N&W : ADVERTISEMENTS HAIR BALSAM mli-l ml h.iititii tin htSt. ' SrV ' T-.-iHi.vcr to Hcntorc Or 'lifiV -JFJ "' to '" VoulUlul olol i",V 1 A flr-,.i-.-. praiP .I......-. hir l.hi. r. SENT FREE to housekeepers Liebig COMPANY'S Extract of Beef COOK BOOK- telling' how t preppro many deli cate and delicious dishes. Address. lAMg Co., I. O. ?7IH, New Vork The Semi-Weekly News-Herald PUBLISHED ON TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS ... BY THE . . . NKWS PUBLISHING COMPANY, J. K. MAKHII A 1. 1.. Business Manager. DAILY EDITION. One Year, in advance, . . . . Six Months One Week, Single Copies, 8KMI-WKKKLY EDITION. One Year, in advance, . . . Six Months, $5 00 2 50 10 5 SI 00 SO Preserves A r frultH, Jiilllos, plclcles orriiwup art A 44h more ciiHlly, more quietly, mure A ja h.-iiltrifullv seal.-d with itelined 1L fk. rarafUn Wax thun by any other met lioil. iHizens of other ujs will be tounarorRefined Paraffine Wax In every household. It In clean, Uuitclisft and oorlifin nlr, water antl acid proof. U.-t a nouml rake of It with u llHt of Its many uses from your druKlHt or grocnr. Bold everywhere. Maileliy TANlAlil OIL CO. IT PAYS To Look Around Ilcforo you make purchases. After jou huvo looked elsewhere, come to us and wo (ruarantee you will be pleased. Our new spring stock has arrived, including Dry Goods, Staple and Fancy Gro ceries, Crockery, Glassw ire, Flour and Feed. A square deal to all. F. S. Main Street. WHITE, Plattsmouth y (ja Q fljii Q CTr -H -ap itj -ffj fjt T-?.E LARGEST CIRCULATION Of any Cass County Paper. TUESDAY, AUGUST 21), 1899. NiciiUASKA's three hundred million biihhel corn crop is rapidly maturing Si.NCK Si Holeomb's nomination for supreme judge, it is in order for the editor of th- Platt-iiuouth Journal to devour their lnr'o supply of crow. A f.l 1:1:1: A I- xniount of the Journal's crow was devoured in the lam issue Cilly Bryan h i tod all of the demo cratic papers th tt it is good and they down it without salt. S. A. Mouuisox bus found it neces sary to increase the number of home print pages of his Ivigle Beacon. "Sandy" is getting out a good paper and deserved sucee.-s. Sktii Moiiley has taken t) Manila a complete printing outfit and will establish a paper in that city. The people may now expect to get the straight of things on the Philippines. It IS now a settled fot that there will be no attempt on th part of the Cass County Agricultural society to hold a fair. That is one reason why we should hold a rousing street fair. Will it be done? It ls bcgii.t.i ig to be realized, as yel low j')uxnalism steps aside ana hUtory takes its place in the latt? Spanish war, that in spite of the entire un prepared ness cf the country, great results were achieved with marvelous cccrity. With Bryanism feeding on populism and c iiam ty, it would seem that Kan- s, with her 300.00.1,000 to 400,00(1,000 bushel corn eri-n, woith in cash least $l'i0.0 0,000, c.:i on be consid eretl even anions . ue possible states for the candidate. I'OINTS FKOM St' III" It MAN. Through Mr. Schurman. president of the Philippines commUnion, has not yet pro-ontcd his ofllcinl report to the administration, he has touched in con vernation upon some matters that should be steadily kept in mind, says tho Globe-Democrat. What he says concerning the importance to this country of comneree in tho Pacific and of trade with the popu'ous nations of Eastern Asia cannot be impressed with too much emphasis. This ia a nation of workers rapidly multiplying in numbers and we cannot afford to neglect the development of business with races that are nearer to us than to industrial rivals. In regard to the war in tho Philippines Mr. Schurman dwells upon the fact that only one tribe, tho Tagals, is hos'tile, and that tho rebellion does not embrace the whole of the island of Luzon. lie places the total population of tho isl amis at 9,000,00 , of whom not more than one-sixth are inclined toward in surrection. Where