Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, November 07, 1899, Image 3

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Mui-uImIm Stouts Discover In
MirMit In AiiiImihIi.
r.llmit llonlolU Klllrd anil Dim
Seoul Wuuih1.I la tli Knocrm'ut
Auinii, Mk m Strong Atlmk ami
Wi Filipinos J.eV rit-Vefi Dead In
TfllCKCI .
Washington, Nov. 3. Tho war do
partment has received the following
cablet; ram:
"Manila, Nov. .1. On 1st insU
Lieutenant Slnvuu aod eighteen rnen
recoauoitered MaoArtbur's front and
Htruck forty or more entrenched in
ur(i'nt.K. lmmediutuiy attacked and
diapernod them, klillnj; three nnd
woundiutf a numbor. No casualties.
Yuatorday Lawion'a urirunco ut A-liao
truck tho enemy both went and aouth
of city. Iiat-.on' Macabobo scon I, ro-
Coniiolt'-Tiiijj euuth, nlruck tho inaur
tfeuts m atiibash. Lieutenant Hou
tello killed; ono man killod. Unison
roied enemy, who left seven dead in
'Yesterday Ildl, with tho Thirty
blxth volunleea-t and troon of the
Fourth cavalry, clourcd tho country of
all armed Insurgents from Florida
iilunco to a lonaitlernfjla distance be
yond I'orac, pursulpj; them into tho
mountain and capturing nine of tho'r
cavalry horeos, ttovoral gun,coneidfcr
ahly property itiid killing, wounding
and capturing u number of enemy In
surgent cavalry of that section prac
tically dtintr ud. i:il' casualties,
one in u killed mm tu wounded.
Troop ( wmi ldvar.
MANILA, Nov. 4 0:25 a.m. Chase's
troops of tho Thiid cavalry and
Itlvert' troopa of the Fourth cavalry
swam tho river and bnrrounded tho
jjarrieon at ilongbon, entering the
town. The enemy escaped. Six rifles
aiiti si qutntity of ammunition were
ttatnon'g scoutb had a bKlimish with
ins-urjjpr.t Aliagn, killing five.
White la m Trap.
London, Nov. 3 General White's
rnii!on ii acknowledged to be 60 pre
cii iotii i hat the iatidin; of a biff uuvul
britjailo l go 'o his osrfislance is be
i ii; ad voc tied
While vtiftlrrday'd rumors of ltoer
and Uritish victories are taken hero
to indicate that somo serious opera
tions have been carried out, it is gea
eaally reoorfnittd that most of the
news at present in largo' rumor and
must bu accepted with great caution.
Tb rumors of a continental anti
liritish coalition continues to occupy
tho French presa. Ilaferring to the
alleged Anglo American undertaking,
tald to bo an outcome of the Hlspano
American war, the Figaro 6ay8:
"Tho Washington cabinet is con
vinced that had it not been for the
resolute attitude of Great Britain the
McKinley administration would have
had to face a European coalition in
Spain's behalf to deprive tho United
States of tho fruits of victory. The
English played so well on this string
that at the present moment, if Europe
did not remain in a position of strict
neutrality, it would not be long before
a United States fleet showed itself on
the eastern and southern coasts of
South Africa. This is the emperor's
nightmare and will bo used as an ar
gument in favor of the increase of the
German navy. The English hope that
the increase will be made, with the
view of a conclusion of an alliance be
tween Great Britain, Germany and
the United States."
Registration la Ftattsniouth.
Following is the registration in the
city of Plattsmouth:
First ward Rep., 63; dem, G3; no
party, 40. Total, 171.
Second ward Hop, 136; dem, 114; no
party, 20. Total, 270.
- Third ward Rep, 144; dem, GO, no
party, 56. Total,
Fourth ward Hep, 81; dem, 55; no
party, SG. Total. 172.
Firth ward Rep, 46; dem, 42; no
prrty and refused, 43. Total, 131.
"I had dyspepsia Gfty-seven years
and never found permanent relief till
I used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, Now I
am well and feel like a new man,"
writes S. J. Fleming, Murray, Neb.
It Is the be9t d'gestant known. Cures
all forma of indigestion. Physicians
everywhere prescribe it. F. G. Fricke
& Co.
Boll of Honor.
Following is the roll of honor for
school district No. 37:
Numbor of pupils enrolled, 2-3.
