Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, September 01, 1899, Image 2

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    NfcW : flDVERTIS&Ai&NTS
I ADY nr MAN atiiMiillt Atfpllt. tflO
Li inT nuuilli M.-iliii y hikI all I'JWW'l Ziuiricr
Co., 710 Minion HI. It
At !,--i4 hair dalsam
ftp.' -itT'". l-i.tiii a a '.uuriant
-.-:(-r - J"lHwr Falls to u -attire Oray
jSsV 2-Cu "! !. Uillng.
To Look Around
Beforo J"i make purchases,
After you have, looked elsewhere,
corno to us Mid wo guarantee you
will bo ploiiicd. Our new spring
stuck bus iirrivod, including Dry
Goods, Staplo and Fancy Gro
ceries, Crockery, Glassware, Flou
if i tl A njuaro deal to (ill.
Main Street. IMattHinouth
The Semi-Weekly News-Herald
J. K. MAKKHALL. Business Manager.
One Year, in advance, ....
Six Months,
One Week
Single Copies .
One Year, in advance, . . .
Six Months
5 00
2 60
tl 00
n Ft otwear is STYLE,
KIT urul YVKAK. If you
jet all thia for $.'1.00 you
get the earth. We have
the Shoos.
North Side Main Street.
PAiL) UP CAPITAL. - $50,000
Oifcra the vnry best facilities lor the
prompt transaction of
Legitimate Banking Business.
STOCKS, bonds, sold, go vortiriient and local
securities Dousht urul sold. Deposits re
ceived and Interest allowed on the certfl
oates. Drafts drawn, avallaDle In any
part of the TJ. an J all the principle
towns of Europe. Collections made and
promptly remitted. Richest market
price paid for county warrants, state
and ounty bonds.
H. N. Vovey. I. Hawksv.orth S. Waugh
F. E. White. G. E. Dovey.
Geo. E. Dovey, Pres., S. Waugh. Cashier.
H. N. Dovev. Asst. Cashier.
Com mission Brokers
Wear Com. Co.. Correspondents.
Direct Private Wire to Chicago.
Over Atwood's Drug Store,
All Orders Promptly Executed.
l'lattsn-.ciuth Tel. ".
Large Supplj' of all tho
Including the Famous
Missouri, Illinois,
Jackson Hill and
Canou City Lump,
Always on hand Also a quantity of
cheaper Grades of NUT COAL. We also
keep on hand all kinds of Wood. All or
ders promptly delivered. Leave orders
at grocery store of A. H. Weckbach & Co.
DvsneDsia Cure
j i i
Digests what you eat.
Itartlficiallydigeststhe food and aids
Nature in strengthening and recon
structing the exhausted digestive or
trans. 1 1 is the latest discovered digest
antand tonic. No other preparation
can approach it in efficiency. It in
stantly relieve and permanently cures
pysrypHia, Indigestion, Ileartburo,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea,
S!ckIIeadache,Gatralgia,Cramps and
all other results of Imperfect digestion
Prepared by E. C DeWltt A Co.. Ctjieaso.
F. O. F1UCKE & CO.
History will pive the ndminietrntion
high credit for tho financial miinage
mont of tho war with Spain and tho
war that followed it as an unwelcome
but unavoidable sequel, says the Globe
Democrat. The cost has been far les
than anticipated beforo hostilities
began. War taxo wore wisely im
posed at the beginning of the conflict
and the spite of greatly in
creased expendlture.has avoided a for
midable accumulation of debt. Most of
the expenses of the war were charged
up during the last fiscal year ending
June 80. The deficit for the year was
jtKQ nno orm munH i... tHo. m., ik
T"E LARGEST GIRGULftTIONl estimates. This year's prospect is that
Of any Casi County Paper. ' the treasury will keep even, or nearly
Ilavenue is increasing and expen-
FUIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1899. Rent Sr was governor two
terms, but ho will not bo supremo judge
any part of one term.
John Sattlki: could not serve as
deputy treasurer and coroner both, so
what is tho usuof talking about it.
