Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, October 17, 1899, Image 2

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    Business anil Professional
J. I. Uiiruli
Dealer in
and. . . .
419 Main st.
1 1 Dsier
f irfice
Waterman block.
Snyaer l Co j
and j
Agent for the
Union block
( 'orner
Sixth and Main
Ptatt.-mouth, Neb
National Bank Bottling
,, Works
F. G. Epenlerger,
I'ialtsUlOUth, Neb Proprietor.
Stuck-;. iJ.-iids an. I Se- Mineral .and
c-Hiities i...i,si,t and Soda Waters.
s"''1' and all kinds
,, M . ol....
ray checks Temperance
cashed. Drinks.
Mm Hull au.
Are now in.
A Fine display of
Groceries and
1 'revisions
tl I Main st.
few days.
ill's. Kaiikinl
(( cf
Main and
Seventh sts.
a 5&
( llassware
u eons ware.
I oa!or in
uinl ....
cetit ....
Anheuser- Huch
l?rewiti!- A-s'n.
Wiley Block
i'i ;
Sixth and
Pearl streets.
1. 1 mm
Pens, Ink
and. . . .
( AM. ON
The News.
IS VPUATICM A Fortune in it tor you.
H I lIlU I lurl starting kk sent l -roe.
II Von can le n, a le a splendid I at
once. AiMress M
llroiAlyn. N. V.
tiiung, iienry oncei.
To Look Around
Before you make purchases.
After you have looked elsewhere.
come to us and we guarantee you
will bo pleased. Our new spring
stock has arrived, including Dry
Goods, Staple and Fancy Gro
ceries, Crockery, Glassware, Flour
and Feed. A square deal to all,
F. S.
Main Street,
fir.ncl ilcot Pnigy
Digests what you eat.
v;fl,.ianrrliffeststhe food and aids
in ctrpntrthenine and recon -
structing the exhausted digestive or -
trans. It is thelatest discovered djffesV
ant ana ton c . i trr"
.KKirk IT. in ililsltTLAl. T M. V W
DvsDeDSta, lnuigCTuuu, '
-.1 .. 1 Knnf StnmaCn. JaUSea,
all Otner resuM. u.f,, rhimna.
Dnnred D V c. v..
p Ci FRICKlt & CU.
The Semi-Weekly News-Herald
... BY THE . . .
I.E. MARSHALL. Husines Manager.
One Year, in advance
Six Months,
One Week,
Single Copies,
One Year, in advance, . . .
Six Months
$5 00
2 50
II 00
Of any Cass County Paper.
The republican ticket contains the
names of substantial and honorable
men throughout.
Ex-GovF.iiXOR Waite of Colorado
has seceded from Dryanism and gone
to work for his living.
A itKPl'HLlCAK paper that has to bo
paid a certain amount for supporting
the tick ot is not republican papor
at alt.
Mk. Dijyax is displaying good judg-
. ...i.i
ment in not attempting to r.xjjinw.
away the prosperity of Kansas and
J A M E L BAUTO.v is making friends
wherever ho goes. He 18 a une man
well educated and accommodating and
will make a good county treasurer.
It is an amusing feature of the fall
campaign to watch the efforts of the
Ohio democrats to deliver Chicago
platform speeches without mentioning
1( to 1.
Ai.mii:ai. DKwEY,by hie rcmarKS on
the Philippine war, has shown that ho
does not believe in stopping in the
middle of a fight to disou-s the ethics
of tbo situation.
Sinck the adoption ot their piai-
form, tbw Ohio democrats have con-
i'attern liats in aii.,jj nHiiin ih situation bv fa-
o... -- -
voring expansion, but opposing the
enforcement of it.
E. E. HtLTOX will have no tioubio
in being re-elected to the office of sur
vevor. Ho fully understands every
detail of the office and thero is no
reason for not voting for him.
"Gunpowder, gospel" is what Mr
i3ryan snocringly calls tho operations
in the Philippines, but everyone will
concede that it is a vast improvemoct
over "parologized patriotism."
The controversies over the relative
length of corn stalks aro bocoming so
bitter in certain communities this fall
that the advantages of an enormous
corn crop is being lost sight of.
Mu. UiiYAX is beginning to doubt
the value of rear platform popularity.
He ought to bo a good he has
indulged in that form of amusement
more than any other living orator.
