Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, October 10, 1899, Image 4

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Found io Be Dudley Coleman Who
Was Killed Last Thursday.
Was KIntHel y IIL Father Au.l Two or
Three Men With Whom He Hl Heen
Working In !"r ln 'Py Connty
-Body Disinterred n,l Will Be Taken
to Sewartl.
Fr.-vm Monday's Daily.
inan wno
Hoard OeeMea Ttiitt a ' MUiming mm
the Ouly Alternative.
The board of education htld a meet-
. i
Id."' last evening ana aeciaeu unau-
imou6ly to erect a new school buildiner
on the eouthwest corner of the high
school camous. It will be erected ac
cording to the plana and specifications
famished by the Omaha architect. It
will be a one story building 70x90 feet
and will afford the needed relief for a
number of years.
Smerlntendent McHugh suggested
numerous ways In which the crowded
condition could be overcome,but made
no recommendation in the matter.
tv.o unfortunate voun
.... . Ac Sr.
killed in the liurlington varu, .
nuv last Thursday evening has
ontifled as Dudley Coleman,
who worked for George Poisal three jAm0AD NOTES ASD PERSONALS
nn who was a nepnew 01
Pmprv Xewland i home f of a few
U1H lane , . I " , . . . ,
- fniflman had been working Li,,..-' visit with hia mother, lie 18
in the quarries at Richfield, in Sarpy brahing on the Fremont, Klkhorn &
l t . I - . n ) a four
Council Meeting Was Short
and Without Interest.
S. Watter. the Fruit Tree Man, Is
Xabbed Ity Federal Authorities He
Ced the Malls For Fraudulent Pur-posei-HIrarn
Ronlne Appointed Com
pany Quartermaster.
The city council met in regular ses
sion last night with all members pres
ent. The session was rather a brief
one and no business of much import
ant was transacted.
A petition waa read by the clerk
asking that the alley in block 20 be
opened, and upon motion of Buttery
the work was ordered done. The peti
tion was signed by the trustees of the
Methodist church and by the men
. i... onil kut it!......! Vaiiav railroad, and a few
mintv tor tne past iwu j liUiseuui ... .kt. .11...
county, mi v .. . . , ... t. n OToaVt 1 mnrMrtv adioine this alley
191UI l-v uuw I " 1' f j
ThnrsflRV ouit worKing av - uavsnK" '"
of coins to woi k at I hia thumb quite b.idly
ih Wpemn" Water quarries. He had tween Fremont and Missouri Valley
planned to visit frionds and relatives
; n,! a fow davs prior to goiuji i The pay
to Wee pi no- Water and on Thursday J and gladdened the hearts of the boya
far as uouisvme. who work lor ine iuriingiun. uM
His run is bo-
car arrived this morning
C. A. Marshall, Dentist.
See Cooley for your pumpkins for
A. V. Atwood sells the best paint
on earth.
Oysters served in any stylo at
Shinn's cafe.
The social that was to have been
given by the LadleB' Auxiliary Octo
ber 1" has been postponed.
Boarders Wanted Good board and
room, near B. & M. shops by Mrs.
Lamphear. Kates 14 per month.
When you want to sraoko a 10-cont
cigar try Otto WuilVSilver Wreath
union made you can find n
on the market.
Amos Coleman departed for Seward
this morning with the body of bis son,
who was killed in the Burlington
yards here last Thursday night
Mrs. S. P. Holloway if having quite
a 60rious time with rheumatism and
has been able to get down town but
1 H!
We have them wo soli
nothing but the very best E
makes and warrant them g
to give perfect satisfac- E
John T. Coleman, j
2 Second door South ot Postofflce
1 Underwear -
afternoon came as
4,r.rlv after S o'clock that
l,n hoarded freight train o. .oana
camo to l'lnttsmouth, arriving here at
.:(.-,, and it is while alighting from
this' train that the unfortunate young
man lo?t his life. The body was found
an hour and forty minutes after the
arrival of this train.
