Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, November 10, 1899, Image 2

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lilt II Villi It II ll lll1Al.nillAlil
H 11) CSS U I
J. I. Unriili
I r!i lot in
41'.) Main 8t.
t B. Elsier
Waterman block.
The Semi-Weekly News-Herald
GEORGE L. FARLEY, Proprietor.
One Year, in advance 15 00
Six Months 2 50
One Week 10
Single Copies, 5
Ono Year, in advance, .... II 00
Six Months, 50
Of any Casa County Paper.
and ....
( 'orner
Sixth and Main
I Mattsmouth, Nob
Cora M. Alexander
Agent for the
Union block
No more politico till spring.
Jim Houkktson Is a sprinter.
lion is groatly improved, but he i
still seriously ill.
CllAlXCKV DKI'KW considers th
rosult of the late election an ondorsc
ment of the president.
National Bank
i i
Plattsmouth, Neb
Sim ks. I!iurIi ami Su
nn itict Imiiclit and
I 'ay checks
cashed .
Nkijraska will have to stand it an
other year or two. Republicans will
try and do hotter next fall.
F. G. Fgonborgor,
Minoral and
Soda Waters.
and ail kind
Ohio did horself proud, as did old
Kentucky an well. Fifteen thousand
isn't so bad for southern states.
Pai;l Jk.ssf.m need not bo ashamod
of his majority in Cass county. But if
ho does the right thing we maybe
able to do bettor four years hence.
Wkkpino Watkie city and precinct
cast a very large voto for the rcpubli
can ticket. They gave it about HO
majority. Weeping Water is all right
Dealer in
Groceries and
I 'rovisions
411 Main St.
Goiii'.Kt, of Kentucky is trying to
mako himself bolievo he is elected
He will have a hard time taking hi
seat, as Taylor has the majority o
Stove Creek precinct has made
another kind of a record for herself
this fall. Fortunately, however, the
A Fine display of follows she was after pulled through
i-auern iiats in a n .-v
c . i mi i I ii t.
icw uays.
Are now in.
itnd Ju c(f
Main and
Seventh sts.
Neimcaska republicans will have to
srot their consolation in the returns
from Iowa, South Dakota, Ohio, Ken
tucky and New Jersev. But watch
Nebraska in 1900.
Admiual Dewey secured a license
yesterday to wed Mrs. Mildred llazen
of Washington city. The admiral is
sixtv-one. while the bride-elect is
forty-three years of age.
Healer in
Anheuser- Busch
Krewinsr Ass'n.
L w. filwood
Pens, Ink
and. . . .
In the Second ward in this city
there were only eighteen etraight bal
lots cast nine republican and nine
fusion. This would indicate that
party lines do not cut muc h figure on
an "otT year.'
By way of variety let us stop talk
ing politics" and election returns a few
moments and dwell upon this Novem
bor Indian summer. Southern Cali
fornia is not in it with this brand of
Nebraska weather.
Co i' nt y Superintendent ,Ell-
wakuei: of Otoe county has just been
elected for a fourth term by a major
ity of over ,'HX. He has made the
county an excellent superintendent
and deserved a re-election.
Sixth and
Pearl streets.
The News.
There are many people disap
pointed on account of tho defeat of
Tom Williams, not that we haven't a
good sheriff, but becauso he is a good
fellow and has alwaj's been a most
loyal republican, and still not offen
sive to his opponents. '
To Look Around
Before you make purchases.
After you have looked elsewhere,
come to us and we guarantee you
will bo pleased. Our new spring
The czar has revoked the law which,
since 1S65, has forbidden Poles to ac
quire real estate, except by inherit
ance. They will 6till be restricted,
however, both in Poland and in west
ern Russia, to sixty-five hectares for
one family.