Names of pupils neithor absent nor
tardy for the month beginning Oct. 0,
and ending Nov. 3, 1S99: Mary War
ner, Millie Warnor, Fred Warner,
Emily Warner, Margaret Taylor.
Names of pupils who have an
average of 75 per cent or more: Mil
lie Warner, 90; Lottie Vallery, 80;
Glen Wiles, 81; May Thomas, 80.
Used By British Soldiers In Africa.
Capt. C. G. Dennison is well known
all over Africa commander of the
forces that captured the famous rebel
Galishe. Under date of Nov. 4, 1S97,
from Vryburg, Bechuanaland, he
writes: 'Before starting on the last
campaign I bought a quantity of
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy, which I used my
self when troubled with bowel com
plaint, and had given to my men, and
in every case it proved most benefi
cial." For sale by all druggists.
Fie Day.
Wednesday, Novemb -r 29, will be
pie day with the Q. Z. Society of the
Presbyterian church. Get your pies
for Thanksgiving.
Don't fail to buy your fall hats at the
ftr'crpoIIran "iflntnrfry st'or's.
1 1 1 UUO
I f 1 14
Nlxtlrtli A tinl vrry.
Mr. and Mr. J. F. liuek woro vory
agreeably mrpri-to.l ini Saturday by
a fow of their frknls and children ar
riving about noon to help them rovive
thoir youth and eoli .b.-ato tho him
picious o von t of inn i x tiotli n nn i vie
siry of their murriiio
Mr. Muck KOltloii wliruth'y now re
side. In May, l.S.j.; u p irt of tho log
houo they first orciipied mill atands,
although lon; umt u-,e as a dwelling
except for rat nnd bats. Mr. and
Mrs. Buck havh lived to aeo li chil
dren grown to maturity and comfort
ably situated, nnd to n:e their family
grown to number fovonteen grand
children and eleven greatgrandchil
dren. Tho.Jo of the children and
children' children present wore M s.
A. J. Klopner.Mra. William Gate arid
daughter. Franc, Mr. and Mn. T D.
Buck and daughter, Dalai-t, and Mus
ters Taylor and Foster. Mrs. J. D.
Cro-w and Master Kivniond, Mr. and
Mr. E. A. Sutton md Mister Rox,
Mr. and Mrs. .1. J. Klopser. Aruonu
tho friends present were Me3sr. and
Mesdamo Lawson Sheldon, J N.
Wiso, Mesdamo-i Kit'ie I'armol.
Thomas Pollock, Mnry Buck, Eliza
Barnum, Klttio Mors-, L. G. Todd,
Misses Sarah Bker, .Jessie Todd.
Mossr. Rev. J. T. B-iird, John Tutt,
A. N. McGowan, Arthur Gi fiord.
A numbor of u-" ful presents were
received. Tho Plattsmouth friends
wishing to show their love and osteem
presented them an clcgint lamp, that
thoy might have more "light" in
their declining years.
At the proper time the guests were
invitod to walk into tho dining room,
whore a sight that would have boon
agrooable to a returned First Nebras
kan as woli as to theao staid first Ne
brasUans greeted our eyes. Tables
loaded down with the good things only
a tvpical country housewife knows
how to preparo, and beautifully d co
rated with white and yollow chrysan
themums. Tho china used was of
aucient and modern patterns, one
plate having been in uso over 1-50
years, another over 100 years.
Tho afternoon was very pleasantly
spent in conversation and having pic
turos taken. Miss Franc Gates added
materially to tho pleasure of the day
by furnishing some very excellent in
strumental mu-ic. A number of hymns
wore fang, after which Rev Btird
read.l2S Ps , and etl'ered prayer. The
friends congratulated Mr. and Mrs.
Buck on their present good health, nnd
wishing them many returns of theso
happy events, departed for their sev
eral hom'S, thinking of tho beautiful
examplo of Christianity,uiorality,tem
peranotj nd sobriety their lifes have
have boon.
Voiuii'h ;loi JUeeMns
Fiom Saturday's Daily.
Tho Womaii'j club met in tha par
lors of the A. O. U. W. hali last even
ing. Tho committee appointed to
visit tho schools in October Mrs. .1.
N. Wise and Mrs. If. C McMuken
gave a report of their visit, and spoke
of tho crowded condition and tho
necessity of more room. They also
noted the improvement? made in tho
building generally. Mrs. C. A. Mar
shall and Mr?. P. E Ru finer were ap
pointed a committee for November.
