Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, October 10, 1899, Image 2

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    ! -
Business ami Proteil
J. I. Unruh
Dealer in
419 Main st
B. Elsier
Waterman block.
The Semi-Weekly News-Herald
... BY THE ...
I. K. MARSHALL. Business Manager.
One Year, in advance, 15 00
Six Months . . . 250
One Week, io
Single Copies, 5
S Kill-WEEKLY XDlflOJf .
One Year, in advance II 00
Six Months, 50
Snyder I Co
and. . . .
the 1 ii x riMMii nTinu
Of any Cass County Paper.
into.the precise situation makes this
conclusion inevitable. It is about
time for the tiue democrats to ask
what of the future of their party in
this state. I
The republicans of Massachusetts
held their state convention yesterday
and adopted a platform which all re
publicans can heartily approve. Per
haps the most important dccliration
relate? to national firmneea aai-a Hi,-.
Dee. This savs that the obligation J wclvo IQ"sked men rot-bed the
of the government rjavable in roin ?.Ioade "bestead, twelve mile from
must bo matte by law pajablo in gold J. tSmouth' ' and aft'-r fatally
. ijanuy 000 01 tne laniUy tied the rost
in their beds r.d took $500.
niex Salvo
kill the pain
A Frlghtul
often catiB-
Sir Thomas Lipton estimates that
the entire cost of his attempt to take
the American cup will come to about
Gora M.Afexonder
What has become of the World-
1 Agent fur the
I Sixth and Main fetich
Streets, ' Skirt
i Supporter
Plattsmouth, Nob Union block
t '
U National Bank Bottling
or - Works
1. , , F. G. Egenbcrger,
! latt.mouth. Neb Proprietor.
'j. Manufacturer
V- stocks. ii.M.ds and Se- Mineral and
curitie-i bought and o a tf .
s,.m. Soda Waters.
i - and ail kinds
r 15 Si M ot....
V Paychecks Temperance
V cashed. Drinks.
Hon. E. J. IIainkk will open the
campaign in Plattsmouth next Thurs
day evening. Wait for him.
PopocitATlc orators are laboring
overtime in this state and there is not
an idle one in the country. Thev
realize that this is their last chance.
Replt.t.icaxs are going to take the
advice of Bryan and Holcoinb and
vote the ticket straight. That will
mean republican victory by about 400
majority in Cass county.
IF thk weather clerk does the
proper thine he will continue this
brand of weather until the farmers
get their corn in the crib. That will
be some time after Christmas.
Dealer in
Groceries and
JI1 Main st.
J it doe Reese is coin to rive Si
Ilolcomb a touch of high lifo this fall.
Holcomb will be a badly defeated man.
as he should bo. The poople do not
want to elect a politician and chronic
office seeker to the high position of
sunreme judge.
Are now in.
A Fine display of
Pattern Hats in a
few days.
Sirs. Rankin'
GovjjijnorPovnter was advertised
to epeak in l)?s Moines tho other day
and there wero just 6ixtv-one doodIo
turned out to bear, him. The gover
nor would not wato his wind on so
small a number of people so returned
to Nebraska with his troubles untold.
I j very
(out Feed
Main and
Seventh sts.
' Tutt,
A time rolls on it looks more and
more like the republican ticket would
bo elected from top to bottom at the
November election. It is composed
of clean men and there is no reason
why every man should not be elected.
They will fill the various offices with
"The republican party, "it is declared,
"stands unreservedly pledged to main
tain the existing gold standard and we
look with confidence to the Fifty
sixth congress for the enactment of
measures to so perfect our monetary
system that there shall be ample
j money for the expanding business of
J the country and to so arm and guard
Z:Z?7JI :D.7 V" a" "e-ldWdiers'emp.oyment bureau?
; " "uB Since th-re wa no ear
rni . V u, :' n " o" organizing such a thing the whole
i::t L 'SH -tly vanished. There
Vfc -'8iKoulnara. m, more work than workers in Ne-
i. fie rCDUbliCna nf Miaanhiuiatta I I ... - .1 ... . .
