i)..,: lilNIK ... i ). .!' ..: I'nnmi .M MUM I I vn DIRECTORY J.I.UnriiH l B. Elsier ' Dentist I i.-.i'.m : n Fine Furniture UNDF.KTAKF.il and. . . . F.MHAI.M F.K -H'.i Main t. ( Mil' Yatorui;n block. Pile,.--. Work luir.mteod. The Semi-Veekly News-Herald f J BLISH C D ON TUCSDAYS AND FRIDAYS ... BY THE . . . NKW.S I'ULililSHING COMPANV, I K. MAKS1IA1.L, busincdH Manager. DAILY KDITION. One Year, in advance, . . . . Six Months One Week, Single Copies, 8EM1-WREKLT EDITION. One Year, in advance, . . . . IT 00 Six Months, 50 15 00 2 50 10 5 Snyder 8 Co J cvvelers LKADfNU ami . Optici ns 1,1 f -I till- 'in.- r Sixtll Hllil Si rii-ln, I'l.'ll Mlloot ll, N. I FIRST fictional Bank I Vltt-IIM .U: l-Ycneh Skirt Supporter I :nior, !!i el, I'l.AT I SMOI I II . . Bottling Works !'. ; ll.jenberger, 1 'i .rrui' i . M uii,!.i. I .i i el Tw i no; :il ami Soda VVj.ter-. P iti- lor IV.iY: ;m FlUlSi! .-.I.,! SALI' Meats . .V-i. . ( I i ni'i'i i.'.- an-1 1 "ruv i-ion - n I l.,iu M. Jones & McGovvan LIUTY J'i Ci STAB US. I 'nrtiiM' Main and Seventh St.. Phii Thierolf, P.mVi in i " i ; I'AI.L WalKiiio Hats.... Are now in. A Fine- display of Pattern Hats in a few il.iys. .li'S. Bennett . . Tutt, Lending (irocers. T-?-" LARGEST CIRCULATION Ol any Cass County Paper. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1809. 11. Rkksk, republican nominee for supremo judge, way at one time city clerk of Flattfeinouth. Mi: Pi: van will have a job on his hands when he vii.J. rtukes to barruon izo the Pl.tt-ii outh democrats. It si i:m Jitrange that two rock ribbed dera.wi .t- v.1.1 ullow a mall otlico like lh.it of treesurer brine about a breach of their social career. This is not on y ti no of t he candidates, hut of their friend-. Txin finance commtte-- appointed to rabo fund to pry W. J. Hryan for coming down lion on the 27th is working early a::d 1 to. The colonel is only worth about $100,000 and can not afford to talk for nothing. RKl'llvLlCANS over : he slate are greatly pleased with the nomina tion of M. n. It " f-T supreme judge. II itilicatio" iie.Hogs aro to bo held in Lincoln ; tui other points, flero is where Piui tr-ir.o-nh will fret in lino. Tin: thousands of employees of tho great Southern K;i iway nystem, who aro to b :,(iv . ..n el iho tea per cent which w.is e: t off from their wages during ttio lS'.- Cleveland calamity period, are not. likely to (jive muoh hcetl to tho present frantic appo il" of the democratic parly. ( J lnsware ami . ( t'M'i.'ii s ware. Wines . :tml . LKmors m-nt.... Anheuser- Hiireli L5re".viti-T Ass'n. ....SKI Slates, Tablets, Paper. Envelopes, Pens, Ink and ... . Pencils. .... r. vs 1 1 it; 1 1 EST MAKKE'i' PIMC'ES 1 'U Country Produce von Proper Printing AT Proper Prices A I.I. ON ixlh Pearl and streets The I inV r 11SW wante-i l trinel and I flU I Of H appoint a?ents. Ll per iTiou'.h salary ami all exren-.-i. ZieRler I. u., 71" Niiin n !!!;:. I lucaso. 1 f i;aw galgam "taPlMMi afkl KRiiiiiwi the .taB. '- . - tr Ilpatoro Oral tlPpy vru .ir to lti Youturul Color. -Lt"-T . - 5 r--" . 4. hair ialimz. fiKv- .----: 'Jiik nomination of M. 15 Ree&o for supreme judjre mectri with general favor all over the state. E. G. Mc Gilron of Oai.iha nud Dr. William B. Ely of Ai !:) were nominated for resents f tlu n; v.-i.ity. The86 nomination i.ro ?'. : isfactory. The republican tiekei w ! i be an eay winner in Ncbr-.k.i linsf-tll Bl'SlXKs failure, in Iho United States, acoo diii to l' ;d.-troet'8, con tinue rein a knit' y -mall. For tho weelc endiny Septfin'jer 7 thore wore onlv 123. Kffain.-t b'Jl i.iit voar.and S08 in tho c. rre1pi.-:t,!n week of 1800, when Mr 11. , -i .v.:- t-llinf people from re;i r plai itnr tho dire calatn ity in r?toe for ; he country in ense of tho rej- cl.ion of nis free silver proposi tion. - THE money in circulation in tho United States on September 1, was, according to tho statements of the treasury department,$25.41 per capita, agr.