Mrs. Waugh then took charge of
the meeting and a general discussion
on the Transvaal war was had. Re
marks were called for and ?everal
members responded. Mrs. James
Ilerold read a paper on Cecil Rhoads.
Sovernl other articles were read from
British and German authorities, giv
ing their ideas of causes nnd conse
quences of tho war.
Mr. Bawls closed the meeting with
a very interesting lecture on "Col
onial Times." Several gentlemen
were pre?enc. Miss (lass cave the
program for the American Literature
department fo- next Friday evening.
Lost A ladies' gold watch. Has a
6hell case, and a small chain attached.
Case No. 2,700; works No. 1,939.785;
Wa tham works. Finder will be re
warded by leaving sam9 at thU office.
Mrs. Tom IUrnura, Union, Neb.
Many lse of tli Banana.
Immense fortunes have been mad
out of the batna Lu."5i.3s. Revenues
do not accrue alone from the sale of
the fruit, for the leaver are nod for
packing; the juice, being strong in
ta'nrdn, makes an indelible ink and
shoe blacking; the wax found on the
under side of the leaves is a valuable
article of coaimerce; maaila h'ty is
made from the stems, and of thjs Sbcop
are made mats, plaited work a-rt lace
handkerchiefs of the finest texture;
moreover, the banana is ground into
banana flour.
Chamberlain's Pain Balm Cures Others,
Why Not You?
My wife ha? been using Chamber
lain's Pain Balm, with good result,
for a lame shoulder hat has ained
her continually for nine years. We
have tried all kinds of medic ines and
doctors without receiving any benefit
from tny of them. One day wa saw
an advertisement of this medicineand
thought of trying it, which we did
with the best of satisfac i n. She has
used only one bottle and Lr rtoulder
is almost well. Adolph L. Millett,
Manchester, N. H. For sale by all
To.Patron of Tim Nt w."
All accounts, including subscrip
tion?, advertising' and iob wi rk, nre
due and p tyabio to George L. Far.ey,
the present owner of the pnp- r.
C. S. Polk.
Kept on hand at Fg-nbergcr S:
Troop's feed ftore. Charcoal is the
bulk of all hog cholera remeJiss,
which sell at ten times the price of
For. Sale or Rext Store .room
and dwelling combined, 34x58 feet,
known as the T. V. Davis store, in
Murray. Inquirs of J. W. Edwunds,
Murray; Neb.
Was liipli-util In Car I'oIImm-.
at South IJenW.
.1 i e Archer llac lilt liall at SiOO,
In Default of Which lie (Ion Hack to
lll rx-Uovrrnor siou Addreim a
Kalr-SUrd Audience at lill Hall
Lxit Cnlnj;.
Fiu.'n SturJay' Um.y.
Burl llxndy, the colorad man who
has cuused the olllcers so much troubl
the past few months, was givon a hear
ing before Justico Archer today and
was bound over to the next term of
district court, his bail being placed at
$300, in def iult of which he was taken
back to jail.
Handy, in company with another
colored fellow by tho name of Harry
Thomas, broke into a Rock Island
boarding car at South Bend last sum
mer and stole & Durabar of ru.ors and
a couple of certificates of deposit,
amounting to $30 Thoy wore caught
tho same day and Constable Cain and
another gentleman brought them to
Plattsmouth. In the Burlington
yards here Handy made a break for
liberty with tho result that he was
not seen here again until about ten
days "go, when Sheriff Wheelor
brought him up from Kansas City, the
authorities there having arrested him.
Thomas was landed iu jail and at the
last torm of court was sentenced to a
term in the penitentiary.
Thoro Heems to ba a good ense
against Iimdy, as ho wns seen in the
car. County Attorney Root is the
prosecuting attorney nnd Matthew
Cering appears for the prisoner.
The Fusion Moetlnf.
From Saturday's Daily.
Fx-Governor Stone addressed a fair
sized crowd in White's hall last even
ing, tho room being about two-thirds
filled. Mr. Stone is a good talicer and
h is a national reputation, but this did
not serve to bring out enough of the
faithful to fill tho hall.
J. L. Sundeen of W aho and Matt
Goring also talkod a short time, the
latter introducing tho speaker of tho
evening. Mr. Sundeen devoted ins
time to roasting Judge ltaes and
lauding Holcomb to the skies, while
Mr. Gating paid his "respects"' to the
republican county ticket by attacking
them. However, his talk could not
have much force, as people who know
him u 'St know that ho said a great
deal that he did not mean. lie talked
just like a maa who was getting paid
or one who expected to be rewarded
in some manner.
iieecham's Pills cur sick hasdachi
Denies Talk of a Contast.
