:miWb TT -IL TIIK NKf. KstaMshe.l Nor.it.lKPI. cnii,.,, IMK IIKKAU. lHlHl.lihh.xi April H). ( LOnSOllaated Jan. I. IMttft. PLATTSMOUTII, NKR. JSKl'TKMHKU J. 1899. VOL. VIII. NO. ill, SlH i'ii i M 1x1 ,im Mi n 1 IjV Vice President's Illness More Seri ous Than H's Physicians at First Supposed. Probability That e Will Not Be flble to flccept Renorrjina tion for Office. Nkw YditK, Sept. 2o. The Press ply: li is possible that iro Presi dent ilohut may bo unable to preside at tin! next scs-ion of the United State bO'JUlo. More iban that, it is now recognized that it is a serious probability that he wili no hu in phjsie tl condition to 110 ci'iit a rcnominalion as the running male of Piesldent McKinley in the next campaign. '1 he disease from which Mr. Hobatt hull.MM is a kidney trouble, not i.cuto, but. of a form requiring absolute rest for a -oiig time. The fact hs been known to his friend?, but this is the lirt announcement that his illness is n roilouit aw to threaten an actual withdrawn- from the duties of his pub lic position. This il.nHs began with an attack of tho g ip in Georgia lust airing, lie returned thence to Washington, where he suffered a relapse, being1 confined to his house for several weeks. Then he went to Long- Branch and recovered suHicieiulv to join his friend, tho president, during a part of bis outing at Luke Champlain. Since his return last Tuesday to his home in Pa'orBoii the vice president has not visitt d his ot'lce in the Sav ings bank building. It is said that ho can make no effort without exhaus tion. His private secretary says: 'Tim trouble with Mr. llobart is that as soon as he feels strong enough to work he pitches in so hard that he ho m:ikes himself ill again." It is now nearly six months since tho vice pre.-ident, despite long periods of rest, has been able to de vote lime continuously to business. KitKg-in-iit At Subig Hay. W ASUINOTOX ,Sept. 24. Acting Sec retin v Aileti of ihe navy department received a o -Die-gram from 1 ear Ad miral Watson today giving a brief ac count of tho engagement at Subig bay. It is dated the 24tn, at Manila, and says: "Maisdera discovered heavy guns in .mntei' opposite Ivalaklan point, Su big bay. exchanged shots with tho Charleston. S-ml Coarloston, Monte n v, Concord am 7. iiro with detach mi'iit of rin' tiie-i aim sailors from tiio il'imo-e to cajiiu e ftnd d-tstroy. At t.i. kci insurgent positit-n 23d; after bomb it ii m -n , landing party carried inli enc!. meats, dispossessed enemy and destroyed a lG-centimetor Krupp gun. "Casualties: VVi.lium Shepherd. ap-preutii-.-i second class, Charleston, seriously wouuded; Charles Haffke, co;4 passer. Concord, heat prostration. "Insurgnt tire heavy but pooriy aimo.i; eneraj 'h loss unknown. Full rep -rl mailed. " Tne important feature of tho en gagement is th fact which is disclosed that the insurgents have been ablo to obtain Krupp guns. It was known at the time of the outbreak of the insur gents ngninst -he A me-icans that the nrtiilery of the insurgents consisted of a few bsoleti- guns captured from the Spaniards. Acting Secrct.uy Allen sajsthatit is evident that the n.vy at Manila does net intend to allow any fort to be erect- d which can be reached by the ships, Htid he is convinced that the squadron un lor Rear Admiral Watson will be able to keep the shores guarded and repeat iho lesson of yesterday if the insurgents are found to bo operat ing on the coast. Swift Buying l' Ranchm. -.,T.-riTi- r T ispnt. 24 The ' Rogers r..nch in Heaver county, Okla-! noma, d the Childress cattle ranch in th- P uihandle of T x e, contain ing 00,000 acres and upon which 300 0u0 c. ule are i-ow gr zing, have been purchased by li. L. Elli-on of Fort Worth, Tex., for tLe Swift pacKing house interests of Chicago. j Titb s of ihree ether grc-at ranches are ie:n" examined with a view of Purcbase"by trie Swifts. Only a few days po the Swifts pur- chafed the 0K-;efe ranch in Gaines county, Tex is, containing lS,t00 ace-, and it is st ited that Swift & Co. and 2so..