Frank Fitzgerald of Louisville heard
of a man being killed in the local
yards and having seen Coleman board
the train at Louisville suspected that
his friend had met death and in com
pany with another man who had been
working with Coleman camo down
-here Saturday evening.
The body had boon buried Saturday
niorninff. but Coroner hauler naa re
evp.ningi tUt0n out on No. 7.
Tho oolice judge's report for ep-
tpmber shows that there were seven
arrests, four fines paid, two committed once since her return from tho raoun-
to iail and one fine remitted.
Tho claims committee reported fa- j
vorably upon tho bills of tho county
against the city, which had been car
ried over from previous meetings.
Messersmith called the council s at-
Theodore Heira of Louisville was in tention to the need of some posts with Lnuisa Gorder
Lost A ladies' fifteen jowel Elgin
movement gold watch. No 0,828,290;
solid gold case No 245:543. Finder
will bo liberally rewarded by lo.iving
word at Nkws oflico or with Miss
the city today.
Mrs. E. W. Cook was a visitor in
Omaha this afternoon.
I. W. Teegarden of Weeping Water
was transacting business in the city
Frank Johnson and "Pate" Agncw
were viewing tho sights in Omaha
this afternoon.
Miss Edith Patterson and Miss Ma-
which to repair the fence at the ceme
tery, and the same were ordered purchased.
Tho bids for city printing were
opened and read and it was found that ;
the bid of the Weekly Journal was the
lowest, and that paper was awarded
! the contract.
A small amount of work was ordered
in the Second, Third and Fifth wards
and a sidewalk resolution presented
lied and were soon satisfied that it was
their comrade who had been killed.
Amos Coleman, the young mans
father, who resides on a farm near
Seward, was telegraphed to and ar
rived in the city last ovening, and
this morning tho body was disinterred
and taken to the undertaking rooms of
Streight & Streight, where identifica
tion was made beyond any possible
doubt. Not only did tho father iden-
J f v V i m Vint threo other men from
Uichtield readily recognized the body
as that of Coleman. Ouo of the latter
was Ed ward Maloy, wbo had worked
with him and roomed with him for
two years. Tne other two wero James
Martin and John Karosky, represent
ing M. W. A. lodge No. 240S, of which
Coleman was a member and In which,
he carried l,0o0 insurance, his father
being the beneficiary.
There were a number of marks by
which he was identified one of which
wa a scar the full length of one
thumb-caused by tho hand being
caught in a corn sheller when he was
a boy. The father looked for this
mark the first thing he did.
Dudley Coleman was twenty-seven
vears of sice and had worked in this
ritv Ana county a considerable length
of time
tilda Valiery were visiting friends in , Herold was adopted.
Omaha this afternoon. 1 Tho matter of purchasing 500 feet of
Mra Will Clement and her friend, hose was broueht up and pomo bids
Noack, rep-
ng and
T.,. TOllinrr wife find hahv BDOnt I'aCK lng Company , wsa ,.icOCufc nw w.
fZinia In Snuth Omaha, council with samples of hoso and gave
ttia frmr rfiturnins- vesterdav morn- the members a tilk on the good quall-
K1..C Woninn-an.i son remain-1 ties of his hose
IUK w.. " - r. I
ing until last evening.
t uned u piece of the coat worn by the Miss Mollie Berger of Louisville, wore read by the clerk. IL C. Noac
vounc man and this the men identl- Omaha visitors this afternoon. resenting the Now York Beltit
County Judge George M. Spurlock
went to Omaha this morning to con
sult Occulist Glfford in regard to his
eyes. He has been troubled for some
time and concluded it was time to
make an investigation.
James Hunt returned to Council
Bluffs this morning after a visit of
severat days with relatives in this
city. He got hia arm and hand quite
badly injured a few days ago while at
work in a canning factory in Omaha
and was obliged to take a lay off.
A Flay That IMeaaee Old Mid Tonus.
Of all the dramatic productions
playing here this season "waioney a
Wedding," which will be the attrac
tion at tho White. Monday, Oct. 1ft, is
said to be by far the most entertain
ing. It is a comedy-drama constructed
to please tho young as well as the old.
and fairly teems with the most novol
and humorous ideas of every day life.