Mr3. E. S. Greusel authorizes the
announcement that the Omaha reports
of a contest and legal fight over the
estate are unfounded, and her friends
are much annoyed at the persistent
efforts to make trouble where no
trouble exists.
No word ha9 yet been received from
the homo office of tho New York Life
as to the kind of policy on record
there. The company, However, has
forwarded death proof blanks to be
filled out.
Captain O'Malley, who wrote the
policy, states that it is a twenty-year
payment, $G,000 policy, in annual in
stalments of $300, and that the policy
rods so that the money unauestion
ably goes to the children of the first
wife. Havelock Times.
Not a Surprise.
It will not be a surprise to any who
are at all familiar with the good qual
ities of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
to know that people everywhere take
pleasure in relating their experience
in the use of that splendid medicine,
and in telling of the benefit they hsve
received from it, of bad colds it has
cured, of threatened attacks of pneu
monia it has averted and of the chil
dren it has saved from attacks of croup
and whooping cough. It is a grand,
good medicine. For sale by all drug-
Thurston's Address.
Hon. John M Thurston addressed a
crowded house at Waterman's hall
Saturd y evening. He delivered a
vory interesting address and the mast
ing resulted in much good for the re
publican ticket, as Mr. Thurston is no
doubt a vote petter.
Dr. W. Wixon, Italy Hill, N. Y.,
says, "I heartily recommend On
Minute Cough Cure. It eave my wife
immediate relief in suffocating
asthma." Pleasant to take. Never
fails to cure all coughs, colds, throat
and lung troubles. F. G. Fricke & Co.
TU Duck That Walked.
New Zealand is justly proud f a
wonderful duck, whoss exploits ars
told in a letter to the London Specta
tor by J. M. Ritchie, Esq., of Balvrali
Dunedin. This duck was of ths Para
dise variety. It livad at a sheep sta
tion twenty-one miles from Tlraaru,
Canterbury, where its owner, a heuss
keepe'v had clipped its wings ?o that
it should not fly. When ttte houss-
keapar changed to a nsw plice sin
took the duck with her in a bsskst TT
train to, by nothr tr' fsr
nlntty-five mils., and in a trm
miles to her aaw home. Saa tfc
duck which had been librted fre
its basket, was missed aad rnaurfesi
for as lost. Some time after the houss
keeper visited her old home, and wss
astonished to see the' duck swimming
on its f&miliar pond. That it Tumi
slowly and painfully waddled 13
miles was obvious. But how did it
find th way through a rough aad hilly
Thousands of men and women suffer
from piles, especially women with fe
male weakness have this suffering to
contend with in addition to their other
pains. Tabler's Buckeye Pile Oint
ment will quickly effect a cure. Price,
50 cts. in bottles, tubes ""S cts. F. G.
Fricka & Co.
Captain David Mcilff of Khnwood
was in tho city today.
V.. H. Wooley, the Lincoln atlornoy,
was in the city today.
Jacob ata oi routh JHuii was a
business visitor iu town today.
R. D. McNurLin of Weeping Water
was a county ssat visitor today.
Miks lUis, tha Cedar Creek black-
smith, wss a Platttmouth visitor to
.lohu Tijfha of Mauley came down
to hear ex tfovaroor Staae speak last
Frank Bsnfsr and Claude Shuuiaker
are over at Waubsssis slaying the
festiv duck.
J. L. Barton, republican candidate
for treasurer, is ia the oity and will
remain over to hear the speaking.
Emm at Rlehey sal Fred Hawks
worth went to Omaha this afternoon
to witness tke 1 iwi Nebraska foot
ball game.
Miss Dora SwasU'iagcn accompanied
Beatrice Hasie to Omaha this after
noon, where she is taking instructions
on the violie.
Mrs. U. R. Wilkinson of Laglo to
turned home today after having spent
two days ia this city visiting her
friend, Mrs. A. L. Munger.
F. G. Egenbarger is remodelling hi?
pop factory and improving the plant
in many ways. The puttiug in of
steam is one of the improvement?.
Tbo Jeffries-Sharkey milt was
pulled off ia Coney island last night
and Jal rlas got the best of it. The
returns were read at Thiarolf's saloon.
M. P. Williams, the veteran repub
lican of Glendle,was a pleasant caller
at these headquarters today. He will
hear Thurston speak this evening.