-on Morris, who have invested heavily i: ranches recently, will aise cattle on a larno -cal-. Join I lie Insurgri-ut Army. M NILA. Sept. 2'i. 10 a. ro. Two Engli-hmen who had been held by the insurgents since June have arrived ai Augetes. Th-.v report that tho Fili pino congress ha9 resolved that four teen American pri-oner shall bo sur rendered on WedoesJay or Thursday. They have, however, no informa tion as to tho whereabouts of Captain Charles M. It ck-feiler of the Nine teenth infantry, who disappeared in Aor'l la-t and of whom no trace has been discovered. They assert that three Americans who were cip'ured by tho rebels are acting as officers in the insurgent arm v. Is. B. Egenberger has just received 100 dozen children's bicycle hose which will go at 17 cents a pair reg ular 25-oent goods. n )U)Tni;uiii)Li m I1UDAI1 1 IlLUUIlirjO MM I FOURTEEN MEXICANS KILLED Official Keporta Brcn?.d of Two Hitle Indlaus- Drfrated. Los ANOELKH, Cal., Sept. ill. Oill- i u. 1 roorla of two buttle between Mexicans and Yaqui Dave jum been rccoivod here. General Luis Ton en bad declared the campaign usoended until October, but the Y quia were not consu.led on la tl point. L -renzo Torres also appi-aa to have made di for- nt arrangements On September 14 Lorenzo Torres crossed the river to Vicam.a town sup posed to have been captured by Luis Torres in August, and found the In dians. They attacked Lis rear guard and-a running Gght ensued. There- port says the Indians were dispersed and nine killed. The Mexican loss whs live killed and nine wounded. among the latter Lieutenant Colonel Navarro of the Eleventh battalion, one of the best officers on the Mexican side. The report of a battle on the 18th comes from another source, also offi cial, in d its statements of the number lulled may bo accepted. According to this report tho forces under Colonel Hernandez, number not stated, en countered 1,000 Indians near Lake Zi qucca, a small lagoon between Tonn and l'otarn. The Indians retired from tho open Cold and sought cover in the thic woods, whoro the combat raged for more than two hours, beginning at G o'clock in th3 morning. The report says the Indians wore defeated and dispersed, leaving on the field eighty seven dead . 1 he Mexican lo?so are stated as fourteen soldiers killod and thirty-six wounded. Major Ruiz of the national guard was mortally wounded and Jul ian Espinosa, captain of the Yaquis who are friendly to the Mexicans, and Tetebiates, a lieutenant in the ten j'ears' war, was killed. An interesting feature of the reports j is tho statement that several inhabi- j tants of river towns who were taken prisoners by the Yaquis in July have been released and have returned to headquarters in Torin. Heretofore the Mexicans have represented the Y quis as invar inb!y torturing and kil.lng all prisoners. obitri Blowly Improving:. New Youk, Sept. 25 II ibart Tuttto, Vice President Hobart'a brother -in-law, said tonight, in answer to inquiries made at the home of Mr. Hoba t at Patersoo, that there was no truth in the report that Mr. Hobrt had Uright's disease. The vice presi dent, he a tid, was suilei ing from over work, but was slowly but continually improving. Mr. Tuttle says he bts not ventured out today, but he passed a good night Inst night, was enjoying a good appe tite, slept soundiy, and was in gootl spirits Mr. Hobart, it was claimed, had baen about the houso all day tmd expected to be out in a 'cw days. THE ROUGHS OF LONDON. A good story la told of the way In which a London place" of amusement vas ridden of a band of roughs who made it their occupation o insult and molest the most quiet people, especial ly any whom they guessed to be coun try visitors. They became such a nuisance that several men about town, among whom were Lord Alvanley and Keppal Craven, laid a plot to get rid