revolt hits ap pcared in a few othor islands tho Tagals are behind it. Mr. Schurman was against annex;, tion when he departed on his mission. lie h.is changed his mind. On tho way homo he remarked to a corres pendent that "for reasons of commerce nr3 because of opportunities of invest ment, the Philippines should remain as they are a part of the United State-." In the islands of Panay and Negros Aguinaldo has Tagal detach ments to levy tribute on the people and compel them to rise against the United States. They are unwelcome visitors and would be expelied b the natives if they had effective arms. Commissioner Schurman believes that the Filipinos, when the Tagals are subdued, will be a desirable popula tion, and rapidly improve under the influences of civilization. There are 500 islands, and serious revolt in only one. 1 ho authority of the United States is practically unchallenged in the entire group except by one tribe. bent on dominating the othersagainst their will and defying our rights of treaty. It is not surprising that Mr. Soburman is now in favor of keeping the sovereignty ceded by Spain. ing for window boxes and growing flowers for balconies and small garden dens. It will take the contract of fill ing a box window, a conservatory, little or big, or will look after tho half dozen or rnre drawing room plants that one may possess. At the imperial court of Austria the chief of Emperor Francis Joseph esti mates that of $250,000 expended on tho tables every year, the "unused" rep resents about $100,000. trict, and to transact such other bu 1 ness as may properly be brought be fore said convention. I The representation In nald conven tion will be Cm county, 24; OUt county, 23; boit.g one d. -legate for each hundr. d votes cast for Hon. M L. II iy ward in IfctOS, or the maj r frac tion thereof. M. L. llAYWAKD, f hHirman. Jkssk S. Mapks, S cietarv. A Prtflhtul Blunder Will cften cause a horrible burn, scald, cut or bruise. Bucklen's Ar nica Salve, the best in the world, will kill the pain and promptly heal it. Cures old sores, fever sores, ulcers, boils, felons, corns, all skin eruptions. Best pile cure on earth. Onl v 25 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold bv F. G. INFORMATION AM) OPINION. 6 4 The J Tax Assessor... v ill not increase your assessment because j'ou wear ood shoes. Good shoes are not a luxury, but a necessity to over man, woman and child in the world. We make it our business to sup ply o-ood fool wear to the people of this com m unity. North Side Main Street. 4 6 6 6 LOGIC 1 rovis inu experience will also prove the inaceur..cy of deraocra tic anti-expaa?ion vi ws, as thor ougniy as ootn logic nn-i experience have proved the iuaecaracy of th democratic expmsion v ews on tb currency quvsfio-i 1 ti e ye.trs ago the democ ats e txpan ionisls,and events have siiiic pov d the utte fallacy of their th- oiie-. Now they are anti-expansionists, and time will as Luuipioieiy uuw liic-ii oirur iu nil particular. 4 t t 4 9 GRAIN Commission Brokers Wear Com. Co.. Correspondents. The people of the United States are sending $250,000,000 a year out of the 4 country to buy tropical products, in l.i 3 : . 1 t : i rr . ciuuiug uoers, 1 ruii.s,couee uiiu sur;w The articles for which this monev is expended can all be grown in Porto Rico, Hawaii aDd the Philippines, to say nothing of Cuba. When Ameri can capital and Americans become in terested in the industries of those isl ands this vast sum of money can be expended anion? our own people, in stead of being, as at present, paid to those of other countries. Direct Private Wire to Chicago. OFFICE Over Atwood's Drug Store, PLATTS MOUTH, NEB. AH Orders Promptly Executed. 