"fiCM Rf LulW Y F.GCtPTS THE HOUSE r? recciv;5 It as a Gift prom Ower Fcrty Thousand Amer ican People. Prefers Cne flircady Constructed Instead of Having One Built for hjis Occupatiorj. firingr volleys but retiring. Twenty Filipinos were discovered entrenched at the HiDcayao church, about mid way between Bacoor and Cavite Viejo. 1 hese were routed, six beio killed. IUie'rt battery of the Fifth artillery made au dec live sortie about a mile eoutb of Ii.coorand shelled the west bank .f . I.e river at close rnoee. That OaoK io tiuw held by tbe Americans. Spaauh Pralis For Dewey. Boston, Oct. 6. The Fpanish rnin ister, Duko do Arcos, who has just left his house at Manchester, eald w A:niXGTON Oct. . Admiral wIth refl.ard lo the receptions beiner T . . I C uewe iim tM.cteti to aecepi a nouse iTe Ad 1 Dowev: "II does n. In u .-hii.jjton, already onsn ucted, gurnri8M . lhe ieto3L Admiral inroad oi n .vinff on built for his oc- Dcwev is brave and ooble man, and cup.tiun. In ci.ii,ph.,nce with the in- for the extraordinary service be has which has I Pft, jrd hi- i-ouutrv no i.onui that can be rhowo biui id itturu is too CITY AND COUNTY. Mrs. Drew will remain a few days on account of the serious illness of J. C. Cummins. VY ill and Frank liichardson, who own a com-shellor in partnership, did vit.iii.ni of ti.e committ" e in ch the iJ.-wuy homo work he rlifd a the ollico if Aonntf .S-cretary Ali'M in the navy UVpurtmenl t 11 oViock today, to in.JiMU his p'efer-cnci-s in the matter of a residence. There wen- present, beside- Mr. Allen, Af-ri-.ta.rii Secretary Vuud--ilip, Assis t:int Postmaster General Heath and General (Jorbin The admir-ti w ollioi illy informed of tho puroi)e of the people of the United States to present him with a home in Washington. He frankly ex pressed hie griitication -l tbe teuoer, which he immediately accepted. He said, tiad the propo-ed home been tbe tift of a fe wealthy men, he should Tol iridi.-po.-ed to acc-pt it. Hut he understood the fund had over 43.000 Hubscribers, indic itin that the home wis really to bo the pjft of th- Amer ican peopie. and as r-ucii he would ac cept it with as much pie .;-ure as he hud the sword, bestowed upon him by congress. He then t.lked upon the, locjtiioii of the re.s.dence. l he admiral showed a decided pi o ferenco fo' the section in which he hud made hi homo during his former ilet.il ot ouiy in Wasiiinjrton. He wished i ij o hou e lo be located in tbe lu'i lh v est. rectum, somewheto west f Sixteenth street, and not too far north, thus indicating 'he neighbor liOod of his fo me- residence ai d lhe club.-i where he had spent good deal of his leisure time, fr'irrt of all, he wanted the bouso at tho earliest pos sible moment, so that he might "go in and h ing up his h:it at oacr,'' as he put it. Of cournu that precluded the id-:i of itcci ng a i.ou-e to meet his sp'crd n.-ed. i Jc t x i-re.-sed b s .das as to tbe ch. trio? of ! i om ho desi f en a i a-!. i a .: t h h iusj bt mod si ei.',.i,l , ,,; ( j .Hi. n'- : !)d COsl I. pf mil o! ii I Ct' lillOli of H mi 1th' ei. r-um i f money liom ti.e piri-bn-f lun to uetr.iy th- expense of ftiri.iPhirit; it. Tin commit too listened attentively to iili of these wishes and saw no rea son why each and all could not be gratified. The admiral is going to I-.v Vo k tomorrow and will stop over if possible to seo the yacht races on hi-; way to Sli lburn Farms, Vt. H expects to return to Washington within .. week. M. -an while the house committor, having invited written proposals of properties, will go through the ;ist carefully and hopes to be ablo to present to the admiral on his re turn as many as half a