- -v BV. umRa anu nothing but a desire to
"r.rfcrr:j"' r:? "rfn-the prefer pomi
.TO: " .r 7 . KttrUl DU"ainC suggested the organization of the
F. 7. , 1 aS B means 01 bureau.-Fremont Tribune.
tikouuioK our loreign commerce and
- 1 V , "nai is called smokeless powder
,:;;: t; rrry uttvilcu throws a shadowy VaPOr
It iiTA.i-i. ri k . k nmppines, Tni3 vapor porcCDlible onl when
p. ur mserted in an ordinarv field o-iHR-
w j 'o ww vi nations muspiim WnahinniA- i .i..--
w . I -"U, UJOUD IU1B Ul
au'j 4a :.prosseu inai con-,coverv
s1"' ivm osiaimsn ana maintain in
fr L. . . I ! ,1 1 - . 1
..-,7 I".: , i-aaerewui is a man of business
.J.....V.-, gu.aruuiem us nee, as ability as well
Hoc-mi anu as progressive as our
a h. rriMe bum.
CUt i.r bruise. But-klrtr.'- A r.
tb t.est in the world, will
ana p-omnt v denl it
-urea od f,.VHP , ui,.er-
uei pnecu e . n ea-th
box. Cure y u.irMntt-ed.
F'icko & C. drnfftfi-t
O ."j c s. it
hi bv V. G.
ine snort campaign in the Bay
state wiil probably not be marked by
any unusual interest and the republi
cans win win by at least their usual
supreme juuge M. B. REESE
Kecent Mate Lniversity L. G. M GILTON
ns a musical genius
two traits which seldom travel in com
pany. He is the principal shareholder
! in a large Parisian piano factorv and
is part proprietor of leading hotel in
CoimulHMoners' Proceedings.
I'LATTsmouth, Oa. 3. Board met
pursuant to adjournment. All pres
ent. ftunuies of last meeting read and
approved, wheu the following busi
ness was transacted:
An Atchison mn's
amounts to gymnastics.
Why will fat women always have
their best dresses made of satiny
Every renter asks so much that he
finally moves, jun becau-e he is mad. i
Some men are of no use until they I
die, and their life insurance becomes
an aset.
An Atchison man can trace his an
cestry back to a covered wagon and
swapping horses.
There Is nothing the matter with
some sick people except the effects of
the medicine they take.
When you think a man is talkine, possibly he is talking sense
tna you aro unable to comprehend
The man who beiieves the only way
to matce money Ih to stoad it, would be
a thief were ho not afraid of the penitentiary.
When a married woman moves to
town who "has money of her own"
the neighbors are informed of it before
she gets the house settled.
: 7 . t .
V'iili .Stool and Scuii.
TU Battle of Natl..nH.
Oa Oct. 16. 1818. the Fifii. armv.
uaiar Napoleon T.. numbii!:i i.i,.fi;.i
was attckd at by 2C0,
00ft ftf th- allied forces nmr Pri:;.
ftcfcwartzeaber. Bluchrr and l:t".n.i
dotta. The batile was renew.'.i mi ti,
Kti aad l&th. and In tl.o ml lh
Fraacli were obliged to l( ;iv!r.i
15,000 prisoners in tb n t r t -alllM.
The total French loss was in
ward Ot 60.000 men. and that or the ai
!! 4,000. After this trrnion.lous i on
liet, called the "battle of tho nations,"
tha allies entered Leipslc, :tnl N!!).i
leon commenced his retreat towaui tho
Rhine. The fiftieth &nnlvi'nary of this
battle was celebrated with much ea
thuBiasm throughout Germany, Oct. IS.
Judge SeroDii District
County C'.erlt
County Treasurer
District Cleric....
County Judge
County Superintendent..
Dealer in
Anheuscr- Busoli
Brewing Ass'n.
Pens, Ink
and. . . .