Tom E. William is making an
honorable, upright canvass for dhor-
i ft and ho should be elected by a hand
some majority. Ho is well educated
and fully capable of conducting the
HiMT'lsii commercial interests are
viewing with some anxiety the in
crease ol American loreign iraue.
They aro giving close attention to it
because already the rivalry throitlens
British manufacturers.
Itor.KUT Cak is making a very fa
vorable impression with tho people
where he was not already known. II.
is a young man who is especially fitted
(pr tho office of county superintendent
and there is no doubt but that he will
bo elected.
n . . 1. . : J A llit
I nv
coun, v for many years and during all
,.1 a raS.Ma
i nils null) ins uuhotij tiui
all have been beyond reproach. The
man who casts a vote for him for coro
ner will never regret it. ne would
make a good officer.
A kaii: and impartial judge Is tho
kind of a man wanted to sit on the ju
dicial bench. Those who havo met
Hon. Paul .lessen believe him to be
just that kind of a man, and the re
publicans of Cass and Otoe counties
will see1 that he is elected.
In votixo for J. E. Douglass for
county judge you are voting for a man
I much experience in the practice of
law. Ho has probably had more ex
perience in probate business than any
other attorney in the county, which is
a splendid qualification for judge.
THE opinion has been freely ex
pressed and has now become almost
universal that if the Shamrock wins
the America's cup it wiii be largely
Jue to the supet ior seamanship of her
capiain, and not to auy point of su
periority of onu boat over tho other.
Everyone who has had any deal
ings with James Robertson has noth
ing but wordB of praise for the manner
I in which he conducts the affairs of the
1 0ffiCe cf county clerk. He has mado
, . . . Rnd there Ja no doubt
hjt lhftt h- wU1 be rGlect3d on Nr
I v
I T. . . t m T r annatrxmaA
the low prIce of wheat
I trta rlpnAnrlejt on the denreciated enn
I . . . . . ! 1 V.. 1 1 .
I anion 01 stiver, uui hiisu wueai went.
up his thoughts turned to cotton. Now
that cotton hns soared ahead, silver is
left without a running1 mate, unless it
bo IJryan himself and his low p: iced
CKO,;,iK l "hoi-sew.ktii l,a3mde lhil'pia f lho SpaD' U'"
the best district clerk tins county has I consulate, is luue-
, . . , , , ,,itng rruicn bitter feeling amonj th-
ever had. This is conceded by all . -...- . w
fair minded people who have had busi
ness with him, regardless of politics.
His book? are the models of neatness
and are always correct. He is strict
as to the care of the files, yet accom
odating as long as it is within reason.
He is entitled to a second term and
will surely bo elected.
I.N' TIIE doteful prediction about the
difficulties we shall encounter in the
management of the Philippines, tho
antis fail to call attention to the case
of Hawaii. In fact thoy do not desiro
to call attention to the prosperous con
dition of that island. The chief jus
tice of the island, who visited the
United States recently, declared that
annexation has been a splendid thing
for Hawaii in every respect. - out of every ten pjrsons re
gard with good-humored amusement
the attempt on the part of tho Now
York World to get up a petition to
President McKinley urging him to
offer tho services of tho United States
as a mediator in the quarrel between
England and the Transvaal," but it
seems from reports from England that
the English papers are taking tho
World seriously. Tho Englishmen
fail to 6eo the joke.
DrRlXCi the last twenty years or
more there has beon scarcely a promi
nent democratic leader in Ohio who
has cot felt the results of John U.
McLean's antagonism, either person
ally or through his Cincinnati En
quirer. Tho one-timo followers and
admirers of such democrats as Thur
raan and Pendleton aro not likely to
bo at this time harboring any too
friendly feelings for the man who
in years past betrayed their princi
Although tin-plate is a subject very
sore to tbo average democratic politi
cian, a bravo attempt was made dur
ing the recent tin plato strike to make
democratic capital even at the risk of
bringing up the whole history of tin
plate in this country and exposing the
utter fallacy of democratic prophesies
on the subject. No one hns forgotten,
not oven democrats, though they
would like to. that Grovcr Cleveland
atid other such Americans predicted.
