Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, September 12, 1899, Image 1

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Weekly NEiv
TIIK Ili-.KAMi. KHtaliiiHhiid April 10. 1NU. ( ormolldated
Jan. 1,
VOL. VIII. NO. 87.
"1 U
J f !
I 4
TpM i
Dreyfus Verdict Causes Resent
ment In United States.
M ItlMlntWKl of Till Count rj From I'arU
KipoHHK.n M lruv Qnrntlon. Which
ll(lil Mw-r uillrUI KflMlloiiN Jo-rrniiii-nt
line IVix-rett ! Too Fur to
Nlop Now.
Washington, Sept. 11. It is be
lit.vod that w lie n congress asembles
there will no considerable agitation of
a proposition fur this government to
abandon its participation In the Paris
exposition. It it known that expros
hions hostile to tho exposition quoted
from Senator Stewart are very widely
sympathized in and it is thought that
if tho conviction of Droyfm is per
mitted to stand, there will bo very
littlo friendly feeling for Franco
among members of either tho house
or senate.
Such it move, however, would bo a
grave one. It is pointed out that to
withdraw from participation in tho ex
position would be regarded :is an oili
cial insult to Franco. No further
legislation by congress ia needed to
carry out tho plans of this country for
tlie exposition. About $1,200,000 has
been appropriated for the expensos of
ttie e,.rnmis.-i)!i and tho government
exhibit; the commission has boon ap
pointed and the placo desired for ex
hibits tim this country has boen se
cured. There are now only two ways in
which congress could interfere; one
would bo to revoke such part of the
appropriation as has not already been
expended in the expenses of the com
mission, and the other would bo to
pass a resolution, declaring that on
a. count of tho unsettled conditions the
valuable government exhibits should
not be sent to l'aris. To do either of
theso things would be sufficient, it is
believed, to break off all friendly re
lations between tho two countries
Congress and the state department
may look at tho matter from different
points of view. The president and
the state department having respon
sibility for maintaining our relations
with foreign governments, cannot be
expected to find in this affair a reason
for involving tho country in an inter
national complication, and it is likely
that tho executive branch of tho gov
ernment will use what influence it can
to prevent hasty action.
Unless congress expressly forbids it,
this govoinment 'ill proceed with
the preparations for tho exhibition
and will send to Paris such govern
ment exhibits as are decided upon,
but this will be done with a realiza
tion of the probability that much of
the space secured with such difficulty
for private American exhibits will be
left. vacant. Little doubt is felt that
the latitude allowed the private citi
zen will be quite extensively availed
of to withdraw from participation in
the ex position .
Auoiber difficulty in the way of an
effort to prevent participation in the
exposition, however, will be in the
fact that before congress has as
sembled, much of tho government ex
hibit probibly will be packed and on
its way to Paris, if not actually there.
The xpo-tition opens in April and the
w. rk of transporting and preparing
the txhibu will have to begin some
motrth- before that time. Up to this
time, it is said, the preparation of the
government exhibit has not begun,
but the work will proceed as soon as
the government officials are ready.
Representative Hepburn of Iowa
said today that he had ceased to mar
vel at the methods of French army
justice after observing how the trial
of l:eyfus was conducted. No such
t-ial or verdict was possible in tha
United States. He did not think it
would in any way affect diplomatic
relations between this country and
France, nor did he think it would in
terfere with United States exhibitors
at the corainjr exposition.
Xkw Yokk, Sept. 11. Congress
man J. M. Levv announced today that
as so hi as congress meets he will in
introduce resolutions in tho hou-o
with-ir wing the support of this gov
ernment from the Paris exposition on
account of the Dreyfus case.
An Automobile Kail Car.
Chicago. Sept. 11. The Illinois
Central is experimenting with an in
spection car having a motor run by
gasoline. Thus far, the experiments
have been eo successful that it is quite
probable that the road will adopt this
description of car on all its divisions
Several railroad men have expressed
the belief that the "automobile of the
rail" in a short time will come into
such general use that the hard work
ing inspection cars will be little more
than legacies of tho past.