Charles D. Grimes has been in
stalled as political editor" of the Trib
une. Charles is a warm member and
will m ike tho Tribune columns very
interesting. Just what effect his work
will fcave on the "Independence" of
the Tribune is not known, but it is no
ticed that all of the candidates who
received favorable mem t Ion thi- week
weso democrats.
Tni; Last Hopo of the Republic, a
middle-of the-road populist paper,pub-
itshed at Lincoln, says: "Silas A.
Ilolcomb has twice been elected to
office on anti-pass platforms and each
time bo proved to bo the worst pass-
grabber on record. That is tho kind
of business that d'serediU the reform
party and a good turniug down is what
the traitors need."
A burglar arrested
Tenn., has offered, in
G W Young, sal and exn
J P Falter, same
turner .ink, same
PAUL jesskn o W Eaton, bridge material!
C u tjuinton, grading
Coouty, IC D Cummins, lumber
.JAMES ROBERTSON" Wolf & Tool, fame
J. L. BARTON W I Wheeler, i dlor faa-t
..G. F. HOLSEWORTH J D McBride, bdg pris
J. E. DOUGLAS Coroner's report, inq Kittle. .
Lgcuber A: Troop, coal
A Soirioy.ual on grading
Dora rlesliin tn, care of dooi-
D Saxton, md-o to Murlin
R idgeia
II Horn, repairs
J A Cain, grading roads
A II WccKhach, mil so to poor
N:c!iols cV Echols, sanio
E Conrad, work on ro.d
I C Nida, sfime
W Sliepi:erd, sjfme
I A Davi. mi oil-
II liorlveiir.ati. rent for iwun.
M u Voder, euro of nnot . . .
HII Piirlciiiirni, ti inir. . . .
.1 K Denton, scv tiau.-rs
AP'i . el Co. ronrs. .
Commissioner. Second District I. H. DAVIS
ihe referencum, in Queensland, on
the project of Australiau federation,
has been completed, and 3t,4bS votes
were cast in favor of the scheme, as
against .W,Dfo in opposition.
.8 43
3-5 !)0
. 33 00
7 50
129 00
50 35
114 o
45 00
; so
,2 10
120 91
90 00
IS 00
2 00
Z .xi
8il 15
no to
8 00
Tfi 00
8."5 0
10 (K)
"It did me more good than anything
ever used. My dyspen&ia was of
months', standing; after eating ft was
terrible. Now I am well," writes S.
B. Kenee,IIoiineston,Kan., of Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure. It digests what you
eat. F. G. Fricke & Co.
' L,int of Let tern.
Remaining uncalled for at the pout
office at Plattsmouth. Oct. 7. 1899:
Balsam, Fredrick Branson. Mrs Martha
Coli' I H Lovelace, A J M
Smith. Mrs Emma Russel. W H
WThen calling for any oi the above
letters ulease say "advertised.'"
C LI. Smith, P"-tmaster.
Joseph Storkford. Hodgdon. Me..
healed a sore running for seventeen
years an cured his piles of lomr stand
ing by using DWitt's W,rCi, II zel
alve. It eures mi skin di-eases. P
G. Fricke & Co.
President Kine. Farmer's IShiiL-
Brooklyn, Mich., has u?ed DeWitt's
Little Early Risers in his family for
years. Says they are the best. These
famous little pills cure constipation,
biliousness and nil liver anj bowel
troubles. F. G Fricke & Co.
A Considerate Lnvrr.
Tarent Of course, as my daughter
is of age, she can suit hen-elf as to
manning you, but the day she drvs I
will cut her off without a i.eni.y. .Snitor
(after a pause) "Well, under ;ii.o ir-
cumstances. sir. we will Invak one en
gagement. I could not think of .1. -prlviuga
young lady of hrT iUuuC
Itance. Harlem Lire.
