Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, August 18, 1899, Image 2

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?4Jjj,.Vir Kails to liivitora try
.,.: 1 1 ' ut le.i.v
to l)ousftkeci(;rs -
Extract of Beef
tclliny how L pro pp. rj ninny deli
cate iuhI tlflici-m-t ilislies.
Addo-ss, Li.l.i;; '..., I'. . I', ,s '.'7I New Voik.
fgim- C- CS- - -5B -" 0--
4 The
Tax Assessor...
Will not increase your
assessment because you
wear mo1 shoes. Good
a shoes are not a luxury, "
? but a necessity to every
? man, woman and child
t in the world. We make
it our business to sup
ply 4'ood footwear to
fa the people of this com-
6 m unit.
Joseph lclzcr,
X North Side Alain Street.
To Look Around
iSeforo you make purchases.
After you have looked elsewhere,
come to us and we guarantee you
will bo pleased. Our new spring
stock has arrived, including' Dry
Goods, Staple and Fancy Gro
ceries, Crockery '-lasawnre, Flour
and Feed. A square deal to all.
Main Street, P.attsmouth
Offer? the very best faci'lties lor tiie
prompt transaction of
Legitimate Banking Business.
TO0K9, bonds, gold, government and local
securities ooukht and sold. Deposits re
ceived and Interest allowed on the cerlfi
cates. Dr.-'.fts drawn, nvallaole In any
part of the U. S. and all the principle
towns of Europe. Collections made and
promptly remitted. Illuhest market
price paid for county wan-aiita, state
and county bonds.
H. N. Dovoy, D. Havksworth S. Waugh
F. E. White. G. E. Dovey.
Geo. E. Djvey, Pres.. S. Waugh, Cashier.
H. N. Unvcv, AfsL Cashier.
Has new stock, new rigs and
id prepared better than ever
to take care of
fl General Livery Business
Quick trips made to all parts of the
county. Low prices and court
eous treatment assured.
Plattamouth, Nebraska.
Dyspepsia Cure.-
Digests what you eat.
It artificially digeststhe food and aids
Nature in strengthening and recon
structing the exhausted digestive or
cans It is the latest discovered digest
antand tonic. tfo other preparation
can approach it in efficiency. It in
stantly relieves and permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, ISausea
all other results of Imperfect digestion
PrVpored b -E. C. A Co.. Coleago.
The Semi-Weekly News-Hera!d
. . . BV TUB . . .
I. E. MAKKIIAI.I., Business Manager.
One Year, in advance, " H
Six Months 2 f0
One Week 10
.Single Copies, 5
One Year, in advance, .... 11 00
Six Months, 50
Of any Cass County Paper.
KlilDAY, AUGUST 18, 1S!)0.
The project of ;t strc t fair in this
city du; iiig ll.e i : . r i L 1 . of September
does not i'X 'it Mo inter, st ;i mori t he
merchant ;;c:
Frufp. 1 In: oi i i
witnessed urli
r y till' it Miould.
,s of p.i: ;ies who havo
ex h i hi titii aid fr in
reailiii;' !'.. n n :
oi s-ueee:-jui i airs
he.'.il in othe- to.-.: s. we ;,ro eonlidetit
that :l str. et f .'it is the lr.ot feasible
of anylhiiiL' thiit eml(i be .ifive.ti in the
line oi' f.:il lesti 1 ies.
'1 he a! v;.:.t-ie.-s i f -tieet fai ; s over
ordinary f.iirs ;i; e so n umerou-. that
comparisons are not m .-eessa-y. One
of the jjiiiieijK.l ;.i"ant tos is that
there is no admission fee to keep
people away. The fair is held in the
heart of the city instead of a mile or
two frcm town, thus bringing the
crowds to the merchant.-' d-jor. The o.i
pense of providing on U rt i mt;nt is do
frayed by popular ub- er pMoti among
the merchants ;md tim eot to each is
but a trivial mut'e.-, not being very
much more thfin tlvy li vo been ac-
eustomed to contributing to the old
fair aFSoeiat.ou. .ido shows and out
side f;ki:s who usually get more
money than anyone yelso can bo shut
out and the money will be left w'uh
home merchants.
