Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, August 18, 1899, Image 3

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1 I I I
Still More Recruits to Be Enlisted
for Service In the Philip
pine Islands.
War Department to Name Colonels
and Governors all Officers
Under That RanR.
Washington", Ann. 15. PlanH wore
:i)iiip1 U'.1 t diy fur ihu enlistment of
llvo inl(liti)ii;i rc'i merits to bo known
hh thu Thlrty-t'!Khth, Thirty-ninth,
For tieth, I'of ty lir.-t and l'Wty-Hecond
infititry, which nio to ho recruited
for him vic-r in tliu I'liilipointiB should
tho fitrct-n ;it jr)'"Tit dcBif,'n;ited for
tlio upturn Morvic.i nrovo iiiHiilliciont
to pill down lh; inaurrcclion.
It in understood that tho colonels
for throe of thono rotfi monta have boon
H-lcci;d and tlmt tho namoB of two
otlicoi i ii ix now under diricunHion for
Urn ri-niaininy regiments, (tovernors
of wtatcH liavo boon onllod upon to in
(licuto thoBU who fire boat fitted of
thono in the utato militia to take tho
position of rank under tho colonola
and ;ih noon iw these rottirns are made
tiie rosters of ollicors will bo made up.
It is said that oflioors having had
service in tho Philippines will bo
selected over those having bocii ser
vice in either Cuha or I'orto Kico, on
the theory that they will be but tak
ing up work where t hey lei t on when
mustered out with thoir regiments It
is no secret at the war department that
states having been represented in the
Philippine service by volunteers will
be called upon to furnish a largo pvo
portion of the ollicors of the new pro
visional regiments which have beou
decided upon for emorgoncy purposes,
to ho held in readiness in thoy
are needed in the east.
Nel.ruhk i Will I'rolixlily lift Four.
Nebraska undr these conditions
cannot fail to receive as its quota less
than four oilicerp, probably a major, a
captain and two lieutenants, and should
Governor l'oynter's rocommendationa
be at all in keeping with the splendid
achievements of the First Nebraska,
the l'rairio state might receive six
designations of line and stall.
It has been determined to continue
recruiting for these new regiments at
stations now occupied by ten regi
ments in this country. The only ex
ception now being considered are
iibandoninent of the rendezvous at
Fort Mcl'herson, Ga., Vancouver IJar
raeks, Wash., and Fort S.ira Houston,
Tex. Recruiting at thee points has
not been up to the standard of the
other places occupied. Fort Snelling,
Minn., is being considered as a point
for the establishment of a rendezvous
for one of the fivo regiments, as is Fort
Crook, Neb , or old Fort Omaha, which
is t-iill in possession of the goyern
inen t.
1! ci uiti ng returns received at the
close i f i llico hours today showed an
aggregate en!i-lmcnt of 151,454, or I64
over the authorized strongth of ton
regiments. Of this number, however,
511) enlistments are for general Philip
pine service and 400 of theso men have
just bevn ordered from Columbus bar
racks, Ohio, to the Presidio, Califor
nia, to prepare for the tiip to Manila,
leaving 110 still unaligned.
StHiiliii i f the Ten KeglniPiits.
Returns show that. 444 men were en
listed yesterday. Tho following is tho
standing nov of the ten regiments: infantry, l'lattsburg
I5.irr.icks, N. V , Colonel Kieo in com
maud, 1,425; Twenty-seventh, Camp
Meade, Pa., Colonel J. M. Boll, 1,434;
Twenty-eighth, Camp Meade, Lieuten
ant Colonel Leonard, 1,404; Twenty
ninth, Fort MePherson, Colonel Hardin.
1.057; Thirtieth, Fort Sheridan, 111.,
Colonel Gardener, 1,345; Thirty-first,
Fort Thomas, Kj, Colonel Pettit,
1,451; Thirty -second, Fort Leaven
worth, Colonel Craig, 1,134; Thirty-
third, Fort Sam Houston, Colonel
Hare, 1,PS4; Thirty fourth, Fort Logan,
Lieut -nant Colonel Iloueee, 1,503;
Thirtv-lifth, Vancouver Barracks,
Lieutenant Colonel Plummer, 914.
For service in the Thirty-seventh, 14;
for unassiiri ed Philippine service, 510.
