f" 7 I" 4 n t f if D-- -.r. 7t eri prom Tr.Cir Trenches lioor tr-a Tcvr.v- cc Irrjus tm J Poro v. Americuo bcouls pmd Twenty Eight Dead Filipinos In the Trenches. .-turnad were tragrglcrs frtra within ou- lii.ea, cuptured by robbers. They rta thoy wer -obliyii to sign parol .-s secure ril. a-e, though two refii.'Cd to .-isin. Th- whole niTair is of no Mji n fic t.ce: viewed ? at-iemj.t at m -- O l I- I Mrs. Lur.on.pct. :. Tho statement that Major Price nsked Admiral Ynt f(,r. to send th- o'un boats to his sup port iu tho inivnt"i:n?a.'cmoDt f his n-f imont in the vicinity of Imui id in-c-orrect. t'.cnonl Lawion today ilispor.-od the insureiit-, driving thorn to the we-t-w.ird. Ceuer.-tl Law ton's forco consists of all tho troops from liai oor and Z .poto. live c ..in pan ics of the Fourteenth regi ment. Colonel llapott eoiumandii.t.'; Mtriilli's trooo of Fourth eavalry, K.-U I V t( 'tlery o! two puns and an other b .tier r two t"":S- u-'r"1 l-Y.-d ornnt i :o-oper..tinr vvith a m ,.f il.ror; fOmimnU'9 OI ttio Fourth regiment, M-jor cou.man.ii c: K'nahensninc'd ar.U ne unn. Ttio iU- po,o of tho rel.e!s was to cut thi; communication maintained be tween IS.icoor and Imus by means of tho road between th..-o places at a point Lourn n Iinusand th oast bank of th - riv. r. Tho in-u front had t,-. cue a Ion i: t..e wet funk, c-.m-r.i -ndinj ih; op-;n sjn.es A fo.ee of ictiei- alt iC.led Imiir ye ttrd y lu.tt b" pr e eiied a-iinsi : acooi with detaei.iije.nis anific the river. Iriv- I- ilipni'ift from Trench This morniuj: Colonel Daireit-, force tpread nionjr the road from Ba eoor toward Imus and three companies of the Fourth regiment under Captain Mollis were thrown out tiom Imus, tho Price scouts O'Mrl veil' y Miol t UffU, -ALT Lakk City. Oct. -John C. O .Melvenev i- dead aud Captain J. F. Mi'.ls, formerly lieutenant governor of Idaho and re'cently connected with the Second United States Volunteer Engineer regiment, is in the hands of thetate autt.or.ties as the result of a tragedy which occurred here late this afternoon. OM.tveney was chuf en c inter o. the Oreyon hort I-. ne company. Ho a, a. one in his oilice about 4 o'clock ..... Milts entered. The latter had made appliottion for worU iu O'Mol veney'd department, hut lit J not, lice n accepted, il is said that he blamed O'Melveuev. lie fired three buiietr, into his victim, then dropped his re volver and quietly walked to(iei;eral Traffic Mar-tger Eeoles' ol'iee and in the most nnehalaiit in inner said: "Mr. V. -cles, I have shot Mr. 'M6.-' veiny I told him this morning that I would do bo, and I have kept my word' I'olice O dicer Line ;in appeared on the ?cene ahout ttii- tiino and said: "A to you tho man who did tho sheotlngV" Willis Faid that he war and wi then p need under arrest. 0Mdveney was shot while writing at his d e; -k and the ink had scarcely dried on iho paper b. fore he was dead . A PLEASANT SOCIAL GATHERING CITY AM) COUNTY. VEDXIIAY. II. C. .If no? was a visitor in (Jiuuht today. Mi. 2NiKit3 Agnew was a visitor in Omnha this afVerriOoii .1 u iu o-i S'ander of Louisville was a visitor in tho city todiy. Chri-. :eil, a ye'Dpc-rons ftru;er from near Rock r.lu'.Ts, w.i in town today. Henry lCauhlo camo doivn from ( ).u iha this morning for a f'.' days' viit with his parents. Mr.. H. 3. I Janit-ey, aecompaiieu by h r father, irandpi Crite-, went to Omaha this morning. Uev. A. l3elh. the hew Methodist minister, ai rived in the city this in irmng iron superior. Cha:Ls Sheeiov, the bridg." cen- 1 there bv a telegrim nnrour eing tlio death of his oa's wsf.?, which oceu.-ed yesterday afternoon. Messrs. Sea berg .V llobinc, ts.fi painters, h:ive Pccured tbe contr:t"t for pain' ing the Hcard-dcy i ..-idetice on South Tenth street. Tiif y gnn liio work yertoruay. Mr. and Mrs. (.. M. Srurloek de- juirted for Omaha od the fast mai! this lifternoon. Mrs. SpurlocU will ieave that pibes for Kansas City this even ing, where she will enjoy a few dr.