Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, October 06, 1899, Image 1

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Alt-x ScMei-el state e apifal
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Establstied Nov.S. Ih91. ..... l.rnnnlint.rl T.. i iwok
TMK IlKliALU, rBtaOlihliert April 10,
I. 1WC (
VOL. VIII. NO. 91.
Presldent McK'nley Orders Ar
ot er Fleet to Reinforce
(Asiatic Squadron.
After Talking With Admiral Dewey
the Executive Takes Ener
getic Measures.
ashinoton. Out 4. Tbe presi
Uenl lu.i .y directed the immediate
dispatch to tne Philippines of a num
ber uf ve:-ei9 of the navy, including
the cru'ser liiookl n and iiio gunboats
Miariftl.i and Machias. The action Is
tDe result of Admiral Dc-wey'o inter-
vi.-w which he went over the
Philippine wllUilion with the prebi
ihe vufseis ordered are in line with
the president's det rmiuatitn to fur
nish iho army and navy uvo y resource
Vor otiirap ii' out the insurrection at
the Ufii'iient, possible date.
At Adiima. Uowoy's extended inter
view with th'i president tlie foi mer
went into the Philippine situation ni length, oxp. tuning the ex.ict
rontlition iiud his viewn of theouliook,
concluding with an earnest rec m
uiendation that the Brooklyn and some
ether vessels ho Soul at ooce to the
Philippines. '1 U is reinforcement of
the present licet of the Asiatic squad
ron ho urged as necessary and said
t hoir dispatch should bo directed as
early a puuitle.
The president immediately com
inuiiicaitd with the navy department
and instructed the secretary of the
navy to is?ue an order cariyingout
the admiral'- rocommendatiou and to
fcu ti nt i tic 3" e got la loadinessat
Toe Mariett a and Machias, besides
tsi, Uio KiV'u, will bo designated by
tut navy department, aloug with 8cV other v. saois wmotl have not, yei
i. .n aeiected . ilu iliooklyu is now
wiib the oihcr ves-eis of the North At
lantic nqu otl Touipkinsvil.e,
SLiIim is . i I'd.
Tiie Machias and Marietta are at
p tuiil luu at the wbaivosiu this
i:uv on waiting o: dei s, having been
brought hero to participate in this
wick's celebration in honor of Ad
mirai Dewey. 1 heso reiniorcemeuts
wlil add considerable strength to the
A-iatic cqti itlrou aud the administra
tion believes their presence will have
a materia ctTeoi in expediting the
ending i f liosuulios.
OtM ripil -a of ihe VcMHttls,
The lr.okiyn is t.a a mod cruiser of
the firsi rating, carrying twenty main
battery guns aud Having a total dia
placemenl of 9,21-5 tons, and is so well
thought of b; Hear Admiral Schiey
thai tr. desired that it bo assigned as
hi flasmp iu the South Atlantic
-qu loron.
Tne Marietta i a com posite gunboat
of l.OwU tons displacement and with a
mam o .ttory equipment of six guns.
The Machias has a displacement of
1,177 tons and carries a b..ttery of
eight guns. Thtrir commanders are
ah veterans of long experience in ih.
eerv.c .
The nrookly n io commanded by Cap
taui 1 1 1 cut tore P. Jewell, who has seen
fourteen y aiB of so set vice and much
more thau that on shore stations; the ny Lieutenant Commander
Leavui C. Logan, with fifteeu years
cf Ms vies at so . aiid tiie Mai ietla by
Lieutenant Commander Edward II
tllieen, whoso record shows seventeen
years . tea service.
The Urooklyu's formidable equip
ment will make it f invaluable ser
vice, while the M triotia and tbe
Mchms are expected to be ol much
usefulness in the numerous shallow
waters about the :trehipolajo where
larger craft cannot go.
It is not known how soon these vea
eels can bo made ready, but their or
ders are to get awiiy as early as pos
"Vi?1o atiU uo delay is anticipated.
