Llnmln. Alfix Sclilekel suite capital -Wjeeexy ERAIJB THE NEW8. Est&blshed Not. 5,1891. ConBollaatad Jan. 1 1805 THE life. KALI. tBtablished April 10. 18W. f t-onsonaawa Jan. I. PLATTSMOUTH, NEB.. OCTOBER 17. 1899. VOL. VIII. NO. 97. Semi News FILIPINOS ATTACK ANGELES. ParliameQt Estimates the Cost to Conduct the War In South flfrica. Prices of Loans Decrease. But the Rate Is Alrnost Certain to Make An Advance. ' New Vobk, Oct. 16. The Times' London financial correspondent cables Our markets moved much as antic! Dated laot week. In money ease in creased daily until call loan were down to 3 per cent and sometimes less. Loans for a week are now barely 3i to Si per cent, and this cheapness will probably continue for another eight or ten day?. Discount rates, too, hve receded, until the bolder operators vim nil I 41 nr nitnt hr m working QUO taMon for ninetr-div bills But most bank have all loag refused to buy from brokers under 4i per cent and the leading houaes therefore only worked at that figure when in a posi tion to keep bills Usually, therefore. 44 per cent was the minimum rate and toward the end of the week a disDosi tion was ehown to hold out fur 41 pet cent. It was felt that the eae was decep tive. nd on Tnurslay the b nk returt revealed the unplenant fact that the B .nk of England had retimed onl 65.000 ol the week tJ net import Cf 833,000 i krold It wat ald to b-v. vooe inn circuit uon, ouw 10m ii bardiy the truth. The ra-tal is beinit hoarded by othr banks, dot before it was time, in view of p';-.-uble oreoit complica ions ahead. Tne B nk ot Eniaitd must conequt i.tly Calcul-ii on having to oopo with h. th inte-nal and export dem mda for dovvreiffij- the same '.Oie that the rti.t imponant supply i f gold i cut i-ff. Muorj fur th. Wr. This weeK p;n liauK-nt meets to vot money for the African War. 1'be esti mated requirements vary from 5,000. 000,000 to 10,000,000, but it is lmpron ab e that the extreme amoum will be asked for at first. Whatever money is acked for must be borrowed and the proceed, to the extent, probably, of 590.000 a week, exported in gold to the cape. It is a question where this gold is to be found. Aoout 2,00 ,000 baa lattly boon swept up in the opei markets on continental opening, but these are now believed to be almost bare and no et&te bank abroad is will iog to spare a siagle ounee. About a week. ago the German Reichsbnk told the Hamburg bankers that if they alsouunud bills for peoole wishing to take advantage of the favorable ex change on fxpot gold to London it "uld stop their ci edits. Tberelore no g" u is coming from Germany after the ma ket sweepings are used up The liana of France blocks tne way, either by refu-ing altogether to sell gold, by raising the premium on the met i I, or by payiog light napoleons. The Russian government and bank have just surmounted a crisis. The Auitro Hungarian bank has quite eoough to do with domestic complica tions and poor Italy is struggling with one more bad mess. There remain Holland and Belgium, both of whose banks have raised their rates tn self protection. In these circumstances, unless America will oblige us with a few million, the promise is that we shall be hard put to it to pay our way io the next four monte, and I fear that help from you is too good to hope for. It follows that the present slackness of rates in our market is transitory. In other respects or position is strong. Our foreign trade for Septem ber shows most encouraging totals, but the gains are due more to prices than to quantity, and our business with the continent is not, as a whole, progres sive. High prices are telling severely on the consumption of copper and the exports of machinery ae stagnant. In deed, but for the navy demands, the iron and sieel trades would be back ward, for foreign demands ate slow in almost every dlreotioo. a took Market Calm. The stock market have taken the outbrea'. of hostilities with singular calmisess. Evt-n ii h- Kaffir circle prices have . one up, not dowtt, p rt bee iura the bears have con.e in clore, out much mere because the whole n tion i- por.-esed with the Idea thl the war will be an afftir of three months. SrRedre s Bul'er expects to be In Pret.