One of the most successful street
fairs over held in the west was that of
T)os Moina?. Ia.. in 189S. Tnis fair
was held durinsr the state fair and
proved to be the pri net pal drawing
card. Thousands p'e from all
parts of the sluto con ia to share in
this free entorl nr. uj .nt It was coo-
ducted by tli j Seni ni S- d society,
which Grst secure 1 fr:.u tli.- city coun
cil ont' olof all the 'l wn town streets,
and where mv chants d d m t care to
make exhibits i;i froot their place
of busincss.suoh .-p ice .s tun ed over
to outside eoi e.-.n-. 1 t-ie booth of
one local tncich -.;!, a, eoirinuous min
strel show was i-'iv''"- Music liouses
had their pi nos in the hnnds of
competet performers. Free athletic
performances were given on the differ
ent corners. A wagon with a large
platform wr.s provided, on which were
given exhibitions, such sis boxing,
tight wire walking, etc. On these
streets ;tll street cars and other ve
hicles were excluded.
In the conver-ion of Marsh-ill Oier
Waggoner of Toledo the late Robert
G. Ingersoll's following loes a com
rade and mechanism scores a signal
triumph. For years Mr. Waggoner
has been one of the characters of the
Ohio city and one of tho most pro
nounced and consistent aguostics in
the west, says tho Times-Herald. His
collection of agnostic and atheistic
literature is cons:dered one of the
most complete in the country, yet, as
proof of the genuineness of his change
of heart, he will burn thee b -oks be
fore the door of oue of Toledo's
churches in a few days.
Convinced a short time ago that his
views on matters religious were not
so comforting as of yore, that he held
them less tenaciously, Mr. Waggoner,
true to his character of honesty, set
about to more carefully study the ar
guments advanced by believers in the
Christian religion. He arranged a
complete church service hymns, ser
mon, prayers, all but the collection
on the cylinder of a gramaphono.
Then he wound the machine up, set it
going and seriously pondered all it
said and sung to him. He ended his
unique service with "Hock of Age3,"
and it was while listening to this
hymn, which has carried comfort to
countless thousands, that, as he puts
it, "light came to me, and with it a
consciousness that my sins had been
forgiven." )
Believing now what he has hereto
fore for the seventy-two years of his
life systematically scoffed at, Mr.
Waggoner will consign his atheistic
library to flames before the door of a
church, thus following the example of
Martin Luther in the seventeenth
century. Could he give oeuer prooi
of his conversion than this? If
agnostic and atheistic writings have
misled him for over three score years.
can he be censured for wishing to dis
pose of them in such a way that they
will do him no further harm or Jail
into the hands of other men? It can
not be said that his con version is due
to emotionalism, or the influence of
some enthusiastic evangel. Nothing
can be less emotional thnn a piece of
machinery. The scienti fic toy would
seem to have a serious mission to ful
Thk Journal almost fell over itself
in its last issue in commending Cor-
oner John S ittler for refusing to go to
Klin wood to hold in inquoat over the
remains of iho man Myers, who was
drowned tl ero last week. The fact of
tho mutter was that a number of tho
companions of Myers wero near at
hand and some of them kaw him go
under Iho water, and it wis well
known there could be no chanco of
foul play. It is pretty certain that
had there boon any tbow tho wiley
coroner would have been on hand with
his regular panel
We two glad to see that the First
Nebraska is at least one home-coming
regiment which refuses to feed the
yellow journals with natty ecandals
and complaints or furnish material for
fre-h lies about tho administration
says tho Washington i'ost. These
fine fellows went out to tho I'nilip
pines, did their duty on all occasions
liko modest patriots, and have now
come horn crowned with the laurels
of soldierly performance. It 'a r
freshing to celebrate the d isbandmc-nt
of men who served their 11 tg with
valor and devotion, and who refuse
unanimously to join tho ignoble army
of belly-achers.
Mr. Atkiiioon and his fellow roj
p'T-heads will (i i, d no. serviceable ma
teri i! among the men of tho First, Nc
Sra.-.a. So far as wo can hear, t ot
one of them hnj denounce the purpos
of our military operations in th
Philippines or would have our policy
m idilied in any respect, save that o
increasing the fotce and, parhapf
changing leadership, with a view to
speedy and final occupation. Tho
tribute of blood and suffering the
have paid, the memory of their dead
comrades over whose graves they
have wept, the feeling that they have
fought in a righteous cause all thes
considerations hold high place
their loyal hearts.