W. B. P. i. e of the auditor's ofllce,
Linco'n. Neb., is in the city on private
business connected w,th the Interior
department. Mr. I iee said that ex-
Governor lloleomb would be the nomi
nee of the fusion forces in Nebraska
for the supreme judgeship. He con
fessed that there was a good deal of
opposition to Holcomb from unsuc
cessful ofliceseckors, but said that the
neonle were with Holcomb. From a
t- i
republican standpoint Mr. Price
thought that Judge Harrison would
be renominated, notwithstanding his
determination Dot to be a candidate.
"As for crop pro.-pects," said he, "Ne
braska never had such fine conditions.
Rains have been frequent and timely
and I think it safe in predicting that
our state will raise such a corn crop as
will astonish the world."
Miss Gertrude Deitrich, daughter of
Hon. C. H. Deitrich of Hastings, Neb ,
reached Washington last evening for
a week's visit with Mr. and Mrs. W.
L Andrews, auditor for the Treasury
HiMiMlff From lwwHon City.
Victoiua, 11. C, Aug. 10. The
Mfinbm of the Vurkiowo Claim to Bteamer Dirlgo, with sixty paftsongors
Cruelly Treat !. and considerable treasure, arrived to
SAN Fkncisco, Aug. 15. Tho Ilul- day from Alaska. Among its passon-
lotlti publhshoH a startling utory from gers is Ferguson, the partner of Alox
tho Philippines regarding Lieutenant andor McDonald, who denies tho
Gilinoro and tho party from tho York- bankruptcy of McDonald. News wae
town, who were captured by the Fill- brought of two stampedes from Daw
pinos and who have been reported son, simultaneously, about Aug
as being well ctred for mid well ust 1, lor the zone in the vicinity of
treated. It appears that when the Selkirk, where two creeks were dis-
Americans reached San Ioidro, where I covered, running from 50 cents to $2
tho Yorktown members and some sol- a pan; tho other is a lino quartz lead
diers and civilians have been impris- ou Rock creek, about thirty-live
oned, they found the names of tho I miles north of Dawson, where a local
prisoners scratched on tho walls of assayer found values of tl,7o0 to $3,200
the jail. Some letters from tho men I gold. Kd Hrice of Dawson has re
turned from Capo Nome, where he
found reports grossly exaggerated
Ho offered ten'claims for $100.
were found secreted under stones aim
a Spaniard who had been intrusted
with several presented them to Gen
eral Lawton. The letters told of tho
hardships the men were compelled to
sutler and begged that aid bo sent
them. Tho men complained that they
had been starved, beaten nud bound,
and, moreover, wore in rags. Ono of
the lottors, signed by Albert Lowen-
Hhon,said that the Spaniards had been
treated very badly, worse than tho
Americans, and that hundreds wore
dying of dysontory and other diseases
and that tho government took no
notice of the sickness prevailing. In
his letter Lowonshon, who was for
merly of tho steamship Zealandia, gave
the list of prisoners held by tho Fili
pinos as follows:
Prisoners from Yorktown: J. C.
Gilmore, U. S. N ; W. Wilson, C. O.
M .; I. Vandovil, S. M. M.; Wells-
worth, coxswain; S. Brisolo., O. G,
A. Pearson, apprentice; F. Anderson,
landsman, captured at Baler, April 11;
A. D. Urice, A. Honneman, Nevada
cavalry, captured January 30; A.
Hishop, Third artillery, April 12; II.
II. Hubor, hospital corps, and J.
O Hrien, civilian, January 27.
Mure Wbttec&p Outrages.
Atlanta, Ga. , Aug. 15. A special
to the Constitution from (Jreenwood,
S. C.,says: The sheriff of this county
today appealed to Governor McSwee
ney for assistance in suppressing the
whitecap outrages which began here
a week ago. The governor sent word
that he would be in Greenwood tomor
row with Attorney General Bollinger
to make a personal investigation of
the situation.
For more than a week a gang of so-
called whitecaps have been whipping
negroes nearly every night. The
section is largely tenanted by negroes,
who rest from white people.
Mm. Ilrurlkku lllitlMii, u Ii'lpl
UoHir, Violated State Law.
CllK'AOO, Aug. 16. By a decision
of Justice Fvorelt a hard blow was
dealt to the methods of faith heuleis.