-iinst $21. IS on July 1, 169G, just prior to the nomination of Mr. Bryan; yet Mr. Bryan and his associates, who aro dictating the "principles" of the democratic party, insist that free bil ver must remain tho leading issue cf the c imptiyn. of 1819 and 1900. Thk fact that tho monej' in circula tion iu the Uuited States has increased nearly $450,000,000 oince Mr. Bryan's nomination, is likely to prove quite emharratsicy to the djmocratic ora tor whoso loaders are everywhere in sisting- upon making free silver the leading issue la the c.impaign of 1899 and 1900. Tho money in circulation in tho United States cn July 1, 1896, just prior to the nomination of Mr. Bryan, was SI, 06, 41)4, 966, and on September 1, 1899, $1,942,131,141. GRAIN Com mission Brokers Wear Com. Co.. Correspondents. Direct Private Wire to Chicago. OFFICE Over Atwood's Drug Store. PLATTS MOUTH, NEB. All Orders Promptly Executed. IMattsnriiitli Tel. 27-". ffei L4 ' Dyspepsia Curec Digests what you eat. It arti flcially di ?ests the food and aids Nature in strengthen.ng and recon SniSlne the exhausted d.pestive or 2 , ?t is the latest discovered dipest gan3. iViT. No other preparation ant and ton e. -M oin v v C? vellevehand pmaneitly cttres &lrll ?H C "oUfu Co.. Cb'cago. F. G. FrtlCKE & CO. "Thk party which, by viciou oad'T ship in 1861, was made to place itself across the path of freedom nd pio res?, 9hould tako care not to follow tho Und tHU year of men as lacking in sayiicity as theyaiein patriotism. But wo ma j' take oomf .rt in the reflec tion that no leaders can carryall their party into courses their judgment must condemn and their heaits rj--oi. There are, thank God, many demo crats in Ohio who do not desire the humiliation of their country no- the dishonor of their 11 iff." Secretary of State Hay in letter of Sept 11, 1S99. A t'tiCST exports from this tariff and trust-ridden country were the largest in too history of our commerce. Tbey amounted to $104,648,463, against $84, 56.",rrl in Augruit of the phenomenal yea , 189S, and S0,S25,050 in August, lS97,vhiio in tho Augusts of the years 1894, 1S;." and 1890, the average was but about $6.', 000,000. Yet, the next democratic stnmp orator who comes along will probably toll you that the protective tariff is ruining our foreign markets and that the trusts aro de t roving our domestic industries. The fact that the exports from the United St.te-t to Cuba, Porto Rico, Hiwuii and the Philippines were nearly twice' as much in the fiscal year 1899 ns they were in 1898, and vastly more than in any preceding year, is proving somewhat embaras eing to anti-expasionists. The mar kets tbeso inlands afford under their new relations to tho United States, is muoh greater J.han ever before, the only time nt which their purchases from us approached those of 1899 be ing the years during the operation of tho reciprocity t-eaty framed under tho MeKinloy law. Tho export to Cuba in the ftsenl year 1899 were $18, 0l5.7O, ag.iiast fl2,KU7,661 in 1895; to Porto Hi co, 2.685,84l in 1S99, ngainst if 1,8.1 I.'jI j In 1m; to Hawaii, 9,30.V 470 In 1899. against .'!,723,0.T7 in 1803, and to the- Philippines, $104,171 in ISO!), again! 