Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, October 20, 1899, Image 3

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Nuptials of James W. Newell and
Miss Mallle t wood
Two f riMlluiniiil.'a rroiu-nt Vount
l'ropl Lulled Tor Mr. At th. First
Presbyterian Ctia rti-Litr; Rombtr
of rrlrnd Qd ReUttte Witness the
Ceremony .
f foro Wednefday'g Dally.
Onn of the prettieit wedding of the
season wri celebrated at the Flret
I'rcsbyturlan church in this city at
4:W o'clock this Hftornoon, tho talffh
ontractlner parties being Jamea W.
rscwoll nnd Mi8 HalHo Harsha At
wood. Kov. W. V. HarHha, D. D., of
the Omaha Theological uriminary, n
finted by Hov. John T. Uaird, D. D.,
pastor of tho church, performed the
ceremony, In a quiet but very Impres
sive munner. The matron of honor
was Mr. Taylor Steon of Omaha, and
the maida of honor were Ml sob Nina
Nicodemu of Fremont, Grace Brltt of
Omaha and Clara Cioen and Maud
Mikity of thi city. Leo L. Atwood,
hrothor of the bride, was tho best man,
and Calvin and Donald Atwood of Lin
coln and John Coleman and France
Hallance of thla city were the uahero.
The church was beautifully and pro
fusely decorated for tho occasion with
c;irnation pinks and other cut flowers
and potted plants, and was crowded
with a p lily it t hod audience of inter-
jtited friends.
Ah thu bridal prty entered the
rhnreh the dulcet strains of Mendel
polin'H weddintf march poaled forth
from tho iTffan, with Mian Tony Kess
ler preiding at tho key a.
At the eeremony'a conclusion Mr.
and Mrs. Nowell departed on the eve
ning Hurlintfton train for a bridal trip
of pome days, visiting Si. Loui. Jack
sonvillo xnd Chicago whil- en rout-
aftor which they will be ,4at homo" to
their frio- tis in this city whore they
will renidu.
Tho bride is the comely and accom
plished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A.
XV. Atwood, and Iihh a hunt of friends,
both here and at Fremort, where the
family reuided and fiom whoBe high
nehool she is a graduate.
The groom is a young man much es
teemed in thld city whore he has re
pidod frvra early boyhood. Ho is the
son of Senator Newell, and holds a
position of responsibility in the employ
of tho Burlington railway.
The out of town guests wero: Dr.
V. W Harha and wife, .1 udgo O. A.
Maguey, Mr. and Mr?. Taylor Stecu,
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Flick, Miss Fran
ces Craves and Miss Grace Dritt,
Omaha; Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Roberts,
South Omaha; Miss Harriotte Long,
I'rof. J. R. Long and Russell Long,
Jacksonville, 111., Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
Runnells of Henry, III.; Maxwell
.Loug of Tarkio, Mo.; Mr. and Mrs. J.
V. Magney cf Nehawka; Mi-s Alice
11 -nton, Lincoln; Mrs. William
Siewart, Maywood; Mr. hod Mrs. 3.
n Atwood, Lincoln; Mesdames L5. W.
Reynolds una Nicodemus of Fremont.
Columbia Danclne Clob aires Its
Party Last Kveolnc-
From Wednesday's Daily.
The new Columbia Dancing club
gave its opening dancing party at
Waterman's hall last evening, and if
tho success of the first party is indi
cative of those to follow during the
soason will be, there is certainly a
great amount of pleaeuro in store for
the members of the club. The music
was furnished by the Mandolin club,
including John T. Coleman's now
Italian harp, and was very fine, and
the floor was in excellent condition.
Among thoso present were the
Misses Dora Swearingon, Maude Eaton,
Minnie White, Maudo Mason, Jessie
Evans, Florence White, Mathilda Val-u-ry,
Grace liritt, Clare Green, Nina
Nicodemus of Fremont, and Messrs.
C. G. Fricke,F. R. Dallancc, Henry R.
Goring. H. F. Goos, II. B. Groves, Jas
Patterson jr, F. A. White, Lee L. At
wood, Emmons Kicbcy, R. M. White,
Don Atwood. H. E. Weidraann, J. C.
Thygoson, F. M. Sherman and Calvin
lie Is In Bad Conditloo.
From Wednesday's Daily
Hicnard Schroeder, the man who
was brought up from Union yesterday
aftornoon, was examined by the board
of insanity today. Io the absence of
II. D i ravis, one of the members of
the board, D. O. Dwyer served. The
witnesses who testified were Dr. R. B.