Dan Maloney, the good-natured vic-
;m rtf n. matrimonial venture, is a
1. 1 in
The council finally
purchased 300 feet of hose of this gen
tlemanthe price being SO cents per
foot, with a siK years' guarantee on
the 9amo. It is the same kind of hose
that tho city purchased a few years
ago, which was highly satisfactory.
Federal Authorities After Him.
Readers of The News will romem
ber the arrest a few mouths ago of
one K. S. Witters, a fruit tree agent
of Weeping Water, on the charge of
embezzlement. He was agent for a
nursery at Seneca, Kan., and by pad
ding his orders succeeded in filching
the firm he represented out of a con
siderable sura of money. Witters was
to bavo been tried in tho courts at
Seneca, Kan., last week, but his attor
ney, Matthew Goring, was engaged on
tho Watson case and was unable to
go to Kansas. Word was received in
th ritv vesterdav that Witters has
still more grief on bis hands. Ho will
now have a round with Uncle Sara,
having been turned over to the fed
eral authorities to answer to the ser
ious chartro f using the mails for
fraudulent Durposes. It wa3 not
tvoo of character as truo a3 life. He
ir worked for Atwood & Co. I possesses all of the native wit and Hi- lt.arned whether or not tho embezzle-
at Cedar Creek and one vear for O. M. berninn mischief known to nis race, men, ca8e has been dismissed, ' ut it
Streight on tho farm near South Bend and bubbles over with refreshing fun. ls suppo3ed that the federal author-
and has worked in this city atdifferont The Widow Chancy, the jolU partner uie3 wiU be givon the first chance at
fnrmwr Sattler states that of his humorously complicated court- h- Rnd lhe embezzlement case will
there were 250 or 300 people viewed ship, and subsequent bride, furnishes bedi3posed of later.
. . . . i t . i.i.nit arxrt irtrniwi
,Hiia it was Ivintr in tne i a iuna oi spariviwi; - j"
and although a great many of that keeps an audience in the best of
tho body
11 I nrA Hnlii.ll
that number were wen -"- " .. mHil crane patent
Coleman when he worKea uuriiisiBeiwnu.uip., Mm1,,
es pop up in the snapo oi siug
with vounsr Coleman
Vioro nnno of them recognized
The fact that no one expected to see a
man they had known and the further
fact that the man's head was severed
from the body made his identification
The body will be taken to Se-vard
for burial, leaving here at 7:P.! tomor
row niorninji.
ouarterumster I It ram Kobiue.
Hiram Uobine, who is now at Fort
Crook with the Thirty-ninth regi
ment, writes to a friend in this city to
tho elTect that he has just been ap
nointed quartermaster of Company A,
and it is his duty to look after the
"grub" and see that the boys get what
the government allows. Among other
things ho says:
"It is reported that we will leave
next Wednesday, and I am sure that
if you visit this camp you will be in-t-fat.rf
in tho way your Uncle Sam is
treating his boys. The entire eight
companies are filled up to 106 men to
the company, and every man has been
fully equipped with everything that
is necessary for soldiering.
"Our rations consist of beans, coffee,
fresh bread, fresh beef (once a day J,
bacon, rice, Hour, tomatoes, potatoes,
vinegar, sugar, pork, pepir, salt,
dried apples, dried peaches, onions.
The bacon, beef and fresh pork ia of
the best quantity. You can thus
..Dnfinc see that Uncle Sam is feeding
us all "right. The cook I have
d those who
tasted what he dishes out are satisfied.
"I attend no drills and can be fouud
at all timos in tho kitchen, oversee
ing that place.
Notice to A. O. V- W.
All members of the A. O. U. W.