-ria at the latest by Jan uary 31, and nis estimate is fully truoted. So a tedy stream of small buying orders poured in after W. d Head- for all Kind mine snares of re pute, but mosi othe departments were rather neglected, your railroad . cot more conspicuous so than our own. Investment stocks yielding from 21 to 4 per cent continue to suffer by the dearnees of money- The banks lent little below 5 per oent for end of the month accounts and borrowers often pair 5. These rates will be deadly to those who have borrowed on such things as colonial 3 per cent stocks if the market does not soon return to ease. " The "Plow Bo Pre etier," Rv. J. Kirkman, Belle Rive.Ill., savs: "After suffersng from bronchial or lung trouble for ten years, I wis cured by One Minute Cough Cura It Is all that is claimed for it and more." It cures coughs, colds, grip and all throat and langr troubles. F. G. Frloke & Co. Oa American Kiu.d and Svem Otb I Woindtd In th. Engagement. Manila. Oct. 16 9:65 p. m. The Inrurgents made an attack upon An geles at 2:30 this morning. One American was killed and seven were wounded. The Filipinos used artil lery, a few shells exploding. The Seventeenth, Ninth and Thir teenth regiments engaged tbeenemy. who retired at 6:30. An American scouting party near Balinate captured a Filipino major. All were brought to Manila. TALKS TO SUNDAY SCHOOL CHILDREN President McKlnley Addresses the Little FoIRs In a few Words at Sioux City. Governor Shaw. Senator fllllson and Congressman Thomas Join the Party. Book la Japan and Italy. The Japanese now publish three times as many books as the Itiiians, whose literary powers seem to have faded almost entirely away. Out of 25,000 volumes published last year in the land of flowers, no less than 500 were law books and 1.300 treated of religion, which thows that the roman tic little nation ha3 not taken kind!? to any written form of romance. Difficult Walking. ' No, sir, I don't like your southern railways. To travel on them for any length of time Is positively painful." "May I ask what particular defect pre judices you?" ' The ties are altogether Sioux City, Oct. lo. The presi dent and prty spent the entire day in Sioux City. The train stopoed Satur- Manila, Oct. 16 9:10 a. m. Mail P8' nlht' much to the regret of the advices from Iloilo state that there is P0Ple OI oux City, several miles treat tension between the Visayana oul9iae ino llmlls- At 1U o'clock tnis and Tagalos. growing out of the Tn- moiDinK punea miome unioo aepoi Cleveland Plain Dealer gales' holding Araoeta, a leader of ln loux -Vt wnere a large crowa the Visayans. a prisoner since the bad Sphered. Mr. McKinley, Mrs. threatened Vioayan revolt against Htcncock, tecretiry Hitchcock and Taealo domination n month aeo The I Secretary Wilson and Attorney Gen Visayans are licensed to the point of eral GriS" attended the First Met h rebellion. While the Tagalos nomi P111 r piscopal church, where lev n.illy control only the military ortran- Robert Oagnell, its pastor, preached izdtion of the so-o tiled Filipino re- ine cmo1 executive worsbiped like an orainary citizen. Aiwrwara ine party was driven, escorted by ex-Congress man George D. Perkins,to the White- fie d Methodist Episcopal church. where the president spoke a few words What One Frenrlimau Drank. A French alcoholic patient, the keep er of a Paris wine shop, gave, the doc tors the following statement about his drinking habits: -'At 6:30 a. m. I rise. At 7 I take coffee and brandy. About 9 I drink three or four glasses or white wine, and perhaps eat a little i here with. Between 9 and 'dejeuuer' I usu ally take three or four 'aperitives' blttens, Vermouth, or absinthe. Foi my second breakfast 1 have one litre of wine, and then coffee and rum. During the afternoon I take various '001130m inations.' Between 5 and S p. m. I take some more 'aperitives,' on an average about three or four. At 6 o'clock 1 have my dinner, or supper, with which I drink one liter of red wine. Between that and bedtime I consume a few public, they have crowded out the Visatans from the civil branch, whereat there ! gr at disconteat. Tne 1'agalos are reported to bo con Contrating the tio-pa in Panav at Santa Barb .ra, where Deleado, chief 10 tno Sudy school. He said of the revolutionary government, com manus. with a view of putting them selves in a p. .si lion to sudD'Osm the Vin y.n Four thousand T;cilos have been held in reserve at Capiz, in the northern part of the province of Panay laet week tmbarked in cascoe, My Friends: I have only iu the moment I shall tarry time to Bay to this group of young