IT IS preity certain that tho Ne
braska boys can see their services
wero n ppreciftteii by their friends at
THE politicitl pot is beginning to
boil a little bitunJ tha first thing that
is known some
get scalded.
of the fueionists will
The people got quite enough, of
Ilolcomh while he was governor and
he will be excused from sitting on the
supreme bench.
Amono the numerous candidates for
county judge ou the republican ticket
T. Frank Wiles of Piatt-moutb pre
cinct seems to be the leader so far as
this part of the county is concerned
The democrats are booming James
Herold for county treasurer. Jimmie
is a tiptop fellow ai d it looks wicked
to kill him off whi o ho is so young
But such is polit;cs anyhow popocra
tic politics.
W. J. Bryan, the free silver luna
tic, it is expected has promised to
speak in Plattsmouth on the 27th of
September and the fanatics of his per
suasion are in hiffh feather over the
The early closing rule which wen
into effect in Otnnh i einmetime ago has
been broken. A nuoib. r of the lead
in? merchants have announced that
thev will keep open with
next Saturday evening.
Me. Johnson's - m.nnv friends will
regret his decision not to become
candidate for sheriff. He could cer
taiuly have been elected, and many
democrats wanted an opportunity to
attest their appr-.-c at on of his merit
The Ohio democi alio convention a
Zanesville yesterday nominated John
R. McLean of the Cincinnati Enquirer
for governor on the first ballot by a
mnoritv of a half of one vote. The
platform endorses tne Chicago free
9ilver deliverance of 1896 and de
nouncea trusts and combines. The
candidates will probably butt their
brains out fighting Ilanna.
THE NEWS, in anticipation of a big
run of business, has just received a
shipment of two tons of paper. The
subscription list to The Daily and
Semi-Weekly News is growing
rapidly, which i-- evidence that the
people appreciate a clean, fair paper
that gives the news and does not seek
to besmirch anybody and one that is
not the personal organ of a few old
"We know what American victory
means. It means not to oppress, not
to tread on the necks of the fallen. It
means to lift them up, to place them
upon their feet, and to do all that is
in our power to extend comfort, civili
zation, happiness and prosperity to all
mankind. This war has brought un
der the dominion and protectorate of
the stars and stripes many millions of
our Catholic people, far removed,some
of them, from the American continent,
but we predict for them unhesitatingly
that they will make American citizens
as loyal, as sturdy and as true as those
that are here today." Father Lavelle
n speech introducing President Mc-
Kinley, at Catholic Summer School
Grounds, Champlain,N. Y.,Augu9t 15.
The free-traders who were in such
high feather over the slightly in
creased importations of the fiscal year
S99 have lost interest in that subject
since it is discovered that this increase
was almost entirely in articles re
quired by manufacturers whose busi
ness had been increased by the protec
tive tariff. The imports of raw silk
for manufacturing were in the fiscal
year 1899 $31,876,342, against 817,558,-
163 in the last year of the Wilson law;
of raw fibers for use in manufacturing
the imports of 1899 were $20,290,727,
aer.inst $13,446,186 in 1898,and $12,336,-
41S in the Inst year of the Wilson law;
of crude India rubber the imports for
use in manufacturing were in 1890 $31,-
876,342, against $2-5,545,391 in 1898,
ind $17,5!8,163 in the last year of the
Wilson law; while the imports of t.p
for use in manufacturing tin-plate
were, in 1899. $11,843,357, against $8,-
778,151 in 1S93, and $6,533,352 in the
ast year of the Wilson law. The only
reduction in imports of material for
manufacturing was in wool, of which
the imports in the last year of the
Wilson law, which were admitted free
of duty, were $53,243,191; in 1898, the
first year of the Dingley law, they
were $16,783,692,and in 1899,the second
. av a - -l J-t S-h rAa
year oi toe umgiey law, put
sea falling off. The navy costs but
little more now than on a peace foot
ing. Congress appropriated $80,000,
000 for the authorized army of 100,000
men. The cost of maintaining the
army in the Philippines is not yet
closely ascertained, but it will be noth
ing unusual except in the matter of
transporting troops. Manila is an ideal
base for convenience and security, and
campaigning-in Luzon will be no more
expensive than elsewhere. Carrying
army supplies in ships is the cheapest
method known.