1 Flattsmouth Tel. 27.. JAMES W. SAGE, THE Leading Liveryman. Tn.E trust monster does not seem to be proving very destructive to small business interests throughout the country. July failures, according to Dunn's Review, an accepted authority, were amontr manufacturers but lib against 208 in July, 1S98; 213 iu July, 1S97. and 271 in July. 1S06; while among the traders the number in July of the present year was but 457 against 645 in July, 1898; 716 in July, 1897, and S36 in July, 1896. The total liabilities were but $4,872,197, against $10,101,455 in July, 1S9S, and $15,505, 095 in July, 1896. The best oi rigs furnished at all hour and hi prices are always reasonable. Themost convenient boarding stable for far mers In the city. PLATTSMOUTH NEB Mr. S A. Morrison of Eagle in this paper makes just complaint against the Advocate for continually casting false insinuations upon his candidacy for the office of county superintendent. The Advocate is supporting a demo crat for that office, but that should be no reason why means unbecoming a newspaper should be used to injure an other. Mr. Morrison is a good repub lican, a good man and a bcholar, per fectly competent to fill the office to which he aspires, and he deserves fair treatment at th hnnrla of Ihn fra- "3t6S Oi anfl I.50 D6r D2y Uemity. Weeping Water Republican Centrally Located and Com fortably Furnished. PLATTSMOUTH, THE PERKINS HO'ubE, F. R. GUTHMANN, Prop. n7 n A00i Cure, DO Dyspepsia Workman who are interested in seeing business activity among home NEB manufacturers will be gratified to know that the importations of woolen manufactures in 1899, under the DiDg- ley law, were but $13,831,967, against $49,102,992 in the last year of the Wil son law; manufactures of fibers, $25,- 132,395, agaiost $32,546,867 in the last year of the Wilson law; manufactures of wool, ?14,-199,4S7, against $20,543,- 810 in the last year of tho Wilson law; manufactures of iron and steel, $12,- A toboggan slide in St. Morilz Switz- -r. and extends three quarters of a mile, and is said to be the longest in the world. The descent has been made in seventy-one si cot.ds. So many cattle are killed by light ning while standing near wire fenees that it has been proposed to diminish the danger by meaus of ground wires, which would conduct the electricity during a, thunder storm from the fence wires into the earth. Two hundred and fifty tons of copper coins have just been unloaded at New llaven, Conn., from a ship which made a trip to Bombay, India, to purchase them for manufacturing purposes in this country, as they were cheaper than the native copper. Twenty-five womon have been hanged in England during Queen Vic toria's reign. A newly married couple in Portland, Me., who are both deaf, and are try ing house-keeping without a servant, Adams Antelope lianncr ISlaine lloone box Lkitte... Hoyd Hi own Uuttalo Hurt Cass. . t-.'eiiar hase - 14 V T . . ISti luhnson .... 1 i ..lit Kearney " 10 . . - Keiih 3 .. 2 Keya Paha 3 . U Knnball. , . . . Knox 14 Lancaster 58 Lincoln 10 . .13 Loiran 2 ...lt Loup 2 Madison IS Mcl'herson 1 Merrick 11 Nance H Nemaha lfl Ulicyenne fi Nuckolls 13 Clav 17 Oto 23 Colfax H Pawnee lti Cuming Vi Perkins 2 Custer 16 Phelps 10 Dakota (J Pierce Dawes 1 Platte VI Dawson 13 Polk 8 Deuel 3! Red Willow 11 Dix.ai - 10 Richardson 24 Dodge iHikock ; 4 Douglas t7lSaline 19 Dundy 4;Sarpy 7 Filmore 17!Saunders 19 Franklin lO Scott's Bluff 3 l-'rontier 9 Seward lti Furnas l.'liSheridan 5 Ciaire 33. Sherman 5 Garticld 3 Sioux 2 Gosper IStanton..' 7 Grant 2 Thaver lo (ir.-eley 4Thoinas 1 nail l:Thurston . 6 Hamilton UlValley 8 Harlan -i'iWashington 14 Hayes 4lVavne 9 Hitchcock " Webster 13 Holt ! Wheeler 2 Hooker. 1 1 loward JeMerson.. . . Vork Total .. ....19 1.020 SOME NEW INDIAN WOMEN. In Art and KKI'U IJL1CAN .STATE CONVENTION. The republican electors of the state of Nebraska aro requested to send del egates from their respective counties to meet in convention in the city of Omaha on Thursday, the 21st day of September, 1899, at 2 o'clock p. m., for Fricke &. Co. druggists. tho purpose of placing in nomination candidates for the following offices: One judge of the supreme court. Two regents of the state university And to transact such other business as may properly come before the conven tion. The sever..! counties aro entitled to representation as follow.