Semi-weekly news-herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1895-1909, August 18, 1899, Image 1

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Mail rjjr. :..
THK NEWH, KKtatiili('l Nov. ft, 1HHI . I,. ... A .
TIJK liKICALIi. KHtulliHliil April 10. J MM. ( t-Onuolldated
Jan. 1, 1805.
Secret iry of War Root Announces
An Aggressive Policy In
the Philippines.
ays irjere Will Be No Delay In
Enlisting and Equipping tbe
Ten New Regiments.
Washington, Aup.17. 44TLo policy
oi tho War doparl mont," saia Secre
tary Koot today, "is to furnish Gen
oral Otis with all the troops and sup
plies that ho can use and which are
nocoHsary to wind up tho insurrection
in tho Philippines in the shortest pos
hihlo tlmo.r'
1 ho sucretary was speaking of the
ten reyiinonts which wore called for
today hy ordor of tho i)rosidont. lie
HJtiU that no delay would bo allowed
in enlisting, equipping and supplying
tho now regiments, nor iu trnnsuort
in them as well as tho other regi
ments alroady organized to the Philip
pines as soon as they were needed for
active operations. If tho present
number of transports is insufficient,
more will be procured. The men al
ready enlisted for tho Philippine ser
vice will ho sent at once, and tho new
regiments will bo forwarded as fast as
they are organized and needed. While
there has been some suggestion that
the new regiments will be used as a
resorvo force, it may bo stated posi
lively that those regiments, as well as
more, if they can bo usod, will bo sont
to reinforce General Otis.
Secretary Koot sent a copy of tho
ordor today to tho various .depart
ments of tho army, and they at once
bjgan preparations for supplying tho
now organizations.
ithin half an hour the ordnance
bureau had sont orders to the differ
ent arsenals directing that complete
outfits of arms and ordnance supDlies
for each regiment ba sent to the ren
uezvous wnere tney are to be organ
ized. The quartermaster's depart
ment gave orders for supplying tents,
clothing and other equipments fur
nished by that department, while the
commissary department ordered a
autiieient supply of rations to be on
hand to feed the troops as fast as they
arrive. The medical department was
also uiiected to see that supplies were
The regiments will be recruited
with the same care wxercised in re
cruiting the first ten regiments.
Aruifd With Latest OmiM.
The districts which are not thor
oughly covered in the recruiting of
tho first ton regiments will be visited.
It is tho intention to have the regi
ments give more attention to firing
than to any other feature of the drill.
Tho men will bo armed as are the
regular infantry regiments with the
magazine army rifle.
The selection of tho majors and
company officers for the regiments Is
now occupying tho attention of the
secretary, and the men are being
chosen from among the volunteers
who were called out in the Spanish
war. The officers will be distributed
as equitably as possibly among the
different states, but the efficiency
records of the men will govern to a
greiit extent in their selection.
It appears from todaj-'s orders that
tho ten new regiments are to be
mainly recruited in New England and
tho middle and central western
states. Kansas and Pennsylvania have
apparently been selected as the best
field for recruits. It is said that no
spocial effort is to be made to secure
recruits in the southern states. This
is due, it is said, to the experience of
the officers who operated in that quar
ter fur recruits for the ten volunteer
regiments just organized. The onlj'
places where difficulty was expected
in securing men was in Georgia, Ala
bama and the Carolinas and the gulf
states and tho two northwestern Pa
cific states.
Total Army Strength. 95.045.
Today's action will add 13,000 men
to the enlisted strength of the army
and increases tho total strength of
tho army to J5,045 men. The total
number of volun 3ers called into ser
vice is 30,170 men, being 4,893 men
short of the total authorized volunteer
establishment of 3-5,000. It is stated
at the department that the number of
volunteers called into service is re
garded as amply sufficient to meet a
deficiency, and there is no possibility
that the remaining 4,093 volunteers
will be called for.
Vesterda3''s recruiting for the vol
unteer army amounted to S0 men,
making the total recruitment up to
Thousand of Dollars' Worth of Valuable
l'roprty Already Destroyed
Watehtown, N. Y., Aug. 17. A
large portion of northern New York,
Including the counties of Jefferson, St.
Lawrence and Lewis, is being swept
by tierce forest fires that have des
troyed thousands of dollars' worth of
valuable timber land and threaten to
do more serious damago unless
quenched by a heavy rain. Reports
received by the Standard from differ
ent localities in this and other coun
ties this afternoon show that the situa
tion is very serious.