Tneir commanders will report to lbs
depart mont when tht-y are ready to
proceed rud on arriving at Manila
wilt report without delay to the ad-1
miral commanding the Asiatic squad
ron for Orders.
luonrgruts K'-Orcnpy furac.
Manmla, Oct. 4. Several hundred
insui gents Lave reoccupied Poi ne,
whica wa captured by General Mao
Arthur on September 28 and evacuated
by toe Americans ou the following
Tbe in-urgent fo'ces aro also r -ported toward Mexico, eoutb-ea-t
of A 'igelep.
The object ol the double movement
is. apparently, to act behind the
American garrison on both sides of
th-j M inil i-U .g upan railwiy.
lieconnaiss ince from Mex co by the
rout-in c-Viilij, toward Santa Ana,
r.orthc-tst of Mexico, and towrd A'ft
vh?, due i.uriu ot Siou Ana, developed
tho fac. the insurgents are in
j os-cssion ai bjth u.not-. An Ameri
can private ris killed in the tkirn-Uh
at S i'it i A :a.
The A ray parly learned that
Sjou ao KJw.trd- of the '1 wenty-fth
infantry, who are missing, are prison
ers at M igalaye.
Thein-u gents yesterday made two
attacks on Calamba, in which the
c6rS:iiacdi n tlicer reporis -ixty Fili
pino? were killed and many wounded.
Two comoonies of the Twenty-first
ir-firacni lepelitd oath attaca, toting
outpost near GuagUa, killing' two pri
vates. The other two ecped.
While four Bailors of the cruiser
Baltimore were entering the Ba
coor river In a boat yesterday after
the fight they received a volley,
'wounding three. The volley came
from U.ited Siai69 so;diers. who, bav-
ing received orders to prevent the
passage of boats, fired by mistake on
the Baltimore's men.
Rear AJmiral Watson announces
the arrival of the United States gun
boat UVdaneta, which was captured
and beached by the inou goats near
Orani, on the O ani river, where it
b.d been block di g. Tbe expedition
was entirely successful, tbe Ameri
cans .-urteriog no c sualties.
Orla K.purii cogiif mnta.
Washington, Oct. 4. General ot s
has cabled the wa department the
following account of the reo -ut sha p
engagements with the insu gents:
"MaxIL, Oct. 4 Captain Poore,
Sixth infantry. Hacked an Intrenched
robber band in western Negios, Octo
ber 1. Lieutenant Grubbs, Sixth In
fantry kilted; Dr. Shiilock and three
enlisted men siightly wounded;twenty
of the enemy Killed, including two
leading robbetwei ve rifles and .arge
supply of ammunition and stores cap
tured. Poore's action highly com
mended. "Insurgents west of Bacoor and
Imus,Luzon, attacked line of communi
cation. Captain Eld rede, Fourteenth
infant' y, killed; Lieutenant Burgess,
Fifth artillery, wounded; number of
enlisted men killed and wounded, ten
r 'welve; full report not yet received.
Enemy driven west and south with a
reported heavy loss.
"Yesterday enemy attacked Ca-
lamba, driven off some distance into
country. Our casualties, two enlisted
men killed, seven wounded. Sixty in
surgents kilied, number wounded un
known. In Fourth caval y reconn is-'
sa- ce yesterday from San Fernando In j
direction of Santa Ana and Arayatono
man was killed; no other casualties;
iniurgents driven with considerable
"Advarced picket post, three men,
nut from Sin Antonia and Sint Rita
west Sac Fernando wax killed yester
day by B'lo men; result of c ireless
ness or overcontitlence in natives
A Iatr m?9sasre f om General Oti-
States that C-pttin El lredge died of
his wounds on evening of October 2.
Kld a Train Carrying Five Hundred
Thoaaand Pounds to tbe Cape.
LONDON, Oct. 4. The mo9t sensa
tional news from South Africa this
morning is a reiteration of yesterday's
report of the acquisition by the Trans
vaal authorities of 500.000 in gold,
which was on the way to Capetown
from Johannesburg. The confirmation
of the story comes from two sourcos.