Mrs. Hunrikka Blatsch, a follower of
Alexander Dowio, the "divine healer,"
was charged with violating tho medi
cal practice act in administering to
Mrs. Anneta Flanders, who died un
der the faith "divine healing" treat
ment of Dowie, who claims to possess
the power of healing tho sick by the
laying on of hands.
Mrs. Blatsch was found guillj' and a
line of $100 and costs wits imposed.
Justice Everett held that within tho
law the followers of the faith healer
must resort only to spiritual and
mental means of treating the sick.
When these means are not resorted to
solely and material means are used,
then tho state law governing the
practice of medicine has been vio
lated. The faith healer must here
after cuie only by spiritual anil men
tal means, even the ordinary means to
assist nature being denied him and
his followers, because the court held
that all a physician or surgeon did
was to assist nature.
An appeal was taken from the de
cision of the justice.
Jacob OpD and wife were Omaha
visitors Tuesday.
Tho rain of the last of the week has
retarded threshing.
Mr. Louis Jensen and Miss Mary
O'Mara were married in Omaha Tues
day. Both of the parties are woll and
CITY AND COUNTY, report of Chicago markets
Mrs. W.J. White, daughter, Edith,
and Eil Barwick were Omaha visitors
today .
Erastus AJdcn of Toulon, 111., is in
the city, the guest of E. B. Perry tmd
John Hen dings, a prosperous Eight
Mile Grove precinct farmer, wna a
county seat visitor today.
II ins Goes has rented the room in
the Wettenkamp block and is ar
ranging to open a pool nnd billiard
Adolph Rhode, one of the employes
of The News, was taken 111 last even-
From Wednesday's Daily.
Following is tho range of prices on
tho Chicago board of trado today, as
furnished by M. S. Brlggs, commis
sion merchant:
Sept.... Dec
May . .
Sept. ..
ing and was unable to work today, but I Lardl
is improving. I fP'
F. P. and Logan Brown, with their I Short Kibs
lutmiio. aeparieu mis moruintr lor I
Rock Inland to attend a family re
jnion. ihey expect to be absent sev
oral days.
? r r G
n o
5' 5 I
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TO'. TIM 5-4 ITuVi B T0)4' A
V.'t; 73', TJt 73H
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03 -4
A New Discovery for the Certain Cure of INTERNAL and
Tubes, by Mail, 75 cents- Bottles, so cents..
JAMES F. BALLARD, Sole Proprietor, - - 310 North Main Street, Sf. LCJiS,
F. G. Fricke & Co.
The negroes are in a state of terror I favorably known here, and their
and many spend the nights in the large circle of friends will wish them
woods and swamps. They are afraid
to give information and certain white
men have been threatened if the3'
take action against the whitecaps.
all possible happiness in their journey
throughout life.
The annual convention of the Cas9
County Christian Endeavor society is
in session here. The convention is
very well attended and has been a
From Wednesday's Daily.
The marriage of Mies Jessie Burbee
to Mr. S.ephen D ilia? Gib?on was con
summated at the hom-3 cf the bride's
mother in this city at 11 o'clock today.
Elder K. M. Dungan of the Christian
church officiating. The wedding was
a quiet affair, onlj- the immediate
relatives and friends of tho contract
ing parties witnessing the ceremony.
The young people have a large circle
of friends in the city, where they will
make their future home. Mr. GibsoQ
is emplojed in the Burlington shops.
TnE News p rints the news.
A Mont Unique Experiment.
Birmingham, Ala., Aug. 15. A
special to the Age-Herald from An- most successful session in all regards.
nistou, Ala., says: By a vote of fuilj Delegates from Greenwood, Elmwood,
ninety per cent of the registered vot- Weeping Water, Nehawki,Otterbein,
ers, Hudson City today decided to be- Plattsmouth and Union are here
come tee most unique city in tho luesdav evening was given to u eone
United States, in that it will be the service, fo. lowed by. an address by
only exclusively negro town in the Professor Taylor of Weepiner Water,
country. Today's election was by or-1 followed by asocial given by the mem-
der of the probate court to decide bers of the societies of Avoca
whether or not the town-should be in- Wednesday morning was spent in a
corporated. Incorporation carried sunrise prayer meeting, followed by
unanimousl-, not a single vote being presentations of pjpers by the various
cast against it. The town is located delegates. The feature of tho session
throe miles from Anniston, has a pop- was the address given by Rev. Chees-
ulation of 400, all negroes, and con-1 man of Ashland, which was listened
tiins 100 houses, three churches, a to bv an audience limited by the
school house, several stores and no sa- seating capacity of the church.
