Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, August 29, 1899, Image 4

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Saloonkeepers Served With) Writ
ten Notice Tbat Their Places
Must Be Closed.
Must Close at II O'clock Saturday
Night and Remain Closed
Till Monday Morning-
Sunday whs ji dry dy in i'lutts
mouth to those who lld not lay in
their supply of liquid refreshments on
Saturday evening. Muyor F. M
Kichey concluded that the enloon
keepers wern too bmvo about selling
liquor on Suudayn, at.d on Siturday
afternoon armed Cliiof Slater with a
notice that all auloon keepers must
close their place of busiiH-sH at 11
oVlock Saturday uvenlnj; and keep
eloHod until Monday inorninr. They
woro itceordiiiuiy notilied . Saturday
evening and the nnKr was enforced
It is not thought that this ruling1
wan made in order to give liquor men
a holiday one day out of eaeh week,
but out of re.-pect to the law which is
supposed to trovcrn the sale of intoxi
eating liquors. The Haloons have been
run very quietly wince Mr. Kitboy and
William Slater went into office, but it
is undeitord that thev have been
gradually putting more reckless and
the order cf the miiycr was found
npc.i'ssnpv. The saloon men obi ct to
Sunday dosing for the reason, as they
il.t. t. ,lr... s1,-b mien i.n the
business and sell as much or more
whiskey than they do, and they argue
that, as they pay .$1,000 per year for
the privilege of t-L-lIing liquor, they
ought lo have the p; fe ence.
Found In the t'oiiiiiiy of it Lincoln Wo
man In Om ih t. y
The following, in regard to E. S.
Greusel, a former I'lattsmouth man,
but now master mechanic of the Bur-
linirton's Ifavelock shops, is taken
from Sunday's World-Herald:
"E. S. Greusel aud Mrs. E. W. Al-
lonsby, both of Lincoln, wore arrested
last night in a Farnara street hotel on
complaint of E. V. Aliensby, the di-
vorced husband of Mrs. Aliensby.
The arrest was made shortly after
midnight by Detective Jorgenson, who
was accompanied by Mr. Aliensby.
"Mr. Aliensby, who is well known
in Lincoln, where ho holds a good
business position, said iast night that
he had secured the arret 01 nis lor-
mer wife for the purpose of obtaining ties which can are reque ted to- join
possession of their child, Floyd Al- the procession and help to m ike the
lensby, who is now in the custody of reception as impressive as post-ible.
the mother. Early last spring Mrs. . It is desired that f l! buildings on
Aliensby secured a divorce her Main street be appt opria'ely deco
hjsband on tire grounds of non-sup- crated with flags, etc. , and aspiritof
port. Mr. Aliensby filed -no crose-pe- patriotism be evrywh re mnnifest.
tition and did not appear in court The signal for the arrival cf the
when tho case was called for trial. He train will be four lout? c u'inutd whis
did not even strive to gain possession ties from the H & M 6hops, ,which
of the child at that time. Of late, will be sounded at least one hour be
however, he has taken steps to eret fore its arrival, which will perhaps be
the custody of tho child, believing on Wednesday afternoon, August SO.
that his wife had ceased to b3 the A. B Todd,
proper person to have charge of the J. H. THRASHER,
welfare of little Floyd. II. J. STREIQnx,
"Mrs. Aliensby left Lincoln several C. M. NOBLB,
days ago and obtained employment in S. P. HOLLOW AY,
Omaha at a hotel on Sixteenth street. Committee.
Her former husband followed her to cider and Apple Free,
this city and last night, when he Isaac Pollard of Nehawka has prom
found tbat Greusel and Mrs. Ailensby ised to send twelve barrels of cider
had registered at the same hotel, he and a lot of apples for the First Ne
called upon the police of this city and braska regiment. Tho gift is lo be
acqdaintod them with the fcts. The used during the regimental reception
police called up Lincoln by 'phone in at Lincoln, September 13 to lo. This
rdor to satisfy themselves as to the liberality has been acknowledged by
identity of Mr. Ailensby and as to the the entertainment committee. Mr.
facts in the case. When the neces- Pollard has written as follows to the
sary information had been obtained,
the detective was detailed to make
the arrest. "
K. S. Greusel Married.
E. S. Greusel of Havelock and Mrs.
E. JV. Aliensby of Lincoln were mar
ried at Council BlufTs and returned to
Havelock vesterdav morning. This
may change the outcome of the pro
ceedings begun by Mr. Aliensby to
show that his divorced wife was not a
proper person to have charge of their
Mr. Greusel's friends say that he
has been paying attentions to Mrs.