--, the appor tionment being ba.-ieu upon the vote cast for Hoii. M. L. 1 1 ay ward for gov ernor in IS: IS, giving each county one delegate at la ge and one for each 100 votes and mr jor fraction thoreof.to-wit EVERYTHING IN MUSIO A BEAt'TIIUL ATTACHMENT IMITATING STRINGED INSTRUMENTS h heca added to the well known IIo8pe TECHS I 525 CASH, 520 K0MTIILT. Willi Stool and Scarf. HADE IN 0 A K , W A LNIT anfl ?.s A 1 1 H A m'T Write Tor Particulars. jj Spain's Greatest Need. i Mr. R. P. Olivia, of Ilarcelona, Spain, spends his winters at Aiken, S. C. Weak nerves had caused severe Dains in the bactc of his head. On using EltfCtrio Bitters, America's CeUbrltlM of Dusky Hue Literature. White women are not alone In push- greatest blood and nerve remedy, all lug themselves to the front along ar- pain soon left him. He says this grand tistic and literary lines. Their sis- medicine is what his country needs, ters of the red race are also making All America knows that it cures liver reputations ia the same ways. The and kidney trouble, purifios tho blood, most distinguished literary Indian lone8 up lhe stomach, strengthens tho woman In America is undoubtedly nervt?a, put9 viir)) vl?or atld now Uf0 r auuiit) jooDson, riie aauenter oi a i . , - i r ., . , 6 c . . I into every muscle, nerve and organ of Ont. Miss Johnson is a poet of no the body. If weak, tired or ailing you . 1 : . l.i ....! ...... 1 mean ability. Her noem hav Wn ul50U lu "vt" ,J"lwo K r.u, published In many periodicals for the on,v 60 cents- s,,,d b F- (i- cko & last five years. . Miss Johnson also reads from her own poems and gives impersonations of Indian character In costume. In London she is received by literary students on an equal foot ing. Eugenie is an Indian princess, who lives with her father, Chief Phil ippe Vincent of the Hurons, at the In dian Lorette, near Quebec. She is well educated, having spent eight years In the convent at Charlesboure; Co. 1 NKHKA-KA NKWS on A flowiner well has been struck the Springfield fair grounds. Aurora is raising a fund to buy med als for the Hamilton county members of the First Nebraska. A circus came Into competition with a populist convention at Neligh last speaks French and English as well as week. The following amount of real estate and chattel mortgages was filed and released in the county clerk's office of As admittance to the circus her own tongue and plays sings and was oO cents and tne convention was composes s'r-jnee. weird melodies. One I free the circus under canvas failed to of her official di'iles is to guard the draw a crowd. medals presented to her family by George IV., Queen Victoria and the prince of Wales. Br'sht Eyes, or Iush- ta The&mbra. la n riniiirhtor nf h Dm. ahas, who has won distinction both in Burt county the last week: Real estate literature and art. She has written hied, 800; released, 5.0Ji. Tnanv rasniln. ot-tls-lac- ar, l.oo. til., a ' 7 . . 7 " Where It Come. From waieu a book or inaian roikiore. Jane , . .,, , Waldron of the Sioux selected music Pftople who wear fa,se hatr wlU b9 as her profession. She became profl- interested in the announcement of a cient and labors constantly at the stran diaoovery made at Antwerp. In various government schools to teach that a bal of human hair, weigh ing pupils the rudiments of music. in 172 Pas. was stolen rrom a rau Tre are two Indian gins on the stage road tt!on. It was afterward learned -Go-Wan-Go-Mohawk and Gretchen Ine naa neen cuppea irom toe Lvoni. Th fr.TTriPr writM hor-nws ceaas or lunatics and convicts in pub lic asylums and prisons. it is recommended tnat no proxies be admitted to tho convention and that the delegates present be author ized to cast the entire vote of the dele gation of the county which it repre sents. It is further recomirended that wherever two