-?' visit with fric-.ds. Mrs. C. C. r.irme'.e entertained ten lady friends very deliglufullv y-.-tor-day afternoon at a '-Kenfinilon. Needlework occupied the gue.-t-during the afternoon and an elabai ate tea was si rved at " o'cloi i: v. II. M. D'Jngan or tho ( liri-'i.m .huri-h will have next Monday f r St L:,u:s and r.f er a few d -. n" v'.-it at r, was in the city today n bus wit h liio i-o-Jiilv commission.. rs. Rtiiti.l I irt- Organ. ' A i:tw tiff trie organ placed in St. 31 i ':n i's c hurch, London. potsf SsCs Cl.r. -0 miles of wire. The action of the ei i: . a cr. so rapid that it would "ie p.pccsssiry, 0 tini.s p r sec- Itisnres It lani.loye. "1 .1 1 Montreal Street Hallway Cora pci'a.. ha?, at it own t ost Insured all Its emidoyrs against at ci.ieat or total dia aliKm.ent to ti r- cvirnt -f $1,000. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS h: W.o I :sl Notice t (' .uit o! Ce - unit v. Nt l .rasV: a. Mr. supper. Anion g those prt-sent were lowing: II. V.. Wei linan.ll l' two command-, forming u junction. , oi an mue The emire line crossed tho river and drove the Filipinos Irom their trenches to the westward, through rice fields anu thickets. Tho maritit-s. wliose services wore t.-ndered ly Admiral Watson, crossed I th-J river near the nay, forming a part .f the line of advance. Heforo the forward movement was legun the Auieriean artillery held tne enemy's position. The or.iy American ca-u tity was the wo iiuiing of a lieutenant of artillery. Several wounded Filipinos wera attended hy Su geon Major i'eu-ro-e and tn.jiiilu.rs of the ambulance corps. A number of prisoners were tak.-n. Coneral Law ton, w hilo riding up the road to linu-, was a tartrel tor many t-hots. The to graph line was cut yester day ! a beiul co mm ndtd by the out 's t: ui.i hes, at J CO ards distant and whe.. L cut a.nt Cunninv bam, with rcpai. party, apc.-ared to restore the wins, two uu-ii and Leatjn.nt uu nii.gh .iii's hoi se tvifu -jj.o... L.eutc ant MoLliii.v il.ou hrouiiht a yun of K.M.ly's battery into the open and train. -d it -a ti'C t r o nch . u isucr ?i ng huiI .Vti 1). s.. tiuihl Kiiiirl.iiii a un:lj.r of CricuiN. Pram oilaesilav's Daily. Ttie homc of Mr. and Mrs. 0 S. Guild was tho scene- cf a very pleasant social g tlhoring last evcv.i. g in bono- It wis a "stag party, ami all who attended r. p-j.-t a most eniovable time. Mr. Tucker and 4 Miss D ra Swe i.ingon rendered ;i number of betuitifu vocal selcc"i.ns j during the evening. I Whist piaing was a featim- of the j occasion, and two prlz -s were given to tho winners in these contest - the j tirst Oeing ciptured by Ih nry V..i!- man ai d the second by F. K. Hall -.nee. , I rat ! I. Or o:.tr; etor V. H. Kho ides iu on-ga-j--d in putting down :i new Ib.or in the -ton; room of (.'. I'.. We-eott v Sen. Job Itrigs of Ml. Pleasant, la., father of M. S. r.rigL-s. will arrive tomorrow- for a jjit with h's son and family. Tho school at Murray is still closed on account of diphtheria and Miss F,;r de'.l i Sa-.iih. one .f ti e teacher.-, is nt tier Lorn-: in this city. A marriage licence w.'.s ts-ie. d this n-iii iiin.' by County .Iu ige Sp-urlock to Mr. William llo-.th lifter and Mi.-s Anna Sul.ivan, I o! h of this ei'.y. du-.iv C;. rU Uobeifsoa and hi depuiy we -e Icpt bu-y today making out p"nion pauers. Ab-u- l:M pen sioners ea'b-d on tle clerk die lag the day. ,;o of tie. Nebraska Tc'.ephetio iii::iat. - l...C i. ear r.-.pM i.- -.- i .ut of order too ay i-.n.l ..lau- r.gr. r (Iri.u- went cut u.i- ti:eff,ing io I e ; v.i i ..- I : i e sallie. Mr. and Mrs. Cenrge 1 1 e'.i-e wort ll wen! to llave.oek this iriorii.ng t- at tend the funeral of Mrs. Frank Cra ti me-, t!e fo'-tner that place will go tot mcini-.ati to at-t-'nd a church jubilee and nntior.nl ii:eeting of tho Chri-tian a.o.