at the time of the enactment of the
McKinley law, that tho manufacture
of tin-plate in this country was impos
sible, iiud that to place, a duiy on this
article was a tariff crim. The sub
sequent growth of the indu-try in the
United States, witli the lowf ring of
nrifio which alw:ys uccoinpatiies it-
veased production, tin foinir.lion of
the trust and tho increase of "wages of
its f-mployts about 1-3 per cviit, .!pw-
rating a dist ihuf.on i,f one million
dollars more in WMge mo::ev in the lo
calities where p'Uite is maJe, are also
iscts which havo uot been forgotten,
though they have cnu3ed much pain
to tho democratic faithful. Rut p r
h;ips it i- not bo well known that at a
recent meeting of tho Swansea S.uth
Wales Tin Pinto Masters' association
it was decided necessary to accept a
10 per cent wage reduction through
out tho trade, meaning nearly a rail
lion dollars loss in wago money to be
distributed in WhIcs. Of cou:-se.
democrats, rather than see their proh
esios fulfilled, would doubtless prefer
to see the tin-platn industry fail in the
United States, the wages in this coua
try reduced a million dollars and s
like amount restored to tho Wales tin-
plate workers Fortunately, Ameri-
oan wage-enrners can tninK lor mem
selves and so can distinguish betweon
In eight of the corn-raising states
the estimate of the corn crop thisyoai
is l,723,0rtfJ,0t)J bushels. For th.
whole country tho estimate is 2.000,
000. 0W bushels.
A widow of a Pawnee chief in Okla
noma committed suicide shortly after
the death of her husband because he
had given away their child in dispos
ing Of his personal property.
"Poor's Manuel" for 1R99 shows that
at the close of 1808 the railroads in the
United States aggregated a length ot
188,800 miles, the increase in the
twelve months preceding having been
2,218 miles. Tho total liabilities o!
the railroad companies were $12,099,-
500,242, of which 4-1,435,400,198 was
capital stock and $5,423,833,725 was
fundod debt. The total net earnings
were $3S9,G06,474, and including other
recepts, the totr.l revenue was 491,-
Heretofore the Plattsmouth Journal
has had to light the battles of tho
democracy in this county alone. Hut
this year the Plattsmouth Tribune,
Louisville Kicker and the Cass County
Advocate have come to its assistance.
With this array of "intloonca" against
it the republican majority ought to be
considerably increased. Weeping
Water Republican.
Mr. John M. Osklnson of ViDita, I.
T., has won tho prize offered by the
Century for the best story submitted
by collego graduates of 1S0S. Tho
I young author is by birth part Indian.
Admiral Dawey favors most vigor
ous measures in dealing with the
Philippine rebellion. lie says all
troops thou! J bo get from Manila as !
soou ns possible after tbey are or
gacied and equipped.
M vor Lico-t-vs order forbiuding
era), .. u pru'j.-i, refu-e
to hoist t.i-
Seen tary F. D. Coburn, of ihe Kan
sa? S'.Hte iio ltd of Agriculture, says
that the sending ut of false reports
of r.iv,iges by caterpillars is a crime
against the stute, and that the guilty
persons ought to be severely punish d,
because intending immigrants are
scared away by them. Kansas, he
says, e-ema likely to suffer more at
the hands of such untruthful persons
th in from Insects of any sort.
The colored youth who was laM
week sentenced at Little Rock, Arte.,
to undergo 115 years' imprisonment
was given the comforting assurance
by the presiding judge that by good
behavior he eou'd secure a commuta
tion of one month the first year, two
the second, three in each of the n-xt
seven years, and thereafter six months
each year. Ho would thus reduce th
actual term of his imprisonment to
lho comparatively brief period of sixty
Missouri is shipping eggs and chick
ens by tho car load to Cuba, Alaska
and Manchester, England. This ex
port business has all been built up
within ih past five years.
Army Secretary Peyton, of the
Brotherhood of St. Andrew, again
denies'the story that ho called the
American soldiers in the Philippines
drunkards, gamblers and rakes.
A young woman jumped from a
train near Waseca, Minn., and several
other passengers, not knowing the
cnuse of the excitement, nlso jumped.
None were badly injured.
Ida May Shadwell has probated an
alleged holographic will of Ecwin J.
Bnrker, at Great Falls, Mont., giv ng
hor the bulk of his estate, in prefer
ence to his wif and son.
Tim Spanish are among the most
charitable people on enrth. Without
a poor tax. Spanish communities of 60,
000 seif-supporters ft.od a pauper pop
ulation of r.(i(!() or more.
