Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, September 29, 1899, Image 3

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The Time Is Largely Taken Up In
ll. Mount thi I'lMlfitrni Mini llv-
ill- fritlitiful Mort) Ailvlrr '1 Iihu Thrj
f to itrir N. Nomination Wrm
Mud I'nrll Lute at NIht-!?ote of
th Fray.
I'rnrn WcdnoHOav'i Iallv
Tho democrntii: ' unity cnnrnntlnn In White' Iwtll in this city
at L':.':o thin aftornoi, with d reprc
eitnlation of i!! (lelejjfites.
I lio B. - M. bund rendered a few
Ft-u e. iotis on the street to pather n
crowd ntiul hIho in tlm hall, to the de
light of i ho iartrc ninvil.
rYunk .1. Morgan ealleil the r-onvon-t
ion to order and P. K. roen, socro
t:iry of the eounty eontral committee,
read tin! rail. Ir. K U. Wallace wu
pUceil in nomination for temporary
chairman and Fred Gorder of Weep
ing Water a- tumporp.ry secretary.
('hai lo Crime moved that tho com
muteo on credentials ho dispensed
with, an iheid was no contest, and
that each dcliTjatii.n ho entitled to its
in-credited number of delegate".
On motion of John A. Gutsche, tho
temporary oruntatlon win made
poi inancnt.
A committoo of throe wim selected
lo cunlcr with a like committee of tho
populist convention.
P. .1. Mor';in, (ico jr I.ostor and
Mr. O.dham were appointed a com
mitUo of tnroe to po to tho Ilotc
Ititi-v Mnd ii.vit- Silas Holcomb to nd-
ilresrt tho convention.
While tho committee was out on its
mission, II. II, Ceriinj made a motion
which prevailed, that each delegation
select itn chairman anu contialcom
miitoem.n and that each precinci
nominalo a candid.. te for ju-tice of tho
II. 1. Travis, Mr. Stone of Ne
hawUa and l-'red Kaco of Wet-ping
Water wore appointed a committee of
threo to notify the populists of Mr
Iloleoinb's arrival at the democratic
convention and to invito them to at
tend tho speech.
Dr. ITiiaato of VVocping Vator was
well plt-a.sed with the II. it M. band
and made a motion which prevailed
that the band play while tho commit
too was notifxinir tho populists of Hol
comb's spoech.
Chairman Wallace then introduced
Mr. II .lco.nb, tho fusion nominee for
supremo jnnge, who startou out by
baying that he was p. eased to observe
that there were no ladies in the audi
ence It ws.1 expected he was going
to do something awful, which would
not oo fit for women to witness but he
explained this by saying that be
wanted to talk to voters and not
worn- n.
IIo s ori'd i ho republican federation
of newspapers fo attempting to create
discord in the fusion rnlcs. He urged
co-operation in tno fusion forces as the
only proper thing in Nebraska. Re
puolieans were accused of attempting
to stuff tho ballot box in 1S!S and Mr.
Ilolcqmb ota'ed he thought they were
arranging to do worse. He repeatedly
stated thai he did not want to impede
the progress of the convention, but he
kept on talking, just tho same. But
the faithful cheered him lustilj- ever
time be gave the republican party a
elan which was very frequently.
Tbo farmers wero urged not to re
main in thei'- cornfields next election
dav as thev did last which lost to the
fusioni.-ts their t'nited States senator
ITo thought it would be a good idea
to tax each man who did not exercise
his riiiht of sutl'ragc '! each time he
failcdto vote, unless ho had a good ex
cuse for not so doing. This, ho seemed
to think, would mean sure victory for
Kefeoivcd, ly tho democratic con
ventlon of Cunt eounty, Nenrnktt,lhni
th democratic party 01 the county
and etato ban, In tho tragic death ol
Henry Guy Living-ton, lost a partisan
whoso liuelity to principles and loyally
to friends is a monument more endur
ing and lasting thun ha(U of granite;
whoso taking off has removed from our
tnidnt and councils a pati ioltc A mer
lean and a pariir-an without offensive
That tho condolence of thl conven
tion be extended to his family, who,
we oope, may find in a tnoasure nt
least, ft consolation In the reflection
that his death was a tribute to patriot
ism anu the dedication or a life to his
On motion of Charles Crimes tho
county central committeo was em
powered to fill any vacancy that
might occur on the ticket.