-i t-icn County Cle.k Tiobertsort r-'ceiv a tclcpheno message from We-je"-.' Water to 1 y to the e'.V -el that tho rcs idepce of A- I"- Ma field was dataagod by lire this mornir g to the ext nl of about -:,.). The cai--' of tho blae is not known. Street Commt-si.- u -r I I t i- n has a hue., of men and te.im.s at w. i iheiuj in f'i nil tie- t, tieit'u of Main. The dirt is oiiv.' 1 ;ic--n f.aun t!u -oula sidocf F'flh s'.e-.t. with a 'e.Vi.f jtig it pns -ib.t t.)f tuo wat.. - to !1TL. r- a b the sf-w-r mo:.- easoy. ClVr S AHT1ST A M ODEL. I!.- - IT y .,- o p, Str-..!.-, Maui. . i St rede. A;-;i--t Su.l- nnn. Me. Ai:s . le t s.taiotnna. ln-t real name leikimv.u. Mrtt'.i.l.i ..-..UK :uui A;: I i:.-a A'.or.,h-r. J"! .!c'cr.d:nit-. Mat.l la V-iua:. Art ba.-a Alcx-.nui-.-r. Au:".i-a M.'!eai3ii. .l i's. A f.cust talcmaii. il ic ilraaic i.'.i kiii.w i). uili rach Pike liulict ii::u !.TOii the -1 iinv ( t.ctobor. A 1.. p'.i ia " h'e l I- jctd'...n iu the district cnuit oi t a--s rosaitv. NL-bi.,-ka, to f icci-.isc a tai lieu .ip.. a 1-ms the-e :; an I tour ot block eight i . ,n ,,u7ii.. X lime' a htUi..n to tin; cuv of rl.'.mtr.oitih. in ';is-i c-ciutv. Nebraska, aud to i... . .. - .i t . .is to nav ii. e am.ram I'uui.i me p.. 1. 1 a. rili.l Pa .-l.ll Cliiei imti rt n'.n j . ;,. ; x:o prcacsp. t on Hie teiUiu-t! to a said pet.t..n .-a i-i before the Moili day ef inbev. I -''. "i" N o; r detauit will be entered in , tiui. -; Ji tat " I'l'UERKUKI,, p.v tt k. - ft auk aud (' A. K 'is, His Atteraev ..,. ii ( i.'taber Notice. I):a.iaJ and c r. p. t or 1 h ; ii! e.:it'ie a. !.':s mod- -1- ter, w h ose d o .th occu-rru Monday tue- niug. S ii.ii v lI:.lVta:in ret ut t-t-.l in.' 1 i.a.t The guests were also treated to a fine , iuq- i agree wry ast eveti- i He .d.vo ad a. d Load, S. I) , ere ta- h.'n been working lortne i::l mouths. I ;.e iri.u norm ,vi 1 1 w i ai tropical se v ' Tte r.in-"- of 'li-il'iy iiias rhi nii'ii N 1 1 y. j . An Intel e.siiiiK stot y is connected j ' with the familiar pa-tiiie ef 'friiby ; painted by Ast'.cvl. M. Cooj., r. :hi'-h j was exhibited ' ry -z.v,c : tlirotmh- j , 4 1,,. ,.ni.i.nv a: ll I'eeo of tilC i ciaze for Dti Maui luruihe. The arSi.-t .' ained h cl fur the i';.l!-.t it.;; t lirou.-.h th of the voting v.i.-re.,n to lift ;!. gage off her L.jr.'.e f.ii i a. r-:'-;o this young wc ni.'ta va ltv hanav life of a (.-at.itry eirl wea.Jiv narent.s' iu V "soari. ir'iie fire w up w i i t st ra itied in sr r . verv close to nam:.'. Iif.iri.led lad' V. .'.:.-!. U."''- ''- ! distorted her tc'.!. --''' 4l'e-v !U wr anhood sn itaf. .o . '. hid ot n beautiful in f'.o ai fon-i came mi.-fort u ne for i.e.'i-'. i. - .... ..s !" r)::..i!i.l ami Samuel I-.. Man. as e-1 v.... ot the i ii-1 .Tai .ni l testament "i ll. ? I e., ..i, 1 .l.-ri a-...!. i.ti.'l oaCli ! yon aie hereby n..t:iied that Ih-- ...ntv .d t'as-.. m the state ot Ncdiraska. oil in.' -.0. .!mv ot Set te'ubei. A- !.. W. Iiiod its re- i .ai aiao.'t vui in the district court ot Cns , i,.i..ii . N.-bi .iska.tlie oi lect and i layer ol vxhadi :,ic i. ! .. ec .')-e a reitHiu lien toi dcltnqent taxes I .. i ,e ve il- I-.". I--.I to lss., mi Insive, aim 1 -'.' i. ; : i . ; i : s -. e. acaaist lot tout, in block toitv- !,.. , iii -a t:..- . iiv oi i lattsinoutli. Cass county. , k:i ci amounts to .S.U.... It is i tiio I V-..1 ; e t ir.'CK. ed el al ! ei I Ul'. V ot It' ll ; . ia .! nietnlscs and the property sol.! - !.-! -swd '..en. and I T ciitatiibio ic.iet. ... . 1 1 lo a;,sw er said net st i on on or '. i ,i :..v. t' tail', lav ol Nnv le.bei. A. 1 . 