The Cnpe Argus asserts that tho
Boors made the seizure at Vereenl
geng, the amount being the week's
shipment of gold on the way from the
Rand to Capetown; tho treasure was
forwarded to Pretoria. The report is
also confirmed by a cablegram re
ceived today by a mining companv in
London from their representative,
which is to the effect that the train
upon which be was traveling from
Johannesburg to Capetown was held
unnd looted by Boers, who secured
300,000 in gold, the amount being
considerably less than the original
There is nothing very tan?ible in
today's war news, but the situation re
mains as strained s ever, unless hope
may be derived from tbe apparent fact
that the forces on the frontier are re
garded by both sides as wholly defen
sive for the present nnd from the
statement that Mr. J. H. Ho'meler,
the Afrikander leader in Cape Colony,
i- still prepared to endeavor to secure
the adhesion of the Transvaal govern
ment to the "irreducible minimum,"
proposed at the B mfonteln confer
ence to President Kruger, by Sir A'.-
fred Milner, the British high commis
sioner, if the Imperial governmen"
will utaod by the high commi-'sioner's
original proposal.
TrtE N'Kvrs i.rims tn n .
The "Plow Bv Pre cher," R-v. J.
Kirkman, Belle Rive, III , savs: "Af'er
-utfersng from bronchial or lung
trouble for ten years, I w is cured by
One Minute Cough Curd. It Is nil that
is claimed for it and more." It eure
oughs. colds, grip and all throat and
ung tr bbies. F. G Frieze & Co.
Ht m Chance.
In tne lunatic asylums of Belgium
there are securely locked boxes io
fetch every Inmate may deposit let
ters of complaint Three times a week
these letters are collected by outside
officials, who investigate every case,
and If a person asserts that he is not
Insane a prompt examination ensues
by medical experts.
aire to Baby's Hair Natural CurL
Young mothers may be glad to know
that a baby's hair may often be en
couraged to curl naturally If It Is
brushed upward and twisted round the
finger while it is wet. Bruxhlng down
ward rather encourages child's hair
to grow straight.
A. W. Atwood sells pure drugs and
the best patent medloiaes. 1
Landing Party fron) Quoboat La
gurja de Bay Find tbe Vil
lage Deserted.
The Hull of tbe Sunken Gunboat
Urdaneta Is Raised and
Towed to Manila.
Manila, Oct. 5.-5:10 p. m. The
expedition sent to the 0"anl river un
der the command of Captai-i Corn well
to recover the sunken gunboat Urdan
eta returned to Cavlte yesterday with
tho hull of the boat, after hombarding
Orani and landing a force. Captain
Corn well brought ono prisoner. Lieu
tenant Franklin of the army gunboat
Laguna de Bay guided the expedition.
There were no Casualties.
Ou Monday morning the expedition
entered tne river and anchored above
Orani near the Urdaneta, the inhabi
tants of the town simultaneously
ev cuatingit and carrying their be
longings with them. 'Ihe gunboats
bombarued Orani, the beaches and
the surrounding country for half an
hour, receiving a Mauzer volley in
The Urdaneta wa towed off the bar
about IS) o'clock this evening, the
opoiations of tb Americans being un
molested. The following morning the
bombardment was reopened to cover a
landing of 180 hluejaCKets and mat inea
about balf a mile above ihe town. Ou
entering Orani the Americans ex
perienced a slight rifle fire from the
Filipino trenohes. They found the
town untenanted.
Arcnblhop Discovers a Plot.
The archbishop of Manila notified
General Otis that there was a plot on
foot to burn tbe residences of the gov
ernor general and the archbishop, to
gether with several government
buildings and banks, but the plot
faiied to materialize, possibly be-
cau-e of a display of foce.
Reports regarding tho affair at
Paiauaque last night seems to have
been much exaggerated. The facts
aro that a 6mall band of insurgents,
following the bay ro d, pourod a vol
ley into the village and later another
into Las Pinos, with the result tht
two or three houres were burned. The
crackling of the bamboo caused it to
he reported that there had been much
The United Slates transport Warren
from San Fraucisco, with J, 00 re
... i .
c; uns, ms arrivcu.