of them. They hired Mendoza, the famous prize-fighter, and dressed him up as a dean, with a shovel, hat and apron. Another prize-fighter, a short man, was dressed as a middle-aged lady, and passed as the dean's wife, and one evening they were seated at Vauxhali in a conspicuous position to watch th fireworks. It was not long before the old-fashioned countrified pair attracted the at--tention of the gang, who assailed them with every kind of coarse raillery and insult, an oi wnicn mey Dure verj bore ekly. At length one of the perse- cutors, growing bolder by impunity. stepped up to the dean and squirted an orange Into his eye. On this the dean, rising, said in a meek, quiet tone. "Really, gentlemen, I have borne a great deal, but I must put a stop to this." With hat his hat went one way and his coat another, and, followed by his "wife." he sprang Into the middle of i i.. t,l4l n all A i-Atf An a me pari, uhwub ... Filled with astonishment and terror, some fled and some tried to show fight, but the handling that they got from the prize-fighters was too severe for the fracas to last long. All the time Lord Alvanley and hii friends, who were In the boxes, were calling out in delight. "Go it. Mr. Dean! Give It 'em, Mrs. Dean!" An effectual stop was thus put to the an stoyance. How to Paper TThlUuhd Wall.1 It is dlfflcult to make paper stick to walls that hare been made smooth by frequent whitewashing. The smooth finish may be scraped off or the surface may be changed with a coat of paste. If you decide to use the paste make it In the following manner: Put one pint of flour in a saucepan and beat into It one quart of cold water. When smooth add two quarts of boiling wa ter, stirring all the time. Let this boll up occe. then strain and cool. Brush this pi.t .-ver the walls and allow it to dry. When you are ready to paper wet the walls, spread the paste on the paper and bang it in the usual manner. ,A GUNBOAT CAPTURED.1 Rebels Get Possession of a United States Craft Doing Police Duty Near Manila. Crew of the Vessel Are Either or Have Been Prisoners Killed by Natives. Manila, Sept. 25 4:30 p. m. It i repoi tea thai the Insurgents have cap tured the United Sintes gunboat IJr daneta in the Orani rive, on the north west side of Manila b y, whore It was patrolling. One officer ana nino of its crew are missing. I he United States gunboat l'trel sent to investigate the matter, re turneo and reporti-d that tho Uruan eta bo.iched opposite tho town of Orani, on the O ani river. It was riddled with uiiets and burned and the following tuns, with tht. r am munition, were captured: A oi.e pounder, one Colt automatic gun and uno Nordenfeldt 2o millimeter gun. The crew of tho Urdaneta are pris oners or have been killed. Further details are lacking. Very Small Craft. Washington, s pt 25 The gun boat Urd ineta, wbic i was captured with its d ew at OraDi, about twenty- five miles from Manila on the bay ot Manila, is a little craft of only fort tons displacement, not much larger than a small ug. It was captuied by the navy early iu tho war ana has been on police duty in tho bay fur months past. The records of the navy Oop irtmeut show that it was one of the boats of which the Oregon is the parent ship. '1 hat is, it was sup posed to draw all its supplies fn-m the the battleship, to be manned from the Oregon a crew and to ;ict under the instructions of the O ebon's com mander. According to the last report to tho department, the little boat was last May under the command of iaval Cadet Wilbom C Wood, but the per sonnel of the crew is not a matter ti record, be:n subject to fiequeut change. Wood was appointed to the Naval academy from Oregon, had passed his ac-idemic couise and was performing two years' sea service at the time of his capture. Naturaily, the dep.rtaidOt officials are vexed that the difficulties of the neg -tlntioiis looking to tho eleaseof Lieucenati t Gilmore of the Yorktown and his men -h u d be added to b this last ra sforlune. Still tuera is no disposition unnecessarily to curb the junior fficers of the navy who are rendering such gal.i.nt 9ei vice in the Phil ippines. Nitvea Heady ro Cite Cp. Two important dispatches from Gen eral O i at M.