1 in; Uoi-s ul l'A--s. :v its mi itney, .Ks-e I.. Ko at t i'. it -n l "tabel IS. Buggies I have the largest stock of Buggies, Carriages, Surreys, Spring Wagons and Lumber Wagons in the county. I have twenty buggies on the floor and no two alike. The prices run from $40 up. If you want a first-class vehicle, get a.... Cooper Buggy.. There is no use of going to Omaha, as I can sell just as cheap as Omaha dealers. Giv me a trial and be convinced. L. COX "XHIBIMSKA. I v 6 4 t I l t J f t J !!. la-Sat Notice. Ti n i: .1. !. l:.-l: dent d-.den !- A BG&N TO MANKINDS LER'S BUCKEYE R. A ,. '.ri.; c i. i that the Canty ol ... .I.O.. ,-.t X.-biasK-a. on the "JMh day ,-: ti-i;-'.. hi. A. 1 1 '-'".', tbel its iietition u: : . .i .;, ii nun! ,,t c.ass count v. A eta as i a. i .; i ij.e.e ie 1 u :ti, W ;'.;... Ml I., llrownc. 1 ,7 . ; ti e d ',-,ct ;.:! ; iai-i el vldcti aic t loic , . J' en..... lv.' :..'i.- .-i.'.i.ic t lots 1 to to. m '. ..... '.u !.,.v- 1 1 !a. .-.lie'., siili-dtMRion ! P". it '.oi . i :. t:, ..... ti. -a 1 ". t .ii l'-'. taiine la. sf-' . .-..lev. .ei ' i -ol. .'ill ! '.)eo: an a-Jd.laUi to list 'n ilA'l'i sua a M. . i', i.;;-'!:''-i':'.!" ' v: and fn e. tin ' , , ..,:i', d ... 1 inr . , . . ; i fond. li lu ll l';iiii a. ion. ni saui coun'.y. tor ttie . to i mi 'i. :-, c. mi the si'itn ot slo . ... 1 a l iiti-iii uosCriDo.i a" I ye.it . in tin; sum ot i I mi s.iti-faction ol said !e relet. aii-'.er - I tci;tloU it. day ol .......in!)i-l, A.l.. Tin-. .' . n oi It its : n, . less,- ., K-.ot. -a "t ID in t) w PILE 2 2 03-1 lAy CUR! : ;oe 1',-ia.o-l to . "-e 1 1- 'i ,. n.i.i . t l.e 1- the f, .I- ; ,(.( A rti i rov:-?, ! ( day i :i tc r t. of Lincoln vis '.virig t he I'O'Ltni- ile a 1. Legal Notice. .!.! tin oi.: Co , i a ieddrtit do in:.- jhoppt. v.- t' lii- 1 1) t e T sion r -. L. H. lliatt,F. K- lJ.iilanee aud (o crgej Mr. Am tt r. present- tlio V -tern llui d of Lincoln. j V, lo.ei Nerap-r Co., a: d called on the The rooms of the (Juild hotne w. re j ,,.;:!:,, .ssiro-e.s ill II 0 i a '. e res' s : f t ha t heititifu ly tlee.rat-tl e-peei:ui lor , inn. j ploynient as a casdM the oeensioi. end presented a liueap-. x i o's'-n. a. cotnoa : ie 1 h- ; f-t oi o and t he da vy h t nearance. j h,..- so.i.-Audr w, deo..red this f.'t I-' (' ) lie '.vas ce.!u;-..-d,( ,1 . honu-st.'iid. 'i'he !':''! tiled, leavin-- hi- v. if without lf-so '-.I'-rs ; Siiaed lior.'.-. 'I'ileV ' I City, where the io.nl i M ! ' it i - In lei.v ll .t died that the County of '.ate o! ..-'"iaska. on the '.'.'th day oi, A. 1. I--!".', t'oe-l its petition in the it ol t'ns- i unity, Ae'oiasKa. anauisi :i no.O I:...' e t'th I Mf.iiOiy. et liu oi t and 51.0,1 ol which petitieu aic l. i'e. a. ,- .'lebtiii ".( tit t i- i'.eie' a-'iuust lot 11. m 1 tie ul i' :v -1 fitiai 1 1 .d the v."t!ne3t quarter ot sec- .11 i- in t .'.n ! .' rail ; 1 J.Ca-s Co in.ty.oicDi as ka. r :te m r,is 1-'... l-'..o ai.d l-i'., in the -sum ot a ti ; I. A New Discovery for the Certain Cure of INTERNAL and EXTERNAL PILES, WITHOUT PAIN. CURES WHERE ALL OTHERS HAVE FAILED. TUBES, BY MAIL, 75 CENTS; BOTTLES, 50 CENTS. - 310 North Main Street, ST. LOUIS, MO. nit-p r nil I ltn Cnlo Drnnriotnr F. G. Fricke & Co. 1 y. A l'lr nf Susptrtn. From WodnesJay's Daily. Cny Marsh il late- and ,:hv ... KitZ) trii l: wpi.t out 'o the Mi-inin -i ; tj I'ac lie st .ckyods c'-ter. lay afternoon j a d Oiplil'Od a t-oiipn- 01 irimoso.i iismci I Oedig 'in pa-t'i s a-iwu ; ;.l lloeUtiort, .Mo. I'he iu. rt wei- j ( march d to town and their deserimio:! j j j .ma ettepa eu u i. u nun iee.e.. o: bo- I in). !; 1 n- I veil tit I a a", iit.- h- ' sun v. li. s -.vi liter. - y Sum' a v w i 1 d com e- t .if t il I). a . 1 in ll: 1 olillV.nn same purpose a d: ler." '' : ,' to -a. p.aee !; :l Wei; attend -ceo. 1 t a-, t j r.oua.h to pay eii t .: I home-Tend. As they j their work tny i; I t ion. and soon all t the Filipino with two we.l trailed shots. faj.tiirc Ki'l.s ami Munition. Captain Tore and the Sixth infantry att ekd the insurgents Sat day iu a new treneti whicn they had con structed near Tabuan, island of Nerott, and r-c.'