The car with which the Illinois Cen
tral is experimenting has an average
speed of twenty-five mile an hour, but
it is canable of covering the rails
much luoro speedily than that. One
of the inspectors of the road is said to
have gone seventy-flve miles in two
hours A eallon of gasoline ordinarily
will run the car more than eeventy-
flve miles acd there is a provision for
carrying four gallons, or enough-for
an unbroken run of 300 miles.
Furnished rooms for rent at Tenth
and Main streets.
Oread Dlaeaae Itrnchm Tampa and Caora
the Ieth of a Victim.
Washington, Sept. 11. Dr. Altree
of the murine hospital service report
a death from yellow fever at Tort
Tampa City, Fla., this morning aod
says the autopay renders it certiin
that the original diagnosis of fever
was correct Tho source of infection
was a tugboat and It nas been quaran
tined. Five other persons from tugs
aro under observation and a email
quarantine station has been estab
lished. Ho adds that a house-to-house
Inspection has been ordo. ed.but
that no quarantine has been ordered
a'ainst the town. He also savs that
there is no necessity for alarm, but
that seventy-five people left there on
tho train last night. Dr. Trotter, who
is also at Port Tampa, says there ia a
ptnicky feeling there.
Dr. Murray wires from Jackson
City as follows:
"Mississippi has a rigid quarantine
for tho present against New Orleans.
Uivinfcction of mails is unnecessary.
No one can be permitted to leave un
less immune and with disinfected bag
gage, except persons bound for non
infectible territory there to remain,
and wholesale freight, not articles re
quiring disinfection. Homo to house
inspection begins tomorrow. Hunter
has taken all necessary steps to con
trol. Vlcksburg has quarantined
Jackson. Sanders told us he found no
yellow fever in Vicksburg.'"
Reports to the surgeon general are
to the effect that new cases are still
reported daily from Key West There
were two deaths there yesterday from
Jackson, Miss., Sjpt. 11. The city
council held a special meeting today
and passed resolutions advising the
people not to create a panic over the
outbreak of fever like the one a year
ago. Tho quarantine of the entire
state against New Orleans went into
etlect today at noon. All trains from
that city carry inspectors. City Clerk
Porter, the only patient here, is con
siderably better today.
Fourth Cat By Burlington.
Kansas City, Mo., Sept. 8. After
Monday next the Burlington road will
be carrying packing house products
from Omaha to Ohio river points for
11 cents per 100 pounds. The Bur
lington gave notice today of its fourth
reduction of 3 cents on the rate from
Omaha to southeastern points.
Officials of the K tnsas City, Fort
Scott & Memphis toad, who have de
clared their intention to maintain a
differential of G cents in favor of Kan
sas City against Omaha, will meet the
Burlington's cut tomorrow, when it
will give notice of a 9-cent rate to
The Missouri Pacific announced to
day that it would meet the reductioos
made by the Burlington and the Mem
phis roads.
Many Venrzarlan Factions.
Havana. Sept. 11. The captains of
British ships arriving here from
Venezuela confirm the news that there
has been a resolution there during
the last three weeks. They say there
are two parties against the govern
ment, and that the latter is extremely
suspicious. Anyone wishing to land
must satisfy tl e officials that he is not
connected with either of the revolu
tionary parties. The government, it
is also said, is very unpopular.
Yellow Fever Inrrenmng.
Key West, F.a., Sept. 8. Thirty
cases of yellow fever have been re
ported during the last twenty-four
hours, including two cases previously
omitted. The total number occuring
to date, so far ss known, is 127.
Two deaths have been reported dur
ing the last twenty-four hours,making
the total number of deaths nine. The
weather is still very warm and rainy
and favorable for the spread of the dis
ease. From Century to Century.
Granted that they live another sev
enteen months, there will be over 4,000
persons ready to greet the birth of the
twentieth "century who were alive on
the last day of the eighteenth century.
Servia is especially the country of cen
tenarians. One man in every 2,260 has
seen 100 years, and, in all, Servia
boasts 575 men of 100 years or over.
Ireland ranks next, with one centen
arian in every 8,130 of the population,
or 578 in all. Out of every 43,000 Span
iards one is a centenarian. Norway
numbers 23, or one in about 96,000.
England, Scotland and Wales rank
next with 192, or one in about 177.000.