Of course the jackals of journalism
have barked their cowardly barks in
the name of the First Nebraska, but
in everv case that has come under our
notice the libel has been repudiate
and the liar held up to scorn and exe
oration. They will not be forgotten
these stalwart heroes from trio corn
belt. 1 he country recognizes their
manly qualities, and every one who
loves his flag and its high renow
hopes that tho example of the First
Nebraska will bj followed by every
regiment returning frcm the seat o
war. Th;ee cheers for them all
Thk residents of the quiet little
village of Greenwood were thrown
into a turmoil of excitement today on
account of the pulling and howling
and loud talk of the delegates to the
democratic convention. It is a fortu
nate thing that Colonels Kroehler and
KutTner are on the same side of the
fence on the ijuestion of the district
judgeship. If th-y wore not, the
residents would surely take to the
woods with fright when they yot into
an argument.
Should M. Labori, counsel for
Dreyfus, who was shot a few days ago
see some of the pictures the American
papers are printing as those of the
noted attorney ho will surely regret
that the shot was r.ot fatal.
Julius Maltas of Chicago, who was
taken to a hospit il suffering from an
apparently uncontrollable lit of laugh
ter, was finally put to sleep by opiates
Ho was quite recovered from the at
tack when ho awoke the next morn
tng, out no was not able to give any
explanation of the cause? of tho attack
which came on immediately after he
had takea a drink in a s tloon.
The Illinois 13 ;r association has
adopted the suggestion that the legal
profession throughout the United
States celebrate on February 4, 1901,
the elevation of John Marshall as
chief jusi ice of the United States .-u
preme court, which took place on that
date in 1S01. The matter will be pre
sented to the American Car associa
lion moetiug at Buffalo the latter part
of obis month
Frank Wilson, who, before he wetit
to the war. was an illicit distiller in
the wilds of Georgia, was arrested for
'-he offense after he returned from
serving his countrj-, but when he pre
sented an honorable discharge to the
judge before whom he was arraigned
he was released. He promised he
would not again try to defraud the
government for the preservation of
which he had so recently fought.
Nathan Kronman, committed to the
tombs in New York on suspicion of
htiving killed his wife, was permitted
to attend the murdered woman's fun
eral under police guard.
An emplej'e of the Harlem Yacht
club named Finuegan saved three
year-old Rosie O'Brien from drowning.
This made the fifth child he has res
cued since the summer begun.
Christ Wold, a farmer r.e:.r Cum
berland, Md., committed suicide by
deliberately blowintr off his head with
dynamite. He placed a quantity f
dynamite in a'hole in the ground, laid
his head over it and touched off the
fuse, exclaiming: "Here 1 go and the
Lord go with me." His bead and one
arm were completely torn away,
The most wonderful farm in the
world ia situated in Canada. Its pecu
larity lies in the fact that everything
is worked by electricity. Two water
falls within the bounds of the farm,
one sixty feet and the other ISO feet
high, furnish the motive power, a cen
tral power hou-io being erected Dear,
and the current is transmitted by
wires to every available place in the
farm. The churns and other neces
sary implements have electric motors;
one of ten-horse power works a mowing
machine, and another works a log
saw, , while tho house, barns and
groutids of tho farm are illuminated
by electricity. Tho owner declaros
that he savos $2,500 in labor annually.
While digging a trench in front of
the federal building, Park Row, New
York, the other day, workmen un
earthed a section of tho first water
pipe ever laid in that city part of the
system for which Aaron Burr secured
a franchise from tho New York legis
lature. The pipe consisted of hollow
chestnut logs, laid end to end, and
was in excellent condition.
"Our baby was sick for a month with
severe cough and catarrhal fever. Al
though wo tried many remedies she
ki pt getting worse until we used One
Minute Cough Cure, it relieved at
one. j and cured her in a few days."
15. 1,. Nance,Prin. High school, Bluff
dale, Texa. F. G. Fricke & Co.
The result of some investigation on
the feeding of milch cows, recently car-,
ried out in Germany, was to show
that the production of milk Is depend
ent in certain respeots upon the na
ture of the food supplied to the cows,
but not, as is commonly supposed,
solely on the albuminoid ratio.
