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About Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1899)
mi-Weekly -Meiv SUE SliF". F3t? b,8Vf,dN2Ti5, n9,n 4 Consolidated Jan. 1. 1895. THE HE CALL. Established April 10. 1861 f PLATTSMOUTH, NEB.. NOVEMBER 2L. 1899. VOL. IX, NO. o. H 0 MmmmmimnmmmmmmnnnmmmmmmmmmmmainmmmmmmmTnmmmmmmmnimmmmmmmmmg MacArthur! Men Find Natives CJlad to Greet Tliem. D F RF D LCOME THE SOLDIERS FIRE 1 I i IT u lm u ; . I X i People of Northern Ldiod Town Are Tired Of the Insurrection And Want to Ketorn to Their Agricultural Pur suit Fleeting Rebels Have Little Time to Destroy Kallroada. Manila, Nov. 20,-10 a. m. The American occupation of the country between Manila and Dagupan ia pro ceeding with a rush. General Mac Arthur ia within five milea of Dagu pan, which place General Wheaton or General L wton will probably occupy. The railroad ia practically intact be yond Bambao, except for a destruction of five milea. Kails for that portion have been discovered. Large quanti ties of rolling stock have, however, been distroyed. General MacArthur is moving his troops by squads and the roada within General Lw ton's territory are becom ing passable. Captain Leonhauser accomplished one of the best coups of the war.; Reaching O'Donnell by a night march from Capas on November 18, he sur prised the insurgent force, numbering 200,. and captured all of them, with their arms, 10,000 rounda of ammuni tion and four tons of subsistence. Oae Filipino was killed, but there were no American casualties. Welcome the Americans. MANILA, Nov. 19. 1 a. m. These dispatches have been received from correspondents of the Associated Press accompanying the Americans advance northward. Gerona, Nov. 18. General MacAr thur entered Gerona as already cabled this afternoon. The insurgents bad fled last Monday, alter burning the depot. Nothing else was destroyed by them. Gerona is the first town along the Manila-Dagupan railway line1 where the natives did not run at the approach of the Americans. The padres offered qurrters in the church and convent. The town baa one good house. Gerona is the seat of heavy English Bugar interests. The trip here was a hard one and oc cupied six hours in covering seven milea and a half, most of the time be ing spent in fording a quarter of a mile running out of the Tarlac. We have no wagons, and pack mules and native bearers carry all our supplies. The natives here say that B.tyom bong wna occuoied last Sunday by mounted troops, probably General Young's brigade of General Lawton's division. The people here are of a better class than we have usually found, and they welcomed the Ameri cans, aa they evidently realize that their agricultural interests will re vive. General MacArthur said this after tor noon: "We seem to be entering a different political atmosphere. The Deoole here seem to be less attached to Aguinaldo'a cau9e than those in manv towns wo have entered on the railroad line." The command will move northward at daybreak tomorrow, toward. Bayom- bong. Gerona will be garrisoned with two companies of the Thirty-sixth. Many Refugees Kloc't to Panlque. Panique, Nov. 13. General Mac- Arthur's troopa arrive! from Gerona in the course of the morning. The railroad beyond this point has not been destroyed. The captured rail way stock is being repaired to handle supplies. The expedition will go north toward Bayombong probably to day. The signal corps is constructing lines with great rapidity. A native courier from Bayombong reports that the American troops left the town soon after they entered, and that many native remain, though no insurgents. General MacArthur discovered here Major Joneson, formerly chief surgeon on the staff of the Filipino commander. General Mascardo. He resides at Bacolor. and is about to return there to resume bis practice. Major Joneson sava that all respectable Filipinos are disgusted with the behavior of the in surgents and are very glad that the Americana have the upper hand. A continuous procession of refugees is entering Punique from the north, indicating the proximity of other American troops, probably off the rail road line. These refugees say that the insurgents have not known which wav to turn, with the Americans oc- & w cupylng so many places in the north. Panique is