The United Slates gunboat Wheel
ing from Vancouver, Mai eh 3, while
passing St. Vinoont, in northern Lu
zon, shot down a Filipino flag. Tbe
Filipinos fiiod a volley at tho Wheel
ing's men, who were sleeping on deck,
and the Wheeling bombarded tho
Aguinaldo, according to a report
bi ought to Manila today by a Domini
can friar fiotn tho north, has issued
orders to the Filipino soldiers in the
northern provinces to return to their
towns and to resume farming. This
story lacks cot fl mation, but the ru
mor may be In accordance with Ag
uinaldo's policy of keeping the coun
try as productive as poscit le by using
his men in alternate shifts on the I
farms or under arms.
nr,n su v.nnn. ru.
.,.. . - He has made many friends, but some
cinict, which are under the guns of A t .,ii, u kj
, , & i seemed to think that he had not re-
toe United Mates warships, aie sup C9,ved tbe proper degree of lntroduc
posed to be evacuated. It is aliened tion to the merry side of life. So sev
that the evacuation order calls upon ; eral of t)em, led by some of his next
tbe male Inhabitants to be orderly in ' floor neighbors Messrs. Roser. A die,
ca6e of the arrival of the American Levi, Clay and others Indicted him a
trooos and expresses the hooe that the missive as from a lady friend, asking
Americans will protec: te towns.
Mallory Liner Barnt-d.
NEW YORK. Oct. 5 The Mallory
line steamer Leon a was burned aud
sunk at her wharf in East river to
night. The cargo, consisting of to
bacco and 8,000 bales of cotton, and
valued at $50,000 to $300,000. is h total
loss. The loss to the boat is $5n,000.
At 3:30 this afternoon the Leona
c ime racing up East river to her p er,
where haste wa, made to debark the
. j . L
pa-sengers and open the batches. An
hour later an army of men were vainly
fl jhtlng a fire in the steamer's hold
Finally the ship w is -cuttled.
The cause ot the fire is a mystery.
The twit left Galveston on Wednes
day, September 27, and made her
eight days' run without special inci
dent, j
It was said by one of the passengers
v. a a S natcnes wero
oaneneu aown and upon questions be
ing put to Captain UMbor h said the
cause was the high tens From that
time the ship has gone at full speed
toward New Y -rk, sufelv reaching
heretodav. The passenger said that
on several occasions he had detected
Captain Wilbur denies that the sri
was on flro at sea and says that the j
fl st he knew of the fire was when ihe
hatches were lifted today after arriv
ing. Otis Hema Another riot
Manila, Oou 5. 6:2 p. m.Tbe
arci.b.shoo of M mla has m titled
General Otis that there was a plot on
foot to burn tl o residences of the gov
ernor general and tbe atchbish p, to
gether with several government build
ings aid banks, but the plot failed to
materialize, possibly because of a als
play of force.
The first reports of the affair at
Parana quo eeem to have been aucb
exaggerated. The fact are tht a
small band of insurgents, following
the bay road, poured a volley into the
village, later another into Las Pino?,
with the result that two or three
houses were burned. The cracking of
the bm boo caused it to be reported in
Manila that there had been much
The United States transport War
ren, from San Francisco with l,20o
recruits, has arrived.
The United States gunboat Wheel-
ing, irom Vancouver, March 8. via
Honolulu, while passing St. Vincent,
in northern Luzon, shot down a Fili
pino flag. The Filipino fired a volley
at the Wheeling's men, who were
s eeping on deck, and the Wheeling
bombarded the settlement.
marietta and Macula Cannot Go With
tbe Brooklyn to Manila.
Washington, Oct. 5- The navy
department was busily engaged today
in arranging to reinforce the fleet in
the Philippines, as suggested yester
day by Admiral Dawey in the course
of his conference with the president.