Indies and their friends are requested
h!tnd Saturday morning to go
n Omaha to attend the A. O. U. W.
v0r,.iSns at the exposition. Spe-
lw rates have been secured c
the Burlington and it is desired to
i. . A-ant n rreat success. 1 wo
wno will be taken and the B. i
headquarters at Omaha will be sere-
march UDlOwn. irsin
naaeu uu -
leaves at7:30
... Thondnre W. Ivory of
nil"1 u- j
nionwnod was in the city today, at
tending to some bcss with his
. t T Tvda. Mr. Ivory U &
agenv, - ,
prominent real estate diWeruand
money loaner of Glenwood.being quite
in"- and dancing specialties and the
" . , , -I Hf.P.l..
nnmnanv. noaaea oy James
and Kote Bradbury, comes with the
highest of press praise, ssaie oi seats
now on at Lehnhoff T'.ro?.' at usual
A Surprise Farty.
Saturday night at tho home of Mr.
and Mrs. John Kalasok a number of
girls and boys gave a very pleasant
surprise party in honor of Miss Annie
Kalina, the sister of Mrs. Kalasek. A
nnmW nf n-araes wero played and
dancing was indulged in until a late
hour. Then supper was served. After
supper the young folks played some
more games, after which they departed
for their many homes, all reporting a
very nice time. Those present wero
Missos Mary Kanka, Barbara Ptak,
Antonia Yanda, Mary C. Yanda, Mary
I. Yanda. Mary Machine,Josie Warga,
Jennie Koke, Annio Kanka, KUen
Blackett. Annie Blackelt, Josie
Woster, Fanny Yanda. Mary Kalasek.
Annie Kalina. Mary Ptak and Mrs. J.
Kalasek, Messr3. Henry Nlras, Conrad
Guthmann, Ed Mason, Will Carstens,
Will Bates, Augu6t Bach, Frank
Trilety, Anton Kanka, Anton Bajek,
Bob White, Joe Shoebasty, Bornaro
Wurl, James O'Neil, Herman Richter,
Thomas Tidd. Georgo MeJeary. Mike
Warga,Mike Bajek and John Kalasek.
A Narrow Escape.
Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada
E. Hart of Groton, S. D. "Was taken
with a bad cold which acttled on my
lungs; cough set in and finally termi
nated in consumption. Four doctors
gave me up, saying I could livo but a
short time I gave myself op to my tav
Tenting New Mall Catvher.
A test of Dr. W. F. Patton's now
was made on the
lluilinffton Monday afternoon on me
lino botween Omaha and Havelock.
The stations had been fitted with tho
new mail catch, which it is claimed
will deliver and take on mail with the
train running at lightning speed. It
ii tho patent of an Omaha citizen, Dr. ond
Patton, and associated with him in
pushing the new device are a number
of Omaha capitalists. - Tho test was
made Monday with a epocial train
carrying a postal car. Those who ac
companied the car were Superinten
dent Bignell, Dr. Patton, Chief Clerk
of the Railway Mail Service J. M.
C. W. Sherman will depart tomorrow
morning for Centerville, la., to attend
a reunion of his regiment, the Third
cavalry. Mr. Sherman anticipates a
very enjoyable time, as he will meet
many comrades whom he has not seon
since the war. By request he will
give those present an impromptu talk
on some appropriate topic After the
reunion Mr. Sherman will probably
.Ml - . 1
visit his daughter at Knoxvuie, ui
which place Mrs. Sherman is also
ThPiP am inma of our bargains: A
good heavy-weight, copper-riveted
bib overall, 50c; Brow ny bib overall,
2dc; mens' working shirts, :'.0c, up: a
number of children' regular 10c hose
now 5e; heavy-weight eight-ounco
duck coats, $1.00, up; a few dozen
mens' 1.50 coin-too satin calf shoes at
. In groceries we have a cottee lor
i-iip t.h pnnal of most that sells for
20c; also a few chests of Japan sun
dried teas that will go at 3"c. This
is a regular 00c tea. F. T Davis Co.
Sol Ohorn returned last evening
from St. Joseph, where he has been
working at carpi nter work since the
first part of August, lie states there
is more building going on there than
in any town in the country. Ho pur
chased a lot in a new addition while
there and expects to return after tho
holidays and erect a house upon it.