county conventions be held the selection of a couuty commit tee shall take place at tho first con-1 among her own people, vention and then in every case the secretary be required to promptly ad- "Ue Witt's Little Larly Risers did non ot Kame vise the state committee of the organ- me more gooa tnan an Diooa medicines iz ttion of such new committee with I ano other pills," writes Geo. II. One Minute Cough Cure quickly the names of efticers, members, post-1 Jacobs, of Thompson, Conn. Prompt, j cures obstinate summer coughs and ofiico address and name of precinct I pleasant,never gripe, they cure con- colds. 'I consider it a most wonder- i plays and Is stae manager as well as star. There Is a very clever Pawnee gin, Maud Ecr-' Hawk, Who teaches m Forestry Beaerv Association. the Hope Indian school at Springfield. A national park of forestry reserve S. D. Minnie Cornelius, an ambitious association for the governmental pres- Oneida Indian girl, was graduated ervatlon of over 7.000.000 acres of land from Grafton hall. Fond du Lac, Wis., , Vft:tlh,Pn Mfnn0mntn w!n hP formed last June. She speaks five languages ,n chkillgo thla month. It Is a step uueiiuy ana win practice meaicme tnw.H th iUnn nf irrat national reserves for the preservation of native forests and streams and the perpetua- FrllitrnI Into II-ltli. Vuar U KoinetlnitH euratlve. al though vastly less so than the oppo site emotions of Joy and hopeful ex pectation. Dr. Tuke reports the raso of a man sufferlriK from rheumatic fever who was instantly cured by tha shock and fright of a railway acci dent. Sharp relates a similar hlst's'-y. Hysterical paralysis haa been cured by sudden fright, although such occur rences are rarer than Is generally sup posed. Mkhea. a celebrated physi cian, one of the most profound In the knowledge of mental diseases used to write Insulting anonymous letters to some of his patients In order to cure them, and with good results In some hypochondriacal cases. Physician have sometimes had recourse In hys terical cases to threats or sudden fright to check dangerous symptoms when all other remedies have provevd u-e-less. Amann tells of a hysterical pa tient who suffered from tetanic con vulsions and trances, and whose father treated her with blows and cured her. Pansanicis relates that a youth re covered his speech In the fright caused by the sight of a lion; and Herodotus, In his history, narrates that the son of Croesus was iMimb, and that at the taking of Sardes. seeing a Persian with drawn sword about to kill his father, he cried out, overcome with fright: "Kill not Croesus!" and from that mo ment he was able to speak. Tit-Bits. Joseph I'rington, who lives near Iitirwell,wits fatally injured by sliding otT a load of wheat onto tho end of a fork handle which ho had previously thrown to th: ground. Irritating stings, bites, .scratches, wounds and cuts soothed and healed by DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, a suro and safu application for tortured llesh. Ilowareof counterfeits. l (J. Fricke fc Co. .1. Polors, who lives twelve miles south of O'Neill, sold a buncn of fifty tea! of cattle all two-year-olds, which netted him tho neat sum of $1,000. represented by each. Omaha, Nebraska. June 23, 1899. U. B. Schneider, Chairman. P. O. Hkdlund. Secretary. CALL. FOR COUNTY CONVENTION. The republican electors of Cass county are hereby called to meet in convention to be held at Weeping' Water, September 16, 1899, at 11 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of elect ing twenty-six delegates to attend the stipation, arouse the torpid liver to ac- J ful medicine, quick and safe." W. tion and give you clean blood, steady I W. Merton, Mayhew, Wis. F. G. nerves, a clear brain and a healthy ap- I Fricke & Co. petite. F. G. Fricke & Co. Germany's Slim Support of School. Reclaiming- California Danes. I Germany contributes only 140,000 The reclamation of the sand dune marks a year In support of schools