France has 213 centenarians, or one
in 180,750. Sweden ranks seventh with
20 only,-or one in 250,000. Germany
has 78, or one in 702,600. Denmark
only claims two, or less than one to
i.OO.OOO of its population, and Swit
zerland, with all its reputed healthi
ness, seems not to possess a single
centenarian. Answers.
Women Golclamlths.
An interesting commission has beci.
given by the French rv. rrnment t: a
lady art worker in &oUt tor a necklace
designed as a gift to the Empress 6f
Russia. It consists of twci.v is ed bi
llons in gold, each bearing P u .iit
of a French woman celebrate1, in po
litical, literary or social hisrory. The
series begins with the first Christian
Queen of France and ends prior to the
great revolution. The art work of the
goldsmith was declared at the recent
woman's congress in London to be
peculiarly suitable for women.
Iowa Senator of the Opinion That
the Question Is Not of a Po
litical Nature.
fUternpts to Control Combines In
Many States Yas About
Similar Results.
Des Moines, I , Sept. 8 Senator
A. ison ana Spcaker-to-be Henderson
today attended the meeting of repub
lican leaders in this city to plan the
c lining campaign. They were found
together and consented to talk on the
"This year's democratic platform,"
said Colonel Henderson, "will be dis
astrous in its effects on tho party. It
reaffirms the Chicaeo platform, with
all that such a reaffirmation means on
the money quostion. As to their ex
pansion declarations, it seems to be
simply a cloak under which they hope
to make a successful fight for free sil
ver. SjU is with pretty nearly every
declaration in the platform. On the
trusts they have a declaration, and
everybody is agreed about the trusts."
Senator Allison, asked to suggest a
satisfactory legislative program as to
the trusts, said:
"I am looking forward to the civic
federation conference with strong
hopes that it will bring forward some
useful plan," replied the senator.
"Yes, I have been a good deal inter
ested in that conference. They are
going to get together a strong repre
sentation of men who have decided
views on the subject, and ought to bo
able to present some useful sugges
tions." "Will you attend the conference?"
"No, I will not bo able to do so, but
I understand that Iowa is to bo repre
sented in the delegation."
The Henry Wallace Ioctrlne.
"Have you noticed the proposal
from Henry Wallace on the subject?"
"I have observed that he is writing
a book on the question, but I have not
followed his plan very closely."
"His fundamental suggestion," ex
plained the interviewer, "seems to be
that these institutions be subjected to
examination as national banks are;
that tho results of the examination be
published, and that they shall be pro
hibited from excessive capitalization,"
"Who is to do all this?" interjected
Colonel Henderson. "How is it to bo
done? We have an anti-trust law in
Iowa; I do not know how effective it
is. Congress has tried its best to make
an effective law; nearly all the repub
lican states have passed such laws,
and some few of the democratic states
have done tne same. But what have
they accomplished?"
"I would like to see somebody make
a satisfactory proposal for an anti
trust law for the state of Iowa," said
S.-nator Allison, taking up the conver
sation. "Who is to conduct these ex
animations? The federal government
cannot interfere with a state corpora
tion, and that is where the trouble
comes in. The states have tried it.
The nation il government has no
power to iuteifere with state corpora
tions." A conerenco of the republican state
central committee, with Senators Al
lison ar d Gear, members of congress,
state officers and nominees was held
here today to arrange for the coming
campaign. It was decided to open
the campaign officially by set speeches
in every congressional district on Oc
tober 7.- As to the was de
cided to meet anything the democrats
might choose to discuss, which will
most likely be the Philippine war and
trusts. The democratic campaign will
open at Davenport on September IS.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is a sciontific
compound having the endorsement of
eminent physicians and the medical
press. It ''digests what you eat" and
positively cures dyspepsia. M. A.
Ketron, Bloomingdale, Tenn., says it
cured him of indigestion of ten years'
standing. F. G. FricKe & Co.
Growth of Holland.
It Is a curious country over which
Wilhelmina, the giri queen, reigns.
Eight hundred years ago less than 600
square miles of Holland were beyond
the reach of the tide3. During these
eight centuries 12,000 square miles of
land have been "taken" from the ocean
by dikes and drainage, and now, at a
cost of about $5,000,000, a part of the
Zuyder Zee is to be drained and no
less than 800 square miles added to
Holland's present territory.