Nothing in the condition of the
treasury indicates that heavy taxes
will be necessary and those in exist
ence bear lightly upon the people.
There is an ample balance of cash on
hand. The United States came out
of the war with Spain in extraordi
nary good financial shape, and paid a
large sum to the defeated nation in
stead of at krtog one. At the end of
modern wars, as a rule, both combat
ants have contended with huge addi
tions to national debts and have been
compelled to meet the emergency with
increased taxation or, for the winning
side, a demand for immense indemnity.
When war with Spain became a cer
tainty the average estimate of the
probable cost was about $700,000,000.
That was the general judgment, and
the great difference between that fig
ure and the actuil expenditure is the
just measure of the financial efficiency
and foresight of the administration.
There are two factions in the fusion
ranks in this county. If they should
fail to fuse there would ba six little
bunches of dissatisfied, disgruntled
politicians the two pop factions, the
democratic factions and last and least,
the free silver republicans.
The f usionists have the biggest job
on their hands thisfall they have ever
had to elect any part of their ticket.
This is not a good year for the roar
backs. There are good crops and
money is too plentiful for their cause
to prosper.
Dr. John G. Patton's reports for the
last year telt of 1,102 South Sea Isl
anders won from cannibalism to Chris
tianity, one missionary alone receiv
ing 200 auults into church member
The imports of Argentina from the
United States during the first three
months of 1899 were worth $3,500,000,
being worth nearly double what they
were for the first three months of 1898
The truth is, hereby is becoming
very unpopular, and it is very gen
eraliy believed that efforts of this kind
result ever in greater and greater lib
erality and latitude of belief in relig
ious matters. Sectarian cords are
loosening rathar than tightening, and
those who have been so ready to de
nounce the least departure from the
new established creeds are beginning
to see that calling liberal interpreters
to strict account does not keep even
tho faithful from trying the fences of
the fold.
xne citizens oi apoKane, u asn, are
raising fur ds for the erection of a
monument to John Robert Monaghan,
who was killed in Samoa during: the
attack upon the British and Ameri
can marines by the followers of Ma
taafa. Monaghan was well liked in
Spokane, where he lived, and $2,000
has already been subscribed toward
the monument.
A hgure has appeared in a quarry at
West Orange, N. Y., which bears a
resemblance to the traditional pictures
of St. Anne, and hundreds of devout
Italian Catholics have gathered to do
homage to what they regard as a
miracle. The figure appears to be in
relief from the white rock and about a
foot high. It stands some fifty feet
from the ground, so that access to it is
The republican electors of the state
of Nebraska are requested to send del
egates from their respective counties
to meet in convention in the city of
Omaha on Thursday, the 21st day of
September, 1899, at 2 o'clock p. m., for
tho put pose of placing in nomination
candidates for the following offices:
One judge of the supreme court.
Two regents of the state university.
And to transact such other business a
may properly come beforo the conven
tion. The several counties are entitled to
representation as follows the appor
tionment being baxed upon the vote
cast for Hon. M. L. llayward for gov
ernor in 1808, giving each county one
delegate at largo and one for each 100
It Was a Hot And Dry Week In Most
Counties of the State.
University ok Nehkaska, Lin
coln, Aucr. 29 Tho past week has
been warm, with scattered showers in
the southeastern portion of the state.
The average daily excess of tempera
ture has been between thiee and four
degrees. The maximum temperatures
on the first days of the week raogad
from 90 to 104 degrees.
The rainfall of the week was very
light, except in small areas in Rich
ardson, Johneon, Saline, Nuckolls and
Franklio counties, where an inch or
more fell. Light, scattered showers oc
curred in the central and southeastern
counties, while in the northern and
votes and major fraction thereof. to-wit: western counties little or no rain fell.
Adams 19 Johnson....
Antelope 10 Kearney .. ..
Banner "iKeitli
Blaine lijKeya Faha-
Boone VI Kimball.