In the southern part of this county,
In the vicinity of Smlthsville, thous
ands of acres of timber land have
been burned over. A dispatch from
Antwerp says Cooley's big woods are
afire and houses in tho outskirts of the
village are in danger of destruction
the Y.
Annunl Convention of
P- S C. E. at Avoca.
Over One Hundred Delegates Were In
Attendance and the Convention Ke
sulted In Mach Good Officers for the
Ensuing- Year Klected and a Oood
Time Knjoyed.
The fifteenth annual convention of
the Cass County Christian Endeavor
union met at Avoca, August 15 and
The first session began at 2 o'clock
Tuesday afternoon with a song and
praise eorvice, conducted by Charles
Itivettof Elmwood.
Open parliament followed, on the
subject, "Our Work." Mrs. W. D.
Ambler discussed the model Junior
Many families have moved out, fear- CnritUan Endeavor in an interesting
lng the (ire will reach their houses
A dispatch from Canton, St. Lawrence
county, statos that fo-ost fires are rag
lng at Pyrites and that pulp wood and
buildings are in danger. Thousands
of farmers are fighting the flames
manner. She said tbe model Junior
will first read the lesson for consider
ation, discuss subjects distributed tbe
week before, repeat memorized verses
and discuss the subject freely. Famil
iar songs should bo eung, and often
there will be visitors who will take
to the local societies that they e.xereis.s
more care in the admis-dou of active
members; that the pledge b3 clearly
and definitely presented to tbe appli
cant for his signature before his ad-
mlsssion to the society.
Second, In order that there may
bo better fellowship and eo-oprtion
between the Junior and Senior Union
societies, it is recommended that the
presidents of the local societies ap
point a Junior committee to at-sist the
Junior superintendent.
Respectfully submitted,
S. M. Ohkkkottki,
Wallace Cahtkk,
Massachusetts Manufacturers.
In Massachusetts more money is In
vested in cotton industry than in any
other manufacturing Industry, but the
making of boots and shoes yields the
most valuable product.
Pyrotechnic Blrd.t.
Pyrotechnic birds are made In Na
gasaki, Japan. When a light is applied
to them they gall through the air, flut
tering their wings and performing:
other bird-like antics.
A Thousand Tongues
Could not express tho rapture of
Annie E. Springer, of 1125 Howard st..
Philadelphia, Pa., when she found
1 - ' i
mm I Wiidi mih
that Dr. King's New Discovery for
The Senior Endeavor society Consumption had completely cured
Corn In Central and Western Counties
Uneven In Condition
University ok Nebraska, Lin
COLN, Aug. 15. The past week has
been warm, with general and heavy
showers on tho last days of the week
will maintain a Junior committee, her of a hacking cough thai, for many
whose duty it is to visit tho Junior so- years had made life a burden. All
ciety every Sunday and thus assist the other remedies and doctors could giyo
I superintendent in carrying on their her no help, but she eavs of this Doval
work. The Juniors will work a3 earn- Cure "it soon removed the rain in my
estly for graduation into the Senior chest and I can now sleep soundly,
Tbe average daily excess in tempera- eoc5ety as a they would upon leaving something I can scarcely remember
school, and the good, efficient workers
graduated from the model Junior soci
etj will help to make the model Sen
ior society
In the absence of Miss McFall Mr,
Emmons of Elmwood discussed the
Lookout Committee. As he was un-
I I i . 1 e . 1 t . . . . I . ... . ,
coeds two inches, at many places it prt3,m,ou' " MKBU ,ur suujeci, io oottie guaranteeu
exceeds three inches, and in eastern uo "ittB" up euera.iy. numoer oi
Saline and Dodge counties it ranged ooa P1U,'B were Drouni out-a lew
from five to more than six inches. ol wnicu wore' ne ,OOKOUt commit.
snouia uook in' upon trie old
ture has varied from three degrees in
me eastern counties to less tnan one
degree in the western.
The rainfall of the week has been
above normal in most parts of the
state. In a considerable portion of the
southeastern part of the state it ex
doing before. I feel like sounding its
praises throughout the universe." So
will every one who tries Dr. King's
New Discovery for any trouble of the
throat, chest or lungs. Price 50c. and
$1.00. Trial bottles free at F. G.