doen avatlablo house, from which he may make a p r son a seler ion. The fund at the disposal of the com m it Ice no. v amounts to $ oO.OoO and it is ii nestlv desired that this sum may be su'i-i.iuiially increased during the tune remaining before the purchase. sweat. He has aioUBid tuo udmira ration of ibe whole world oy the gal lan try of i is conduct, and he would b- a small m in, ind. ed, who cou d not recognize his merit and give free ex presoion to bis admiration for Dewey's valor." The minister was emphatic in ex pressing me opinion mat tne very best of feeling existed between tbe United Slate and Spain. "There are absolutely no differences betw. en the countries oo any point." he said ceriaiDl,),' be continued, "it is the hope of all true Spaniards tha this condition shouiii exist, and as for my self, as the i filcial epresentative of the qu en legent. it is the ambitiou of my i if ts to bring about the very utmost o' go d feeling and good will." rirat K-gutxr Hrnlo;. From Saturday's Daily. I he first regular meeting of the Woman's club for the season 185)9-1900 was held last evening in the parlors of the A O. U W . hall. There was a large attendance. The meeting was opened by tbe president calling on the members for their vacation mem ories, some of which were very amu-t ing a- well a- instructive. Thoe of Me.-d lines Streight, Wiugh and Stoutenborough were esp ciwly in teresting, the 1 at tor giving a word pic ure of her old home and of Wash ingion,etc. Tbe next business iu order was the election of new members, eleven of whom were admitted Tbe p "Sident, Mrs. It. O. F. llows, then gave he opening add res- in a very pleasing and practical -neeeh Snoaklnir of her pr(lecsi'' -h wa- afraid that h c. ui i hamU hope to be as successful. but c .i . rtni ,t,.d tne club generally o- i ,. increased membership and the eomp ruanizat oo of. the various ; p r m i ts, and said whatever she cou d do to insu e complete success of the club nothing on her part would ba undone. She also spoke of the difference with which women's clubs were now treated. A few years since an object of rediculo now mentioned with respect and recogi i ion, of their power for good in an community. In concluding her remarks she. extended the right hand of fellowship to those who desiro to become identified with the club and who are endorsed by the club accord ing to the constitution, and askd for the help of the members in her en deavor to make the present year asuc- ccss, aud also of tho pirt in which the gentlemen have so kindly promised their assistance. Other minor busi ness completed a very pleasant even ing. SATURDAY. Mrs. Kate Oliver of Omaha is in the city. Joe Roberts of South Omaha was in shelling one day last wee for ido niii. tu,. John Bushman, in Eight Milo Grove , ' 01 , , precinct, which breaks the record """ They shelleel 4,271 bushels in ten nappy paremsoiannegirL huurs. with hors nnwer. Ahout 2. Charles Shoeley, the bridge con- 500 bu3hels is considered an average tractor, was attending to business at day's work. They get 73 cents per me court nouse today. hundred bushels, and a run like the Frank Balrd was called to Creston, I one the other day makes pretty good la., last evening on account of thewa&ea. serious illness of his mother. At..nL! , RAILROAD .NOTES AND PERSONALS , -w iciiuiucu ia3 1 even uusmcas n.p to oi. LOUIS. From Monday's Daily. FT A la Wrtrr I. AAt.1 M I v.lkC a. reeiv. D. II. Uwksworth, superintendent xnenennngof Julius Hanson, who of motive pow. r. and H. J. Helps, is under arrest for slugging George master mechanic, were in Omaha on iiarsnman, is set for next Wednesday comoanv business today aner noon. County Attorney J. L. Root went to I L. E. KBroes, who has been cm Nebraska City today to testify in be- ployed as a telegraph operator by ihe half of the defense in the John C. Imrlineton for nearly twenty years Watson case. I nine nears of which he has been night Misses Francis and IWtifl M..mm I operator in this city, resigned his po- Bertha Kinkead and P.nei T.iu. eitiou Samrday nipht. J. 1$. 