people and old. IImII and fai o w'll. and wish for all of thoin the realization of all that is nonle In life and character under a government of high privilege and the fleet's purpt.se beir.sr to land at r' PPrtunity Concepcion, whence the troops would march- to Santa Barbara. Adverse 1 rids prevented the landing, hi'- ver. Uei.eral Paiion e forces from But-na Vt-sta are also reported to be going to 8 ota Barbara. The insurgents wnl h ve 12,00it men and three or four th'-usaud rifles ltit-re. General Mabanna, according to ltt- tert, plans to attack the uburhs of Iloilo witn this force, carr- the city and si tighter the Vmericans. At 7 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. McKinle3', members of the cabinet. Assistant Secretary C rtelj'ou, Governor L. M Snaw, Sena'or Allison and Cngres man Lot I'homa-t dined with Mr. and Mis George D. Perkins Afterward the p rty was driven to the train, wbicti at 10:4.) p m. left over the Illinois Central for the oaf t. It was a very disagree ble day. A high wind blew clouds of dime until rain began falling at 4 p. m. Saturday night abnut I o'clock tho special train carrying a company i Catholic Property Io Caba IIavaxa, Oct. 16. The bi-bop of I soldiers from this city who have been Havana -aid the public had hitherto I doing duty In the Philippines, ar- only heard one side of the ohurch 1 rived frra the east. question and asked the Associated I Tho city was filled witb people from Press to say that the church does I all the surrounding cuntry,being the not hold any property or income I lararest number of poople ever known to which it is not entitled. In some I in this city. Tho streets wore deco cases, said the bishop, whe-e property I rated, tho stores all open and hun- had been left to congregations forldredsof electric lights strung across masses, the church had said the the streets, all, or nearly all, civic mases, taking over the property as J societies were out in full regalia, and payment three binds were here to furnish The Cubms had devasted church I mu-ic. property wherever they could do sol The soldier boys were roceived iu and aop- als had been made to Madrid I the opera houdo. Mayor Albright without avail. It is expected the made the address of welcome and re American authorities will show more sponoes were lrnde by Colonel Frost jj-tice than had been shown by the of the, First Fouth Dakota volunteer Spaniards. regiment and Captnin Fuller of a The bishop said that the church bad I local company. The night's enter not refused to provt title to tbe prop-1 tainment lasted until morninor erty now held. All the church asks Is that its property be respected the same as the property of any other institution. DISCOVER PLOT IN MANILA. American Kqaal Vii I'ulon. Kansas City, Mo., Oct. 15. The American Equal Wage union, recently incorporated under the laws of Mis souri, with heaaqunrtcrs in Kansas City, has adopted a constitution and will immediately commence active missionary work. The organization doparts from the methods of older unions in that it omits the word "strike" from it9 con stitution, propose to accomplish re forms through the ballot, to work to Oatbreak FallSjto Materialise B era tine of Vigorous Aetloa of the Authorities, M NILA, Oct. 15.-9:10 a. m. The authorities were informed yesterday from reliable sources that an outbreak in the poorer districts of Manila had been carefullv planned for davllcht on Sunday. It failed to oocur, probably wn3Cl ine activity oi corporation ioo- on account of the vigorous mea,UPM Dies ana aeciares ior eqvni pay ior enforced. Many natives of the Fonds eclual work for women. district left, taking their valuables. inoomcersoi tne supreme council All the -mall shop, which the Hre: u u Kuthrcns, Kansas t,ny. cr.i-.