II. R Goring placed in nomination
Dr. J. H. Livingston of the county cen
tral committeo and th nominations of
Democrats Get Down to Business
and Put Up a Ticket.
Th tight llciwcvn li aud lleroltl lor
Trrmo rr la V-ry lllttrr mod Kraulta
lo the Turning: Data of Both Jacob
Trltach Steps In and Carrie Off the
11 o pi.
From Thursday' Daily..
The democratic county convention.
after being interrupted tor a half hour
by the arrival of VV. J. Bryan at 6:27
last evening, proceeded to do some
more wrangling when the delegatoa
again entered tho hall. Tbocommit-
ice which had been conferring with
the nonullat committeo niado a renort
r. J. Morean. II. It. Gerlnc. James . u .. ...j ,u ? ..
- i tunt nio inner wnutcu iuu uintu? ui
Patterson, jr., and
C. W. HannlDg
Patterson and
Gering refused to allow their names
to be voted upon and tho convention
proceeded lo ballot upon Dr. Livings
ton .nd C. W. Banning. A vote by
precincts and wards gave the chair
m.-inship to Mr. Banning tho ballot
standing. Banning, ll.'J; Livingston, Oft
Tho dragging manner in which tho
convention proceeded caused tho dole
gates to become very restless and J
of ono to ascertain what had become
ireasuror and clerk. When this re
port was made fists began to shoot
into the air from all parts of the house
and dolega os mounted chairs and
mado loud speeches and tho whole
convent. on was in an uproar, Chair
man Wallace being helpless when it
came to quieting the infuriated mob.
1. D. Tr vis, in n thrilling speech.
told the delegates that Platteraoutn
was the democratic stronghold and
ho was entitled to recognition. He
Leyda. was appointed a committee ahj0 remloded lnem tnat tho populist-
were driven the treasurer and clerk the
o. too U,ernu-U commute, curing Ugl UmH and tb.a u wM nothjn,r bul
his absence Matthew Gering ws
caHed upon th platform and Holcomb
izod the delegates for a few moments.
The speech of Mr. Gering, however.
was not nearly so tiresome as was that
of Mr. Ilolcomb's. lie told thorn thai
thoy must stay by tho ticket and that
the ''little band of populist" should
not for any rea-on refuse to take the
medicine as mixed by the democrats.
A recess was then taken for the pur
pose of marching in a body to meet VV.
.f. Bryan, who was expected on tho 5:30
train. At that time the conference
committee had not ven unearthed
and from present indications the con
vention will Dot get down to business
until sometime In the nignt.
Mr. Holcomb dwelt at somo length
on the necessity of the fusionisis carry
ing X- braska this year on account of
tho t-lTect it wiil have on tho presiden
tial election in 1000. Of course he is
not particularly interested in the elec
Hon this fall only that he would liKe
to bo elected to the supremo bench
but he did not mention it in this con
After rehearsing all of the good
things tho fusionists have done in the
legislature end the b d laws enacted
by the republicans ho finally closed
without referring to tho house rent
Tho populisms not having appointed
their conference committee, upon mo
tion of F. J. Morgan the c -nventioo
took a fifteen minutes recess, during
which timo there was a hearty hand
shaking with Mr. Holcomb.
During the lime that the conference
committee was in consultation with
the popuiie-t committee F. J. Morgan
read resolutions paying tribute to the
late Guy Livingston, which were
unanimously adopted by the conven
tion, ana by a vote were ordered
printed in tho city papers, and a copv
furnished to deceased's family. The
resolution follow:
1 1 erf. A s Promptod by that norle
impulse of patriotism which was al
ways a prominent element of his char
acter, Henry Guy Livingston enlisted
as a privato in the army of the repub
lic as ft uefender of the republican
form ol government and as a living
opponent of oppression and all form of
tyranny, and,
Whereas, While in the perform
ance of a duiy and in obedience to a
6upe' ior command, he fell, a martyr
to the bullet of an alien enemy .nd
und-r tho burning rays of an O ie tal
sun, God's finger touched his eyelids
down and be slept, and.
Whereas. Since the attainment of
his majority until his enlistment ho
was always allied to the hopes and for
tunes of that political oreanlzntioo of
which this body is a representation,
and whil always a devoted and pa
triotic American, he whs a sincere and
valuable suDporterof those principles
annunciated by the democratic party;
therefore be it
I'opnllftt Convention.