T. E. Williams was in the city and
listened to ox-Governor Stone last
evening. He doesnl wem to be
afraid to listen to a little fusion doc
trine occasieaally.
J. E. Douglass, republican candi
date for county judge, is looking after
his political interests ia this section
today, sud will stay over to hear Sena
tor Thurston at Waterman ha1! to-
Riv. Hawley, who is holding ser
vices at the Sauth Park church, .o
sires to communicate with any mem
bers or former uiambers of Cumber
land PresbyteriH church. Address
box city.
Leonard FornUoff, au oKl-tiino
riattsuioutu bey ,is in the city visiting
friends. He is now employod in the
espasity of boiler tusker in the Fre
mont, F.lkkorn i: Missouri Valley
skops at Loaf Piae.
r. U. Newell. Dr. W. II. Schild
knecht, Byron Clark ana XT. D. Jones
returned last eveniag from Maywood,
where they had spaat a few days hunt
ing. They report game as baing
plentiful and having a fine hunt.
W. E. Newkirk of Alvo, Neb., is in
the city in the interost of the Wood
u;en Accident association of Lincoln.
Mr. Newkirk acts in the oapacity of
traveling solicitor and has been meet
ing with good sueces since coining to
Miss Louise Yf hita very pleasantly
entertaiaed a few of her most intimate
friends at waist last eveaing. To add
to the soeial event dainty refresh ments
were servd. Thosa present were Mr.
and Mrs. W. J. Streight, Misses Edith
Patterson, Matilda Vallery and
Messrs. L L At wood, C. G. Fricke
and F. A. White.
Mrs. H. C. McMaken received a
latter last evening from her husband,
who is hunting b?ar uj in the Black
Hills. Ho stated tht he had a little
bad luck since he left home, having
sprained his ankle and was laid up for
a week. He is all right now, however,
and is hunting bear in dead earnest. He
killed one deer while he was unable
to walk the baast bavin gone up
Dar his door. Tare News man anti
cipates eatie sons vensios when
"Mo" ! ntna
W. P. IIutaheion of flock B'uSs was
seen on our streets tais forenoon.
Postmsster FT. A. Sohneidar of Cdar
Creek is ia the city oa business today.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Shubec are re-
jolcingr over the arriral of a girl baby.
John A, Daries returned to Omaha
this morniny, havin spent Sunday at
Edward Speacer and wife have re
turned from their wadding trip to
Mrs. Nellie A'naw and daughter,
Sallie, were risitors in Omaha this
Colonel Gaorjre B. E'ickett of the
Greenwood Tleoid was a business
Tlsiter in the city tody.
Messrs . R. S. Wiadham and J. Li
Root addressed a lare audteace at
Louisrille Saturday erasing.
Miss Rslle Varshall spat Suuday in
South Omaha, tke truest of her sister,
Mr. F. A. Burke, and frieads.
Mrs. Ed Vanatta of Colerado, who is
Tisitinj her nsotker, Mrs. Cooper, was
a visitor ia Ocaaaa this afternoon.
Mr. Guy Burdiek.well and faror.tb'.y
known in this city, came down from
Lincoln to spend Suaday with friends.
A. W. White and A. S. "Will de
parted yesterday aftaraoea for Colo
rado for a week's aunt on the letter's
Cbsrles C. Parssele arrived home
last erenin front a week's hunt at
Lakeside. Mr. Hamilton of Omaha
was with him, but they did not have
extra luck.
Mrs. A. H. Weekback returned this
morning from a pleasant three weeks
vinit at Ogdon nnd Salt Lakc Sh I
was accompanied by her two niece, I
Mlssos Weber and Spion. J
Frank Shorman has accepted a po
sition as book keopor with a real es
tale firm at Oskalooa, Ia. 1 rank has
been employed as clork in W. K. I ox'
stationery 6lore ever since its estab
lUlmiont aud haf many friends who
wish him success in his new location
Mrs. S. Waugh gave tha Presbyter
ian Christian Endeavor society an in
teresting report of the missionary
convention held ut Hastings recently
William McGhie also reported the
Christian Eadeavor state convention
held at Kearney last week, which he
attended as a delegate.