1 hillips wise were viewing the fights at the h ,s tal?e" his Place- Mr- Kernes will expooition today. I return to n is o.a nome, rrazesDurg, M. ... . , , . , I u., in about ten days, wnere ne may The Lanreitt Watermelon. New York World: How in the world the biggest watermelon ever raised in Georgia should have been permitted to leave the state isn't explained, but it is a fact that the bigsest melon is now in Peekskill. It weighs 1494 pounds, and affidavits go with this assertion. Tho melon was sent to Stanley Little by W. R. Manning, of Atlanta. There is a sighing crowd about the big melon all day. Lisa, o. li , io visit ner tamer ioi a couple of weeks. She will also visit in Deadwood and Lead. Ibe yacht race was declared off again today oj account of the lack ol wind. I he, Columbia was two lenntns the Ruriine-ton vards. is Quito ill with aneaa oi tne blmnnock at tho time I m .inM .i f.,e.. lembi'k in the newspaper business Mr. Kernes has made friends here durintr his loni residence, who wish him success wherever ho goes. Eli Bu-sler, one of the firemen in Oti' Trumnl iMules Die. W ASMINCTOV, Oct. G A cable mes sagi liom (i neral Otis to the war ue jisrimcnt toiiay brint-'s word of the iosr. of several hundred horses and mules on the transport Siam. -The message follows: "Manila, Oct. 0. steamer Siam, which left San Francisco August 19 with fort j -five horses and 32$ mules, encountered a typhoon October 1 near nor, hern Luzon, in which all but six teen mules were mst. The animals were killed by pitching of vessel and lack of air from necessary closing of iiaicncs. ao casualties amonp pas sengers. Otis." I :- u at tho quartermaster s department that the mules which were lost on the Siam were tho trained pack mules, which were considered the most valuable sent to the Philip pines. -isA'iL., Oct. t G: 10 p. m. The Siam, wuicn left H ojoiuiu thirty iwo days ago, eiicuutt:i ed the typu. ons early this week. Que lasted forty hours. Most of the forage, which was on deck, was swept oveiboau, all tbe boats were smashed anu the steamer rolled tremendously in the trough of the sea. auhougp. the officers made every effort to bring it about. The n ules were hurled from side to tide and frightfully mangled aud dis emboweled. Their .egs and necks were oioken, and the wretched ani m 'is fell in sucti . confu- a m ss that the .ittenUants w re unab e to relieve thtin in i lie meantime the deckloo was washed clT, the sbip lightenej and the rolitntr increased. When the storm abated the inju ed ai Iraals were killed nd their car c is-es ih wn - v rboard. v hei. the S. m rr veil it ptopeilcr was nigh ou" oi .:it. r a d h wrecks of its b i-- wo i- iianoiu. f em the d vits lirni mIc.r Ah AriTHnrc Manila, i. g. o:-u p. m .en eral Fre.. Cra .t, with thieo com pan i: s of the Fi-u. th iufantrj-, two companies of the Fourteenth infantry and a band of scouts, attached to tho former regi ment, advanced from Imus this morn ing, driving the insurgents from the entire we?t bnk of the Imus river. Three Americans were wounded. It Is imatcd that ten of the Filipinos were killed. Companies C and II, with the pcoute, cross d tne river at Big Bend and ad vanced westward in the direction of the Pinovan road, the inurorpnts 1 mlldairn E'spennea. The new law requiring candidates to file sworn statements with the county clerk of the amount of money expended up to the time of the con vention has been adhered t by a ma jority of the candidates, and is as fol lows: V. K. Fox, dem, treasurer .