NATIONAL BANK OK PLATTtiMOUTIl. NEB. AID UP CAPITAL. $50,000 Otfcrt the very test facilities lor the prompt transaction ol Legitimate Banking Business. STOOKS. bonds, nold. irovernruent and local securities oouitht'and sold. Deposits ro oelred and Interest allowed on the ee rt fl ea tes. Drafts drawn, available In any part of the D. B. and all the principle towns of Europe. Oolleotlon made and promptly remitted. Highest market price paid tor county warrants, state and county bonds. DIRECTORS: H. N. Dovey, D. Hawksworth S. Waugh F. E. White. G. E. Dovey. Geo. E. Dovey. Pres.. S. Waugh, Cashier. H. N. Dovev. Asst. Cashier, THE PERKINS HOusB. F. R. GUTHM ANN, Prop. fates SI and $1.50 Derail Centrally Located and Com fortably Furnished. PLATTSMOUTH, - - NEB 1 It! m