A very pleasant birthday party was
givon at the home of Miss Mario Guth
mann in honor of her friend. Miss
Anna Kollcy, Saturday evening. After
games, refreshments were served, and
at a lato hour the guests departed
wishing Mis Anna many happy re
turns. Those presont were Misses
Dora Snyder, Garnett Corey, Francis
Corey, Eva Thou venal, Grace Brown
Nellie Btes, Missos Ruby and Klm-
bell of Louisville, Marie Guthmann
and Anna Kelley and Messrs." Willie
Murray, Adam Cook, Carrol Osborn,
Charles Bates, (iareneo Fry and
Charles Aagaard.
If you have sore throat, soreness
across the back or side, or jour lungs
fe.el sore or tender, or yon are threat
encd with diphtheria or pneuraouia
apply Ballard's Snow Liniment exter
nally, and uso Ballard's Horehound
Syrup. F. G. Fricke & Co.
A Nsw Inssut
The department of asriruHure re
sorts the dlsoov&iy that a dangerous
European scale Insert, not hitherto re-
prtei on this side of the Atlantic, has
recently established Itself anions fruit
trees In New York and Ohio, and per
haps iu other parts of the country. Its
entomological name Is Aspidlotus oa
treoeformi, aud it i.s well known in
Europe. It attacks apples, pears,
plums, cherries and other fruits. How
it got across the ocean is not yet
Restore Vitality, Lost Vigor and Manhood
Curs Impotency, Night Emissions, Loss of Mam
ory, an wasting aineases,
all eflacts of self-abut. or
xcasd and indiscretion.
A nerve tonlo tnd
.blood builder. Brings
tho pink glow to pale
clineka nail restored thn
fire of yonth. By mail
ouc per box. o boxes for
$3.60, with our bankable gaurantee to cure
or refund the money paid. Hand for circular
auu copy ot our baukabls euarantes bond.
Nervit a Tablets
(YELLOW LABEL) ,unu"'"5 "
Positiroly guaranteed cure for Loss of Powsr,
varicocele, Undeveloped or blirunkeit (Jreans
Parssig, Looomotor Ataxia. Nervous Froirs
tiun, Uyateria, Fit, Insanity, Paralysia aad ttis
Itexnlts of Kxcefv Use of Tobacco, Opium or
i.i.jnor. jjy mail In nlaiu package. 3S1.UU i
box. 6 for S5.00 with oar bajikiibla fruar
ante a bond to our la 30 days or refund
Clinton & Jackson Sts., CHICACO, ILL.
Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co.
Legal Notice.
In the district court of Cas? county, Nelira-la.
W'h'.i M. Scfilv, I'laintitt,
J. L. Goidsben y &. Son, J. I..
tiolJsbcrry, hist name tin- I
known. Charles C (Julds
berry, R. C. I'eacock, lirat
name unknown, and the :
Western Land it Cattle Co, '
Limited, of London. Hng..
Defendants. j
Totlie above named defendant:
You and each ot you are hereby notified that
noon the ll'th day ot October. A. I). !!. the
above pUtntitf tiled his petition In the district
court ot Cass County, Nebraska, against said de
fendants to recover the sum of thirteen hundred
thirty-eisht dollars ninety-three and eighty-one
hundreds cents (Sl!8.U:i 81-100) as commissions
for procuring a purchaser for all real estate in
Texas county, Missouri, belonging to the West
ern Land & Cattle Co , Limited of London.
England, upon a contract with plaintiff.
That plaintiff filed his aifidavits for attach
ment and garnishment in said action and has at
tached the moneys and properties of said de
fendants in the hands of Henry K. Geriug and
William W. Coates.
You are required to answer plaintiff's petition
on or before December 1 1, l:v. or ?aid petition
will be taken as true.
Dated October 21. l0a.
Walt M. Srr.Lv.
By his Attorneys. Byron Clark and C. A. Kawl.
1'robatc Notice.
In County Court, Cass county, Nebraska.
In the matter of the estate of Sarah M.
Winslow. deceased:
Kate Y. Davis. Jennie T. Howard, Henry A.
Winslow, and all other persons interested in said
matter, are hereby notified that on the 24th day
of October, 18S:. Kate W. Davis filed a peti
tion in said court, alleging, among other thing,
that Sarah M.W'inalow died on the 21st day ot
August, 1899. leaving no last wilsW testament,
and possessed of real and personal estate, and
that the above-named constitute all the per.ons
interested in the estate of said deceased, and
praying for administration thereof. You are
hereby notitied that tf you fail to appear before
said court on the lioth day of November. lW.
at i o'clock a. m., and contest said petition, the
court will appoint Stephen A. Davis, or some
other suitable person, administrator, and proceed
to a settlement of said estate.