-tU ri'd theni. Tho Americans took one prtso ice ana cuptureu iiieiic rilles, t'.,ttK' eatrtdges, a ijUantiiy of rice and hospital stipp.ies. Another itlustratiou of the insurgent policy of evading meeting th Amo -icatis in force win tdiown by ihe fact that our iinea ew. pt across several mile-of euumry firing by voitey and cheering, ttie Filipinos melting before them. Dly occarjioiml tjliuipses of the enemy could tie had as they ran from their trenchos and dodged thraugh U10 bushes like rabbits. O e Po ly of the enemy under a former mayor of Itr.ua retreated toward Perez H .fj M ,11:15 mid another in the direc tion ol rian Francisco do Malabo. l.ieutentnt Knatieii.shi.e, with a party of scouts, ero-s d the river last night and found .twenty eight dead Filtpiuos in the trenches, fifteen of whom had been killed by one shell. U'nen the marines inaiched into In. us the sold ers cheered them anu General Law Ion commended them on their work. One detactiraeiit Tom Cavite was eomm.nded by tipl i' Haines ana anotner fiom tbeUilu nmro by I'm. ti' n Myers. The lirot w-on tr in with provis ions to reach Turns in three days has arrived and two companies of the Fourteenth regiment from towns along tho bay marched in today to relieve the Fourth regiment, whoso members have been kept awake in tho trenches day and night for a week under the annoying intermittent fire from the insurgents outside the town. a v.'cci-: .-took of ll cured v. h i from tho Ilochport authorities In regard to weight, height and general appe trnnee. the susoeets an-wered the description very well, but it ceas found that t either was shy a front tooth, ns ih- llockporl oMIcets claimed Thi fact convinced the looal authtritie.s that the men were rot the git'lty parti--, aiu itiey were eon--qu -i, u turned loose anil ordered out of town. 'I't, muri had beep Seen on the streets earlier in the day, but when j ot tie ,K ntS,-.,.rs st-.l-t -(1 Kill tO lOOk foi' I o'l-.fil' ihctu it was found that they had in- 1 lav .ric tiiu-t 1 1 ' i v o won t f . -re Sunday. ) to W'.a-i, th .lepai'e.l tin will iMtnbin. r.a.'c. li at ..-ISO' a. id tho 1 hey w: -i L- h e. ho! 1 1 .. .; t-.f ro o:i t ie y 1 ti".,' w . -t ! -ra:i to a' tract attoiv ve-s were Ui.oa them the 1 t-i j The ypun' wonut:i f 101 ItecRine hnowt It wi.l he i as ''e "livina: Venus;," and as .- m h vvt; ,. ,.. ; 0 : l.nown to tni 'iy i.eoplp who lai uig of her 1 t'e. .-'.I ties tiinc- l la 1 i- ! :i ;i 1 101 jrty n satistaet.on ol ;:! t , i,;n d,-i.-ii.!atits Irons any intei- aid pietn.ses. and ho ei..trfine reoet. 1. 1, , .1.1 ! t 1 ai.suoi sa'd retitiou on . i :..!.iv. the l-.t'i ''ay ot Noveniher, A. 1 i;k t ot N 1 v or C ss, V. :' attorney, .les-e I.. K'-ot ; J.; .11. .1. ota. I'ndtalo Notice. i-!v f,.:i:t. Ca-- coiintv. Nebiasua. .. ,;-..t a tie e-t..te "I lol.il Ah!, Quick A A A A A AAAAAAA-? 4 ; jJ 0 " F 'er feet .:ayci! St. ,!. ;y 11 oi n in atti-t rrleud, wl to Mr. . an of go. Wotl" 1 so .a. . . . . . . c-g.if man Uioctt.i-i r. 1 morniiio for t 'lncago .iidiTiii I ., . . i , on,! n'. - a 1 1 re f . o- i fc-l'l !h will purchase a larg-: I - :.e-t toCa. CO te he .- I' ll Cilic !). Mrs. Cora 1 ) 1 vis i la ward d io.1. l.est evening at T: It) at the lumio of her par-e.iii-.S. M. Davis and wife, on I'. arl aivcl. lit tne teriouslv disaopeared A thoroueh service- w;,i 1 u-e Friday iporring ;.!ol ir.tertiii n' will take 1. Ida, at tlio'iit ! i ! lie ceue-lC r . Hue to ;lu ItrcoKuition. W'Asiiixuiov, Oct. .'i The follow ing is the dispatch of General Otis re ceived yefterday relative to tho visit of the insurgent, ofiicers: 'Manila, Oct. 2. Adjutant Gon- orrtl. Washington: Thret, insurgent officers permitted to enter our lines n Ar.ecles. with twelve ef our soldiers and two citizens, whom they wUhod to oresent as released prisoners, i. e? terdav. in conference, endeavored to