$ 7.73 V. K Fox. dem. district clerk W I. Streiffht, rep. treasurer 5.92 James Robertson, rep, clerk George Young, rep, commissioner : .10 JaobTritsrh, dem, treasurer John Davis, rep, commissioner 1.40 E. K. Hilton, rep, surveyor 1 00 Oscar Allen, dem, judge l.S W. I). Weeeler. dem, sherift John D. Tutt, pop, clerk Robert Case, rep, superintendent 6.65 T. E. Williams, rep. shenfl 1 .00 B. S. Ramsev. dem. judge 9.B0 J. I. Loruh, rep, treasurer BoO I'aul Jessen. rep, judge T. Frank Wiles, rep, judge 13 7.', J. I- Barton, rep, treasurer 11.75 1. V. Gass, rep, coroner um J. E. Douglass, rep, judge 17.7;, C. E. Tefft. rep. judge G. F. Houseworth. rep. district clerk... J. F. Sattler. rep, coroner James Herold. dem, treasurer I'.i5 1 15 4.35 the race was declaiod off Mrs O. F. Risling of Gretna and her sisier. Mios btrah Davis, of Asbiand, aie visitors this week at tbe homes of Miss Etta Nickels of Murray and Miss Amanu.t Nickels of Wyoming. There was a meeting of tne demo cratic central committee at Nehawka today. W. K. Fox, W. D. Wheeler and John Sattier were the canoidates from here who attended, together with the committeemen fiom the wards Too m my friends of J. U. Cummins will be pained to .earn that, he is ser iously ill at bis home in this city. H has fa en suffering w.th erysipelas for somo timo and has been delirious since last night. It is feared that blood poisoning hs set in. Henry McMaken is arranging to go to the Jllack Hills for his annual hun and expects to start in a few days, He i.- going with tbe firm determina tion of killing a boar this time and The News predicts success fo him lie will hunt ducks on tho Platte few days before leaving Nebraska. Leland, the seven-vear old son of M. S. Briggs and wife, fell down whilo running' on the sidewalk near their homo on Third street last even ing, and cut .1 gash on tbe top of his head, requiring several stitches to close the wound. He stumbled on a branch of a tree which was lying on the walk and struck his head on a strinerer that extended out from the boards. La. . Aeweu 01 the commission firm of Newell & Jones has returned from his trip to Iowa City. It was re ported that both members of tho com mission firm had skipped tho town and had neglected to square their accounts about town. This Mr. Newell denies and explains the cause of their place of business being closed by saying that he was desirous of getting away from his partner, Jones, and now that ho has gone he will be ready for business again next Monday. Tbe Charcta W1d. The following decision was handed down io supreme court tnis week. The cse Krew out of litigation between the First. National bauk of this city and tne Methodist church of Weeping Water, and in this decision the church wins: "First National oank of i'iattsmouib vs. K-ctO". Arhrmed. Appeal frotirl ',:- count). Opinion ty Jude Nor vai. A member of an unincorporated religious society not founded fur the purpo-e of gaii ot pecuniary profit is not inui vidu illy iable for ltd debts, unless he ;utioriz-d the incurring of the obligation, or oubequeuily ratified the rams." IMimoluilou notice. .Notice is b r oy given that the firm heretofore o ing business under the nam 3 of 1 teison & Kunsmann has this day di solved oy mutu 1 consent. Samuel Patterson Carl Kuxsmaxx. Oct. 2, 1S99: To the Public: I wish toaonounce that I have se cured the