Mi -ions f iioloirs, i-. ihn
placed byM-f. Mary 15 r,!,JI ..rtsbt.,,-,
P.., on the lite f h. r child, h si u
s veo from cmup t ti" use of i
Minute Cough Cu e. It . un .-. 1 j
eouifhs, coliis- nd tt ro t ;,ul ul
'roubiee. F G. Fnc e A .
ad Stoves
! vtvi twitiii iu c it)
attention to the trade that Ik
has the largest stock of stows
and furniture ever shown in
Plattsmouth and that he can
not he undersold by any dealer
in the groat state of Nebraska.
7e made his purchases before
the recent great advance in
prices, and is giving his cus
tomers the benefit of that fact.
These are facts which vou
cannot afford to overlook when
in need of anything in his line.
If you are wise you will Like
a clo-e lock through his stre
rofius before buying.
t - t.- the court ')..u-e, 11 tfsrrj Uth
in Kuokville,
Sixth and
Pearl streets.
The iXcws.
his Ireedom, to reveal the spot near
Akron, O., where ex-Prc"sident Har
rison's famous stolen watch his been
The president has approved the sen
(Art fn i . . ,) l . . . . .
mvu nuit3u oy couri-maritnl on
Captain Oberlin M. Carter, corps of
engineers, and tho execution of that
sentence has been ordered by the war
department. It includ9 disminsal
from the service, a fine of 5,000 and
live years' imprisonment at hard labor
Captain Carter was arrested In New
ork on Saturday morning.and is now
on Governor's Island. H will l
t:ken to the penitentiary at Fort
Leavenworth, Kan.
exchange for I R Frank, lumber.
2 00
2 ?r,
A dispatch from San Sebastian says
The Tribune of this city is grad
ually selecting the men it proposes to!
support for tho different county offices.
The latcet move of this "independent"!
paper is to come out for W. D.
W heeler for sheriff. The proprietors lho Spxuish ministry will retain office
of the Tribune are very conscientious j with tho exceptionof General Pol a-
men and of courso want to weigh their vt'ja minister of war, who will be re
placed by (Jeneral Azcirraga. who
held the war portfolio in the last
Canovas cabinet.
man well before thoy make any favor
able mention. At loast this is what
is said of them. The bovs do eomo
peculiar things.
UYPrUnTICM A Fortune in it for y
11 I.I llU I IDrl Starling K I V sent Fi
II lou can he inailc a splemiij Hypuotiei
once. Address M. Vouiik, it3 Hcnrv Str(
Brooklyn, N. V.
zer at
Henry Street.
gri .a .- PAHKttf S
yi.i-Lfti M&IR BALSAM
rol ana Dnuima turn asir.
Never Fi! to lienor nn
Hair to iiM xoouuui tow.
I 7jrrfrt , 1 '"" n"" a hir tuioj.
Ihe gold output for the Crioole
Oroek district during September was
ne oi the hrst,as well as one of the "Lil, 000, surpassing nil records. The
most important, matters for tho at ten- j production of gold from this district
lion ot the next congress relates to the slnco 1891 to 2,057,292,
future courso of, this government
toward Cuba. We have in tho most
aril Am n nnoIMn n
:ZZ"r.ZZ:rX:::::. " u""ou company is building a big gas tank as
- J wiju.u jt a uaujiiusKH h Lrainsi me
Orrdpn 0;QC irvmttD,n T 1 I . 1
of pacifrtng the o: " J w wen, u. L,. Cramer.
i. Pacification if I suth Rend O. C. Richards, Rob t
The People's Gas Light and Coke
A Hmoii. ludso to fmor
N II Wiikin-ou.
E G Dovey - S n. same
I i . Y ou in', same
J Konia. araij
Wurl ,& ( offey, same
W E Pulling, same
P A Jacobson, same
J V S in.s, repairs
W Rrower, sorv notice
LKildow, wk on sewer
Omaha Printing Co, supplies
W K Fx, si mo 10 45
Platts Toi Co, rents 20 30
J W S igo, teams to coin 14 00
E I. Hilton, work S 00
B & M, faro for pa up 5 94
II F Squires, repairs 3 7o
J L Root, sal and exn 277 80
Jas Robertson, snme.