Trpsetit communication from insu government, which wasdeclin o. Then ptesent d paper signed by teuof the soldiers, in which the -oldiers nave mroie; this was received and held in abevance. Insurficnt ofiicers then said that Aguinaldo desired to end w r and send civit commission for con ferecce, and were informed that it would not Iks received. They will be sent beyond lines tomorrow. The whole affair believed to be a ruso to obtain some acknowledgment by UrdtPo ?.t?,tf" autr-.or!t!c"J. All "cldlpra 6earch of the 15. cv M. yards was li st made by OfTh'ers Sinter and Fi'.p-tl-rieii and Deputy Sheriff McUride, without success. They wore nrter ward located in the Miouri l'aciiie yards, as above stated. A Iii-wt mc-tlve I ir- Several thousand ie.ishels cf com 1 and a targe quantity of h iy. togoth -r with outtuiildings. were destroyed by fire Mo.idiiy evening on the farm of August Glaubit, three find a half miles west of ' eping Water. The owner rented the farm and the hoe.se was unoccupied rt is estim.-ted that the Uiss will ainotiut to nearly !?1,"0. lti 'l"l-rrn I-t I-'iifn. The natives of Tit via d Fa-pi have no sovei nmeiit, rhief. iUoa- iiy or law. Their country is a biuhcn tudss of wild rocks, lofty hill? and u-..hr.- f-jr--ta. The habitable land is iw!..ncl to th ttor.es on the beach ; in .t-uivh ef :V...i they ate compelled to var.-er nnc.-.is-ingly from spot to spot, ar.it so Fteep is the coast that they can only move about in their wretched eani.es. Ilveit a plie of cloth given to one is torn into shreds and disti iiutt u. aud .-o no one individual becomes richer than another. This perfect ecputlHy a mors the individuals composing the Fifgian tribe must for a Ions; time retord. their civilization. s at vin' If.s I-i. W. -lMtt rOCe'.Vc! tt lell- 1 totally from his s;ja. C i i il', who St. Louis. CI. IT says he is er-j r.ls visit v. i-v nuieii and that !' ' te'i in vi'ed lo attt mi the Wed.lir.g 1 loe Hardeman, a v. 1 . iag s'i!es;t:an, v iu e-T-s riatts:v...'itii. r.d. r.i slonnliv vsi i his ft : i 1; llOVV ti T!l'i lIi.V. dc r was in t )u.al.:i la." rcturnrd to 1 in Henry : S. II. At wood lii is afternoon. Mrs. C'i-.rlos 1-: els was a v afternoon iu Omaha. I) dnitv Sherill MclSride d 1. 1 Avoia lh;s uiortiitig. I'.ert K-icer of ( i ten wood. I 1., was a visitor in ine v.-it.y today. Hv"d it: ' or that In -iilif '. !-ir a mod' ktioviiig that , :"-.' r si wen: ; -.st bait raaiu -i to the hii. difiil ; 1-lt tact SU-'-e iadiaTdtutiy i.-f'ts. :! his oii'.-r. ha' r.-up-tr was so imp re.-sell villi lu r hea.ity that he- wouhl tint he t-otitent with a iefits.il. lie :u-.'.ie wi;!-. the ujothor. 1 1 rsi-. oi,-a, hi r. and proml-ed a P' 1 -c that would raise the moi tgOi;o. and cii-ceavor'-d to show th.- dattj;l'.tcr tlia' there n( I he no s i,; of her niaid- t lily ;i".! .-:v. 1!,- tol-i ler that h:r mot I or .-'u!-i co with .or and ho with her all the 1 iter she was posluir.FinaUy she yuhh.d. At Coi'd'cr's l.raut if'tl home in a Jose, r-,1.. ilittittg the foi- 1 .-,,.. ,-.....tt,.. c'.i tl-.iV ido JUWiUo I...I1 " I"'".- .!.-- j model, and f.;:a;-h -l the iiiseitatioa tor this great r'ctare. Vt'h.' ti the pic ture was conipleted l...-ih mother and dau'hter returned to Ksi.-.is fity, nh- : daughter w.s saoti married. an. 'U : it.t I.sUc Ahi. Ileniy Aid. Marv Cl.i ist'cii 1 An'. l"hn Aid. Maiv . , , !.,. ,. 11 tu'ii - an i . id: tors ol '1 I i'oteiia Whi'ihelnienia Ahi.de .. . i .1 1 ., 1 s ins lnteresiea 111 s...ni Leo i v n'utieed that 'U the -'dh day . 1. l-'.' i. f .itha: ine Aid r.led a l-t-li- 11 - e:! i o .it. a .ei'ir.ir. aiuonu ottier til mfis. o! n Ai 1 -hel 0:1 .! e lt'tii day ol August. v.-.e. 11-' a list v. ii! ntnl testament, ami r09- i.i.s : .1: i'. .111 1 1.1 .'ii'ti vmii: 11. - .. .j " .'. ...,. v.a., -jLo, , .d 11. - t nt li ..KKI and that the 1 he art'.St t ,ili,.v,- :.:;! eenc.t-.tt'' ;d'. the persons interested in the estate 1 I said iln'iiv.