loons. At today s election the entire Cbas.- Brandt of Nehawka was
population turned out, the men to vote business visitor Tuesday
and tho vvomen to see that they voted
right, and not a drop of whiskey or
iuu icanu umuiuci in oviucuuc. 1 1 is no t t li o wor k that a man aoes
Following the incorporation will be tnat tires him it is trettin? ria of
the most unique experiment in town bores
A girl was born to Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Buttery yestorday afternoon.
Tho mother and child are doing
nicely, but it is not known whether or
not Frank will recover.
Mrs. B. S. Hamsey, son, Willie, and
daughter, Sirah, departed this after
noon for Chudron, where they will
visit a few weeks with the family of
Mrs. Kamsoy'd brother, Judge A. W,
Colonel Dick Barr and E. S. Ferry
were fishing in the Four Mile, near
the Platte this morning and returned
about noon with a fine catch, having
about twenty nice lish. They did not
securo any roasting ears this trip.
The funoml of tho eighteen-months-
old child of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel B il-
lance was held shortly before noon to
day, the body of the infant having ar
rived at 11:20. The services were con
ducted by Rev . II. B. Burgess of the
Episcopal church and a large number
of pympathiz;ng friends were in at
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cures dyspep
sia because its ingredients uro such
that it can't help doing so. "The pub
lic can rely upon it as a master remedy
for all disorders arising from imper
fect digestion." James M. Thomas,
M. D. ,in American Journal of Health,
N. Y. F. G. Fricke ,t Co.
i i
Labor Create tlie Vnlue.
A pound of raw cotton is worth five
cents; when made into fabrics that
pound is worth tweuty-five cents to
one dollar. Massachusetts has 8.000,-
000 spindles and spins 1.259,000 bales
of southern cotton to sell back to the
south. The south hews the wood and
draws the water; it does the drudgery
of producing the raw material for th
north to manufacture and get rich
government ever attempted in Ala
bama. Within five days the munici
pal election will be ordered and the
negroes will select city officials, every
one of whom will be colored.
When a man is missing, every one s
first impulse is to count the womer
left in town, to see if one is short.
An Atchison girl has a suit called
her "Funston suit." It stops above
RAILROAD XOTES AND PERSONALS ttie knees, and the wears it in going
The average man never thinks it is
time wasted to hunt up another man
and point out where he has made a
mista ke.
When a man refuses tov have his
teeth narprl for unvincr hn fan't.
bearing the Cincinnati Enouirer I. ;. v. .
I UUUI U II;, lb U1CAU9 Witt II O lUUKtl tUC
necessary nerve.
From Wednesday's Dally.
W alter Holmes of the Burlinjrton
6hops at Ilavelock was in the city
over night visiting friends.
The special train of thirteen coaches '
Household Club excursion passed
through this city over the Burlington
at 5:50 last evening. There were 200
people on board and it was a fine
train. It contained nine Wagner
sleepers, a dining car and a refrigera
tor car. The latter contained what
looked to be provisions enough for an
army for a week. The exursion party
When a miller announces that she
has gone "east" to buy goods the
other milliners know of it if she
comes back a day sooner than it would
have taken (o go to New" York.
Every timea woman attends a home
makers' canvention, it means poorer
stopped four hours in Omaha, during cooks at home, more discontented
men, ana better Dusiness at the res
taurants where male cooks are em
People who live in town with two
railroads, are usually inclined to be
smart-elects. People who live in a
town with one railroad, or three, or
C.Joy, who has been employed ten. are all richt. but those who live
in town with two railroads are usually
a little bit gay.
which time the members vtsited the
exposition, leaving for the west at
10:30. The Enquirer giyes these ex
cursions regularly each year and they
are certainly a source of great pleas
ure to the members of the party.
in the Burlington freight shop at this
place for a long time, has been trans
ferred to the Alliance shops, and with
his family left this afternoon for that
J. H. Waterman of the Burlington
supply department at Lincoln was in
the city on company business today.
From Thursday's Daily.