Bos Butte..
Boyd 5 Lancaster
mown aji-lncoln.
Burlalo ... 13: l.ogau . .
Burt ltiji.oup.
.. 10
... 3
... 3
5 Knox 14
Dakota. . .
Dawes. . ..
.. H
Madison.. .
. .. . M c Fherson.. . .
. i Merrick
. ... H Nance
7 Nemaha
.r Nuckolls ,
....17 Otos
. ... H Pawnee
. . . .1 - Perkins
....IB Phelps ,
. ... ti Pierce
.... 7lPlatte
... .1:1 Polk
3 Red Willow....
Dixon 10 K ichardson.,
Franklin . . .
Frontier. . .
Hamilton. .
Jetlerson 1M
1 Sarpy
.... 17 Saunders ,
....lO.Scott's Blurf..
' Seward ,
. . ..;i;l!Sherman
.. .. :i;Sioux . .
-I Stanton ,
2 Thayer
v, Washington ..
Wayne.. .
.. 2
.. 2
.. 1
.. H
.. 2
.. 6
.. 8
.. 4
.. 7
.. 3
. lti
.. 5
.. 5
.. 2
.. 7
.. 1
.. 8
.. 9
Ths Origin ot
The game or whist originated In
Enelanri Tf la hellevari tn hnvfi rleveU
The past week has been an excellent , ODed rrom the oMer ame of triumph.
one ior naying, stacKing ana tnrash- or trumph. which was playsd as early
ing. Most 01 the small grain is now Its 1360. Ia faot. in that year sermons
Spain's Greatest Need.
Mr. R. P. Olivia, of Barcelona,
Spain, spend hi winters at Aiken, S.
C. Woak norves had cauwod novero
pains in the b&cic of his bead. On
unlng Electric Bitters, 'America's
grontost blood and nerve remedy, nil
pain B:on loft hini. Ho Hny this grand
medicine Is what his country needs.
All America knows that it cures liver
and kidney trouble, purifies tho blood,
tones up the stomach, strengthens the
nerves, puts vim, vigor and new life
into every muscle, nerve and organ of
the body. If weak, tlrod or ailing you
need it. Every bottle guaranteed,
only 60 cents. Sold by F. G. Fricke
Co. 1
From Thiuday' Iilv
Following ix th rung 'f prtc" "n
the Chicago bo:rd of tru le unlny,
furnished by M. S. Brig, cnunls
nion merchant:
either thrashed or in the stack. The
yield of wheat in the northern coun
ties is generally betwean ten and fif
teen bushels per acre. Hay is gener
ally a good crop. The dry weather,
with high temperature, has been un
favorable for corn in most parts of the
state. In parts of the southeastern
section, where the moisture was suffi
cient, corn has advanced rapidly
toward maturity, without injury. In
other parts of the sta'e it has de-
were preached denouncing the game as
one that tended to take the mind off
the truths of religion. In 1841 whist
is first mentioned la English literature,
Dark tTndar Water.
The depth to which the sun's rays go
down Into the water has been found
ty the help of has been
tound that at a depth of 6DS feet the
darkness was nearly the same as that
en a olear but moonless night. Sensl-
Total 1.0J0
It is recommended that no proxies
be admitted to the convention and
that the delegates present be author
ized to cast the entire vote of the dele
gation of the county which it repre
sents. Jt is further recommended that
wherever two county conventions be
held the selection of a county commit
tee 6hall take place at the first con
vention and then in every case the
secretary be required to promptly ad
vise the state committee of the organ
ization of t-uch new committee with
the names of officers, members, post
office address and name of precinct
represented by each.
Omaha, Nebraska, June 23, 1899.
R. B. Schneider, Chairman
P. O. Hkdltjnd, Secretary.
tlve plates left open at this depth for
teriorated somewhat in condition and I long time showed no light action.
has ripened too rapidly. Good pro-
Investigation at the Chicago stock
yards in regard to the recent ad
vances in the price of beef brought
out the statement that never before in
the history of the American cattle
market has tbere been such a demand
for all kinds of meat as the present
time. The demand for export cattle
is enormous. The statement is made
that the prices of all cattle will be
higher next year than they are now.