Wallace, A. R. Smith, George Leach
and D. C. LaRuo of Union.
There is no doubt us to tho man'e
insanity, but as it was learned that his
father lived in iaCQnin and was in
good circumstances It was decided to
notify him and ascertain if be wou;d
not prefer to take care of the unfor tu
nato m n and thus save the county and
state any further trouble and expense.
Schroeder is also in a. bad oondition
phylically, and Dr.Cook thought that
with medical attention he might get
woll. Nothing further will be done
until the father is heard from.
funeral of Lafayette Minor.
Tho funeral of Lafayette Minor, who
died at his homo near McPaul. Ia.,
Monday evening from injuries sus
tained "bv boiog kicked by a horse on
Sunday." was held at the Christian
church at 11 o'clock Wednesday and
interment was mado in Oalc Hill ceme
tery. There was a large concourse of
sympathizing friends in attendance
many old friends of the deceased from
the vicinity of Murray, where he lived
and was so highly respected, being
among the crowd.
The roost stubborn cases of bronchl
tii succumb to Ballard's Horehound
Syrup. Frlce 5 and 50 cte. F. O.
Fricke & Co.
'Tne News" Pats In Hew Knlne
Considerable Material.
1'llK News management has been
put to coDsidoi able inconvenience for
some month by reason of having an
ongino in its oftlco which did not pro-
duco sufllcioot power to run the mach
inery properly, and in order to handle
tho increasing amount of business
round it necessary to put in a new en-
gloe--whlch was done today. The of
flee Is now equipped with ono of the
latest improved gasoline engines,
which has sufficient power to run all
Its presses at once at a high rate of
A largo invoice of tho latest faces of
job, book and advertising type
has also beoa purchased and will
be ready for use in a few days, making
THE News office by all odds the best
equipped office in the county or in this
part of the elate, outside of Omaha.
With these additions to the nflico,
TllE News Is now able to handle any
job of woi k on short notice and in the
Ittost style.
THK NkVS is highly pleased with
the business it is receiving from the
business men of Plattemouth. and can
state that the paper will be improved
very materially as a rosult of having
new material to work with.
Largs Number of Sports Participate
Today's Toornamrnt,
From Wednesday's Daily.
There was quite a lively shooting
tournament held on the east side of
tho Burlington tracks today. Tho
tournament was under tho supervision
of T, M. Patterson, and was partici
pated In by some of tho crack shots of
western Iowa.Omaba and Plattsmouth.
At tho time of going to press six
events had been pulled off, the total
score of each man being as follows:
No 1 No 2 No 3 No 4 No 3 No C
Townsend . . .
Terry berry.. ..
Squirrel" ...
.. ..13
13 14 IS 15 9
11 13 12 12 11
15 14 14 10 9
11 12 5 13 6
IS 14 15 10
ii u it vi n
9 10 10 11 II
13 13 14 15 11
IS 10 11 13 11
14 13 II Vt 13
14 11 li 10
11 II 13 II
15 9 11 15 7
11 13 15 14 11
Patterson li
Flckler 10
From Wodnesdsy's Dally.
William Smith, employed in tho
Burlington tin shop, had the misfor
tune to injure one of his eyes quite
badly this morning. He was cutting
a pleco or tin wnen a small pleco
struck the eye ball, cutting a gash in
it. The injury was most painful and
blinded him for a time. He went to
Omaha this morning to consult an
Miko Mauey, foreman of tho Bur
lington blacksmith shop, mado a visit
to Omaha today.
The rush of business on the roads at
present is heavier than ever before.
The car famine is not eo noticeable a-
it has been in tho past, but the reason
for this is shown in tho fact that the
roads have more cars, and that they
haul largor trains at a more rapid
speed, and thus dispose of business
faster than formerly. Cars are a very
scarce article on Nebraska roads now,
and a great many moro could be used
if they wero obtainable.
Jack McCarty departed today for
Alliance, where be will assist in the
construction of bridges for William
Novillo on tho new Hue.
John Corey of the Burlington coach
shop of this city has been temporarily
transferred to the Alliance shops.
Charles Vesiey, who is employed in
tho Burlington paint 9hop, had a sur
gical operation performed for rupture
in Chicago a few days ago. J. W.