W. D. Meesersmith
returned to his
That Throbbing Headache
Would quickly leave you if you used
Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands
of sufferers have proved their match
less merit for sick and nervous head
aches. Thsy make pure blood and
strong nerves and build up your
health. Easy to take. Try them.
Only 2-5 cents. Money back if not
work in the Burlington yards this cured. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co,-
morning after a ten day' lay off on
account of illness.
L. E. Karnes, grand patriarch o!
the Odd Fellows, has been arranging
to make a trip up into the northwest
part of the state in the interest of the
order. However, owing to the scarcity
of operators, it may be that he will
not be able to get a man to relieve
him at the depot.
Send the News to your friends.
Republican Committee Meeting:.
There will be a meeting of the re
publican county central committee at
Weeping Water on August 19, at 1 p.
m. All members are hereby notified
to be present. M. M. BrTLEli,
For Sale.
A 6team threshing outfit, complete
and in good order. At a bargain with
in next 30 days. Inquire at Richey'a
lumber yard.
Mrs. Harry Minert was taken quite
ill this morning-.
Sam Ballance and wife returned to
their home in Lincoln this evening.
Mrs. Fletcher and daughter, Ger
trude, were visitors in Omaha today.
F. W. Kloepping of Murray was in
the city yesterday and made this
office a call.
Robert Carnes has returned from
South Dakota, where he has been do
ing railroad work.
E. M. Clark and wife are the proud
parents of a new girl which arrived at
their home last night.
Miss Dora Fricke gave a party to a
number of her friends last evening
and the guests report a most delight
ful time.
Miss Olive Giss arrived home from
her California trip this evening. She
stopped at different cities on the way
home, her hist visit being in Denver.
C. E. Wescott is having the lot
graded around his new house at the
corner of Seventh and Main streets,
preparatory to laying brick side
llav. F. A. Campbell wont to Super
ior this morning, where he will spend
Sunday. He will occupy tho pulpit in
the Methodist church at that place
next Sunday.
Tne delegates who we e in attend
ance at tho Christian Endeavor cot-
Photographing Convict.
After a convict has served out his
time In the state prison of Maine and
has donned the suit of clothes given to
him by the state he is required to sit
for his photograph, and it i kept for
future use, should his subsequent
career call for It. Heretofore only the
picture taken upon commitment has
been kept and this ha often been
found of little avail In later years.
Family Alliances Should He Formulated
AgaiiiHt Ignorance of the Three R's.
"When one finishes school or college
one is only beginning to learn, and
what better post-graduate courses
could one have than the practical ap
plication of ideas through the medium
at friends and family?" Inquires Fran
ces Evans, in the Ladies' Home Jour
nal. "As far as education is concerned
the best family friend is the dictlonarr.
hen you see some one in a family
coiiouiung me dictionary whenever a
doubtful word or phrase comes up In
the course of conversation you will find
the members intelligent people as far
as facts can educate. We may not b
able to aid each other in the 'higher
education of philosophy, science and
ethics, but one thing is certain, we can
iMp? WIS i L!
Whole ilo and Kwt-iil
Duali-r in
Uv u
Plattsmouth, Neb., August , Syy.
I bef to inform my friends and the puhlic
generally that I have cnajod in the Wholesale
Liquor Trade and am now able to supply patrons
in any quantity from one pint to twenty-lire
Have just imported some line old French
Cognac Brandy. Also the genuine Rhine Wine
for strictly medicinal purposes.
As I handle nothing but first-class ffoods and
sell at lowest prices,, it will pay you to bjiy 3'our
Whisky, Brandy, Wine, etc., from m.
Do not forget that this is the time to order
your case Beer and that this is the only place in
the county where vou can ffet the genuine ANHEUSER-BUSCH
BEER, iiive me a call
and be convinced.
Agent for Yellowstone (Kentucky) distillery and
Anheuser-Busch Brewing Ass'n, St. Louis.
The Platte Mutual insurance (.,
!S 150,000 Insurance in Force.
rapjiy, spelling and good English.
Slang has its uses, no doubt, but If
American parents do not itive some
heed to the English talked by their
children at home, Americans a hundred
years hence will have absolutely for
gotten their mother tongue.'
Probate Notice.
In County Court, Cass county, Nebraska.
In the matter of the estate of Martin Mahoney,
loo. Mahoney. Mapirie M llian. fas. Mahonpv.