The tdticcrs and erew of the nuxili
ary cruiser E gle have S'jed th.- g.V
eriiiHnt f- r houmy and salvage ris
ing fru :i the sinkiiii; of to.; steamer
S:lr; I torn i r, l'o est loot ii!-lii coa-tdur-in
' tac h
C. s A. (.1 i i;i!)i
i c.
U v. wl.o was
i N a- Yi,rs h n!;,b;
b eti it lo i- -d -.t K-"s-.l;ti.ii, I!
lho e.miin! lii.ii vv:h-ii the
olTVii j vv,.-i c. -!;m; ti.eii thetn
iro tlv i.ov -rnit-g the. e is -.
.-., n
James Reid Inju-ed.
Mi . J .ires lie. d struck .'.is leg
itrnitist a cuke of ic in such a in tnner
as to b utiw it severely. P became
vu'y miich -woilen and pained him so
badl' that h - could not wa'k without
the aid of crutches. He w .s treated
by physicians. al-;o used several k nds
of linim nt and two and a h .if g -Ih'n'
of vvLi-key in haihir.g it, but nothing
gave any relief until he began usi i
Chamberlain's Pai-i Uilm. Thi
brouiht almost a complete cu.-o iu a
week's time and ho believes that had
he not usod this remedy his lesr would
nave had to be amputated. Mr. Rre
s one of the leading merchmts o'
Clay Court House, W. Va. Pain Balm
is unequaled for-pratns, bruises and
rheumatism. For sale by all drutrgists
Feature of the Calendar.
The calendar for 1S:)9 gives these
facts: N'w Y?('s day is Sunday, so
calls rcus. be r.irde on Monday, and
watch-fcight scrvices may continue in
to the Sabbaih. Washington's Kirth
day comes on Wednesday, and Memor
ial day and July 4 will be celebrated on
Tuesdays. Christmas will ronio on
Monday, Ash Wednesday on February
15. Shrove Sunday is March 12. Good
Friday March 31 and Easter April 2,
The new congressmen will assume
their prerogatives on Saturday, Marc'q,
4. May day is to be Monday.
Et plenty, Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
will digest what you eat. It cur 3 nil
forms of dyspepsia and stomach
troubles, E. R Gamble, Vernon, Tex.,
says, "It relieved me from the start
and cured roe. It is now my everlast
ing friend." F G. Fi-icKe & Co.
Most Singular ship.
The most singular ship in the world
is the Polyphemus of tho British navy.
It is simply a long steel tube, deeply
bailed iu the water, '.he deck rising
only four feet above the "ea. It car
ries no masts or &ali anc" is used as
a ram and torpedo tuit.
Fix g tie of Sjiilr in .J.
Spiders are a serious oiague in Ja
pan. They spin their webs on the tel
egraph wires and are eo numerous as
to cause a serious loss of insulation.
Sweeping the wires does little good, as
the spiders begin all over again.
"It did rce more good thao anything
I over usod. My dyspepsia was of
mo:th"' standing; after eating it was
ter-iblp. Now I am woll," writes S.
B. Keener, H ine'ston.Ivx.n ., of Kodol
Dyspepsia Cu e. Ti digests what you
eat. F. G. Frieke & Co.
Fii: Sale oh Rent Store room
and dwelling combined, 34xo8 feet,
known s the T. V. Dvis 6toro, in
Murray.. Inquire of J. W. Edmunds,
Murray, Nub.
er f Hit" S iHi'lal.
j i-.i ir i jj.t i . .. i i . .i i jv ..
Silas A. Ilok-omb, while governor of
the state, not only accepted an nneon- ,
stitutional apprcpriaticn iot the pay
ment of hit private hotue rent, bnt br
tne use 01 pnuueu toucupis iie iwKirom
the state treasury almost double the
amount of monev that the house rent
, .
actually cost. It takes no argument to
substantiate this. The records are the
best evidence I
Whentheh.gislatnrocf 1803 made J
house-rent appropriation for Governor
Crounse, the last Kepublican governor,
it was promptly vetoed. Crounse in
1 ' ... . . . . .
his messiige declared it unconstitutional,
and said tho legislature had no power to
i..o an dlrv ra nnrnnijj nf ;lllv
state officer.
Governor Holcorub had no such re
gard for the constitution or the law.
He regarded the law as "a farce and a
sham," as his sworn testimony later dis
closed. He was glad to take the house
rent appropriation, and he intended to
make as niuh as possible out of it.