At Benson, Minn., Miss'Trank. a
woman sixty-seven yeas old, tried to
climb over a stock train while on her
stock has arrived, including Dry I way to church, whep the train started
Goods, Staple and" Fancy Gro- I with her on the bumpers and carried
ceries, Crockery, Glassware, Flour J her to Willmar, thirty miles away, in
and FceL A squaro deal to all. I fiftv minutes. She arrived safely with
her Bible In her hand, having ridden
between the cars all the way.
When Strong- Men We p.
Sobs rudely shook Ler fairy form
tears formed pools in her eyes only
by sheer will power did the young girl
keep from crying. "Bet me share yoilr
trouble. Harold dear!" she pleaded.
The party addressed yes, party, f r in
his torn raiment and wild eyes there
waj no semblance to gentility stag
gered to his feet clutching wildly at
his breuKt. "No, no!" he cried. "1
Insist ! she bawled. "Last night on
ly last night, and yet it seems years
ago we promised to be all In all to
each other and forever pool our heart
heats! If I am to share joys I wish
also to share troubles." "Never!" he
moaned. "I wouldn't want my bitter
est enemy nas', even a dog to have
a collar button drop down inside hH
fchirt." And once again he stood on
his head and wriggled. New York
How mii Inveterate Lost a liet ami a
Dealrr Lost a Cuatouner.
"I have a customer who thinks he
smokes twenty-five cigars a day," said
a New Orleans dealer. "As a matter
of fact he smokes about three-eighths
of that number. The other five-eighths
represents what he gives away, lays
down partly consumed and a generous
disregard of 'butts.' However, he is
firm in the conviction that he smokes
more actual tobacco than any other
man in New Oilcans and a boast on
the subject In my store yesterday led
to a curious bet. He declared, to be
gin with, that he could smoke three
ordinary cigars in half an hour, and a
bystander remarked that no man alive
could smoke even one cigar continu
ously, until it wi'.s consumed, without
taking it from his lips. 'Hush,' said
the 25-a-day gentleman. I do that
right along and think nothing of it.'
'I'll bet you a box of perfectos you
can't do it right now, said the other,
and in half a minute the wager was
made. By its terms the cigar vas to
be consumed in steady, consecutive
puffs and not removed from the lips
until burned to a mark, 1 V4 inches
from the tip. A clear Havana, Colo
rado maduro in color, was selected for
the test and the smoker took a seat
and began. He puffed like an engine
for about two minutes and accumulat
ed something under half an inch of
ash, and then he began to wobble. He
shifted the cigar from side to side,
pulled slow and fast, and seemed to
have difficulty getting his breath be
tween the draws. At any rate he
kept moving his head to avoid the
smoke and finally got to coughing. I
could see he was in torture, but he
stuck to it until lie got within half an
inch of the mark. Then he jumped
up suddenly, threw the cigar away, and
walked out of the store. I paid tht
bet and charged it to his account, and
he told me last night that the very
idea of tobacco made him sick. It is
not unlikely that the affair may lose
me a good customer. I doubt wheth
er it would be possible for anybody to
smoke even a moderately strong cigar
through in the manner I have de
scribed." New Orleans Times-Democrat.
Of Touch Acquired by llaudllua Money
at the Mint.
New Orleans Times-Democrat: "One
often hears it said that the blind learn
to see with their finr tips," remark
ed an old mint employe, "and the sim
ile is not so far-fetched as might be
supposed. The extent to which the
Bcnse of touch may be trained and de
veloped is amazing. Here in the mint
we have women employes who can de
tect a counterfeit coin the moment they
lay their hands on it, yet If you asked
them how they do it they would be
utterly unable to give an intelligent
explanation. The only thing they can
say is that 'it feels wrong.' Such ex
perts never make a mistake, and will
spot a spurious pifce when the most
delicately adjusted mechanical coin de
tector passes it as O. K. They will
know a coin is genuine even after th
inscription has been partially worn ofl
by hard usage, but a counterfeit, old
or new, Is instantly thrown out. Ol
course they use their eyes as well a
their hands in the work, but theii
main reliance is placed in their finget
tips, and to see them run over a pile
of money, occasionally pushing aside a
bad piece, is well worth a trip to th
mint. In my younger years I possess
ed the faculty myself, but I find I
have lost it to some extent. I believi
as one grows old the skin hardens im
perceptibly and the touch becomes lest
sensitive. I know that exposure to the
cold will affect the hands In that re
spect for several days at a time. Then
used to be a young man in the Carsoi
City mint who was celebrated for his
skill as a handler of money and foi
the accuracy with which he could dis
tinguish counterfeits. He told me oi
one occasion that he felt his toucl
greatly blunted by playing tenpins.