Fricko & Go's, drug store; every
Stacking and thrashing have been
delayed in southeastern counties by
wet weather, and in a few localities
the grain has begun to grow, but in
other sections the week has been very
favorable for this work. The dry, hot
weather the first of the week dam
aged corn somewhat in several central
and western counties. The condition
is very uneven and while some fields
will not yield more than half a crop,
other fields in the same locality will
yield a full average crop. In some
central and many southeastern coun
ties the prospect is for an exception
ally large crop of corn.
Two Hundred Are Poisoned.
Rock ford. III., Aug. 17. Two hun
dred people were poisoned at Oregon,
III., today by lemonade which they
drank at a picnic. As yet no fatal
itles have been reported. The picnic
was the annual celebration of the
tee snouia "look in' upon
members occasionally, as well as to
look out for new ones; there should be
two lookout committees one to hunt
up old members, and tho other to bring
in new ones; make the meeting so in
teresting that there will bo no need of
urging old members to come back
Tuesday evening's session opened
with a short song service, after which
Prof. F. C. Taylor of Weeping Water
delivered the convention sermon. He
took for his text, "I am Doing a Great
Work and Cannot Come Down."
Following this, came the model so
cial by tb.6 Avoca Christian Endeavor
society. The evening was pleasantly
spent in conversing and getting ac
quainted. In the course of the even
ing dainty refreshments were served.
The Wednesday morning session be
gan with a sunrise prayer meeting at
six o'clock. The next sesson began at
Sealed Proposal.
Sealed bids will be received at the
office of tho county clerk until 12
o'clock (noon) of September 5, 18'.)0,
for hard and soft coal to be delivered
at court house, jail, poor houso and
paupers for the ensuing year. The
board reserves the right to reject any
or all bids. James Roueutsox,
County Clerk.
Where the digestion is good, and
the general powers of the system in a
healthy state, worms can find no habi
tation in the human body. White's
Cream Vermifuge not only destroys
every worm, but corrects all derange
ments of the digestive organs. Price
25c. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Our Original
Prices on these
31. OCX S1.25, S1.4-0
1.70. 3
Modern Woodmen of Ogle county and S:30 Wnh a short song service.followed
was attended by 2,000 people. The
sickness developed during the after
noon and toward the close of the day
the doctors in the community could
not bogin to respond to the calls for as
In the office of one physician thirty
people were stretched upon the floor
at one time. Manv people were taken
ill while driving to their homes in the
country and lay helpless along the
roadside. Doctors were summoned
from neighboring villages to care for
them. The poisoning is supposed to
have been the result of critic acid in
the lemonade sold at one of the stands.
The most violent cases are of small
The first annual encampment of the
Spanish-American war volunteers will
be held in Washington, D. C, Sep
tember 8 9.
The national sociological convention
opened at Lake Bluff, III. Students of
sociology from all parts of the country
were present.
Thousands of people are attending
Rev. J. Wilbur Chapman's Bible con
ference at Warsaw,Ind. It is similar
to Mr. Moody's Nerthfield conference.
General Passenger Agent Charlton
of the Alton has been re-elected chair
man of the executive committee of the
western passenger association.
Governor Stephens has- issued a
by an open parliament on missions,
conducted by G. L. Farley of Platts-
mouth. At 9:30 Rev. N. F. Harmon of i
Auburn addressed the union. Mr. H.
is quite young, and his address
showed thorough preparation.
After a short recess, the subject
Christian Pleasures" was taken up
and discussed. William Baird spoke
on "Ways of Pleasantness," Miss Mat-
tie Coleman of Greenwood on "Pleas
ures of Obedience," and H. B. Ward
on "Pleasure of Service," At 11
o'clock a report of the Detroit conven
tion was given in a very interesting
manner by Miss Lottie Pollard of Ne-
hawka. Owing to the lateness of the
hour her report was brief.but 6he took
it up again in the afternoon and gave
a brief account of each session.
Wednesday afternoon's session began
with a song service, followed by a bus
iness meeting, when reports from offi
cers and superintents were given.
Following this was the report of the
nominating committee. The officers
elected for the ensuing year are:
President J. E. Taylor of Weeping
Vice President William liaird of
Secretary Mrs. J. O. Rolland of
Treasurer Charles Riv-ett of Elm
Echoes from local sec-etaries fol
lowed this.
At 3:30 the union was addressed by
Try the Stag brand working pants
Better wear, better fit, more comfort,
more value; cost no more than inferior
goods 85 cents. F. T. D.ivis Co.
Dublin's Two Ancient Cathedrals.