Thos, Mahoney, Julia Elder, Anna Meeker,
Mack Mahonev. Nellie Mahonev. Nina Mahonev
and Cornelius. Julia, Mary, tj race and Arthur
Mahonev. minors, and all other persons inter
ested in said matter are nereoy notified that on
I7HY will you pay your money to foreign Insurance companies, who tako it
' ' out of the state, when you can get Insurance for loss cost from a Nebraska
Company. Only the Best Class of Business and Dwelling House
Property Accepted.
Officers and Directors Tom. K. Parmele, President; Goo. K. Dovey, Vice-
president; T. Frank Wiles, Secretary; Frank J. JTorgari, Treasurer; (J. K.
Wescott, VV. J. White, Henry Uoeck, IJ. (J. IJwyer, Goo. A. Hay, U.K. Coring
rentinn ;.t Avoca returned tndntr and "'. day ot August. Oeorge w. Meeker,
'I administrator ol said estate, hied
report having had a good meeting.
Tiik News will give its readers a full
report tomorrow.
Mrs. Nobles returned yesterday
fi'om an extended visit with relatives
in California. She visited most of the
Continue to do a leading business in
and Staple Groceries. Because the
in said court
his petition asking for an order of said court au
thorizing him to accept from Aaron C. Loder, a;
former guardian of Ann and Martin Mahonev
incompetent, in full settlement ot all claims and I o - immonco Crirl Yi l r frw r n o V- n nrl
demands of the estates of the said AnnaMahoney 1 IHlIilClloC oLUtN, UUy IUI Ccltafl dllU
.) 4 . f V. . .. ; . l. 1 : I
cckito Everything good to eat oi
townsnip ii, range tu, east, in uass county, JNe-1 yi - i i
brasita: that bv the order of said court dulven- CJlJa I ITV. n fl TTV IJPI.
, . JY- , I ttirmA rn tho lith Haw nf A iiirnct A It 1UOU I J J
places oi interest arouno IjOB vngeies, r--- ...w.T...
v " I heariner on said Detition will be h?d on the 6th
San Bernardino and San Francisco. I day of September.A. D. 1899. at 11 o'clock a. m.,of
which you and each ot you will take due notice,
and that if you fail to appear before said court
on the said 6th day of September,18S9,at 11 o'clock
a. m. and contest said petition, the court may
grant the prayer of said petition, and make such
other and further orders in the premises as may
- . a J
till i
She visited the Presidio several
times and saw the First Nebraska
regiment. She went with the party
from Plattsmouth who left for Loa
Angeles on July 5. Mis3 Gass accom
panied her as far as
Comer of Sixth and Pearl Streets.
PIsttsiDouth. fV h
be iust and equitable.
ltness my hand and seal ol said court
Denver, where I ust. 1899.
cV. !11 f-.- r, fn.T oc I V' e3U
ouo ntu vioit t 'i i a icn unjo.
II. R. Gering and W. W. Coates
left this afternoon for Cabool, Mo ,
with a view of purchasing some of the
land which has just been opened for
settlement, having been held in re
serve until now. The land is situated
120 miles southwest of St. Louis and
at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, this I5th day of Aug-
Countv ludpa.
Bv L. K. Hasse. Clerk of Countv Court.
Byron Clark & O. A. Kawls and C. S. Polk, At
torneys lor petitioner.
rirst publication August in, I59v.
Probate Notice.
In Countv Court. Cass Countv. Nebraska.
In the matter of the estate of Anna Mahoney, I
John Mahonev. Maggie Mohan. lames Ma
honey, Ihomas Mahoney, Julia Elder, Anna
Meeker. Mack Mahoney, Nellie Mahoney, Nina
l I 1 I g I ' T . . 1 . . -
h 'i. i , . , . i naiuucv auu urueuus, j una, in ary. orace and
as upon It a heavy growth Of oak and Arthur Mahoney. minors, and all other nersons
hickory timber, which is very valu- interested in said matter are hereby notified that
The land is in the great fruit
and should these gentlemen
Meeker, administrator of said estate. filed in said
court his petition asking for an order of said
court authorizing him to accept from Aaron C
make purchases they will immediately fl0?er- as frtner guardian of Ann and Martin
I Mahnnev Inrnmnptcnr in full c t T 1 m n t -.11
set about to Clear the land and set OUt I claims and demands of the estates of the said
fruit trees.