R .J Ilempel, sal
A L Todd. sam 61 3.1
G L b arley, same 102 60
J Wagner, wk dist 0j 72 60
Platts Water Co. rents 48 75
ustin-Western Co. serarers... 152 75
F S White, mdse to poor 6 00
C D Ouinton. serv road notices 3 50
R Sheely & Co. building
bridges , 1.0"3 19
Board adjourned to meet Oct. 4.
Oct. 4. The following names wore
selected from which to draw a petit
jury for the November term of dis
trict court:
Tipton F Muenchnu, W R Young.
J B Renz.
Greenwood II Wilson, C Hanson
Silt Creek .1. Aaron, John Scott.
Stove Creek J. Raird, W. Coon.G
Long, M W Waltz.
Elm wood G. Shiriev. G. V. Pick-
James Reed Injured.
Mr. . J uues Reed otrucK ni leiT
against a cake of ic. in such a manner
to bruise it severely I: became
very much -wollen and p-iined turn
badly tht b-- could not ws k wit oui
wj am 01 crulche.i. I w sweated
fi MO hy physicians, also used sevetal k nds
S" of linim-iu and two n.nn h if 11
- - a. 1 . 1
of w.hi-key in bathii g it, but tin
gave n relief in.til lie be 11 usi
... . . . .
H 00 -nHmoeriam'- l'i . 13. Im. Thi
IT (111 I H nu.rht olm..l ...
.. I vu-uu t f ui - b I . ' 'III ihlu ' 1 1 I.. u
. r ...
i wpaIi1. iim.. 1. r1 Ku K-l. . . .
uij .ciiov - Hi i, OHQ
' ho .. ... j . u : . ... .
8 001 useu vuis remeny ni if-u w..uld
ft 00 nave had t.. be amputated. M . R
10 001s nn-3 of the leMdincr mnwh .n .1
W 1 C.lav f'-.nt Tr,,.,. IAT X-.. - 1 rt .
j j.uunc, . (i. raiu u iim
S 10
52 00
8 no
Card, for Illili I).-Krei-.
New York Tribune: K...v;.hy
more calling cards than any t 1 .1
of people. Secretaries are r n.igo ; !
see that all congratuiations. 'r: ti
etc., are acknowledged, t tiquf-Ko
one of lht duties of royalty. 'ine
Prince of Wle. uses two set of oar 1j.
He has one- for home u wUkii is
written 'Albert Fc'wariV fn
for abroad, on which is :. '.
Prince de Oalles." J. v. c'(
not used any more. lii: ,'.
with a monogram in the
corner in jewels-, silver or s. -vorite
.1 Mir
1 t
)t .I'M-
: .lid
I'mi kii Hariif s OU f tli lKt
prt-i'i-vaMvu .if now leather r
a. ul liic l-ct n n)V:.ior ul lil.i f
i'-.itl.i r. U 'jl's, soitcn.-, I. !;!.- 1
fas Jital :ii)!i-,-t. Fo
Eureka a
fi ilaroass OH
i 1
a. i!
il !-
a ;
on v.-vu l.. I tirnrwa, your oM tuir-
'l'" '!" '".rT I tl.p. n:;il llil-v
V. ill II..: i.ny ..,,lt l ;,.r ,.
i,i' ' iy n !ht- ri 1 s -jiii
t' s lllilll M'Hs In li v t. null,,,. ,.
ti..l i.v M IMUUII (III. ) (.
AlAny Tlian';s.
"I wi-h to ex res- i-:v in
manufacturei 9 Ot CI w tn ' f -Cholera
. n . Dmr h.v. :
having put on th m--. ,
nuuuonui meuieinc. - i
I" ) 1 1
is UneOlialed for Gnruina k.nlo... .r.l ....
j 1 uiuiaon miu U qu nir a n ... 'I
t.hmutiom . 1.. 1 . j , . -R'"."' .1"lll"IM, 1
. u u. b . 1. .. . nn)r u v nil 11 ell tr ir i - r.