Bent is very high there ana a roan
can erect a house and pay for it in a
short timo out of tho money derived
from the rent.
Spain's Greatest Need.
Mr. It. P. Olivia, of Barcelona,
Spain, spends his winters at Aiken, S.
C. Weak nerves had caused severe
pains in the bacK of his -head. On
using Electric Bitters, America's
groatest btood and nerve remedy, all
pain soon left him. He says this grand
medicine is what his country ueeds.
All Amorica knows that it cures liver
and kidney trouble, purifies the blood.
tones up the Btomacn, Birengtnens me
nerves, puts vim, vigor and now life
into every muscle, nerve and organ of
tho body. If weak, tired or ailing you
need IL Every oottlo guaranteed,
only 50 cents. Sold by F. G. Fricke &
Co. 1
Itapi! Fire Organ.
A new electric organ placed in St.
Michael's church, London, possesses
C4.i;00 maes of wire. The action of the
oican is so rapid that it would "re-
if necessary, i-u times per
Woman's Club Meeting.
The regular meeting of the Woman's
club will be held at the club room In
tho A, O. U. W. hall Friday evening,
October 13. The program f r tho
evening will ba Amorican literature,
Miss Gass, leader.
Tho following ls tho outline in
literature for that evening:
1. A brief review of literature dur-
intr the colonial period. What con ri
butlons to literature did Franklin
ntike during this period?
li. State tho character of liieraturo
during the revolutionary period.
What were the themes of interest as
represented by the writings of Hamil
ton and Jefferson.
3. The natiooal period. Home
study. Irving's "Rip Van Winkle."
Discussion in club of Irving's style,
character effects and purpose of the
story. ;
A most enjoyable event occurred
Saturday night at the home of Air.
and Mrs. Weborg. who wero taken by
surprise by a large number of their
friends. The evening was spent in
games of various kinds and music, and
supper being served at tho appointed
Lour. The guests were Mesefs. and
Mesdainos Sherwood. Charles John
son, Ryberg, Anderson, Kuntzman,
Lutz, Kirkbam, Keppel and Slices
Sherwood, Keppel, Gebhart, Messier
and Messrs. Prof. Boock and Prof.
Where Life I L.una-eC
More people o. o years old
rouna iu mild clii. es than In
tiihr latitudes. According to
last census of the German empire, of
a population of 53.000.000. only 78 have
passed the 100th year. France, with
a population of 4rt.000.000, has 213 cen
tenarians. In England there are 146.
in Ireland 578, and in Scotland 46.
Sweden has 10, a- d Norway 23. Bel
gium 5. Denmark 2, Switzerland none.
Spain, with a population of 18,000,000,
has 401 persons over 100 years of age.
Of the 2,250,000 inhabitants of Servia,
575 persons have passed the century
mark. It is said that the eldest person
living whose age has been proven is
Bruno Cotrim, born in Africa, and now
living in Rio de Janeiro. He is 150
years old. A coachman in Moscow has
lived for 140 years.
Arsenlo Beauty Tablets and Pills. A per.
foctly safe and guaranteed treatment for all skin
disorders. Restores the bloom of youth to faded face.
10 days treatment 50c : 30 days' $1.00, by mail.
Send for circular. Address,
H EH VITA MEDICAL CO., Clinton k Jacksoa SU CUCtp
Sold by F. fi. Fricke & Co.
to you, to your wife and to
your nearest friend. There
fore you sho Id be on inti
mate erms with it. We have
double-discounted all form r
efforts in providing suitable
Fall and Winter Underwear
for Men and Boys.
An elegant Fancy Ribbed Garment
at 50c; another at 75c.
A Pure All Woo! at $1.
rji Men's Combination Suits at
H $1.25 and $2.75.
I 6. E. Wescott & son
" a i
rantrcinentH with
wo always made
woolen houses
m we could oiler suitn at. front reUuo
t'mn. We havo just completed tho
same this mousoii, and now wo aro able
to offer suit of clothe for next thirty
davs from 1S up overcoats "nd trous
ers in proportion, and wo inuke them
up right, for we do no olh2 but tirat
cIh-s work, and you know it. Call and
soo tho largo rsho tment in woo'ens.