The News office is the best equipped
job office in Cass county. First class
work done on short notice.
For all Bilious and Nervous Disorders; Sick Z
Headache, Constipation, Weak Stomach, 5
impaired Digestion, Disordered Liver, and
impure Blood,
Beecham PJII bT th Urrt ef ny Proprietary Medicine in th world. Thie hu been 2
9 achieved witbovt the pblrctioa of teatiaoaiala. I0 centa and 25 oenta, at all drug atoree. J
trillions Given Away.
It is certainly t ratifying to the pub- j
lie to know of one concern in tho land
who aro not afraid to be generous to
tho needy and sufferlntr. The proprietor-of
D . King's Now Discovery for
Connumption, coughs and cold:?, have
given away over ten ml lion trial
bottles of this great medicine; and
have the satisfaction cf knowing it has
ab-olutely cured thousands of hopeless
cases. Asthma, bronchitis,hoarseness
ard all diseases of tho throat, chest
and lungs ure surely cured by it. Call
on F. G. Fricke & Co. druggists, and
go.t a free trial bottle, ltetrular size
50c and $1. Every bottle guaranteed,
or price refunded.
An Old Bridge to liupiear.
One of the oldest bridges in Europe
Is soon to disappear, under the demand
for better navigation of the river it
spans. This is the stone bridge, with
fifteen arches and a total length of 991
feet.built across the Danube at Regens
burg (Ratisbon), in Bavaria, by Duke
Henry the Superb, in 1135-MG. The
piers rest on piles, protected by stone
riprap and heavy ice-breakers; the
roadway is very narrow, and the foot
way allow the passage of only one per
son at a time. So far as its stability
is concerned it would probably stand
for another 750 years, but it interferes
with the passage of steamboats.
Cost of I-nuiit hiii:.
The cost of launching a biittu .
runs away with something liko -000.
The great leviathan reoui'v
some nve ions oi taiiow and oer a
ton of oil and soft soap to persnai' -. her
to leave her cradle and !.! . i -fully
into the wa1""
How's Tills.
We offer One Hundred Dollars Iteward for
any case of Catarrh that cannot lie cured by
Hall's Catarrh Cure.
p. S. CHENEY & CO.. Props.. Toledo. O.
We the undersigned, have known F. 3.
Cheney for the laat 15 years, and believe
hi in perfectly honorable in all business
transactions and financially able to carry
out any obligation made by their firm.
West & Thuax, Wholesie Druggists, To
ledo. O.
Waluinu. Kinnan & Maknin, Wholesale
Dru?Ri9ts. Toledo. O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally
acting directly upon the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system. 1'rice T5c. per bot
tle. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Thought IIed Keen lilt.
. Gallipolis (Ohio) Tribune: A funny
story is told of an old farmer in an
adjoining county who was struck by
lightning. The countryrrn was squat
ting on his heels in front of a barn.
door, and was engaged in a somewhat
acrimonious argument with a neigh
bor about some steers that had brok
en into his corn patch. Just as the
controversy reached its highest point
a bolt of lightning from a passing
storm cloud knocked the old farmer
over. When he came to his senses
he thought the neighbor had struck
him, and he began to pummel him
with his fists in lively manner, when
his son spoiled the fight by explaining
the cause of the trouble. Now the
old farmer is kept busy telling how it
DeWitt's Little Early Risers perma
nently cure chronic constipation, bil
iousness, nervousness and worn out
feeling; cleanse and regulate the en
tire system. Small, pleasant, never
eripe or sicken "famous little pills."
F. G. Fricke & Co.
Cleaning Small Glassware.
Tumblers and wineglasses should be.
washed in hot water and rinsed In
cold, and should be dried with a clean
cloth as soon as possible. After they
have been wiped perfectly dry they
6hould be polished with tissue paper.
To clean water bottles, keep the shells
of eggs and break them in small bits;
put them in the bottles with a little
water and soap and shake hard a few
times. The result will be new-looking
bottles. These can also be polished
with tissue paper with excellent re
sults. "They are simply perfect," writes
Robert Moore, of La Fajette, Iud., of
DeWitt's Little Early Risers, the
'famous little pills" for constipation
and all liver ailments, never gripe. F.