About th 1'lirlntmas Trn,
iiie nrisimas tree is believed hv
antiquarian to ic 0f the nii.
icai worship wu.u once DrevailPd
inrougnout central Eurone. In Fmnr
""I is. -. .1 , .. . . - -
32 29 'aia nu me uritish Islands. The
50 00 evergreen oak wa o the Druids a sa
cred tree. The mistletoe, a parasitic
piani round 011 Its branches, was
equally holy. The custom of decorat-
are many thousands of m-n-nei--
children have been saved ft 1,1
of dysentery and cholet-
who mast also feel thankful.
sale by all druggists
Go to A. W. Aiwo d for w.i t
1 .-.
I- o
!. I'll. Oil.
- :- tived. ine 11
- t i...- :.i,(l K.flic
; oi1.- it lil s-w r
'! A sijnri- i.
r i
Seotliind'n Fish Im,.
A Royal sturgeon han be; n
the Ouse, near Goolet, Scot:
capture has raised n int 1
tnp- Q email n f. .. : . . - . . I trn a .v. . - -
" -in isuLiHsiiae ore- 1 me mw now stfiri-
vailed in Germany throughout the Ash euch as whales stur. .,
Hiiuuie tcs, oeing a survival of the
ancient custom of eetting up a tree In
tne uernian village at this season In
t ;n
I' .itl-m-'in h
meny porpoises if cautui
lha tfiia. mIU 11 -. . . .
-" mi"; 1U"W IlUllv OI HIP i'l
iubi nsn and are claimed l
cwsiguaru or tne custom o:; 1
. A -
ui iub crown, in the event of
sturgeon being a partimhrlv
Q riAs m tart t I a - -
Tha lattF I, a
oauic aa 111 1 I.Li , 1 1 1 1 1
rutin In 4 1... 1-' . . .
. 1 TJ. . I J '" 1' ' 1 '
piooiy, vouoi uyBpep-ta Cure courts the h ia.,t .1,.
.., - - I ...... ...... .1 ' 1! J..'
will nlrrdt. wHot i.rtti t . . . , 1 v..i.! . .
c-tn.. i, turrs nil I lililliue mat Wliales when I- 1.,
lorms of dyspepsia and stomach long to the sovereign, when
troubles, E. R. Gamble, Vernon, Tex.. tn captor
Durinr the ttltcumlon.
Mr. Bickers "You spend your tim
finding fault." Mrs. Dickers "I don
have to spend much time looking '
E 1
' J Nf" DEFT A k . -v. .
-'-ir st"uk Is complete lu nil lii.,.g Dd we
lorn,; o.irfr!cndto look It over We will
e 1 ! -tver to Dloaue you. aee u..
says, "It relieved me from the start
and cured me. It is now my everlast
ing friend." F G. FricRe -fc Ho
self-government, assuming
snnnsi hi 1 1 1 e on It- nf mini
t:,.; ' .rrvr : r oh.cago. snmh n.n n nink.. pm co.iy,
. ',:;.. . " . r.ravetniA i lorwiie emu, m it couMfrom the
nui ttiicauy luuy accompusnea, 19 ,. , , J ... I waat Indies la coarse dirtv an? in.
1 .. ' I Tho Silafoo t I U'nonlnr. Ttri. n rt,ji: I . . fc uuleo 18 re, airiy ana IU1-
.oijucanvw. vruer generally pre- .t . 7 num - .ov:uv, ""p terless. and onlv th moat BViiifni .nj
vails. There mav be mora or i- ino w'cKea transport Morgan City, "ay, A.J. Rox; First ward, D. Mc- natlcnt mn!uiAri. .v iw. ..a
- www 1 . , . - - 1 , m- n.--n 1 (. vuo i tun
For Rent Five room brick bouso.
well, cistern a"d cave: $0 per rriontb.
Inquire of W. W. Hull.