An Atchison (Kan.) milliner U mati
ng two bonnets from combukp, one
of which is to go to Queen Victoria
and the other to Helen Gould. The
one designated for Miss Gould will be
the prettier of the two, as her youth
will permit of more color than could
be worn by the aged queen across the
sea. A similar bonnet made by the
same milliner two years ago is now in
possession of Mrs. McKinley, wife of
the president.
Full line of Quick Meal gasoline and
Blue Flame' oil stoves at Ebinger
Hardware Co., at reasonable prices.
The republican electors of Cass
county are hereby called to meet in
convention to be held at Weeping
Water, September 16, 1899, at 1
o'clock a. m., for the purpose of elect
ing twenty-six delegates to attend. the
state conveution to be held i" Omaha
September 21, also twenty-four dele
gates to attend the judicial conven
tion to bo held at Nebraska City, Sep
tember 22, and to place in nomination
candidates for the following offices
County clerk, county treasurer
clerk of the district court, . county
judge, county sheriff, superintendent
of public instruction, coroner, county
surveyor, one member of board of
county commissioners for Second
commissioners' edistrict, and for the
transaction of such other business as
may come before it. The committee
recommends that there be no proxies
recognized, but that delegates present
cast the full vote of their several pre
cincts and wards. Primaries to select
delegates to said convention will be
held on Saturday, September 9. Rep
resentation is based upon vote cast for
candidate for governor, Judge Hay
ward, in 1898, being one delegate for
each twelve votes or major fraction
thereof, and one delegate at large for
each precinct or wartJ.
Following is given the place of hold
ing, time and delegates each ward and
precinct are etitled to:
A voca Avoca 2pm
Center Manley 2 p ni
Eight Mile Grove Heil sch hotise 4pm
Elm wood Murdock 8pm
Greenwood Alvo 4pm
Liberty Lynn's hall. Union 3 p m
Louisville Hassemeier hall. .7 to 9 p m
Mt Pleasant Usual place 8pm
Nchawka School house 7pm
Platts prec Taylor school house.. 8 p m
Salt Creek Greenwood 8pm
Stove Creek Op hse. Elm wood... 8 p m
South Bend School house 7:0 p m
Tipton Lumber office. Eagle 8 p m
Rock Bluffs 1st dist. Rock B... .7 pm
Rock Bluffs-2d dist., Murray 7p iff
W W prec Cascade sch hse 6:30 p m
Weeping Water City-s-
First ward G. A. R. hall 8 to 9 p m
Second ward Council chm 8 to 9 p m
Third ward Powell's hall.... 8 to'Jpm
Plattsmouth City-
First ward Perkins house- 5 to 7 p m
Second ward Turner hall 5 to 7 p m
Third wd Richey lum office.. 5 to 7 p m
Fourth wd Council chm 5 to 7 p m
Fifth ward So. Park sch hse .5 to 7 p m
M. M. Butler, H.G. Beardsley.
Chairman. Secretary.
gress has been made with plowing, and
a little seeding has been done. The
ground was getting too dry to plow
well in most sections by the last of tho
Southeastern Sections.
Butler Warmer weather maturing
corn very fast; heavy hay crop.
Cass Good week for maturing corn
crop; ground rather dry for plowing;
pastures good; sorghum and millet be
ing cut.
Cley Lite corn improved; sorghum
ready to cut; plowing for fall wheat
being pushed.
Fillmore Corn will befair;hay crop
good; late com ana fall plowing bene
fited by rain.
Gage Corn maturing very fast;
ground in good condition for plowing;
much ground plowed.
Hamilton Corn injured by hot, dry
Jefferson Fall plowing progressing
rapidly; corn in excellent condition;
hay crop fine and excellent quality:
early apples plentiful, but late ones
Johnson Corn ripening;some wheat
and oats damaged by rains; fall plow
ing in progress.
Lancaster Good week for corn; fall
plowing in progress; considerable fall
wheat will be sown.