The records show that for the first
ix months after the appropriation wm
available in lKUo, Uoicomo uvea in a ; fails Q explain iu any way why lu
house belonging to A. O. Crandall. J poctotrl this money, is now a candi
There U no evidence of the actual date for the office of supreme judge,
amount paid Crandall for the rent, but The house rent fraud is only one of the
tt& vnnrti.rii ilmn-n chrnv Dint fur pacK ' manv rcDrt-hensible deals entered info
quarter the governor drew f ISO in ad
vauce. He had Crandall sign the
On tho 1st of October Holcomb rented
a house from Mrs. Gould at the rate of
$30 per month. Aud yet the records
show that for the quarter ending Jan. 1,
1S00, ho drew in advance $180 for
"house rent." The date of this voucher
is Sept. 30, 1805.
The next voucher drawn was ou
March 8, 1S96, when Holcomb took 350
all in a lump, the voucher saying it was
for "house rent," but did not say what
period of time it covered. This was the
case with all future vouchers, an adroit
effort having been made to cover up tho
misappropriation or steal. The record
of all the vouchors drawn, as snown oy . Mr. Morton ami vigorously e ; .loa
the books in the auditor's office is s i him for making Mich f f..V ;r
Mnv2. IS'. ."...
Julv 11, is;).,..
Sept. 'M, 18'..".
TVlurch y, lni.
Dec. 24, 18! Hi..
Aug. 7, ls..7. .
Dee. -24, 17..
May 2ti, ls..
Aug 3, lJS. . .
lec. 10. lt-slN..
Jan. ti, lv.w...
Governor Holcomb dtdiberately mis-
appropriated and put inis pocket each
month a little over fl9. AH this iu
spite of the fact the appropriation is for
a certain amount for housS rent, "or so
mnnh c mu iu npr-MAirir "
No quiblile will justify the steal. The
state officials now admit tne wrong.
and to prevent the vouchers from being
inspected bv the public, the auditor has
removed them from their usual places
with the other vouchers in the vault,
and has thc-m concealoil at the present
rime in Detmtv Pool's desk. A trood
way to prove this is to go aud ask to see
Tho sworn evidence given by Mrs.
Gould shows how inueh was paid for
tho house which Holcomb rented, of hcr
ou the 1st of Octolier, 1S95, and whit-h
he still occupies. She testified beliv
uu investigating committee as fftilows:
O. Who rented the property?
iiotii ol us; my nusrjnui and nij-
Who is the teuuntr
Mr. Holcomb.
What, does he pay now?
Thirty dollars.
Who pays the water rent?
He does.
The rental price is the same as
wuen you reuteu itr
A. Ves, sir.
Here followed a number of questions re
lating to the rental value of property in
the city as compared with years ago, acid
the testimony resumed as follows:
. Q. What year was it with reference to
his being elected governor? Do you
know the year that you rented it to hlrnf
A. Why, I am not positive when the
rent began, but 1 think it was in uctober.
185, I cotildn't swear to that. I Undn t t th things are to be legit imatelv con
only laminates to get ready in and I i " ... . , , ,,
hadn't muoh time to look anything up. I , audered along With the IiI-oixib cigar-
think it was October, 1S!5, he first rented
Q. After that your husband did the
A. Yes, sir.
Q. And you don't know how many
years he rented it for; that is, yoo can't
recall now?
A. I suppose It would be slncfyl&H5. It
would be four years. Tfcls is 1S9D.
Q. In collecting the rent, Mrs. Gotfld,
to whom was It paid?
It was usually paid to me, but to
Mr. Gould when he was at hOBie.
Q. Who paid it to your
A. The governor.
Q. How did he pay it to yoa, hy check
or money?
A. Sometimes In money and some
times in check or draft.
Q. Were you ever paid by warrant
from the stahar Did the stMe-pay yeu?
A. No.
Q. It was always pal either bv monev
or a private check?
A. Yet, air.
Q. Wavs It paid ntoathlvor qvurterly?
A. Menthfy
Q. In advance?
A. Not always. Sometimes It would
be pretty near two months. Sometimes
the 15th and sometimes near the last- Is
never was paid light at the day.
Q. Did you coUoot tt by going after it,
or was tt broug-ht to the bouse?
A. Ha usuaAly brought it to me.
The legishiti"W investigating commit
tee, before winch this evidence was
given, tried to get Holcomb to testify.