Early Roman history, like that of
Troy, will have to be rewritten if
archaeologists agree on the genuine
ness of the recent discoveries in the
Forum. A little while ago a black
stone, believed to be the "Lapis niger"
that marked the "burial place" or
Romulus, was found. They have now
dug under the stone and unearthed,
amid many votive offerings, a
rock, marked with an alphabetic
inscription. This is declared to
be in Achaean characters, the earliest
known, which may give a Greek origin
to Rome, like that of Cumae and Mar
seilles, dating some centuries before
the traditional "year of the city" 753
B. C Foreign Letter New York Sun.
"That pink shirt waist story about
Richard Harding Davis is only one
among others," said a inemLer of a
New York publishing firm who fell
in from the big town yesterday. "Davis
struck a place called Pomona, Cal., a
few years ago, and while there he met
a clever chap who has been writing
stories about the killers and other bad
men of the Southwest for a New York
paper for several years past. The writ
er of the bad-man stories happened to
be a modest and unassuming citizen,
somewhat undersized, and Harding
said to him, after being introduced:
" 'Why, I expected to find the writer
of those terrific stories a raw-boned
giant, with a bowie-knife between hl3
teeth, a whole arsenal of small arms,
long hair, and all that sort of thing,
you know.' 'That so?' responded the
writer of ad-mau narratives. 'I had
some similarly erroneous idea3 about
you. I pictured you as wearing a
Psyche knot.' "
The Chinaman's Insurance.
A childlike faith in the arithmetic
confounds all the logic of the schools.
This was the experience of a Pitt3
burg life-insurance agent who wrote a
policy on the life of a Chinaman the
first ever written for a man of that
race in Pittsburg. How the insurance
man did it he alone knows. The China
man had no very clear idea. He only
understood that - if he paid the pre
miums promptly he would be entitled
to five thousand dollars at some future
time. He began bothering the
agent for the money after a couple of
weeks had passed, and the agent tried
to explain to him that he would have
to die before any one could get it. Then
the Chinaman fell down a cellarway
on Grant street and was badly hurt.
His friends tried to attend to him
without calling in a doctor. When
they did call in one, two days later, the
doctor was angry. "Why didn't you
call me sooner?" he asked. "This man
is half dead now." Next day the in
jured man's brother was at the insur
ance office with a claim for twenty
five hundred dollars. "You're not enti
tled to anything on this," said the in
surance man, "until the man is dead."
"Doctor say him half dead," answered
the brother. "Why he no get half?"
Pittsburg News.
. !:iy Life of the Roman Populace.
Lc.e in the Fcium were the soldiers
louuging in groups or advancing "with
nieai!it.l tread among the unorderea
tlnu:i.-, pushing all authoritatively
aside and pieserving order. Here, too;
gathered aii those people without any
occupation, who appeared every week
at the store! ouses on the Tiber for
grain, who fought for lottery tickets
to the circus, who spent their nights in
rickety houses beyond the river, their
sunny, warm days under covered por
ticoes, and in foul eating houses of
the Subinra, on the Milvican bridge, or
before the "insulae" of the great,
where from time to time remnants
from tho tables of slaves were thrown
out to hem. Last of all, portions of
these always took advantage of that.
custom of the Roman nobles, who de
sired to shine as patrons of the public,
to make themselves hangers-on. It
must be remembered that in those days
patron f. nobility .aj measured by
the number of clients who mustered in
the morning and saluted him at his
first abearance on the balcony of his
house. Thereafter they lounged for
the remainder bf the day in the tem
ples and, porticoes of the Forum. They
whiled away the lagging hours which
separated them from the hoped for in
vitation to dine with their patron by
scratching rude verses and coarse jests
on the walls or pillars against which
they leaned, or by, tracing on the pave
meats gaming tables whereon to play
dice. Ainslee's.
The Turner Picnic.
On account of the heavy rain the
picnic to nave oeon given oy ine
Turners last' Sunday at Nick Halmes'
grove was postponed to next Sunday,
August 20. Everybody is invited to
attend and spend a pleasant afternoon.
Force of Fifteeo hundred Fili
pinos Mak.e Determined and
Desperate Stand.
The Attack. Doggedly Met and trie
Rebels Compelled to Re
treat Reporter Shot.
Maxila, Aue. 17. 8 a. m. The
Twelfth Infantry left Calulet at eun
rise today and advanced up the rall-
way. Captain Evans' battalion de
nlnved to th rlcrht nf thfl track- nd
rvroot.x YV.i.' tua i.,ff Trtm.