a rich sugar town. Some of the wealthy Chinese and the poorer natives fled at the first approach of our troopa, but they are now confidently returning. The rain has now ceased, the weather is fine and the country drying rapidly. Monacada, 12:30 a. m. Advancing through the enemy's country by train from Panique, a distance of five miles, the Americans reached Moncada, where natives have displayed a friendly disposition. The train is 'stalled by the wreck of two locomo tives and fifty-four cars, evidently in tentional, on the main track. The freight house and oepot had been burned. No attempt will be made to save the wrecked rolling stock, but the track will be cleared, and as soon as two email breaks have been re paired tne expeaiuon will continue northward. Thus far the advance has been a complete success. Captain Carr of the signal corps has A few days ago we had a slight Fire in our building. There was no damage by Flames or Water, but a slight damage by Smoke. A large portion of the Clothing shows NO DAMAGE WHATEVER -the only way you could detect it at all is by a slight smell of Smoke. The Insurance Companies stand the loss" and their loss shall be your gain. Commencing Friday Morning, November 17, we will offer our entire CLOTHING STOCK, valued at $18,000, at practically your own prices. Men's All Wool . gJci" now Suits and Overcoat, $ 5.00 $ 3.45 7.50 5.20 10.00 6.95 12.50 8.70 15.00 II.90 18.00 14.20 Boys All Wool F1R NOW Suits and Overcoat, $5.00 $3.45 6.00 4.40 7.00 5.20 8.50 6.40 Children's All Wool FgRfciR NOW Suits and Overcoat, $2.00 $ 1.38 2.50 1.80 3.00 1.30 4.00 2.90 " " 5.00 3.85 ECT This Sale Will Last Until Every Dollar's Worth of Clothing Is Sold. 1 FRANK J. nORGAN, The -Leading Clothier, a E No. 502 Haiti Street, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. . ROBBED IN DAYLIGHT. Insurance Ollice Looted at Mar- Khalltown, Ia. Tblef Makes 'Way With 6,500 In Cash and Various Securities Perpetrator of the Deed Makes Good Ills Kscape With the Booty and Leaves No Cine to Ills Identity. Marsiialltown, Ia.. Nov. 20. At the noon hour today the ofllce of the Southwestern Mutual Life association was entered, the safe blown open and cash, drBfts and certificates of deposits to the amount of about $6,50C ab stracted therefrom. The robbery was the boldebt in the history of the city. The office of the association is situated in the basement of the court house, one floor below the sheriff's office and but a short distance removed from the court chamber in which the session of the district court was being held at the time. It is sur rounded by offices which were more or less occupied by employes at the time and the corridors of the court house were thronged with residents of the city and county, called there by the court. And yet no one has yet been found who heard the explosion or saw the departure of the robbers. Tt took something less than fifteen minutes for the robber to opan the office door, by means of a pair of nip pers, blow open the sife with giant powder, tear the money box from its place, wrap it in a woman's mackin tosh hanging near, and make his es cape. President H. S. Halbert of the as sociation was in the office until 12:30, when he went to dinner and at pre cisely 12:45 F. B. Cooper, another offi cial, entered the office. During the interval the robbery was committed. The outside door of the safe had been left unlocked, but the inner door was secured with a double lock. The thief filled the keyhole with some high explosive, blew the door to pieces. wrapped the money drawer in the mackintosh and stole away unob served, leaving no clue to his identity. About $50 in cash, drafts and checks aggregating $4,000, and five certifi cates of deposit oi ifouu each were taken, besides valuable papers. The certificates were issued by the Mar shalltown State bank in the name of II. S. Halbert and by him indorsed in blank. The county treasurer's office is Im mediately above the office which was robbed and this office is connected by an inside door with the auditor's office. Shortly before the robbery an attempt was made to unlock the door of the auditor's office,but the man was fright ened away by Auditor Hargreave, who chanced to be in the office at the time. From this it is believed the robber had designs