-nil . were mad-.- pub.ic by tho war dpaitment todiiy. The first indicates ih-t the insurgents on the Island of Ney ros are about to rccoyniz - tLe au hority of the United Slates. An election In Neros ili be held October 2. The disp.tch fol-; lows: "MANILA. S-p1. '23 Adj -tant Gen eral, Washington: Ilughes, I oilo, re ports Lopi z and sixt-f- ur armed men surrendeied to rue, at Castellauo, Mi gros. Election in that le-laud Oc tober 2 Sought c o'erence. Chiel insurgents in I 'a nay wisi.ed to know what promise could be given them in cut-e of normal submission. in d no arrangements possib e until surrender and force disbanded. Otis.:' The second oispntcn sy ih Ameri can flag will be r.nsed ii- Su.u isiaud. The chief insurgents iu Zunt-oangh are reported wi ling to accept the au thority of the U -ited S tes, bat de sire to name Conditions, which Gen e i.l Otis would cot accept. Tae sec ond disDatch follows: "MANILA, Sept 24. A jutant Cet era;, Waatiington: Biles re urued f om Jolo list tist. , having .lated gairitons at S. ssi and Biiu m. Tawai I'awi gi ou ; one company each place. ArTaira in architel gi- .iislac tory. B.tes saw chief insurgents in Z-tmboanga. They m-e still i.xious to receive United Sta es garrisou on condition of wttidia-ial should Agu inaido succeed ic Luz n. Proposition not entert -ii.ed. Z.Uibo.Dga Laving trouble with mme Dates in vicinity, who have i aiscd United Staio XI a . DJUo Ctgayan, Su u island, visited Jolo, give udhesion and desired to raise Ame c n instead 01 Swinish fi ig on the island. The American flag will be raised there. Ready to give s x. months otice in order to es tablish in arcbipelngo cu-coms regu lations under protocol between Spain, Germ n a id Gre-t Britain of 188. "Bites' report by m tl. OTIS." Mint for the Boys, Lemuel Collins, of Bath, Maine, has an Intelligent deg named Pomp, who will-fill the wood box whenever he is requested to do so. Tiie animal carries the wood in his mouth, stick by stick, from the shed Into the kitchen, where he carefully deoosits tbem in the wood box. Cat With VVhooplor Couftb. Bangor (Maine) Cor. New York Sua: A cat owned by J. Henry Smith, a Bangor commercial traveler, has the whooping cough, having caught the disease from Mr. Smith's three chil dren. The cat whoops Just as the chll 4ra did. - AUSTRALIAN CATTLE RUSH. irerr and Fin Ifommaiuhlp Ara Needed to Cbcrk the stampede. From Harper's Magazine: When a subject Is narrated bv him asfo'low?: cattle ruh co es In the hlackeat of "I was in a most dreadful condition, the night, among the thick-standing. My skin was aimopi yellow, eyes low-limbed trees, with the nature and sunken, tongue coated, p. in ton levels of the country unknown and In- initially in back and sides, no aii visible, to Btem It calls for the finest and fiercest quality of horsemanship. As the cowboy swerves and swings iu the saddle to avoid mutilation from the rushlrig trees, he must see to it also thai the horse shall win to the lead of that thundering multitude beside him, if handd and spur may compass It. And when he does, the maddest of the danger is still to come. The rider's hands must do double duty now as h lets loose tho whip and guides the horse as well. The rout must be turned and directed against Itself. Th" horse Is dragged Inward, the whip lii.t.scs and falls; the man, silent untl! now, opens throat and lungs' In the stockman's battle cry. If the leading cattle sweri' and swing away, carry ing confusion among the rent, and breaking the directness of the rush. It Is the finest moment of the drover' life. As the beasts that come thunder- u.niuijr icoi iue acorcning or ins v.U6 -i.u