Bookmeyer returned from Chicago
this morning and reports Mr. Vesiey
getting along nicely.
Grand Chapter of P. K. O.
Chicago, Oct. 18. Two hundred
delegates representing chapters in Ill
inois, Iowa', Nebraska, Washington,
Michigan, Konsas, Missouri and other
western states were present at tho
opening of tho fourth biennial meeting
here today of the suareme grand chap
ter of the P". E. O society. 1 he mem
are gaaduates f various colleges
throughout the country. After an ad
dress of welcome the various sub-com-mitteos
were appointed and short talks
on the growth of the society wore de
livered by Dast presidents. Three
sessions will be held daily until Friday
when the.oooventioc closes withe elec
tion of officers.
Mrs. C, C. Parmele is a delegate
from Plattsmouth.
Testifies to the Good Qualities of Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy.
On the 10th of December, 1897, Rev.
8. A. Donahue, pastor M. E. churcb,
South, Pu Pleasant, W. Va., contrac
ted a severe cold which was attended
from the beginning by violet coughing.
He says: "After resorting to a num
ber of so-called 'specifics,' usually kept
in the house, to no purpose, I pur
chased a bottle of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy, which aoted like a
charm. I most cheerfully recommend
it to tho public." For sale by all drug
gists. Tho many friends of Professor C. F.
Tucker will be pleted to learn that he
has secured a lucrative position as ac
companist in the Chicago Musical col
lege and will depart the first of next
week for that city. His friends aro
sorry to lose him from the musical cir
cles, but are pleased to hear of his
good fortune in getting a position for
which he is so eminently fitted.
Send the Nirws to your friends.
Boers and Britishers Do Sorrje
pierce Fighting Wear the
Town of Mafekjng.
The Conflict Is Marked By Many
Deeds of Daring flrrjc-ng
the Soldiers.
LoXDoy, Oct 17. A special die
patch from Pretoria dated October 1 1,
by way of Delago Bay, says:
A cyclist dispatch was received from
OltoBDoepi near Malmani, at 0 p. in
asserting that heavy firing had been
in progress all day long north of Mafc-
king. The Britloh troops on board
an armored train acted as a covering
force to military engineers engaged
in ropairing the track. A Maxim gun
on tho train kept up a continuous
Conspicuou bravery was displayed
on both sides, but it boon became ap
parent that tho rifies wore ineffective
ngainsi an armored train. The latter,
however, was onco forced to rotreat
before a particularly strong assault,
but it soon roturned, accompanied by
a liritlsn mounted contingent acu mo
fighting was renewed fiercely.
Fighting still continues, the Boors
holding their positions well. A doen
Beers were kiliod or wounded, but t he
British casualties cannot bo ascer
Heavy tiring can bo heard south of
Mufeking, where General Cronje's
command is operating.
A corpse of experienced continental
engineers has icit Pretoria for tho
southwestern border with an er-cort of
picked Boer shots. It is intended, it
is alleged, for dynamito operations.
A large force of Boers is said to bo
in tho v.ciniiy of Lad $ smith.
Tno forces of Commandant Lieuten
ant V.iys .ire reported on a mountain
overlooKing Dundee, from which
point tney will be able to observe tho
movements of the British troops.
Firing All Along the Line.
London, Oct. 17. Belated dis
patches from tho scene of action in
South Africa throw little light
upon the situation. Th3 Boers ap
pear to be strengthening their posi
tion in Natal and biding their own
time for attack.
A special from Capetown says that
300 Boers and eighteen British have
been killed in a batilo at Mafeking.
Tho Orango Free State burghers
are threatening to invade Capo Col
ony by way of Novnlpunt and Ailwal
north, both of which are at their
mercy, if the3 possess artillery.
So far as is known the only British
force stationed at Atiwalnorth is a de
tachment of the Royal Berkshire
Today's news from the western bor
der reduces tho alleged heavy fight
ing at Mafeking to ordinary propor
tions. The o.irlier sensational story
originated in tho sKirmishes Detween
the armored train and fcinall detach
ments of Boers, although since then
much may have happened to the little
It is dillicult to understand how
refugees arriving at Liurenzo Mar
que should have come into possession
of news of serious Beer losses at Mafe
king. At tho same time it must bo re
membered that much news from the
Transvaal is linely to come by way of
Delago bay, as most other channels
are 6trictly censored.
Capetown', Oct. 17. It is reported
hero that the Boers have had an en
gagement with another armored train
from Baodesia.