He refused to come forward and ex
plain himself, for the good reason that
. , Tl.
lowing is a part of the committee's offi-
.i..i iu,i-i
.4X t rn
'The 24th session of the legislature of the
t-tate of Nebraska, by houso roll No. 032, o
bill making appropriation for current ex
t ensos for the bioniilum, appropriated the
hum of $1,500 for house rent for the gov-n-uor.
The 25th session of the legislat ure, .
by house roll No. 614, also appropriated
for the purpose of house rent for the gov
ernor the sum of $1,600 for the blennium.
Complaint having been made to the com
mittee that this sum had been misappro
priated, evidence in relation to the same
was heard, and from the evidence we find:
1 hat the first two vouchers drawn against
this fund thus created were each for the
Film of ?1S0. well nurixii U il ru Its face to
lc for three months" Ihiiimb rent; the v r
ruuts In payment then-id' 1-ein.r drawn to
A. ('. t nuul.ill. 'ile-e
gay tin- lt-:i-. it ri'-Mil ir
drawn !i.-v :J wa-
cii'-ln rs were, fo
that the
.1 1.
l.S'.' i
while t he n 1 . i.
for r-n! i Oc1 . I ,
bills for i.-'it K f ii -"'I
lh' coiviuit I- c
ir th
t,i ht- ITitl ol iiflir- t .:
cohKoum-il bV .".li-.
which, ts pan! 3 ier
vrhicb. sum vris t.-.vA -venionce
oi tle n-'v. it.
zxf s-ttisfaerton of M;
tnj the xm? ne orcr -i
governor Up pivsi-ir. a
ow? name amot!r.r:?,.j i
which amountinsr to -1 11' v.
a required bv ;ar. i-r t ia.
which the state hu H' r i-
t .1
rants on the tte trraiure-.
the first two warrants w -re i - i m
certain the amount iy i-i t 1.1 i. mi
for rent, but 8vin the be:..-:.c ot t.i,.
doubt to the voucher ii.l!l; a. :!!m nn-
mittin that ) per month w m tie
amount of rent actually received ! y him,
it Will t Seen tha t 77 J.20 of t iio .-Itllollllt
6et apart for the payment of hono n t:r
has been niisuppropriaced by uneriivv
liolcomh, and your conim'rt'v! wuidd
recommend that your - excellency refer
this ruattor to the attorney ireoei-al with
instructions to take such Arci-s a-i m.-iy ho
necessary to recover lrom Mr. H.deoi'ih
the amount thus misappropriated."'
Tins same man who makes out pnddv-d
vouchers, who arranges to hay
them concealed from the public
(raze, who refuses to uppenr and
testify before a committee, and who i
bv this "politician for spoils only." He
is not fit for the supremd bench, and
should be repudiated at the polls.
Mr. Hryaa'a Political Moral.
Some time ago the Hon. J. Sterling
Morton made the public assertion that
William J. Bryan had said "it is the
money that is in the office and not the
honor that attracts uie."
Such a remark from Mr. Brj'tm could
not be regarded as a probability by those
who lelieve him to be a leader with high
mco-al standards and honorable purpose.
The charge having been made py s
prominent a citizen us Mr. Morton, ou
the other hand, created much comment.
Mr. Bryan's friends refused to be!iv.-v-j
' against their klol. I'ii ally, - -t.
Mr. Bryan, wlienat hi-1 1 1 t - - - in 5 .;i'
was interviewed on th - 'u' t . a-"
denied ever having ei.e:i ; pv. -,-..
such an utterance :t:td a !0ci "
ever Mr. Morton inigut aay v.c--worthy
of cTedco. r.. It t": )
to" Mr. Morton. A ' oi-iiin-,- -
issue of his paper, Ttio Conscrvri t . -.
: Oct. l-2th. ho i.mhlishof n fac--i-.i-.-le
i I-.
i ter received by Lim frotji Mr. B;-.-. ;
wnich the language (1-aof d i- f - ;'
puotograplrio repio.iiurt,.;i of tho
. f donM-. .,, tlI v h tie i
" . , rll . , ,
Bryan did or - aid n-t make nsv- ol
lausuaKe. J ho decision i tn -Mr.
s ."h
ton's favor.
Friends of Mr.