Aliensby of late and had announced
to members of his family that he in
tended to marry her at tho end of the
first year after the death of his first
wife. This year will be up next March.
Edward W. Ailensby, recently a de
fendant in a divorce suit in thi9
county, applied to Judge Frost of the
Lancaster county district court yester
day and secured a temporary injunc
tion to prevent his former wife from
interfering with his visits to their lit-
tie son or from taking the child oui ofJse
. I
the iurisdiction of the court or from I
removing it from tho county. Deputy I
Sheriff Woodward served notice of
the injunction upon the defendant at
Havelock vesterdav afternoon. The
defendant accepted service, but re
marked to the oilicer that her name
was no longer
Aliensby. Lincoln
Uorse Thieves at Large.
The sheriff received notice from
Avoca today that a brown mare was
stolen from John It. Josephson, re-
siding one mile north of Avoca, last
night. Mr. Josephson is of the opin-
ion that the animal was stolen by a
man who called at his house for some- j
thing to eat last evening.
&mo of tho democrats who have
not much to do have circulated the re-
port that Tom Williams has said he
would not accept the nomination ior
..horlfT This is not true. He is will-
ing to leave the matter to the party,
If the nomination is tendered him ho
will accept it. And that is ooi an ne
will bo elected.
Ice croaro p.,ckod for picnic parties
a t Holloway 'h. j
Xrrtalrtl In Oniuhit Kor Counter
feit Monry.
The following from the World
Herald refers to "Orura" Stovvnrt,
well known in this city:
"Oren Crura mol Stuart, arrested by
Sorgeant Weisonburpf and Ofllcer
Mitchell in Goldsmith's saloon, S atur
day afternoon, on the charge of pass
ing counterfeit money.yuiiterday morn
ing was turned over to the United
States marshal.
"Stuart, who ia alleged to be one of
the confreres of McCarty, passed an
"iron" dollar on Goldsmith's bar
tender for the drinks The man took
the money doubtfulty, but Stuart an
sured him that it was pood, and that
he had a pocketful of just such wagon
wheels. Ho then attempted to pass
the mate to the one thai had gone
over the bar upon "Blind Tom," the
musician, offering him 10 cents to play
a tune for him, but Goldsmith, detect
ing the imposition, demaiidel that he
take the money It -ck. The man again
protested thai the money was the very
best in the land. The oflicers hap
pened along and c irriod him to the
"Fred Moulder, u Sarpy county far
mer, w,ho was in the saloon at the
time, informed the police that Stuart
was associated with McCarty. 1'his
was denied by Stuart, who asserts that
he is a farmer,residing in Cats county.
noar Piattsmouth.
"lis told several conflicting stories,
however, and the officers thought him
a Zooa man 10 nolu-
"The dollars are viry poor imita
tions, and would not have been ac
cepted by the saloon keeper had he
not been hurried. They !o;k a though
they had been made in a blacksmith's
forge and turned down upon a machin
ist's lathe."
Will Welcome the Itoy Home.
The members of the Grand Army of
the Republic and all ex soldiers are
requested to meet at G. A. R. hall at
least one-half hour prior to the ar
rival of the iiam 'vhich returns
PlatUmouth's four Manila soldier
boys Frank Johnson, Merritt Kerr,
Charles Searle and Clarence Fry for
the purpose of marching in a body to
the depot.
Oa their arrival, the soldier boys
will be placed in an open back, and,
headed by the 13. & M. band, they will
be escorted to the front of the Hotel
Uilev. The Grand Army will escort
the crrlfige ia singi file on either
side. Arriving at tLo Hotel Riley,
lion. 11. B. WinuLm wi'.l give a short
address 01 velc m-. Ai civic socie-
entertainment committee:
Nehawka, Aug. 25. Mrs. Reh-
laender. Secretary Entertainment
Coramitte, Lincoln. Madam: "V our
letter of 22d inst. received. I will
have the apples and cider in Lincoln
at the time you may request, and per
haps each company will want a barrel
of cider.and I will send twelve instead
of ten barrels. Perhaps you will want
some good vinegar for the tables, if
you would like some, I will 32nd a keg
of pure cider vinegar with the other
goods. You can depend on every
thing promised by the Nehawka fruit
farm. Isaac Pollard.