In going over tbe field of available
snips it was found that the plan con
ceived last evening of sending the
Marietta and tho Machias with tho
Brooklyn would have to be modified so
as to drop the two gunboats.
By noon tbe department had com
pleted its progrnm and was in position
to send sailing orders to the 6bpa
choson to go io Manila. The New Or
leans was telegraphed to proceed at
once to the New York navy yard to
have some changes made in the g lley
Hpparatus. This change can be made
in six d ya, when the ship willstirt
on Its voyage. The Brooklyn will bo
turned back from Hampton Roads as
soon as it comes within signaling dis
tance and sent to New York, whence
it sailed this morning before the de
partment could reach It with orders
It will be ready to sail by the end of
next week.
A cablegram was sent to tho Nash
ville at S n Domingo to proceed at
once to Manila via Suez, and it is ex
pected to get off within twenty-four
hours. Orders wero also telegraphed
to tho Badger at Mare islaod to pro
ceed to the Philippines as soon as pos
sible. No orders have as yet been
sent to tho Bancroft at Boston.
It was suggested at the n-vy depart
ment that three of the four vessels
now under orders for Madia, will pass
through bo Suez canal and so will bo
availab'e to divert to South Africa
should matters there take shape re
quiring the presence of a United States
naval force.
Deafness Cannot be Cured
by local applications, as they cannot reach the
diseased portion ol the ear. There is only one
way to cure deafness.and that is by constitutional
remi-dies. Deafness is caused by an intiamed
condition oi the mucous lining of the Eustachian
Tube. When thistube ts inrlamed you have a
rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when
It is entirely closed dealness is the result, and
unless the incarnation can be taken out and this
tube restored to its normal condition, hearing
will be' destroyed forever: nine cases out of ton
are caused bv catarrh, which is nothing but an
inHamed condition of the mucous surfaces.
We w ill give one hundred dollars for any ca?e
oi deafness (c-used by catarrh) that cannot be
cured by Ull's Catarrh r-ure. :-end for circulars,
free F. J Cheney & Co.. Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists, "6c.
Hall's Family Fi Is are the best.
Making Him Acquainted.
Edward A. Cook has lived in
Henderson for several months past.
that he, compliment her with a basket
of fruit. In the generosity of his heart
Cook sent the fruit, which was appro
priated by the cruel Jokers. A tender
missive from the same jokers Induced
Cook to accept Roser as his escort to
the fair grounds last night. Arriving
there they entered the grounds, but It
was too dark for Cook, who began to
demur. About this time pistol shots
were fired all around and near by.
Roser fel1 f dead, while Cook made
baste to get away' After golng several
!QU"ea ln ,n,h's f Ste'C
on the field of battle. Cook caught a
,treet car anfJ came baok tQ thdty
The jokers soon Joined him and efforts
were made to imoresa him that Roser
had been seriously wounded, but Cook
had "caught on" ere this and thous?i
somewhat discomfited, took the whole
matter good-naturedly. Henderson
(Ky.) Journal.
A pnotograpmc Scope. having a
peculiar mirpose. is to be set up at
Helslngfo.-s by the Columbia Univer-
slty Observatory. The telescope is the
gift of Miss C. W. Diuce of New York.
It is intended to , phptograph. not
stars, but star trails. If a telescope.
having a photographic plate in its To
U8' 13 DOlnted a the stars and then
fixed in position, the stars will, in
consequence of their annarent motion
caused bv the
impress lines, or trails, upon the plate!
.ue leugiu oi tae unes depending upon
tne time ot exposure. It Is the. ti
trails that the new telescope Is intend
ed to photograph, tut only the stars
near the north pcle will e chosen.
The telescope will be po'uted z.t the
true pole of the earth's rotation, and
the star trail wili spear as circles, or
parts of circles. Then, by careful ex
amination of these star-made lines,
changes in the direction of the earth's
axis may be revealed.
For morbid condition take Beech
am'. Pills.
Story of a Slave.
To be bound hand and foot for
years by the chains of disease is the
worst form of slavery. George D.