Waterman's hall was half lil.ed with
representative populists when the
hour arrived for convening. There
wore many familiar faces present.
which, notwithstanding- the changed
conditions, made it look like an old
time populist convention .
The convention was called to order
by ,1 .lines P Rouse, and on motion of
Dave McCalg was elected temporary
chairman, and B. F. Allen was elected
temporary becretary. After reading
of call by the secretary a committee
on credentials, consisting of E. J.
Cooley, J. F. Parsoil ar A S. T. Eddy,
was appointed.
Before the committeo reported H.
D. Travis appeared a-a commiiteeof
one and ext. nded an invitation to the
convention to go to the democratic
convention to hear ex Oovt-rnor H 1
comn, who w .8 about to expound ihe
'pure stuff" io the other hall. The
convention accepted the invitation
and abandoned the hall without own
asking the credentials committee to
go along.
WThen Si b-oke away the faithful re
turned to their hall and listened to
thetreport of the committee on cre
dentials, which found a large number
of precincts not represented, as follows:
Plattsmouth precinct, Plattsmouth,
Second ward; Weeninc "Water citv.
First, Second and Third wards; Eight
Mile Grove precinct, Mt. Pleasant pre
cinct, tenter precinct, lip ton pre
It was ordered that - any populist
present from these wards and pre
cincts represent them.
On motion of Jim Clark, a commit
toe of three, to confer with a like
committee of democrats, was ap
pointed, which consisted of W. It.
Davis, Jim Clark and L. James. The
democratic committee, with John A.
Gutecho at its head, was waiting and
the six men retired to apportion the
spoils. As this movement was purely
in the- interests of "reform," there tbo nianner in which to proceed with
was no opposition. While this com- the ballou F.J. Morgan made a mo
mitteo was out concocting a potion of.l tlon to take'an informal ballot, which
harmonv. tho committee nroeppdorl tr. caused Charles Grimes to storm tbe
elect the central convention wnn one ot bis famous
speeches to down the informal ballot.
convention Note. A vote by precincts defeated the prop-
The free silver republicans did not I osition.
right that tho democrats havo tho
troasuror this time. It was then de
cided to appoint a new conference
committee and tho following wero se-
leeted: Herman Bestor, George Towl
anu L C. Oiunam.
II. D. Travi- moved that the com
mittee bo instructed to inform the
populist committee that the democrats
wanted the offices of treasurer, bheriff
and count3T superintendent. This
proposition met with many loud
shrieks of "No!'' and threw the con
vention into an uproar. A vote on
Mr. Travis' motion to instruct tho
felegation a above, resulted in carry
ing the motion, the vote being lol for
anu o.-) against.
Mr. Trumble mado a motion to tako
a recess of ono hour, during which time
the democrats of tho Second commis
sioners' district should placo in nomi
nation a candidate for commissioner.
The motion prevailed.
Tho Second district democrats ef
fected an organ zuion and then ad
journed until a tcr the county ticket
was disposed of.
When the convention convened af
ter fupper Fred Kroehler, who would
rather hear B yan talk than to do al
most anything eise, made a motion to
adjourn until after that gentleman had
delivered his speech. And it carried.
After the speech was finished and
the convention again convened, the
conference committee reported tnat
thej had failed to make a satisfactory
division f the f-poi'8 wi h the popu
lists, but asked a few moments' time
in which to hear from the populists
after they had reconvened.
A committee of one from the popu
list convention then appeared and
stated that the populis s were willing
to give tho democrats everything ex
cept county clerk which proposit on
was accepted with cheers.
Upon motion of J. M. Leyda the
convention then proceeded to nomi
nate a county ticket.
With a neat little speech II. Ft. Ger
ing placed in nomination Oscar H
Allen for county judge and suggested
that the nomination and election be
made by acclamation. The former
was doi.e, but the latter well, wait
and see.
Jphn A. dutscne then placed in
nomination James II. Hcrold for
countv treasurer. F. J. Morgan mide
a lengthy speech and placed John C
Cummins In nomination, promptly
followed by H. D. Travis, who nomi
nated W. K. Fox. Following out the
old saying that the more the merrier
Jacob Triisch of Eight Mile Grove was
nominated. The chairman then asked
the pleasure of the convention as to
iNxter Smith of this city was nomi
nated by acclamation for survey or.
ChHrlen Grim. nominated John P
Sattler for coroner nnd tho same was
made by acclamation.