The replevin suit of M. E. Mao-
speaker vs. Frank Benfer was tried to
a jury in Archer's court yesterday af
ternoon, resulting in a verdict for the
plaintiff. The case will be appealed.
On complaint of George Craig, Mrs.
A. Hedlund was arrested yesterday
for disturbing the peace and happi
ness of her neighbors. The trial is
r rru .J
- ior iUurtul-v
Mrs. Jake Miller and two sons were
arrested by Chief S'ater yesterday for
disturbing the peace. They reside in
the south part of town and have bsen
having a neighborhood
a neighborhood row. j. he
hearing is sot for Thursday, also
Jiinmie Moore, the "blue hen's
cbicken," is in jail. He was drunk!
Kohbrrj at Hie Missouri Pacific lepot;
A robbery occurred last Friday
night at the Missouri Pacific depot,
bul the newspapers did not get hold of
jt until last evening. S. G. Sprague,
tQO auditor, and Detective DeLong
Were in the city yesterday looking
after the matter, but they have no
ciue to the thieves
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure thoroughly
digests food without aid from the
stomach, and at the same time heals
and restores the diseased digestive
organs, ills ine only remedy inai
does both of these things and can be
relied upon to permanently cure dys
pepsla. r. G. t ricite & lo.
B 0 Hadley, tho carpenter and
builder, will do all kinds of carpenter
work at right prices. Small jobs
promptly attended to.
Members of the City Council Hold
a Lagging Session.
lo Not I'erforiu m lrrt Amount of llu.l
11 em. Hut Continue the Hraalon I'ntll
' After V A Urlit of Hills Ajrulnat tbti
Clly Other New.
The city council held a mooting lust
evening, notwithstanding the fact
that the heat was almost unbearable
in the council chamber. The meet
ing "was not so warm," however, the
business being performed with a drag
all the way through and not of much
A petition, signed by a large num
ber of resideuts of the Third ward, was
read by the clerk, asking that an arc
light be placed at the corner of Third
and Oak streets. On motion the mat
tar was referred to tho council men of
that ward with power to act.
The matter of supplying city water
to the Columbian school was brought
up by Lutz of the Fifth, and it was de
cided to tap the water main at Eighth
and Rock streets for the purpose of
furnishing water to that building.
The bids for doing the city printing
for the ensuing year were read. Tho
four offices of the city had filed bids
and they were pretty near the same
except that of the Journal, which was
about twice as much on job work as
the others. The matter was referred
to the judiciary committee.
There was one bid filed for the con
struction of sidewalks, G. W. Osborn
bidding 14 cents per foot. It was re
ferred to the proper committee with
power to act.
The bill of Herman Streitweiser of
$84 for making some repairs on the en
gine at the power house brought out a
spirited discussion, but it was finally
decided to pay it at that meeting.
The claims committee returned the
following bills and upon motion of
Lutz of the Fifth the clerk was in
structed to draw warrants for the pay
ment of the same:
Cass county, boarding prisoners $5fl 75
J Fanda. street work 3R 90
Omaha Printing Co, register , 11 00
Kildow, burying dog 25
George Melvin, street work 3 00
L Kildow, same 18 0)
Ebiuger Hardware Co. mdse.... 12 20
William Gingery, street work 25 63
A O'Neill, same 12 30
Charles Hendricksou, same 1 50
V Lindsey, labor 19 05
B & M. freight.. 137
A H Weckbach. coal 61 56
Harley Weldey, rags 4 00
J V Sans, blaoksmithirg 2 75
W Allenbough, street work 9 7:
J McMaken. same 7 50
M Sheldon, same 16 65
Jacob Mason, same -- 5 00
Harvey Holloway, judge of election 3 00
A E Conant, labor 3 75
Zuckweiler & Lutz, mdse 18 9:
Standard Oil Co. oil 17 93
Snraeue Iron Works, supplies 15 85
Buttery requested tbat a ditch in
front of Kopia's store on main street
be made to prevent the water from
running over the sidewalk and that
some grading be done on North Eighth
street in order that Fred Lehnhoff
could build a sidewalk. The work was
ordered done.