Nemaha Corn growing well, espe
cially late corn; early apples plentiful;
ground in good condition for plowing;
grapes plentiful.
Nuckolls Some late corn damaged
by dry weather; some rye sown;
ground in fine condition.
Otoe Corn is hardening in some
fields; pastures good; hay fair.
Pawnee Corn is getting quite hard
and will be a iage crop; millet good;
plowing for fall wheat well along; pas
tures need rain.
Polk Corn crop maturing nicely.
except some thickly planted, which
needs morr moisture; many plowing
for fall grain.
Richardson Heavy rains put
ground in fiae condition for fall plow
ing and ssoding; corn maturing
Quickly cure constipation and re
build and invigorate the entire syt-tem
never grip- or nausoato DoWitt's
Little Early Ris-r. F. G. Fricko & Co.
A Bridal Uowii at tha Battle or MhiiIIh.
ao interesting story It- atutncii to
the wedding dress which .. ... worn
bf the bride at the recent marriage of
Bancroft Gaerardl, son of the rear ad
mlral, to Mlaa Mary Butler at the lat
ter's home In Paterson, N. J. Its ab
sence might have delayed the ceremony
but for a well-stocked wardrobe. Some
time ago Henry Butler, ensign on tho
Olyrapla, of the Asiatic squadron, of
fered to buy goods for a wedding dress
for hla sister In China. It was faith
fully awaited and expected, but failed
to arrive. A few days ago came the
explanation. The merchant from whom
the purohaae was made, instead of
sending tfce dress to Paterson, forward
ed It to Ensign Butler, who was unable
to send it to Paterson until after it had
undergone on Admiral Dewey's flag
ship the experience of the great battle
of Manila bay. Thus it was Americanized.
Blotches and excresence, which o
often annoy people, are simply efforts
of nature to throw off impediments to
the proper performance of her duties.
Herbine will aid and assist nature in
in her work, and ensure a skin clear
and beautiful, entirely free from all
imperfections. Price 50c. F. G.
Fricke & Co.
A Paper Church.
Bergen, Norway, boasts of a paper
church large enough to eeat 1,000 per
sons. The building is rendered water
proof by a solution of quicklime,
curdled milk and white of egg.
A Great Scheme.
Browne "What la your object In vis
iting Spain at this time?" Towne "I
want to be on the ground early so I
can have first choice of castles." Nw
York Journal.
Oats -
Laid -
0 t
Short Kibs
7.')'. H 75l Vi 71 h 71 J,
30 :'. io'i :'!"r'
1,'HVi L'H'i
2UL, .Mi -! -'''
I97ffi30'jn 19 ,
liMi 19m, IWJK
yt 'iYt -li !-'t -Ha A '
H 1-, H 17 H 10 H 1
8r H Z7 HSi H li.i
5.17 5 22 f-IS 2''
.',.25 5.27 si--'2 '!
r. ir, r. 1 7120 ft. is '
!i 22 li 25 fi.2Q " 22
A FrlflhtuI Blunder
Will often causo a horrible burn,
scald, cut or bruise. Bueklon's Ar
nica Salvo, tho bowt in tho world, will
kill tho pain and promptly hoal it.
Cures old soros, fever sores, ulcers,
boils, felons, corn, all skin eruptions.
Bot plie euro on earth. Only 25 cts. a
box. Curo guaranteed. Sold by F. G.
Fricke & C. druggist.
KunVrlnff Vicariously.
Father to Son "Why don't you sit
down. Tommy?" Tommy "This
morning I asked you how mi'iiy made
a million, an' you paid 'darned few.' I
told teacher that In arithmetic
an' that's why I can't sit down."
II Was ltralr.
"Will you have your sausage now,
tir?" said the waiter to Mr. Dilling
ham. "Ye.-- I am prepared for the wiirtit."
A frcoand e.uey expectoration ia pro
duced by a few doll's of B.illard'n
Iloiehound Syrup, in all cases of
hoarseness, sore throat, or difficulty
of breathing. 1'rico 25 and "()c. F. C.
Fricko fc "o.
Boocham'H Pills dispol tho "blues."