Danies remained on the track with the
artilierv. The insurants were found
well intrenched in front of the town,
the trenches having been dug within
a few days and since the occupation of
Calulet. At a distance of 1,500 yards
the Filipinos opened fire.
Their force was estimated by Col
onel Smitk at 1,500, although tho resi
dents afterward said it exceeded those
figures by 1,000. The enemy sent
heavy volleys against the whole Amer-J
ican line. Most of their shooting, as
usual, was high, but they concentrated
their heaviest fire down tho truck on
the artillery. Colonel Smith kept the
whole line moving rapidly with fre
quent rushes. The insurgents at
tsirrml y. ft .... 1. ".. ..,! XT' 1
uiuin. Maiu vanaauu,
therefore, two companies were sent to
the right and drove them back.
Abandon the Trenches
Unable to stand our continuous vol
leys the Filipinos abaudoned the
trenches and retreated through tho
town northward. It appears thut they
nao ouiy received meir supply oi am-
munition this morning. Had they
been attacked sooner they could have
made little resistance.
The intense heat caused much suf
fering among the Americans.
A reporter of the Manila Time9,who
was accompanying Colonel Smith, was
shot in the head, probably fatally.
One American officer received a slight
wound on the face. Lieutenant How-
land of General Wheaton's staff, who
knew the country thoroughly as the
result of reconnoissances and who as-
sisted in directing the movement, re-
ceivod a volley while riding across a
neid CiOse to the trenches, but be es -
caped unharmed.
Sustain Defeat it-f ore Angel. s.
TCww Vnnk- A 11 or ira TMnul
disnrttnh from Mni!. Kara' Th Pi I.-
w ., H&.vaaa -av. wxsuuua.
pinos sustained a severe defeat before
Angeles today. Ten companies of tho
Twelfth infantry, with two cannon, at
tacked 2,500 insurgents, who were in
trenched near the town.
A fierce fight followed, in which the
Filipinos wero worsted and driven
away in disorder. Their loss was 200
men. The Americans had two killed
and twelve wounded.
The Twelfth occupies Auereles and
is holding the town.
Manila, Aug. 16. 5:20 p m. The
insurgents have been concentrating
for two days before Angeles.
It is officially announced that Col-
onel Smith with ten companies of the
Twelfth recriment and two o-uns nf
Rattarv E of the Pirst artillerr. under
Lieutenant Kemley, this morning at
tacked 2,500 strongly entrenched in-
surgents at the southern approach to
Angeles and drove them back after a
sharp fight, the American troops los-
; . uni.. ..,..
j j rm. - . ,
urnn nnn I r ii 1 r a ti t. rr A n t I fc a tv.ia
Our force will hold Angeles. About
200 insurgents appeared this morning
in front of Dolores, a short distance!
north of -Porac, but they were driven
off by one company of the Twelfth
r r,.in
Anglum. One American was wounded.
Otis Reports Engagement.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 16. Another I
sharp engagement between MacAr-
thur'a command and the insurgents
was reported to the war department
in the following dispatch from General
Otie: - I
MANILA, Aug. 16. Adjutant Gen-
eral, Washington: MacArthur's troops I
occupy country from Candalia to a I
point near Angeles, thence toward I
Porac, taking within his line Santa I
Arita, Guagua, Bacolor. Colonel I
Smith with ten companies of the I
Twelfth infantry and two guns of the I
First artilley today attacked the j
enemy's intreuchments on the out-j
skirts of Angeles, estimated at 2, 00, 1
driving them north and inflicting upon
them reported loss of 200 killed and j
wounded. Our loss two "killed and j
twelve wounded. I
On the 11th inst. General Young's I
troops consisting of detachments of I
the Fourth cavalr3r, Twenty-first, I
Twenty-fourth and Twenty-fifth in-J
fantry, drove the insurgents northeast!
of Manila through Maraquina, San I
Mateo, into the mountains. Return- I
ing the following day a column of in-j
bureuia, uoo oliouK, ucducuucu io ino i
a- r nn l A . u I
road east of Baliuag for the purpose
of taking the railway. They were
driven by our Baliuag and Quingual
troops and routed yesterday, lhisj
force is in full retreat northward.
carrying a number of their officers.
Angeles will be permanently occupied
at once. Otis.
No one knows the unbearable torture,
the peculiar and agonizing pain,
caused by piles, unless they have suf
fered from them. Many believe them
incurable, xnis is a misuiKe. r roper
. . A. 11 , W m TnU1
ireul m .u. .u.
cure. Price, 60c. in bottles, tubes 75c.