Brau -vsill o'ifr th
j excuse that the letter is t. a yours oM,
that he was, when In? wrote it, much
i younger than now and thai, if Mich
i languii and t- nrino r t bo objection
i able, ti- tran -git si-.-n has bfii ont-
t lawed
If this l'lHi'nt vK-w ol toe ca"
llio trr-atiN d Ihe fa i- M ol remains taat
' Mr. Hiyau was, on !-: ,.
the eeuitluit his r-ivers
d pe
Lis fame, and how. th
, be t xotis.l front ii ... ; .
) OoviotisH' ilr. I: . . -;
p"ont- have too v i
: tM: -sincerity of h-s ; :i.":
.. i ,h .1
t - i ; i -
: -. ti
: '.! t -r
' ;' r -i
.; , : u
r-- w -'iL-
r. This
-,-!t in t
si p.-i-i-
tiVt-ity Of his i::.r.: r. " .
luts not convicted :'.( i..
tic Action from tlie s:;-i ;.-!. i u---.
titudo than he pm p :u.: .
mado in lHii, when, on o.s
campaign, ho advis.-i vs .
erold balla-es autl v .it e i-"" - .''
a s (
endorsement of hyp'-cr; -y ;u-o. i
was certainly as mi i t io . 1 1 :r ; i
dential candidate as anyt Uinu
ton has proven against him r t I
he stands self -convicted.
If "a vote for Holcomb n m
-,- i 1 i l
e. foi
fusion Bryan" is to be adopted u s t i
nhihholetu this vear in Ncin-asha.
box" settlement with Dela-.iiting iieas
urer Bartley, the honsc-rent ie -ii l aud
ballot -fraud connection.
Mii. Bryan, profiting by his corros
nondence with J. Sterling Morton,
! should not forget the postscript-, "burn
this letter."
Baders of thhj p.iper are lx-iug fur
nished sone impartial evidence of the
questionable acts of Silas A. Holcomb,
taken from tho records. A consider
ation of it by the publio is all that is
necessary to eioct M. B. Reese justice
of the supreme court.
Dewey was going to blow the admin
istration clear ont of tho water when
he arrived. He would tell the world
the mistakes of the government. He
would give Agninaldo a patrit's certi
ficate. So aaid the "aotis." Dewey is
home again and he reaffirms what he
haa always said since the lat day of
May, 1808 that the authority of the
American flag must be established In
Ihe Philippine.
Tliere were many loyal Democrats of
the north, who, iu the sixties, gave
? their support to the administration of
' President Lincoln becauso they believed
their country mort- worthy of
j Jlou tuau auJ WM" I
I indications aro thue ure ::::
Nebraska today. TL-y re;, r
vote against the al'ji'ii.-'v..;;".;t le
porting the fusion p.-rty ii'-- y '
be to give aid and c-o.n:oi t t: - m
of the American flag in th.opi';:;
aud thus commit a piv.v aid -'
able blander. Tiiat. Nibia..i
jitand by the president in this
gency, as the brave - ; of the
Nebraska stood by ti c i'.v? in tl '
ippines, is prat-ti.a'.y u, fji'igou-j
a f: .i 3
Sl. A i
I Hili- Hum m limikt-r.
. "I havr heen hroke for a month,"
writes a Kansas l y from Manila, "and
I almon icmet t!;.it $105 which I have
deposited with the paymaster. You
.en. when you once d- p isit nionoy with
ttie p;iym. it cannot be drawn tin
:.l v.'j.i at e jiiusterc (I out of tlie servlt.e.
t.i.- of m w,iU ahd a little when we
! t th;- out. hut I we will be
g .id ( uoujpb when he li.mds us our
t:.v'r;:s at ?an Francisco. The rot--rtt
pns intret at the rate of 2
t;r . pr annum on money thus de-rc-st;.-
: L-i the soldiers. The ion Is
to indue ;he sohiler to stive money.
Sioikto.d. Il.'-tk'd n. M .,
l.e:i' i i s- re runni-'g 'or - v nteen
years ;m cured his pil no' Ion.' ftimd
iut by using D Wi'i'a W II zel
S v e. I u sj.skiid- eaeH. K
G. i'ricke ,V Go.
lavlitlug Hi Iteri Sra.