A special dispatch from Mafeking
says that all was intact there up to
Saturday night. At that time tho
Boer artillery was being brought up.
but it had not been placed in position
According to theso advices tho Brit
ish have blown up the Ilopetown rail
way bridge over the Orango river,
with a view to checking the Boer ad
vanco southward.
It is expected that the Boers will
cut off Kimberley's water supply, but
the DeBeors dam contains enough for
a considerable period.
the archbishop has issued a pas
toral earnestly reminding the clergy
and laity that men of honor ai d in
tegrity equal ts their own espouse the
opposite side, seeing that warm
friends and even families are divided
in this crisis. In concluding he says:
"I beg you all to avoid rash talking
and to endeavor to pave the way to a
durable peace and to friendly rela
tions, when, by Cou's mercy, the war
shall be a thing of the past."
Aliwalnorth, Cape Colony, is now
isolated. From Colesburg camo per
sistent re terations of the report that
the Boers have attacked Mafeking,
having been thrice repulsed with
heavy losses.
Smallpox has broken out among tho
natives from Johannesburg. Eight
cases have been discovered.
Big Haul for Speculators.
Minneapolis, Oct. 17. Reports
from Duluth state that timber specu
lators have discovered a way to get
possession of about all the best unsur
veyed government pine boarinjr lands
in the northern part of tho state with
old forestry scrip.
These scrip holders are looking up
the best land and plastering1 it with
their forestry scrip, for which they
have paid 82 to $3 an acre. As pine
land is worth at least 820 an acre, the
size of the profit is apparent.
For all fresh cuts or wounds, in
either the human subjeet or in an
imals, as a dressing, Ballard's Snow
Liniment is excellent; while for sores
on working horses, especially if slow
to heal, or suppuraing-, its healing
qualities are unequaled. Price, 2o and
50 eta. P. O. Frloke &: Co.
B. L. Kirlthara was out at Louisville
today attending a meeting of tho dem
ocratic county committee.
Will Stadolmann tame in from Chi
cago last evening and will recuperate
in this city until about January 1.
Mrs. IM Vanatta and children of
Colorado are in the city tho guests of
tho former's mother, Mrs. Henry
Frank Ilughart and wife relurnod to
their home in Ilavelock today after
attendiug tho funeral of the former's
brother's wife.
Mrs. A. E. Kolnhackel has gone to
Kansas City to take medical treatment .
Her husband accompanied her there,
returning yesterday.
Mrs. H. E. Palmer of Omaha is in
tho city for a short visit with friends.
Mrs. Palmer recently returned from a
year's sojourn in Europe.
Mrs. Anna Hutson of Wisconsin is
in the city visiting at tho home of her
daughter, Mrs. J. W. Campbell. She
camo rero to attend inn iunerai o:
Mrs. William Ilughart, another
Mr. William ilughart and Mr. and
Mrs. J. XV. Campbell desire to tender
their sincero thinks to tho many
friends who' o kindly remembered
and assisted thtm in their recent
Frank Murphy of Maywood was an
over-niglit visitor in me .-!iiy,ine guebi
of the family of his cousin, F. A. Mur
phy. Mr. Murphy was born in Platts
mouth, being the son of Captain F. II
Murphy, but had not been here, for
twenty years. He is in the stoeic ami
lumber business, and brought eignt
car loads of cattle to South Omaha.
XV. It. Harris shipped to Leaven
worth, this week, one barroi of choice
Johnson county apples winch will ho
exhibited at the Paris exposition next
year. They will be kept in coal stor
age until time for shipment across the
water. Nebraska will exhibit ton bar
rels of apples in Paris, and to Mr.
Harris was entrusted the responsibil
ity of making selection for ono oi the
barrels. It is needless to add that ho
selected absolutely perfect specimen?,
including ten varieties. Tocumsch
Tidd was
Mis. Ciifi'
si tor in
Omaha today.
Charles of Louisville
county seat visitor today.
Mrs. F. II. Cuthmann ami
Henry, wero in Omaha today.
Mrs S. II. Atwood returned to lu-r
home in Lincoln this morning.
Claus Brckenfold of Louisville was
transacting business in tho city today.
Joseph Kuntzman of Cedar Creek
was transacting business in the city
Corn buskers arc scai c and as high
as 31 cents is ji tid insomo localities
for hands.
Mrs. Wiiliam It.Uter of St. Louis is
in tho city, the Quest of her aunt, Mrs.