81 19.255 in 1895 IN Til K FI SION K INKS. Fusion politics is becoming quito warm in Plattsmout the last few days and from the present outlook the con Toi.tlon to be held In this city next Wednesday will be a mighty fine thing. When W. K. Fox made his an nouncement as a candidate for treae- jurerbe exploded a bomb shell that knocked things sky high and some of Jim Ilerold's friends went straight up in the air and when they came down they were a maoeled mass. They figured that James had the right of way and everyone else should keep off tho track. However, there are others who are not adverse 1o hand ling the county funds during the next twoyetira .1. C. Cummins is not al lowing any grass to grow under his feet and ttio friends of Jacob Tritsch aro u ging him to enter the race. The fight on treasurer i ffsets the other offices pretiy much, but in the meantime John D Tuit of this city is repairing the fences that were wrecK- d a few yoars ago with a view of m .king tho men for county clerk. J. D. i not slow in puliii g ttir.s and ho stands a good show of g tt ng the nomicat on. J M. Campbell of A vo is also mentioned in connection witn the cU rk.-nip. For district clerk W. E. Failing ..f Greenwooil, McDonald of Mur- iiock aidl h rles W . S..c m n of ihs city are talked i f by their friends I is thought that as the laUor h is never been rewarded for the galla-it s- rv-h e he has rendered tho party in the i nil eighteen years it v-ould be uo mo e than right t- givo him tho nomination for district clerk. It is said that Oscar Allen is not looking for tho nomination of county judge, but that he oxoecis to go on h ranch, which he Azures would bo m ire remunerative than running for an office on tho fusion ticket in C tss county this fall. In that event it is u-jgosted that I. O. Dw3er will once mote beacandidato wiiiiam u. wnooier is on easy street so far as the nomination for sheriff is concerned. Ho will be nom lnatod by acclamation. For 6uperin tendent of schools Pro fessor Smith of Elmwood seems to bo in the lead, while Horr John P, Sattler will again seek tho office of coroner. The proteoiive tariff does not seem to be so bad a thing after all. Demo eratlc statesmcu insisted, during the recent discussion in congress, that it would reduce our foreign markets, yet we have gone on increasing our ox ports so that wo aro selling to tho out side world a million dollars' worth of manufactures every day in the J'ear, or twice ns much a two years ago. To quote Secretary of State Hay, who from his position overlooking our com merco with the world, is especially able to speak with acouracy: "We have gone fir toward solving the problem which has so long vexed the economists of the world of raising wages and at the same timo lowering the cist of production something which no other people have acc'm p'ished in an equal degree. We pay tho highest wages whicn are paid in tho world. We sell our goods to such an advantage that we are begin ning to furnish them to every quarter of the globe. We are building loco motives for railways in Europe, Asia and Africa; our bridges can be built in America, ferried across the Atlantic, transported up the Nile, and dung across a river in Soudan in less time than any European nation with i start of 4.000 miles ca do the work We sell ironware in Birmingham; carpets in Kidderminster; we pipe the sewers o Scottish cities; our bioycl-s distance all competitors on the con'i hent, and Ohio tends watch-cases to Geneva." HOOTS FOUIMPSON. Sockjess Statesman of Kansas Is Driver) From tb Stage With Jeers. hopo whatever of recovering the money. Last Thursday he received a letter from the officials in Switzerland informing him that his pocketbook had heen found, and that Its contents would be forwarded to him at onco. Tho president's trip to Chicago iu October will be supplemented by a short tour through t-omo of the princi pal cities i f I linoia and may extend went as far as St. Paul. This plan has not been elaborated and the extant of tne presidential vacation wm depend J KaXSAS CITY. &gd 22 A dispatch on the pre.