A committee was then appointed to
confer with the p pulist to get them
to endorno tho ticket nain -d by the
tlemocrats Tho populit cnventioi
ws only allowed to name one cilice
that of county clerk and J. D. Tutt
was the lucky man. Ilia nomination
was endorsed hv the democrats and
loudly cheered.
Tho midnight hour wa near at hand
and tho convention finally adjourned
after being in session about ten houts
Tho democrats and populists of the
Second district then wont in to conven
tion and nomin-itod .1. C. Cox of Avoea
precinci for commissioner.
M. Archer and W. B. Short wore
nominated for justices of tho peace
and Prod Kroehler nnd D. M. Jones
were the nominees for constable.
G'olonrI Itryan Talkn
From Thursday's Dully.
W. J. Bryan addressed a good sized
crowd on High sohool hill last even
ing, but owing to tho high wind and
dust which filled tho air it was bard
work to hear what tho colonel said.
However, enough was heard to learn
that It was or e of his charHCteristic
speeches lauding the Chiengo plat
form, giving the republican part3 ,
and admonishing tho fusionists to bo
loj'al to tho ticket. He said that the
campaign io Nebraska would ho waged
on national issues. There wero prob
able 1,200 or 1,500 people, including
tbo ladies, in attendance.
An llluntratnl AdlrmM
Mr. Churles X. Crewdson of the
Chicago university who foY the past
year has ocen correxponding secre
tary of the 6oeiet' of Egyptian re
search, and has, during his stay in
'gj'pf, demonstrated the powers of
tho art of color photography, has
been secured by tho Woman's club to
address the people of Plattsmouth on
Thursday evening, October 5, nt tho
Methodist church. Mr. Crewdson is a
thorough scholar and a very enter
taining speaker. Ho will uso illus
trations, introducing largo pictures
takon by himself upon his tour
throughout Egypt, in which every
color and shade in the scenery of that
famous land is reproduced. This will
bo a rare treat for Plattsmouth, as
Mr. Crewdson is touring only tho
larger cities of tho west, but Mops
hero upon solicitation of personal
friend. Students and especially
scholars of history will find this ad
dress interesting and instructive.
Admission 2-3 cents.
Probate Notice.
fn County ..'nirt. Cms county. Kcbrnskn.
lu the matter .! the cit.ite of ohn A hi,
Cathanue Alii. Jakir Aid. Hcniy AM. M.irv
Kngoosc. Christen Ahl. John O. AM. Mruv
A u Suvli-r, the unknown heir am ricditors of
Kate Snyder and r'otelm hilhcliiiL-nln Ahl. lr
ceased, and !l other pt-i son inU-icMu.l In Kitiit
nino -i, me licrcny notiticil that on the :'.th ila
! .'ltcuibei, IM'.i. Catharine AM tiled n pel
lion in said court, allrrmi;. miionir other iMnu
that lohn Ahl tlicii on the loth (Jav of Anoint
leaving a lat will nnd testament, uj pos
sessed ot real and personal estate In Ciu
county, isebralca. vaiuet at f l.uo an1 that th
Mov-narneti constitute ail the peMotjs interested
in the estate ot 5,11.1 deceased, and pr:ni;l
tti probate of ?aid will and lor arlrnlni'-trti't:.
of aid estate. ou are hereby notilied il
you fail tr appenr br-foio said court onthclMi
day ol iK-tober. at in o'clock a. in..
contest the prooate ol said will. Ihe eouit tny
allow atvi pioti.lte Paid m:i ho lt;i.iiit adtnitiKtia
tiou ol said estate lo
I. or soire rtl
Hid Jt()f-ed lo
J hn H. Heck.-r nnd Cat)
artne Ahl. or soire othei suitable Ix-wii or pn
a s-.-iticiiicnt ot mil
SVituess my hand an I the seal ol i(v mi.i
at I laltsinoiith, Nebraska, lias "Ji'tli day ot Sri
tenibcr. A. I. '.:.
iU oi.t.f Nt. Si t hi . K.
(Seal) County Jiul;-,-.
Hrst publii at ion Sept. 'V.. Iii;i.
Probate Notice.
In County Court. Cass County. Nchra-ka.
In the matter ot the estate ot M.ul.n Maliom
deceased .