-ri a tiaiiKliv fnpfarl .. nln.a ,t. R -ift I president; George S. Battell, vice I . . . . . p. m., were shut at sunset. A general prosment; uooert uwen, treasurer feelinir of uneasiness was apparent. Arinur layman, secretary. rr 4w i J i i J xotj gusru- oi iu oivy were uouoieu i Bismarck's Iron Nerve and a strong force stationed at the I Was the result of his splendid hoalth slaughter house, tbe center of an un I Indomitable will and tremendous en ruly section. Two guns of the Sixth I ergv are not found whore stomach, artillery were stationed nearby at a J liver, kidneys and bowels are out of point commanding the native quarter. I order. If you want these qualities OH.. ... I ine commanders of the reserve troops I and the success they bring, use Dr were ordered to De p e pared for a call Kind's New Life Pills. They develop Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach t!ie diseased portion ot the ear. There is only una way to cure deaf ness.and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inrintnod condition of the mucous lining of the Kustachiau Tube. When thitube Rfts intiamed you have a rumblincr sound or imperfect hearinp. and hen it is entirely closed dcatuess is the result, ami unless the intlamatiou can be taken out and th:s tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be" destroyed loreyer; nine cases out of ten are caused bv catarrh, which is nothing but an inilamed condition of ttic mucous surfaces. We will give one hundred dollars for any case of deafness (caused by catarrh that canii"t be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send lor circular, free F. J. Chenf.V & Co., Toledo, . Sold by dracKists. 75c- Hall's Family 1'ids arc the best. too far apart." "Ah. then you are You are right I am an actor." , siasses of brandv or liaueur." Try 6raln Ol Try Graln-O! Ask jour Grocer today to show you a pack a go of Grain-O, the new fcod drink that takes the place of coffee. The children may drink it without in jury as well as tho adult. All who try it, liko it. Giain-O has that rich goal brown of Mocha or Java. but it is mado from pure grains, and tho most deli cate ftt niach receives it without dis tress. Ono-fourth tho price of coffee, l ie and 2-V per package. Sold by all groccrsT Patent l.v Women. From 1SS4 to 1S9." women have taken out 3,903 patents. Women have in vented many important thinas. The woman who tiegan by inventing; a 't ot -set is now inventing reservoirs and dams. Another woman has invented a lock with 3.000 combinations and a letter box now in daily use for liou.es. .tlnrrnnl' Kxprriuien's Satisfactory. Marconi's experiments have proved &o satisfactory to the British admiralty that a complete set of the apparatus for wireless telegraphy has been sup plied to the Defiance, the torpedo school-shlp at Devonport, for further experiments by naval officers. Moths That Cost a Fortune. Think of a single state paying out $20,000 for the sole purpose of petting rid of a certain family of moths! Thii Is what the state of Massachusetts has done, and the "gypsy" moth is the very destructive insect which the state board wishes to drive out. The little creatures have proved such a pest that it has been found necessary to employ hundreds of men to do nothing but destroy them. Indeed, the above sum is by no means all that will be re quired to accomplish the work, for 11 is estimated th-'t fully ten times that amount ::mst Le spent before they art finally exterminated. A ICcirtarkaltle Bigamr h. A lather remarkable bicamv cast came to light in Southwark recently A Mrs. Little, wife of a railway portei at Portsmouth, went to London anftl there married a carman named Car- I ter. She paid visits alternately to he two hasbands for some time withou discovery, but during one visit Mr Little discovered the certificate of tht second marriage pinned Insida hi: wife's bonnet, and he communicate! with his brother in London, who gar Information to the police. Itoiuan Cam p. A well-preserved Roman camp lias been discovered on tha right bank of the Narenta, in Ilerzgovina. A sec tion 330 feet long by 270 feet wide has been traced. Part of the walls, gates and towers are still standing, and many utensils and weapons hae been dug up. It Is believed that the camp v;ts erected In the time of Xero. Vapor from Saiokfle )'. l-r. What is called smokeless ji.nvui really throws off a shadowy vapor. This vapor is perceptible only whn viewed through a dink of violet ulm inserted in an ordinary field i;! t s. Colonel Sweet, of the army medical museum, Washington, made this Ls-covery. Contaffiuu by It at. In view of the existence of the bu bonic nlague in Portugal, the French What Do the Children Drink? J r. riic health committee reports that Don't give them tea or colToc. Have J great danger or contagion extets from you tried the new food drink called at daylight. Three native policemen have been arret-ted on a charge of plotting an up risinif. The fact that thir comrades informed the uth riiies of their tr acbery ind