-s of official busioess at that l0 lne Journal from Wichita, Kan., time. . eayfl. I Ex-Congressmaa Jerry Simpson was First Assistant Postmeter General hooted off the platform here this even Heath has been designated by the iDg while addressing a local Grand postmaster g neral to represent the Army of the R -public reunion. Simp postofflce department in the reception aon ,aid: "I irlorv in the spunk of Says h Would Rather Be With Agulnaldo Than With Gei) eral-Otls.- commiitee appointed to meet Admiral Dewey in Nw York. Ex-Sieakor Ft ed has announced thai he will continue to r--eideiii Port land until Octobo , when he will make hi hen qu rter at the Hotel Mnnhnt tan, N-w Y-ik, i-i order to attend to hi tiiv p H'ji i;i. 11 1 - fa mi y will joi i h m in Gotham at r i ito fa. I, when h- will ie.-e upt wn l.ou". II b rt F z immons averts that a 11. hi lnv-i 1 1 o-iiis"-- him with the winner . f J. il .-- Sh i li y fight. arnj he - s 'hit. ii- i -o fi lent th t ht- I'H'i viii F iz ini'no'-sdu not be-littli- .1 ITi-i v.eti, y over- him. but lie h ; n k - " 1 1 st. o i i ; i he y it o t agai n he wi 1 h .-; , tv.o! e t.h in hold his OW). A Thousand 1onoii". Could nut expie s -h Annio E. Sprlngi r, of 1 1 .' j 1 1 Pbiladclphiit, Pa., wle u i that Dr. Klng'x N h . Consumption I a I com ' her of a hacking co-igh i yoars had made life n 1 othr remedies Mnd doeL . her no help, but b1i nay- 1 Cure it Bfon removed 1 1 i chest und I can now s i ty - ' something I can BcaroeU r l doing before. I feel like i n praises throughout tho un.r- r wlll every one who trie 1 New Discovery 'or any trou throat, cheat t-r lungs. Price 11.00. Trial bottles free Frlcke & Co's. drug sto . bottle guaranteed. Wtr and nioirn. The authorities of LHU. r. concluded some exhaustive efficacy of ozone for purify Dertmentea upon After treatment tho v : In organic matter, 1 ; 1: i 1 tion and more p:il.it .ib'.o. Post. - the i i it -i i.i England '! iinnr Amer ea cu.i r:icen i-x i i- i' -n si v m r- re to pMi ii s I- tin - c uiiiry to ei)T''-t-. The n;:8-er!g'-r i:.' ii r-i I h vc- -elf, w h h-h ir eour-e. a tuonth's i s. in i h f th t S 'M (T Ori ;;g 1 rv witn t ij wiil re. n i will f- o.v .c y cut- in ih i n-i i ir-' u- uui'iiJej it,r cruis- if rftJ g u RErcm.iCAN t oc-i i it ket. County Clerk , Oouuty Treasurer District Cleric County Judge Sheriff County Superintendent. Co rone Surveyor .JAMES ROBERTSON J.L. BARTON G. F. HOU EWORTH J E. DOUGLA 1 E. WILLIAMS . ... ROBER O VS P. P. GASS E. E. HILTON Commissioner, Second District. . I. H . DAVIS INFORMATION AND OPINION. For many years email amounts f gold havo been dug up betwee A ion and Williamsburg, O This week he property wi.s leased to two California gold men who began work. Sluices aro now oeing built and as soon as they are completed work will be ac tively pustied. The enti e region is said to be full of mineral. Tho navigation bureau of tho nnvy issued a list of vessels of the United States navy of all kinds, miking the surprising showing of 312 craft. This includes many small vessels and craft captured in Cuba and the Philippines, but the showing is, nevertheless, re markable in comparison with the naval list of two years fgo. Illinois Methodists voted to hav tho $2S8,000 paid by the United States-) government to that church for publish ing house claims returned to the United States treasury, on the ground that it was obtained through discredit able methods. A year ago Prof. 1 T. Weeks, of Winfield, Kan., in climbing a moun tain In Switzerland lot a pocketbook containing fl25 in gold. He notified th authorities of his loe, but bad no A soli'iirv hisfhw ymnn held up tho Calis'og. und L k" P rt. s'age at "Dep. i' ito Hu d," i e ' N.u , Ca! , and O'-mp -II d 'he p isseng.-rs to rtand in a row n lfi;r ' nd.