Joseph Di'ooge.
Henry Knabe, one of Nehawka pre
cinct's prominent farmers, was in the
city today and made Tmf. a bus
iness call.
Kunsman & Kamgu received thirty
one fat young cattle from the South
Omaha markot this morning which
will be butchered and sold to their
Two soldiers from Fo.-t Crook, be
longing to the 10th regulars a batal
lion of which is stationed there were
in town today, having ridden down on
their bikes.
The. minstrel company gave its
parade at noon today and made a vorj
flue appearance. Tho boys wore silk
hats and looked quite swell. You
will miss it if you do not attend to
night. Charles Eads has removed his family
from South Seventh street to Mrs.
Oliver's new house on North Third
street. Their new home is equipped
with a furnace and is in fine shape, the
old structure having been rebuilt, and
will make a plea?ant home.
L. E. Karnes returned this morn
ing from Hastings where he at
tended tha annual meeting of the En
campment branch of the I. O. O. F.
Mr. Karnes has just finished his term
as Grand Patriarch, tho highest oHice
in tho ordor and was presented by the
grand lodgo c Ulcers with a beautiful
solid gold chain and emblem of the
order as a testimonial of the respect in
which ho is hold. John Corey, L. G.
Larson and Gus linger wero also in
"If you scour the world jou will
never lind a remedy equai to One Min
ute Cough Cure,"say3 Editor Fackler,
of the Micanopy, Fla., "Hustler." It
cured his family of lagrippe and saves
thousands from pneumonia, bronchitis,
croup and all throat and lung- troubles.
F. G. Fricke & Co.
Wanted Good girl for general
housework. Good wages; no washing.
Apply to Mrs. R. Berlin, 24th and C
streets. South Omaha. I otophone
No. 22SS.
Fon Sale oh Kent Store room
and dwelling combined, 34xo$ feet,
known as the T. V. Davis store, in
Murray. Inquire of J. W. Edmund?,
Murray, Neb.
$500 REWARD.
W j will Dav tlie above reward for anv case of
Liver complaint. Dyspepsia. Sick Headache.
Indigestion. Constipation or Costiveness wecan-
not cure with Liverita, the Up-to-Date Little
J.iver Pill, when the directions are strictly com
plied with. They are purely Vegetable, and
never fail to eive satisfaction. 2."c boxes contain
loo pills, 10c boxes contain 40 pills, oc boxes con
tain 15 pills. Beware of substitutions and imita
tions. Sent by mail. Stamps taken. NEKVITA
MEDICAL CO.. cor. Clinton aud Jackson Sts.,
Chicago, 111. Hold by F. fl, Fricke i Co.
Many Thanks. I
'1 wish to express my thanks lo the'
lanufacturcrs of Chamberlain's Colic, J
Cholera and Diarrhoea Wemcdy, for
having put on tho m irket such a
wonderful medicine," says W. W.
Masr.ingill.of Beaumont, Texas. There
aro many thousands of mothers hort
children have been Baved from attacks
of dysentery and cholera infantum
who mast aUo feel thankful. It - for
9alo by all druggists
In the District Court of (.'ass-t"Uiily,cl'ia-k:
Julius IVpperherjj
Jesc 15. Strode, Kinina Stmd.
August Mulenuiii, Mrs. Aug
ust Stolcnian, tirst real nnim
unknown. Mntildj Young ami
Ait 1-11 i a Alexander.
'J'lic dulendants, Matilda Yoiiiii;. Ait l-'ii.a Alex
ander, AiiKUst Stuleman, Mrs. August Muleumn
lirst real name unknown, will etuh lake notice
that upon the 'M day ol l)i tober. A 1).. l"wi
lalotitt tiled I. is petition in t lie district con it ot
Cass county, Nebraska, to 1 reclise a tax lien
upon lots three H) and lour (I) ot block eight
()inloung Hayes' addition to the city t
i'litttsmoulh. In (Jass county, Nebraska, and t
have said lots sold to pay the amount lound due
plaintltl. and lor such other leliel as may be
equitable In the premises. Vou aie required to
answer said petition on or belore the "-""th day ot
November, lW. or your default will be cntei ed
in tho premises. p ut s I'KrrKk hi- !.,
l;y 1U Rf Ci ahk aud ..'. A. Icawls,
Mis Attorneys
Fust publication October ')
J'o Frances Dur.ind and .Samuel K. Hall, as
executor ol the last will and testament ot 11.