City Marshal "Billy"
Anna Mahoney and Martin Mahonev. acainst the
guardian. Aaron C. Loder. the sum of $i.8r.V(i
cut, j I uu a tuiucvaute ui me oi me it w ; oi sec-
..c-v... jw.v. tlon b townsnip 11. range 10. east, in Cass countj
Self-Binders 1 Mowers
All Kinds of Repairs..
The Best Binding Twine
..Best Machine Oil
t V.
Nebraska: that by the order of said court, duly
entered on me nm aav oi Aueust. A. i J. ii a
hearing on said petition will be had on the 6th
day of September. A. D. 1899. at 10 o'clock a.m.
of which you and each of you will take due
the democratic medicine mixers and
went to the Greenwood convention
this morning. He says that when a
meeting of the Indian war dancers is I notice, and that if you fail to appear before said
I rnnrt nn th. onA Ktl, A C . 1 iwi .
called It IS a great deal more essen- 10 o'clock a. m.. and contest said petition, the
tial that he should ha on hand and do cou.rl ma? Brant me prayer ot said petition, ard
i maice sucn otner and turtner orders in the prem Inward hia hrnt.hpra than to I ises as may be iust and eauitable.
Stay at home and see that provielons at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, this 15th day of Aug-
.... ... . . .1 net A II 1COQ
nr the hw nrp nor ipaptitrpti art no nnT I ...
on a liberal amount of war paint and
eot on the cars allowing the old town
to go to the dogs for one day. How
ever, with all the democrats out of
town everything has gone along!
smoothlv and the services of an officer
have not been needed.
Geokg M. Rpirsi nrv
By L. K. Hasse. Clerk of Countv Court.
Byron Clark & C. A. Kawls and C. S. Polk,
attorneys tor petitioner.
rirsi publication August 13, 1899.
To the Public.
Notice is hereby given that my wife
Elise Eisenhut has voluntarily left my
bed and board and that I will not be
responsible for debts contracted by her.
Cakl EiSENntJT, Murdock, Neb.
For Sale.
A good 160-acre farm two miles east contest said petition,
of Murray. Housa and barn; about 100 fu"thVr orders, alio wan
acres under cultivation. For particu
lars inquire of J. H. Thrasher.
To trade An upright piano for work I A0uJusttiUsmouth' Nebraska this 1st day of
V. T . -1 . o m I
uurnco. itiuuiro ub txttvs UU1CO lor I . oeorckM.Spuri.ock.
Probate Notice.
In the County Court, Cass county, Nebraska.
In the matter of the estate of Isabelle Emery,
All persons interested in said matter n here
by notified that on the 'th day of July.
Henry J. S'.reight filed a petition in said court.
praying mat nis nnal administration accounts
be settled and allowed: that he be rfisrh
and relieved from fu;her duty as administrator
of said estate, and thst upon a final hearing T- M.
Dqlan, Maggie Kern and Ellen E. Little may be
adiudired the heirs at law nf airl anri
entitled to inherit bv descent the residue of her
property after the indebtedness is paid, and that
if vou fail to aDDear befnri caiH mrt ntk. i.i
day of September, 1S99. at 0 o'clock a. m.. and
the court may grant the
and make turh nthpr anri
allowances and decrees a tn the
court may seem proper, o the end that all mat
ters pertaining to said estate may be finally set
tled and determined.
Witness my hand and the seal of said county
rn ntv f ti Horn
By L. K; Hassf. Clerk County Court.'
Egenberger & Troop
Lower Main St. Bet. 3rd and 4th St.
Dr. VV. C. Dean...
409, 410 MoCngue IJnilding .
Northwest cor. 15th and Dodge sts.
All work carefully and well done. Nervous pa
tients will receive especial consideration.
fates SI and $1.50 -Der Day
Centrally Located and Com
fortably Furnished.
ii;vi;i,F, v .Hii:s
... GRAIN ...
Commission Brokers
Wear Com. Co., Correspondents-
Direct Private Wire to Chicago.
Over AtwooU'e Druar Store.
All Orders Promptly Executed.
Plattsmouth Tel. iTS.
Reading Rooms and Dispensary,
Drew Building, ritfttsmoath, eb.
Open from 10. m. t 5 p. m. and 7 to 9 p.
in; servlcei each Suniay