Cl'-wrii"!? and repairing. Plattmouth
telephone No lit i.
Mercnant Tailor,
Leonard Block.
insure Its Kuiployes.
The Montreal Street Railway Com
pany has at its own cost insured all It3
employes against accident or total dis
ablement to the extent of 51.000.
r...t 1 T1 rfltrat cnvnrnl f Imnllft i VOU
uuuei,f. - ,rUh-
nnmhop nt nnata Lrl-ain-Uf 11 is unn " "
What Do the Children Drink?
Don't eive them tea or coffee. Have
tried the new food dnnK cauea
.i Anri n nnmhoi rtr nnaTAi Lrnu
jrenueuieu - . , .u f Tho
clerks " aim iku log mu.i.o .
The test being made with a special more Grain-O you give the children
train the men in charge could stop tho the more health you distribute through
train and go back and examine the their eystom. Crain-O 13 made of
crmca afar passing them and notice pure grains and when properly nre-
:'.. --i,i. f?n n,,r. narcd tastos like tho choice grades of
KU V UUlCUb 111 IUU nwi r.US. vr - a
failuro nf tho crane I COlTee but
V iav a ;c.a i
nB.rtriAIv Tt arlmitiprl that I much
U "Ul n pivjivii.ii - i a a-w
if the device will do what 19jClaimed sir Henry Irving on Shakespeare,
for it that it is superior to any now in Sir Henry Irving devoted part of hia
service. Something more than a year summer holidays to writing an article.
rrmil crane was in- which he has eiven to tne laaies
costs about one-fourth as
All grocers soil it. l"c and 2-5c
Suit. tor. ... 4
The only way to got a Suit
of clothes that will fit you prop
erly is to have It ru de by a com
petent Tailor. We will make
you a suit th t we will guarantee
to fit. from good cloth, nice fin
ish and up-todte throughou-,
'oi 820. There i no use of send
ing away from home or wea- nit'
ready-made clothes when you
can get a suit at such a bargain.
We solicit a share of )
'( your patronage j
Hudecek & McElroy
The New Tailors,
Kockwood block, Plittsmouth
ago a now 9tylo of mail crane
troducod and tried on the Burlington,
but it was quickly placed out of ser
vice owing to failure to do the work.
Havelock Times.
Death ot Lakes Pool.
lLakco Pool died at the home of hia
parents, W. H. Pool and wife, near
Wabash at 5 o'clock Sunday morning
at the age of twenty -two years. He
had boon in poor health for a nuinlr
of years and death was tne result of
heart trouble. Tho funeral will be
held tomorrow afternoon.
ior.dotermined if I could not stay with byjocal w" ea
my friends on earth, I would meet my j way to cure
absent ones above. My husband was
advised to get Dr. King's Now Dis
covery for consumption, coughs and
colds,! gave it a trial,took in all eight
bottles. It has cured me, and thank
God.I am saved and now a well and
healthy woman." Trial bottles freo at
F. G. Fricke & Co. Regular size 50c.
and fl. Guaranteed or price refunded.
Deafness Cannot be Cured
as they cannot reach the
e ear. There is onlv one
and that is by constitutional
Home Journal. It is called vhake
spearo In Small Communities," and
tells how the study, reading aloud and
acting of Shakespeare's works may' be
followed in communities away from
tho larger centres.
The "Plow Boy Precher,v Rev. J.
Kirkman, Bolle Rive, 111., says: "After
sulTersng from bronchial or lung
trouble for ten yoars, I wns cured by
One Minute Cough Curd. It is all that
is claimed for It and more." It cures
coughs, colds, grip and all throat and
lung troubles. F. tr. Fricke & Co.
The 'Gut Heil" 6-cent cigar has an
enviable reputation among smokers.
Union made. For sale by all dealers.