Williams, of Manchester, Mich., tells
how such a slave was made free. He
says: "Mj- wife has been so helpless
for five years that sbo could not turn
over In bed alone. After using two
bottles of Electric Bitters, she is
wonderfully improved and able to do
her own work." Tnis supreme rem
edy for female disease quickly cures
nervousness, sleeplessness, raelan-
j cboly. headache, backache, fainting
and di7zy spells. 1 his miracle working
medicine is a godsend to weak, sickly, ,
run down peop e. Every bottle guar-1
antoed. Only 50 cents. Sold by F. G.
Fricko & C ., druggist.
Where tli Monks Showed Contempt for
.ItritUh Attacks.
Russia holds the strongest fortified
institution in the world, says the New
Vork Herald. It Is the monastery of
Solovetsk, aril if any military experts
iesire poin'. as to the best method of
protoctirnt'tal spots, they can do no
Jetfe- A : ay a visit to this abode of
Saonks w ike a few lessons In prac
tical defer ' 'irom the practical breth
ren who,,' there
Granite boulders
form ffc
chief protection. They are
a formidable circle com
posing the monastery. At
any I
3oHd wall could the at-
f Vi t- 'viy
ue z i
make an Impression.
make a line nearlr a
mile in ti oerence. it was during
a period t 7Vau war that the
trength oi i7 -C'Ctatlons was test
ed and prov'V'he walls and the
owers held ! .--ns, aud the men
ehind the gv.?" coew their business,
hich was to pour a fire Into the
3ritlsh White Sea squadron. The-
monastery, which cousists of six
hurches. held a valuable storo of pre
cious stones and statuary. The monks
did not remain Inside during the
shelling of their home, but coollyJ.
walked around the ledges of the gran
ite walls to show their indifference to
the TTo"Ck of the attacking forces. The
monastery Is a noted place, and It Is
estimated that the yearly number of
Dllgrlias visiting it amounts to 10,000.
Monks man the steamers which carry
these crowds of men and women anx
ious to see the fortifications and the
relics In the churches.
What Do the Children Drink?
Dcn't give them toa or coffeo. Have
you tried the new food drink called
Grali-0? It is delicious and nourish
ing aud tako- the olaco of coffoe. The
more Grcin O you'give tho hildren
' he more health you distribute through
tiiwir rr-U3ius. Grain-O is made of
puro grains, and when properly pre
pared tastes like the choice grades f
coffee but costs about one-fourth as
much. All gfoeers sell It. 15c and 2rc
Costly Stables.
The German emperor's new stables
are to cost about $2,000,000, and will
accommodate 270 horses and 300 vehi
cles. There will also be lodging room
for fifty married grooms an.1 coach
men and their families, and for eighty
single hollers and other servants.
Nature's Danger Signal.
Mildew Is one of the danr signals
that nature hangs out. Whenever and
wherever It is visible, be on your
guard. It means calamity to all or
ganic llfo. The only remedy Is un
limited fresh air and sunshine.
Volcanic Eruptions
Are grand, but skin eruptions rob life
of joy. Bucklen's Arnica Salve cures
them; also old, running and fever
sores, ulcers, bolls, felons, corns, warts,
cuts, bruises, burns, scalds, chapped
hands, chilblains. Best Pile Cure on
earth. Drives out pains and aches.
Only 25 cents a box. Cure guaranteed.
Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co., druggists.
KaUer Totvrt Fall.
When the German emperor was at
echoo! at Sa3sel. he and his brother.