Satt'.er called the committee's atten
tion to some needed work on Fifth
street, near Main, and also on Rock.
Messersmith said that the council
should see that the men who were
hired to cut weeds do more work and
less sitting In the shade.
On motion of Sattler the clerk was
instructed to make out an itemized
bill of the Nebraska Telephone com
pany's indebtedness for allowing the
poles to stand on Main street, for
which there was a fine of $1 per day
The motion carried.
Buttery asked that the bridge at
the foot of the Tenth street hill be re
paired and it was so ordered.
There being no further business the
council adjourned.
Following is tho range of prices on
the Chicago board of trade today, as
furnished by M. S. Briggs, commis
sion merchant:
O X f O
. - g l - s
Sept 69X 70Ys 69H 70
Dec IWayViV, 71 Vt T!
May HH Ya 75 hi 71 , 75
Sept SOmgfS 30 H 30' 4 30 ft
Dec 28 28,i 284 28 y,
May 29J4 24 39M 29 S
Sept 19H 1920 19i 1920
Dec 19 19 19V4 Wi
May 21J4 21'i -1! 214A
Sept 8.32 8.30 8.22 8.25
Dec 8.32 8.37 8 30 8.32
Sept 5.22 5.25 5.22 5.22
Oct 5.30 5.32 5.30 5.30
Short Ribs
Sept 5.17 5.20 5.15 5.15 -
Oct 5.25 5. if? 5.22 5.25
Kites and Thunderstorms.
Mr. William A. Eddy. f Bayonne,
New Jersey, finds that he can predict
the approach of thunderstorms when
they are yet so distant that their at
tendant clouds have not come into
view by means of high-flying kites.
The kites inform him of the electrical
condition of the atmosphere, which
assume a recognizable character in ad
vance Jt such storms. Thunderstorms
have the peculiarity of advancing in
lines hundreds of miles in length, the
storms composing such an array, keep
ing, in a general way, abreast of ono
another, like skirmishers leading
line of battle.
A Doctor's Prescription.
Abernethy, the celebrated surgeon,
was no respecter of persons, and for
plain speaking was a terror to many
a pur6e-proud man. A lazy, wealthy
Individual asked him in fear and trem
bling, what was the cure for gout, a
disease caused by his luxurious mods
of living. "Live on sixpence a day,"
was the doctor's reply, "and earn it!"
-Try the Stag brand working pants.
Better wear, better fit, more comfort,
more value; cost no more than inferior
gooda 85 cents. F. T. Davis Co.
C. A. Marshall, Dentist.
Khlnn'n oafo and fruit stand, Porklnn
houoo block.
Tho PUttsmouth city schools will
open on September 11.
I co cream flavored with extracts, "ft
cents per quart at Holloway V.
Toledo f uit cans, guaranteed not to
leak, at the Ebtngy Hardware Com
pany, "
A new, thing an extension eiep
ladder at Ebinger Hardware Cora-
Mound City paint. All colors. Best
on oarth. A. W. Atwood, the drug
gist sel Is It.
Tho Ebinger Hardware Company
carry a full line of the celebrated
Lauden bay tools.
A. W. Atwood, tho druggist, has
just wnai you want in wall paper.
I'lattsmouth Telephone z7.
Order your bread, cake and ice
cream of Hollowav. Telephones. Ne
bratka HU; rMattsnjouth, J70.
Full lino of Quick Meal gasoline and
uiue narao cu sieves at rJ&inger
Hardware Co., at reasonable prices.
Dr W. I)en, dentist, 409, 410,
McCague building, northwest corner
of Fifteenth and Dodge street, Ornt.ha.
Fou III- nt A six-room house; pleas-
antly located. Enquire of Mis. Chas.
Mitchell, bet veon Uoek and Gold
The Ebinger Hardware company is
agent for the Monmouth filter and
water cooler. The finest thing out.
See them.