game of which he was very fond. Foi
some time he was at a loss to locate
the cause, but it finally occurred tc
him, and he abandoned the bowling al
ley. After that he was all right."
Defied the "Corpere tlou."
"That check isn't good on this Hue
of cars, madam. "What?" "You have
the wrong check." "The wrong
check?" "Yes, ma'am. Ve don't take
those checks ou this line." "It's the
identical check the transfer man gave
me." "Can t help it, ma'am. It Isn't
good on tills car." "He gave it to me."
"Well, I can't take that check, and
The New fever.
Tho DPfMtn.'ct in rrnnd that Pliittn-
I mouth is to have a genuine done .f
; Cinematograph fover, tba Karoo a-
I has been engaged by cities of our aizn
"... i
the ml few years. I be symptom
aro gonei ally a breaking out arnun '
the mouth, of "Have, you necn It?"
followed bv either "No. but I think I
J)r. W. Wixon, Italy Hill, N. Y.,
says, "I heartily recommend Ono
Minute Cough Cure. It eave my wife
immediate relief in suffocating
asthma." Pleasant to take. Never
fails to euro all coughs, colds, throat
and lung troubles. F. G. Fricke & Co,
Main Street, Plattsmouth
Our fee returned if we fail. Any one sodding
The Milwaukee Street Riil way com
pany has been using cats for the pur
pose of deli voting freight. Stono has
boen delivered to peveral companies in
that ciy, which, it is claimed, is in
direct violation of tho charter of the
company. Manager Bcggs takes the
Vrtoh and descriotion of anv invention w
promptly receive our opinion free concerning
the patentability of same. "How to Obtain a
fatem" sent upon request. Patents secured
Patents taken out through us receive special ground that it was not a violation oF
notice, without charge, in the pate Record, the charter, as the stono belonged to
an illustrated and widely circulated journal,"' ' "
ine company until it was ueuvereu to
the purchaser. If this holds good the
company can at once enter into freight
traffic the same as n steam railway.
consulted by Manufacturers and Investors,
- acuu lor sample copy r at a. Aaarcss,
k (Patent Attorneys.)
Evans Building. WASHINGTOnTd. C,
Stat-s In
The Interest of the I n i ted
Sit moa
In diplomatic circles -it is deemed"
prohatle that the recent death of Kin
Malietoa. of Samoa. na result in a
ft. .... v H a s disruption of the only foreign allianjo
IJVoUuUbla VUl We the United States Is publicly known to
J tr have. The tripartite agreement ot
the Uniied States, Great Britain and
riai-monv frti- Vi j . . '. i . f o-nT-rTTi rri u 1 1 f nt
Tt art iftpiallv digests the food and aids Lt.- aom- v-.l.
" . m I iuc KJ ax a vuu, v a aaa.ow idiauu. J
W-i! compromise of conflicting national
ant and tonic. No other preparation interests. One king was deposed and
Mt, oTvnrnarh ft in efficiency. It in- exiled, and the one now dead was
stantlrTelieTea and permanently cures I jointly recognized as the rightful ruler
Dyspepsia, inaigesnuu, uean-uuiu, i or tne natives, unuer me aireciion or
ui.tnionrf. sour atomacn. .nausea, i .nrimi 1iii.Mh1 ,m-r nntu-o nr
all other results ox lmpeneci aigesiiuu
Prtpciredeyt.w"'"-'-"- - a. W. Atwood sells the best paint
I on earth.