caten t at tne police force ia loval . every power of brain and body. Only 25c at F G. Fricke & Co.'s drue store. Makes Steel l'lowa. Mollne, 111., la noted ail over the civ ilized world for ita farm implements. No other city of lt3 size in the world manufactures so many. The first steel plows ever made were hammered out by old John Deere, who founded his little smithy In 1847 at Grand Detour and a couple of years later removed to Mollne, whose wonderful water power was Just beginning to be appreciated. In the then little village of Moltne he lo tne city restintr. After breakfast began work with a dozen employes h- -pent mme time wim his mail and ! ,n a small wooden building by the river th n G .vernor Ru lion of New Uamp-' Dank, on tne Bite of the present shops, shire called. j Today the shops are the largest and L.ter, accompanied by Lieutenant;''11 the world, and the plows and Brumbr. the aomiral left the hotel I JI cU?iU!17. Ut V.fa,nma t0 -,,.., .u w .u : every civilized farmer. Mollne has an- iUU UruuKU iiio wmumu u j otner large plow factory second onlv in aiac io me urst mentioned. In fact, over half the steel plows nsd in the world are said to be mide In.Moline. Urw-y' Frirnda To-i Free. Boston, Oct 15 Amid cheers of 10.000 people. Admiral Dewey departed tor Boston tonif-ht on th" Federal ex press for Washington. l"he admirl spent a very quiet day the Somerset club, where lunch was partaken of. Tbe admiral left the hotel in a cloeed carriage for tbe railway station, under escort of about twenty mounted police officers. The crowd which followed was a large one and a greater one was at the station.' The party went aboard the express which immediately left, the enthusiastic people running down the track after it. The 'Gut Hell" 6-cent cigar has an enviable reputation among smokers. Union 'made. For sale by all dealers. Otto Wurl, Manufacturer. Sir Henry Irving on Shakexpeare. Sir Henry Irving devoted part of his summer holidays to writing an article, which he has given to the Ladies' Home Journal. It is called 'Shake speare In Small Communities," and tells bow the study, reading aioud and acting of Shakespeare's works may be followed in communities away from the larger centres.' I.. B. Egenbergcr has just received 100 dozen children's bicycle hoso which will go at 171 cent3 n pair reg ular 25-cent goods. Grain-O? It is delicious and nourish ing and takes the placo of cotTee. The rc.oro Graln-O you give tho children the moro health you distribute through their systems. Grain-O is made of puro grains, and when properly pre pared tastes liko the choico grades of coffee but costs about ono-fourth as much. All procers sell it. 1 "c and 2c. Vtomen .l initer. New York Journal: Then- are to day about 300 women ministers in the United State's. In America 'the minis try is being more used by women as a profession than the law. The great value or women ministers in America Is for scattered parts that cannot pos sibly afford to support a man. They can maintain a woman minister. The cblef opposition to women pastors comes from ministers of the poorer and least qualified class. Of course, the older and more conservative ministers, bishops and the like do not look with much pleasure on a woman in the pulpit. His Lite Was Saved. Mr. J. K. Lilly, a prominent citizen of Hannibal, Mo. , lately had a won dorful deliverance from a frightful death. In telling of it ho says: "I was taken with typhoid fever, that ran. into pneumonia. My lungs be came hardened. I was sc weak 1 couldn't oven sit up in bed. Nothing helped me. I expected to soon die of consumption, when I hoard of Dr. King's New Discovery. One bottle gave groat relief. I continued to use it, and hm now well and 6trong, I can't say too much in its praise." This marvelous medicino i3 tho surr.t and quickest euro in tho world for throat and lung trouble. Regular sizes 50 cents and il. 00. Trial bottles free at F. G. Fricke & Cos. drug store: every bottle guaranteed. 