services of C. E. Shuraway,a first-class tinner, and am now pre pared to do all kit.dsof tin work in a satisfactory m inner. Jonx It. Cox. Have Telfer & Sheppard do your fall houMj cleaning. Satisfaction guaranteed. Nebraska telephone 79. MONDAY. James Donnelly Is on the sick list. Mrs. F A. Murphy spent the day in Omaha. Iis9btella Boyd was a visitor in Omaha today. Charles L. Graves of Union was in the city today. M i.riggs was an Omaha visitor this afternoon. Mrs. S. Waugh was an Ora ha visi tor this afternoon. S. II. At. wood of Lincoln was in the city on business today. F atiK GoodmajLand Miss May Bales were visitors at the exposition touav Judge B. S. Rimsey spent Sundv at home, returning to Nebraska Citv to day. F. M Masse of Mt. Pleasant precinct was transacting business in the city touay. Mrs. R. R. Livingston, sr., went to Omaha this afternoon to visit friend a few days. Bert Sage returned to his homo in Alliance today after a visit with rela tives in this city. Attorney John A. Davies returned to Omaha this morhing, having spent Sunday with his family. lom Sherwood and wife are visiting relatives in tho city. Tom has been woikin in Salt Ike City. John E. Mullen aud Miss Cora May Grove, both of Alvo. were granted 1 -cencetowed by County Judge Spur l"ck today. J. C. Cummins, whose illness was reported in Siturday's Neivs, is re ported very low today and there is no hope of his recovery. Mrs. Lon Marshall and children de parted for their home at Dexter, la., today after a three weeks' visit with relatives and friends in Plattsmouth and vicinity. O. M. Streight went to Ashland yesterday to see about purchasing some fine cattle for Sim Upton of Union. He is figuring on purchasing 100 head and will probably close the deal in a few davs. i 1 Mrs. E. Drew and sons, Gerald and Clyde, cme down from Omaha Satur day evening to visit with the families of J. C. Cummins and E. W. Kennedy. ine Poys returned this morning, but Kan to Fiulshu When Dan Maioney married the Widow Clancy dame gossip told many a funny story of Dan's merry court ship aud the humorous tribulations aud fun provoking complications that led to tho famous social event, "Ma- loney's Weddii g." the exporieuco was to rich in native humor to remain confined to a limited circle. So an in genious playwright put ihem in singe form, and on Monday evening, Oct. f, at White's opera Wrdding" will be reproduced with all its crisp, witty sayings, happy, hum-r-ous hilarity, funny complications and many amusing features. It has :ih of the elements that makes a comedy drama a good wholesome entertain ment and creator of healthy infec tions laughter laughs tbt drive away a ill 1 care and brushes away the cobwebs of everyday worries and frets. Life needs all of the dancing 6unhinc that can pour into it, and 'Malonoyrs Weudiig" is one of the foremost of its many merry be ims. Notice In the District Court of Ca9 ccunty.Xcbraska. Julius Pepperberg vs I Jesse B. Strode, Emma Strode. I August Stoleman, Mrs. Aug-J ust Stoleman, first real name I unknown. Matilda Young and I Art r.liza Alexander. j The defendants, Matilda Voting. Art Fli)a A lev ander, August Stoleman, Mrs. August Istolemau first real name unknown, will each take noti t that unon the 2d dav of October. A. D.. Isw plaintiit tiled his petttion in the district court 01 Cass county. Nebraska, to t ireclose a tax lien upon lots three (3) and tour (4) of block eiL'ht ( ) in Young & Hayes' addition to the citv ol Plattsmouth. in Cass cnuntv. Nebraska, ami to have said lots sold to pay the amount tound due plaintiff, and for such other relief as may be equitable in the premises. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 2i'th day ot November, W.i, or your default will be entered in the premises. Jl lii s PEiTERl;F.Kf.t Cy Byron Ci.ark and C. A. Kawls, His Attorneys. First publication October 3. Notice. To Frances E. Durand and Samuel E. Hall, as executor 01 tne last will and testament of II. 6. Durand, deceased. Y'OU and each of VOll ar hrrrhtr nrttitifwl tKnt me counrv 01 Jass, in the state ot ISebraska. uu the "JTth dav of September, A- !.. lSDtf. tiled its petition against vou in the district court nf ('nut. county, ieorasKa,the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certnin lien for ili-linm-nt tavn for the years 170, lsSl to ls.". inclusive, and lshi to lstC, inclusive, against lot four, in block forty- iour mi, 111 uie city 01 riaiismouth, Cass county. Nebraska Said tax amounts to ioii.77. It is asked that vou be foreclosed of all eouitv of re demption in said premises and the property sold to satisfy said lien, and for equitable relict. You are reuulred to answer said petition on r.i Deiore -ionuay, tne liitn day ot Kovmber, A. U, l"J. lllli COl'N I V OI I'ASS. lly its attorney. Jesse L. Koot First publication October t f t I t B I have the largest stock of Buggies, Carriages, Surreys, Spring Wagons and Lumber Wagons in the county. I have twenty buggies on the floor and no two alike. The prices run from $40 up. If you want a first-class vehicle, get a.... Cooper Buggy.. There is no use of going to Omaha, as I can sell just as cheap as Omaha dealers. Give me a trial and be convinced. cox; XHKJMSKA. A. L. MYXAKI), 16 6 4 J f t t t 9 9 i JLeeal Notice. To Harriet A. Townsend, non-resident defend ant: on are herebv notified that the Cnuntv of Cass, in the Hate of Nebraska, on the 2Mh'dav of September, A. D.. tiled its petition ih uie aisirici conn ot cass county. iNeuraska tgainst you, impleaded with William L. Urowue et ai.. tne ooiect and Draver ot which arc to Inn- close certain tax liens against lots 1 to 10, elusive, in block 1 ot liiowne s sub-division ol Vi..,iu 1 u inn m-'j lots t and 03. in section IH. town 10. ramre l:t lll'UOV, .111' ttlll. I , - . . - - -- I . the citv of Piatt -inouth. in said county, for the years l'-vxi io im, inclusive, in the sum ol ski .mi, and against that part ol said addition described as "Park Place" for said years in the sum of 11 if.;-Mt; to sell said land in satisfaction ot said claims and lor equitable relict. You are required to answer said notitinn on nr before Monday, the i:Jth day ol November, A.D.. w. Hie County or cas, I!y its attorney. Jesse L. Koot. Kiist publication Oct. :i- A BOON TO MANKIND! DR TABLER'S BUCKEYE PILE 2 -rn cz oi my 50 2 o ra n' out Tried tu Ainpatate lliit Limb. According tu tlie reoorts from John N'eu, who v.i8o badly injured by bc- inr cuuirlit utidor a traction et;iric that went throuyh ii bridye ncrthweet of Wyoming, is Quinp ad weil as could bo expected. It is said that while pin oned down under the tng-ioe and while ste.m was escjioing about him, ho showed wonderful nerve by taking out his pocket-Knife and attempting to amputated his mangled leg which was fo&t in the engine and heid him down. Help came to him before he had com pleted tho amputation and ho was rea died. IIo was taken to :i nearbv farm house whero his injuries were treated by physicians. It i not often that men display 9uch wonderful nerve even in the face of such frrf.at danger, Nebraska City News. Legal Notice. To Oale Manufarturin Co., non-resident de fendant: ou arc hereby notified that the county of as, in me siaie oi .icurasna. on ine ,.th day ol September. A. l. is1., hied its petition in the uisiriri court ot cass county, Nebraska, against vou. impleaded una r.liabeth . .Muiphy. et ai. tne object and prayer ot which petition are to loreciose delinquent tax liens against lot 11. in the soutrieast quarter ot the southwest quarteroi ec tion lS.in town J.'