Anil Hail an Expensive Tombstone Plaeed
Over the Grave.
Calumet (Mich.) Correspondence of
the Detroit Journal: In the little vil
lage of I.'Anse lives a shoemaker
named Peter Murphy, who is one of
the most eccentric men in northern
Michigan on just one subject. Ten
years igo" the physicians found it nec
essary to amputate one of his legs just
above the knee. When he recovered
from the operation he decided that the
part of his leg which had been taken
off was dead and therefore it should
be buried, and he arranged to have a
funeral service. The amputated mem
ber was placed in a small coffin and
buried with all the pomp and cere
monv Air. Murnn.v woum nave ex
pected if it had befn his own funeral
He attended the i'uneral himself and
wept genuine tears as the earth was
shoveled on ton of the rough box. But
this didn't end his devotion to that
nart of his body which was dead. . He
purchased an expensive tombstone,
had a likeness of the leg cut into the
tone, and then had it inscribed with
the facts of the case, telling that it
was Peter Murphy's leg, and the date
of the funeral. Although this all hap
pened teu'years ago, Mr. Murphy never
neglects the sacred spot where his leg
is buried, and every week he hobbles
ont to the cemetery., where in the sum
mer time he keeps the grave prettily
decorated with flowers. His wish is
that when he dies the remainder of hia
body shall be interred with his leg.
Murphy is a veteran of the civil war,
and his injuries during one of the bat
tles were the indirect cause of his hav
ing the leg cit off.
"1 had dyspepsia lifty-seven years
and never found permanent relief till
I used K dol Dyspeosia Cure. Now I
am well and f el like a new man,"
writes S. J. Fleming, Murray, Neb.
It is tho best digestant known. Cures
all forms of indigestion. ' Physicians
everywhere prescribe it. F. G. Fricke
& Co.
Superstition In South America.
In all parts of South America wood
en crosses are still erected on the out
skirts of the towns and villages to
frighten away evil spirits. They are
also erected along the highway where
people have met with death by vio
lence or accident, and pious travelers
are expected to say a prayer for the
repo?e of the dead as they pass.
BormaU'a Sacred Tree.
The oldest tree on earth with an
authenticated history is the great bhoo
tree of Burmah. For twenty centu
ries it has been held sacred to the
Buddha, and no person is allowed to
touch the trunk. When the leaves fall
they are carried away as relics by pil
grims. When you want to sraoko a 10-cent
cigar try Otto WurlVSIlver Wreath"
union made you can find n ter
on tho market.
Moon -.limit lie Precipitated by u Change
of Orbital Attraction.
The fate of the earth if the moon
should cease to exist would depend up
on several circumstances. Her proper
motion is now held in check by the
earth's attraction, which converts it
into a circular motion round us. If we
ceased to be this motion would be in a
straight line at right angles to a line
joining the centers of the earth and
moon. The force that carries her round
the sun in the earth's orbit would con
tinue to act, but this would be com
plicated by her proper motion, which
again would depend upon her position
at the time of our disappearance. If
she was full her proper motion would
be added to that of the earth's orbital
motion, and if new it would be sub
tracted, but, as it is only a thirtieth
part, it would not be an important ad
dition. If she was in her first quarte
it would act in a direction away from
the sun, and might carry her into
space, and if she was in third quarter
it would set toward the sun and wouid
probably precipitate her into that lurui
nary. If, however, one of the other
planets happened to fall in her new
track she would probably become again
a moon, or she might fall into one of
them and be destroyed. The removal
of the earth would probably upset the
whole solar system, so any forecast
cannot be very trustworthy.
you'll have to pay your fare." "What?" t,hall this ovening,"or ' Yes, and IV
going again." The engagement of th.
famous Kline's Lumiero Cinematt
graphe will be at the opern hou-e
three evenings, commencing Monday.