He who seeks honor of men. mu3t
become their slave.
Crippled by
Thoso who have liheumatism find
themselves growing steadily worse all
the while. One reason of this is that
the remedies prescribed by the doctors
contain mercury and potash, which ul
timately intensify the diseaso by caus
ing the joints to swell and tiflVn,
producing a severe achincrof the bones.
K. S. S. has been curing Rheumatism
for t wenty years even the worst case
which .seemed ulmost incurable.
Capt. O. K. TTiifrhpa, the popular railroad
unductor, of Cihiinli. 8. C. had
'ic- with KhciimatiMii -which convinced him
that ther- in only mlfi
cur- for that pninful din
eiise. Jli-Siiyrt: "I whs a
grrat sufferer f rom mus
cular Rheumatism for
to years. 1 could pet
no permanent relief
from any medicine pre
scribed by my physician.
I took alxiut a dozen liot-
tles of your ,S. S. S.. and
now I am as well ,, I
ever was inmy life. Iami
i-iii iiinL jnur ineiieiMi? V -
cured me. mid 1 would f
recommend it to a.nv one
suffering from any blood disease."
Everybody knows that Rheumatism
is a diseased state of the blood, and
only a blood remedy is the only proper
treatment, but a remedy containing
potash and mercury only aggravates
the trouble.
No one knows the unbearable torture,
the peculiar and agonizing pain.
caused by piles, unless they have suf
fered from them. Many believe them
incurable. This is a mistake
Saline Fine weather for ripening treatment will cure them
corn; plowing progressing rapidly;
pastures good.
Saunders Corn maturing fast; hay
fine; fall plowing in progress.
Buckeve Pile Ointment is an infallible
cure. Price, 50c. in bottles, tubes 75c
F. G. Fricke & Co.
being Purely Vegetable, go-s direct to
the verv cause of the disensc uml n ncr.
Proper nianent cure always results. It is tin
Table r' only blood remedy guaranteed to con
tain no potash, mercury or other dan
gerous minerals.
Books mailed free by Swift Specific
Company, Atlanta, Georgia.
Judicial Convention.
Nebraska Crrr, Neb., Aug. 18.
The republican judicial convention
for the Second judicial district in Ne
braska is hereby called to meet at Ne
braska City September 22, 1899, at 1
Tattooed Lady" on the Cable Car.
One sometimes hears rumora of
women resorting to tattooing as a fad.
but the designs are usually made on
some part of the body where they will
not be visible In ordinary conditions.
A woman on one ot the Broadway ca
ble ers, the other day, however, car-
Has new 6tock, new rigs and
is prepared better than ever
to take caro of
o'clock p. m. of said dav in the dis
trict court room in said city for the I rld a conspicuous tattoo mark on the f GfjHCrfl! LIVPFlf BUSlflCSS
. ... . ... I ra 1. n 1.... L a IT..! .. . I " -
purpose oi putting in nomination one I uu, . iuu iu uue owe
Her hands were bare and bro'wn, hav
ing the look of strength and much ex
ercise. One fancied that she belonged
to sailer or fisher folk somewhere, and
that she eould lend a hand when neces
sary with the best of them in manag-
judge of the district court in said dis-
trict, and to transact such other busi
ness as may properly be brought be
fore said convention.
The representation in said conven
tion will be Cass county, 24; Otoe tng a boat and similar work, Ex
county, 23; being one delegate for
each hundred votes cast for Hon. M.
L. Hay ward in 1898, or the major frac
tion thereof.
M. L. HAYWARD, Chairman.
Jesse S. Mafes, Secretary.
Quick trip- made to all parts of the
county. Low prices and court
eous treatment assured.
I "hit Is nioutli, .Vfhmwku.
The art of self-defense is inculcated
early among some of the wilder tribes I dale,Texas
oi tne uaucasus, wno instruct tnetr
children, as soon as they can walk, in
the use of the dagger. First, the
little ones .are taught to stab water
without making a splash, and, in the
course of time, incessant practice
gives them an extraordinary command
over the weapon.