-r their valuables, amounting t. a' ui $75 A Well known character ni-raed Joe Weir has been arrested on snsp cion. Aguinaldo's men. They are ImrjlJ flghtlr g to regalq the laud the C ith oiics took from them. 4'A l.-cal paper hs asked: 'Who is J -hn Brown's oul m .rching wit'i They find this method a.r Oils or Aguinado?'. I believe John large scale, and s n(., iri i Brown's soul is marching with Agui- erto used. All ph:..o,": :; OMldo." j pnyuc microoea inua. Simpson said, in uhti nee, that he would rath, r be with Aguinaldo than with Genera. Otis. An old solaier in the audience 'One und aid the epeoch was drifting too much into politics. This was ap pla ided and greeted with cries of ib nw him oui!" and "'Kick Sim p nn i ff 'he plttform. " Men and women arose tiud hissea Mtid the men kept crying: "Put him out '. Simp-on appealed to the crowd to sit down. 'T am com ng to my peroration," he mid, althougu he h id been speaking onlv fifteen minutes. Cries came 'T ike your peroration to Aguinald , Sitnp-on "ttempted to cu on. but no i. no could hear him ten feet away. The biind struck up "The Star iSpingled Btnner" and Simpson left ihe platform. Hii retirem nt was greet' d with prolonged cheers. VETERANS OF What THi li FUTURE. Mny Be 1'onad TUlrty VerH !!.-:!!. "The reunion of the :'ci icij of the Survivors of the Da. U of Cavlte at Madison Square ga J.-.- !:i.7t evening: was a most successful nuion from both a social and financial point of view. Over 7.000 member.; were in at tendance, nearly four-fifths-of the en tire membership, and the accomoda tions of the hall were strained to the utmost. After the banquet addresses were made by a number of the promt nent members, and lettc-rs of regret were read from the president and the governors of New York, Pennsylvania, Porto Rico and Cuba. Among those who addressed the meeting were Rev, George Dewey FitzgibLons, Dewey Ma nila Brown, Cavite G. Jones, Governor Phillipine Olympia Green and Vice President Raleigh Concord Tubb. After the banquet was over dancing was in dulged in until a late hour." "The Patriotic Order of the Sons of Cuban Liberty gave an entertainment in their hall at 1G47 Bowery last evening, the receipts of which are to go toward building a monument to the memory of the Cubans who icrst their lives in the late war. A fair attendance was present and the musi. s; numbers were rendered by Mrs. Santiio Cortet Coogan, Cienfuegos Murphy, Amphlt rite Cook and Matanzas Johnson. Mr, Habana O'Donoghue made quite a hit with his recitation of 'When Gomes Marched to Dinner.' Quito a neat lit tie sum wes realized." "From Simp son, Ky.f comes a dispatch v.'hich says that John K. Llttlejohn, a gunner's mate on the Nashville in tho late war with Spain, who elaiirs to have fired the first hostile shot of the war, died In thrt town on Wedrrs-'ay. We have no wish to doubt th veracity of the Sampson Duple, but at the sme time Mr. Littlejohn is the twentv- third man to die since the war wa? endsd claim 4.ng the honor of havl-!? fired the first hestile slict. Isn't this rather overdo ing it?" "Schky J. 0'Br!?n..23 years of are, Tvas picked up bv Officer Good on Bleeker street last r.icrht in an in toxicated condition. Bofore Judge Coo!y this morning OTricn claimed that his condition ?:as the result of dlscu'Bs'np; th? v-ar v?th Spa:n in the Maine saloon yesterday evenin? with two old cronis. Bill Dewey Nau?li ton acd Bagley Terror O'Rourke. Jnd'e Cooley dccJa-ed that In view of the circumstances the prisoner was lucky to offend by a mere plain drunk, and Mr. O'Brien, was released." "A youth giving his name as Auya5t.ua Cuba Libre Llghtfoot wa3 arrested yesterday while acting in a suspicious manner on Broadway. Llghtfoot Is thought to be an alias of Hot Shot Smith, a noted sneak thief, who has of late been operating: successfully In the neighborhood of Fifth avenue and