. ranee U.C'asscounty.Ncbraska. tor the years r'J, l'l'D and in the Film of i'il.iii:to sell said property in satisfaction of said claim: to bar all defendants from anv-intei- e-t in saul premises, and toi eitu.tablo relief. i on are reuiied to answer said petition on or i.eiore .Monday, the 13th day of November. A. l- l-'i".!. J HP (X'NTY OF C'A-S, JJv its attorney, Je-e L. Koot. First publication Oct. a. A New Discovery for the Certain Cure of INTERNAL and EXTERNAL PILES, WITHOUT PAIN. CURES WHERE ALL OTHERS HAVE FAILED. TUBES, BY MAIL, 75 CENTS; BOTTLES, 50 CENTS. JAMES F. BALLARD, Sole Proprietor. - - 310 North Main Street, ST. LOUIS, MO. F. G. Fricke & to. Sentenced to the Reform School. Peter F. Rauen, the eleven year-old son of Frnnk N. Ilauen and wife, was sentenced to tho reform school by County Judpe Spurlock Saturday af ternoon. The lad wan charged with incorrigibility, the complaint boing swo n out by ais father. He will laji . . . . . . 1 : .. c i- , . kuicu iu jaii uuiii oneriu neeier takes him to Ke n ney, which will bo odo day this week REV. S. A. DONAHUE Testifies to the Good Qualities of Cham berlain's Cough Remedy. Oo the 10th of December. 1S97, Rev. A. Donahue, pastor M. E. ctiurci', South, Tt. Pleasant, W. Va., contrac ted a severe Cold which was attended from the beginning; by violet cou-hiDp;. He say?.: "After resorting to a num- b r of so-called 'specifics,' usually kept in the houie, to no purpose, I pur chased a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, which acted like a charm. I cm st cheerfully recommend it to the publ.c." For sale by all drug gists. "When our boys were almost dead oca whooping cougt , our doctor gave One Minute ouch Cure. Thev re vereu rapidly," writes P. B. Belles. Argjle, Pa. It cures coughs, colds. grippe and all throat and lunrj troubled F. G. Fricke & Co. Probate No-tire. In Couuty Court, Caas county, Nebraska. In the mntter of the estate of John Ah leceased : Catharine Ahl. Jalce AM. Henry AM. Marv Kajroose. Christena Ahl, John ii. Ahl. Mary Ann nyuer. the tintnowu heirs and creditois ol Kate Mivder anil fote ia hi he nu-uia Ah . ili- ceased, and ail other persons interested ui said ina'ter. are hereby uotitied ttiat on the "i." t h day ol September. lKf.i. Catharine Ahl riled a peti tion in said court, alleging, anions other tilings. mm joiiu ioi aiea on me lotn aay ot AiiRnst, ISW. leaving a last will and testament, and pos sessed ot real and personal estate in Cass county. Nebraska, valued at Jiy.ouO and that the above-named constitute all the persons interested in the estate ol said deceased, anil prayin lor in; immaic 01 saia win ana lor auininistratmn of said estate- Vou are hereby notified that, if you fail to appear before said court on the IMh day ot uctober. lli. at lo o clock a. m.. to contest the prouate of said will, the court may allow and probate said will and grant administra tion of said estate to John H. Becker and Cath arine Ahl, or some other suitable person or per- sous. and proceed to a settlement ot said estate. Witness mv hand anil the seal of said roi.rt at Flattsmouth, Nebraska, this . h day of Sep tember. i. u, ip:i. Geokge M. Sherlock, (Seal) County Judge. First publication Sept. iC, ls9:t. For Bilious and Nervous Disorders, such as wind and Pain in the Stomach, Sick Headache, Uiddiness, Fulness and Swelling after meals, Diz- ziness and Dro siness, Cold Chills, Flushinesof 1 Meat, Loss of Appetite, Shortness ot Breath, Cos- 1 FrlBhtf !?.10,cneonheSltin, Disturbed Sleep, from . d?. Vc- The8e "ilments all arise j L.o.'chdiSndrS 0r 'buieJ "n'ion of the qtaRf !? : directed, will 1 f promptly remove .nVk.. mP,ele heal"- "hey j i oftheVJem. For i ' c,'n or they act ders u r Muscu lar System, restoring 'the lonl.i.'l I nd arousing u itb the Robutf 3 frame. For throwing pit fevers thTy are Vec allS i renowned. These t.n. jJ:....'1" 1 t Bands, in all rl....