G. Fricke & Co.
Giant Tubes for a TnnncL
Brooklyn Eagle: The Manhattan &
Jersey City Railway company peti
tioned the board of aldermen of the
city of New York to construct at the
bottom of the North river and under
certain streets of New York city, two
great tubes, circular in shape, eaei
with an inside diameter of fourteen
and one-half feet, between Jersey City
and New York, and under certain
streets In New York through which It
is proposed to operate a local railroad
between Jersey City and New York.
For S le A Remington typewriter,
No. 2. Is in good repair andbas been
used but little. Inquire at the oTice
of C. S. Polk.
When you want to smoke a 10-cent
cigar try Otlo Wurl V'Silver Wreath"
union made you ccn find n ter
on the market.
HA Evil
I E. G. D0YEY & SON. I
W E A !
Is rl
"SToiii Clioice Toi...
Lunacy Increasing In i-Uig land.
Lunacy shows an alarming growth in
England. Statistics just published give
105,086 as the total of certified lunatics,
an increase of 3,114 over the preceding
year. This is the greatest annual in
crease recorded by over 1,000. The
rate of recovery also shows a backward
movement, from 3S.81 per cent to 3G.87.
Agricultural laborers provide the larg
est proportion of lunatics, attributable
to a low standard of life and the use
of strong, cheap Indian teas. Clerks
furnish the next greatest proportion of
lunatics. Here also hard, wearing, un
derpaid work and insufficient food is
the leading cause. It is contended that
the increase in lunacy is more appar
ent than real, and is due chiefly to the
law regulating the notification of lu
natics, but experts agree that the stress
of modern life Is the prime factor in
promoting lunacy. .
Ladles Can Wear Shoes
One size smaller after using Allen's !
Foot-Ease, a powder to be 6haken into
the shoes. It makes tight or ew
shoes feel easy; gives instant relief to
corns and bunion. It's the greatest
comfort discovery of the age. Cures
swollen feet, blisters and callou- spots.
Allen's Foot-Ease is a oeitain cure for
ingrowing nails, sweating, hot. aching
feet. At all druggists and thi e stores,
25c. Trial packge free by mail. Ad
dress, Allen S. Oim.-te.-v', L'Roy N.
Y. F. Cr. Fricke & C.. .1 .i.m-'-.
.If ' 'Iti 'Ait "Cmi 1 1 vf t- tfiYkrHir-
Eure!:a Harness Oil is the liest
preservative of iicw leMlHr
ami tho l-est renovator 'i '"i
luatlj( r. It oils, soften, biaik
tns nod protects. Use
r. '
i.-i' V
t, 3-.. i
M rig:!
li lit,
on yo ir x-t born ess. your old har
ness It':'! ''!iT' C.-T";'ti'L't'fOI'.H!H' ' '
vh: ii i. t u!y .vi k i !nit wci r
I vvervwh' re in ?ai." i.l
i'o:u h.Jt' plt't- I ' iiei:;
lij-. t.t blAMiAUll IIL 111.
3 T
. K. K. . f
ft Tallor-Made
Suit lor . . . .
The only wav to c a Suit
of clothes th it will fit you prop
erly is to have it nndd by a com
petent Taikr. We will mike
you a suit that we will guarantee
to fit. from good cloth, nice fi-.-ish
and up-to date throughout,
for $20. ' There is no use of send
ing away from homo or wearing
ready-made clothes when you
can get a suit at such a bargain.
j We solicit a share of )
your patronage i
Hudecek & iMcElroy
The Jiew Tailors,
Rock wood block, Plittsmouth
o c o
ifi r?' H
59 and
166 Cream
m our
vV vv S VV
a r a iv
--.-. -i t . .t.'i-i'.-j
is specially suited to some home useeither outside or inside,
It's knowing the right kind of paint, and putting it on the right
place that makes painting a success. Tell U3 what you want to paint
and we'll tell you the riht kind to use.
For sale in Plattsmouth by
F. G. FRICKE & CO., Druggists.
Skip s. i
and Vanilla
Beat the World
r t Co.,
V7 Vif v sr s v w w; ? yr? a? oj v
tVt m . VjA a m m m z& it
And for ever3'thing under the sun.
Every home has need of paint.
Each kind of
r 1
if , : 2 I