John Mahoncv. Majrcio Mohan, lames Ma
honey, J homas Mahoney, Julia Klder, Anna
Meeker, .Mnclc Mahoney. JSeliie Mahoney. Nin;
Mahonev. Cornelius Mahonev. In hr Mnl'mwi-
Mary Mahoney. Grace Mahoney and Arthur
Manoney, and a:i other persons lntereste
111 saio luaiiei are nereuy noiinen mat on
the r.'th day ot bepiember.lMW.t icot tre W.Meeker
administrator of said estate, filed a petition in
saiu county court praynifr that his final adiniins
tratiou account liled herein be settled and al
lowed and that lie be discharged from his trust
as administrator, and that the residue of said es
tate ue assigned to such nursons as are bv law
entitled to the same, and that an order of conn
be made fixing a time for the hearing and lor ex
amination ol said tinal report of vour net it oner
ami ior 111c allowance ineicol.
TiiF.RKFunr, If you tail to appear before said
court on the 4th day of October, IMMt, at H o'clock
a. 111. and c-mtesl said petition, the court ninv
grant the prayer ol said netition. nnd make snrh
other and futiher allowances and decrees as to
Huh court may seem proper to the end tha all
matters pertaining to said estate mav be linallv
settled and determined.
s- Witness hkrkoi-'. 1 have hereunto set
niv hand and artixed the seal ol said court tlii
IL'th day ol September. A. 1.
OKOKK M . Sl l RI.O( K,
(Seal) Countv Indue.
l.yron Clark iV C. A. Kawls and C. S. l'olk. At
torneys ior Administrator.
I-'irst publication September 1'M.
show up. "Where are they at?"'
1 ho delegHtes were loud in their
praise of the Piattsmouth band. It is
a winner.
ssi. i Williams, tne stalwart re
publican from Glendale, was in the
city today to t-ee the fun at the demo-
pop convention.
Dr. W. 12. Hearing came down from
Lincoln thia morning to see the fun
at the convention. The doctor used
to be mixed up in Cns9 county politics
and knows eomething about how to
handle the wires.
S. A. Holcomb arrived on tho early
Burlington train and immediately
we'ht to the Hotel Riley and went to
bed in order that he would b "fresh"
in the afternoon. None of the faith
ful showed the courtesy of mne'ing
him at the depot and he wa allowed
to hunt a hotel alone.
The convention then proceeded with
a foi mal ba lot, which was as follows:
First Second Third Fourth Fifth
Ba. Hal.
ISal. Hal. Dal. Bal. Bal.
..72 Sit 71 C-l 6
...GO Tifi 78 W) P 7
...31 22 8
'.'.4 52 r.2. C7 tor
The wards of this city threw their
support to Mr. Tritsch when they saw
that Herold stood no show of captur
ing the nomination. The Knife was
used freely.
Mattht-w Gering then made a rous
ing speech, extolling the many virtues
of W. K. Fox and tehiog what a vote
getter he w s and a9 he had been de
feated io the nomination for treasurer
he thought it the duty of the conven
tion to give him th' nomination for
district clerk, asking' that it be made
unanimous. J. W. IWge of Wabash
and McDonald of Murdock were alto
nominated, Fred K oenler nominating
the latter and his vote was the only
There was no end to the scrapping at lone Mr McDonald received when the
the convention. There was even a I names were voted upon. Fox got 174
whole lot of pulling and hauiing as to! voes and Berge received 34. E. V.
where the democratic convention
should be held. It wa- at first located
Fitt then made a motion to mako Mr.
Fox's nomination unanimous which
in Waterman's hall, but the up town I prevailed.
-a!oon keepers made a strong kick on The rules f the convention were
this and finally changed to White's then suspended and W. D. Wheeler
hall. Fhil Thierolf of the "Casino" I was nominated for sher.tT by acclama-
ofTered to pay the rental on Water- tion. -.
man's hnll and give 810 beside. This W. C. Smith of Elm wood was the
was not accepted and then he refused unanimous choice for county superin
tendent. Mr. Smith made a short
speech to the convention in which he
promised to land the office in the
fusion column.
On motion of II. K. Gering A.
A Tnrktnh Hath At McVirker'K.
The tremendous success of "A Tur
kish Bath" at McVicker's Theater
continues to he the talk of theatrical
circles. It furnishes a run of such
prosperity nhas not boon known hero
since tho season of the world's fair
ear. Tunioht the second week opens,
and the way people continuo to buy in
advanco is a strong indication Mr.
Macoy can continue the run indefin
itely. He has said nothing about ex
tending tho booking of this funny
play at McVicker's theatre, but it
would be folly to cut into the middle
of such a run for the sake of an un
known quantity. The Sunday Inter-
Ocean, Chicago, Oct. 2, 1 SOS.