F. G. Fricke & Co. I
PVw Kat.w pit? T Jit ntt Rtnrn room I
and dwelling combined, 34x58 feet,
known as the T. V. Davis store, in
Murray. Inquire of J. W. Edmunds, I
Murray, Neb.
Robbed th Grave.
A tftartllng incident, of which Mr.
John Oliver of Philadelphia, was Iho
subject is narrated by him an follow:
"I was in a most dreadful condition.
My skin was almost yollow, eyes
sunken, tongue coated, pain con
tinually in back and sides, no appe
tite gradually growing weaker day
by day. Three physicians had yiren
mo up. Fortunately, a frienJ advised
trying Electric Bitters, and to tuy
great joy and surprise, tho first bottle
made a decidedimprovement. I con
tinued their use for three weeks, and
am now a well man. I know they saved
my life, and robbed the grave of an
other victim." No one should fail to
them. Only 60 cts , guaran teed , at
F. G. Fricke & Co's. drug store.
figure on veiling it this year munt do
Hard Solas Causa Ntrvouiueti.
Tt la avrr1 liv a fomnna Phlnssn
docto th t ervoufmeilH kpnt ollt of
the Celestial emolre by the use of soft-
soled shoe. The hard soles worn by
the Anglo-Saxon race are said to be
the cause of
their extreme nervous
A Naw Om:
A new Italian gas, said to be 50 per
cent cheaper than acetylene, is com
posed of ninety parts of quicklime and
five each of colophony and calcium
carbide, and no heating of water or
special burner Is needed.
A free and easy expectoration is pro-
dnend bv n. fnw doses of HjlI l.ird fn
Tr . Swrun. in all cese of
boar80nes,t 80re thro!lti or dimc.uily
of breathing. Price 25 and 50c. F. C.
Fricke fc Co.
Habjr's Mattress.
A nice mattress for a child's bed may
ho mart nf naner Old letters or anv
cleaQ paper that not too 8tlff niay be
torn lnto 8trlps for this purpose. Make
a stout cover of the sire required, fill it
with the torn paper and over all place
I a folded blanket.
Lake of Ink.
It is said that there is a small lake
near a volcano in Southern California
which contains a liquid as black as
Ink, not at all resembling water. This
liquid dyet cotton cloth permanently
Blotches and excresence, which so
often annoy people, are simply efforts
of nature to throw off impediments to
I the proper performance of her dutie
1 Herbino will aid and assist nature in
I in her work, and ensure a skin clear
I and beautiful, entirely free from all
imperfections. Price 50c. F. G.
Fricke & Co
Ace of Crocodiles.
Crocodiles, like ostriches, swallow
pebbles and small stone.s, which serve
the purpose of grinding their food.
The natives assert that it is possible
to tell the age of a crocodile by the
number of stones in his stomach, for
they swallow one each year. In point
of fact, fifteen stones have been found
in the stomach of a crocodile twelve
feet long, whereas the average number
of younger ones varies between four
and eight.
One Minute Cough Cure quickly
cures obstinate summer coughs and
colds. "I consider it a most wonder-
ful medicine, quick and safe." W
W. Merton, Mayhew, Wis. F. G
Fricke & Co
Motor car p.. -M-iMc.
J!rom ia London c.u. a: The uni-
versai adoption or the motor car in
I "ft-. IAMJ i i
umy De a mauer OI ume-
FIftr m"es on a motor docs not ex-
l j su uiucji as imejn oeiiinu
1 .
I norses. YOU Cftn rl.i x-n h(. c(nnn:t
hill with nafetv oni ,1, -',;n
is the time when you want to ride
most, without feeling that you ought
Kt out and walk to save the horses
I There Is little doubt that the next rage
amon our aristocracy will be the pos
ocoaiou or. motor cars
Irritating stings, bites, scratches
I wounds and cuts soothed and healed
by De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve, a
eure and safe application for tortured
flesh. Beware of counterfeits. l . G
Fricke & Co.