2 rats tels. and mice getting on hoard ves- lle.t Warr to Drink. When possible, drink rain water fil tered; boiled water has lost the gases necessary for the fulfilment of its du ties. Good water is always clear, with out either taste or smell. Iwpltal in Southern Mills. In the south within the last five months $17,000,000 of new capital has been invested in cotton mills. A Dradiiin-r't Hospital. New York Is to have a breadwinners' hospital for women. Already several commercial millionaires are identified with the project. A- soon as capital to the extent of $" OuO has been se cured the erection of the hospital will begin. The building will be divided into a series of small private rooms in stead of wards. The most expensive beds in the hospital will not be over ?10, and there will be no free beds. The Trices of Kardlnes. Thirty years ago the sardines and young herring in Canadian waters were sold mostly as fertilizers. In 1897 nearly a million boxes of sardines in oil were put on the market. Th price paid to fishermen varies extraor dinarily according to catch, season and year, being sometimes as low as $6 per hogshead, and sometimes as high as $100 Age of llirl. It Is only possible at present to col lect data from the duration of lives oi birds' in captivity; evidence otherwise must be unreliable, and it is purely a matter of theory as to whether tht natural possible life is greater than that under the unnatural condition. ot captivity. There are records of ; nightingale having lived twenty-fiv. years, a thrush seventeen, a blackbin that was still alive at twenty and t half, a goldfinch twenty-thrr. aud skylarks of twenty-four and twenty Ravens, owls and cockatoos are popu larly supposed to live to a very grea ag and the following records appeal to be authentic: Kaven, fifty; gia parrot, fifty and forty; blue nia.aw Fixty-four; eagle owls, fifty -three, ant one still alive at sixty-eight. Iron Alines on Klba. The little island of Klba, once cele brated as the temporary abiding place of the great Napoleon, has recently come into prominence in a new way. Years ago deposits of iron were dis covered on the island, but the mines were never worked. Now, where once Napoleon reigned in solitary state, great smelters and machine shops have been set up, and the whole island is alive with the huir. of industry. The ;rMit IllTereiiee. An average pedestrian covers about thirty inches in each stp. The aver age wheelman at one revolution of his pedals (the equivalent of a 6tep) ov ers about seventeen feet, and as ihe movement is so easy and devoid of fatigue he usually raises his foot twice as often in the same time, thus cov ering thirty-four feet while the pedes trian goes two and a half feet. When dizzy or drowsy, take lech- am's i'llls. Dr. W. C. Dean... ..DENTIST.. 409. 410 Jlcl'n-ne Building Onilln Northwest cor. lMh and Podge sts WUIUlia PRICES REASONABLE. All work carefully and well done. Nervous pa tients will receive especial consideration. A. V. Atwool soils tho bj-t paint on earth. TITO PATENT Good Ideas l 'It sit- be aeenred bv oar aid. Address, THE PATENT RECORD. Baltimore. Md. Sufcacripttous to Tbe r'ent Record tl.OuptTftannm. i l 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 5 4W 49 4 4W 4W w& Wm flW 4M 4H 4lb flh 4s mm mm i Stvlish a-- TAILORING... That is what 3011 can depend upon at our shop. And that is only one of the many jood points. We have a larg-e assortment of foreign and domestic gxods from which to make selections and even' suit or g-arment we turn out is guaranteed" tn be satisfactory. Tnilor-Mado Suits... We have an elegant assortment of tine goods for Ladies' Suits Golf or any style desired. The ladies are respectfully invited to call and see our lino andjthe styles. Hockwood Block-Main St. ivii:vr GOODS.. We have just received an elegant stock of FALL and WINTER ..Dry Goods.. to which wo wish to call tho attention of those who are in need of Cood Goads at Low Prices. An extra largo stock of ..Ladies and Children's Underwear.. One hundred dozen pairs of Children's Rlcycle FToc, whleh will ho nolit at ITic. These aro ropular 2c hoso. t -"Everything in Plain and Fancy fJroceries. m m m 166 Gream Soda later 56 Beat the World 32 ..IN ALL FLAVORS OUR Chocolate and Vanilla Goring Go., ..DRUGGISTS.. : .-' v .0 .1 9. Paint for Everybody And for everj'thing under the sun. Every liome lias need of paint. Each kind of The , Sherwin-Williams Paints 'W la specially suited to some home use either outside or inside. It's knowing the right kind of paint, and putting it oa the right place that makes printing a success. Tell us what you want to paint, and we'll tell you the riht kind to use. For sala in Plattsmouth by F. G. FRICKE & CO., Druggists. Subscribe for "The-News, 99 ..lOc a week 40c a month m m m m its m m m m S3 m