Nov. 13
Every film they carry is a gem.
This big machine i new in th vet:
there aro perhaps less than a dozen in
this country, and they are a revela
tion in sound and llfo-liKe motions.
Tho pictures aro very larg; tho result
i- a cloar and distinct picturo taken
with a camera that cannot Mo, show
ing how, when and whero our boys
fell, who of the offices were to blame,
if any, also correcting mnny falne
statements of the press, making just
the sort of an entertainment to please
the most intellectual classes, exactly
what Flattsmouth people take kindly
to and enjoy. Opera house throo
evenings, commencing Monday, Nov.
13. l'rices 10, 20 and 30 cents. Seats
on pale at usual place.
You'll have to pay your fare." "I
will, hey? Now, young man,, you've
bumped up a'gln the wrong cutomer
when you talk like that to me. Pay
my fare? I've paid my fare, an' ill
the street car corperatlons an monop
erlies that ever was organized to grind
down the poor and oppressed couldn't
make me pay It a'gln, an' if you want
to think that heaven an' earth has
humped together you Just try to put
me off'n this car! Lord-a-massy,
man! You'd think you was careertn
along on the aidge of a Dakoty cyclone
or trying to buck a'gln a simoon. I
never was put off a car yit, an' I ain't
goln' to be put off now, by no ninety
pound conductor all because this com
pany has men in its employ that, don't
know their bizlness. I told that trans
fer man just where I was goln. but he
was so busy tryin' to flirt with a girl
standing on the corner that he
couldn't attend to bizlness properly
and that's how It come that he gave
me that check, an' now you have the
Impidence to tell me I've got to pay
my fare. What? You'll have to have
my name an' address? All right, my
son, you can have them an welcome,
an' if you want to send the president
of the road to see me tell him .to come
right along an' I'll give him some
pointers 'bout how to run a railroad!
Ppnd the whole blamed- corperation to
me if you want to! The whole caboodle
of 'm couldn't make me pay any fare
over a'ein when I've paid it once!"
New York World.
Catarrh ono of tlio mont obstinate
discuses, unci henco the most difficult
to gi-t rid of.
There, is but ono way to euro it.
Th" disHise is in the blood, and all tho
spiiys, washes and inhaling mixtures
in thi world can have no permanent
effect whatever upon it. Swift's Spe
eiriecuriMi Catarrh ennanently, for Jt in
tho only remedy which can reach the
disensM- and force it from the blood.
Mr. B. P. McAllister, of Harrodsburg,
Ky., had Catarrh for years, lie writes:
ri could aee ni improvement -whatever,
thougli 1 was constantly treated with sprays
sna washes, and clltTrr
ent Inhaling n-niedles
In fact, 1 could feel thai
each -winter 1 was worse
than the year previous.
-Finally It was
brought to my no tic a
that Catarrh was a Mood
disease, and after think
Iuk over tba matter, 1
saw It was unreasonable
H. 8. S.. and
to eipect to 1st cured by
remedies wuloh only
es wuloh uul i
vear-hfd thn mitrf Mim
ftij.ii 4...l.l.l ...
after a fvw bottles were used. I no-
tici'd a txrceptlble Improvement. Contlnulnic
tlio K'UH'ilv. the itlsase waa foroed out of my
I tystcm, and a complete cure was the result, .
I I udvlsi-Hll who have this dreadful dlaease '
aliuiitliiii thelrliM-al treatment, which has never
Join- tin-in any (food, and take H. H. H., a rein
I -.)- that can reach the disease and cure It."
To continue the wrong treatment for
Catarrh in to continue to Buffer. Swift's
Sjs'i ilii; is a real blood remedy, and
cures obstinate, deep-sea ted diseases,
which other remedies have no effect
whatever ujMn. It promptly reachea
Catarrh, and never fails to cure even tho
most aggravated cases.