Otto Wurl, Manufacturer.
remedies. Deafness is causea oy an innamea
condition oi the mucous lininff of the Eustachian
Tube. When thistube gets inflamed you have a
rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when
it is entirely closed dealness is the result and
unless the inflamation can be taken out and this
tube restored to its normal condition, hearing
will be! destroyed loreyer: nine cases out of ten
are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an
inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces.
tij - ...m iid flnfnranv case
of deafness caused fcy catarrh) that cannot be cured'hia family of lagrippe and saves
curea ty "Mytnwg y.g thousands from pneumonin.bronchitis.
"If you scour the world you
never find a remedy equal to One Min
ute Cough Cure," says Editor Fackler,
of the Micanopy, Fla., "Hustler." It
Hold hv druecists. 75c.
Hall's Family Fills are the best.
The latest report as to the condition
of J. C. Cummins, who has been so
seriously ill for several days, is mat f5nn. h1b pond well and three sheds
croup and all throat and lung troubles
F. G. Fricke & Co.
For Sale Three-room house and
nno-half orP f land, in good condi-
ft lrat Political SpeaWinf;.
The campaign will be opened in
Plattsmouth next Thursday evening,
October 12, when Hon. E. J. Hainer
will speak at Waterman's hall. Mr.
Hairietf V1b an interesting talker ana tne ias iweniy-iour uur, wuu u Q o Pflter Spader,
there is' no doubt that the meeting given his family stronger hope that he , 1
v may recover. , . I Send the Netts to 3
Located south of B. & M. shoos. In-
? In League With the Powerful
The Days of Mohammed
The Prince of the Houso of Pavid
A Star in a Prison
The Wrestler of Philippi
Ten Nights iu a Bar-room
lieidc the Bonnie Briar llush
Any of the above Cr
lor -
David Harum now $1-Jj.
They overcome Weak
ness, irregularity an 1
omissions, increase vir
or and banish "pains
of menstruation." Tlu-v are "L.IFE SAVE11S" to girls at
womanluxKl, aiding development of organs and body. XSo
known remedy for women equals them. Cannot, do harm life
becomes a pleasure. JjU.OU 1,X llY MAILi. Sold
by rtruffffists. DR. MOTT'S CHEMICAL CO., Cleveland Ohio.
Gering &. Co., Druggists.
A Few More of Those
Iron Beds Left..
With Mattress
and Springs
Beautiful Line of Bookcases..
Just receive! Como in nrd prico 'em. ...An elegant An
tique 0k Sideboard to for $1" for the next thirty day-.
This is a rare ba gain and cannot bo dup icated anywhere.
Those Oak Rockers at $1.75...
' Are BARGAINS which everyone takes hold of who sees
them. . . .
The Furniture Man and Undertaker
W swill pay the above reward for aov ca.e of
T.;,r rnmnlinL DvsneDsia. iick Headache.
ndigestion. Constipation or Costiveness wecan-
not cure with Llventa. tne . p-o-y-i
Liver Pill. wl,en the directions are strictly com
plied witfi. They are purely egetable.and
Sever fa 1 to give satisfaction 25c boxes contain
1M pUU. lc boxes contain 40 pills, Be boxes . eoo
t.inP ISpilla. Beware of substitut.ons i and .mlta
t'ons. Sent by mail. Stamps ke-,.LT
MEDICAL, CO cor. Clinton and Jackson 8 ts.,
ChicagoIll. 8eld by F. J- FTlck. Co.
worms ill5M.fte
your frlend3.
Has new stock, new rigs and
is prepared better than ever
to take care of
ft General Llverij Business
Quick trips made to all parts of the
county. Low prices and court
eous treatment assured.
PUttsmontlw NrbraikR.
Zuckweiler B Lutz
Continuetodoa leading business in Fancy
and Staple Groceries. Because they carry
an immense stock, buy for cash and sell at
low prices. Everything good to eat of Bs
Quality. Call and try us.
Comer of Sixth and Pearl Streets,
Plattsmouth, Neb
Will Of a KWM v'" "