in have devised an ingenious substitute state convention to be held ia Omaha, for a door beil. When a caller presses the electric button all the lights in the house flash up, and his presence is made known. Broom dipped for a few minutes in boiling suds once a week will last much longer than they otherwise would. A Russian expedition will visit the new Siberian inlands next spring,with the object of finding out the truth about the mysterious Sannikow L-nd, which several travelers assert they have seen to the northeast of Kotjel- September 21, also twenty-four dele gates to attend the judicial conven tion to be held at Nebraska City, Sep tember 22, and to place in nomination candidates for tho following offices, to-wit: Couuty clerk, county treasurer, clerk of the district court, county judge, county sheriff, superintendent of public instruction, coroner, county surveyor, ono member of board of i county commissioners for Second territory of the Pacific coast at Golden Gate Park, near San Francisco, is car ried on as follows: The shifting sand is first seeded with sand grass (Arundo arenaria) and this is allowed to grow for two years; by this time the ground is sufficiently held in place to permit the planting of the Monterey pine and cypress, and these trees. In two or three years, complete the reclamation. her colonies, while France and Eng land spend millions in that direction. The Cornfed Philosopher. "A thing ot beauty," said the cow fed philosopher, "is a joy until the fashion changes." Ex. A free and easy expectoration is pro duced by a few doses of Mallard's The entire cost of reclamation does not I Ilorehound Syrup, in all cases of exceed o0 per acre, and out of the I hoarseness, sore throat, or difficulty 1,040 acres in the park 500 acres are ofbreathinc. Price 25 and 50c. F. O. now pianiea wun me pines. engineer- J Fricke & Co, ing xews. Yellowstone National Park. The park season is nearly over only Those who Eczema ! The Only Cure. Eczema is more than a skin disease, and no skin remedies can cure it. The doctors are unable to effect a cure, and their mineral mixtures are damaging to the most powerful constitution. The whole trouble is in the blood, and Swift's Specific is the only remedy which can reach such deep-seated blood diseases. Eczema broke out on my diiuhtpr, and con tinued to spread until her lx-ad was entirely covered. She was treated by several fiud doctors, but grsw worse, and Una dreadful disease spread to her face. 8 he was taken to two celebrated : health springs, but re ceived no benefit. Many- patent medicines were taken, but without re sult, until we decided to try .S. S. S.,and by the time the first bottle was finished, her head la gan to heal. A dozen bottles cured her com pletely and left her skin perfectly smooth. 8he Is now 6ixteen years old. and has aniaKnifieent growth of hair. Not a sign of the dreadful disease has ever returned. rr. t. shobk, 2701 Lucas Ave., at. Louis, Mo. Don't expect local applications of soaps and salves to cure Eczema. They reach only the surface, while the di- Swift's fear r A. Pretty Stone. It Is recorded of a young fop who antner month remains . ... . - - - . I 3 U tL.'. a. J I I... visited one ot tae Kotnscmids that he I "guru ou vioinu u, mis year must, ue- sease comes irom within. waa so proud of his malachite sleeve I cide at once. The Burlington's Yel- bpecihc commissioners' sdistrict, and for the DU"ons taat insisted upon exnlblt- lowstone fark liook 32 pages, 'lti U- transaction of such o'.her business as m "e w me latter look- lustrations-contains just the informa- maveome hefnr it. Tho nrmmltt ed thCm aad. Bald: Yes-it is a tion the tourist needs. It tells how to Drettv stone. I havp a mnti1nia I . .. . ...... recommends that there bo no proxies made of It in the next room."-Mod- , , . 