! popular discontent, but there are no
KEWEIJTi cV J()i:s
Commission Brokers
Wear Com. Co.. Correspondents.
which was lost on the Japanese coast. Nuriin; Second ward. J.
- - 1
euirerea seveiely from lactt of food for Third ward, II. A. Hart.
a time.
Direct Private Wire to Chicago.
Over Atwood's Drug Store.
All Orders Promptly Executed.
1'lattsmouth Tel. 275.
n7 n
spepsia uiree
Digests what you eat.
It artificially digests the food and aids
Nature In strengthening and recon
structing the exhausted digestive or
gans. It is the latest discovered digest
ant and tonic. No other preparation
can approach it in efficiency. It in
stantly relieves and permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea,
Sick Headache, Gast ralgi a, Cramps, and
all other results of Imperfect digestion
Prtpored by E. C DWitt A Co.. Cbicaa
reports of serious disorder or lawless
ness anywhere. All classes of the
peupia, 11 appears, are giving
obedience to the military authority. I Masked men broke Into tho countv
. - 1 . .... ... -
ucn oeing the situation, it will be ai wnon, 1. c., on Friday niirht
for congress to determine how much ! Rua 8no bort aughan, who bad
longer the American occupation becn r,"3tod under suspicion of barn
shall continue and what further dutv 1 DurniDP
this government has in respect to Cu
ban affairs. "In considering the ulti- Len- 0 19 cabled that he had in
mate destiny of Cuba," observes the j 10rmea the insurgent envoys that the
Doston Transcript, "the lawmakers at only things the United StatoB would
the capital roust deal not only with J reconzo would be a white flag and
the wishes of the United States, hut lDC Grounding of arms
the desire of Cuba." They must re
gard as more than a mere formula
that solemn declaration that the
United States disclaims any intention
to exercise sovereignty , jurisdiction
or control of Cuba except for tho paci
fication thereof, and that when this is
accomplished it intends to leave the j
oci nmcuv nuu control oi,tno islands
to its people." This ei presses the
feeling, it is not to be doubted, of a
very large majority of tha American
people. Our imperative duty, not to
be disregarded without dishonor, is
to faithfully fulfill the pledge we have
given the Cuban people. This we
confidently believe is the purpose of
the administration and we do not
uoubt that congress will
in it,
Center Ira Bosworth, W E Ladd.
Louisville C. Noyes, L. Boedecker,
E. Palmer.
Avoca J. Bates, W. Retts.
Mt. Pleasant C. Boedecker, Isaac
Nehawka K. Kirupatrick, Fred
Liberty ). Nida, C. Peck, .las.
Rock Bluffs First district. J. N
Holmer, John Hill; Second district, S
Harn. li. O. Tucker.
Eight Mile Glove J. H. fieel.-er
W. Iieil. .1 n m;5
) " - & r a u 1 .
N. Carter; tad beautiful mfltTfa1 that It AHAntn.
I -" v v L T V l (.1
ally becomes.
Foreign Caplitl Spaia.
There is much French and Belgian
capital Invested In the principal rf
wy lines of Spaiu, while EnglaaJ
owns many of the shorter lines and is
alo at the-head of the mining interests.
ihe arrangements to dethrone the
vui 1 sua iir in 1 .ninR m rrfi n ri 1 1 1 nw w- r
-xn 'IV 11 . 1
iowB?or empress tavors fori Urst ward, W 1 J
ine succession Fu Tpuan.the nine-voar-
old son of Ouko Tuai Lan.
Plattsmouth Precinct, P-iir Vl-
L. Born; City.
nB, U J White;
To Cleaii Paint l!rulir.
If paint is hardened upon brusbe.
they can be cleaned by bing soaked
for a few hours !n Jined oil. an.! af
terward rinsed In turpentine.
When dizzy or drowsy, take Rcech-
am'a Pills.
Capt. Albert S. Barker willjsucceed
tn command of the Norfolk navy yard
ivamirai rarquhar, who will take
command of tho North Atlantic squadron.