upon the county treasury. Three Killed Br Pursued. J tt-AZ -as tjiTY, imot. -jk. i rjiar spe cial from Antlers, I. T., says: Near Doakesville, thirty miles east of Ant lers, Deputy United States Marshals James Eunis and Doog Everidge and John Kelly, a Goodland merchant, were killed by two men named Bishop and Frey, whom the officers were wy ing to arrest for removing mortgaged property. Bishop some time since was sent to an insane asylum and while confined there his wife mortgaged their cattle and others belonging to Kelly, she leaviug for Arkansas. When Bishop was released recently he claimed he had been drugged and put in the asylum and declared he did not intend to be robbed of his prop erty. 1IAYYVAKI GETTING WOKSE IIOBAIiT Condition of the Patient Not So Favorable as For Two or Three Days Past. Nebkaska City, Neb., Nov. 20. Senator Dayward's condition today is not as favorable as it has been for two or three days past. lie passed a rest less night,but rested more easily today and partook of some nourishment. His right arm and leg seem almost free from the paralytic effects, but his mind is not as clear today as it was on Saturday. Ills pulse and temperature tonight are slightly above normal. Dr. VVhitten states that the fever and re8tTe9sno83 of last night were the natural result of certain treatment which he has given the patient dur ing the past few days and that there is nothing alarming in these symp toms. The case is progressing as fa vorably as can be expected under the circumstances. PASSES AWAY. For Kd neat Ion of Negroes. New York, Nov. 20. A public meeting is to be held in Madison Sauare garden concert hall, Monday evening, December 4, in the interest of the Tuskegeo Normal institute for the education of negroes at Tuskegee, Ala. Former President Grover Cleve land will preside. Mr. Cleveland has for some time taken a deep interest in the school at Tuskegee and the work of its principal, Booker T. Washing- ton. me main onjeci is to create a public interest in the education of negroes that will raise an endowment fund of $500,000 for the Tuskegee school. LaGrippe, with its after-effects, an nually destroys thousands of people. It may be quickly cured by One Min ute Cough Cure, the only remedy that produces immediate results in coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, pneumonia and throat and lung troubles. It will prevent consumption. F. G. Fricke & Co. Have Telfer & Sheppard do your fall house cleaning. Satisfaction guaranteed. Nebraska telephone 79. Dies at 8.31 This Mornlna; The Knd Is Peart fat Cne. Pateksox, N. J., Nov. 21. Garret Hobart is dead. He passed away at 8:31 this morning. The end was peaceful. The patient died apparently without pain, falling into a sleep from which he never awoke. Mrs. Hobart and other members of the family are grief-stricken. It was thought some days ago that the vice president could not recover,but during the last few days ho rallied so well that soma hope was entertained. Even his physicians who had already given him up for lost, said yesterday morning that there was some hope. The vice president, for the first time si n co his illness became serious, bad been able to sit up in a chair and had partaken of some nourishment. He i had spoken enthusiastically of his future plans and 6eemed to feel that he would recover. It was the first time also that he had been able to par take of some nourishment other than the lightest diet ' Until late at night it was not known that the end was near. Mr. Hobart retained his faculties almost to the last hour. Apparently he knew that the end had coma Toward morning he fell into a heavy sleep, which por tended death, and at 8:31 he passed away. v Members of the family were at his bedside when the vice president passed away. State of Ohio. City of Toledo. I Lucas County. Frank I fhpn.v milrn nath that he is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the city of Toledo, county and state aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of One Hundred Dollars for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. r RANK JJ. LHEnEY. surnrn tn hpfnre me and subscribed in mv presence this 6th day of December. A. 1). 