I lie IU.".t;i:g of. the Ited sea seemB
id li t si to he a too practical infringe
it nt .lpuri an aiti-li nt fairyland. But
Sir T'a. it.iu.-i Sutherland aud other
I'.t-ir. ' rs of parliament Interested in
slilpfin.':. are naturally anxious about
tie ;.
i: iell
u:e-:i o( the lighthouses with
iio- l'utlc promised to bejewel
the s- 'tthein waters of the Red sea
li.irn 4liratel by Foot Powar.
i..:i tis i. iti be operated by the feet
the use of a new- mechanism in
i I
in upriKh! Iratue tarries a slid-
. to lie attached to th dushr.
wi.ti Mr:;t;;s to raise the head, a pair
ot" Linked pedals l- ing attached to the
base to depress the dther in tb
el-en m.
Millions of dollars, is tho value
placed by Mrs. Mary Il.rd,IIariMburg,
Ph., on the life of her child, which she
SHved from croup by the uso of Ono
Minute Gough Cure. It cures all
coutchs, colds and throat aud lung
troubiee. F G. Frieke A: Co.
The Shrinking of Halt Laka.
The reason why the Oroat Salt lak
in I'tali ia growing smaller, according
to Prof. .Tames E. Talmage. is that the
volume of water from its four tribu-tMj-y
rivers is being more and more
' :t'd by irrigation. Prof. Talmage
ihe water of the lake is growing
- ejir more acrid as It shrinks In
. ;:. he thinks that in another 100
y i :
h' .!
.- : will he r plat ed hy a glittering
of drv salt.
Pi-.-siden- Kin-,', F. mer' Jl nk,
!J-o,,k n, Mi h., h s u-od DoWitt'a
I.-ttl" E . y Risers in iuhf mllv fr
iert'-s. -- they 'ire ho b t. TheBO
f inious littio pill- cu'oon tipatloo,
hi! ioii-riOHS n d nil iiv r h a owel
tr onhios. F. G Frick- fc Co.
Copper Colored
There is only ono cure for Ootitagiouf
Blood Poison the disease which has
completely baffled the doctors. They
un? totally unable to cure it, and direct
their efforts toward bottling the poison
no in the blood and concealing it from
view. S. S. S. cures the. disease posi
tively nnd permanently by forcing out
c t ry trace of the taint.
i .i Hilll.-ic.i wltli a tfrrlbJe lilood dWeiw.
wi.i'-li was iu sjkiU at lir-t, hut afterwards
nprt-Rd all over my tiiy.
These ion t.rulas out intj
r K. and it Is eay
Jiniiitin the suffering 1
entiured. Uefore I h
chiiic ci ill vl need that tlie
diH-lui M'iini do mi komI,
I lincl sirf-r I e hllli'eil
y.; ' .. dollars. iin-n was reaiiy
. S. A tiinovn mvay. 1 then
." J'V. ' f-, tried various .i'-nl
V." N. r. iiiedleiiK-s. I'tit they did
H J?t' f V not m u ll the dixeaiie.
i Jt B 4.'' Wien 1 hud liulshi d ray
dollars. hn-h was really
Wjji rirsi ooiiie 'i . .
t wan itreatly lnirnved
and tlellKliliMl with
the result. The lirge rel MploteheH m niy
cli st iK'Kraii to jfriiw jialer and smaller and
b-for. lonx iltsai.iM-ared entirely. I reKlnel
my lost w.-lirtu, ln-omv rrnnt;er. and iny ai-
rw-tirp irt'patlv inirimvfd
wt 11. Hint ru v 8Kin as eiear n a pm- in kih-.
11. b. MYER3, lot! Mulberry tt.. Newark. N. J.
Don't destroy all possible chance of m
nun. bv tnkinf the doctor's treatment
f 0e ,n?rc.,jry alid potash. These mineral
cause the hair to rail out, anu wiu
wreck the entire system.
. . n X iltn nnltf
blood l-emeay guaranteeu niu uv
potash, mercury, or other mineral.
Book on the disease and its treat
ment mailed free by Swift Specific Com
pany, Atlanta, Georgia.
'I. Pearlman desires to call
attention to the trade that he
has the largest stock of stoves
and furniture ever shown in
Plattsmouth and that he can
not he undersold by any dealer
in the frreat state of Nebraska.
c made his purchases before
the recent great advance in
prices, and is tfivin;? his cus
tomers the benefit of that fact.
These are facts which you
cannot afTord to overlook when
in need of anything" in his line.
; If 3'oti are wise 3ou will take
ja close look through his storc
j rooms before buying".
- v Opposite the court house,
rwUraouth NebragL'a