ttl.u uear mo note of man's supremacy that they have feared since branding time, tho eddy spreads. The blind rush becomes a maelstrom, the maelstrom spreads Into eddie? of confusion tho clash of horns and huge muttering sound3. men the herd settles down and spreads out. When the wound arises of big muzzles blowing and nibbling at the grass the horseman knows that hi3 danger Is pasL Low down In an em brasure of the woods a white planet burns; it Is the herald of the dawn. Shinu's cafe and fruit stand, Perkins house block. The C'hluatuan's Insurance. A childlike faith in the arithmetic confounds all the logic of the schools. This was the experience of a Pitts burg life-insurance agent who wrote a policy on the life of a Chinaman the first ever written for a man of that race In Pittsburg. How the lnsuranct man did it he alone knows. The China man had no very clear Idea. He only understood that If he paid the pre miums promptly he would be entitled to five thousand dollars at some future time. He began botherjng the agent for the money after a couple of weeks had passed, and tho agent tried to explain to him that he would have to die before any one could got it. Then the Chinaman fell down a cellarwav on Grant street and was badly hurt His friends tried to attend to him without calling In a doctor. When they did call In one. two days later, the doctor was angry. "Why didn't you call me sooner?" he asked. "This man Is half dead now." Next day the in jured man's brother was at the insur ance office with a claim for twenty- five hundred dollars. "You're not enti tled to anything on this," said the In surance man. "until the man is dead." Doctor say him half dead," answered the brother. "Why he no get half?" Pittsburg News. 'Th y are r.iirply perfoct," writes Robert Moore, of La Fajet'e, I d., of DeWitt's Littio Early Risers, the 'famous little pills" for constipation and 'I liver ailme its. Lover r.p . F. G. Fricke & Co. Fish That Die "FalUng CpwarO. '1 he officers of the cab.e steamer .nia, which Is now endeavoring In idocean to locate and repair a oken cable 1,!00 feet below the sur ce of the water, state that their in .uments show the bottom of the ean to have a temperature below the eezing point, and that there Is a tal absence of light. The officers say that a great many of the deep-sea fish -re so peculiarly constructed that they often lose their lives by chasing the instruments toward the surface. They die by what experts call "falling up ward." As soon as they get out of their accustomed level the decreased pressure extends the air within them and the fish shoot to the surface, but are dead before they reach that point. Giant Tubes for a Tunnel. Brooklyn Eagle: The Manhattan & Jersey City Railway company peti tioned the board of aldermen of the city of New York to construct at the bottom of the North river and under certain streets of New York city, two great tubes, circular In shape, each with an inside diameter of fourteen and one-half feet, between Jersey City and New York, and under certain streets in New York through which it Is proposed to operate a local railroad between Jersey City and New York. DeWitt's Little Early Risers wrrna nently cure chronic constipation, bil iousness, nervousness and worn out feeling; cleanse and regulate the en lire system. Small, pleasant, never gripe sicken "famon- littio pills." F. G. Fricke & Co. The Grund I'anfD'i llrn:it. Philadelphia Record: The grandeur and immensity of the Grand Canyon of the Colorado is perhaps one of America's most wonderful natural evo lutions,, yet it Is not more Interesting than one of Its old "characters. Capt. Hance, an old frontiersman of eccen tric manners, relates William Dick, as sistant secretary of the board of edu cation, who has Just returned from a month's trip to the "Great West," Uvea on the edge of the gorge In utter deso lation. Here he has made his home for twenty-two years with an only dog as companion. Though cut off from the world and its strifes, he is well informed upon national and foreign happenings. He is a devouring reader 3t the newspaper and an Inveterate talker. Robbed the Grave. " ""ruiDg- mciueni, ni wnicn A .... . it i ii - v , . . John Oliver of Philadelphia, was t'te gradually growing weaker day by d y. Three phthlcians had yiven me up Fortunately, a friend advised trying 'Electric Bin rs;' and t rny great joy and surpris.