Witness my hand aud the sea! of said court
at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, this 31t day ot Oc
tober, lwa. George M. Spurlock.
SEAL! County fudge.
First publication Oct. :.U.
Probate Notice.
In che County Court of Cass County. Nebraska.
In the matter of the guardianship of Maggie
Larscn. feebleminded.
To Maggie Lai sen and all other person? in
terested: Take notice, that the guardian has
tiled herein his report and account Ironi Dei em
ber 20th. IWi, to October 1st. 1SW, showing a
balance in his hands of $273 2 in cash, and a
note for l0"o. The guardian has also filed his
petition praying that Ids said accounts may be
examined, approved and allowed, and that the
court has fixed November lth, liW, at 2 o'clock
p. in., as the time for hearing said petition and
tor examining the accounts of guardianship, and
that if you fail to appear at said heariug. the
court will grant the prayer of said petition, settle
the accounts of guardianship and make such
other and further orders and allowances as to the
court may seem just and equitable in-theprem
Witness my hand and the seal of said court
at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, this 21th day of :
toher. A. D. 1'.
George M. Spurlock.
(Seal) County Judce.
Probate Not Ire.
In County Court ot Cass county, Nebraska.
In the matter of the CTiardianship of Percy U'.,
Katherino, Sa'He M. and Marjorie Ajnew.
minor heirs of William J Agnew, dsceassd.
To Percy V., Katherine, Sallie M. sod Mar
jorie Agnew, aud all other persons interested in
said matter, are hereby notified that on the 10th
day of October, 19. ;. A. Davis hied a petition
in saia county court praying that his account as
guardian of said minor heirs of William J. Ag
new. deceased, filed in said cause, bo approd
and allowed, and that he and his bondsman bo
discharged from any and all further liability on
account of said guardianship, and that he be
discharged as guardian of said minors, and some
suitable person be appointed in his place a
guardian; and that If you fall to appear before
said court on the l)tb day of November, A. D.
199, at 10 o'clock:. A. M.. and rontest said peti
tion, the court may grant the prayer of 'aid pe
tition and make such other and further order,
allowances and decrees as to this court may seem
proper, to the end that all matters pertaining to
said guardianship of S. A. Davis may be finally
settled and determined.
Witness my hand and the sea! of said court
at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, this the 17th day of
ctobcr, A. I. ls,
County Judge.
rrnt jiubllcationOct. K, !..
I have the largest stock of
Buggies, Carriages. Surreys,
Spring Wagons and Lumber
Wagons in the county. I have
twenty buggies on the floor
and no two alike. The prices
run from $40 up. If you want
a first-class vehicle, get a....
Cooper Rttggy..
There is no use of going to
Omaha, lis I can sell just as
cheap as Omaha dealers.
Give me a trial and be convinced.
A. L. cox;
r I llnwi s :ui..y K.wt.
To Look Around
Before you mako purcliHres.
After you have looked olsewhore,
coma to us Mid we guarantee you
will he ploHod. Our new spring
stock lira arrived, including Dry
(Joods, Staplo and Fancy Gro
ceries, ('rockery, Glnsawaro, -Flour
m:d Feod. A pquarn denl to all.
Main Street, I 'lattiiaouth
We are ready, willing and
able to supply the wants
of the school children on
Shoos. Tha latest popular
styles, the bet wearing
mute rial, the pockct-U iti nty
prices. We give a
with every jinir of -cbonl
Joseph lelzar9 4
North Side Main Street.
Often tlie very best facilities for the
prompt transaction of
Legitimate Banking Business.
STOCKS, bonds, gold, government anti local
securities oought and sold. Deposits re
ceived and interest allowed on the cartfi
oatss. Drafts drawn, available In any
part of the U. S. and all the principle
towns of Europe. Collections made and
promptly remitted. Iiiehest market
prise paid 'or county warrants, state
aad county bonds.
H. N. Dovey. D. Hawksworth
F. E. White. G. K. Dovey.
Geu. E. Djvey, Pres.. f. V.'augu, CasMer,
H. N. r ,ev. Am'. Cashier.
Plattsmouth Coal Yard
Hay, Corn, Oats and all Kind of Feed
Constantly on Hand.
Hai new ttock, new rijjs and
is prepared better than ever
to cara of
fl General Livery Business
Quick trips made to ail parte of the
county. Low prices and court
eoua treatment assured.