Prince Henrv, lodgrd in au old castle
near by, but in the school the two
boys were treated exactly like any other
youngsters. On one occasion, it Is
related, a master, knowing that Prince
William was backward In Greek, and
wishing to curry favor with him, told
him secretly what the subject of the
next day's examination would be. Sarly
the next morning the prince went into
he classroom and wrote the informa
tion on the blackboard in huge letters,
not wishing to have any unfair advan
tage over his schoolfellows.
fl Tailor
Suit lor
. . . . (DL
The only way to got a Suit
of clothes that will Gi you prop
erty is to have it made hya com
petent Tailor. We will make
you a suit that we will guarantee
to fit. from good eloth, nice fin
ish and up-to-dato throughout,
for $20. There is no use of send
ing away from homo or wearing
ready-made clothes when you
can get a suit at such a bargain.
j Wo solicit a share of J
your patronage i
Hudecek & McElroy
The Mew Tailors,
Kockwood block, Plttsmoutb
A Stradlvarius Sold for a Dollar.
Apropos of fiddles, here Is a good
story. While on a visit to the exhibi-
Uon in Paris In 1S67 a wealthy
Krancisco raerenant purenased a stra i ,,,, . . , -----
dlvarius for some $1,500, and on ,ll3l The chlluren may drink it without In
death the treasure was left to his sou 1 lurT 83 wel1 a tbiuH. All who try
The latter has just died, and in ae-' il- like il- Grain-O has that rich teal
cordance with the provisions of his will brown of Mocna or Java, but It is made
the precious possession was sent to an from puro grains, and the most deli
auction sale. After examination by ex- catc stt mach receives it without dis
perts In the auctioneer's establishment tre. Ono-rnrth rhn r,r of r
It wa3 knocked down for a dollar! It
was simply a German made fiddle of)
the poorest quality. The most amus
ing thing is that the two possessors ot
It, both father and son, considered it
miK-h too precious to be played on.
Bismarck's Iron Nerve
lhe result of his splendid health.
Indomitable will and tremendous en
orgy are not found whero stomach,
liver, kidneys and bowels aro out of
orde.-. If you want theso qualities
j and the success they bring, use Dr.
King's New Life Pills. They develop
every p nvot of brain and body. Only
2fc at F. G. Fricke & Co.'s drug storo.
Jj. l. Egeche.rger has just received
100 dozen children's bicycle hose
which will go at 17? oenU a pair reg
ular 25-cent goods.
B. O. Had ley, tho carpenter and
builder, will do all kinds of carpenter
work at tight 'prices. Small jobs
promptly attended to.
..Xopnltii JPi-ioo-Ja
We have just received an elegant stock of FALL
..Lry Goods..
to which wo wish to call tho attention of those who are in need of
Good Goods at Low Prices. An extra large stock of. . . .
Ladies' and Children's Underwear.
One hundred do?en pairs of Children's Bicycle Hoe. will be
eold at 17ic. These aro regular 25c ho?o.
"Everything In Plain and Fancy Groceries.
..the irxivii:r.
Ice Cream
Chocolate and Vanilla
Beat the World
Goring fe Co.,
; - 7-i .. i - ; V
Is specially- suited to some home use either outside or inside.
It's knowing the right kind of paint, and putting it on the right
place that makes painting a success. Tell us what you want to paint,
and we'll tell you the right kind to use.
For eale in Plattmiuth by
F. G. FRICKE & CO., Druggists.
Try eraln-oi Try erala-oi
Ask your Grocer today to shovr you
a package of Grain-O, the new food
SardrIflk tRl tke9 thfl D,flce . -e
15c and 25c per package. Sold by all
Consutuptlou in Oertuaiiy.
Germany, with an approximate pop
ulation of 62,279,901, has at present
over 1,300,000 sufferers from consump
tion, and, according to Prof. Leydens
estimates, 170,000 lie annually from
the diaease.
The Queen's Sportac-lex.
The queen now wears a pair of
epcctacles with black rims when driv
ing, and a similar pair, with entirely
different glasses, are used by l:i
majesty for reading or writing.
Nice Clean ice.
F. S. White is now ready to deliver
ice to his customers in any quanti
ties desired. The ice is the Mnestever
harvestel. Telephones Piatt praouth
20tt, Nebraska 71.
Dr W. C. Dean, dentist, 4 '"!, 410,
MeCague building, northwest corner
of Fifteenth and Docile strcet.OmHba.
And for everything under the sun.
Every home has need of paint.
Each kind of