Ihtrand. deceased.
Vou and each ot you are hereby notilied that
the county oi Cass, in the state oi Nebraska, on
the dav of September, A. I)., S'.)'.i. hied its
petition against you in the district cmut of l'as
cuuntv. Neuraska.the obiect and praver ol winch
arc to foreclose a certain lien lor deliixient taxes
lor the years IKiO, i.nji to inclusive, and i-v.i
to isii, inclusive, against lot lour, in block lorty
tonr (tl. in the city of riattsinouth, Cass county,
Nebraska Said tax amounts to 77. It ts
asked that vou be foreclosed of all cuuilv ot re
demption in said premises and the properly sold
to satisfy snid lien, and lor equitable relief.
oil are required to answer said petition on or
before Monday, the bith day of Novfinbei, A. 1.
I'.'1.!. 'I'll u Cm si vol ('As-.
Ity its attorney. Jesse I. Hoot.
first publication October -I.
I.FKHl Notice.
To llanii-t A. Vownsend, non leMilent deleir!
Volt not heicby notilied that the County ol
f'ass, in the state of Nebraska, on the "JMli day
of September, A. 1J.. lH'.iH. tiled Its petition in
the district couit id Cass county, Nebraska,
against you, impleaded with William I.. I'.rowne.
et al., the object and prayer id which aie to lore
close certain tax liens against lots I to In, in
elusive, in block 1 of lirowue's sub-di ision !
lots 17 and I'.'.', in section bi, town I-.', range :l.
Cass county, Nebraska, and being an addition to
the city ol rlatt-niouth. in said county, for the
years IMMl to issis, inclusive, in the sum ol tins r.u.
and against that part of said addition described
as "Park Place" for said years in the sum ol
1 Of.. Ill; to sell said laud in satisfaction ol said
claims and lor equitable relict.
'n nre required to answer said petition on or
before Monday, the bith day ol No vein ber, A.I),,
isini. 1'hk I'orxrv III-' (.'Ass,
l!y its attorney, Jesse I.. Knot.
l-'iist publication Oct. :!
Legal Notice.
To tjale Manufacturing' Co., nou-iesi.lenl ile
Vou are hereby notified that the county ot
Cass, in the state id Nebraska, on the Tth day
ot September. A. l. liW, tiled its petition in the
district court ol Cass county, Nebraska, against
you, impleaded with liliabcth . Murphy, el
al, the obiect aud player of which petition are to
loi eclose delinquent tax liens against lot 11, in the
southeast quanei of the southwest quarter ol sec
tion 1M. in town IrJ.tange 1 I.Cass count y, Nebraska,
tor the years iNsil, Isimi and 1X17, in the stun ot
i'l l.'iO: to sell said propettv ill satisfaction ol
said claim; to bar all defendunts fiom any inter
e I in saiil premises, and foi equitable ielu-1.
Vou are required to answer said petition on or
belore Monday, the l:ith day ol November. A .
). Ismi. Tu p Col MVul Css,
Py its attorney. Jesse I.. Koot.
Pa st publication Oct. :i.
1'robitte Not let
In Count y Court ol Cass count y, Nchiaska.
In the matter ot the guardianship ol Percy W.,
Katherine, Hallie M. and Maijt.rie Agnew.
minor heirs of William J A Knew, deceased.
'J'o Percy W., Kalheiine, r-allic M. and Mar
jorie Agnew, and all other peisons interested mi
said matter, are hereby notilied that on the 10th
day of October. l'.H, S. A. Kavis filed a petition
in said county court praying that his account as
guardian of said minor heirs oi William J . Ap
new, deceased, filed in said cause, be approved
and allowed, and that lie and his bondsman be
discharged from any and all further liability on
account of said guardianship, and that he be
discharged as guardian ol said minors, and some
suitable person be appointed in his place as
guardian: and that if you fall to appear before
said court on the loth day ot November. A. I).
ISiiSi, at in o'clock. A. M., and contest said peti
tion, the court may grant the prayer of said pe
tition and make such other and further orders,
allowances and decrees as to this court may seem
proper, to the end that all matters pertaining to
said guardianship of S. A. Davis may be finally
settled and determined.
Witness my hand and the seal of said court
at Plattsmouth, Nebiaska, this tho Kthdayot
ctober, A. I). 1 '.''..
George M. Stcrlock,
(Seal) County Judge.