Thirty-eighth street. The prisoner claims to have been tho first ehlld bcrn on Cuban soil of American parents after the capitulation of Havsna. II Is still in custody." Nw Philippine Army Plan. Washington, Sept. 22 A plan is under consideration at the war depart ment to create an army division of tte Pnilippinea and divide the division into departments on a basis similar to that in Cuba. The idea is to create four departments in the Philippines. at least three of them to be com manded by major generals. Tho PhiliDoines Heretofore have been known as tho dopartment of the Pa ciflo. It is expected that one department of the proposed new division will con sist of General MacArthur's coram ind north of Manila, another will be Gen oral Lwton's command south of Ma nila and a third will be a new com mand to operate from Lie gay en or Dagupan. A fourih department will probably- con sist of troops in the islands south of Manila, which include the com mands now at Jloilo, Cebu and other points. The scheme has not yet taken such definite form ae to determine the com mands of the departments and divis ions. There is little doubt, however. that Lawton and Mac Arthur will re main where they now are and prob ably the command in the islands south will be under a brigadier general. An other officer will have to be selected for the department in the far northern part of the island at the terminus of the Dagupan railroad. The plan is to give each department commxnder all the troops that can be hucc sgfully operated and also insure sufficient garrisons for all point token. Protection to the pexcable trices is one of the chi-f objects sought, as r presentations m de to the war department iodidte that many of the inhabitants do not want to fight nnd if unmolested and re lieved fr m fear of attacK by the Taga'os will assist in u -porting the utbority of the United Stites and make it impossible for the followers of Aguinnldo to subsist. Wedding: Kins on the Tot A woman without arms has been married at Christ church. New Zea land. The ring was placed upon the fourth toe of her left foot. A similar marriage was performed at 3t. James' church. Bury St. Edmund3, in 1832. A Costly Drouth. The drouth of the last few years has cost New South Wales an enormous amount of money. The flocks of the colony have shrunken from 66,000,000. representing a loss of 20,000,000 sheep. Thirty Thousand Acres of Timber. The timber on 30,000 acres of hard woods at Algoma, W. Va., la about to be cut at the rate of 35,000 feet per day. It U estimated that five years will he epent In finishing the tract RooKvelt Open CHmpalgn. A KRON, O., Sept.. 22. The repf bii- c n oamoaigo in Ohio wiil be foimaily opened in t is city tomorrow. There will be a parade of political clubs early in the nfiernoon, f dlowed by n m'88 meeting addressed by lion. George K N tsh, the republican nomi nee for govrnor. and Governor Roosevelt of New York The e will be no other adresses except eucb s m iy be tLnde by Hon D. N Tibb ils of b e city, who will preside at the meeting-. The survivo s of the E ghth Ohio regiment, known as "The Preid nt's Own," which, under Colonel Cb.irles Dick, participated in the Santiago cttmpnign, will be here to welcome Governor Rooseveit and act as hisf escort in the parade. There wfll he delegation from al the larger cities in northern and cen tral Ohio and present indications are that the attendance will be very large. Kodol Dyspt-p m Cu Is a s- e compound having the -ndornerne eminent phxsiot.'. s nd them- pre-s. It iigcf'-' w ' it. vou Hut" i-itively curt-j .j -p-p-t . M. Keiron, Blooiniriid .i' , I'.-nn., - i r i' euro 1 him of Indi- Ktt n of en ye.-iin' standing. F (i. FnoKe & t.'o. Whip His iO-Vrnr l.. . Ii The Cincinnati l..