Dublin has two ancient cathedrals
St. Patrick's and Christ church, the for
mer of which was restored by a brewer
and the latter by a distiller.
Value of Iiauk Clonrlng; SCwt Nt lc.
It is well liaown that tho bank
clearingo of certain cities are "pad
ded." At Seattle, for example, tha
balances are not d:s" harmed in cash
day by day, as at I'oi'tlarul, but by
cheeks, which are carried into noxt
day's statement. In this way the totals
are swollen 23 to CO per cent daily.
Again, in Portland, the "inter-clear-inps"
are a big. silent proportion of
the clearing totals. Large settlements
are daily made here, "more than in
other cities of the northwest, by trans
ferring credits from one account to an
other in the same bar.k. so that they
are not counted in the clearing-house
statements. Portland Oregon
ft 8
Lost at Sea.
Twelve years ago one sailor out of
every 106, on an average, lost his life
by accident. Now the proportion has
been reduced to one in 250.
Paris Publications.
There are now published in Paris
2.5S5 periodicals, nearly 100 more than
were issued at the corresponding date
last year.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure thoroughly
digests food without aid from the
stomach, and at tho same time heals
and restores the diseased digestive
organs. It is the only remedy that
does both of these things and can be
relied upon to permanently cure dys
pepsia. F. G. Fricke & Co.
Education lii India.
British India has 140 colleges and
17,000 students. Only one male in ten
and one female in 160 are able to read
Warm Whalebone to Cut It.
Whalebone may be easily cut
warmed first over a lamp or by the
fire, when it will become oft.
California Almonds.
California produces about one-third
of the almonds consumed in the United
date 14,222, or 1,032 in excess of the
number required to complete the ten
regiments organized under tho order
of July 5. All ( t these regiments have
secured their full quota except the
Twenty-ninth regimen, at Fort Mc
pherson, Ga.; the Thirty-third at
Fort Sam IJouston, Tex., and the
Thirty-fifth regiment, at Vancouver
barracks. Thee three regiments
will be filled by the used of the over
flow from the more successful regi
ments. The remainder of the excess
will be used in filling out tbe volun
teer regiments being slowly organized
in the Pnilippines, which are about
1,800 men short.
Send the News to your friends.
A Frightful Blunder
Will often 0.11110 a hnrriVilo burn aeald.
proclamation calling on the people of Rev. Thomas W. Conway Cheeseman, Lnt nr, vPlllfiB. t.,uw ArW s!
Missouri to contribute money and of Ashland, the district president of the best in tbe world, will kill the pain
clothing to the suffering people in Christian Endeavorers, subject, 'At- and promptly heal it. Cures old sores,
Porto Rico. tractions of the Higher Life." r ..1 i ,
Wednesday evening the song service all 8kin eruptions. Best pile cure on
for thirteen years president of Holy began at 7:S0, followed by tbe closing earth. Only 25 cents a box." Cure
guaranteed. Sold by F. G. FricKe &
Co. 5
Ghost college, Pittsburg, Pa., has
been appointed president of Black
Rick college, Dublin, Ireland.
The gunboat Machia3, now in Dom
inican waters, will return to Boston
for repairs. American interests In
Santo Domingo will be looked after by
the cruiser New Orleans.
President Libinger of the A. A. U.
announces that the championships of
that organization will be held on the
"Ravenswood athletic field, Chicago,
September ltf instead of September 9
Eight of the most prominent handle
address by Rev. Cheeseman. He took
for his subject "Our Life Work."
This was a verj fitting climax to the
session, ana was very much enjoyed
by all present.
The convention closed with usual
consecration service, led by Mr. Ob.r
kotter of W eeping Water.
At the business meeting the follow
ing resolutions were adopted:
Resolved, By the Cass County Union
in convention assembled, that we
thank the Endeavorers cf Avoca and
their friends for the generous and
open-nearted wa3r in which they wel-
Publlc Fountains Well Patronized.
One of Boston's municipal officials,
who is especially interested in the es
tablishment of free ice water fountains
In that city, hired a man to watch one
of the drinking places the other day
from 6 a. m. to 10 p. m., for the pur
pose of ascertaining whether or not it
was well patronized. Between the
hours named exactly 9,335 persons
drank at the city's expense. The foun
tain has four faucets.
corned us to their homos: tht soa
manufacturers of the United States thank the officers of the Cass County
are holding asecrel meeting. JNotn- union lor me interesting program
ing was given out regarding the pro
ceedings. It is thought a trust is
ror Sale.