White's opera house one night only.
September f;0.
I'rohttte Notlc-r.
In Counlv Court. Cass countv. Nebr.1sk.-1.
In the matter of the estate ol Anna Mahoney.
John Mahoney, Maggie Mohan, lames Ma
oney. Thomas Mahonev. lulia l-'.lder. Anna
Meeker. Mai k Mahonev. Nellie Mahonev. Nina
Mahoney, Cornelius Mahoney, Julia Mahoney,
Maiy Mahoney. (jracc Mahoney and Arthni
Mahonev. and all other persons interested in
said matter are hereby notilied that on the 12th
davot September, George W. Meeker, ad
ministrator of said estate, tiled a petition In said
county com t. praying that li is final administra
tion account, tiled herein, be settled and allowed,
and that he be discharged from his tiustasad
ministrator, and that the residue of said estate
be assigned to such persons as nie by law en
titled to the same; that an order, of court be
made, hxing a time for the hearing and for ex
amination of said final report of your petitioner
and for the allowance thereof.
Therefore, if von fail to appear before said
court on the 4th day of October, I8l9, at VMM
o clock, a. m-, and contest said petition, the
court may ffiant the prayer ot said petition and
imike such othei and further allowances and de
crees as to tfiis court may seem propei to the
end that all matters peitaining to said estate
may be linally settled and delei mined.
In witness whereof I have hereunto Set my
hand and atlixed the seal of said court this r.'th
day of September. A. D. ISW.
GfORC.F M. Sl't.'RI.OCK.
(Seal) ".unty ludge.
liyron Clark. O. A . Kawls i,j o. S. folk, at
torneys for administrator,
First publication S.,.pt. 12. IMHi
I have tho largest stock of
Buggies, Carriages, Surreys,
Spring Wagons and Lumber
Wagons in the county. I have
twenty buggies on the floor
and no two alike. The prices
run from $40 up. If you want
a first-class vehicle, get a....
Cooper Buggy,.
There is no use of going to
Omaha, as I can sell just as
cheap as Omaha dealers.
Give me a trial and be convinced.
A . L . COX,
en m z 30 co tkfSSsui
Meeting ot 1'loueern
OMAHA, Sept. 23. Nebraska Torri
torial Pioneers, tako notice: Notice
is hereby givon that a mectinc of tho
Nebraska territorial pioneers will be
held in tho auditorium on the Groater
America exposition grounds, Omaha,
Neb., on Oct. 4 and 5, 1S09. This is a
special meeting on a special occasion
and for a special purpose, believing
thereby a greater enlistment of inter
est can be secured for the organiza
tion preparatory for the annual meet
ing to be held in Lincoln in January
next We ask and expect each mem
ber and his family will be present
Any person who became a resident of
Nebraska prior to March , 1S67, and
their children and grandchildren are
entitled to become members, fee $1
no dues. Old settlers who havo re
sided in eDraska liftecn years or
more aro also invited to bo present.
Please notify all your friends and
neighbors. Admission to auditorium
from Sixteenth street entrance. All
who attend this meeting will be ad
mitted to exposition grounds, ut re
duced rates. Reduced rates on all
ailroads. No charge for admission
to auditorium. Write the secretary
if you can be present.
Talks will be made by Hon. J. Ster
ling Morton, Dr. Geo. T- Millor, Or
lando TefTt, J. E. North tind others.
Ror.ERT W. Ft'RSAs, Brown ville.
Daniel If. Wheelek, Omaha, Act
ing Secretary.
Go to A. W. Atwoid for wall paper.
That Throbbing Headache
Would quickly leave you if you used
Dr. Kind's New Life Pills. Thousands
of 6ufferers have proved their match
less merit for sick and nervous head
aches. Thsy make pure blood and
strong nerves and build up your
health. Easy to take. Try them.
Only .2-5 cents. Money back if not
cured. Sold by F. G. Fricke t Co.
Incorporation Notlrp.
nnual report of ihe Ebinger Hard
ware Co. Sept. 1. IS9t. Net indebted
ness on that day $773.75.
W. W. Coates, President.
Fkei V. Euixger, Secretary.
Probate Notice.
In the County Court of Cas-: Countv, .Nebraska.