-, i ho first botilo made a d cid d improvement. I con tinued th ir u-e fo th ee we- ks. and a-n r ow a we 1 man I Unow th' y h.-iv d my if.-, ami r -bh.-d tho lvhv of a---i) her vicim." N- -no sh u 1 f il to ry 'hem On 'y fill c' s . iuar in tee , at - G Kr eke & '-. d ng r- ore. Around th9 Y ' When the trar..-. finished we sh2i: i. 'tour du monde" According to thu roads ard comnyjr i Month. railroad 1j o make the -tl rce days minister of tV? ltine- rVlersburg J! rary wiil be: Hi en: - i; : : by rail, one and o Petersburg to VIadivc;s;o;' nays; o - by rail, ten areisco by days; three to Fa- I steamer, trn days; thfr c? to New York by rJ,n tcar ard a h... anJ back to Bremen, by nea, Spv-n days. Per- hnna noma PMnMC ir-cr- .ui a u in a month. At present the shortest route from Southampt n. by rarl3, Briudisl, Yokohama. San Franc scd anJ New York Is sixty-six days. How's This. We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for cny o ise or Um turrit that cannot he eured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. V . CHENKV & CO.. Props., Toledo. O. We the undersigned, have known I-'. J. Cheuey 'or the last 15 years, mho believe him perfectly honorable In all business transactions and financially able to carry out anV obltir.tlons made by their firm West & Truax, Wholesale DruirnUts, To ledo. O. Waldino. Kinnam Si Marmn, Wholesale Druggists. To.edo. O. Hall's Catarrh Cure ts taken Internally acting directly upon the blood and uilu-oum surfm-os of the system. Price 7;c. per hot tie. Sold hy ali Unionists. Testimonial free. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Xcedles Currency There. The wiie of a missionary to Africa gives some eniusing details of the mer cantile value ot certain articles among the natives, ntcd-es and oloth ranking highest. They uro absolutely current coins. Thre-1 needK- wi!'. purchase ons chicken; one needle, two egg3. Old tins iv.d empty 'ottles are also much In recjuest, old fins taking the placo of drinking cups. A few fowl can be had for two ynrdr of cotton or a small pieca of cloth When you want to smoifo a lOcent cigar try Ot.o Wurl V'Silver Wroath" union mnde you cvn find n ter on the market. The News pri 'ts the news. Furniture Stoves and I. Pearl man desires to call attention to the trade that he has the largest stock of stoves and furniture ever shown in Plattsmouth and thnt he can not be undersold by any dealer in the great state of Nebraska. made his purchases bef re. the recent great advance inj prices, and is givirpf his cus-j tomers the benefit of that fact, j These are facts which you cannot afford to overlook when in need of anything in his line. If 3'ou are wise you will take a close look through his store rooms before buying. I. PEARLMAN, ! i Opposite th- c-iurt house, PI .:-lu h I s$i-iisaet flTailor-MadeflJ Suit lor. . . . ) The only w.-iv to g--' n si-i-of clothes that will fit you i:.