For Silo A Remington typewriter,
No. 2. Is in good repair and has been
used but little. Inquiie at the oTice
lawn better than you can do it your-
self. Won't cost much. Nebraska
telephone No. 79.
James L. Walker, a conservatory
graduate, instructor on piano and or
gan, also in voice culture. Kootns in
the Rock wood block.
Ballard's Snow Liniment gives in-
Btant relief in cases of bleeding,burns,
bruises,scalds,cuts,etc. Price 25 and
50c. F. G. Fricke & Co.
The "Gut Heil" 5-cent cigar has an
enviable reputation among smokers.
Union made. For sale by all dealers.
Otto Wurl, Manufacturer.
Anton Hudecek has opened a tailor
shop over Morgan's clothing store.
All work guaranteed satisfactory.
Special attention to repairinc
Dr W. A. TTnmnhreir nsaiatod hv
-- r- - j i . - j
Drs. Hall of this city, Foot of Omaha
and fumpton of Glenwood, performed
an operaticn upon Mrs. A. L. Mungrr
today and now entertain hopes of her
early recovery.
The Missouri Pacific will run an ex-
cursion to Woenintr Water Aumist 3T
T W A 1-rr
lnir. Ih3 train will leave here at 8 30
in the mornino- and rot nrninrr wil 1
. " i-i
leave Weeping Water at 7 p. m. The
,.... .,, ,
round trip rate will be 7o cents.
... . , , , .
Miss Melena K.dford, who has been
spending the summer studying vocal
music in the Chicago college of music.
will leave shortly for Wymore, where
she will take charm of the science de-
nartment of the Wvmnro hirrh nnhnnl.
Lincoln Journal.
The News this afternoon received
a telephone message from II. N.
Dovey, who is at Omaha, stating thai
the First regiment would not arrive
in Omaha until ly o'clock tonight. A
great many Piattsmouth people have
gone to Omaha and will remain over
to meet the boye.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cures dyspep-
hpp'n iti;n ittt imrrnilil'ntj n eiinVi
, .' , , " . ,
that it e in t help doing so. "The pub-
lie can relv m-on U a n ma.lnr rmHi7 I
lie can reij upon ll as a raa-ter remedy
ior an aisoraers arising irom imper
feet digestion." James M. Thomas, I
M. D.,in American Journnl of Health,
N. Y. P. G. Fricke & Co.
Ed Donat Was in Omaha today.
E. A. Oliver made a business trip to I
Omaha todav.
Mrs. T. M. Patterson was a visitor
in Omaha tod:;v.
Mrs. Sim Pattorson of Lincoln
visited in the city today.
liiley Fradey was among the crowd
who went to Om ilia this afternoon.
Samuel Richardson and son, Frank,
were attpndinir tn husi ness in Om 1 h I
. ,x a
Lvuoj. 1
Mi TAiu..- ll,.cn nA i;.ti .,,-
ter, Beatrice, have gone to Denver
iTiioo u.iiiiiii .c niiu . uaucu-l
ior a visit with friends.
M. A Dixon and wife have gone to
Eastern Iowa to attend a reunion of
Mr. Dixon's regiment.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Gray of Kansas
City are visitin in the city, the
guests of P. P. Giss and family.
Wash Smith was called to McC'ouk
this afternoon on account of the seri
ous illness of his brother, Henry.
L. E. Karnes, grand patriarch of
the I. O.O F , is home trom a trip
over the state in tho int1 rest of the
Judge M. Archer stopped the wheels
of justice long enough today to go to
Omaha and view, the sights at the ex
Joe Schebesta, H. J. Libershal nnd
Fritz Heiurich, jr., were three sports
who look in the sights in the metrop
olis today.
H. N. Dovey, John Schulhof and A.
II. Week back went to Omaha today to
remain until the arrival of the First
Misses Irene and Minnie Cummings
arrived home this morning from a
mooth's visit with relatives at Hia
watha, Kan.
J. P. Kuhney went to Omaha this
We Have, Sets. . .
On hand fur all kind of
HiU If you bilng your
Hfla lo ua, wo i:nit ;l tho
kind of Ioimi )ou want in
thrill tho mime (ny you
louvo tliom.
John T. Coloman,
...I EWE LIC It..