(...u.: roe Hedges, aged 106 j ei. derson, Ind., who wii., ; . i. old son Hiram, at ind. i -. tlaced him in -the haL.!.-. ; who sewed his scalp tc. . trying to bring him to, i . house in Irondale addUi he distinction of Lei.? crol the first epli.e .. way ever constiuctr.i . . strength and meiit". th rc marvelous II. i.. : .cs of the family. old. "Best on the m u-; coldfe and ail hr.-n. croun it h ro qu R. Whltfo.d. S ui ' ' One Mil ute C u . h C ic Co. i f.-r h . I. I." The Ka leer's htr--is There are 1,60 persons u German emperor's list of p.:n;:l eluding 3f0 women srvar.L-., engaged In looking after t! ... two royal palaces and caath-.-, long to the crown. W.:.'. Rjkref t of tieni. Among the rarest of prcdoi the green garnet 13 probn! ! valuable. This gem is of fu shade. f more brilliant tl, the emerald. E. K. Turner. C m cured of piles by DeW Haeel Salve after suff i m years and trying ov r edies. Physicians at d dorse it. Bnware of dnn. terfeits. F. G iTioke & '' . Cklf ta the fllot Mm ! BaUvl (Ohio) Sun: We 1 of all kind 9f things be In., lot maehlaes, but the late from Sarclnla, up In Brovi The Individual In question, i: tlvely claimed, put a calf i- erforeeald slot machine. His b- t ent ker good and loving b town with a plump veal calf butcher, and he straightway i kit te "ntaehina" nnd the ' dlappea?d In a -ry short t; There's always hoie wh-i One Minute I'ougn ?ur-. '".v of pneumonia 1. ft my l j" 8nnpe and I w n-a lie ti of con umption. O' e ', Cure completelx "r d : Helen McHen'v, B m Give-instant r ef F a. I A German wuo Le.ieves in L-: waving devices has patented a rail shears with a spring attacam - When a cut has been made and shears are closed, the spring ope - the blades slightly. When they a:e wide open, ready for cutting, the ar rangement acts In the reverse way and .assists in closing them. Both actions lighten the work of the cutter. For wounds, bur -s. i-c-i -dsso-er.nv ie diseases and al. irtpating eruption", nothing so sooth ng and heuli g I) -Witt's Witch Biz I Salve. M E n ma Bolles, Matron Englewood Nuu y. Chioago, says of it: "VV nen all e s. ils in healing our babies, i' vrilli oure." F. G. i'k- & Co. Quick Work of Bridge Bailders. During transshipment of the parts of Atbara bridge on its way to Egypt, a portion of one span was left. A cablegram annonnclng the fact was re ceived at the works of the builders, the Penooyd Iron Works, Philadelphia, at S o'clock In the afternoon of one day. Two houra later the material was "laid out" ana by 9 o'clock the next morning the duplicate parts were steaming away from Peneoyd on a railway train- finished and painted. Emperor Ooafoehor. The German emperor has consented to stand godfather to the twin sons of a coachman at OLesorf. He has also made their parents a handsome pres ent of money and has given permis sion for the babies to be christened William L and William IL These names will appear In tho church regis ter. The twins are the seventh, and erpbth ems of tfcefr pattent r station are hustled out through sfHe and held up for their t'.c Anatravlle's Antlqo MHm . The railroad companies of Siave never discovered that it .r, ibJe to take up tickets on tl-.: Iwnce the passengers are loe!;r cars to pievent any of th?m gi. ; Tide, and when they arrive a: What Horses Csn Carry. a horse can draw on the rt '.'-.) of earth road "about four tirr.es is nuc. as lie tan carry on hl3 bac'-.. Oi good ! macadamized road he err; , iT. tn tlmea as much, on a wood:-;. . ' rwenty-nve times as. mucli. sail c ' stTeet railway fifty-eight t.m:. Trnch. Wanted Salesmen for Oils and grease, paint-, th -pecfaltiei- Complete W ral termii. The D trit I Detroit, Mich. in rn - ; v e le For Sat-k or Rent- s and d-we'llng comb n-d known ' a trm T. V. D vi I Murray. Inquire of J. v I turray, Keb.