In the matter of the estate of I '. V. M at thews,
Amanda Plorum. Rose Tlmi nion. Ambi ,se
Matthews. W iliiam Matthews. Lnuia Jacks, l-'io
lUiss and all other person interested in said i
tate arc hereby untitled that ou the Mli dav oi
September, Ambiose Matthews, as eccutui
of the estate of l:. V. Matthews, deceased, tiled
a petition in s.asa county couit praying that hi:
linal administration account Hied herein be ret
tied and allowed, and that he be discharged from
his trust as executor, and that the residue of said
estate he assigned to such persons as are bv law
entitled to the same, that an order of court be
made lixinp a time for the hearini; and for ex
am. nation of said final report aud foi the allow
ance thereof.
Therefore, it you fail to appear before said
court on the 4lh day of October, lS'.l'. at eleven
o ciock a. in , and contest said petition, the
court niavtrant the nraver of said netition and
make such other and further allowances and de
crees as to this court may seem proper to the
end that all matters pertaining to said estate
may be linally settled nnd determined.
in witness wiiereol, 1 have hereunto set my
hand anil nfhvnl tlm cool rtf cnl.l mrt O.ic l-'fi
day of September, A. J. fO'.i.
George M. Srunt.orK.
SEAL County 'udjfe.
liyron Clark and C. A. Rawls. attorneys fores
First publication Sept. 12. s
O rr,
A New Discovery for the Certain Cure of INTERNAL and
JAMES F. BALLARD, Sole Proprietor, - - 310 North Main Street, ST. LOUIS, MO.
F. G. Fricke & Co. "
Oysters -
Aro Now 1 1 Season,
The day of the Oyster Stew
is once moroat hand and
l'lattemouth people know
where to ffet the best on
the market, aud that is at. ..
Leonard Block.
lie also c.irrios a c-n1.
stock or Fresh
Fruits and Candies,
Cigars and
10 rf oat
can liantlK- unv
Tin-; Nkws has the ln-st
oflice in Cass cfumtv am
1 a job of printing on short notice. Y niaki- a
specialty of Law Briefs and other I..ok work.
For Sale Bills and all kinds of Poster work,
we have the proper type and other material.
Letter heads. Note heads. Bill heads, State
ments, Knvelopes, and all kinds of Commercial
Printing in the Latest Style.
The News Printer y
No. 305 Main Street ILATTSMOUTII
Zuckwe er &
to giro aDjthlDg to defray the ex
pense. Democratic conventions are
always warm propositions and It takes
a heap of liquid refreshments to keep
the delegates In working- order.
Chester H. Brown, Ivalamazoo,Mieh. ,
says: "ivodol DyeDepeia Cure cured
me of a severe case of indigestion; can
strongly recommend it to all dyspep
tics." Digests what you eat without
aid from the stomach, and cures dys
pepsia. F. G. Fricke & Co.
jo sop a Gt5zer9
We aro ready, willing and
able to supply tho wants
of the srliool children on
Shoes. 'Yhi i.itor-l ; e;i ,Iar
styles, t:io best wearing
niHtcrial.tho pocko't-Cating
prices. We give a
Continueto doa Ieadingbusiness in Fancy
and Staple Groceries. Because they carry
an immense stock, buy for cash and sell at
low prices. Everything good to eat of Best
Quality. Call and try us.
Plattsmouth. Neb
Corner of Sixth and Pearl Streets.
with every pair of
North Side Main Street.
am'a Pill?.
is dispelled by Beech-
The News office is the beat equipped
job office in Cass county. First class
work done on short notice.
House Furnishings,
Our stock Is corcuieto In all Ili,,-s uml we
IrjTlte our friend to look !t over We will
pnde.-wnr to please you. Call and 9e u.
(Successors to Ilecry Roeck.
Reading Rooms and Dispensary,
Drew IJnllding, riattsmonth, Aeh,
Opea from 10"a. m. to 5 p. :. nnd 7 to 0 p.
n: erlce each Sundav
Send the News to your friend-
Al Yri
.11 ICKI.K f T .
II. . SOKN.MCHSDN, Manairi r.
r-.'ir-.j S-jj j;!y of nil the
Including ti.e V
Miiftiiuri, lliitici-.
J;n-kson Iliil anil
Canon City Lump.
Always an hand A!-; a quantity ol
Cheaper Grades of NUT t'UAI.. We a!sn
keep on hand all kinds ol Wood. All or
ders prompt!- delivered. Leave orders
at grocery sloie..) A. l. Ueckbach Si Co.