"Our baby was sick for a month with
severe cough and catarrhal fever. Al
though we tried many remedies she
kept getting worse until we used One
Minute Cough Cure, it relieved at
once and cured her in a few days."
B. L. Nance,Prin. High school, Bluff-
F. G. Fricke & Co.
Independent Judicial Convention.
The peoples' independent party's
judicial convention for the Second
udicial district in the state of Ne
braska is hereby called to meet at Ne
braska City, September 12, 1899, at 7
o'clock p. m. of said day in the dis
trict court room in said city for the
placing in nomination of one judge of
the district court in said district, and
to transact such other business as may
properly come before the convention.
The representation in said convention
will be: Cass county 20 delegates;
Otoe county 20 delegates.
W. F. Mokax, Chairman.
Robert J. Vass, Secretary.
Irritating stings, bites, scratches.
wounds and cuts soothed and healed
by De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve, a
ure and safe application for tortured
flesh. Beware of counterfeits. F. G.
Fricke & Co.
Scar Head.
Rarely do a "green hand" give the
long-suffering editor such afi oppor
tunity as that below, noted In the
Catholic Standard and Times: "Here's
a story of a thief," said the enthusi
astic youne; and new reporter, "who
seeured a room at a local hotel and
robbed other guests of their money.
Leading Liveryman.
The best of rus turuinhtid rw-r. ui
" tUU 11
prices are a way icp.s jrif b.t. larmunt
convenient boaHln? null tot far
mer In t'-e citv.
pL'n'SM'iUT;! vpr.
"De Witt's Little Early Risers did
me more good than all blood medicines I What sort of head shall I put on it?
and other pills," writes Geo. II.
Jacobs, of Thompson, Conn. Prompt,
pleasant.never gripe, they cure con
stipation, arouse the torpid liver to ac
tion and give you clean blood, steady
nerves, a clear brain and a healthy ap
petite. F. U-. Fricke & Co.
"On," se-ia tne eaitor, "suppoee you
make it 'Scoundrelly Roomer Gains
Helmholta Brain.
Prof. Hansemann of the faculty ot
pathological anatomy at the Berlin
university announces the completion
of hla study and investigation of the
brain of the late Helmholtz, which, he
says, developed the most astonishing
Parrots Are Not Thrifty Birds.
Many animals in desert regions nev
er nave a.aj waier except tne dew on
vegetation. A parrot in the London
eoo Is known to have lived fifty-two
years without drinking a drop of water.
Plattsmouth Coal Yard
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cures dyspep
sia because its ingredients are such
that it can't help doing so. "The pub-
fact that the world's greatest mathe-1 lic can rely UP It as a master remedy
matician, physiologist, physician and 'or all disorders arising from impor-
natural philosopher during the paat fcet digestion." James M. Thoraa,
four decades had been both an epilep- M. American Journal of Health,
tic and a sufferer from hydrocephalus, n. Y. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Hay. Co.r,, Out- ind nil Kind. f u. a
Cou-tartly on Itaiul.
A N'n M A T N'.vT
Triumph for a Brahmin Scholar.
The highest of the graduating hon
ors at Cambridge university, in Eng-
FOR SALE OR Rent Store room
and dwelling combined, 34x58 feet,
known nb the T. V. Davis store, in
Rl Cklehratrr'a F.aalt.h Dlaamaad Braa.
Va- yrmlm for 'Oh
nay?tjiv,d Bran 4 ia
land, goes to a colored man. a Brah Murray. Ioquireof J. W. Edmunds,
caln from Bombay, I Murray. Neb.
Orifiatl Md Only Conine. uoiit aak
t ia Uei and Gld metAiiwA
2'xei fated with blue ribbon,. Ttke
f no t her- H'ie dangerous in.
rion ana tm'an. At nruriiii, or aa 4j,
ia Warn; for particular. t'-euimnoUla and
"KetU-r Tor I. Md ), in letter, bv rtarai
i ia.ita ii-.wv-f iiiniawmii JVewm rawer
CfctrhetrlhemlctiaCMadlrMM Hsm.
Bold bj all Local iruftau. PHIL A OA.., tA