- L,cu V '"ou- 4 J$t guarantees to the Nenous and DebihtVtM ' L8.,h,, BBmeham'm Pills sun t I "J"?o tha publication 4 I Ji,fna!n,Hif.' thm Amino thmt I mJlam m Hi"m "command "hmln. 4 Beecham's Pills have for m.ntr v.r k .l 1 popular family medicine wherever the Enalish i t language is spoken, and they now stand without 4 r 10 cents and 25 cents, at all drug stores. L Annual sale 1,000.000 uor iran'i' - - - Oysters Are Now In Season. 00000 Tho day of the Oyster Stew is once moro at hand and Plattsmouth people ltr.ow where to pet tho best on the market, and that is at. .. John Schiappacasse's, Leonard Block. He also carries a complete stock of FrcMh . ... Fruits and Candies. Cigars and Tobacco. 4? 4? 4? 4? i 4? 41 4? 4? 4? 4? 4 4? ti 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 41 4? Quids: Perfect v5m 1 A A A A A A o o o o 3 j ! ee Frintino? . Tun Nkws has the Lost Beo1 antl Jo1 lrint inif office in Cass county ami can handle any kiml of a job of printing- on short notice. We make a specialty of Law Briefs and other Book work. For Sale Bills and all kinds of Poster work, we have the proper type and other material. Letter heads, Note heads, Bill heads, State ments, Envelopes, and all kinds of Commercial Printing- in the Latest Style. The News Printery No. 305 Main Street 4? PLATTSMOUTH C Op" " C O" O" 5 i t h J J l t i b i 2 b fc o c J i & Ih Ih ih hh th th ih Ih hh hh ih bh bh hh Ih hh th hh hh hh hh hh hh I NOW FOR SCHOOL ! t t 4 I 4 I i I 4 4 i We are ready, willing and ablo to supply tho want9 of tho school children on Shoes. Tha latest popular styles, the best woarinp; material, tho pocket-fitting prices. We prtve a MOCKING BIRD FREE v with every pair of school shoes. Jos opj lG tz cr9 J j North Side Alain Street. J 4 4 4 4 4 4 i I k 4 4 4 4 4 i 4 4 4 4 uckweiler S Lufz Continue to do a leadingbusiness in Fancy and Staple Groceries. Because they carry an immense stock, buy for cash and sell at low prices. Everything good to eat of Best Quality. Call and try us. Plattsmouth. Neb norner of Sixth and Pearl Streets. -first- NATIONAL BANK OF ri,A.TTSMOUTH, NEB. AID UP CAPITAL. $50,000 Offers the very best facilities lur Uie prim. it trausactiou ol Legitimate Banking Business. STOCKS, bonds, gold. ROTernuieot and local securities oought and sold. Deposits rt- e?'.red a5 5rterest ftllcirr ca the ccrtCj catti. Dr xi'.a arawa, -iVi-ILiDIc Iri any 1-srt of tLo U. S. tad r.:i ILerlnclle towns of Europe. Collections made and promptly remitted. Iilehest market price paid for county warrants, stats and county bonds. H DIRECTORS: N. Dovey, D. HawkswortU S. Waugh F. E. White. G. E. Dovey. . Geo. E. Dovcy. Fre... s. Waueh. Cashier. H, N. O. vef . .t. Cashier. WHTEBREAST 4 I COAL YARD S LINCOLN AVE. AND MAliltLK STS., 4 II. M. S0I-NN1CIISKN, Mauiiger. 4 Larg-e Supply of all tho 15EST GliADES f 4 I HJLD COAL SOFT J T I-JL-Ln.; the Famous Missouri, Illinois, Jacksoa llili and Canon City Lump, Always on hand Also a quantity ol cheaper Grades of NUT COAL. We also keep on hand all kinds of Wood. All or ders promptly delivered. Leave orders at grocery store of A. II. Weckbach & Co. 9 4 9 6 6 6 6 6