-nJ. and prayinc lor 0, in. ',.,1,. ,, -.-ed v. and lor aunenistration r.i si.-'d ,.t.ite. Ai 'i aic I eic-hy notified that if ve.it fit. aj-feai leh-ie s.ed 1 ourt 011 the 1st ti day ot I'rtoiei. I-.':', at 1" n'clcck a. m.. to c .ne st the in .Hate et said wid.the Court way .-co. and l'lebfte s,dd udl anderant adm inisti a- e.:,:i ot sa'-.t e.-t.ite to I i n 11. hcCH'-r and latle 11 .m.. tit !..m -i .iaide lierson or iter- ... t - :::.i! 110-eed t a s:lt lea er. t of said VY tnes- m.v hati 1 an ! the seal of paid cot.rt at I iat-.si.i.i'.'.'ih. Whraska. this -''!h day ol Sep- t-a.; -jt, A. 1, l -'.'.'. ( d IHiill- M. ?l t RI OCK, (sea!) 1 'onnty Jiulge. I- .1 - t j: ;.'" i : . .11 on S, 1 s.i-.i. is City, wrote j er n a worn- ' ,'. 1 . who akoi"!'' for a pel feet t or; per v.-a h a modd. to Kansas t ity. He ;ti an iatroduct ion to 1. ar.-l v.iili all p )s.d 1 d his ptivpo-e. ohe. i5 ft R- I dor 1 ve low 11 C.ood for Ituldier Mt-ii. The present witf.i- pinr-ii.- a rcc.ii tl -hrealvr-r in ;o he ret to tiie rub ber footwear tr.toe. T 1 : 1 1 .-..-storms we h.ve had came so the ieason as to char the .-is dealers and matiVifa-tttri r.-; 10 : seldom known .in the j ast, in.- f'T a. Ion a! '.y in of --rt o '-.g a a o il y.-ar v , a Dissolution Nott e Notice is hereby giveu that the tirta heretofore doing business under tho name of Pat tot son & Kunmann has this da'v dissolved tv mutual consent. S.VMl'KK I'ATTERSON C.Xltr. Kl'NsMAW. Oct. " 1.09 Notice. To the members of tho United Vu tual Hail Insurance association : Mem bers of the above association are re quested to meet in I'lattsmouth on S iturdav. Oc. T, at the court house at 1p.m. J- P. FALTia:, Will r5tcn.ni?ox, Alheut PArri:. Committee. To the i'ablir. I wish to announce that I have se cured the services of C. K. Shumway,a first-class tinner, and am now pre pared to do all kii ds of tin work in h satisfactory manner. JOHV P., COX, Luke YYt'es is enjoying a visit with relatives and friends in MU-onri. J . W. F. . inunds. the Mm r iy lumluv rcerehant, wa transaeting bu-incs- in ttie city today. n-.-v. A. M. Colareni ol 1 "mulri was in Ilea eity today, the truest of Uov. Father Carney. George Cluihl came tiowu from Lir. coln last evening 'o att and the Fis -jr-Su livan wetldmg. Kev. A. Sieoth is moving his family o. 1 !.ii.ohi.!:l eflVets into the old Methr-.l it parsonage today. Crl iucdver hdt this afternoon for Lim oln, where he will enter the state university for t lie winter tern. Mrs. ,1 scph D.-oege gtive :i very en j .yat le snt p'-r ta a sota.. ty of G. rman lanies at her home on Third street this afternoon Miss Fit; a Love of Fremont is ex pected to uriivt this evening for a few days' visit with the Wcbc its at l'Sunnyside.'; Miss Grace Britt came down Lorn Omaha last evening; to attend the Kistet-Sulli vm weading. She re turned heme this morning. Mr. and Mrs George F. llousewonh returned last evening from llivelock where they had been to attend the fu neral of the former's filter, Mrs. Frank Crar.raer. M. Hiatt departed this afternoon for F.isincr City, ICeb , having been called crop of supple-men rary will make the produetlon f. prohahly the largest ever Ut only will it he mir.re-s.--.irr fev tear.u fact'urcis to reduce prit-s in 1 :,!:; to dispose of their production, tut all (lasses of dealers have plotted, and ate likely to profit farther by the fact that the stringency of the wea'hi v ha.? made buyers cf ruhbc-is wiliintj hi pay standard price it!ioat hesitati' a. Seld til ll'l'S 1 '"tl law. A Iioyal stuff. "Wi bias hei-ti c :iai;l,t in the ouse. near C.ool"t, Scotland. Its capture has rn'.sed -n intri-t rjue.a tlon. As the law i,.. stands ,ii large fish such as wlntU-ii, sittri;' oti and for merly porpoises if oa anti c i w iiliiu t tie tiitee m.tes limit 01 ine const are royal fish and are 'claimed by the coiistgi'.ard or lue cnsVeris on behalf of 1 lie crown. In the ew tit of the sturgeon Indus n partienhivly fine see. intrn, If io fo.