Second door South ol i'ouffloo
morning to consult with !-. (Jirford ,
the oculist, hiii eyoa having boihtirtd
him very much of late.
Ellen and Kathryn, tho two rinigh-
ters of II. IJ. Windham, accoinp ml-d
Mrs. Sam Patterson to her homo at
Lincoln for a week's visit.
Mrs. J. W. Johnfion and daugh'nr,
Ruth, went to Council BlufN th!i
morning in order to be convenient
when the First regiment arrives
c. C. Parmele and wife and Miss
Catherine Agnew arrived home this
morning from a month's outiDg
among the lakes in northern Michl
S. H. Atwood returned last evening
from a business trip-to WoodrufT,Kan.
Mr. Atwood states that the weather
has been very hot In that portion of
the country and has done some damage
to the corn crop.
In neighborhood of Piattsmouth, a
black frock coat. Leave at News office
and receive reward. P. S. Snydku,
Agent for Dr. Bersuch.
. A. . n- ... ,
Iiuvui uiu k i,u uunciiu nu. just 13-
sued by the department of agriculture.
NewJersey is building more roads and
better roads for the money than any
other state in the union.
Special Examination.
A special examination for teachers'
certificates will bo- held at Elmwood
Tuesday and Wednesday, August 29
and 30.
Pupils wishing to take the exatnina-
tion for students' certificates for free
attendance at public high school may
present themselves at this time.
George L. Farlkt,
County Superintendent.
Herbtne is well adapted to the cure
of fevers of all kinds, because it thor
I oughly cleanses the stomach and bow
el8 of all bilious humors, and expels
all impure secretions of the bodv
Price 60c. F. G. Fricke & Co.
The News ot2ce is the bet equipped
joh office in f'asscountv. First cias
work done on short notice
Probate Notice.
In the County Court. Cass county, Nebraska
mJ Ter OI lne eslale OI wam l oung,
i uet-cascu;
I Francis M. Vounsr. lane BoecV. David A
terested in said matter, are herebv notified that
I V Oil no- ti ii. -n ronn rr All -tfriA n
I I nn J J X A . rf .
2" 'n5 "a . . M?via
nieu a pennon in saia court, alleging', among
th"thin?sv that William Young died on the
25th day of April. 1899. leaving a last will and
testament, and possessed of real estate in Cass
county.IMebraska.valued at J1.OO0 00 and that the
above-named constitute all, the persons interested
I 01 said estate, lou are hereby notified that If
I day of September, is9. at 9 o'clock a. m., to
contest tne prooate t said will, the court, may
i auow ana proDaie saia win anagrant adminlstra-
I tion of said estate to Francis M. Vounir or some
wiuci auii.uic pciauu nuu proceed 10 a settle
ment tnereoi
Witness mv hand and the seal of said court
at nattsmoutb, Nebraska, this 2th day of Aug'
usi, iow.
. George M. Spurlock,
(Seal) County Judge.
First publication August 29, 1899.
Order to Show Cause.
In the District Court of Cass countv. Nebraska
in the matter ot the estate of Jacob Frederick
HuDer. deceased.
This cause came on to be heard at Chambers
upon the petition of John D. Ferguson, as ad
ministrator or me estate ol Jacob v redenclt Hu
Der. deceased, nravine lor license to sell lots on.
hundred forty 140J, one hundred twenty-four
1241. two hundred thirty-three 1233. three
hundred twenty-one 321, three hundred twenty-
Jwo i322)- three hundred twenty-three 323. four
hundred twenty 420, four hundred twenty-one
eighty-one 681, six hundred eighty 63OJ. six
nunarea lortv-nve M31. one hundred twontv
five 12ft, one hundred eightv-eight 188, one
hundred-eighty-nine 181. three hundred forty
eight 348, three hundred forty-nine 349. three
hundred hfty f 3501. six hundred thirtv-fi
six hundred thirty-six f630, six hundred eighty-
uine lo,,sj. six nunarea ninety-seven ioui J, seven
hundred twenty-four 724, seven hundred
twentv-five T7251. seven hundred tw.ntviv
726J. seven hundred thirty-five 735, seven
hundred forty-four 744, all in the village of
iuuistuic, vdss tuuuiy, ieurasna, or a sumcient
amount of the same to bring the sum ot thre
hundred fortv-eieht dollars fiftv-fiv rents
$348 55 tor the payment of debts allowed
against said estate and the costs of administra
tion, tnere not being sufficient personal property
iu pay wie saia aeots ana expenses.