A good 160-acre farm two miles east
of Murray. House and barn; about 100
acres under cultivation. For particu
lars inquire of J. H. Thrasher.
they have arranged; that we think all
those who were assigned parts on the
program for the faithfulness with
wbich they responded, that we thank
Hamilton C'ark, of Chauncey, Ga.,
says he suffered witn ltening piles
twenty years before trying De Witt's
With Hazel Salve, two boxes of wbich
completely cured him. Beware of
SlOO Reward ! BO.
The readers of tl:is paper will be pleased to
learn that there is at least one dreaded disease
that science has been able to cure in all its
stages, and that is Catarrh. Hairs Catarrh Cure
is the only positive cure known to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional dis
ease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly
upon the blood and mucous surtao-s ot the sys
teni, theroby destroying the foundation of riie
disease, and pivinK the patient streiiRth by build
ing up the constitution and assisting nature in
doing: its work. The proprietors have so much
faith in its curative powers that tiny otter One
Hundred Dollars for any rase that ;t iails to cure.
Send for list of te.-timonia's.
Address. F.J. hkm.v &C ., Toie io. ').
Sold by DrusreUts 7."ic
Hall's Family I'iiis are the best.
V HV v i v V Vy V V
r.n ftSr A r y, , , J . . v
v yi v v , v,' v v-t r w ym
: : x ' i r. :-: j t;.' u :-r y.t i:i rUi:
A t
i A n o
I p. B
fi2 l fj H t:
L ti Li
!' i, t L H
and Vanilla
.....Beat the World
Toledo f i nit cans, gua'-ruiU-ed nut to
leak, at the Ebinger Hard u a: e ( Vm
pany. -
YVliy Tlicy Are Costly.
Tortoise shell, as it comes from the
West Indies, Is coarse, dirty and lus
terless, and only the mrt skillful and
patient manipulation makes it the rich
and beautiful material that it eventu
ally becomes.
Foreign Capital in Spain.
There is much French and Belgian
capital invested in tut principal rail
way lines of Spain, while England
owns many of the s-horter lines and is
also at the head of the mining interests.
To Clean Paint IJrushes.
If paint is hardened upon brushes,
they can be cleaned by being soaked
for a few hours in linseed oil. and af
terward rinsp.d in turpentine.
vv 7 v- vy V T -V V VV ''. - VS v' W V" - J S S vy
-v -rv n i-v v-v ' v s-. r tm r.
r rri i 4
NEWS does
ws -KJ
iL All
1fH A1
Champion Shot of the World,
Miss Ami" O tkley writes: "'Myself
and manv o' the Buffalo Bill Wild
West Co. have given Alien's Foot-Il
the powder to shake the sho-.- . :
most thorough trial, and it does nil if
not more than youciaira ': Itinstuntly
takes tbe fine ou. of corns and bun
ions. A'llc. 's 1; :-K.e - . !! .!':
cu"o I'lt" s'.voiic 1 . ,i-. -1 . . u
or sweating 1 t. ; au -and
shoe s-'urc . -"c.;';e s .1 ': -.
Address Allen S.O;m'':.L II-v, N. Y
1 yi Latitat
w s; u a
Thf OIlur of If.
She (at the depot) tc must be arv-ful-
ly hard for these poor foreigners
come to this country to find themselves
strangers in a strange land. He Oh,
they don't mind it! You' see they are
used to it, having ben morn and rais?.1
In foreign lanJs. She True; I never
thought of that.
all those who have helped in any way wnrtblpaK nnd dftntrprous crunt irfeits
10 mane me convention a success; r v-iir. a- r
helnfd to make thn sinrrinor nnthnaioi.
tic. Be it further I Ice cream flavored with extracts, 25
Resolved First, That we recommend I cents per quart at HollowayV.
No More Sentiment Ioft.
The Wife My husband has ceased to
love me."
The Maid Ho-x do you know?
The wife It Is impossible for me to
make him miserable any more. Xew
I York World.
And for evetliing under the sun.
Every Iiome has need of paint.
Each kind of
Sherwm- Willi Aim )
is specially suited to some htnt use cither outside or inside, '
' It's knowing the right kind of paint, and putting It oa tit rigtt
place that makes painting a success. Tell us vhat you want to paiat.
and we'll tell you the riijht kind to use. ' '
For sale in PlattsniDuth by
F. G. FRICKE & CO., Druggists.
. t
i I