IMattsmeaUi, Nebraika,
Dr. W. C. Dean...
4 If), 4IO AlrC'HKiM, llui,uK
Northwest rnr. I.'ilh and i)oile stu.
All wmk ( ai efully and well dune. Kciwhis pa
tients will receive esjiucial ciiiisi lerati in.
11. M. SOK.YMCIISKN, .Maunder.
Ticfo Supplj- of nil the
In:!.. iiz the Famous
Mi.-.-uuri, Illinois,
.lack. so n Hill and
C:mon City f.uinp.
Always on hand Also a iihtitity of
cheaper (trades of NUTCOAI.. U'cbIio
keep on hand all kinds of Wood. All or
ders promptly delivered. Leave orders
at grocery store of A. II. Weckl-iadi & Co.
San Francisco
All points west.
St. Joseph
Kansas City
St. Louis unci ail
points East and
No 1. Den ver express 2:H am
No . Chicago ei pros 7:U ;tm
No20. Looal express, daily, 8t Joe,
Kanaaa, ht Loula, all polnt.H
eouth am
No 4. Kooal exo, dally, IturllnKtori
Chicago, all points eaut 10::;') am
bundays take No. 20 ( Jt a m i
No V2. Local exp, daily exr-ept bun
day, Pacific Junction 11:25 pm
No30. Frelnht, dally except riund ay
Paclflo Junction 2 10 pm
No 26. Voitlbuled exp, dally, Jiur
llngton, Chlcaco and all
point earn. Through train for
St. Louis and .St. Soe 5:-.'7 pi
No Vi. Local exp, daily. St oe.K'an-
aa City, trt Louis. Chlcavo
hi 1 point east and sou th . .
No 11. Local exp. dally, Dm aba, Lin
coln. lJenver and interme
diate stations
No 27. Local exp. daily, Omaha
No Z't. Local f relent, dally, ex Sun
day, Cedar Croo, LouU
vlile, Sout b liend
No T. Fast mail, dally, Omaha and
No 3. Vestibuled exp. dally, Den
ver and all points In Colo
rado, Utah and California,
Or nnd iiiand, lilaok HilN,
Montana and Pacific N. V
No K. Local exp, dally except uri
oay. Louisville. Ashland,
Wahoo. Schuyler
No 11. Local exp, dally except Sun
day. Uznaha and Llrinnln
i prn
7 'A'.' an,
T M an,
2:17 prii
:i pr;,
''..:, prn
Sleeping. dlnlnR and reclining chair Oars
(seats free) on through trains. Tickets sold
and baunasre checked to any point In the
United states or Canada.
For Information, time tables, maps and
tickets call or write to
W. L. l'ICKETT. AKent,
Flaltsmouth, Neb.
I. FKANCES. Gen. Pass. A(tt..
Omaha. Neb.
fi'00 pm
Al. P. TIMK CA1;I.
t;'.ats nmsn -o:tTn,
NO. 1 4: no a. ril
No. 9 n.51 a. m
No. 121, local freight 4.D1 p.B
.10:43 p rn
. 7:3r a in
4 : ' i) m
122, local freight.
Arrival nl Departure of Mull.
".() a. m. Orr.aha and North. Soutli oa M. P.
7:34 " West. Eat and SDtijh on burlinton
7.4 t Omaha. West on U. P.
10:2 " I,incoln and iocal to Omaha.
10:4 " Schuyler. Kast on N. W.
It 53 " St. Lou-s. South on M. P.
'2:20 p. m Kast on B. & M., Nortii on St.Taui
& S. C.
4:04 " -Omaha, Ka?t on C. M. St: Pa j! and
K. I., aiso Vct oa K. I.
S:O0 " Ornaha, West and South on E. & !.
':10 a. m Omaha, West on R. I. and Buriingtou.
J:3) S uth on Burlington.
li:05 Last on Burlington.
110 " Omaha. North on M. P.. West on
F.ikhorn, North on St. P. M. O
i p. m Omaha. West on B. A M. and V. P..
North on St. P. & S. C. l-;st in K.
1..N. W.. and C. M. & M. P., South
on Wabash.
3 ' South on M. P.
3:40 " Wnt on Burlington, South on sub
branch M. P. Schuyler.
4.30 " Omaha, East on Burlington, West on
R. I.
,O0 " South on M. P.. West M. P, to Lin
coin. North on M. P. via Louisville.
Omaha, East and Soath on jtar-