An eastorn newspaper correspondent
who baa been a zing up the political
situation in Nebraska writes to hi
paper that tha political identity of the lar 25"cent - iiJh
aemocrata 10 this state is lost com
pletely and that the real opposition to
the republicans is populistic. Ne
braska democrats may be loath to ad
mit it, but an impartial examination
second whi-.i. j Up.u. .1 v 11. rv. ir..
H Snio?; Tnird w.rd, c S Twiss, B
Chrlswisser, J Kuhm y, J S'.vobodn;
Fourth ward, II. Of.-, il S B irtholj,
J O Wehorg; Fifth A L Mun-
ger. J M Y.-ung.
Board adjourned to meet Oct. 1".
County Cleik.
L. B. EgcLb.-rger ims just received
100 dozen children's bicyc e nose
which will to at 17 nu nair retr-
Fon Sale 01: Rent Store room
and dwelling combined, .34x58 feet,
known as the T. V. . Davis store, in
Murray. Inquire of J. W. Edmunds,
Murra, Neb.
rinanceu Nansea " a the Norirt.
tian satirlata aiekaam the famoua t
lorr. fcae not fulftiied their preAictloa.
He ha aettlet down a a Norweglaa
inire and sportsman. Hi pcwBfws
uui. which roirt a conierable sum.
'to on the, borders ot Telemaarkea. to
"Je south of the well-knowa Lyakoyf.
ve of the highest summit! of the dis
trict. He la the owner f the Sorkiohen
liotal, whieh was built some years ago
for the summer tourists, but will now
beoome his private residence. He also
acquired all the unrounding farms, and
th field along the shore of the Sorkje
river, his patents for the right of hunt
ing and fishing in the Numedal txslng
taken out for 25 years.
Wanted Salesmen for lubricating
oils and greases, paints, varnishes fnd
specialties. Complex I ne: very lib
eral terms. The Detroit Refininfir Co..
' Detroit, Mich.
Eczema !
The Only Cure.
Eczema is more than a skin rl
and no skin remedies can curp it Thu
doctors are unable to effect a cure, and
meir mineral mixtures are damaging
to the most powerful constitut ion. "The
whole trouble is in the blood, rind
Swift's Specific is the only rcr.u-iiy
which can reach such deep-seated i'i
Eczema broke out on my dati'htiT, and con
tinued to spread until
her Lead -was entirely
covered. She was treated
by several good doctors,
oat grsw worse, and the
dreadful disease spread
to her face. She was
taken to ta iwithMiui -
health springs, but w-iffeCii
oelved no benefit. Many J&&i;S . 'J. "i
patent medic-lne.4 were taten. tut vi-l.i:. in
sult, until we decided to t-v S V- . -time
the liret bottle llhlsheU. hrr'i -m1 ' -ga.n
to heal, a 4.zen iMitik-s ',. r'- . -
pletely and left her skin pe rfocnv ..
la now sixteen years old. and ii."a -t- t-'..
growth of hair. Xot a si-ia of ,.,' ,j'o- "'
disease Una ever returned.
, , If - T .-1:
2.01 Lucas Ave., .t. l...i!.s. to.
Don't expect local rpplieatio-i- r.f
soaps and salves to cure Ilczi ic.i. 'rl
reach only the surface, vhiie the di
sease come3 from within. S'vrft'-
'8ncceaors to he.ry Hoeck.
Plattsmouth Coal Yard
o'n. Oat.
! in M
iwu inn r-f w t - ri j
aHMabr' iar
If? JH
is the only cure and will reticii tin
obstinate case. It is far
. Tl S
Bimiiar remedies, Decaurie if curcr c
which are beyond their rct'.ch. S. S. :
purely vegetable, and is the orJj- ! i
remedy guaranteed to cm,::;: i n 1
ash, mercury or other mi-: : . I.
Books mailed free by btviii tpac
Company, Atlanta, Geoigia.
LA i.SM.iU;
V 1'