Natlonal EucsmDment oak at Phiu-
, The lowest rates of the year less
than one fare for the round trip will
be made for the National Encampment
of the G. A. R. at Philadelphia. Sell
iag dates, September 1, 2 and 3. He-
turn limit, September 30. Rite open
to the general public
As usual the veterans and their
friends will take the Burlington route,
avoiding change of depots in Chicago
and securing for themselves the 6pe
cial advantages in tho way of fast time
and through car service which that
road offers
Special Grand Army train for Phila
delphia leaves Omaha 5:00 p. m. Sat-
urday, September 2d. Sleeping, din
ing and free reclining chair cars.
Berths can be reserved now. See local
ticket agent and ask him about rates.
and trains. Or, if you wish, write to
J. Francis, general passenger agent,
Omaha, Neb
Kates for Greater America Kxposttlon
Riduced rates to Omnha will apply
from points on the Burliogton route
within 2.r0 miles of that city during
the entire period of the Greater Amer
ica exposition, which open July 1 and
closes October 31.
Thero will ce ihre different kind
of tickets:
Ten-day ticket-, which will be i-o'd
at 80 per cent of double the ote-w.-.y
Seven-day tickets, the rate for which
one fare for the round trip, plus
5 per oent on sale Tuesdays.
"Week-end" tickett, which will be
, Ktrdr and for Srl-
trains due in Omaha before I p. m.
one fare lor the round trip,
Omaha, Neb,
Full hoe of Quick Meal gasoline and
Blue Flame oil stoves at Ebinger
Hardware Co., at reasonable prices.
1,1(1. rr Ml
One of the most aniusiuK noveltlwa
In the idiape of pntirtalnmrnt at nft'T
noon partbH at p.esent In the Impr":;
F.lonist artist, who executes a ! v r
sketch In oils, Rurally of mountain
Fccncry. very 'Impret.sionlHt" In stylf.
Me then asks his audience whether
tl.ey would prefer a "Kcnt.,, picture,
and turns the canvas up -Win do-.vri,
when it Is d l-woven-d I.m-i-
i B(.aIJ,. iH a iady riding a bicycle.
Superior on Two ftonul.
From the Chicago Record: "What
makes you prefer flshltiK to golf. Haw
kins?" "It involves more reM and no
fet'lloWKtOIIX Ntllll I'Blk.
Tho park season is nearly over only
' nnother month remains. Thont who
I ci.le at once. Tho Burlington's Yol
lowslono Park Book pagen, 2S il
lustrations contains jut the informa
tion tho tourmt neoda. it tells bow to
roach the Park what tho trip costs
how long it takes what thero it to
see and bow to wo it. S. nt free on
The tour of Yellowstone Park is tho
finest outing trip in all the world. A
week among Its geyserH, lakes, canons
and boiling springs if an experience
that cannot bo duplicated anywhere
else on 1 ho globe.
J. Kkaxcih, General Pass Ag't
Omaha, Nob.
Ice cream packed for picnic putties
at llolloway'H.
mi 'i ' "" ' "r' T" -.--Tgf-fcwrf --TiS" r""" liIS"Tifl'
Scrofula, a Vile
Scrofula is the most obstinate of Mood
troubles, and is often the result of an
inherited taint in tho blood. S. S. S.
is the only remedy which goes deep
enough to reach Scrofula; it forces out
every trace of tho disease, and cures
the worst cases.
My son, Charlie, was afflicted from Infancy
with Scrofula, sii.l lie Buffered so that It wu
iinpoHSible to dress hlin
for three years. His
head a id body wore a
mass of sores, and his
cyoHipht also became
affeot.'d. N trentment
wuh wparoii tliut we
thought would relieve
him, but lie rew worse M.
until his eondi tluii wa-i '
Indeed;. 1 hiidiy
almost despalrerl olliini '
ever liein;' curd, when
bv the ad vice of u friend "i
we jfave him .S. SS. 8.
(Swift's Sneeillr-K A de
cided improvement was the result, and after
he had taken a dozen bottles, no one who knew
of his former dreadful condition would hava
recognized him. All the wire on his bmlr
have healed, his Hkin in perfectly clejir and
Hinooth, aud ho has been rPHtored to jierlucl
health. Mrs. h. h. Maijkv.
!5'J() Ulm St., Macon, Cia.
For 'real blood troubles it is a waste
of time to expect a cure from the. doe
tors. Blood diseases are beyond their
skill. Swift's Specific,
readies all deep-seated cases which
other remedies have no effect upon. It
is ths only blood remedy guaranteed
purely vegetable, and contains no pot
ash, mercury, or other mineral.
Books mailed free to any address by
Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.