1116 l"D C 8tS reotrnized. but that dfilpo-atfi nrp.fnt ei how long it takes what there is to noi, the northernmost of the group...,. thft ,., .. nf ..... ..,., n J see and how to see it. Sent free on Theczir has given 60,000 roubles to ml ar,la nrim!1MUa t ocw Blotches and excresence, which so reouest. Tor Olnnrl .The the academy of sciences to assist in the expedition. delegates to said convention will be often anoy people, are simply efforts neld on Saturday. Seutetnber 9. Ken- "l uluro l inrowtra impeaimenis to nnest outing trip in all the world. A " ' I . 1 i I resentation fs ba-eJ upon vote cast for H'oper penoruinDco oi ner uuues. week among its geysers, lakes, canons People who are susceptible to the candidate for governor. Judo-e Hav- Uerbln8Wlllald anC assist nature in I and boiling springs is an experience cold should make a point of wearing ward, in 1S9S . bein-r one delegate for ln wrk, and ensure a skin clear J that cannot be duplicated anywhere loose clothing io cold weather. Loose each twelve votes or major fraction ana Deauurul' en"rel' Ire Irorm all else on the globe. garments are always warmer than thereof, and one delegate at large for Imperfections. Price 50c. F. G. is the only cure and will reach the most obstinate case. It ia far ahead of all similar remedies, because it cures eases which are beyond their reach. S. S. S is purely vegetable, and is the onlv hln.-i The tour of Yellowstone Park is the J remedy guaranteed to contain no pot ash, mercury or other mineral Books mailed free by Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Georgia. tight-fitting ones, not only because each precinct or war.. they allow room for circulation, but because they permit a layer of air be tween the skin and the outside cold. Fricke & Co. J. Francis, General Pass. Ag't. Omaha. Neb. FIRST Lliza Uay, colored, aged sixty years, a patient at the Columbus (O.) State Hospital, who was received from Marion, O., ten years ago, died frem peritonitis, and an autopsy revealed Following is given the place of hold ing, time and delegates each ward and precinct are etitled W. PREC'T AND VOTING. PLACE. TIME. Avoca Avoca 2pm Center Manley 2 p m Eight Mile Grove Heil sch house 4pm Elm wood Murdock 8pm Greenwood Alvo 4 p in Liberty Lynn's hall. L'niou 3 p m Louisville Hassemeier hall.. 7 to 9 p m Mt Pleasant Usual place 8pm Digests what you eat. Itartiflciallydigeststhefood and aid8 098,239, against $16,094,557 in the last Nature ln strecgtnening ana recon- year of the Wilson law; manufactures Structing tne exnausieu Wn0f leather, 811,116,551, against $13, Snrl trmic. No other preparation 283,151 ia the last year of the Wilson can approach it in efficiency. It in- law, and manufactures of tic plate, stantly relieves and permanently cures 108, 4S4.826 pounds In the fiscal year Dyspepsia, ai' 1899, against 230,073,683 pounds in the Flatulence. Sour Stomach, Isausea, ' fe , . ... SlckneS fi3Cal ear 1897' the la8t year of the all other results of Imperfect digestion Wilson act prepared Dy t- w- tevit v.o-. i F. G. FRICKE & CO. I Send the News to your friends n the stomach the handles of five sil ver spoons and fifty cambric needles. Nehawka School house 7 p m and in the bowels nearlr fi ft u mnr flatts Prec-l aylor school houses p m j -j i rri- rZr., A c . I Ull v.. i bbiv v.. i I " ' W .......... ' J 111 "vomca. i c . r. . i r-1 o South Bend School house 7:30 p m Tioton Lumber office. Ea?Ie 8 d m It is interesting to know th it there Rock Bluffs 1st dist. Rock B 7pm are some people who very strongly ob-1 Kock Bluffs-2d dist., Murray 7pm iect to beinc nhotoo-ranhpd Th w " prec-oascade sch hse.....:fO p m - " v" I w : .-.. t- "" U1 "l-oc'i First ward-G. A. R. hall 8 to 9 n m and for many years before her death Second ward-Council chm....s to 9 P m luded the vigilance of all photo- Third ward Powell's hall Hto9pm e-ranhers. The dislike of thn lr Pm. Flattsmouth City Second ward Turner hall 5 toTpra Oj tne ex-empress r.ugenie, w.lo Has Third wd-Kichey lum ofnre..5 to 7 p m not been photographed for thirty I Fourth wd Council chm .'