T2? Rlnnd
For burns, cuts, bruises, lacerations
or injuries of any description, Ballard's
Snow Linimont is a sovereign remedy.
It never fails to do good, and so
promptly that its wonderful curative
properties frequently create surprise.
Price 2 and 50 cts. F. G. Fricke &
Chaplain for a Kallroad.
The Denver and Rio Grande is prob
ably' the only railroad in the world that
Keeps a cnapiain. joiin Krunton, once
a brakeman and later an engineer
holds that position. He ie an ordained
minister and devotes his time to char
itable and mission work among the em
ployes. The railroad company finds
that it pays them.
is Purely egetable, and is the only
l)ls.d remedy guaranteed to contain no
li:igeroii.s minerals.
li.ioks dim Hod free by Swift Specific
doiiipimy, Atlanta, Georgia.
Robbed the Grave.
A startling incident, of which Mr.
John Oliver of Philadelphia, whs tho
subject is narrated bv him as follower
"I was in a most dreadful condition.
My skin was almost jollow, eyes
sunken, toneuo coated, p. in em -tinually
in back and sidos, no npi -tite
gradually growing weald'; d
by day. Three physicians h;id (.'iven
mo up. Fortunately, a friend ailvi--"i
trying 'Electric Bitters;' a ml t i
great joy and surprise, t ho lir-i ' i
made a decided improvement. I e.
tinued their use for three woeks,
am now a well man. I know they .
my life, and robbed the trravo of a
other victim." No ono should fail t
try them. ' Only 50 cts., guarin tee'' , at
F. G. Fricke & Co'e. drug store.
the trade that he
As Thanksgiving draws near, it I
must be rembered that the true npii it i has tIie largest stock of stOVCS
of theday is -xpressod in thr nan:--it-i ;in,i furniture ever shown in
self and our actions should bo so inl!o i
I4ji .a .a
i irittsinoimi aim that He can-
ana Stoves
I. 1 Varhnan tlesires to call
atU-nt ion to
Thousands of men and women suffer
from piles, especially women with fe
male weakness have this suffering to
contend with in addition to their other
pains. Tabler'a Buckeye Pilo Oint
mont will quickly effect a cure. Price,
50 cts. in bottleB, tubes 7r cts. F. G.
Fricke & Co.
Thrifty Jack Tars.
Money continues to accumulate in
the naval savings banks, and in March
last year as much as 262,772 was
credited to our sailors, of which 115,-
533 was deposited in ship banks and
107,001 in dockyard banks. This rec
ord is a great improvement on the old
state of things, when a sailor took the
whoie of his hardly earned wages and
got rid of them in a two or three days
carouse. Western Morning News.
George Noland, Rockland. O., says,
"My wife had piles forty years. De
Witt's Witch lia.el Salve cured her
It is the best salve in America." It
heals everything and cures all skin
diseases. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Vegetarian Shoes.
Vegetarians who are so strict that
they do not care to wear an article ot
clothing into which any animal prop
erties are introduced are catered foi
in the hoot line by a London shop
keeper, who is the inventor of a veg
etarian . shoe. For two years he hat
been experimenting, and as the result
he has produced a foot-cover in the
construction of which there is abso
lutely no paper or leather of any de
scription. Not onlyWs. but, according
to his assertion, they wear one-third
longer than leather shoes, and tht
upper material is always soft and nevei
Constipation means the accumula
tion of waste matter that should be
discharged daily, and unless this is
done the foul matter is ab-orbed and
poisons the system. Le Herbine to
bring about regularity of tho bowels.
Price 50 cts. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Yale'n Yeted Clirir.
Yale's administrative officials have
announced that a vested choir had
been decided upon for the collegt
chapel. The choir is composed of be
tween thirty and forty undergradu
ates, who have been in the habit oi
wearing anything they liked from duck
trousers to dress suits, and the com
bination gave to the chofr a motley
appearance. It is understood that the
customary processional and recessional
His Prophecy.