TIME Tt ; -L.
Sin Francisco
All polnta west
St. Joseph
Kansas City
St. Louis and all
points East and
No 1. Denver extirt-ss L':4H urn
No tS. (Jb leairo ex uress 7:1 um
No 2a. L.ocal express, dully, ft Joe,
K:inrt;iH, bt Lnuls, nil points
south 10:05 am
No 4. Loeai exp, dally, HurlliiKton
Chic a;o, ail poifi t h oab t . . . . 10.'0 nrrj
bunc!a s take No . A ( lu a in )
No Local exp, daily except Sun
day. 1'acltjc Junction U:o prn
No:ja. Freight, dH,i!y except .Sunday
F.-teirie Junction 210 prn
No 2 V'estlbuled exp, dully. Hur
huKton, Chicago i.nd all
aoints east. Thro ugh train fur
St. Louis and M. Soc 5:27 pin
No VJ. Lnc.-il exp. Oaily. Pt Joo.Khd-
atis l-il. i-t I.ouis. Chlcaito
.ill polntN east and south..
No l-.f. Loc:o r p, d;i!y,(.i!inha,Lln-c-ouj.
J.'ert ver and interme
diate, st ittions
8:LT. prn
W Lit,
1" 47 am
No 'Si. Local . uaily. Ofit i!.;i
No :!'.'. Li.oal f nriirn t. u a.i i v. ex Sun
day, Cedar CretsK. iuui--vi
J :e. Sou t ii !;wm
No 7. 1' net, ually, ),. nh :,
No 3. Vesti in; iei exp, daiiv, Den
ver and all po.ntfj In Co.o
ralo. L'tah and Califo-nl;t.
GiauU isiand, Uln.:k Hills.
Montana and LacifK' V V
No 'J. i. oca; exp, daily except -simony.
I.o.i'vi:io. A!i!aricl.
.n o, :iiu) ler
No II. L'K-a ! X p. t i 1 o vi-opt Sij'.j-
41 am
-17 urn
i : pm
; r, pm
uay,.H-ai... :, ...j I. m i(J;,,
Vij pm
-" reeliull:,. ,;ijHr
seats free on through trn!na Ti.a..i...u
lr cars
is sold
VV .. j " -o an rioi..i
United tHf?-. -T Cmada
In the
F.r Information, time tables, maps and
ticket cull or wri'.efo
V. L. 1TCKF;TT. Anont,
i . i. , . r- . 1 1 ;'tlanjf.ath. Neb.
1. h KANCl .;. (ien. I'n" i At..
Omaha. Nab.
. ri W K (A Hli.
NO. 1
No. ".. ";
No. 121, local freiirl.t
No. 2
No. lr.', local freight
No. Id
: VJ a. in
..ll.T.1 a.m
-4.04 v.n,
lo-.y.i p ,
. . 7: .'.j a rn
4:04 d rn
Arrival ami l)(prtnr of Malik.
70 a. ni. Omaha and North, South on M. F.
. .... -..c-i, i.,i-i am juiiin oa tsur ineton
7.40 " Omaha. We-t oa LM.
I":-" " L:nco!n ail local e (i n;l a
10:45 " Scimvier. F.a-i on N. V.
!:.-.- t. Lr .... -oiiili on M i'
S p. ni Laj.t on $ aL. N .rt'i oe St. 'ol
J.naJia. Fast o:i C M S1
K. I., also er .m k' I
I'fi::. snd
S j'l Om;.!i. '.' K-.H -..I'll. ..i, n t- f
Dl-l'Ak I I'K I '
:JOa. m Omaha. West on k. I.'a-.d BurlinKton.
i:20 " Soinn on Hurlirifft-.ti
10:05" Kast on liiuongt ,n.
HtO " Omaha. North on M I VV....
Elkhorn- North r... St ' i a- i
21)0 p. m Omaha. West on H. fc M. and V. P
North on St. F. & S. C, Fast on R
I..N. W . and C M. & St. P.. South
on abah.
3 30 " ?uth on j o
" West oil Hurlintrton. South ,.n ..,K
branch Nf. P Srhnvl.-r
4:30 ' Omaha. Last on Burlington. Vt nn
S;00 " South on M. P.. West M. P. tr. f
coin. North ou M. P. via Louisville
Omaha, Fast and South on Bur
lington. West on Burlington west
oi frxstings.
' M V , CI a -