1886. A. W Gleason. (Seal) Notary Public. Hall's Ca" a -rv Cure is taken internally and acts directly on the blood and surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Chenev & Co., Tcledo, a KSold by druggists. 75c. Hall's Family Fills are the best. Carnegie Bays Cuban Mines. Santiago, Cuba, Nov. 20. The rumors current for several week re sulted today in the final admission by officers of the Satanillo & Moro rail road and the Punopo mines that both properties had been sold to the Carne gie company. The Punopo is consid ered one of the richest in the world. It has a practically unlimited deposit of ore assaying 6o per cent. The rail road, which holds a Spanish construc tion concession to Manzanillo and Guantanamo, is now a paying property fifty miles into the interior. Mr. Carnegie's representatives have been active in the district for a month and have secured options on many valuable iron and maganese ore de posits along the route of the proposed railroad extension. WILL, LEAD THE MINORITY. ks rrrw j m sab Dried Flowers. A German chemist has found a way of preserving the colors of dried flow ers, even of delicate poppies. Flower lose their tints In drying through am monia in the air. The Inventor presses his specimens between sheets of paper which have previously been saturated "with a solution of one per cent of ox alid acid in water. You never know what form of blood poison will follow constipation. Keep the liver clean by using DeWitt's Little Early Risers and you will avoid trouble. They are famous little pills for constipation and liver and bowel Snlzer of New York Announces Ills Can didacy For Leadership. Chicago, Nov. 19. Representative William Sulzer of New York, who is in Chicago in connection with the meeting of the executive committee of the national democratic committee to morrow, said tonight: "Yes. I am a candidate for the dem ocratic leadership of the next house, and my. friends think my chance of securing the honor is very gooa. i would not be a candidate if they did not believe my selection wouia strengthen our party in the east, and help us to carry the doubtful states oi New York and New Jersey in the next presidential contest. "I will have the votes oi the solid delegations from New York and New Jersey, and have received assurances of substantial support from other states. "At this critical time in tho affairs of the democratic party, it seems the wishes of the leaders of the east should bo consulted; and they favor my selection, not on account of myself or my personality, but because they believe it will be good party policy and will strengthen our forces in the pivotal states of New York and New jersey in the great contest next year. "I vield to no one in my allegiance to the democratic party, and have no apologies to make for my support of William J. Brvan and my loyalty to the principles enunciated Id the Chi cago platform." A Frlghtul Blunder Will often cause a horrible burn. scald, cut or bruise. Bucklen's Ar- ninft Salve, the best in tne woria, win kill the pain and promptly heal it. Cures old sores, lover Bores, ulcers, boils, felons, corns, all skin eruptions. Best pile cure on earth. Only 25 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co. druggists. Charcoal Kept on hand at Egenberger & Troop's feed store. Charcoal . is the bulk of all hog cholera remedies, which sell at ten times the price of charcoal. jCigarsj and all Smokers' Materials Gering & Co., DRUGGISTS.. m m m m m m m m m m m S3 m m m m mnmmBmnBmBmumnummnmmBBBumB Is Booming FALL IN LINE AND PLACE your order with John C. Ptak for a Suit or Overcoat. There you will find a large assortment of Wool ens and stock of Tailor's Trimmings to select from. By doing so you get goxl goods and trimmings and fir-t-class work, latest style and cut. Mr. Ptak is the only tailor in Cass county holding a cutter's diploma. PLATTSMOUTH TEL. 26. JOHN C. PTAK, Merchant Tailor, Leonard Block, A BOON TO MANKIND! DR TABLETS BUCKEYE PILE CO I L tn rn 14 " r -c m CURE E-TT riff A New Discovery for the Certain Cure of INTERNAL and EXTERNAL PILES, WITHOUT PAIN. CURES WHERE ALL OTHERS HAVE FAILED. Tubes, by Mail, 75 Cents; bottles, 60 Cents. JAKES F. BALLARD, Sole Proprietor. - - 310 North Ualn Street, ST. LOUIS, MO. F. G. Fricke & Co. t laid a wire irom jranique. Smoke the "Exquisito.' Go to A. W." Atwood for wall paper. troubles. F. G. Fricke & Co.