Gerald If you don't marry me I
shall go to the dogs. Geraldine You
won't have to go far. There's one
waiting for you at the gate. New
York World.
That Throbbing Headache
Would quickly leave you if you used
Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousand
of sufferers have proved their match
loss merit for 9ick and nervous head
aches. Thsy make pure blood and
strong nerves ana buna up your
health. Easy to take. Try them
Only 'lo cents. Money back if not
cured. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co.
The Way to Go to California
Is in a tourist sleeper, personally con
ducted, via the Burlington route. You
don't change cars. You make fast
time. You see the finest scenery on
the globe.
Your car is not so expensively fur
nished as a palace sleeper, but it is
just as clean, just as comfortable, just
as good to ride in and nearlv $20
cheaper. It has wide vestibules;
Pintsch ..gas; high back seats; a uni
formed Pullman porter; clean bedding;
spacious louet rooms; tamos ana a
heating range. Being strongly and
heavily built, it rides smoothly; is
warm in winter and cool in summer.
In charge of each excursion party is
an experienced excursion conductor
who accompanies it right through to
Los Angelos.
Cars leave Omaha, St. Joseph, Lin
coln and Hastings every Thursday, ar
riving at San Francisco the following
Sunday, Los Angeles Monday. Only
three days from the Missouri river to
tV.e Pacific coast, including a stop-over
of one and one-half hours at Denver
and two and one-half hours at Salt
Lake City two of the most interest
ing cities on tho continent.
For folder giving full information.
call at any Burlington route ticket
office, or write to J. Francis, General
Passenger Agent, Omaha Neb.
Infant mortality is something fright
ful. Nearly one-quarter die before
they roach one year, one-third before
they are live, aod one-half before they
are fifteen! The timely use of White's
Cream Vermifuge would save a major-
ty of these precious lives. Price 25
cts. F. G. Fricke fc Co.
Cash 1'rlzea for Photographs.
For the six best photographs of
farm scenes along its line in Nebraska
and Kantas.the Burlington route offers
six cash prizjs one of $20, ooe of $10
and four of 8-3 each. Photographs of
growing crops, harvesting operations.
feed-lots, poultry, cattle, hams and
creameries are particularly desired.
No limitations as to size or finish are
made. The contest November
30, 1S99 J. Francis, General Passen
ger Agent, Burlington Route, Omaha
enced that our revelings and feasting-
should not bo without limit; yet. so
many things aro suggested in "'The
Thanksgi viog Dinner" and amoug the
menus in tho November issuo of Tabie
Talk, that one is almost at a loss to
choose. Tho subject of "Broad" is
also largoly and excellently treated,
the most simple and exnet directions
for its making being given. Table
Talk is just what every woman want.s
every day. It teaches exhaustively the
art of good cooking, of wise and econo
mical living. Our readers can obtain
a free sample copy of this magazine by
sending their namo and address to tho
Table lalk Publishing Company
Philadelphia, Pa.
A Thousand Tongues
Could not express the rapture of
Annie E. Springer, of 1125 Howard st.
Philadelphia, Pa., when she found
that Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption had completely cured
her of a hacking cough that, for many
years had made life u burden. All
other remedies and doctors could give
her no help, but she says of this Poya!
Cure "it Boon removed the pain in my
chest und I can now sleep soundly,
something I can scarcelv remember
doiog before. I feel like sounding its
praises throughout tho universe." So
will every one who tries Dr. King's
New Discovery for any trouble of the
throat, cheat or lungs. Price 50c. and
$1.00. Trial bottles free at F. G.
Fricke & Co's. drug store; every
bottle guaranteed. 5
Talked to Death.
There is a physician named Thomas
practicing medicine in Wichita, Kan.,
whom -the women of the entire state
are talking of boycotting. His offense
against femininity is unique. Dr.