It is therefore ordered that all persons Inter
ested in said estate aDnear before m nt the
omce oi the clerk ot the district court at Piatts
mouth, In Oass county, Nebraska, on the 14th
day of October, 1899, at 2 o'clock p. m., to show
cause why a license should not be granted to
said administrator to sell so much nf the ahnve
1 A friY,..! 1 t : J j ..
uvoi.ii ii nuic ui satiu ucLcascu as snail
De necessay to pay said debts and expenses
that this order be published in the Semi
h"1'', "m,mencing Tuesday, the 29th day of
fY HEKLY BWS-MERA.D for tour successive
Dated this 24th day of August, 19.
Basil S. Kamsev,
Tudee of the District Onurt.
I Byron Clark and C. A. Rawls. Attorneys for
First publication August 29.
We are agents for Balduff'9
confectionery. There ia
nothing finer made. If you
want something real tine,
call on us.
Dr. W. C. Dean...
409, 410 McCarn Balldlnar .
Northwest cor. 15th and Dodge sts.
All work carefully and well done. Nervous pa
tients will receive especial consideration.
Tvo winnors" tnat we want
you to koojp vell in mind the
only UrantUi of Pants and Over
alls vi'tfi a poitivo money guar
antor. Vs v'r; 10c for every
button that corno-; off and a new
pair of ovt'.r;il-j if thoy rip.
On Dutchott'j Tr.ou';f;r';( vo vill give
you 10c for ovry suspender
button that cornos off; 50c for
every rip in tho waistband and
$1 for a rip in the seat or else
where. The improvements ii our new .store arc about
completed. To make room for new fall
yoodSy we will sacrifice all summer goods.
6. E. wescott & Son
We Are on the Corner.
A Few More of Those
Iron Beds Left..
Beautiful Line of Bookcases..
Just received Como in and pt ic 1 'cm An elegant An
tique Oak Sideboard goe for lo fur th2 next thirty day-.
This is a rare bargain and canno' l e dup icat;d anywhere.
Those Oak Rockers at $1.75...
Are BARGAINS which everyone takes hold of who seos
them. . . .
The Furniture Man and Undertaker
Gering & Co., Druggists.
New Hardware Store
Having- returned to Piattsmouth, I will be g-lad
to welcome all my old customers, as well as new ones,
and show them a select line of Stoves, Hardware,
Tinware and anything- usually carried iu a first-class
hardware store.
Be sure and call, as I have
interest you.
Rockwood Block,
Fer 20 Years Has Led cil IVcrm Hsmediss. iCTg
-- j-
The Platte Mutual insnranrp
. H
qi nnn riL ....... J
y HY will you pay your money to foreign Insurance companies, who tnke it
out of the state, when you can get Inur-nce for less cost frorn vv
Company. Only the Best Class of Business and Dweiil m a
Property Accepted. "elllB House
Officers and Directors Tom. E. Parmele, President; Geo. E. Dovev ViA
president; T. Frank Wilea, Secretary; Frank J. Morgan, Treagurer-' r v
Wescott, W. J. White, Henry Boeck, U. O. Dwyer, Geo. A. Hay, H. It. Goring
With Mattress
and Springs
1 1
will euro Blind, Bl.-ediiitr and Jt liing Piles It absorbs the
tumors, allays tie iti-nnu :.t once, ai ts as a poultice, pives
instant relief. li-(-j.;ire! for Piles and Jtchirig of tins
private parts, to wry box is warranted. Judge Coons, ef
Maysville, Ky , s:sys: "lr. Williams' Indian Pile Oint
ment cured nte al ier ;.o:ir.; '.r snrT rinif." Hold by druggists
sent by mail on rwcij.t ( : ! -ice. 5 ) conta and $l!00 per box.
seme prices that will
E.-t!n Jity.
ti j-. x hts. ;
5. A I dk 5
r" ZJ2Zsl? ; 1 t. Louis.
i -