First publication! )ct. 17. lW.
Probate Notice.
In County Court. Cass County. Nebraska.
In the matter ol tlie estate ol Casper Uorninanu.
deceased .
Charles IWumann, Anna Kraft. AuguMu
Klatt. John, Herman Itornniann,
Minnie 13i niuanii. Km ma Sherman. Louisa
I.euhaiJ, and all other persons inteu-sled
in said matter nre hereby notilied that on
tliei:5th day of October. A. I). I;n. Fred Horn
maun bled a petition in said county court pray
ing that his tiual account of the administration
of said estate bled herein be settled and al
lowed and that be be discharged from his trust
as executor, and that the residue oi the estate
remaining in his hands be assigned to such per
sons as are by law entitled thereto: and that if
you fail to appear before said court on the 7th
day of November, A. U. IX'M, at II o'clock a. ni,
and contest said petition, the court may grant
the prayer of said petition, and make such other
and further orders, allowances and decrees as to
this court may seem proper, to the end that ail
matters pertaining to said estate may be finally
settled and determined.
Wn XF..-.S my hand and the seal of said court
fit I'lattsmouth. Nebraska, this t tie Kth day ol
l ictober. A . 1.
George M. Si-l rlock.
(-eal) County Judge.
First publication f Ictober K, 1SW.
Sf r f l t l if
Aro Now Tn Soason.
Tho day of tho Oystr-r Stow
is oo.oo moro at hand nml
I'iattMtiouth pooplo know
whoro to get tho best on
tho market, and that is at. ..
Leonard Block.
Ho also carries a complete
stock of Fresh
Fruits and Candies,
Cigars and
Rates Si and 51.50 Der Day
Centrally Located and Coin
fortably Furnished.
I have the largest stock of
Buggies, Carriages, Surreys,
Spring Wagons and Lumber
Wagons in the county. I have
twenty buggies on the floor
and no two alike. The prices
run from $40 up. If you want
a first-class vehicle, get a....
Cooper Buggy..
There is no use of going to
Omaha, as I can sell just as
cheap as Omaha dealers.
Give mo a trial and be convinced.
A. L.
i!I YiAKI),
1 r
tO Zn
M O-k r U K aZ IM
A Nev Discovery for the Certain Cure of INTERNAL and
Tubes, by Mail, 75 cents; bottles, 50 Cents.
JAMES F. BALLARD, Sole Proprietor, - - 310 North Main Street, ST. LOUIS, MO.
F. G. Fricke & Co.
The News lias the best Book ami Job I'rint
olYice in Cass comity and can handle any kind
l job of printing on short notice. "We make a
specialty of Law Briefs and other Book work.
For Sale Bills and all kinds of Poster work",
we have the proper type and other material.
Letter heads, Note heads, Bill heads, State
ments, Ivnvelopes, and all kinds of Commercial
Printing in the Latest Style.
The News Printery
Xo. 305 Main Street PL-ATTSMOL'TII
- : C- C- Cj- c cc
Continue to do a leadingbusiness in Fancy
and Staple Groceries. Because they carry
an immense stock, buy for cash and sell at
low prices. Everything good to eat of Best
jQuality. Call and try
Gornr.r of Sixth and Pearl Streets.
Largo Supply of all the
Inchid!;:K tl.e Famous
Missouri, Illinois,
Jack?on Hill and
Canon City Lump,
Always oo hand Also a quantity ol
cheaper Grades ol NUT COAL. We also
keep on hand all kinds of W dod. All or
ders promptly delivered. Leave orders
at grocery tore of A. H. W'eckbach & Co.
S n m M m FI s-r "f.
c r. o
& Lutz
Plattsmouth. Neb
Offers the very best facilities for t!ie
prompt transaction of
Legitimate Banking Business.
STOCKS. bonds, gold, aoTernraeot and local
eourltlea oought and sold. Deposits m
oelred and Interest allowed oo the oertli
Cntei. Drafts drawn, arallable In any
part of the TJ. S. and all the principle
towns of Europe. Collections made and
promptly remitted. Highest market
price paid for county warrants, stats
and county bonds.
Dovey, D. Hawksworth S. WaueS
H. N.
F. E, White. G. E. Dovey.
Geo. E. Dorey. Pres., S. Waueh. Cashier.
H. N. Dover. Asst. Cashier.
.mbw n w -fX4 --w-.:.. ';Liz,-i