-w.rded to th; quoen. 'I'lie law in Seotland in i--o-.nl to whales is the same :t.s in Fa :;-,-.-!. .rid in a contested casu in th" t-V;';id: courts th law wps nid d -vr by Lord Erpkine that -wh-ilts when hn-e- -long to the s.iv.'i', iui, wh.-r. sm.ili to the cantor." Oysters-- Are Now In se:i-on. 00000 The day of the Oyster Stew i; once more nt hand and I'iatt-mouth p.ople kr.oxv whor" to get the best on tee marUot, and that is at. .. John SchiopDacasse's, 41 4? 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 i 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 ..Printing Leonard Block. He also stock of i rries a d esii . . . . mplote 1-rnits and Candies, Cigurs mtd Tobncco. Tiif Xkws has the best Book ami Job Print ing oflico in Cass county and can handle any kind of a job of printing on short notice. We make a specialty of Law Briefs aud other Book work. For Sale Bills and all kinds of Poster work, we have the proper type and oilier material. Letter heads, Note heads, Bill heads, State ments, Kuvelopcs, and all kinds of Commercial Printing in the Latest Style. The News Printery X. 305 Main Street Cl.ATTSMOf Tl I 1 y u i 0 i l fc IP l IP J IP tP IP IP IP bP IP hP iP IP IP IP hP IP IP IP IP hP IP IP o IP IP IP IP IP IP ip IP hP IP IP z :i . e ;:; -,1 v ti & ijr -5 Jt it I -3 O 6 5.- CC 3 - 3 6 6 NOW FOR uckweiler S Lutz Continue to do a leading business in Fancy and Staple Groceries. Because they carry an immense 'stock, buy for cash and sell at low prices. Everything good to eat of Best Quality. Call and try us. Corner of Sixth and Pearl Streets. Plattsmoutb. Neb F.r mot bid cntiditi.'rd tahe inn's Pills. I eey h- oO REWARD. of Wsvvill ray the above nsvvar.1 fur itv c Lhct' c .iui pi ait, Liyr-iiepsm. Sick IK-adai. i.e. IndiRCStion. Oenstipation or Cn-.tivur.'.' v. c can nut cure w ith Livcr ia. the L p-t 0-U.1t c l.ittic Liver fid, when the d.ioctious are str . t :V c,".c plicJ w ill. They are purely i;iti'i. :e, ar 1 never lad to clve satijlactiuti "V bucs conta 11 10ti pilis. lac Laxcs contain piiis, 5c boxes cm tain 1.". pills. Beware of substitutions mi l fn ttons.- Sent by mail. Stamps taken. Nl.KA iT.V MhUlCAl. CO.. cor. Clinton mid Jackson ?;s.. Clii a-jo li: Soi4 ry r. rricke a Co. A I c i i k SCHOOL ! W'c arc ro-u'iy, willing titul :!!. to s'tpply the wants of tin: scl.ool chiltlron on Shi""-. Tha lateit.not'iilar stylos, tiio bis wirlnp: in-, tori ul, tho pcCrtCt-littin-j l i-ii-os. We :ive a (VIOCKING BIRD FREE vyi'.li every piir of school shoe?. I Joseph lctxor, North SliJc .Majn Street. 6 t t t 4 4 4 4 f 4 4 4 4 4 A t FiRST- JATiONAL BANK OF l'l,TiMlil'TII, NKB. -'AID UP CAPITAL. - $50,000 OfTers the very best facilities lor the prompt transaction ol Legitimate Banking Business. STOCKS, bonds, gold. KOTerntnent and local securities Dought and sold. Deposits re ceived and Interest allowed on the certfl catet. Drafts drawn, available in any part of the U. S. and all the principle towns of Europe. Collections made and promptly remitted. HUhest market price paid or county warrants, state and county bonds. DIRECTORS: H. N. Dovey. D. Hawksworth S, Waugh F. E. White. G. E. Dafey. Geo. E. Davey. Pres., S. Waugh. Cashier. H.N. O'.vov. A?it. Ctiier. i 4 4 t 4 9 4 WHTE BREAST COAL YA LINCOLN AVK. AMI M KHLr; SIS., H. M. SOKNMCHSEN, .M;inr.?er. Lare Supply of all the BEST GI'vADES I hard COAL soft Including the Famous Missouri, Illinois, Jackson I J ill and Canon City Lump, Always on hand Als a quantity oi cheaper Grade ol NUT CO A L. We also keep on hand ad kinds of Wood. All or ders promptly delivered. Leave orders at grocery store oi A. H. Wcckbach & Co. . 4 5- 4 t 4 5- 4 9 4 i- 9 4 9 4