-. p erly is to h-i v it m by a com petent Tailor. We will mike you a suit that we will guarantee to tit. from good cloth, nice fin ish and up-tod.le throughout for $J0. The; e is no use of send ing away from homo or wea- insr ready-made clothes when you can get a s-uit at eucb a bargain. I We solicit a share of i your patronage S ' , Hudecek & McElroy The New Tailors, Roekwnrd b'ock, PUtt-mouth I Vrjta la ftt-rtiiu rhlou. JiP. " a" "', aiica., LJin.l- r..x the tinted the Lord for fair weather. iuu we i uiuiuiug iuc sua laoai or! lit and clear. She told of her pruyer to her grandmother, who said: Well, now, why can't you pray tonight that It may be warmer tomorrow, 6o grandma's rheumatism will be better?" "All right, I will." was the response, and that night as she knelt she Incor porated this request In her little pYay er: "Oh, God, mako It hot for grand (Jprman Jury Law a. In Germany when the vote of th Jury stands six against six a prisoner is acquitted. A vote of seven to leives the doci-slon to the court, and on a votf of olht to four the prisoner 1q v ir- 1 i f-H A f rightful Blunder Will f'c n cnu a hornltio burn, scald, editor b--u se. I'.ik-k leu's Arnica Salve, the be-t n ihe world, w il I kit I tho pai n and p omptly boal it. Cu res old sores, j fever s rcs, irc- r-, b -ils, folons, corns, ' all k n eruptions. Ileal pile cure on - . earth On'v L,r cents a box. Cure guarantied. Sold by F. G. FricKo & Co. r L. I. Kjiit; bei trer has just received lflo dozen children's bicycle hoso wh ch will go at 171 c ntj a pair reg ular 2-j-cent ''onds. GOOD8.. ..Ifopiilni JL Wo have just received an olegant etock of FA LI. at.d WINTER ..Urv Goods to which W" wish to call tho attention of thonj who .m in i,.-.-i Good Go -ds at Low Prices. An extra laro stock r.f . . . ..Ladies and Children's Umlcrwcur.. On hundred dozen pairs of Children's llieyele Ho e. vli '. b will eold at 17ic. These are regular 2-c ho-c. ttaTEvorythlng In Plain and Fancy Grocone-. ; W G6 oream ..IN OUR Chocolate Gerino: i ..DRUGGISTS.. x Vsjt v ttz a (U ox n u a u Sherwm-Wiluams) Paints is specially suited to some home use either outside or inside. It's knowing the right kind of paint, anl putting it oa the right place that makes painting a success. Tel! in what you want to paint, tad we'll tell you tho riz'-it kiad to u.-. xFor sale In Piattraouth by F. G. FRICKE & CO., Druggists. The Platte Mutual Insurance CS., 8150,000 Insurance in HOME OFFICE AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEB yHY will you pay your money to foreign Insurance cc-mpanie-, who tko it out of th taie, when you can get In-urance for less cost from a Nebraska Company. Only the Best Class of Business, attd j Property Accepted. j Omce-e and Directors Tom. E. Parmele, President; Geo. H. Dovey Vico president; T. Frank Vvilea. Secretary; Frank J. Morgan, Treasurer-' C E Weecott, W. J. White, Henry Boeck, D. O. Dwyer, Geo. A. Hay, H. R Gering Lad Us Can Wsar Snost pe - une iTie nnnl.fr nlUr using Alb-r. .. . ... nrul Foot-F.uso, a powder to be shaken into the shoes. It in ikiM tight or pew fchoos feel easy; (,'ives IfMtarit relief to corns anil bunion-. It's the gruale-1 comfort discovery of tho ago. Cures swollen feet, hi i -t-m n nd cal loux spot. Alleii'n Fool-1. se is a "eitaiu cure for Ingrowing nuils, sweating, hot, aching - , feet At all druggists and rhoo stores. Trial packngc free by mail. Ad - 2r dress, Allen S. Olfiiitoad, LeKoy N. V. F. (J. I'rii-lte ,V Co.,drugL'lstH. l-'alao 'I rein Had. lr. Simpson of (lie Academy of iJo.i- five' tori maintains that filse teeth are hud for the a.iu'tl. hei-aii. e If nature mjki-4 tholr teelh fall It ineaiiM that she In tends them only to eat vegetables at heir a-e. Home Knglluh phynlelarn hive sahl the Kame thlt.g. ll-ln'N Medal. If Miss Helen Gould wire o appear In public doc-orated with all the bnde and ineilalo she has received since the beginning of ihe Spanish-American war she would rival a commander of ths Carman army on r tl.i day. Mc ( lean lee. F. S. Whit" is now ready to deliver ico to his customers in any quanti ties desired. Tho ice is tho Hnestever harvesto J . Tele phono .- - I 'I at turnout b 2Ui, Nebraska 71. ries. c I oT r. n r.'. ?r w r.'t rs, re ?r? v -l.s i.i , , i i .-C -s m m m aa a ALL FLAVORS and Vanilla Beat the World 'A XX XX XX c Co c9 sslv ko wr jm j w ut nxz tutm Paint for water Everybody And for everything under the sun. Every home lias need of paint. Each kind of The