.5 to 7pm DEL. 8 8 8 11 8 12 12 6 11 8 9 16 6 12 9 5 9 Always Abla and Willing--In April every good American was a naval expert. In June he was mak ing military campaigns. In August he was a diplomatist. In October he will ,;Our baby was sick for a month with severe cough and catarrhal fever. Al though we tried many remedies she kept getting worse until we used One j NATIONAL BANK OI' ri.TTSMilUTH, NEB. PAID UP CAPITAL. Orfe $50,000 First ward Perkins house-... 5 to 7 p m years. Three decades have passed since John Rusk in was photographed, and only once has John Hare allowed himself to be thus victimized this was after a performance at Balmoral and by the express desire of Queen Vic toria. Miss Marie Corelli is ore of the very few pecple who have never sat to the camera. Fifth ward So. Park sch hse.5 to 7 p m M. M. Butler, H. G. Beardslev. Chairman. Secretary. Judicial Convention. Neukaska Crrr, Neb., Aug. 1& The republican judicial convention for the Second judicial district in Ne braska is hereby called to meet at Ne braska City September 22, 1899, at 1 o'clock p. m. of said d.ty in the dis trict court room in said city for the An association of London women J purpose of putting in nomination one conducts the congenial business of car-1 judge of the district court in said dis- be pronouncing on the government of Minute Cough Cure, it relieved at colonies. The American citizen la I once ana curea ner in a tew aays." hard pressed, but he shrinks from no I B- L. Nance,Prin. High school, Bluff- duty in running his government. St dale,Texa8. F. G. Fricke & Co. Louis Republic. National Encampment O. A. R. at Pblla- delphli The lowest rates of the year less than one fare for the round trip will be made for the National Encampment of the G. A. R. at Philadelphia. Sell- log dates, September 1, 2 and 3. Re turn limit, September 30. Rate open to the general public. As usual tha veterans and their friends will take the Burlington route, avoiding change of depots in Chicago and securing for themselves the spe cial advantages in tho way of fast time and through cr service which that road offers. Special Grand Army train for Phila delphia leaves Omaha 5:00 p. m. Sat urday, September 2d. Sleeping, din ing and free reclining chair care. Berths can be reserved now See local ticket agent and aek him about rates. and trains. Or, if vou wish, write to J. b rancis. general passenger agent, Omaha, rieb. the very best facilities for the prrrrpt transaction of A Modern Difficulty. l is useless to labor with patience and taot. For surprises are certain to burst. What hampers original thoughts ia th fact That the old thinkers thought of them first. Washington Star. No one knows the unbearable torture, the peculiar and agonizing pain, caused by piles, unless they have suf fered from them. Many believe them incurable. This is a mistake. Proper treatment will cure them. Tabler's Buckeye Pile Ointment is an infallible cure. Price, 50c. in bottles, tubes 75c. F. G. Fricke & Co. For Sale or Rent Store room and dwelling combined, 34x58 feet, known as the T. V. Davis store, in Murray. Inquire of J. W. Edmunds, Murray, Neb. Ranchmen in the western part of the state complain that it la almost an impossibility to secure sufficient hands to put up the haj crop. Legitimate Banking Business. S rOOKS. bonds. old. orerniuent and -i securities oounht and sold. l)5ita re ceived and Interest allowed on tLe certfi catea. Drafts drawn, avallaole ln any part of the U. S. and all the principle towns of Europe. Collections made and promptly ren.lttcd. Highest market price paid for county warrants, stats and ounty bonds. DIRECTORS: H. N. n.jvey, f). Hawk? worth S Vuh F. F. White. G. K. Dr.v Geo. K. !' .,, Pre... V.UI,h u. V. 11, vv. A-., ('ph--r Try the Stag brand working pants Better wear, better fit, more comfort, more value; cost no more than inferior goods 85 cents. F. T. Davis Co. ALWAYS USE COCOA PURE ! HEALTHFUL !! Is - H NT" ": v.