Thomas had under his charge a Mis3
Ella Chester, whose disease he diag
nosed as nervous prostration. In due.
time Miss Chester died, and in the
death certificate Dr. Thomas declared
that she had been talked to death by
women of the neighborhood, who ran
in with soups and jellies vith which to
tempt her appetite.
There Is a Class ot People
Who are injured by tho use -f coffee.
lecently there has been plac d in all
tho grocery stores a new preparaiii n
called Grain-O, made of pure grain-,
that takes the place of coffer?. The i
most delicate stomach receives it with
out distress, and but f-w can tell it
from coffee. It does not cost over one
fourth as much. Children may drink
with gre .t benefit 15c and 25c per
package. Try it. Ask for Grain-O.
not lie undersold by any dealer
in the reat state of Nebraska,
e made his purchases before
the recent jreat advance in
prices, and is tfivinT h's cus
tomers the benefit of that fact.
These are facts which you
cannot a fiord to overlook when
in need of anvthinjr in his line.
If you are wise you will take
a close look through his store
rooms before buy in jr.
Opposite the court house,
Plattsmouth Nebraska
A i. M SOKXMCIISE.N, Manager.
Large Supply of all the
including the Famous T
Missouri, Illinois,
Jackson Hill and
Canon City Lump,
Ala-ays on hand Also a quantity ol
cheaper Grades of NUT COAL. We also
keep on hand all kinds of Wood. All or
icrs promptly delivered. Leave orders
rocerv store of A. H. Weckbach & Co.
- - -j-r-i
You never know what form of blood
poison will follow constipation. Keep
the liver clean by using De Witt's
Little Early Risers and you will avoid
trouble. They are famous little pills
for constipation and itver and bowel
troubles. F. G. Fricke & Co.
"How is your ton Jack eettinjr alone
will be introduced as a feature of the Mr3 gpriggins? Is he rising in the
Service. Inrnrld?" "Rising? Whv h hpnn
; m m I last year as a chiropodist, and now
fci f nrl-tlilfl n't H witKnilt' T"lt-. W i 1 1 " J t f i I tt r
Witch Hbzel rslve fo any consider
ation," writes Thos. B. Rhodes, Cen
terfieid, O. Infallible for piles, cuts,
burns and skin diseases
counterfeits. F. G. Fricke & Co.
AU for One Price.
"What a lovely new coiffure Miss
Beware of Oldtlmer has. Where did she get the
' style?" "That comes with the hair."
Kot to Be Bluffed.
Uncle Si What's all this gibberish?
Waiter Bill-o'-fare, an it's mos'ly in
French, sah! Uncle Si Well, I ain't
much on French, but you jes' find out
which o' these things means a good
sirloin steak, with plenty o' fat on it,
an some fried potatoes an' coffee and
bring 'em here, an' I guess I kin trans
late 'em all right!
If you are suffering from drowsiness
in the day time, irritability of temper,
sleepless nights, general .debility,
head che and general want of tone of
the system, use Herbine. You will
tret relief and finally a cure. - Price 50
cts. F. G. Fricke & Co.
t t 9 ta 0 p 9
Slaking: a Dubious Compromise.
The Parson I'm going to have a
tough job of it saying anything good
of the late Brother Bloggales. His
Wife You might say that a more de
serving person has not died in a long
Teeth Drawn to Show .Servitude.
In Peru it was once the custom for
domestic servants to have two of their
upper front teeth extracted. Their
absence indicated their servitude.
Bern-ham's Pills care sick headache.
Are Now L, Season.
Ti e day of the Oyster Stew
i o ce more at hand and
1' a i-mouth peopi- know
w ee to get the boston
the market, and that is at...
Leonard Block.
Be also carries a complete
Block of Fresh
Fruits and Candies,
Cigars and
mes Si anu 1.50 -Der Dau
Neutrally Located and Com
fortably Furnished.